public frmUserPassword() { InitializeComponent(); userbal = new UserBAL(); err = new ErrorProviderExtended(); current_user = new tbl_000_USER(); }
public tbl_000_USER GetByUsername(string username, Boolean IsEncrypted = false) { try { if (username == null) { throw new Exception("Invalid Parameter!"); } tbl_000_USER exist = new tbl_000_USER(); exist = compdal.GetByUsername(username); if (exist == null) { throw new Exception("Record does not exist!"); } if (!IsEncrypted) { exist.Password = compdal.BreakPassword(exist.Password, Convert.ToDateTime(exist.DateCreated)); } return(exist); } catch (Exception ex) { throw ex; } }
private void AssignRecord(Boolean IsSave) { try { if (IsSave) { usr.UserID = usr.UserID; usr.Username = mtxtUsername.Text; usr.Password = mtxtPassword.Text; usr.FullName = mtxtFullName.Text; usr.UserGroupCode = mcboUserGroupCode.SelectedValue.ToString(); usr.UserGroupDesc = mcboUserGroupCode.Text; usr.SectionCode = BPSUtilitiesV1.NZ(mcboSectionCode.SelectedValue, "").ToString(); usr.SectionDesc = BPSUtilitiesV1.NZ(mcboSectionCode.Text, "").ToString(); usr.AccessLevel = mtxtAccessLevel.Text; usr.IsActive = mcbActive.Checked; if (ofdImage.FileName != "") { usr.UserPhoto = BPSolutionsTools.BPSUtilitiesV1.ImageToByte(Image.FromFile(ofdImage.FileName)); } } else { usr = userbal.GetByUsername(username); if (usr != null) { mtxtUsername.Text = usr.Username; mtxtPassword.Text = usr.Password; mtxtConfirmPassword.Text = usr.Password; mtxtFullName.Text = usr.FullName; mcboUserGroupCode.SelectedValue = usr.UserGroupCode; mcboSectionCode.SelectedValue = usr.SectionCode; //mcboSectionCode.Text=usr.SectionDesc; mtxtAccessLevel.Text = usr.AccessLevel; mcbActive.Checked = usr.IsActive; if (usr.UserPhoto != null) { picUser.BackgroundImage = BPSolutionsTools.BPSUtilitiesV1.BytesToImage(usr.UserPhoto); } } else { throw new Exception("Record doesn't exist!"); } } } catch (Exception ex) { throw ex; } finally { } }
private void ChangePass() { current_user = userbal.GetByUsername(UserSettings.Username); err.Clear(); if (current_user.Password == mtxtOldPass.Text) { if (mtxtNewPass.Text != "" && mtxtConPass.Text != "") { if (mtxtNewPass.Text == mtxtConPass.Text) { current_user.Password = mtxtConPass.Text; if (MessageHelpers.ShowQuestion("Are you sure want to change your password?") == DialogResult.Yes) { if (userbal.Update(current_user)) { MessageHelpers.ShowInfo("Password successfully changed."); this.Close(); } else { throw new Exception("Error occured!"); } } } else { err.SetError(mtxtConPass, "Passwords entered does not match!"); } } else { if (mtxtNewPass.Text == "") { err.SetError(mtxtNewPass, "Required"); } else if (mtxtNewPass.Text == "") { err.SetError(mtxtConPass, "Required"); } else { err.SetError(mtxtNewPass, "Required"); err.SetError(mtxtConPass, "Required"); } } } else { err.SetError(mtxtOldPass, "Please enter your old password!"); } err.CheckAndShowSummaryErrorMessage(); }
public frmUserProfile() { // constructors; InitializeComponent(); userbal = new UserBAL(); usergroupbal = new UserGroupBAL(); sectionbal = new SectionBAL(); usr = new tbl_000_USER(); err = new ErrorProviderExtended(); //get default length for username and password; MaxUsernameLenght = PWCOSTINGV1.Properties.Settings.Default.intUsernameLenght; MaxPasswordLength = PWCOSTINGV1.Properties.Settings.Default.intPasswordLength; }
public tbl_000_USER GetByUsername(string username) { try { Renew(); tbl_000_USER record = db.UserList.Where(m => m.Username == username).FirstOrDefault(); if (record != null) { record.UserGroup = db.UserGroupList.Where(n => n.UserGroupCode == record.UserGroupCode).FirstOrDefault(); record.UserGroup.MenuList = db.UserGroupMenuList.Where(o => o.UserGroupCode == record.UserGroupCode).ToList(); record.MenuList = db.MenuList.ToList(); } return(record); } catch (Exception ex) { throw ex; } }
public Boolean Save(tbl_000_USER record) { try { if (record == null) { throw new Exception("Invalid Parameter"); } if (compdal.IsExistUsername(record.Username)) { throw new Exception("Record already exist!"); } return(compdal.Save(record)); } catch (Exception ex) { throw ex; } }
public Boolean Delete(tbl_000_USER record) { try { if (record == null) { throw new Exception("Invalid Parameter!"); } if (!compdal.IsExistUsername(record.Username)) { throw new Exception("Record does not exist!"); } return(compdal.Delete(record)); } catch (Exception ex) { throw ex; } }
public Boolean Delete(tbl_000_USER record) { using (var dbContextTransaction = db.Database.BeginTransaction()) { try { Renew(); var existrecord = GetByUsername(record.Username); db.UserList.Remove(existrecord); db.SaveChanges(); dbContextTransaction.Commit(); return(true); } catch (Exception ex) { dbContextTransaction.Rollback(); throw ex; } } }
public Boolean Save(tbl_000_USER record) { using (var dbContextTransaction = db.Database.BeginTransaction()) { try { Renew(); record.Password = ComputePassword(record.Password, Convert.ToDateTime(record.DateCreated)); db.UserList.Add(record); db.SaveChanges(); dbContextTransaction.Commit(); return(true); } catch (Exception ex) { dbContextTransaction.Rollback(); throw ex; } } }
public Boolean Update(tbl_000_USER record) { using (var dbContextTransaction = db.Database.BeginTransaction()) { try { Renew(); var existrecord = GetByUsername(record.Username); record.Password = ComputePassword(record.Password, Convert.ToDateTime(record.DateCreated)); db.Entry(existrecord).CurrentValues.SetValues(record); db.SaveChanges(); dbContextTransaction.Commit(); return(true); } catch (Exception ex) { dbContextTransaction.Rollback(); throw ex; } } }