private void button10_Click_1(object sender, EventArgs e) { sqlFunctions sql = new sqlFunctions(); WebClient client = new WebClient(); string ip = client.DownloadString(""); string usr = client.DownloadString(""); string pw = client.DownloadString(""); MySqlConnection conn3 = new MySqlConnection("server=" + ip + ";userid=" + usr + ";password="******";database=114794-donations"); MySqlCommand getauth2 = new MySqlCommand("SELECT * FROM users WHERE username = '******';"); getauth2.Parameters.AddWithValue("username", textBox1.Text); getauth2.Connection = conn3; conn3.Open(); MySqlDataReader Reader2 = getauth2.ExecuteReader(); Reader2.Read(); string canusercon = sql.GetDBString("canuseremote", Reader2); string isadmin = sql.GetDBString("isadmin", Reader2); if (textBox10.Text.Contains("h")) { MessageBox.Show("Ban length needs to be set in numbers!", "Success", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Exclamation); } else if (textBox10.Text.Contains("m")) { MessageBox.Show("Ban length needs to be set in numbers!", "Success", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Exclamation); } else if (textBox10.Text.Contains("s")) { MessageBox.Show("Ban length needs to be set in numbers!", "Success", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Exclamation); } if (isadmin == "true") { remote.ServerCommand("ulx banid " + textBox7.Text + " " + textBox9.Text + " " + textBox8.Text); MessageBox.Show("Player with SteamID: " + textBox7.Text + " has his/her ban edited.", "Success", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information); // Hide Banlist, Show 'Add Ban' Panel listView1.Visible = true; panel17.Visible = false; remote.ServerCommand("say [SmurfRP Server Tool] Ban with SteamID: " + textBox7.Text + " was edited by " + textBox1.Text); } else { MessageBox.Show("ERROR: Your user-group does not have sufficient rights to use the Remote Console.", "ERROR", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Exclamation); panel17.Visible = false; listView1.Visible = true; } }
private void button2_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { sqlFunctions sql = new sqlFunctions(); WebClient client = new WebClient(); string ip = client.DownloadString(""); string usr = client.DownloadString(""); string pw = client.DownloadString(""); MySqlConnection conn3 = new MySqlConnection("server=" + ip + ";userid=" + usr + ";password="******";database=114794-donations"); MySqlCommand getauth2 = new MySqlCommand("SELECT * FROM users WHERE username = '******';"); getauth2.Parameters.AddWithValue("username", textBox1.Text); getauth2.Connection = conn3; conn3.Open(); MySqlDataReader Reader2 = getauth2.ExecuteReader(); Reader2.Read(); string canusercon = sql.GetDBString("canuseremote", Reader2); string isadmin = sql.GetDBString("isadmin", Reader2); // Check user rights - If user is just a standard user, we'll deny his rights. if (this.Text.Contains("Not Logged In")) { MessageBox.Show("ERROR: You are not authenticated. Please login first.", "ERROR", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Exclamation); } // Add the ability to clear the whole textbox else if (textBox4.Text == "/clear") { textBox3.Clear(); textBox4.Text = ""; } // Disallow usage of rcon if user has the "canuseremote" flag set to false. else if (canusercon == "false") { MessageBox.Show("ERROR: You do not have sufficient rights to use the Remote Console.", "ERROR", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Exclamation); } else if (isadmin == "false") { MessageBox.Show("ERROR: Your user-group does not have sufficient rights to use the Remote Console.", "ERROR", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Exclamation); } else { // Send Command remote.ServerCommand(textBox4.Text); } }
private void Main_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { // Read userdata sqlFunctions sql = new sqlFunctions(); string appPath = Path.GetDirectoryName(Application.ExecutablePath); System.IO.StreamReader file = new System.IO.StreamReader(appPath + "/lastuser.txt"); string user; user = file.ReadLine(); file.Close(); MySqlConnection conn = new MySqlConnection(";userid=114794-xs71327;password=valvehelpedme;database=114794-nettest"); MySqlCommand getauth = new MySqlCommand("SELECT * FROM users WHERE username = '******';"); getauth.Parameters.AddWithValue("username", user); getauth.Connection = conn; conn.Open(); MySqlDataReader Reader = getauth.ExecuteReader(); this.Text = "Merriment CDS :: " + loc.EN_LOGGED_IN_AS + user; //label5.Text = "Merriment CDS :: " + loc.EN_LOGGED_IN_AS + user; while (Reader.Read()) { label1.Text = (sql.GetDBString("username", Reader)); label2.Text = (sql.GetDBString("usertitle", Reader)); pictureBox1.ImageLocation = (sql.GetDBString("avatar", Reader)); if (sql.GetDBString("isadmin", Reader) == "no") { label3.Text = string.Empty; } else { label3.Text = loc.EN_ADMIN; } } Reader.Close(); conn.Close(); // Fill listview with all applications which we will fetch from the database ListViewItem listviewitem = new ListViewItem(); AppDBFunctions appDB = new AppDBFunctions(); appDB.getApps(listView1, listviewitem, imageList1); }
private void button6_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { sqlFunctions sql = new sqlFunctions(); WebClient client = new WebClient(); string ip = client.DownloadString(""); string usr = client.DownloadString(""); string pw = client.DownloadString(""); MySqlConnection conn3 = new MySqlConnection("server=" + ip + ";userid=" + usr + ";password="******";database=114794-donations"); MySqlCommand getauth2 = new MySqlCommand("SELECT * FROM users WHERE username = '******';"); getauth2.Parameters.AddWithValue("username", textBox1.Text); getauth2.Connection = conn3; conn3.Open(); MySqlDataReader Reader2 = getauth2.ExecuteReader(); Reader2.Read(); string canusercon = sql.GetDBString("canuseremote", Reader2); string isadmin = sql.GetDBString("isadmin", Reader2); if (isadmin == "true") { DialogResult dialogResult = MessageBox.Show("Do you really want to remove this ban with SteamID: " + listView1.FocusedItem.SubItems[0].Text + "?", "Some Title", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Information); if (dialogResult == DialogResult.Yes) { remote.ServerCommand("ulx unban " + listView1.FocusedItem.SubItems[0].Text); MessageBox.Show("Player with SteamID: " + listView1.FocusedItem.SubItems[0].Text + " was successfully un-banned.", "Success", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information); remote.ServerCommand("say [SmurfRP Server Tool] " + listView1.FocusedItem.SubItems[0].Text + " was un-banned by " + textBox1.Text); } else if (dialogResult == DialogResult.No) { // We ain't doing shit. } } else { MessageBox.Show("ERROR: Your user-group does not have sufficient rights to use the Remote Console.", "ERROR", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Exclamation); } }
private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { sqlFunctions sql = new sqlFunctions(); if (sql.login(textBox1.Text, textBox2.Text) == true) { toolStripStatusLabel1.ForeColor = Color.DarkGreen; toolStripStatusLabel1.Text = "Logged In As:"; toolStripStatusLabel2.Text = textBox1.Text; sqlFunctions sql2 = new sqlFunctions(); WebClient client = new WebClient(); string ip = client.DownloadString(""); string usr = client.DownloadString(""); string pw = client.DownloadString(""); string ip2 = client.DownloadString(""); string usr2 = client.DownloadString(""); string pw2 = client.DownloadString(""); MySqlConnection conn2 = new MySqlConnection("server=" + ip + ";userid=" + usr + ";password="******";database=114794-donations"); MySqlConnection conn4 = new MySqlConnection("server=" + ip + ";userid=" + usr + ";password="******";database=114794-donations"); MySqlConnection conn3 = new MySqlConnection("server=" + ip2 + ";userid=" + usr2 + ";password="******";database=114794-drpbans"); MySqlCommand getauth2 = new MySqlCommand("SELECT * FROM users WHERE username = '******';"); MySqlCommand getauth4 = new MySqlCommand("SELECT * FROM users"); MySqlCommand getauth3 = new MySqlCommand("SELECT * FROM u_globalbans"); getauth2.Parameters.AddWithValue("username", textBox1.Text); getauth2.Connection = conn2; getauth3.Connection = conn3; getauth4.Connection = conn4; conn2.Open(); conn3.Open(); conn4.Open(); MySqlDataReader Reader2 = getauth2.ExecuteReader(); MySqlDataReader Reader3 = getauth3.ExecuteReader(); MySqlDataReader Reader4 = getauth4.ExecuteReader(); // Set 'last login' sql.writeLastLogin(DateTime.Now.ToString(), textBox1.Text); // Lastly, set form title this.Text = ("SmurfRP Server Tool :: " + textBox1.Text); // Hide login panel panel1.Visible = false; // Show logout panel panel10.Visible = true; while (Reader2.Read()) { // Set some shit. pictureBox2.ImageLocation = (sql.GetDBString("avatar", Reader2)); label7.Text = textBox1.Text; label9.Text = (sql.GetDBString("registerdate", Reader2)); label10.Text = (sql.GetDBString("lastlogin", Reader2)); label15.Text = "You Last Logged In: " + (sql.GetDBString("lastlogin", Reader2)); textBox6.Text = (sql.GetDBString("avatar", Reader2)); label13.Text = "Logged in as " + textBox1.Text; panel7.Visible = true; button6.Enabled = true; button7.Enabled = true; button8.Enabled = true; // Show Ban Label label24.Visible = true; // Remember User? if (checkBox1.Checked == true) { using (StreamWriter sw = File.CreateText("lastuser.txt")) { sw.WriteLine(textBox1.Text); } } else { if (File.Exists("lastuser.txt")) { File.Delete("lastuser.txt"); } } } while (Reader4.Read()) { // Populate the new tab with even more shit! ListViewItem userlist; userlist = new ListViewItem(Reader4.GetString("username")); userlist.SubItems.Add(Reader4.GetString("registerdate")); userlist.SubItems.Add(sql.GetDBString("lastlogin", Reader4)); userlist.SubItems.Add(Reader4.GetString("isadmin")); userlist.SubItems.Add(Reader4.GetString("canuseremote")); userlist.SubItems.Add(Reader4.GetString("isbanned")); listView2.Items.Add(userlist); } while (Reader3.Read()) { ListViewItem item; item = new ListViewItem(Reader3.GetString("_SteamID")); item.UseItemStyleForSubItems = false; if (Reader3.IsDBNull(1) == true) { item.SubItems.Add("Unknown", Color.Maroon, Color.White, new Font(label1.Font.Name, 8.0F, FontStyle.Bold)); } else { item.SubItems.Add(Convert.ToString(Reader3.GetValue(1))); } if (Reader3.GetString("_Reason") == "") { item.SubItems.Add("No Reason Given", Color.Gray, Color.White, new Font(label1.Font.Name, 8.0F, FontStyle.Italic)); } else { item.SubItems.Add(Reader3.GetString("_Reason").Replace(@"\", "")); } if (Reader3.GetString("_Length") == "0") { item.SubItems.Add("Permanently", Color.Maroon, Color.White, new Font(label1.Font.Name, 8.0F, FontStyle.Bold)); } else { TimeSpan t2 = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(Convert.ToDouble(Reader3.GetString("_Length"))); item.SubItems.Add(string.Format("{0:D2}h {1:D2}m {2:D2}s", t2.Hours, t2.Minutes, t2.Seconds)); } TimeSpan t = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(Convert.ToDouble(Reader3.GetString("_Time"))); item.SubItems.Add(string.Format("{0:D2}h {1:D2}m {2:D2}s", t.Hours, t.Minutes, t.Seconds)); item.SubItems.Add(Reader3.GetString("_ASteamName")); item.SubItems.Add("lol"); listView1.Items.Add(item); } Reader2.Close(); conn2.Close(); Reader3.Close(); conn3.Close(); conn4.Close(); Reader4.Close(); label24.Text = ("Total Bans: ") + listView1.Items.Count.ToString(); } else { label4.Text = "Authentication Failed. Check Username/Password."; label4.Visible = true; } }