//[model("")] //[info("")] //public static readonly string SomeFiloler = "Filler"; public override void Process(opis message) { if (modelSpec.isHere(Fill_itemsArray)) { message.CopyArr(o[context.items]); } if (modelSpec.isHere(Fill_ContextsArray)) { message.CopyArr(o[context.subcon]); } }
public override void Process(opis message) { opis ms = modelSpec.Duplicate(); instanse.ExecActionModelsList(ms); opis rez = new opis(); if (ms.isHere(VerControlAlgorithm)) { opis r = VerControlCompare(ms[first].Duplicate(), ms[second].Duplicate()); message.CopyArr(new opis()); message.AddArr(r); return; } var sec = ms[second].Duplicate(); ms[first].Difference(sec, true, false, ms.isHere(deep_is_prior), ms.isHere(range_body), ms.isHere(koef) ? ms[koef].intVal : 1, ms.isHere(koef_mult) ? ms[koef_mult].intVal : 1 ); var fir = ms[first].Duplicate(); ms[second].Difference(fir, true, false, ms.isHere(deep_is_prior), ms.isHere(range_body), ms.isHere(koef) ? ms[koef].intVal : 1, ms.isHere(koef_mult) ? ms[koef_mult].intVal : 1 ); message.CopyArr(new opis()); message["sec"] = sec; message["fir"] = fir; message["compare_b"].PartitionKind = "different body"; message["compare_not_f"].PartitionKind = "node not found"; message["compare_listCou"].PartitionKind = "different listCou"; message["compare_b+listCou"].PartitionKind = "different body different listCou"; }
public override void Process(opis message) { opis spec = modelSpec.Duplicate(); instanse.ExecActionModelsList(spec); int siz = spec[chunck_size].intVal; opis srs = spec[source]; opis rez = new opis(srs.listCou / siz); int idx = 0; while (idx < (srs.listCou - siz + 1)) { var itm = new opis(siz) { PartitionName = "itm" }; rez.AddArr(itm); for (int i = 0; i < siz; i++) { itm[i.ToString()] = srs[idx]; idx++; } } message.body = ""; message.CopyArr(rez); }
opis dir(FtpClient client, string path, bool rec = true) { opis rez = new opis(); foreach (FtpListItem item in client.GetListing(path)) { opis itm = new opis(); itm.PartitionName = item.Name; var dd = client.GetModifiedTime(item.FullName); // itm.body = dd.ToString(); if (item.Type == FtpFileSystemObjectType.File) { itm.PartitionKind = "file"; itm["date"].body = dd.Date.ToString("dd/MM/yyyy"); itm["date_ticks"].body = dd.Date.Ticks.ToString(); itm["size"].body = client.GetFileSize(item.FullName).ToString(); } if (rec && item.Type == FtpFileSystemObjectType.Directory) { itm.CopyArr(dir(client, item.FullName)); } // calculate a hash for the file on the server side (default algorithm) //FtpHash hash = client.GetHash(item.FullName); rez.AddArr(itm); } return(rez); }
public override void Process(opis message) { opis spec = modelSpec.Duplicate(); instanse.ExecActionModelsList(spec); instanse.ExecActionModelsList(spec[arguments]); if (spec.isHere(source)) { eng = new Jint.Engine().Execute(spec.V(source)); } ; if (eng != null && spec.isHere(function)) { var pr = new object[spec[arguments].listCou]; // spec[arguments].ListValues().ToArray(); try { var res = eng.Invoke(spec.V(function), spec[arguments].ListValues().ToArray()); message.body = res.ToString(); } catch (Exception e) { message.body = e.Message; } } message.CopyArr(new opis()); }
public override void Process(opis message) { opis ms = SpecLocalRunAll(); var rez = new opis(); int rezcou = 0; var txt = ms.V(text); var ptn = ms[patterns].ListValues();; foreach (var p in ptn) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(p)) { continue; } Regex regex = new Regex(p.Replace("_", " ")); MatchCollection matches = regex.Matches(txt); if (matches.Count > 0) { foreach (Match match in matches) { rezcou++; rez.Vset(rezcou.ToString(), match.Value); txt = txt.Replace(match.Value, ""); } } } message.body = txt; message.CopyArr(rez); }
public void GetLogForThisins() { logopis = new opis(name); thisins["Models_log"].AddArr(logopis); logopis.CopyArr(modelSpec); logopis.body = modelSpec.V("_path_"); }
public override void Process(opis message) { var Root = new opis(); BuildLevel(o, Root); message.CopyArr(Root); }
public override void Process(opis message) { opis spec = modelSpec.Duplicate(); instanse.ExecActionModelsList(spec); string csource = spec.V(source); var arr = string.IsNullOrEmpty(spec.V(separator)) ? csource.Split() : csource.Split(spec.V(separator)[0]); if (spec.isHere(array_source)) { var srs = spec[array_source]; arr = new string[srs.listCou]; for (int i = 0; i < srs.listCou; i++) { arr[i] = srs[i].body; } } opis word_arr = new opis(arr.Length + 1); bool nonempt = spec.isHere(non_empty_only, false); for (int i = 0; i < arr.Length; i++) { if (!nonempt || (nonempt && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(arr[i].Trim()))) { word_arr.Vset(i.ToString(), arr[i].Trim()); } } var rez = ""; string join_sep = spec[glue_with].isInitlze ? spec.V(glue_with).Replace('_', ' ') : " "; if (spec.isHere(last_N)) { int n = 0; int.TryParse(spec.V(last_N), out n); rez = String.Join(join_sep, arr.Skip(arr.Length > n ? arr.Length - n : 0).ToList()); } if (spec.isHere(first_N)) { int n = 0; int.TryParse(spec.V(first_N), out n); rez = String.Join(join_sep, arr.Take(arr.Length < n ? arr.Length : n).ToList()); } message.body = rez.Trim(); message.PartitionKind = ""; message.CopyArr(word_arr); }
public override void Process(opis message) { if (message.PartitionKind == name) { message.PartitionKind += "_done"; } if (message.listCou > 0 && message.getPartitionIdx(Wrap) == -1) { string name = message[0].PartitionName; opis tmp = SharedContextRoles.GetRole(name, sharedVal); message.body = tmp.body; message.CopyArr(tmp); if (modelSpec.getPartitionIdx(Wrap) != -1) { message.Wrap(tmp); } else { message.body = tmp.body; message.CopyArr(tmp); } } else { string name = message.body; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(name)) { opis tmp = SharedContextRoles.GetRole(name, sharedVal); if (modelSpec.getPartitionIdx(Wrap) != -1) { message.Wrap(tmp); } else { message.body = tmp.body; message.CopyArr(tmp); } } } }
public override void Process(opis message) { opis ms = SpecLocalRunAll(); var srs = ms[source]; message.CopyArr(new opis()); if (ms.isHere(car, false)) { message.Wrap(srs.listCou > 0 ? srs[0] : new opis()); } if (ms.isHere(cdr, false)) { message.CopyArr(srs); message.RemoveArrElem(0); } }
public override void Process(opis message) { opis ms = modelSpec.Duplicate(); instanse.ExecActionModelsList(ms); opis rez = new opis(); bool retdata = ms.isHere(returnItemsNotBranches); bool exactOnly = ms.isHere(exact_structure); bool onlyItemsLevel = ms.isHere(only_top_level, false); ms[source].FindByTemplateValue(ms[template], rez, exactOnly, retdata, true, false, !onlyItemsLevel); message.CopyArr(rez, true); if (!ms.isHere(all) && rez.listCou > 0) { message.CopyArr(rez[0], true); message.body = rez[0].body; } }
public override void Process(opis message) { if (modelSpec.isHere(get_all, false) && global_log.log != null) { message.CopyArr(global_log.log); } if (modelSpec.isHere(clear_all, false)) { global_log.ClearAll(); } }
public override void Process(opis message) { opis ms = SpecLocalRunAll(); var fs = new fuzzinesSettings(ms[fuzz]); message.PartitionKind = ""; message.CopyArr(Search(ms[options].ListPartitions().Select(x => new TermMatch() { term = x }).ToList(), fs, ms.V(word))); }
public override void Process(opis message) { opis spec = modelSpec.Duplicate(); instanse.ExecActionModelsList(spec); var dayz = Dates.DaysInPeriod(Dates.FromStringTicks(spec.V(start)), Dates.FromStringTicks(spec.V(fin))); if (Dates.FromStringTicks(spec.V(start)) > Dates.FromStringTicks(spec.V(fin))) { dayz.Clear(); } var firstW = Dates.FromStringTicks(spec.V(dateForFirstWeek)); var h = spec[hour].intVal; var m = spec[minute].intVal; var format = spec[dateFormat].body; opis rez = new opis(); foreach (var date in dayz) { var d = date.AddHours(h).AddMinutes(m); opis dayInfo = new opis(); dayInfo.PartitionName = "d"; dayInfo.Vset("DayOfYear", d.DayOfYear.ToString()); dayInfo.Vset("Year", d.Year.ToString()); dayInfo.Vset("Month", d.Month.ToString()); dayInfo.Vset("Day", d.Day.ToString()); dayInfo.Vset("DayOfWeek", ((int)d.DayOfWeek).ToString()); dayInfo.Vset("Ticks", d.Ticks.ToString()); dayInfo.Vset("Formatted", d.ToString(format)); int wnum = (Dates.WeekNumSince(firstW, d) + 1); int week_odd_even = Dates.WeekForDate(firstW, 1, d); int quattro_odd_even = 0; dayInfo.Vset("week_num", wnum.ToString()); dayInfo.Vset("week_1_2", week_odd_even.ToString()); quattro_odd_even = (wnum + 3) % 4; dayInfo.Vset("week_1_2_3_4", quattro_odd_even.ToString()); rez.AddArr(dayInfo); } message.CopyArr(rez); }
public override void Process(opis message) { opis spec = modelSpec.Duplicate(); instanse.ExecActionModelsList(spec); if (spec.isHere(InnerHtmlLengthLimit)) { int.TryParse(spec.V(InnerHtmlLengthLimit), out maxHtmlShow); } if (spec.isHere(ignore_names_attr)) { namesAtrIgnore = new List <string>(); for (int i = 0; i < spec[ignore_names_attr].listCou; i++) { namesAtrIgnore.Add(spec[ignore_names_attr][i].PartitionName); } } var htmltext = spec.V(HtmlText); if (spec.isHere(fix_html)) { fixes = spec[fix_html]; return; } if (fixes != null) { for (int i = 0; i < fixes.listCou; i++) { htmltext = htmltext.Replace(fixes[i]["bad"].body, fixes[i]["good"].body); } } HtmlDocument doc = new HtmlDocument(); doc.LoadHtml(htmltext); var rez = new opis(); var docRoot = rez["DocumentNode"]; Trace(doc.DocumentNode, docRoot); message.CopyArr(docRoot); }
public override void Process(opis message) { opis source = o; if (modelSpec[sdc_Role].isInitlze) { source = SharedContextRoles.GetRole(modelSpec[sdc_Role].body, sharedVal); } if (source != null) { opis t = contex.GetHierarchyStub(source); message.body = t.body; message.CopyArr(t); } }
public static void DecompressOpis(opis t) { opis parsed = new opis(); try { parsed.load(Compress.DeComprez(t.body)); } catch (IndexOutOfRangeException e) { parsed.body = Compress.DeComprez(t.body); } t.CopyArr(parsed); t.body = parsed.body; }
public override void Process(opis message) { opis data = new opis(); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(rawData)) { if (rawData.Trim().StartsWith("{")) { data.load(rawData); } else { data.load(Compress.DeComprez(rawData)); } } message.CopyArr(data); }
//[info("")] //[model("")] //public static readonly string Connection = "Connection"; public override void Process(opis message) { opis spec = modelSpec.Duplicate(); instanse.ExecActionModelsList(spec); if (spec.isHere(Connection) && !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(spec.V(Connection))) { curr_conn = spec.V(Connection); } opis trtrt = ConnectAndQuery(curr_conn, spec.V(Query_text), spec.isHere(Capasity) && spec[Capasity].isInitlze ? spec[Capasity].intVal : 10000); message.body = ""; message.CopyArr(trtrt); //message.AddArr(trtrt); }
public override void Process(opis message) { opis spec = modelSpec.Duplicate(); instanse.ExecActionModelsList(spec); var p = spec.V(pname); if (spec.isHere(val)) { Set(p, spec[val]); } else { message.PartitionKind = ""; message.CopyArr(storage[p]); message.body = storage[p].body; } }
public override void Process(opis message) { if (message.PartitionKind == name) { message.PartitionKind += "_done"; } string nm = message.body; int idx = sharedVal.getPartitionIdx(nm); opis tmp = idx != -1 ? sharedVal[idx].W() : new opis();// SharedContextRoles.GetRole(nm, sharedVal); if (modelSpec.getPartitionIdx("W") != -1) { message.Wrap(tmp); } else { message.body = tmp.body; message.CopyArr(tmp); } }
public override void Process(opis message) { opis args = modelSpec[word].Duplicate(); instanse.ExecActionModel(args, args); //logopis.WrapByName(args, "word"); if (args.isInitlze) { if (modelSpec[Create_instance].isInitlze) { instanse.CreateInstance(args.body); } opis t = instanse.GetWordForm(args.body).Duplicate(); SharedContextRoles.SetRole(t, modelSpec.isHere(role) ? modelSpec[role].body : "NotionWord", sharedVal); message.body = t.body; message.CopyArr(t); } }
public override void Process(opis message) { opis trtrt = new opis(); try { if (modelSpec.isHere(opis_json)) { trtrt.load(message.body); } else { trtrt.JsonParce(message.body); } } catch (Exception e) { trtrt["error parce"].body = e.Message; } message.body = ""; if (modelSpec.isHere(opis_json)) { message.body = trtrt.body; } if (modelSpec.isHere(decode_names)) { trtrt.RunRecursively(x => x.PartitionName = TemplatesMan.UTF8BigEndian_to_Kirill(x.PartitionName)); } message.CopyArr(new opis()); message.AddArr(trtrt); }
public override void Process(opis message) { opis spec = modelSpec.Duplicate(); instanse.ExecActionModelsList(spec); var srs = spec[source]; if (spec.isHere(sort_source)) { srs = message; } int sortt = (spec.isHere(sort_type)) ? spec[sort_type].intVal : 1; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(spec.V(order))) { var pnm = spec.V(order_by_partition); if (pnm.Length > 0) { srs.SortArrayBy_pname_body(pnm, sortt, spec.V(order) != "desc"); } else if (sortt == 3 || sortt == 4) { srs.SortArrayBy_items_body(sortt, spec.V(order) != "desc"); } else { srs.SortThisArrayBy_items_pname(sortt, spec.V(order) != "desc"); } } if (spec.isHere(sort_source)) { return; } // ======================== // document composing var rez = ""; var pn = spec[part_names]; for (int i = 0; i < srs.listCou; i++) { var line = ""; if (pn.listCou > 0) { for (int k = 0; k < pn.listCou; k++) { line += srs[i][pn[k].PartitionName].body + "\t"; } } else { line += srs[i].PartitionName + "\t " + srs[i].body; } rez += line + " \n"; } message.body = rez; message.PartitionKind = ""; message.CopyArr(new opis()); }
public override void Process(opis message) { opis spec = modelSpec.Duplicate(); instanse.ExecActionModelsList(spec); if (spec.isHere(source)) { csource = spec.V(source); } if (spec.isHere(pos)) { cpos = spec[pos].intVal; } bool startCloser_to_end = spec.isHere(start_closer_to_end); bool endingCloser_to_end = spec.isHere(fin_closer_to_end); string st = string.IsNullOrEmpty(spec.V(start)) ? spec.V(alt_start) : spec.V(start); var rez = GetEnclosed("###" + csource + "###", st, spec.V(fin), ref cpos, startCloser_to_end, endingCloser_to_end); var enclfound = spec.V(fin); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(rez) && spec.isHere(alt_fin)) { rez = GetEnclosed("###" + csource + "###", st, spec.V(alt_fin), ref cpos, startCloser_to_end, endingCloser_to_end); enclfound = spec.V(alt_fin); } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(rez) && spec.isHere(alt_fin2)) { rez = GetEnclosed("###" + csource + "###", st, spec.V(alt_fin2), ref cpos, startCloser_to_end, endingCloser_to_end); enclfound = spec.V(alt_fin2); } if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(rez)) { if (spec.isHere(fin_as_separator)) { cpos -= enclfound.Length; } if (spec.isHere(add_closures)) { switch (spec.V(add_closures)) { case "sf": rez = st + rez + enclfound; break; case "s": rez = st + rez; break; case "f": rez = rez + enclfound; break; } } if (spec.isHere(if_not_empty)) { var par = new opis() { body = rez, PartitionName = "rez" }; instanse.ExecActionResponceModelsList(spec[if_not_empty], par); } } message.body = rez.Trim(); message.PartitionKind = ""; message.CopyArr(new opis()); }
public override void Process(opis message) { opis rl = modelSpec[ReplaceList].Duplicate(); instanse.ExecActionModel(rl, rl); //string data = message.body; opis dd = modelSpec[String_templ].Duplicate(); instanse.ExecActionModel(dd, dd); string data = dd.body; opis t = modelSpec[values_container].Duplicate(); instanse.ExecActionModel(t, t); //logopis.AddArr(t); if (modelSpec.isHere(use_container_names)) { for (int i = 0; i < t.listCou; i++) { string torepl = "#" + t[i].PartitionName.Trim() + "#"; string replacement = t[i].body; replacement = replacement.Trim(new char[] { '"' }); if (modelSpec.isHere(percent_symbol_encode)) { replacement = replacement.Replace("%", "%25"); } if (!modelSpec.isHere(no_slash_conversion)) { replacement = replacement.Replace("/", "%2F").Replace(" ", "+"); } if (modelSpec.isHere(params_full_url_encoding)) { replacement = TemplatesMan.UrlEncodeFull(replacement); } else if (modelSpec.isHere(aspnet_form_encoding)) { replacement = TemplatesMan.AspnetUrlEncodeFull(replacement); } if (modelSpec.isHere(params_UTF_to_UTF25pref_encoding)) { replacement = TemplatesMan.UTF_to_UTF25pref(replacement); } if (!modelSpec.isHere(no_encoding_conversion)) { data = data.Replace(torepl, TemplatesMan.Kirill_to_UTF(replacement)); } else { data = data.Replace(torepl, replacement); } } } else { for (int i = 0; i < rl.listCou; i++) { string replacement = t.V(string.IsNullOrEmpty(rl[i].body) ? rl[i].PartitionName.Trim(new char[] { '#' }) : rl[i].body); replacement = replacement.Trim(new char[] { '"' }); if (!modelSpec.isHere(no_slash_conversion)) { replacement = replacement.Replace("/", "%2F").Replace(" ", "+"); } if (modelSpec.isHere(params_full_url_encoding)) { replacement = TemplatesMan.UrlEncodeFull(replacement); } if (modelSpec.isHere(params_UTF_to_UTF25pref_encoding)) { replacement = TemplatesMan.UTF_to_UTF25pref(replacement); } if (!modelSpec.isHere(no_encoding_conversion)) { data = data.Replace(rl[i].PartitionName, TemplatesMan.Kirill_to_UTF(replacement)); } else { data = data.Replace(rl[i].PartitionName, replacement); } } } message.body = data; message.PartitionKind = ""; message.CopyArr(new opis()); }
public override void Process(opis message) { opis mspec = modelSpec.Duplicate(); instanse.ExecActionModelsList(mspec); DateTime r = new DateTime(); if (mspec.isHere(override_actual_date, false)) { if (mspec[override_actual_date].isInitlze) { overrideActual = Dates.FromStringTicks(mspec.V(override_actual_date)); } else { overrideActual = new DateTime(2); } } if (mspec.isHere(from_ticks, false) && mspec[from_ticks].isInitlze) { r = Dates.FromStringTicks(mspec.V(from_ticks)); if (mspec.isHere(hour) || mspec.isHere(day)) { TimeSpan sp = new TimeSpan(mspec[day].intVal, mspec[hour].intVal, mspec[minute].intVal, 0); r = r.Add(sp); } } if (mspec.isHere(from_unix, false) && mspec[from_unix].isInitlze) { r = Dates.FromEpochTime(mspec.V(from_unix)); if (mspec.isHere(hour) || mspec.isHere(day)) { TimeSpan sp = new TimeSpan(mspec[day].intVal, mspec[hour].intVal, mspec[minute].intVal, 0); r = r.Add(sp); } } if (mspec.isHere(return_actual_date, false)) { r = DateTime.Now; if (overrideActual.Year > 2000) { r = overrideActual; } if (mspec.isHere(hour) || mspec.isHere(day)) { TimeSpan sp = new TimeSpan(mspec[day].intVal, mspec[hour].intVal, mspec[minute].intVal, 0); r = r.Add(sp); } } if (mspec.isHere(return_system_date, false)) { r = DateTime.Now; if (mspec.isHere(hour) || mspec.isHere(day)) { TimeSpan sp = new TimeSpan(mspec[day].intVal, mspec[hour].intVal, mspec[minute].intVal, 0); r = r.Add(sp); } } if (mspec.isHere(month, false)) { try { var yr = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(mspec.V(year)) ? mspec[year].intVal : DateTime.Now.Year; yr = yr < 100 ? 2000 + yr : yr; r = new DateTime(yr, mspec[month].intVal, mspec[day].intVal, mspec[hour].intVal, mspec[minute].intVal, 0); } catch { } } if (mspec.isHere(set_curr, false)) { curr = r; } if (mspec.isHere(Get_next_Week_monday, false)) { r = Dates.MondayForDate(Dates.MondayForDate(curr).AddDays((mspec[Get_next_Week_monday].intVal > 0 || mspec[Get_next_Week_monday].PartitionKind != "spec_tag") ? mspec[Get_next_Week_monday].intVal : 7)); if (mspec.isHere(hour)) { TimeSpan sp = new TimeSpan(mspec[hour].intVal, mspec[minute].intVal, 0); r = r.Add(sp); } } if (mspec.isHere(Get_This_Week_Sunday, false)) { r = Dates.SundayForDate(curr); } message.body = mspec.OptionActive(format, false) ? r.ToString(mspec.V(format)) : r.Ticks.ToString(); if (mspec.isHere(epoch_value, false)) { message.body = Dates.EpochTime(r).ToString(); } else if (mspec.isHere(week_num, false)) { message.body = new GregorianCalendar(GregorianCalendarTypes.Localized).GetWeekOfYear(r, CalendarWeekRule.FirstFullWeek, DayOfWeek.Monday).ToString(); } message.CopyArr(new opis()); }
public void buildCool(opis template, opis partition) { for (int i = 0; i < template.listCou; i++) { opis tt = template[i]; opis srch = new opis(); srch.body = getChemaVal(tt.body, "?", ""); srch.PartitionName = getChemaVal(tt.PartitionName, "?", ""); srch.PartitionKind = getChemaVal(tt.PartitionKind, "?", ""); opis found = new opis(); partition.FindTreePartitions(srch, "", found, false); if (found.listCou > 0) { opis fop = found[0][0]; // = operate duplicated object if (tt.PartitionName.Contains("=")) { fop = fop.Duplicate(); } // ^ operate unwrapped object if (tt.PartitionName.Contains("^")) { fop = fop.W(); } // * fill array if (tt.PartitionName.Contains("*")) { string apn = getChemaVal(tt.PartitionName, "*", srch.PartitionName); opis itm = new opis(); itm.PartitionName = apn; itm.CopyArr(fop); roleObject.AddArr(itm); } // @ wrap partition if (tt.PartitionName.Contains("@")) { string apn = getChemaVal(tt.PartitionName, "@", srch.PartitionName); opis itm = new opis(); itm.PartitionName = apn; itm.Wrap(fop); roleObject.AddArr(itm); } // # put as is if (tt.PartitionName.Contains("#")) { roleObject.AddArr(fop); } // $ put body value as (usable in body ) if (tt.body.Contains("$")) { string apn = getChemaVal(tt.body, "$", srch.PartitionName); opis itm = new opis(); itm.PartitionName = apn; itm.body = fop.body; roleObject.AddArr(itm); } //recurce if (tt.listCou > 0) { buildCool(tt, fop); } } } }
public override void Process(opis message) { opis data = new opis(); opis curr_data = data; data.PartitionName = "root"; opis treeStruct = new opis(); treeStruct["data"].Wrap(curr_data); opis curr_value = new opis(); opis ex = modelSpec.Duplicate(); instanse.ExecActionModelsList(ex); modelSpec = ex; string filename = modelSpec.V(file).Replace("<%backslash%>", @"\"); string[] proc = DataFileUtils.LoadLines(filename); string format = "my"; if (modelSpec[format_type].listCou > 0) { format = modelSpec[format_type][0].PartitionName; } if (format != "my") { opis paramToParser = new opis("stringArray", (object)proc); instanse.ExecActionResponceModelsList(modelSpec[format_type], paramToParser); data = paramToParser["data"]; } #region tree structure from 1c (MY format) if (format == "my") { foreach (string s in proc) { string ds = s.Trim(); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(ds)) { continue; } if (ds == "{" || ds == "}") { if (ds == "{") { opis treeStructProc = new opis(); treeStructProc["higher"] = treeStruct; curr_data = curr_value; treeStructProc["data"].Wrap(curr_data); treeStruct = treeStructProc; } if (ds == "}") { treeStruct = treeStruct["higher"]; //if (!treeStruct.isInitlze) // logopis.Vset(curr_data.PartitionName, "err: parent object not found"); curr_data = treeStruct["data"].W(); } } else { //opis treeStructProc = new opis(); //treeStructProc["higher"] = treeStruct; opis vvv = new opis(); curr_data[ds] = vvv; curr_value = vvv; //treeStructProc["data"].Wrap(curr_data); //treeStruct = treeStructProc; } } } #endregion SharedContextRoles.SetRole(data, modelSpec.isHere(role) ? modelSpec[role].body : "Data_loaded", sharedVal); if (modelSpec.isHere(FillMessage)) { message.CopyArr(data); } }