static void Main(string[] args) { Student s01 = new Student("002"); Student s02 = new Student("001", "Rungrat", "Sriwirun"); s01.setFirstname("Anocha"); s01.setLastname("Prungtaeng"); Console.WriteLine(s01.ToString()); Console.WriteLine(s02.ToString()); Console.WriteLine((new Student("018", "Rene", "Smith")).ToString()); room r433 = new room("433", "433", 8, 8, "Computer"); Console.WriteLine(r433.ToString()); Console.WriteLine("_____________________________________________________________"); Building s05 = new Building("04", "Faculty of Computer Science and Information Technology", "13.7442", "100.4608"); Console.WriteLine(s05.ToString()); Console.WriteLine("_____________________________________________________________"); Subject s06 = new Subject("9022081", "Web Programming", 3, 2, 2); Console.WriteLine(s06.ToString()); Console.WriteLine("_____________________________________________________________"); Lecturer s03 = new Lecturer("Nitat", "Ninchawee", "Master of Sience (Electronic Transactions)"); Console.WriteLine(s03.ToString()); Console.WriteLine("_____________________________________________________________"); Curriculum s04 = new Curriculum("Information Technology", "Bachelor"); Console.WriteLine(s04.ToString()); Console.WriteLine("_____________________________________________________________"); }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { thisRm = Session["Room"] as room; System.Drawing.Image mainImage = thisRm.getMainPic; roomNMELBL.Text = thisRm.ToString(); url = "~/TempImages/" + Path.GetRandomFileName(); url = Path.ChangeExtension(url, ".jpg"); mainImage.Save(Server.MapPath(url)); rmPC.ImageUrl = url; descTXT.Text = thisRm.description; priceLBL.Text = "$" + string.Format("{0:0.00}", thisRm.getAskedPrice.ToString()); if (Session["User"] is customer) { LinkButton newBtn = new LinkButton(); newBtn.Text = "(" + thisRm.roomHotel.getName + ")"; newBtn.Click += (a, t) => { Session["Hotel"] = thisRm.roomHotel; Response.Redirect("~//HotPGE.aspx"); }; hotelLBL.Text = string.Empty; hotelLBL.Controls.Add(newBtn); theUser = Session["User"] as customer; setupCustomer(); } else if (Session["User"] is hotel) { hotelLBL.Text = "(" + thisRm.roomHotel.getName + ")"; theUser = Session["User"] as hotel; setupHotel((theUser as hotel).returnId == thisRm.roomHotel.returnId); } else { subtractOffers(); } }
protected void addRoom(room rooms, hotel hot, string loc = null) { TableRow newRow = new TableRow(); TableCell cell1 = new TableCell(); Image newIMG = new Image(); newIMG.BorderStyle = BorderStyle.Solid; newIMG.Height = 150; newIMG.Width = 150; //Set img url System.Drawing.Image mainImage = rooms.getMainPic; string url; if (mainImage != null) { url = "~/TempImages/" + Path.GetRandomFileName(); url = Path.ChangeExtension(url, ".jpg"); mainImage.Save(Server.MapPath(url)); newIMG.ImageUrl = url; } cell1.HorizontalAlign = HorizontalAlign.Justify; cell1.Controls.Add(newIMG); newRow.Cells.Add(cell1); //Adding image control to row TableCell cell2 = new TableCell(); if (Session["User"] is siteUser) { LinkButton button = new LinkButton(); button.Text = rooms.ToString(); button.Click += (s, e) => { Session["Room"] = rooms; Response.Redirect("~//rmPGE.aspx"); }; cell2.HorizontalAlign = HorizontalAlign.Left; cell2.Controls.Add(button); } else { cell2.Text = rooms.ToString(); } newRow.Cells.Add(cell2); TableCell cell3 = new TableCell(); cell3.HorizontalAlign = HorizontalAlign.Left; if (!(Session["User"] is customer)) { cell3.Text = hot.getName; //No link unless the user is a customer } else //The user is a customer { LinkButton newBTN = new LinkButton(); newBTN.Text = hot.getName; newBTN.Click += (a, t) => { Session["Hotel"] = hot; Response.Redirect("~//HotPGE.aspx"); }; cell3.Controls.Add(newBTN); } newRow.Cells.Add(cell3); TableCell cell4 = new TableCell(); cell4.HorizontalAlign = HorizontalAlign.Left; cell4.Text = string.Format("${0:00}", rooms.getAskedPrice); newRow.Cells.Add(cell4); newRow.BorderWidth = width; newRow.BorderStyle = border; roomTBL.Rows.Add(newRow); if (!Page.IsPostBack) { List <string> myList = (List <string>)Session["Cities"]; if (!(myList.Contains(hot.cityState))) { ListItem i = new ListItem(hot.cityState, hot.cityState); //Same for both text and value if (loc == hot.cityState) { locationDRP.SelectedItem.Selected = false; i.Selected = true; } locationDRP.Items.Add(i); myList.Add(hot.cityState); Session["Cities"] = myList; } } }