Пример #1
 static CRect computeMargins(ref sDecodedVideoSize videoSize)
     return(new CRect(videoSize.cropRect.left,
                      videoSize.size.cx - videoSize.cropRect.right,
                      videoSize.size.cy - videoSize.cropRect.bottom));
Пример #2
        /// <summary>Valid range of UV coordinates; rendering them [ 0 .. 1 ] would produce cropping borders, we don’t want them.</summary>
        /// <remarks>Returns substitution values for HLSL/GLSL, e.g. ( "0.0, 0.0", "1.0, 0.97523452345123235356452363" )</remarks>
        public static (string, string) videoUvCroppedRect(ref sDecodedVideoSize videoSize)
            double x     = rel(videoSize.cropRect.left, videoSize.size.cx);
            double y     = rel(videoSize.cropRect.top, videoSize.size.cy);
            string minUv = Utils.printFloat2(x, y);

            x = rel(videoSize.cropRect.right, videoSize.size.cx);
            y = rel(videoSize.cropRect.bottom, videoSize.size.cy);
            string maxUv = Utils.printFloat2(x, y);

            return(minUv, maxUv);
Пример #3
        /// <summary>NV12 texture rectangle in clip space units.
        /// NV12 texture is slightly larger than the video 'coz Pi4 h264 decoder ain't smart enough to crop the damn footage on their side.</summary>
        static RectD nv12Rectangle(ref RectD video, ref sDecodedVideoSize videoSize)
            double cx      = videoSize.cropRect.size.cx * 0.5;
            double cy      = videoSize.cropRect.size.cy * 0.5;
            CRect  margins = computeMargins(ref videoSize);

            RectD inflationRel = new RectD(
                (cx + margins.left) / cx,
                (cy + margins.top) / cy,
                (cx + margins.right) / cx,
                (cy + margins.bottom) / cy

            return(video * inflationRel);
Пример #4
        public RenderBase(IRenderDevice device, CSize renderTargetSize, SwapChainFormats formats, Vector4 borderColor, sDecodedVideoSize videoSize)
            this.videoSize = videoSize;
            // Create vertex buffer
            vertexBuffer = createVideoVertexBuffer(device, renderTargetSize, ref videoSize);

            // Create pipeline state
            var pso = new PipelineStateDesc(false);

            pso.GraphicsPipeline.DepthStencilDesc.DepthEnable = false;
            pso.GraphicsPipeline.PrimitiveTopology            = PrimitiveTopology.TriangleList;
            pso.GraphicsPipeline.NumRenderTargets             = 1;
            pso.GraphicsPipeline.setRTVFormat(0, formats.color);
            pso.GraphicsPipeline.DSVFormat         = formats.depth;
            pso.ResourceLayout.DefaultVariableType = ShaderResourceVariableType.Static;

            var            compiler = device.GetShaderFactory();
            iStorageFolder assets   = StorageFolder.embeddedResources(System.Reflection.Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly(), resourceFolder);

            using (var psf = device.CreatePipelineStateFactory())
                psf.setName("Video PSO");

                using (var vs = compiler.compileHlslFile(assets, "VideoVS.hlsl", ShaderType.Vertex))

                (string uvMin, string uvMax) = videoUvCroppedRect(ref videoSize);
                string colorString = Utils.printFloat4(borderColor);
                using (var ps = compilePixelShader(compiler, assets, uvMin, uvMax, colorString))

                psf.layoutVariable(ShaderType.Pixel, ShaderResourceVariableType.Dynamic, varTexture);

                var sampler = new SamplerDesc(false)
                    MipFilter = FilterType.Point,
                psf.layoutStaticSampler(ShaderType.Pixel, ref sampler, varTexture);

                psf.apply(ref pso);
                pipelineState = device.CreatePipelineState(ref pso);

            // Create resource binding and cache the variable, we gonna need both on every frame rendered
            binding         = pipelineState.CreateShaderResourceBinding(true);
            textureVariable = binding.GetVariableByName(ShaderType.Pixel, varTexture);
Пример #5
        /// <summary>Cropped video rectangle in clip space units</summary>
        static RectD videoRectangle(CSize pxRenderTarget, ref sDecodedVideoSize videoSize)
            CSize pxVideo = videoSize.cropRect.size;

            if (pxVideo.cx * pxRenderTarget.cy >= pxVideo.cy * pxRenderTarget.cx)
                // scale X to fit, center vertically
                double h = mulDiv(pxVideo.cy, pxRenderTarget.cx, pxVideo.cx, pxRenderTarget.cy);
                return(new RectD(-1, -h, 1, h));
                // scale Y to fit, center horizontally
                double w = mulDiv(pxVideo.cx, pxRenderTarget.cy, pxVideo.cy, pxRenderTarget.cx);
                return(new RectD(-w, -1, w, 1));
Пример #6
        static void produceVertices(Span <sVideoVertex> span, CSize pxRenderTarget, ref sDecodedVideoSize videoSize)
            // Non-trivial amount of arithmetics, hopefully with 64-bit floats the numerical precision won't be too bad as it's pretty critical here.
            // Ideally, need to solve symbolically and copy-paste the solution from Maple solver.
            RectD rc = videoRectangle(pxRenderTarget, ref videoSize);

            rc = nv12Rectangle(ref rc, ref videoSize);
            rc = textureCoordinates(ref rc);

            // Produce the 3 vertices.
            // Positions are set so the triangle covers complete render target.
            // Texture coordinates are set to position video rectangle within the render target.
            span[0].position  = new Vector2(-1, 1);
            span[0].texCoords = new Vector2((float)rc.left, (float)rc.top);

            span[1].position  = new Vector2(3, 1);
            span[1].texCoords = new Vector2((float)(rc.right * 2 - rc.left), (float)rc.top);

            span[2].position  = new Vector2(-1, -3);
            span[2].texCoords = new Vector2((float)rc.left, (float)(rc.bottom * 2 - rc.top));
Пример #7
        internal RepresentationFormat(ref BitReader reader, eChromaFormat chromaFormat)
            CSize size = default;

            size.cx = reader.readInt(16);               // pic_width_vps_in_luma_samples
            size.cy = reader.readInt(16);               // pic_height_vps_in_luma_samples

            bool chroma_and_bit_depth_vps_present_flag = reader.readBit();

            if (chroma_and_bit_depth_vps_present_flag)
                int chroma_format_vps_idc = reader.readInt(2);
                if (chroma_format_vps_idc == 3)
                    bool separate_colour_plane_vps_flag = reader.readBit();
                bit_depth_vps_luma   = (byte)(reader.readInt(4) + 8);
                bit_depth_vps_chroma = (byte)(reader.readInt(4) + 8);
                bit_depth_vps_luma = bit_depth_vps_chroma = 8;

            bool conformance_window_vps_flag = reader.readBit();

            if (conformance_window_vps_flag)
                CRect rc = default;
                rc.left          = (int)reader.unsignedGolomb();           // conf_win_vps_left_offset
                rc.right         = size.cx - (int)reader.unsignedGolomb(); // conf_win_vps_right_offset
                rc.top           = (int)reader.unsignedGolomb();           // conf_win_vps_top_offset
                rc.bottom        = size.cy - (int)reader.unsignedGolomb(); // conf_win_vps_bottom_offset
                decodedVideoSize = new sDecodedVideoSize(size, rc, chromaFormat);
                decodedVideoSize = new sDecodedVideoSize(size, new CRect(default, size), chromaFormat);
Пример #8
        internal VideoParams264(TrackEntry videoTrack)
            // File.WriteAllBytes( @"C:\Temp\2remove\mkv\videoPrivateData.bin", videoTrack.codecPrivate );
            ReadOnlySpan <byte> codecPrivate = videoTrack.codecPrivate.AsSpan();
            int          cbHeader            = Marshal.SizeOf <NativeStruct>();
            NativeStruct ns = codecPrivate.Slice(0, cbHeader).cast <NativeStruct>()[0];

            profile = ns.profileCode;
            profileCompatibility = ns.profileCompatibility;
            levelCode            = ns.levelCode;

            int offset = cbHeader;

            sps = ContainerUtils.copyBlobs(ns.numOfSequenceParameterSets, codecPrivate, ref offset);

            // File.WriteAllBytes( @"C:\Temp\2remove\mkv\sps.bin", sps[ 0 ] );

            int ppsCount = codecPrivate[offset++];

            pps = ContainerUtils.copyBlobs(ppsCount, codecPrivate, ref offset);

            ReadOnlySpan <byte> spsBlob = sps[0].AsSpan();

            if (MiscUtils.getNaluType(spsBlob[0]) != eNaluType.SPS)
                throw new ApplicationException("The SPS is invalid, wrong NALU type");
            spsBlob = spsBlob.Slice(1);

            BitReader spsReader = new BitReader(spsBlob);

            parsedSps = new SequenceParameterSet(ref spsReader);

            chromaFormat   = parsedSps.chromaFormat;
            bitDepthLuma   = parsedSps.bitDepthLuma;
            bitDepthChroma = parsedSps.bitDepthChroma;
            m_decodedSize  = new sDecodedVideoSize(parsedSps.decodedSize, parsedSps.cropRectangle, chromaFormat);
Пример #9
        public Nv12State(IRenderDevice device, TextureFormat format, Nv12Texture[] textures, ref sDecodedVideoSize videoSize)
            // Create the pipeline state
            var pso = new PipelineStateDesc(false);

            pso.GraphicsPipeline.DepthStencilDesc.DepthEnable = false;
            pso.GraphicsPipeline.RasterizerDesc.CullMode      = CullMode.None;
            pso.GraphicsPipeline.PrimitiveTopology            = PrimitiveTopology.TriangleList;
            pso.GraphicsPipeline.NumRenderTargets             = 1;
            pso.GraphicsPipeline.setRTVFormat(0, format);
            pso.ResourceLayout.DefaultVariableType = ShaderResourceVariableType.Static;

            var            compiler = device.GetShaderFactory();
            iStorageFolder assets   = StorageFolder.embeddedResources(System.Reflection.Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly(), resourceFolder);

            using (var psf = device.CreatePipelineStateFactory())
                psf.setName("Video PSO");

                using (var vs = compiler.compileHlslFile(assets, "VideoVS.hlsl", ShaderType.Vertex))

                using (var ps = compilePixelShader(compiler, assets))

                psf.layoutVariable(ShaderType.Pixel, ShaderResourceVariableType.Dynamic, varTexture);

                var sampler = samplerDesc();
                psf.layoutStaticSampler(ShaderType.Pixel, ref sampler, varTexture);

                psf.apply(ref pso);
                pipelineState = device.CreatePipelineState(ref pso);

            // Create resource binding and cache the variable
            binding         = pipelineState.CreateShaderResourceBinding(true);
            textureVariable = binding.GetVariableByName(ShaderType.Pixel, varTexture);

            // Copy views of the textures into array
            sourceTextures = new ITextureView[textures.Length];
            for (int i = 0; i < textures.Length; i++)
                sourceTextures[i] = textures[i].view;

            // Create GL viewport structure with weird values for cropping the video
            viewport = new Viewport(false)
                TopLeftX = -videoSize.cropRect.left,
                // TopLeftY = videoSize.cropRect.top,
                // OpenGL uses opposite Y direction there.
                TopLeftY = videoSize.cropRect.bottom - videoSize.size.cy,
                Width    = videoSize.size.cx,
                Height   = videoSize.size.cy,
Пример #10
        /// <summary>Create immutable VB with the full-screen triangle with cropping-included texture coordinates</summary>
        public static IBuffer createVideoVertexBuffer(IRenderDevice device, CSize renderTargetSize, ref sDecodedVideoSize videoSize)
            Span <sVideoVertex> data = stackalloc sVideoVertex[3];

            produceVertices(data, renderTargetSize, ref videoSize);

            BufferDesc desc = new BufferDesc(false)
                uiSizeInBytes = 16 * 3,
                BindFlags     = BindFlags.VertexBuffer,
                Usage         = Usage.Static,

            ReadOnlySpan <sVideoVertex> readOnly = data;

            return(device.CreateBuffer(desc, readOnly, "Video VB"));
Пример #11
 protected override void initRendering(IRenderDevice device, Nv12Texture[] textures, ref sDecodedVideoSize videoSize)
     state = new Nv12State(device, rgbFormat, textures, ref videoSize);