/* Displays on the GUI */
    void OnGUI()
        GUI.skin.button.wordWrap = true; //words wrap to next lines

        //Displays an "Army" button that the user presses to open up the army window
        if (GUI.Button (GUIInfo.guiInfo.armyManagerButton, GUIInfo.guiInfo.armyManagerButtonText)) {

          toggleArmyManager ();


        //Displays the save button
        //TODO: Remove this later
        if (GUI.Button (new Rect(750, 0, 50, 50), "Save")) {



        if (showArmyManager) { //displays the entire Army Manager GUI

          GUI.DrawTexture (GUIInfo.guiInfo.GUIWindow, armyManagerScreen); //shows the Army Manager screen

          if (Event.current.type == EventType.MouseDown) { //checks if the user presses down

        /* Checks if user pressed a valid soldier button */
        if (!buttonPressed && //ensures that a button is only stored once per press
            IsNullButton(storedButton = CheckArmyPress()) == false && //stores the button and checks null
            storedButton.soldierIndex != -1) {  //makes sure there's an actual soldier there

          buttonPressed = true; // a button has been pressed

          /* stores distance from mouse to the top left corner of the pressed button */
          mouseDelta.x = Event.current.mousePosition.x - storedButton.buttonRect.x;
          mouseDelta.y = Event.current.mousePosition.y - storedButton.buttonRect.y;


        else if (!buttonPressed && //if button wasnt pressed efore
                 IsNullButton(storedButton = CheckPartyPress ()) == false && //button isnt null and is party pressed
                 storedButton.soldierIndex != ArmyDataScript.nullSoldierIndex) { //soldier is there

          buttonPressed = true; //a button has been pressed

          /* Stores distance from mouse to top left corner of pressed button */
          mouseDelta.x = Event.current.mousePosition.x - storedButton.buttonRect.x;
          mouseDelta.y = Event.current.mousePosition.y - storedButton.buttonRect.y;


          if (Event.current.type == EventType.MouseUp) {


        buttonPressed = false; //a button is not being pressed
        partyPressed = -1; //a party button is not being pressed


          if (Event.current.type == EventType.MouseDrag) {

        storedButton.buttonRect.x = Event.current.mousePosition.x - mouseDelta.x;
        storedButton.buttonRect.y = Event.current.mousePosition.y - mouseDelta.y;


          if (GUI.Button (GUIInfo.guiInfo.addSlotButton, GUIInfo.guiInfo.addSlotButtonText)) {



          if (GUI.Button (GUIInfo.guiInfo.addSoldierButton, GUIInfo.guiInfo.addSoldierButtonText)) {



          int emptySlots = data.armyData.GetEmptyArmySlots();
          for (int i = 0; i < ArmyDataScript.armyCap; i++) {

        //if the button is a valid soldier
        if (armyButtonsArray[i].soldierIndex != ArmyDataScript.nullSoldierIndex) {

          if (GUI.Button(armyButtonsArray[i].buttonRect, armyData.GetSoldierName(armyButtonsArray[i].soldierIndex))) {

            LoadSoldierData (armyButtonsArray[i].soldierIndex);


        /* If a new soldier slot is available */
        else if (emptySlots != 0) {

          if (GUI.Button(armyButtonsArray[i].buttonRect, "Empty Slot")) {




        /* If the soldier slot is locked */
        else {

          GUI.Button(armyButtonsArray[i].buttonRect, "Locked");


          /* loops through each party button */
          for (int i = 0; i < ArmyDataScript.partyCap; i++) {

        if (partyButtonsArray[i].soldierIndex != ArmyDataScript.nullSoldierIndex) {

          /* Creates the party soldier buttons */
          if (GUI.Button (partyButtonsArray[i].buttonRect, armyData.GetSoldier (partyButtonsArray[i].soldierIndex).GetName ())) {



          /* If no soldier has been slotted*/
        else {

          GUI.Button (partyButtonsArray[i].buttonRect, "Drag Here");


          if (buttonPressed) {

        GUI.Button (storedButton.buttonRect, armyData.GetSoldier (storedButton.soldierIndex).GetName ());

        } // end if army manager is open
    bool IsNullButton(soldierButton button)
        if (button.buttonRect == new Rect(0,0,0,0) && button.soldierIndex == -1) {
          return true;


        else {

          return false;
