Пример #1
         * ==================
         * CG_SetInitialSnapshot
         * This will only happen on the very first snapshot, or
         * on tourney restarts.  All other times will use
         * CG_TransitionSnapshot instead.
         * FIXME: Also called by map_restart?
         * ==================
        void CG_SetInitialSnapshot(snapshot_t *snap)
            int            i;
            centity_t *    cent;
            entityState_t *state;

            cg.snap = snap;

            BG_PlayerStateToEntityState(&snap->ps, &cg_entities[snap->ps.clientNum].currentState, false);

            // sort out solid entities


            // set our local weapon selection pointer to
            // what the server has indicated the current weapon is

            for (i = 0; i < cg.snap->numEntities; i++)
                state = &cg.snap->entities[i];
                cent  = &cg_entities[state->number];

                memcpy(&cent->currentState, state, sizeof(entityState_t));
                //cent->currentState = *state;
                cent->interpolate  = false;
                cent->currentValid = true;


                // check for events
Пример #2
         * ===================
         * CG_SetNextSnap
         * A new snapshot has just been read in from the client system.
         * ===================
        static void CG_SetNextSnap(snapshot_t *snap)
            int            num;
            entityState_t *es;
            centity_t *    cent;

            cg.nextSnap = snap;

            BG_PlayerStateToEntityState(&snap->ps, &cg_entities[snap->ps.clientNum].nextState, false);
            cg_entities[cg.snap->ps.clientNum].interpolate = true;

            // check for extrapolation errors
            for (num = 0; num < snap->numEntities; num++)
                es   = &snap->entities[num];
                cent = &cg_entities[es->number];

                memcpy(&cent->nextState, es, sizeof(entityState_t));
                //cent->nextState = *es;

                // if this frame is a teleport, or the entity wasn't in the
                // previous frame, don't interpolate
                if (!cent->currentValid || ((cent->currentState.eFlags ^ es->eFlags) & EF_TELEPORT_BIT))
                    cent->interpolate = false;
                    cent->interpolate = true;

            // if the next frame is a teleport for the playerstate, we
            // can't interpolate during demos
            if (cg.snap && ((snap->ps.eFlags ^ cg.snap->ps.eFlags) & EF_TELEPORT_BIT))
                cg.nextFrameTeleport = true;
                cg.nextFrameTeleport = false;

            // if changing follow mode, don't interpolate
            if (cg.nextSnap->ps.clientNum != cg.snap->ps.clientNum)
                cg.nextFrameTeleport = true;

            // if changing server restarts, don't interpolate
            if ((cg.nextSnap->snapFlags ^ cg.snap->snapFlags) & SNAPFLAG_SERVERCOUNT)
                cg.nextFrameTeleport = true;

            // sort out solid entities
Пример #3
         * ====================
         * CL_GetSnapshot
         * ====================
        bool    CL_GetSnapshot(int snapshotNumber, snapshot_t *snapshot)
            clSnapshot_t *clSnap;
            int           i, count;

            if (snapshotNumber > cl.snap.messageNum)
                Com_Error(ERR_DROP, "CL_GetSnapshot: snapshotNumber > cl.snapshot.messageNum");

            // if the frame has fallen out of the circular buffer, we can't return it
            if (cl.snap.messageNum - snapshotNumber >= PACKET_BACKUP)

            // if the frame is not valid, we can't return it
            clSnap = &cl.snapshots[snapshotNumber & PACKET_MASK];
            if (!clSnap->valid)

            // if the entities in the frame have fallen out of their
            // circular buffer, we can't return it
            if (cl.parseEntitiesNum - clSnap->parseEntitiesNum >= MAX_PARSE_ENTITIES)

            // write the snapshot
            snapshot->snapFlags             = clSnap->snapFlags;
            snapshot->serverCommandSequence = clSnap->serverCommandNum;
            snapshot->ping       = clSnap->ping;
            snapshot->serverTime = clSnap->serverTime;
            Com_Memcpy(snapshot->areamask, clSnap->areamask, sizeof(snapshot->areamask));
            snapshot->ps = clSnap->ps;
            count        = clSnap->numEntities;
            if (count > MAX_ENTITIES_IN_SNAPSHOT)
                Com_DPrintf("CL_GetSnapshot: truncated %i entities to %i\n", count, MAX_ENTITIES_IN_SNAPSHOT);
                count = MAX_ENTITIES_IN_SNAPSHOT;
            snapshot->numEntities = count;
            for (i = 0; i < count; i++)
                snapshot->entities[i] =
                    cl.parseEntities[(clSnap->parseEntitiesNum + i) & (MAX_PARSE_ENTITIES - 1)];

            // FIXME: configstring changes and server commands!!!
