Пример #1
        //const char *indexed_item(int index, void *&base, UINT32 &valsize, UINT32 &valcount) const;

        // function registration
        //  register_presave - register a pre-save
        //  function callback
        public void register_presave(save_prepost_delegate func)
            //throw new emu_unimplemented();
#if false
            // check for invalid timing
            if (!m_reg_allowed)
                global.fatalerror("Attempt to register callback function after state registration is closed!\n");

            // scan for duplicates and push through to the end
            foreach (state_callback cb in m_presave_list)
                if (cb.m_func == func)
                    global.fatalerror("Duplicate save state function ({0}/{1})\n", cb.m_func.name(), func.name());

            // allocate a new entry
            m_presave_list.append(new state_callback(func));
Пример #2
        //  state_save_register_postload -
        //  register a post-load function callback
        public void register_postload(save_prepost_delegate func)
            //throw new emu_unimplemented();
#if false
            // check for invalid timing
            if (!m_reg_allowed)
                fatalerror("Attempt to register callback function after state registration is closed!\n");

            // scan for duplicates and push through to the end
            for (state_callback *cb = m_postload_list.first(); cb != NULL; cb = cb->next())
                if (cb->m_func == func)
                    fatalerror("Duplicate save state function (%s/%s)\n", cb->m_func.name(), func.name());

            // allocate a new entry