private void trailBal() { try { tbl_AccGroup grp = new tbl_AccGroup(); tbl_AccLedger ledg = new tbl_AccLedger(); acc_list = new Acc_list(); = grp.ToString(); acc_list.ledger = ledg.ToString(); acc_list.only_opening = false; acc_list.start_date = null; acc_list.end_date = null; acc_list.affects_gross = -1; acc_list.start(0); decimal dr = acc_list.dr_total; decimal cr = acc_list.cr_total; print_account_chart(acc_list, -1, this); ReportDataSource datasource = new ReportDataSource("DataSet1", dmList); this.reportViewer1.LocalReport.DataSources.Clear(); this.reportViewer1.LocalReport.DataSources.Add(datasource); dmList = new List <DummyList>(); dm = new DummyList(); = DateTime.Now.Date.ToString("dd-MM-yyyy"); dm.TotaldrAmt = toCurr.toCurrenc("D", dr); dm.TotalcrAmt = toCurr.toCurrenc("D", dr); dmList.Add(dm); ReportDataSource datasource1 = new ReportDataSource("DataSet2", dmList); this.reportViewer1.LocalReport.DataSources.Add(datasource1); } catch (Exception x) { } }
private void btnCreate_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { if (txtGroupName.Text == string.Empty) { errorProvider1.Clear(); errorProvider1.SetError(txtGroupName, "Enter Group Name"); txtGroupName.Focus(); panel3.Visible = true; lblError.Text = "Enter Group Name."; } else { if (btnCreate.Text == "Create") { _entities = new MicroAccountsEntities1(); var data = _entities.tbl_AccGroup; foreach (var item in data) { if (item.groupName == txtGroupName.Text.Trim()) { errorProvider1.Clear(); errorProvider1.SetError(txtGroupName, "Group Name already exists!"); txtGroupName.Focus(); panel3.Visible = true; lblError.Text = "Group Name already exists!"; return; } } _entities = new MicroAccountsEntities1(); tbl_AccGroup accGroup = new tbl_AccGroup(); var max_id = _entities.tbl_AccGroup.OrderByDescending(x =>; = max_id + 1; accGroup.groupName = txtGroupName.Text.Trim().ToString(); accGroup.parentId = Convert.ToInt32(cmbParentGroup.SelectedValue); accGroup.createdDate = DateTime.Now; accGroup.updateDate = DateTime.Now; long ggId = Convert.ToInt32(cmbParentGroup.SelectedValue); var affGross = _entities.tbl_AccGroup.Where(x => x.groupId == ggId).FirstOrDefault().affects_gross; if (affGross == 1) { accGroup.affects_gross = 1; } else { accGroup.affects_gross = 0; } _entities.tbl_AccGroup.Add(accGroup); _entities.SaveChanges(); MessageBox.Show("Record Saved Successfully!"); } else { _entities = new MicroAccountsEntities1(); var data = _entities.tbl_AccGroup; foreach (var item in data) { if (item.groupName == txtGroupName.Text.Trim() && txtGroupName.Text != lblhiddenGName.Text) { errorProvider1.Clear(); errorProvider1.SetError(txtGroupName, "Group Name already exists!"); txtGroupName.Focus(); panel3.Visible = true; lblError.Text = "Group Name already exists!"; return; } } _entities = new MicroAccountsEntities1(); var gId = Convert.ToInt32(lblHiddenId.Text); var dataToUpdate = _entities.tbl_AccGroup.Where(x => x.groupId == gId).FirstOrDefault(); dataToUpdate.groupName = txtGroupName.Text.Trim().ToString(); dataToUpdate.parentId = Convert.ToInt32(cmbParentGroup.SelectedValue); dataToUpdate.updateDate = DateTime.Now; _entities.SaveChanges(); MessageBox.Show("Record Updated Successfully!"); } DataGridSource(); ClearTextBox(); } } catch (Exception c) { MessageBox.Show("Something went wrong. Contact your system administrator"); } }
private void BalanceSheetData() { tbl_AccGroup grp = new tbl_AccGroup(); tbl_AccLedger ledg = new tbl_AccLedger(); acc = new MicroAccountsEntities1(); var acc_group_id = (from c in acc.tbl_AccGroup where c.groupName == "Incomes" select; assets = new Acc_list(); //Income income = new Acc_list(); = grp.ToString(); income.ledger = ledg.ToString(); income.only_opening = only_opening; // income.start_date = txtStartDate.Text; //income.end_date = txtEndDate.Text; income.affects_gross = -1; income.start(Convert.ToInt32(acc_group_id)); //Expenses acc = new MicroAccountsEntities1(); acc_group_id = (from c in acc.tbl_AccGroup where c.groupName == "Expenses" select; assets = new Acc_list(); expense = new Acc_list(); = grp.ToString(); expense.ledger = ledg.ToString(); expense.only_opening = only_opening; // expense.start_date = txtStartDate.Text; // expense.end_date = txtEndDate.Text; expense.affects_gross = -1; expense.start(Convert.ToInt32(acc_group_id)); if (income.cl_total_dc == "C") { income_total = income.cl_total; } else { income_total = Convert.ToDecimal(income.cl_total); } if (expense.cl_total_dc == "D") { expense_total = expense.cl_total; } else { expense_total = Convert.ToDecimal(expense.cl_total); } pandl = income_total - expense_total; op_diff = new string[] { }; op_diff = opening_diff(); if (Convert.ToDecimal(op_diff[1]) == 0) { is_diff = false; } else { is_diff = true; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------ ListViewGroup Assets = new ListViewGroup("Assets", HorizontalAlignment.Left); acc = new MicroAccountsEntities1(); acc_group_id = (from c in acc.tbl_AccGroup where c.groupName == "Assets" select; assets = new Acc_list(); = grp.ToString(); assets.ledger = ledg.ToString(); assets.only_opening = only_opening; //assets.start_date = txtStartDate.Text; // assets.end_date = txtEndDate.Text; assets.affects_gross = -1; assets.start(Convert.ToInt32(acc_group_id)); Account_st_short(assets, -1, "D", this, 1); // dataGridView2.DataSource = dmList; labels = new Label[dmList.Count + 1]; int k = 35; // create array elements in a loop for (int i = 0; i < dmList.Count; i++) { Font FNT = new Font("Century Gothic", 10.0f, FontStyle.Bold); labels[i] = new Label(); labels[i].Top = k * (i + 1); labels[i].Left = 546; labels[i].Font = FNT; labels[i].Size = new Size(200, 19); if (dmList[i].ledger == "1") { labels[i].Text = " " + dmList[i].group.ToString(); labels[i].ForeColor = Color.Blue; } else { labels[i].ForeColor = Color.Black; labels[i].Text = dmList[i].group.ToString(); } assetsLabelTop = k * (i + 1); } this.Controls.AddRange(labels); labels = new Label[dmList.Count + 1]; k = 36; for (int i = 0; i < dmList.Count; i++) { Font FNT = new Font("Century Gothic", 10.0f, FontStyle.Bold); labels[i] = new Label(); labels[i].Top = k * (i + 1); labels[i].Left = 800; labels[i].Font = FNT; labels[i].Size = new Size(200, 19); labels[i].ForeColor = Color.Black; labels[i].Text = dmList[i].amt.ToString(); } this.Controls.AddRange(labels); dmList = new List <DummyList>(); ListViewGroup LiabilitiesandOwnersEquity = new ListViewGroup("Liabilities and Owners Equity", HorizontalAlignment.Left); acc = new MicroAccountsEntities1(); acc_group_id = (from c in acc.tbl_AccGroup where c.groupName == "Liabilities and Owners Equity" select; liabilities = new Acc_list(); = grp.ToString(); liabilities.ledger = ledg.ToString(); liabilities.only_opening = only_opening; //liabilities.start_date = txtStartDate.Text; //liabilities.end_date = txtEndDate.Text; liabilities.affects_gross = -1; liabilities.start(Convert.ToInt32(acc_group_id)); Account_st_short(liabilities, -1, "C", this, 2); k = 35; labels = new Label[dmList.Count + 1]; // create array elements in a loop for (int i = 0; i < dmList.Count; i++) { Font FNT = new Font("Century Gothic", 10.0f, FontStyle.Bold); labels[i] = new Label(); labels[i].Top = k * (i + 1); labels[i].Left = 43; labels[i].Font = FNT; if (dmList[i].ledger == "1") { labels[i].Text = " " + dmList[i].group.ToString(); labels[i].ForeColor = Color.Blue; labels[i].Size = new Size(200, 19); } else { labels[i].ForeColor = Color.Black; labels[i].Text = dmList[i].group.ToString(); labels[i].Size = new Size(200, 19); } libLabelTop = k * (i + 1); } this.Controls.AddRange(labels); k = 36; labels = new Label[dmList.Count + 1]; for (int i = 0; i < dmList.Count; i++) { FNT = new Font("Century Gothic", 10.0f, FontStyle.Bold); labels[i] = new Label(); labels[i].Top = k * (i + 1); labels[i].Left = 293; labels[i].Font = FNT; labels[i].Size = new Size(200, 19); labels[i].ForeColor = Color.Black; labels[i].Text = dmList[i].amt.ToString(); } this.Controls.AddRange(labels); if (liabilities.cl_total_dc == "C") { liabilities_total = liabilities.cl_total; } else { liabilities_total = Convert.ToDecimal(liabilities.cl_total * -1); } if (assets.cl_total_dc == "D") { assets_total = assets.cl_total; } else { assets_total = Convert.ToDecimal(assets.cl_total * -1); } /**** Final balancesheet total ****/ final_liabilities_total = liabilities_total; final_assets_total = assets_total; /* If net profit add to liabilities, if net loss add to assets */ if (pandl >= 0) { final_liabilities_total = final_liabilities_total + pandl; } else { positive_pandl = pandl * -1; final_assets_total = final_assets_total + positive_pandl; } /** * If difference in opening balance is Dr then subtract from * assets else subtract from liabilities */ if (is_diff) { if (op_diff[0] == "D") { final_assets_total = Convert.ToDecimal(final_assets_total + Convert.ToDecimal(op_diff[1])); } else { final_liabilities_total = Convert.ToDecimal(final_liabilities_total + Convert.ToDecimal(op_diff[1])); } } panel4.Visible = true; panel4.Top = assetsLabelTop + 35; /* Difference in opening balance */ /* Total */ dmList = new List <DummyList>(); DummyList dm = new DummyList(); if (assets_total >= 0) { Label lb = new Label(); this.Controls.Add(lb); lb.Text = "Total Assets"; lb.Top = assetsLabelTop + 50; lb.Left = 549; lb.Font = FNT; lb.Size = new Size(200, 19); lb = new Label(); this.Controls.Add(lb); lb.Text = toCurr.toCurrenc("D", assets_total); lb.Top = assetsLabelTop + 50; lb.Left = 800; lb.Font = FNT; lb.Size = new Size(200, 19); } else { lb = new Label(); this.Controls.Add(lb); lb.Text = "Total Assets"; lb.Top = assetsLabelTop + 50; lb.Left = 549; lb.Font = FNT; lb.Size = new Size(200, 19); lb.ForeColor = Color.Red; lb = new Label(); this.Controls.Add(lb); lb.Text = "(Expecting positive Dr Balance)"; lb.Top = assetsLabelTop + 65; lb.Left = 549; Font FNTs = new Font("Century Gothic", 8.0f, FontStyle.Bold); lb.Font = FNTs; lb.Size = new Size(250, 19); lb.ForeColor = Color.Red; lb = new Label(); this.Controls.Add(lb); lb.Text = toCurr.toCurrenc("D", assets_total); lb.Top = assetsLabelTop + 50; lb.Left = 800; lb.Font = FNT; lb.ForeColor = Color.Red; lb.Size = new Size(200, 19); } dmList.Add(dm); dm = new DummyList(); html.Append("<tr style='font-weight:bold'>"); if (pandl >= 0) { lb = new Label(); this.Controls.Add(lb); lb.Text = ""; lb.Top = assetsLabelTop + 100; lb.Left = 549; lb.Font = FNT; lb.Size = new Size(200, 19); lb = new Label(); this.Controls.Add(lb); lb.Text = ""; lb.Top = assetsLabelTop + 100; lb.Left = 800; lb.Font = FNT; lb.Size = new Size(200, 19); } else { lb = new Label(); this.Controls.Add(lb); lb.Text = "Profit & Loss Account (Net Loss)"; lb.Top = assetsLabelTop + 100; lb.Left = 549; lb.Font = FNT; lb.Size = new Size(250, 19); positive_pandl = pandl * -1; lb = new Label(); this.Controls.Add(lb); lb.Text = toCurr.toCurrenc("D", positive_pandl); lb.Top = assetsLabelTop + 100; lb.Left = 800; lb.Font = FNT; lb.Size = new Size(200, 19); } if (is_diff) { /* If diff in opening balance is Dr */ if (op_diff[0] == "D") { lb = new Label(); this.Controls.Add(lb); lb.Text = "Diff in O/P Balance"; lb.Top = assetsLabelTop + 130; lb.Left = 549; lb.Font = FNT; lb.Size = new Size(200, 19); positive_pandl = pandl * -1; lb = new Label(); this.Controls.Add(lb); lb.Text = toCurr.toCurrenc("D", Convert.ToDecimal(op_diff[1])); lb.Top = assetsLabelTop + 130; lb.Left = 800; lb.Font = FNT; lb.Size = new Size(200, 19); } else { lb = new Label(); this.Controls.Add(lb); lb.Text = ""; lb.Top = assetsLabelTop + 130; lb.Left = 549; lb.Font = FNT; lb.Size = new Size(200, 19); positive_pandl = pandl * -1; lb = new Label(); this.Controls.Add(lb); lb.Text = ""; lb.Top = assetsLabelTop + 130; lb.Left = 800; lb.Font = FNT; lb.Size = new Size(200, 19); } } if (final_liabilities_total == final_assets_total) { lb = new Label(); this.Controls.Add(lb); lb.Text = "Total"; lb.Top = assetsLabelTop + 150; lb.Left = 549; lb.Font = FNT; lb.Size = new Size(200, 19); positive_pandl = pandl * -1; lb = new Label(); this.Controls.Add(lb); lb.Text = toCurr.toCurrenc("D", Convert.ToDecimal(final_assets_total)); lb.Top = assetsLabelTop + 150; lb.Left = 800; lb.Font = FNT; lb.Size = new Size(200, 19); } else { lb = new Label(); this.Controls.Add(lb); lb.Text = "Total"; lb.Top = assetsLabelTop + 150; lb.Left = 549; lb.Font = FNT; lb.ForeColor = Color.Red; positive_pandl = pandl * -1; lb.Size = new Size(200, 19); lb = new Label(); this.Controls.Add(lb); lb.Text = toCurr.toCurrenc("D", Convert.ToDecimal(final_assets_total)); lb.Top = assetsLabelTop + 150; lb.Left = 800; lb.Font = FNT; lb.ForeColor = Color.Red; lb.Size = new Size(200, 19); } //Liablities bottom total panel6.Visible = true; panel6.Top = libLabelTop + 35; if (liabilities_total >= 0) { lb = new Label(); this.Controls.Add(lb); lb.Text = "Total Liability and Owners Equity"; lb.Size = new Size(200, 19); lb.Top = libLabelTop + 50; lb.Left = 42; lb.Font = FNT; lb = new Label(); this.Controls.Add(lb); lb.Text = (toCurr.toCurrenc("C", liabilities_total)); lb.Top = libLabelTop + 55; lb.Left = 293; lb.Font = FNT; lb.Size = new Size(200, 19); } else { lb = new Label(); this.Controls.Add(lb); lb.Text = "Total Liability and Owners Equity"; lb.Top = libLabelTop + 50; lb.Left = 42; lb.Font = FNT; lb.Size = new Size(200, 19); lb.ForeColor = Color.Red; lb = new Label(); this.Controls.Add(lb); lb.Text = (toCurr.toCurrenc("C", liabilities_total)); lb.Top = libLabelTop + 55; lb.Left = 293; lb.Font = FNT; lb.Size = new Size(200, 19); lb.ForeColor = Color.Red; lb = new Label(); this.Controls.Add(lb); lb.Text = "(Expecting positive Cr Balance)"; lb.Top = libLabelTop + 70; lb.Left = 42; Font FNTss = new Font("Century Gothic", 8.0f, FontStyle.Bold); lb.Font = FNTss; lb.Size = new Size(250, 19); lb.ForeColor = Color.Red; } if (pandl >= 0) { lb = new Label(); this.Controls.Add(lb); lb.Text = "Profit & Loss Account (Net Loss)"; lb.Top = libLabelTop + 100; lb.Left = 42; lb.Font = FNT; lb.Size = new Size(250, 19); positive_pandl = pandl * -1; lb = new Label(); this.Controls.Add(lb); lb.Text = toCurr.toCurrenc("C", pandl); lb.Top = libLabelTop + 100; lb.Left = 293; lb.Font = FNT; lb.Size = new Size(250, 19); } else { lb = new Label(); this.Controls.Add(lb); lb.Text = " "; lb.Top = libLabelTop + 100; lb.Left = 42; lb.Font = FNT; lb.Size = new Size(250, 19); lb = new Label(); this.Controls.Add(lb); lb.Text = " "; lb.Top = libLabelTop + 100; lb.Left = 293; lb.Font = FNT; lb.Size = new Size(250, 19); } if (is_diff) { html.Append("<tr style='font-weight:bold;color:red'>"); /* If diff in opening balance is Cr */ if (op_diff[0] == "C") { lb = new Label(); this.Controls.Add(lb); lb.Text = "Diff in O/P Balance"; lb.Top = libLabelTop + 130; lb.Left = 42; lb.Font = FNT; lb.Size = new Size(250, 19); lb.ForeColor = Color.Red; lb = new Label(); this.Controls.Add(lb); lb.Text = toCurr.toCurrenc("C", Convert.ToDecimal(op_diff[1])); lb.Top = libLabelTop + 130; lb.Left = 293; lb.Font = FNT; lb.Size = new Size(250, 19); lb.ForeColor = Color.Red; } else { lb = new Label(); this.Controls.Add(lb); lb.Text = " "; lb.Top = libLabelTop + 130; lb.Left = 42; lb.Font = FNT; lb.Size = new Size(250, 19); lb = new Label(); this.Controls.Add(lb); lb.Text = " "; lb.Top = libLabelTop + 130; lb.Left = 293; lb.Font = FNT; lb.Size = new Size(250, 19); } } if (final_liabilities_total == final_assets_total) { lb = new Label(); this.Controls.Add(lb); lb.Text = "Total"; lb.Top = libLabelTop + 150; lb.Left = 42; lb.Font = FNT; lb.Size = new Size(200, 19); positive_pandl = pandl * -1; lb = new Label(); this.Controls.Add(lb); lb.Text = toCurr.toCurrenc("c", Convert.ToDecimal(final_assets_total)); lb.Top = libLabelTop + 150; lb.Left = 293; lb.Font = FNT; lb.Size = new Size(200, 19); } else { lb = new Label(); this.Controls.Add(lb); lb.Text = "Total"; lb.Top = libLabelTop + 150; lb.Left = 42; lb.Font = FNT; lb.ForeColor = Color.Red; positive_pandl = pandl * -1; lb.Size = new Size(200, 19); lb = new Label(); this.Controls.Add(lb); lb.Text = toCurr.toCurrenc("c", Convert.ToDecimal(final_assets_total)); lb.Top = libLabelTop + 150; lb.Left = 293; lb.Font = FNT; lb.ForeColor = Color.Red; lb.Size = new Size(200, 19); } }
private void TrailBalance_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { tbl_AccGroup grp = new tbl_AccGroup(); tbl_AccLedger ledg = new tbl_AccLedger(); acc_list = new Acc_list(); = grp.ToString(); acc_list.ledger = ledg.ToString(); acc_list.only_opening = false; acc_list.start_date = null; acc_list.end_date = null; acc_list.affects_gross = -1; acc_list.start(0); decimal dr = acc_list.dr_total; decimal cr = acc_list.cr_total; print_account_chart(acc_list, -1, this); panel2.Top = top + 10; if (dr == cr) { Label lb2 = new Label(); this.Controls.Add(lb2); lb2.Text = "Total"; //lb.Top = assetsLabelTop + 50; lb2.Top = top + 25; lb2.Left = 42; lb2.Font = FNT; lb2.ForeColor = Color.Green; lb2.Size = new Size(150, 19); Label lb = new Label(); this.Controls.Add(lb); lb.Text = toCurr.toCurrenc("D", dr); //lb.Top = assetsLabelTop + 50; lb.Top = top + 25; lb.Left = 483; lb.Font = FNT; lb.ForeColor = Color.Green; lb.Size = new Size(150, 19); lb = new Label(); this.Controls.Add(lb); lb.Text = toCurr.toCurrenc("C", cr); //lb.Top = assetsLabelTop + 50; lb.Top = top + 25; lb.Left = 651; lb.Font = FNT; lb.ForeColor = Color.Green; lb.Size = new Size(150, 19); } else { Label lb1 = new Label(); this.Controls.Add(lb1); lb1.Text = "Total"; //lb.Top = assetsLabelTop + 50; lb1.Top = top + 25; lb1.Left = 42; lb1.Font = FNT; lb1.ForeColor = Color.Red; lb1.Size = new Size(150, 19); Label lb = new Label(); this.Controls.Add(lb); lb.Text = toCurr.toCurrenc("D", dr); //lb.Top = assetsLabelTop + 50; lb.Top = top + 25; lb.Left = 483; lb.Font = FNT; lb.ForeColor = Color.Red; lb.Size = new Size(150, 19); lb = new Label(); this.Controls.Add(lb); lb.Text = toCurr.toCurrenc("C", cr); //lb.Top = assetsLabelTop + 50; lb.Top = top + 25; lb.Left = 651; lb.Font = FNT; lb.ForeColor = Color.Red; lb.Size = new Size(150, 19); } } catch (Exception x) { } }