//查找某一条药物记录 public AnesthesiaMedicineRecord findRecordByTime(AnesthesiaMedicineRecord a) { mycom = new sqlBase(); AnesthesiaMedicineRecord target = new AnesthesiaMedicineRecord(); string sql = string.Format("SELECT * FROM anesthesiamedicinerecord a WHERE a.MedicineID = '" + a.MedicineID + "' AND a.AnesthesiaID = '" + a.AnesthesiaID + "' AND StartTime <= '" + a.StartTime.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss") + "' AND (EndTime >= '" + a.StartTime.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss") + "' OR EndTime is null)"); Console.WriteLine(sql); MySqlDataReader sdr = mycom.executeSQLR(sql); while (sdr.Read()) { target.ID = sdr[0].ToString(); target.AnesthesiaID = sdr[1].ToString(); target.MedicineID = sdr[2].ToString(); target.AnesthesiaType = (int)sdr[3]; if (sdr[4].ToString() != "") { target.StartTime = (DateTime)sdr[4]; } if (sdr[5].ToString() != "") { target.EndTime = (DateTime)sdr[5]; } target.ActualAmount = sdr[6].ToString(); target.FlowRate = sdr[7].ToString(); } mycom.closeConnect(); return(target); }
//查找某个药物最新的一笔记录 public AnesthesiaMedicineRecord findNewestRecord(AnesthesiaMedicineRecord a) { mycom = new sqlBase(); AnesthesiaMedicineRecord target = new AnesthesiaMedicineRecord(); string sql = string.Format("SELECT * FROM anesthesiamedicinerecord a WHERE a.MedicineID = '" + a.MedicineID + "' AND a.AnesthesiaID = '" + a.AnesthesiaID + "' AND a.ActualAmount = '" + a.ActualAmount + "' AND StartTime = (SELECT Max(b.StartTime) FROM anesthesiamedicinerecord b WHERE b.AnesthesiaID = '" + a.AnesthesiaID + "' AND b.MedicineID = '" + a.MedicineID + "' AND b.ActualAmount = '" + a.ActualAmount + "')"); MySqlDataReader sdr = mycom.executeSQLR(sql); while (sdr.Read()) { target.ID = sdr[0].ToString(); target.AnesthesiaID = sdr[1].ToString(); target.MedicineID = sdr[2].ToString(); target.AnesthesiaType = (int)sdr[3]; if (sdr[4].ToString() != "") { target.StartTime = (DateTime)sdr[4]; } if (sdr[5].ToString() != "") { target.EndTime = (DateTime)sdr[5]; } target.ActualAmount = sdr[6].ToString(); target.FlowRate = sdr[7].ToString(); } mycom.closeConnect(); return(target); }
public void insertMRecord(AnesthesiaMedicineRecord a) { mycom = new sqlBase(); //string sql = string.Format("INSERT INTO anesthesiamedicinerecord (`MedicineID`,`Time`, `ActualAmount`, `FlowRate`) VALUES ('" // + a.MedicineID + "','" + a.Time + "','" + a.ActualAmount + "','" + a.FlowRate + "')"); string sql = string.Format("INSERT INTO anesthesiamedicinerecord (`MedicineID`,`ActualAmount`,`AnesthesiaType`,`AnesthesiaID`, `StartTime`,`FlowRate`) VALUES ('" + a.MedicineID + "','" + a.ActualAmount + "','" + a.AnesthesiaType + "','" + a.AnesthesiaID + "','" + a.StartTime.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss") + "','" + a.FlowRate + "')"); mycom.executeSQLCUD(sql); mycom.closeConnect(); }
//設置停止時間 public void setEndTime(AnesthesiaMedicineRecord a) { mycom = new sqlBase(); string sql = "UPDATE anesthesiamedicinerecord SET EndTime = '" + a.EndTime.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss") + "' WHERE StartTime = '" + a.StartTime.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss") + "' AND MedicineID = '" + a.MedicineID + "' AND AnesthesiaID = '" + a.AnesthesiaID + "'"; Console.WriteLine(sql); mycom.executeSQLCUD(sql); mycom.closeConnect(); }
//删除药物记录 public void deleteByTime(AnesthesiaMedicineRecord a) { mycom = new sqlBase(); string sql; if (a.AnesthesiaType == 0) { sql = "DELETE FROM anesthesiamedicinerecord WHERE StartTime = '" + a.StartTime.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss") + "' AND MedicineID = '" + a.MedicineID + "' AND AnesthesiaID = '" + a.AnesthesiaID + "'"; } else { sql = "DELETE FROM anesthesiamedicinerecord WHERE StartTime = '" + a.StartTime.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss") + "' AND MedicineID = '" + a.MedicineID + "' AND AnesthesiaID = '" + a.AnesthesiaID + "' AND ActualAmount = '" + a.ActualAmount + "'"; } mycom.executeSQLCUD(sql); mycom.closeConnect(); }
public Medicinedata selectById(String MId) { mycom = new sqlBase(); Medicinedata a = new Medicinedata(); string sql = string.Format("select * from medicinedata where MedicineId = '" + MId + "'"); MySqlDataReader sdr = mycom.executeSQLR(sql); while (sdr.Read()) { a.MId = sdr[0].ToString(); a.MName = sdr[1].ToString(); a.Unit = sdr[2].ToString(); a.Method = (int)sdr[3]; a.FlowRate = sdr[4].ToString(); } mycom.closeConnect(); return(a); }
//修改药物记录 public void updateByTime(AnesthesiaMedicineRecord a) { mycom = new sqlBase(); string sql; if (a.AnesthesiaType == 0) { sql = "UPDATE anesthesiamedicinerecord SET ActualAmount = '" + a.ActualAmount + "' WHERE StartTime = '" + a.StartTime.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss") + "' AND MedicineID = '" + a.MedicineID + "' AND AnesthesiaID = '" + a.AnesthesiaID + "'"; } else { sql = "UPDATE anesthesiamedicinerecord SET ActualAmount = '" + a.ActualAmount + "' , FlowRate = '" + a.FlowRate + "' WHERE StartTime = '" + a.StartTime.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss") + "' AND MedicineID = '" + a.MedicineID + "' AND AnesthesiaID = '" + a.AnesthesiaID + "'"; } Console.WriteLine(sql); mycom.executeSQLCUD(sql); mycom.closeConnect(); }
public List <Medicinedata> selectByName(String username) { mycom = new sqlBase(); List <Medicinedata> list = new List <Medicinedata>(); string sql = string.Format("select * from medicinedata where MedicineName like '%" + username + "%'"); MySqlDataReader sdr = mycom.executeSQLR(sql); while (sdr.Read()) { Medicinedata a = new Medicinedata(); a.MId = sdr[0].ToString(); a.MName = sdr[1].ToString(); a.Unit = sdr[2].ToString(); a.Method = (int)sdr[3]; a.FlowRate = sdr[4].ToString(); list.Add(a); } mycom.closeConnect(); return(list); }
public void close() { mycom.closeConnect(); }