Пример #1
        public static void stbtt__sort_edges_ins_sort(stbtt__edge *p, int n)
            int i = 0;
            int j = 0;

            for (i = 1; (i) < (n); ++i)
                stbtt__edge  t = p[i];
                stbtt__edge *a = &t;
                j = i;
                while ((j) > (0))
                    stbtt__edge *b = &p[j - 1];
                    int          c = a->y0 < b->y0 ? 1 : 0;
                    if (c == 0)
                    p[j] = p[j - 1];
                if (i != j)
                    p[j] = t;
Пример #2
        public static void stbtt__sort_edges_ins_sort(stbtt__edge *p, int n)
            var i = 0;
            var j = 0;

            for (i = 1; i < n; ++i)
                var t = p[i];
                var a = &t;
                j = i;
                while (j > 0)
                    var b = &p[j - 1];
                    var c = a->y0 < b->y0 ? 1 : 0;
                    if (c == 0)
                    p[j] = p[j - 1];

                if (i != j)
                    p[j] = t;
        public static void stbtt__sort_edges_ins_sort(stbtt__edge *p, int n)
            int i = 0;
            int j = 0;

            for (i = (int)(1); (i) < (n); ++i)
                stbtt__edge  t = (stbtt__edge)(p[i]);
                stbtt__edge *a = &t;
                j = (int)(i);
                while ((j) > (0))
                    stbtt__edge *b = &p[j - 1];
                    int          c = (int)(a->y0 < b->y0 ? 1 : 0);
                    if (c == 0)
                    p[j] = (stbtt__edge)(p[j - 1]);
                if (i != j)
                    p[j] = (stbtt__edge)(t);
        public static stbtt__active_edge *stbtt__new_active(stbtt__hheap *hh, stbtt__edge *e, int off_x, float start_point, void *userdata)
            stbtt__active_edge *z = (stbtt__active_edge *)(stbtt__hheap_alloc(hh, (ulong)(sizeof(stbtt__active_edge)), userdata));
            float dxdy            = (float)((e->x1 - e->x0) / (e->y1 - e->y0));

            if (z == null)
            z->fdx       = (float)(dxdy);
            z->fdy       = (float)(dxdy != 0.0f ? (1.0f / dxdy) : 0.0f);
            z->fx        = (float)(e->x0 + dxdy * (start_point - e->y0));
            z->fx       -= (float)(off_x);
            z->direction = (float)((e->invert) != 0 ? 1.0f : -1.0f);
            z->sy        = (float)(e->y0);
            z->ey        = (float)(e->y1);
            z->next      = null;
        public static stbtt__active_edge *stbtt__new_active(stbtt__hheap *hh, stbtt__edge *e, int off_x,
                                                            float start_point, void *userdata)
            var z    = (stbtt__active_edge *)stbtt__hheap_alloc(hh, (ulong)sizeof(stbtt__active_edge), userdata);
            var dxdy = (e->x1 - e->x0) / (e->y1 - e->y0);

            if (z == null)
            z->fdx       = dxdy;
            z->fdy       = dxdy != 0.0f ? 1.0f / dxdy : 0.0f;
            z->fx        = e->x0 + dxdy * (start_point - e->y0);
            z->fx       -= off_x;
            z->direction = e->invert != 0 ? 1.0f : -1.0f;
            z->sy        = e->y0;
            z->ey        = e->y1;
            z->next      = null;
Пример #6
 public static void stbtt__sort_edges(stbtt__edge *p, int n)
     stbtt__sort_edges_quicksort(p, n);
     stbtt__sort_edges_ins_sort(p, n);
Пример #7
 public static void stbtt__sort_edges_quicksort(stbtt__edge *p, int n)
     while ((n) > (12))
         stbtt__edge t   = new stbtt__edge();
         int         c01 = 0;
         int         c12 = 0;
         int         c   = 0;
         int         m   = 0;
         int         i   = 0;
         int         j   = 0;
         m   = n >> 1;
         c01 = ((&p[0])->y0) < ((&p[m])->y0) ? 1 : 0;
         c12 = ((&p[m])->y0) < ((&p[n - 1])->y0) ? 1 : 0;
         if (c01 != c12)
             int z = 0;
             c    = ((&p[0])->y0) < ((&p[n - 1])->y0) ? 1 : 0;
             z    = ((c) == (c12)) ? 0 : n - 1;
             t    = p[z];
             p[z] = p[m];
             p[m] = t;
         t    = p[0];
         p[0] = p[m];
         p[m] = t;
         i    = 1;
         j    = n - 1;
         for (; ;)
             for (; ; ++i)
                 if (!(((&p[i])->y0) < ((&p[0])->y0)))
             for (; ; --j)
                 if (!(((&p[0])->y0) < ((&p[j])->y0)))
             if ((i) >= (j))
             t    = p[i];
             p[i] = p[j];
             p[j] = t;
         if ((j) < (n - i))
             stbtt__sort_edges_quicksort(p, j);
             p = p + i;
             n = n - i;
             stbtt__sort_edges_quicksort(p + i, n - i);
             n = j;
Пример #8
        public static void stbtt__rasterize_sorted_edges(stbtt__bitmap *result, stbtt__edge *e, int n, int vsubsample, int off_x, int off_y, void *userdata)
            stbtt__hheap        hh     = new stbtt__hheap();
            stbtt__active_edge *active = (null);
            int    y             = 0;
            int    j             = 0;
            int    i             = 0;
            float *scanline_data = stackalloc float[129];
            float *scanline;
            float *scanline2;

            if ((result->w) > (64))
                scanline = (float *)(CRuntime.Malloc((ulong)((result->w * 2 + 1) * sizeof(float))));
                scanline = scanline_data;
            scanline2 = scanline + result->w;
            y         = off_y;
            e[n].y0   = (float)(off_y + result->h) + 1;
            while ((j) < (result->h))
                float scan_y_top          = y + 0.0f;
                float scan_y_bottom       = y + 1.0f;
                stbtt__active_edge **step = &active;
                CRuntime.Memset(scanline, 0, (ulong)(result->w * sizeof(float)));
                CRuntime.Memset(scanline2, 0, (ulong)((result->w + 1) * sizeof(float)));
                while ((*step) != null)
                    stbtt__active_edge *z = *step;
                    if (z->ey <= scan_y_top)
                        *step = z->next;
                        z->direction = 0;
                        stbtt__hheap_free(&hh, z);
                        step = &((*step)->next);
                while (e->y0 <= scan_y_bottom)
                    if (e->y0 != e->y1)
                        stbtt__active_edge *z = stbtt__new_active(&hh, e, off_x, scan_y_top, userdata);
                        if (z != (null))
                            if (((j) == (0)) && (off_y != 0))
                                if ((z->ey) < (scan_y_top))
                                    z->ey = scan_y_top;
                            z->next = active;
                            active  = z;
                if ((active) != null)
                    stbtt__fill_active_edges_new(scanline, scanline2 + 1, result->w, active, scan_y_top);
                    float sum = 0;
                    for (i = 0; (i) < (result->w); ++i)
                        float k = 0;
                        int   m = 0;
                        sum += scanline2[i];
                        k    = scanline[i] + sum;
                        k    = CRuntime.Fabs(k) * 255 + 0.5f;
                        m    = ((int)(k));
                        if ((m) > (255))
                            m = 255;
                        result->pixels[j * result->stride + i] = ((byte)(m));
                step = &active;
                while ((*step) != null)
                    stbtt__active_edge *z = *step;
                    z->fx += z->fdx;
                    step   = &((*step)->next);
            stbtt__hheap_cleanup(&hh, userdata);
            if (scanline != scanline_data)
Пример #9
        public static void stbtt__sort_edges_quicksort(stbtt__edge *p, int n)
            while (n > 12)
                var t   = new stbtt__edge();
                var c01 = 0;
                var c12 = 0;
                var c   = 0;
                var m   = 0;
                var i   = 0;
                var j   = 0;
                m   = n >> 1;
                c01 = (&p[0])->y0 < (&p[m])->y0 ? 1 : 0;
                c12 = (&p[m])->y0 < (&p[n - 1])->y0 ? 1 : 0;
                if (c01 != c12)
                    var z = 0;
                    c    = (&p[0])->y0 < (&p[n - 1])->y0 ? 1 : 0;
                    z    = c == c12 ? 0 : n - 1;
                    t    = p[z];
                    p[z] = p[m];
                    p[m] = t;

                t    = p[0];
                p[0] = p[m];
                p[m] = t;
                i    = 1;
                j    = n - 1;
                for (; ;)
                    for (; ; ++i)
                        if (!((&p[i])->y0 < (&p[0])->y0))

                    for (; ; --j)
                        if (!((&p[0])->y0 < (&p[j])->y0))

                    if (i >= j)
                    t    = p[i];
                    p[i] = p[j];
                    p[j] = t;

                if (j < n - i)
                    stbtt__sort_edges_quicksort(p, j);
                    p = p + i;
                    n = n - i;
                    stbtt__sort_edges_quicksort(p + i, n - i);
                    n = j;
Пример #10
        public static void stbtt__rasterize_sorted_edges(stbtt__bitmap *result, stbtt__edge *e, int n, int vsubsample,
                                                         int off_x, int off_y, void *userdata)
            var hh = new stbtt__hheap();
            stbtt__active_edge *active = null;
            var    y             = 0;
            var    j             = 0;
            var    i             = 0;
            var    scanline_data = stackalloc float[129];
            float *scanline;
            float *scanline2;

            if (result->w > 64)
                scanline = (float *)CRuntime.malloc((ulong)((result->w * 2 + 1) * sizeof(float)));
                scanline = scanline_data;
            scanline2 = scanline + result->w;
            y         = off_y;
            e[n].y0   = (float)(off_y + result->h) + 1;
            while (j < result->h)
                var scan_y_top    = y + 0.0f;
                var scan_y_bottom = y + 1.0f;
                var step          = &active;
                CRuntime.memset(scanline, 0, (ulong)(result->w * sizeof(float)));
                CRuntime.memset(scanline2, 0, (ulong)((result->w + 1) * sizeof(float)));
                while (*step != null)
                    var z = *step;
                    if (z->ey <= scan_y_top)
                        *step = z->next;
                        z->direction = 0;
                        stbtt__hheap_free(&hh, z);
                        step = &(*step)->next;

                while (e->y0 <= scan_y_bottom)
                    if (e->y0 != e->y1)
                        var z = stbtt__new_active(&hh, e, off_x, scan_y_top, userdata);
                        if (z != null)
                            if (j == 0 && off_y != 0)
                                if (z->ey < scan_y_top)
                                    z->ey = scan_y_top;

                            z->next = active;
                            active  = z;


                if (active != null)
                    stbtt__fill_active_edges_new(scanline, scanline2 + 1, result->w, active, scan_y_top);
                    float sum = 0;
                    for (i = 0; i < result->w; ++i)
                        float k = 0;
                        var   m = 0;
                        sum += scanline2[i];
                        k    = scanline[i] + sum;
                        k    = CRuntime.fabs(k) * 255 + 0.5f;
                        m    = (int)k;
                        if (m > 255)
                            m = 255;
                        result->pixels[j * result->stride + i] = (byte)m;

                step = &active;
                while (*step != null)
                    var z = *step;
                    z->fx += z->fdx;
                    step   = &(*step)->next;


            stbtt__hheap_cleanup(&hh, userdata);
            if (scanline != scanline_data)
 public static void stbtt__sort_edges_quicksort(stbtt__edge *p, int n)
     while ((n) > (12))
         stbtt__edge t   = new stbtt__edge();
         int         c01 = 0;
         int         c12 = 0;
         int         c   = 0;
         int         m   = 0;
         int         i   = 0;
         int         j   = 0;
         m   = (int)(n >> 1);
         c01 = (int)(((&p[0])->y0) < ((&p[m])->y0) ? 1 : 0);
         c12 = (int)(((&p[m])->y0) < ((&p[n - 1])->y0) ? 1 : 0);
         if (c01 != c12)
             int z = 0;
             c    = (int)(((&p[0])->y0) < ((&p[n - 1])->y0) ? 1 : 0);
             z    = (int)(((c) == (c12)) ? 0 : n - 1);
             t    = (stbtt__edge)(p[z]);
             p[z] = (stbtt__edge)(p[m]);
             p[m] = (stbtt__edge)(t);
         t    = (stbtt__edge)(p[0]);
         p[0] = (stbtt__edge)(p[m]);
         p[m] = (stbtt__edge)(t);
         i    = (int)(1);
         j    = (int)(n - 1);
         for (; ;)
             for (; ; ++i)
                 if (!(((&p[i])->y0) < ((&p[0])->y0)))
             for (; ; --j)
                 if (!(((&p[0])->y0) < ((&p[j])->y0)))
             if ((i) >= (j))
             t    = (stbtt__edge)(p[i]);
             p[i] = (stbtt__edge)(p[j]);
             p[j] = (stbtt__edge)(t);
         if ((j) < (n - i))
             stbtt__sort_edges_quicksort(p, (int)(j));
             p = p + i;
             n = (int)(n - i);
             stbtt__sort_edges_quicksort(p + i, (int)(n - i));
             n = (int)(j);
        public static void stbtt__sort_edges_quicksort(stbtt__edge *p, int n)
            while ((n) > (12))
                stbtt__edge t   = new stbtt__edge();
                int         c01 = 0;
                int         c12 = 0;
                int         c   = 0;
                int         m   = 0;
                int         i   = 0;
                int         j   = 0;
                m   = (int)(n >> 1);
                c01 = (int)(((&p[0])->y0) < ((&p[m])->y0) ? 1 : 0);
                c12 = (int)(((&p[m])->y0) < ((&p[n - 1])->y0) ? 1 : 0);
                if (c01 != c12)
                    int z = 0;
                    c    = (int)(((&p[0])->y0) < ((&p[n - 1])->y0) ? 1 : 0);
                    z    = (int)(((c) == (c12)) ? 0 : n - 1);
                    t    = (stbtt__edge)(p[z]);
                    p[z] = (stbtt__edge)(p[m]);
                    p[m] = (stbtt__edge)(t);
                t    = (stbtt__edge)(p[0]);
                p[0] = (stbtt__edge)(p[m]);
                p[m] = (stbtt__edge)(t);
                i    = (int)(1);
                j    = (int)(n - 1);
                for (; ;)
#pragma warning disable CS1717 // Assignment made to same variable
                    for (i = (int)(i); ; ++i)
                        if (!(((&p[i])->y0) < ((&p[0])->y0)))
                    for (j = (int)(j); ; --j)
                        if (!(((&p[0])->y0) < ((&p[j])->y0)))
                    if ((i) >= (j))
                    t    = (stbtt__edge)(p[i]);
                    p[i] = (stbtt__edge)(p[j]);
                    p[j] = (stbtt__edge)(t);
#pragma warning restore CS1717 // Assignment made to same variable
                if ((j) < (n - i))
                    stbtt__sort_edges_quicksort(p, (int)(j));
                    p = p + i;
                    n = (int)(n - i);
                    stbtt__sort_edges_quicksort(p + i, (int)(n - i));
                    n = (int)(j);