Пример #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Adds
        /// ASSUMPTIONS
        ///  1. Last row contains the Highest number (the die roll)
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="nModifier">Some tables influence the value of the next table. Generally this should be 0</param>
        public static resultReturn GenerateResult(int nModifier, DataTable currentTable, ref string nextTable, string Title, NoteDataInterface[] notes, bool useHeadingStyle)
            resultReturn returner = new resultReturn();

            returner.nModifier = 0;
            returner.sResult   = Constants.BLANK;

            // error checking
            // if result column does not exist
            if (currentTable.Columns.IndexOf(TableWrapper.Result) == -1 ||
                currentTable.Columns.IndexOf(TableWrapper.Roll) == -1)
                NewMessage.Show(String.Format(TableWrapper.ColumnDoesNotExist, "result or roll"));

            myRange[] ranges = new myRange[currentTable.Rows.Count];
            // this is complicated.
            // I need to break each range apart into its components numbers
            // and do validity checking on it.

            // make the validity tests micro enough to use elsewhere
            // in case I need an authenticator

            int nFoundRowNumber = 0;
            int nValue          = 0;
            int nMin            = 0;
            int nMax            = 0;

            if (currentTable.Rows.Count > 0)
                if (currentTable.Rows [0] [0].ToString() == "-1")
                    // This is a linear table
                    // Linear tables go through a checklist, one table after another.
                    // RULES:
                    // - A result is taken (generally flat values or lookup results) and then we go to the next row
                    // - If a result results in a next_table that is TAKEN, breaking the linear table
                    // - to navigate we set Nexttable to the next row number but with a MINUS preceding it

                    if (nextTable.Length > 0 && nextTable [0] == '-')
                        nFoundRowNumber = Math.Abs(Int32.Parse(nextTable));
                        nFoundRowNumber = 0;
                    // fill in ranges values
                    ranges = TableWrapper.BuildRangeArray(ranges, currentTable);

                    if (ranges == null)

                    // find maximum value in last row
                    nMin = ranges [0].nMin;
                    nMax = ranges [ranges.Length - 1].nMax;
                    // roll the die
                    Random r = LayoutDetails.Instance.RandomNumbers;
                    nValue = nModifier + r.Next(nMin, nMax + 1);

                    // if the value, with modifier, is now greater than the max, then set it to max
                    if (nValue > nMax)
                        nValue = nMax;

                    // Go through each row and test to see if the number fits within the range
                    for (int j = 0; j < ranges.Length; j++)
                        // am I greater than or equal to min value?
                        if (nValue >= ranges [j].nMin)
                            // am I less than or equal to max value for this row
                            if (nValue <= ranges [j].nMax)
                                nFoundRowNumber = j;
                }                 // random lookup

                // we override the NExtTable result if there is a valid valu
                try {
                    if (currentTable.Columns.IndexOf(TableWrapper.NextTable) > -1)
                        if (!Convert.IsDBNull(currentTable.Rows [nFoundRowNumber] [TableWrapper.NextTable]))
                            string sNext = currentTable.Rows [nFoundRowNumber] [TableWrapper.NextTable].ToString();
                            if (sNext != null && sNext != Constants.BLANK)
                                nextTable = sNext;
                        else if (nextTable.Length > 1 && nextTable [0] == '-')
                            // a linear table
                            // to keep from falling into an infinite loop we need to drop out
                            nextTable = "";
                } catch (Exception ex) {

                if (currentTable.Columns.IndexOf(TableWrapper.Modifier) > -1)
                    if (currentTable.Rows [nFoundRowNumber] [TableWrapper.Modifier] == null)
                        returner.nModifier = 0;
                        try {
                            returner.nModifier = (int)Int32.Parse(currentTable.Rows [nFoundRowNumber] [TableWrapper.Modifier].ToString());
                        } catch (Exception) {
                            returner.nModifier = 0;
                    returner.nModifier = 0;
                string sDebugOnly = Constants.BLANK;
//			if (DebugMode == true)
//			{
//				sDebugOnly = "Modifier = " + nModifier.ToString() + " Roll =" + nValue.ToString() + "/" + nMin.ToString() + "-" + nMax.ToString() + " ::: ";
//			}

                string sResult = currentTable.Rows [nFoundRowNumber] [TableWrapper.Result].ToString();

                if (sResult.ToLower().IndexOf("lookup") > -1)
                    // NewMessage.Show("lookup found");
                    sResult = lookup(sResult, currentTable, notes, useHeadingStyle);

                string sTitle = sDebugOnly + Title + " ";
                if (sTitle == " ")
                    sTitle = "";                     // get rid of space if there was no title
                returner.sResult = sTitle + sResult + Environment.NewLine;
Пример #2
        /// <summary>
        /// will go through each "next" table from the source one
        /// the calling object
        /// and generateresults
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static string GenerateAllResults(ref string nextTable, DataTable currentTable, string Title, string Core_Table, LayoutPanelBase Layout, bool useHeadingStyle)
            // probably should save first too but not sure
            // how to integrate that

            string sOriginalNextTable = nextTable;

            if (null == Layout)
                throw new Exception("You must have a valid Layout loaded when doing a random table traversal.");
            // do first table
            System.Collections.ArrayList notelist = Layout.GetAllNotes();
            NoteDataInterface[]          notes    = new NoteDataInterface[notelist.Count];

            resultReturn sResult = GenerateResult(0, currentTable, ref nextTable, Title, notes, useHeadingStyle);

            // now, if there are more tables
            //classPageTable tables = this;

            if (sResult.sResult == " \n")
                sResult.sResult = Constants.BLANK;

            while (nextTable != null && nextTable != Constants.BLANK)
                // looks for the note called start
                NoteDataXML_Table table = null;
                bool LINEAR_MODE        = false;

                if (nextTable[0] == '-')
                    // Linear table system.
                    // a -X (any number, with a minus preceding it) represents a row

                    // basically we want to stay on the current table but go to the next row
                    table       = (NoteDataXML_Table)Layout.FindNoteByName(Core_Table);
                    LINEAR_MODE = true;
                    // Grab the next table
                    NoteDataInterface potentialTable = Layout.FindNoteByName(nextTable);
                    if (potentialTable is NoteDataXML_Table)
                        table = (NoteDataXML_Table)potentialTable;
                        // sep 28 2011
                        // linear table system
                        // if we encounter a 'real table' reference that means
                        // to set the Core Table to that
                        Core_Table = nextTable;

                //NotePanelTable table = (NotePanelTable)desktop.GetPanelByName(nextTable);

                resultReturn newResult;

                if (table != null)
                    string old_next_table = nextTable;
                    string _caption       = "";              // table.Caption;
                    if (table.TableCaption != "")
                        _caption = table.TableCaption;

                    // see note A below for why we have this check
                    if (LINEAR_MODE == true && table.NextTable == "")
                        // leave nextable alone in Lienar mode
                        // needed for when we call a linear table from another table (instead of calling the linear table directly)
                        nextTable = table.NextTable;                         // this is clearing the row field!
                    newResult = GenerateResult(sResult.nModifier, (DataTable)table.dataSource, ref nextTable, _caption, notes, useHeadingStyle);

                    /* NOTE A September 28 2011
                     * There is a WEIRD pointer thing happening and working in my favor
                     * Basically because AppearanceClass.NextTable is passed as a ref into GenerateAllResults it is modified directly
                     * when we set Generate the next result
                     * basically we continue to setting this value (not sure why the breakpoint never succeeded though)
                     * So... I don't want to mess everything, so if we are in LINEAR mode then we
                     * manualy set the table.

                    // if (nextTable == old_next_table)
                    //     nextTable = Header.Blank;
                    // }
                    //  nextTable = table.NextTable;
                    if (newResult.sResult == " \n")
                        newResult.sResult = Constants.BLANK;
                    sResult.sResult   = sResult.sResult + newResult.sResult;
                    sResult.nModifier = newResult.nModifier;
                    // if we hit a null then we hit user error
                    // abort
                    nextTable = Constants.BLANK;

            nextTable = sOriginalNextTable;