Пример #1
    //Method that creates the 8 children of this node. After creating them, it empties its own List of items-
    private bool split()
        float half = halfSpaceLength / 2f;

        if (half >= minimumSize)
            for (int y = 0; y < 2; y++)
                for (int z = 0; z < 2; z++)
                    for (int x = 0; x < 2; x++)
                        Vector3 childCenter = new Vector3(centerSpace.x + half * Mathf.Pow(-1f, x),
                                                          centerSpace.y + half * Mathf.Pow(-1f, y),
                                                          centerSpace.z + half * Mathf.Pow(-1f, z));

                        _children [4 * y + 2 * z + x] = new octreeNode(this, new List <octreeItem>(nodeElements), half, childCenter, "node");
Пример #2
    public octreeNode(octreeNode parent, List <octreeItem> potentialItems, float halfLength, Vector3 centerPos, string name)
        this.parent          = parent;
        this.centerSpace     = centerPos;
        this.halfSpaceLength = halfLength;
        this.name            = name + "(" + id++ + ")"; //Only for debugging-

        for (int i = 0; i < potentialItems.Count; i++)

        //Graphic representation of the space-
Пример #3
    //Alternative to push method proposed below:
    private void pushItem(octreeItem item)
        //If the item belongs to this node's elements, then it will not be evaluated:
        if (!nodeElements.Contains(item))
            //If the item has an owner (meaning he is being modified, not created):
            if (item.ownerNodes.Count > 0)
                //If the item's owner is different from this node (caused by items moved or node split)
                if (!ReferenceEquals(this, item.ownerNodes [0]))
                    //You get the previous owner reference:
                    octreeNode prevOwner = item.ownerNodes [0];
                    item.ownerNodes [0] = this;

                    //If the previous owner was not root, then you have to check wether his parent should merge his children back together:
                    //If the previous owner is the parent of this node, it does not enter here since it means it just split:
                    //Later, a bool could be used to know when we want to dinamically update the tree:
                    while (prevOwner.parent != null && !ReferenceEquals(this.parent, prevOwner))                     //if (prevOwner.parent != null && !ReferenceEquals(this.parent, prevOwner))**##
                        //We get the parent node of the previous owner, which might get terminated:
                        octreeNode        prevOwnerParent  = prevOwner.parent;
                        List <octreeItem> tempElementsList = new List <octreeItem> ();
                        int totalCount = 0;
                        for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++)
                            octreeNode child = prevOwnerParent.children [i];
                            totalCount += child.nodeElements.Count;

                        //Here, the prevOwnerParent destroy his children:
                        if (totalCount <= maxNumberOfElements)
                            for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++)
                                GameObject.Destroy(prevOwnerParent.children [i].obj);
                                prevOwnerParent.children [i] = null;

                            //Every item which pointed to these destroyed child nodes must now point to their parent (new owner):
                            for (int i = 0; i < tempElementsList.Count; i++)
                                tempElementsList [i].ownerNodes [0] = prevOwnerParent;

                        //Now, we should set up the params for the next iteration:
                        prevOwner = prevOwnerParent;                         //Only when using the while()-**##
            //If the item doesn't have an owner, he must be entering the octree for the first time:

        //If after adding the element the node is overloaded, it has to split and then empty his list:
        if (nodeElements.Count > maxNumberOfElements)
            if (split())