Пример #1
					/// <summary>
					/// Detach event-handler <code>fnFunction</code> from the 'press' event of this <code>sap.ui.commons.MenuButton</code>.<br/>
					/// The passed function and listener object must match the ones previously used for event registration.
					/// </summary>
					/// <param name="fnFunction">The function to call, when the event occurs.</param>
					/// <param name="oListener">Object on which the given function had to be called.</param>
					/// <returns><code>this</code> to allow method chaining</returns>
					public extern virtual sap.ui.commons.MenuButton detachPress(sap.ui.commons.MenuButton.PressDelegate fnFunction, object oListener);
Пример #2
					/// <summary>
					/// Attach event-handler <code>fnFunction</code> to the 'press' event of this <code>sap.ui.commons.MenuButton</code>.<br/>
					/// Event is fired when an item from the menu was selected.
					/// </summary>
					/// <param name="fnFunction">The function to call, when the event occurs. This function will be called on the oListener-instance (if present) or in a 'static way'.</param>
					/// <returns><code>this</code> to allow method chaining</returns>
					public extern virtual sap.ui.commons.MenuButton attachPress(sap.ui.commons.MenuButton.PressDelegate fnFunction);