public ActionResult editporduct(int UpdateProductID) { ViewBag.list = Selectcategorise(); products product = dbo.Getproduct(UpdateProductID); return(View(product)); }
//Edit products public void editProducts(products products) { SqlConnection connection = new SqlConnection( ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["POS.Properties.Settings.Setting"].ConnectionString ); try { connection.Open(); string query = "UPDATE Product SET ProductName='" + products.ProductName + "'," + "QuantityPerUnit=" + products.QuantityPerUnit + ",UnitPrice=" + products.UnitPrice + "," + "UnitInStock=" + products.UnitInStock + ",ReorderLevel=" + products.ReorderLevel + " " + " WHERE BarCode=" + products.BarCode + ""; using (cmd = new SqlCommand(query, connection)) { cmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); } connection.Close(); } catch (Exception e) { e.ToString(); } }
private void Button_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { if (ProductID.Text == "" || ProductName.Text == "" || QuantityPerUnit.Text == "" || CategoryID.Text == "" || UnitPrice.Text == "" || UnitInStock.Text == "" || ReorderLevel.Text == "" || SupplierID.Text == "" || Discontinued.Text == "") { MessageBox.Show("All Fields are required to be filled"); } else { dataAccess data = new dataAccess(); products prod = new products(); prod.BarCode = long.Parse(ProductID.Text); prod.ProductName = ProductName.Text; prod.QuantityPerUnit = int.Parse(QuantityPerUnit.Text); prod.ReorderLevel = int.Parse(ReorderLevel.Text); prod.UnitInStock = int.Parse(UnitInStock.Text); prod.UnitPrice = double.Parse(UnitPrice.Text); prod.Discontinued = Discontinued.Text; data.editProducts(prod); MessageBox.Show("Product " + prod.ProductName + " Modified Successfully"); } }
public async Task <IActionResult> Putproducts([FromRoute] string id, [FromBody] products products) { if (!ModelState.IsValid) { return(BadRequest(ModelState)); } if (id != products.productid) { return(BadRequest()); } _context.Entry(products).State = EntityState.Modified; try { await _context.SaveChangesAsync(); } catch (DbUpdateConcurrencyException) { if (!productsExists(id)) { return(NotFound()); } else { throw; } } return(NoContent()); }
private void deleteBtn_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { int selectedIndex = productsDataGrid.CurrentCell.RowIndex; if (selectedIndex > -1) { string productId = productsDataGrid.Rows[selectedIndex].Cells[0].Value.ToString(); string productCode = productsDataGrid.Rows[selectedIndex].Cells[1].Value.ToString(); string productName = productsDataGrid.Rows[selectedIndex].Cells[2].Value.ToString(); string productMake = productsDataGrid.Rows[selectedIndex].Cells[3].Value.ToString(); string productModel = productsDataGrid.Rows[selectedIndex].Cells[4].Value.ToString(); string productDescription = productsDataGrid.Rows[selectedIndex].Cells[5].Value.ToString(); string productPrice = productsDataGrid.Rows[selectedIndex].Cells[7].Value.ToString(); string quantity = productsDataGrid.Rows[selectedIndex].Cells[8].Value.ToString(); itemCategory itemCat = (itemCategory)productsDataGrid.Rows[selectedIndex].Cells[9].Value; products selectedProduct = new products(int.Parse(productId), productCode, productName, productMake, productModel, productDescription, decimal.Parse(productPrice), itemCat, int.Parse(quantity)); stockDataManipulations stockDataManipulations = new stockDataManipulations(); Boolean stockDeletion = stockDataManipulations.deleteProduct(selectedProduct); if (stockDeletion) { MessageBox.Show("Deletion Successfull. Data deleted successfully", "Important Note", MessageBoxButtons.OK); } else { MessageBox.Show("Deletion Failed. Error occured while deleting data", "Important Note", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Exclamation, MessageBoxDefaultButton.Button1); } } }
public ActionResult Update(long id, String productName, Decimal price, String categoryId) { var rols = (byte[])Session["rols"]; if (rols == null) //redirect to SinIn { return(RedirectToAction("Index", "Home")); } else if (rols.Contains <byte>(1)) { var product = _products.GetOneById(id); product.productName = productName; product.price = price; if (categoryId != "--Select--" && categoryId != "") { product.categoryId = Int32.Parse(categoryId); } product.category = null; products newProducto = new products(); newProducto.Update(product); return(RedirectToAction("Index")); } else//redirect to Home { return(RedirectToAction("Home", "Home")); } }
private async void Btnagg_Clicked(object sender, EventArgs e) { btnagg.IsEnabled = false; products addfrentes = new products(); addfrentes.cooler = "/api/v1/coolers/" + Application.Current.Properties["uuidcooler"].ToString(); addfrentes.audit = "/api/v1/audits/" + Application.Current.Properties["idaudit"].ToString(); addfrentes.product = "/api/v1/products/" + uuidc.Text; addfrentes.quantity = Convert.ToInt32(pickernofrentes.SelectedItem); addfrentes.singleBottles = Convert.ToInt32(pickernobotellas.SelectedItem); HttpClient cliente = new HttpClient(); var Token = Settings.token; var json = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(addfrentes); StringContent content = new StringContent(json, Encoding.UTF8, "application/json"); var token = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(Token); cliente.DefaultRequestHeaders.Authorization = new AuthenticationHeaderValue("Bearer", Token); HttpResponseMessage response = await cliente.PostAsync("", content); string result = response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync().Result; Response responseData = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <Response>(result); if (response.IsSuccessStatusCode) { App.Current.MainPage = new addfrentesandbotles(); } else { await Application.Current.MainPage.DisplayAlert("Error", "Opps algo ocuirrio mal!", "OK"); App.Current.MainPage = new addfrentesandbotles(); } }
public ActionResult Create([FromBody] products product) { try { using (QuanLyBanHangEntities context = new QuanLyBanHangEntities()) { context.products.Add(product); context.SaveChanges(); //id tự sinh } object result = new { Code = 201, Message = "Đã tạo product thành công!", CreatedObject = product }; return(Json(result)); } catch (Exception ex) { object result = new { Code = 500, Message = "Đã có lỗi xảy ra" + ex.Message }; return(Json(result)); } }
public ActionResult Delete(int id) { try { using (QuanLyBanHangEntities context = new QuanLyBanHangEntities()) { products products = context.products.Find(id); context.products.Remove(products); context.SaveChanges(); } object result = new { Code = 200, Message = "Đã xoá product thành công!" }; return(Json(result)); } catch (Exception ex) { object result = new { Code = 500, Message = "Đã có lỗi xảy ra" + ex.Message }; return(Json(result)); } }
public int insertProduct(products tempProduct) { int result = 1; try { using (SqlConnection con = new SqlConnection(conString)) { con.Open(); SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand("InsertProduct", con); cmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure; cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@prod_Code", tempProduct.ProductCode); cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@prod_Name", tempProduct.ProductName); cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@prod_Make", tempProduct.ProductMake); cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@prod_Model", tempProduct.ProductModel); cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@prod_Description", tempProduct.ProductDescription); cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@prod_Price", tempProduct.ProductPrice); cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@prod_Cat_ID", tempProduct.ProductCateogery.Item_Category_ID); cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@quantity", tempProduct.Quantity); result = (Int32)cmd.ExecuteScalar(); con.Close(); } } catch (Exception e) { result = 0; logger.Error("DAL Error in insertProduct: " + e.Message); //Console.WriteLine("DAL Error in insertProduct: " + e.Message); } return(result); }
public ActionResult About(products product) { repo.Addproducts(product); //ViewBag.Message = "Your application description page."; return(RedirectToAction("index")); }
public ActionResult Create([FromBody] products products) { try { DataProvider.Ins.DB.products.Add(products); DataProvider.Ins.DB.SaveChanges(); object result = new { Code = 200, Message = "Đã xoá products thành công", CreateObject = products }; return(Json(result)); } catch (Exception ex) { object result = new { Code = 500, Message = "Đã có lỗi xảy ra " + ex.Message }; return(Json(result)); } }
public string Create(products Model) { DatabaseContext db = new DatabaseContext(); string msg; try { if (ModelState.IsValid) { Model.idPromo = new Random().Next(1, 1000);; db.SaveChanges(); msg = "Saved Successfully"; } else { msg = "Validation data not successfully"; } } catch (Exception ex) { msg = "Error occured:" + ex.Message; } return(msg); }
protected void Add_To_Order() { var Product_id = GlobalVariables.JStoC_Product_ID; products = products.Select(Convert.ToInt32(Product_id)); Response.Write("<script>alert('here is the results jimmy - " + products.product_name + " - " + products.product_id + " ' );</script>"); }
public string getFirstAvailableFromProductBarcode(ref int initialProductID) { string barcodeString = ""; Boolean available = false; int productCode = initialProductID; while (available == false) { productCode.ToString("D5"); barcodeString = gulsevenPrefix + productCode.ToString("D5"); barcodeString = barcodeString + calcCheckDigit(barcodeString); products pModel = _context.Products.FirstOrDefault(x => x.productBarcodeID == barcodeString); if (pModel != null) { productCode = productCode + 1; } else { available = true; } } initialProductID = productCode; return(barcodeString); }
public IHttpActionResult addItem([FromBody] itemsViewModel model) { var logInUserName = RequestContext.Principal.Identity.Name; try { if (model.is_Item_In_Store == "yes") { if (model.product_name != null && model.catid != null && model.qtyAvailable >= 0 && model.qtyAvailable >= model.qtyReorderAlertValue) { var items = new products(); = "P-" + rd.Next(1000); items.product_name = model.product_name; items.p_descripition = model.desc; items.serial_no = model.serial_no; items.cat_id = model.catid; items.opening_stock_qty = model.qtyAvailable; items.item_base_unit = model.item_base_unit; items.total_item_allocated_pending_approval = 0; items.current_stock_pending_approval = items.opening_stock_qty - items.total_item_allocated_pending_approval; items.stock_reorder_alert_qty = model.qtyReorderAlertValue; items.unitPrice = model.unitPrice; db.product.Add(items); db.SaveChanges(); ulog.loguserActivities(logInUserName, "Added new item '" + items.product_name + "'"); return(Ok()); } } else { if (model.product_name != null && model.catid != null && model.qtyReorderAlertValue >= 0) { var items = new products(); = "P-" + rd.Next(1000); items.product_name = model.product_name; items.p_descripition = model.desc; items.serial_no = model.serial_no; items.cat_id = model.catid; items.opening_stock_qty = model.qtyAvailable; items.item_base_unit = model.item_base_unit; items.total_item_allocated_pending_approval = 0; items.current_stock_pending_approval = items.opening_stock_qty - items.total_item_allocated_pending_approval; items.stock_reorder_alert_qty = model.qtyReorderAlertValue; items.unitPrice = model.unitPrice; db.product.Add(items); db.SaveChanges(); ulog.loguserActivities(logInUserName, "Added new item '" + items.product_name + "'"); return(Ok()); } } return(Content(HttpStatusCode.NotAcceptable, "Some items field are wrongly filled")); } catch (Exception ex) { return(Content(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest, ex)); } }
public HttpResponseMessage createProduct(products product) { var endpoint = urlProducts; //products p = new products {Name = product.Name, Description = product.Description, Amount = product.Amount, DestinationCity = product.DestinationCity, EventDate=product.EventDate, TransportType = product.TransportType, PeopleNumber = product.PeopleNumber, OriginCity = product.OriginCity, File = product.File }; var client = new HttpClient(); var file = product.File; var fileStreamContent = new StreamContent(file.OpenReadStream()); fileStreamContent.Headers.ContentType = new System.Net.Http.Headers.MediaTypeHeaderValue(file.ContentType); var multiContent = new MultipartFormDataContent { { new StringContent(product.Name), "Name" }, { new StringContent(product.Description), "Description" }, { new StringContent(Convert.ToString(product.Amount)), "Amount" }, { new StringContent(product.DestinationCity), "DestinationCity" }, { new StringContent(product.EventDateString), "EventDateString" }, { new StringContent(product.TransportType), "TransportType" }, { new StringContent(Convert.ToString(product.PeopleNumber)), "PeopleNumber" }, { new StringContent(product.OriginCity), "OriginCity" }, }; multiContent.Add(fileStreamContent, "FileImage", file.Name); var response = client.PostAsync(endpoint, multiContent).Result; client.Dispose(); return(response); }
public async Task <ActionResult> Create1(products Obj) { int d = Obj.Cid; Response.Write(d); return(View("Create", Obj)); }
public ActionResult Create( [Bind(Include = "id,product_code,product_name,description,standard_cost,list_price,target_level,reorder_level,minimum_reorder_quantity,quantity_per_unit,discontinued,category,image")] products products, HttpPostedFileBase image) { if (ModelState.IsValid) { // Xử lý file: lưu file vào thư mục UploadedFiles/ProductImages string _FileName = ""; // Di chuyển file vào thư mục mong muốn if (image != null && image.ContentLength > 0) { _FileName = Path.GetFileName(image.FileName); // QRCode_NenTangUrl.png string _FileNameExtension = Path.GetExtension(image.FileName); // .png if ((_FileNameExtension == ".png" || _FileNameExtension == ".jpg" || _FileNameExtension == ".jpeg" ) == false) { return(View(String.Format("File có đuôi {0} không được chấp nhận. Vui lòng kiểm tra lại!", _FileNameExtension))); } // Upload file lên thư mục Web Server (VPS) string uploadFolderPath = Server.MapPath("~/UploadedFiles/ProductImages"); if (Directory.Exists(uploadFolderPath) == false) // Nếu thư mục cần lưu trữ file upload không tồn tại (chưa có) => Tạo mới { Directory.CreateDirectory(uploadFolderPath); } // Copy file ảnh vào Thư mục UploadFiles/ProductImages trên Server //string _path = Path.Combine(uploadFolderPath, _FileName); //image.SaveAs(_path); // Lưu thông tin đường dẫn vào Database products.image = image.FileName; // Update file lên thư mục Storage Azure // Create Reference to Azure Storage Account String strorageconn = this.StorageConnectionString; CloudStorageAccount storageacc = CloudStorageAccount.Parse(strorageconn); //Create Reference to Azure Blob CloudBlobClient blobClient = storageacc.CreateCloudBlobClient(); //The next 2 lines create if not exists a container named "democontainer" CloudBlobContainer container = blobClient.GetContainerReference("democontainer"); container.CreateIfNotExists(); //The next 7 lines upload the file test.txt with the name DemoBlob on the container "democontainer" CloudBlockBlob blockBlob = container.GetBlockBlobReference(_FileName); blockBlob.UploadFromStream(image.InputStream); } // Lưu dữ liệu db.products.Add(products); db.SaveChanges(); return(RedirectToAction("Index")); } return(View(products)); }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { Choose_SearchByUserLocation_Click(sender, e); if (!IsPostBack) { } if (!ClientScript.IsStartupScriptRegistered("initialize")) { Page.ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(this.GetType(), "initialize", "initialize();", true); } if (Request.QueryString["Product_ID_Array"] != null) { product_id_array = Request.QueryString["Product_ID_Array"].Split(','); SelectedProduct_div.InnerHtml = "<table border='10', width=100%, borderColor='#00FF00'><tr><td style=\"padding: 5px 10px 5px 10px; background-color: #666666; font-size:large;\">Order Information:</td></tr></table>"; int orderNumber = 0; // Loop over strings for (int i = 0; i < product_id_array.Length; i++) { orderNumber++; products = products.Select(Convert.ToInt32(product_id_array[i])); warehouse_product_location = warehouse_product_location.Select_By_Product_ID(Convert.ToInt32(product_id_array[i])); Location = Location.Select(warehouse_product_location.Location_ID); Lat = Convert.ToDecimal(Location.n_lat); Long = Convert.ToDecimal(Location.n_long); passProduct_ID_hf.Value = Convert.ToString(products.FEMA_Description); SelectedProduct_div.InnerHtml += "<Table border='2' width='100%' align ='center'><tr><td width='10%'>" + "<b><font color='black' size='3'>#" + orderNumber + "</b></font></td ><td width='90%' bgcolor='#333333' ></td></tr>" + "<tr><td colspan='2'><b><font color='black'>Name: </b>" + products.product_name + "</td></tr>" + "<tr><td colspan='2'><b><font color='black'>Type: </b>" + products.product_type + "</font></td></tr>" + "<tr><td colspan='2'><b><font color='black'>Discription: </b>" + products.product_desc + "</font></td></tr>" + "<tr><td colspan='2'><b><font color='black'>Lat/Long: </b>" + Lat + "/" + Long + "</font></td></tr>" + "</td></tr></Table>"; EName.Add(products.product_name); EType.Add(products.product_type); EDescription.Add(products.product_desc); //Page.ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(this.GetType(), //"showMap", "showMap("+ Lat +", " + Long + ");", true); } } else { //Response.Write("<script>alert('Your order does not exist; This instance has been loged and well be looked into.');</script>"); } }
public override void New() { Product = new products() { code = GetNewProductCode(), status = true, }; base.New(); var data = dgv.DataSource as BindingList <products_units>; var db = new SalesDataContext(); if (db.units.Count() == 0) { db.units.InsertOnSubmit(new units() { name = "قطعة" }); db.SubmitChanges(); RefreshData(); } Text = $"إضافة صنف جديد"; data.Add(new products_units() { factor = 1, unitid = db.units.First().id, barcode = Master.GetNextNumberInString("00000000") }); }
public JsonResult updateProduct(products product) { string res = "false"; try { if (product != null && product.productId != 0) { products DBProduct = ProductsBiz.CreateNew().getProductById(product.productId); if (product.status != null) { DBProduct.status = product.status; } var DBres = ProductsBiz.CreateNew().updateProductById(DBProduct); if (DBres) { res = "success"; CacheHelper.RemoveAllCache(); } } } catch (Exception e) { _Apilog.WriteLog("更新产品信息异常: " + e.Message); } return(Json(res)); }
public void InsertProduct(products productToInsert) { _conn.Execute("INSERT INTO products (SHORT_DESCRIPTION, CLASS, ITEM, CASE_QTY, LESS_THAN_CASE_PRICE, ONE_CASE, FIVE_CASE, TEN_CASE, GENDER, MATERIAL, WEIGHT, COLOR, SIZE, LENGTH, WIDTH, HEIGHT, KEYWORD, IMAGE, LONG_DESCRIPTION, PRICE_BREAK_4, PRICE_BREAK_5, PAGE, DESCRIPTION_1, DESCRIPTION_2 )" + " VALUES (@short_description, @CLASS, @item, @case_qty, @ltc_price, @one_case, @five_case, @ten_case, @gender, @material, @weight, @color, @size, @length, @width, @height, @keyword, @image, @long_description, @price_break_4, @price_break_5, @page, @description_1, @description_2 );", new { short_description = productToInsert.SHORT_DESCRIPTION, CLASS = productToInsert.CLASS, item = productToInsert.ITEM, description_2 = productToInsert.DESCRIPTION_2, case_qty = productToInsert.CASE_QTY, ltc_price = productToInsert.LESS_THAN_CASE_PRICE, one_case = productToInsert.ONE_CASE, five_case = productToInsert.FIVE_CASE, ten_case = productToInsert.TEN_CASE, weight = productToInsert.WEIGHT, image = productToInsert.IMAGE, color = productToInsert.COLOR, size = productToInsert.SIZE, material = productToInsert.MATERIAL, gender = productToInsert.GENDER, keyword = productToInsert.KEYWORD, long_description = productToInsert.LONG_DESCRIPTION, description_1 = productToInsert.DESCRIPTION_1, length = productToInsert.LENGTH, width = productToInsert.WIDTH, height = productToInsert.HEIGHT, price_break_4 = productToInsert.PRICE_BREAK_4, price_break_5 = productToInsert.PRICE_BREAK_5, page = productToInsert.PAGE }); }
public async Task <IActionResult> Edit(int id, [Bind("ProductID,ProductName,ProductDescription")] products products) { if (id != products.ProductID) { return(NotFound()); } if (ModelState.IsValid) { try { _context.Update(products); await _context.SaveChangesAsync(); } catch (DbUpdateConcurrencyException) { if (!productsExists(products.ProductID)) { return(NotFound()); } else { throw; } } return(RedirectToAction(nameof(Index))); } return(View(products)); }
public void ProcessRequest(HttpContext context) { // GetlistByprocedure() List <ConvSerialization> lstjsondata = new List <ConvSerialization>(); List <products> listcustomers = new List <products>(); BusssinessLogic Objbal = new BusssinessLogic(); string term = context.Request["term"] ?? ""; context.Response.ContentType = "text/plain"; string strJson = new StreamReader(context.Request.InputStream).ReadToEnd(); JavaScriptSerializer jsserialized = new JavaScriptSerializer(); var result = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <ConvSerialization>(strJson); try { products objproduct = new products(); objproduct.ID = result.term; listcustomers = Objbal.getProductsListByid(objproduct); } catch (Exception ex) { } JavaScriptSerializer js = new JavaScriptSerializer(); js.Serialize(listcustomers); context.Response.Write(js.Serialize(listcustomers)); }
public products ProductDetail(int id) { conn = new DBMySqlConn(); MySqlCommand cmd = conn.GetSqlCommand(); cmd.CommandText = @"Select * from products p " + "inner join categories c on p.CategoryID = c.CategoryID " + "where ProductID = @proId"; cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@proId", id); MySqlDataReader dr = cmd.ExecuteReader(); products pro = new products(); while (dr.Read()) { pro.ProductID = Convert.ToInt32(dr["ProductID"]); pro.ProductName = dr["ProductName"].ToString(); pro.CategoryID = Convert.ToInt32(dr["CategoryID"]); pro.CategoryName = dr["CategoryName"].ToString(); pro.UnitInStock = Convert.ToInt32(dr["UnitInStock"]); pro.Price = Convert.ToDouble(dr["Price"]); } conn.CloseConnection(); dr.Dispose(); return(pro); }
public List <products> ProductsList() { conn = new DBMySqlConn(); List <products> plist = new List <products>(); MySqlCommand cmd = conn.GetSqlCommand(); cmd.CommandText = "Select * from products p " + "inner join categories c on p.CategoryID = c.CategoryID "; MySqlDataReader dr = cmd.ExecuteReader(); while (dr.Read()) { products pk = new products(); pk.ProductID = Convert.ToInt32(dr["ProductID"]); pk.ProductName = dr["ProductName"].ToString(); pk.CategoryID = Convert.ToInt32(dr["CategoryID"]); pk.UnitInStock = Convert.ToInt32(dr["UnitInStock"]); pk.CategoryName = dr["CategoryName"].ToString(); pk.Price = Convert.ToDouble(dr["Price"]); plist.Add(pk); } conn.CloseConnection(); dr.Dispose(); return(plist); }
public ActionResult Edit([Bind(Include = "id,product_code,product_name,description,standard_cost,list_price,target_level,reorder_level,minimum_reorder_quantity,quantity_per_unit,discontinued,category")] products products, string image_oldFile, HttpPostedFileBase image) { if (ModelState.IsValid) { string uploadFolderPath = Server.MapPath("~/UploadedFiles/ProductImages"); if (image == null) // Nếu không cập nhật file (không chọn file) { // Giữ nguyên giá trị của tên file trong cột `image` products.image = image_oldFile; } else // Người ta có chọn file ảnh mới { // 1. Xóa file ảnh cũ (để tránh rác) // ~/UploadedFiles/ProductImages/ASP.NET_CodeXuLyDangKy.png -> đường dẫn file ảnh cũ string filePathAnhCu = Path.Combine(uploadFolderPath, (products.image == null ? "" : products.image)); if (System.IO.File.Exists(filePathAnhCu)) { System.IO.File.Delete(filePathAnhCu); } // 2. Upload file ảnh mới // Xử lý file: lưu file vào thư mục UploadedFiles/ProductImages string _FileName = ""; // Di chuyển file vào thư mục mong muốn if (image.ContentLength > 0) { _FileName = Path.GetFileName(image.FileName); // QRCode_NenTangUrl.png string _FileNameExtension = Path.GetExtension(image.FileName); // .png if ((_FileNameExtension == ".png" || _FileNameExtension == ".jpg" || _FileNameExtension == ".jpeg" ) == false) { return(View(String.Format("File có đuôi {0} không được chấp nhận. Vui lòng kiểm tra lại!", _FileNameExtension))); } if (Directory.Exists(uploadFolderPath) == false) // Nếu thư mục cần lưu trữ file upload không tồn tại (chưa có) => Tạo mới { Directory.CreateDirectory(uploadFolderPath); } string _path = Path.Combine(uploadFolderPath, _FileName); image.SaveAs(_path); } // Lưu tên file vào database products.image = _FileName; } /* UPDATE products * SET product_code = 'P3333', * product_name = 'DELL 333' * WHERE id = 603 */ db.Entry(products).State = EntityState.Modified; db.SaveChanges(); return(RedirectToAction("Index")); } return(View(products)); }
public ProductDetailsDTO GetProductDetails(int productId) { products selectedProduct = db.products.Include("categories").Include("vendors").Include("vendors.regions").Include("vendors.regions.countries").Include("appellation").FirstOrDefault(x => == productId); List <user_rates> userRates = db.user_rates.Where(x => x.product_id_id == productId).ToList(); List <expert_rates> expertRates = db.expert_rates.Where(x => x.product_id_id == productId).ToList(); List <expert_product_characteristic> prodCharacteristics = db.expert_product_characteristic.Where(x => x.product_id_id == productId).ToList(); var sweetnessCharacteristics = prodCharacteristics.Where(x => x.c_header_id_id == 1); var acidityCharacteristics = prodCharacteristics.Where(x => x.c_header_id_id == 2); var tanninCharacteristics = prodCharacteristics.Where(x => x.c_header_id_id == 3); var alcoholCharacteristics = prodCharacteristics.Where(x => x.c_header_id_id == 4); var bodyCharacteristics = prodCharacteristics.Where(x => x.c_header_id_id == 5); ProductDetailsDTO newDTO = new ProductDetailsDTO(); newDTO.ProdID =; newDTO.ProdName =; newDTO.VendorName =; newDTO.CategoryName =; newDTO.RegionName =; newDTO.CountryName =; newDTO.PhotoPath = selectedProduct.photo_path; newDTO.UserAvgRate = userRates.Count > 0 ? userRates.Sum(x => x.rate) / userRates.Count : 0; newDTO.ExpertAvgRate = expertRates.Count > 0 ? expertRates.Sum(x => x.rate) / expertRates.Count : 0; newDTO.SweetnessRate = sweetnessCharacteristics.Count() > 0 ? sweetnessCharacteristics.Sum(x => x.characteristic_values) / sweetnessCharacteristics.Count() : 0; newDTO.AcidityRate = acidityCharacteristics.Count() > 0 ? acidityCharacteristics.Sum(x => x.characteristic_values) / acidityCharacteristics.Count() : 0; newDTO.TanninRate = tanninCharacteristics.Count() > 0 ? tanninCharacteristics.Sum(x => x.characteristic_values) / tanninCharacteristics.Count() : 0; newDTO.AlcoholRate = alcoholCharacteristics.Count() > 0 ? alcoholCharacteristics.Sum(x => x.characteristic_values) / alcoholCharacteristics.Count() : 0; newDTO.BodyRate = bodyCharacteristics.Count() > 0 ? bodyCharacteristics.Sum(x => x.characteristic_values) / bodyCharacteristics.Count() : 0; newDTO.Apellation = selectedProduct.appellation != null ? : string.Empty; return(newDTO); }
public static void Main(string[] args) { var productList = new List <Product> { new Product { Id = 1, Name = "John", Email = "*****@*****.**", phone = 789018, age = 39 }, new Product { Id = 2, Name = "Chang", Email = "*****@*****.**", phone = 7684919, age = 17 }, new Product { Id = 3, Name = "Anis", Email = "*****@*****.**", phone = 1078960, age = 13 }, new Product { Id = 4, Name = "Chef ", Email = "*****@*****.**", phone = 34567322, age = 53 }, new Product { Id = 4, Name = "neha ", Email = "*****@*****.**", phone = 3456722, age = 21 }, new Product { Id = 4, Name = "medha", Email = "*****@*****.**", phone = 34567422, age = 53 }, new Product { Id = 4, Name = "hiamni ", Email = "*****@*****.**", phone = 6, age = 32 }, new Product { Id = 4, Name = "pooja ", Email = "*****@*****.**", phone = 3456722, age = 17 }, new Product { Id = 4, Name = "akriti", Email = "*****@*****.**", phone = 3456722, age = 32 }, new Product { Id = 4, Name = "astha ", Email = "*****@*****.**", phone = 3456722, age = 45 } }; var javaScriptSerializer = new System.Web.Script.Serialization.JavaScriptSerializer(); string jsonString = javaScriptSerializer.Serialize(proList); Console.WriteLine(jsonString); Console.ReadLine(); // Load object with some sample data products company = new products(); // Pass "company" object for conversion object to JSON string string json = new System.Web.Script.Serialization.JavaScriptSerializer().Serialize(proList); // Write that JSON to txt file File.WriteAllText(Environment.CurrentDirectory + @"\JSON.json", json); }
public products Delete_products_select(int ID) { products = products.Select(ID); Delete_product_id_txt_lbl.Text = Convert.ToString(products.product_id); Delete_Resource_ID_txt_lbl.Text = Convert.ToString(products.Resource_ID); Delete_product_name_txt_lbl.Text = Convert.ToString(products.product_name); Delete_product_type_txt_lbl.Text = Convert.ToString(products.product_type); Delete_product_qty_txt_lbl.Text = Convert.ToString(products.product_qty); Delete_product_desc_txt_lbl.Text = Convert.ToString(products.product_desc); Delete_product_color_txt_lbl.Text = Convert.ToString(products.product_color); Delete_product_size_txt_lbl.Text = Convert.ToString(products.product_size); Delete_product_cost_txt_lbl.Text = Convert.ToString(products.product_cost); Delete_Product_exp_date_txt_lbl.Text = Convert.ToString(products.Product_exp_date); Delete_Product_Alergy_info_txt_lbl.Text = Convert.ToString(products.Product_Alergy_info); Delete_Product_refrigde_txt_lbl.Text = Convert.ToString(products.Product_refrigde); Delete_Product_Flammable_txt_lbl.Text = Convert.ToString(products.Product_Flammable); Delete_Product_Hazard_txt_lbl.Text = Convert.ToString(products.Product_Hazard); Delete_Product_Other_txt_lbl.Text = Convert.ToString(products.Product_Other); Delete_Product_Min_Inv_txt_lbl.Text = Convert.ToString(products.Product_Min_Inv); Delete_Product_Barcode_txt_lbl.Text = Convert.ToString(products.Product_Barcode); Delete_Product_subtype_txt_lbl.Text = Convert.ToString(products.Product_subtype); Delete_Make_txt_lbl.Text = Convert.ToString(products.Make); Delete_Model_txt_lbl.Text = Convert.ToString(products.Model); Delete_FEMA_Description_txt_lbl.Text = Convert.ToString(products.FEMA_Description); Delete_Year_txt_lbl.Text = Convert.ToString(products.Year); Delete_RFID_txt_lbl.Text = Convert.ToString(products.RFID); Delete_GPS_txt_lbl.Text = Convert.ToString(products.GPS); Delete_Serial_Number_txt_lbl.Text = Convert.ToString(products.Serial_Number); Delete_Height_txt_lbl.Text = Convert.ToString(products.Height); Delete_Length_txt_lbl.Text = Convert.ToString(products.Length); Delete_Depth_txt_lbl.Text = Convert.ToString(products.Depth); Delete_Weight_txt_lbl.Text = Convert.ToString(products.Weight); Delete_OAI_txt_lbl.Text = Convert.ToString(products.OAI); Delete_OAI_Type_txt_lbl.Text = Convert.ToString(products.OAI_Type); Delete_Use_txt_lbl.Text = Convert.ToString(products.Use); Delete_Brand_txt_lbl.Text = Convert.ToString(products.Brand); Delete_Power_Supply_txt_lbl.Text = Convert.ToString(products.Power_Supply); Delete_Gas_Type_txt_lbl.Text = Convert.ToString(products.Gas_Type); Delete_Needs_Gas_txt_lbl.Text = Convert.ToString(products.Needs_Gas); Delete_Needs_Electricity_txt_lbl.Text = Convert.ToString(products.Needs_Electricity); Delete_Availability_txt_lbl.Text = Convert.ToString(products.Availability); Delete_Datetime_txt_lbl.Text = Convert.ToString(products.Datetime); Delete_OpenStatus_txt_lbl.Text = Convert.ToString(products.OpenStatus); return products; }
protected void Insert_Select_Record(object sender, EventArgs e) { products = Insert_products_select(Convert.ToInt32(Insert_products_GridView.SelectedValue)); }
protected void INSERT(object sender, EventArgs e) { products = products_insert(); }
//d:\LMCom\rew\SolutionToolbar\Forms\DeployForm.cs, DeployBtn_Click static CmdDeployProjectResult DeployProject(CmdDeployProject par) { var db = NewData.Lib.CreateContext(); var res = new CmdDeployProjectResult(); string productRoot, zipFn; switch (par.action) { case DeployProjectAction.deployStart: //adjust company v DB NewData.Company comp; if (!par.isCompany) { var user = db.Users.First(u => u.Id ==; comp = user.MyPublisher != null ? user.MyPublisher : NewData.AdminServ.createCompany(db, string.Format("{0} {1} ({2})", user.FirstName, user.LastName, user.EMail), user, true); } else { comp = db.Companies.First(c => c.Id ==; } NewData.Lib.SaveChanges(db); res.companyId = comp.Id; //priprav productRoot productRoot = urlFromDesignUrl(comp.Id, par.url); zipFn = Path.ChangeExtension(ex.fileNameFromUrl(productRoot + "deploy"), ".zip"); LowUtils.AdjustFileDir(zipFn); break; case DeployProjectAction.deployEnd: case DeployProjectAction.remove: string regProductsFn, prodUrl; List<string> regs; //remove if (par.action == DeployProjectAction.remove) { if (!par.isCompany) { var user = db.Users.First(u => u.Id ==; comp = user.MyPublisher; } else { comp = db.Companies.First(c => c.Id ==; } if (comp == null) return res; = comp.Id; } //common productRoot = urlFromDesignUrl(, par.url); // /publ/0/5/folder_1/course_1/ zipFn = Path.ChangeExtension(ex.fileNameFromUrl(productRoot + "deploy"), ".zip"); //d:\lmcom\rew\web4\publ\0\5\folder_1\course_1\ prodUrl = urlFromDesignUrl(, Author.Server.prodUrlFromCourseUrl(par.url)).ToLower(); // /publ/0/5/folder_1/course_1/_prod regProductsFn = Path.ChangeExtension(ex.fileNameFromUrl(urlFromDesignUrl(, null)), ".txt"); //d:\lmcom\rew\web4\publ\0\5\meta.txt regs = File.Exists(regProductsFn) ? File.ReadAllLines(regProductsFn).ToList() : new List<string>(); //delete JS a gzip from dirs if (regs.IndexOf(prodUrl) >= 0) { regs.Remove(prodUrl); File.WriteAllLines(regProductsFn, regs); } foreach (var js in Directory.GetFiles(Path.GetDirectoryName(zipFn), "*.*", SearchOption.AllDirectories)) if (delExts.Contains(Path.GetExtension(js))) File.Delete(js); //deployEnd if (par.action == DeployProjectAction.deployEnd) { //unzip using (var str = File.OpenRead(zipFn)) using (ZipArchive zip = new ZipArchive(str, ZipArchiveMode.Read)) { var publisherPath = urlFromDesignUrl(, null).Replace('/', '\\'); // \publ\0\5\ foreach (var f in zip.Entries.OfType<ZipArchiveEntry>()) using (var fStr = f.Open()) { var fn = f.FullName.Substring(f.FullName.IndexOf('\\') + 1); fn = Machines.rootDir + publisherPath + fn; var path = Path.GetDirectoryName(fn); if (!Directory.Exists(path)) Directory.CreateDirectory(path); using (var outStr = File.Create(fn)) fStr.CopyTo(outStr); } } File.Delete(zipFn); //zaregistruj produkt if (regs.IndexOf(prodUrl) == -1) { regs.Add(prodUrl); File.WriteAllLines(regProductsFn, regs); } //ticket var ticketFn = Machines.rootPath + @"App_Data\tickets\" +; LowUtils.AdjustFileDir(ticketFn); XmlUtils.ObjectToFile(Machines.rootPath + @"App_Data\tickets\" +, par.ticket); } //common - refresh publisher siteroot.js var sitemapUrl = urlFromDesignUrl(, null); // /publ/0/5/ var files = regs.Select(r => ex.fileNameFromUrl(r)); var prods = new products { url = sitemapUrl, Items = files.Where(fn => File.Exists(fn)).Select(fn => data.readObject<product>(fn)).ToArray() }; File.WriteAllText(Path.ChangeExtension(ex.fileNameFromUrl(sitemapUrl + "siteroot"), ".js"), CourseMeta.Lib.serializeObjectToJS(prods), Encoding.UTF8); break; } return res; }
protected void Update_Select_Record(object sender, EventArgs e) { products = Update_products_select(Convert.ToInt32(Update_products_GridView.SelectedValue)); }
protected void UPDATE(object sender, EventArgs e) { products = products_update(Convert.ToInt32(Update_products_GridView.SelectedValue)); }
public products products_update(int ID) { products = products.Select(ID); products.product_id = Convert.ToInt32(Update_product_id_txt.Text); products.Resource_ID = Convert.ToInt32(Update_Resource_ID_txt.Text); products.product_name = Update_product_name_txt.Text; products.product_type = Update_product_type_txt.Text; products.product_qty = Convert.ToInt32(Update_product_qty_txt.Text); products.product_desc = Update_product_desc_txt.Text; products.product_color = Update_product_color_txt.Text; products.product_size = Update_product_size_txt.Text; products.product_cost = Convert.ToDecimal(Update_product_cost_txt.Text); products.Product_exp_date = Convert.ToDateTime(Update_Product_exp_date_txt.Text); products.Product_Alergy_info = Update_Product_Alergy_info_txt.Text; products.Product_refrigde = Update_Product_refrigde_txt.Text; products.Product_Flammable = Update_Product_Flammable_txt.Text; products.Product_Hazard = Update_Product_Hazard_txt.Text; products.Product_Other = Update_Product_Other_txt.Text; products.Product_Min_Inv = Convert.ToInt32(Update_Product_Min_Inv_txt.Text); products.Product_Barcode = Update_Product_Barcode_txt.Text; products.Product_subtype = Update_Product_subtype_txt.Text; products.Make = Update_Make_txt.Text; products.Model = Update_Model_txt.Text; products.FEMA_Description = Update_FEMA_Description_txt.Text; products.Year = Update_Year_txt.Text; products.RFID = Update_RFID_txt.Text; products.Serial_Number = Update_Serial_Number_txt.Text; products.Height = Update_Height_txt.Text; products.Length = Update_Length_txt.Text; products.Depth = Update_Depth_txt.Text; products.Weight = Update_Weight_txt.Text; products.OAI = Update_OAI_txt.Text; products.OAI_Type = Update_OAI_Type_txt.Text; products.Use = Update_Use_txt.Text; products.Brand = Update_Brand_txt.Text; products.Power_Supply = Update_Power_Supply_txt.Text; products.Gas_Type = Update_Gas_Type_txt.Text; products.Needs_Gas = Convert.ToBoolean(Update_Needs_Gas_txt.Text); products.Needs_Electricity = Convert.ToBoolean(Update_Needs_Electricity_txt.Text); products.Availability = Update_Availability_txt.Text; products.Datetime = Convert.ToDateTime(Update_Datetime_txt.Text); products.OpenStatus = Update_OpenStatus_txt.Text; products.Update(products); Insert_products_GridView.DataBind(); Update_products_GridView.DataBind(); Delete_products_GridView.DataBind(); return products; }
public void Save(bool inTemp = false) { if (!inTemp) { products product; bool _isExist = false; if (isExist(product_id)) { product = DataBase.entity.products.FirstOrDefault(x => x.product_id == product_id); _isExist = true; } else { product = new products(); } product.product_id = this.product_id; product.product_name = this.product_name; product.product_shordescription = this.product_shordescription; product.product_fulldescription = this.product_fulldescription; product.product_price = this.product_price; product.product_hit = this.product_hit; product.product_enabled = this.product_enabled; product.product_approved = this.product_approved; product.category_id = this.category_id; product.provider_id = this.provider_id; if (!_isExist) DataBase.entity.products.Add(product); DataBase.entity.SaveChanges(); } else { products_temp product; bool _isExist = false; if (isExistInTem(product_id)) { product = DataBase.entity.products_temp.FirstOrDefault(x => x.product_id == product_id); _isExist = true; } else { product = new products_temp(); } if (!_isExist) product.product_id = this.product_id; product.product_name = this.product_name; product.product_shordescription = this.product_shordescription; product.product_fulldescription = this.product_fulldescription; product.product_price = this.product_price; product.product_hit = this.product_hit; product.product_enabled = this.product_enabled; product.product_approved = this.product_approved; product.category_id = this.category_id; product.provider_id = this.provider_id; if (!_isExist) DataBase.entity.products_temp.Add(product); DataBase.entity.SaveChanges(); } }
public string get_product_id(string ID) { products = products.Select(Convert.ToInt32(ID)); return products.product_name; }
protected void createInvoicePreview() { //create invoice preview final_invoice_div.Style.Add("display", "block"); FINAL_to_Name_L.Text = selected_Warehouse.warehouse_name; FINAL_to_CompanyName_L.Text = selected_Warehouse.warehouse_name; FINAL_to_StreetAddress_L.Text = address.str_add; FINAL_to_CityStateZip_L.Text = + " " + address.state + " " + address.zip_plus_four; FINAL_caseNumber_L.Text = "Case #/Order #: " + case_intake.case_id + " / " + requestor_Order.OrderID; FINAL_date_L.Text = Convert.ToString(DateTime.Now); for (int i = 0; i < product_id_array.Length; i++) { products = products.Select(Convert.ToInt32(product_id_array[i])); warehouse_product_location = warehouse_product_location.Select_By_Product_ID(products.product_id); warehouse = warehouse.Select(warehouse_product_location.warehouse_id); checkWarehouseIDs.Add(warehouse.warehouse_id); for (int j = 0; j < checkWarehouseIDs.Count; j++) { if (warehouse.warehouse_id != checkWarehouseIDs[j] || checkWarehouseIDs.Count == 1) { selectedWarehouseIDs.Add(warehouse.warehouse_id); } } int itemNum = i + 1; FINAL_orderNum_div.InnerHtml += itemNum + "<br/>"; FINAL_ProductID_and_WarehouseID_div.InnerHtml += products.product_id + " / " + warehouse.warehouse_id + "<br/>"; FINAL_orderQTY_div.InnerHtml += 1 + "<br/>"; FINAL_orderDESCRIPTION_div.InnerHtml += products.product_name + "<br/>"; } FINAL_from_Name_L.Text = ""; FINAL_from_CompanyName_L.Text = ""; FINAL_from_StreetAddress_L.Text = ""; FINAL_from_CityStateZip_L.Text = ""; for (int k = 0; k < selectedWarehouseIDs.Count; k++) { warehouse = warehouse.Select(selectedWarehouseIDs[k]); address = address.Select(warehouse.address_id); if (selectedWarehouseIDs[k] == selectedWarehouseIDs.Count - 1 && selectedWarehouseIDs.Count > 0) { FINAL_from_Name_L.Text += selectedWarehouseIDs[k] + ": " + warehouse.warehouse_name + " | "; FINAL_from_CompanyName_L.Text += selectedWarehouseIDs[k] + ": " + warehouse.warehouse_name + " | "; FINAL_from_StreetAddress_L.Text += selectedWarehouseIDs[k] + ": " + address.str_add + " | "; FINAL_from_CityStateZip_L.Text += selectedWarehouseIDs[k] + ": " + + " " + address.state + " " + address.zip_plus_four + " | "; } else if (selectedWarehouseIDs[k] != selectedWarehouseIDs.Count - 1 && selectedWarehouseIDs.Count > 0) { FINAL_from_Name_L.Text += selectedWarehouseIDs[k] + ": " + warehouse.warehouse_name; FINAL_from_CompanyName_L.Text += selectedWarehouseIDs[k] + ": " + warehouse.warehouse_name; FINAL_from_StreetAddress_L.Text += selectedWarehouseIDs[k] + ": " + address.str_add; FINAL_from_CityStateZip_L.Text += selectedWarehouseIDs[k] + ": " + + " " + address.state + " " + address.zip_plus_four; } else { FINAL_from_Name_L.Text += warehouse.warehouse_name; FINAL_from_CompanyName_L.Text += warehouse.warehouse_name; FINAL_from_StreetAddress_L.Text += address.str_add; FINAL_from_CityStateZip_L.Text += + " " + address.state + " " + address.zip_plus_four; } } placeOrder_div.Style.Add("display", "none"); }