protected void grdPublicUsers_RowDeleting(object sender, GridViewDeleteEventArgs e) { Int32 user_id = Convert.ToInt32(grdPublicUsers.DataKeys[e.RowIndex].Values["user_id"]); //Connecting to Database. using (DefaultConnection1 db = new DefaultConnection1()) { public_users ur = (from u in db.public_users where u.user_id == user_id select u).FirstOrDefault(); //Deleting the user. db.public_users.Remove(ur); db.SaveChanges(); //Refreshing the grid. GetUser(); } }
//=========================================================================================== //Login //=========================================================================================== protected void btnDealerLogin_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { //Connecting to the Database. using (DefaultConnection1 db = new DefaultConnection1()) { //Creating user in memory. public_users objI = new public_users(); //First get the salt value for this username. String email = txtEmailLogin.Text; objI = (from em in db.public_users where == email select em).FirstOrDefault(); //Did the email match? if (objI != null) { //Grabing salt. String salt = objI.salt; //Salt and hash the plan text password. String password = txtPasswordLogin.Text; String pass_and_salt = password + salt; // Create a new instance of the hash crypto service provider. HashAlgorithm hashAlg = new SHA256CryptoServiceProvider(); // Convert the data to hash to an array of Bytes. byte[] bytValue = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(pass_and_salt); // Compute the Hash. This returns an array of Bytes. byte[] bytHash = hashAlg.ComputeHash(bytValue); // Optionally, represent the hash value as a base64-encoded string, // For example, if you need to display the value or transmit it over a network. string base64 = Convert.ToBase64String(bytHash); //Check if the password that was just salted and hashed matches the password in the database. if (objI.password == base64) { //Checking if the password was the same, Showing a valid login. //lblSubmitLoginMessage.Text = "Valid Login"; //Store the indentity in the session object. Session["user_id"] = objI.user_id; Session["contact_name"] = objI.contact_name; Session["company_name"] = objI.company_name; //Rediect to logged in homepage. Response.Redirect("dealer/index.aspx"); } else { lblSubmitLoginMessageError.Text = "Invaild Login, the Email or Password may be wrong."; } } else { lblSubmitLoginMessageError.Text = "Invaild Login, the Email or Password may be wrong."; } } }
//=========================================================================================== //Signup //=========================================================================================== protected void btnDealerSignUp_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { //Connecting to Database. using (DefaultConnection1 db = new DefaultConnection1()) { //Creating a new user. public_users objI = new public_users(); //fill the properties from the form inputs. objI.contact_name = txtContactNameSignUp.Text; = txtContactEmailSignUp.Text; objI.company_name = txtCompanyNameSignUp.Text; = txtContactPhoneNumberSignUp.Text; objI.fax = txtContactFaxSignUp.Text; objI.address_line_1 = txtAddressSignUp.Text; objI.address_line_2 = txtAddressLine2SignUp.Text; = txtCitySignUp.Text; objI.state_province = txtStateProvinceSignUp.Text; objI.zip_postal = txtZipPostalSignUp.Text; //Salt and Hash the plan text Password. String password = txtPasswordSignUp.Text; String salt = CreateSalt(8); String pass_and_salt = password + salt; // Create a new instance of the hash crypto service provider. HashAlgorithm hashAlg = new SHA256CryptoServiceProvider(); // Convert the data to hash to an array of Bytes. byte[] bytValue = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(pass_and_salt); // Compute the Hash. This returns an array of Bytes. byte[] bytHash = hashAlg.ComputeHash(bytValue); // Optionally, represent the hash value as a base64-encoded string, // For example, if you need to display the value or transmit it over a network. string base64 = Convert.ToBase64String(bytHash); //Filling the properties of password to Database. objI.password = base64; objI.salt = salt; //Saving information into Database. db.public_users.Add(objI); db.SaveChanges(); } //Email form information to [email protected] //Getting Informaion from form inputs. String Name = txtContactNameSignUp.Text; String CompanyName = txtCompanyNameSignUp.Text; String Email = txtContactEmailSignUp.Text; String PhoneNumber = txtContactPhoneNumberSignUp.Text; String Fax = txtContactFaxSignUp.Text; String AddressLine1 = txtAddressSignUp.Text; String AddressLine2 = txtAddressLine2SignUp.Text; String City = txtCitySignUp.Text; String StateProvince = txtStateProvinceSignUp.Text; String ZipPostal = txtZipPostalSignUp.Text; String Password = txtPasswordSignUp.Text; try { MailMessage mail = new MailMessage(); mail.To.Add("*****@*****.**"); //Change to [email protected] when launching. mail.From = new MailAddress("*****@*****.**"); mail.Subject = "New Dealer Signed Up: " + Name + " from " + CompanyName; string Body = "<h1>New Dealer Signed Up</h1>" + "<br />" + "<b>Name:</b>" + " " + Name + "<br />" + "<b>Comapny Name:</b>" + " " + CompanyName + "<br />" + "<b>Contact Email:</b>" + " " + Email + "<br />" + "<b>Contact Phone Number:</b>" + " " + PhoneNumber + "<br />" + "<b>Contact Fax:</b>" + " " + Fax + "<br />" + "<h2>Address</h2>" + "<b>Address Line 1:</b>" + "<br />" + AddressLine1 + "<br />" + "<b>Address Line 2:</b>" + "<br />" + AddressLine2 + "<br />" + "<b>City:</b>" + "<br />" + City + "<br />" + "<b>State / Province:</b>" + "<br />" + StateProvince + "<br />" + "<b>Zip Code / Postal Code:</b>" + "<br />" + AddressLine1 + "<br />" + "<h2>Password</h2>" + "<b>Password:</b>" + "<br />" + Password + "<br />" + "<h2>Manage Users</h2>" + "<a href=''>Manage Users</a>"; mail.Body = Body; mail.IsBodyHtml = true; SmtpClient smtp = new SmtpClient(); smtp.Host = ""; //Or Your SMTP Server Address smtp.Credentials = new System.Net.NetworkCredential ("*****@*****.**", "3Mavsol3*"); smtp.Port = 1025; //Or your Smtp Email ID and Password smtp.EnableSsl = false; smtp.Send(mail); lblSubmitSignUpMessage.Text = "You can sign in now."; } catch { lblSubmitSignUpMessageError.Text = "Something went wrong! Please try again."; } }