protected void choosearticleclick(object sender, EventArgs e)
        // the command name is the id of the layout to choose.
        // command argument is the filename of layout to use
        sessionarticles sa;

        sa = (sessionarticles)Session["sessionarticles"];
        if (sa == null)
            sa = new sessionarticles();
        sa.addsessionarticle(articlename, (sender as LinkButton).CommandName);
        Session["sessionarticles"] = sa;

        // if we are coming from the review page then jump straight to the customise page and ask it to jump straight back to the review afterwards
        if (Request.QueryString["return"] == "true")
            Response.Redirect("~/customise_articles.aspx?article=" + articleindex.ToString() + "?return=true");
        // otherwise if we have finished choosing articles go on to customise them
        else if (articleindex >= pl.articles.Count - 1)
        // otherwise choose the next article
            Response.Redirect("~/choose_articles.aspx?article=" + (articleindex + 1).ToString());
    protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
        // get the article index to choose from the query string
            farticleindex = Convert.ToInt16(Request.QueryString["article"]);
            farticleindex = 0;

        // get the page layout
        spl = (sessionpagelayout)Session["sessionpagelayout"];
        if (spl == null)
            Response.Redirect("~/default.aspx", true);
        pl = ceddio.loadpagelayout(spl.pagelayoutfilename);
        // if there is no layout specified the redirect back to the home page
        if (pl == null)
            Response.Redirect("~/default.aspx", true);

        // get the customisation
        scs = (sessioncustomisations)Session["sessioncustomisation"];
        if (scs == null)
            scs = new sessioncustomisations();

        // get all the articles and add all customisable items
        sas = (sessionarticles)Session["sessionarticles"];
        if (sas == null)
            Response.Redirect("~/default.aspx", true);
        sa = sas.getarticle(pl.articles[articleindex].name);
        if (sa == null)
            Response.Redirect("~/default.aspx", true);

        if (Page.IsPostBack == false)