Пример #1
        public static void SetupIdMap(this nHydrate.DataImport.Database database, nHydrate.DataImport.Database master)
            foreach (var item in database.EntityList)
                var o = master.EntityList.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Name == item.Name);
                if (o != null)
                    item.ID = o.ID;
                    foreach (var f in item.FieldList)
                        var f2 = o.FieldList.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Name == f.Name);
                        if (f2 != null)
                            f.ID = f2.ID;

            foreach (var item in database.ViewList)
                var o = master.ViewList.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Name == item.Name);
                if (o != null)
                    item.ID = o.ID;
Пример #2
        public static void CleanUp(this nHydrate.DataImport.Database database)
            foreach (var item in database.EntityList)
                foreach (var field in item.FieldList)
                    var dt = (DataTypeConstants)Enum.Parse(typeof(DataTypeConstants), field.DataType.ToString());
                    var l  = dt.GetPredefinedSize();
                    if (l != -1)
                        field.Length = l;

                    l = dt.GetPredefinedScale();
                    if (l != -1)
                        field.Scale = l;
Пример #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Convert a new DSL model into a data import model
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="model"></param>
        /// <param name="diagram"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static nHydrate.DataImport.Database Convert(nHydrateModel model, Microsoft.VisualStudio.Modeling.Diagrams.Diagram diagram)
            var database = new nHydrate.DataImport.Database();

            #region Load the entities
            foreach (var entity in model.Entities)
                var newEntity = new nHydrate.DataImport.Entity();
                newEntity.ID               = entity.Id;
                newEntity.Name             = entity.Name;
                newEntity.Schema           = entity.Schema;
                newEntity.AllowCreateAudit = entity.AllowCreateAudit;
                newEntity.AllowModifyAudit = entity.AllowModifyAudit;
                newEntity.AllowTimestamp   = entity.AllowTimestamp;
                newEntity.IsTenant         = entity.IsTenant;

                #region Load the fields
                foreach (var field in entity.Fields)
                    var newField = new nHydrate.DataImport.Field();
                    newField.ID           = field.Id;
                    newField.Nullable     = field.Nullable;
                    newField.DataType     = (System.Data.SqlDbType)Enum.Parse(typeof(System.Data.SqlDbType), field.DataType.ToString());
                    newField.DefaultValue = field.Default;
                    newField.Identity     = (field.Identity == IdentityTypeConstants.Database);
                    newField.IsIndexed    = field.IsIndexed;
                    newField.IsReadOnly   = field.IsReadOnly;
                    newField.Length       = field.Length;
                    newField.Name         = field.Name;
                    newField.PrimaryKey   = field.IsPrimaryKey;
                    newField.Scale        = field.Scale;

            #region Load Relations
            foreach (var shape in diagram.NestedChildShapes)
                if (shape is EntityAssociationConnector)
                    var connector = shape as EntityAssociationConnector;
                    var parent    = connector.FromShape.ModelElement as Entity;
                    var child     = connector.ToShape.ModelElement as Entity;

                    var relation = connector.ModelElement as EntityHasEntities;

                    var parentTable = database.EntityList.FirstOrDefault(x => parent != null && x.Name == parent.Name);
                    var childTable  = database.EntityList.FirstOrDefault(x => child != null && x.Name == child.Name);

                    //If we found both parent and child tables...
                    if (parentTable != null && childTable != null)
                        var newRelation = new nHydrate.DataImport.Relationship();
                        newRelation.ID           = shape.Id;
                        newRelation.TargetEntity = childTable;
                        newRelation.RoleName     = ((EntityHasEntities)connector.ModelElement).RoleName;
                        newRelation.SourceEntity = parentTable;

                        //Create the column links
                        var fieldList = model.RelationFields.Where(x => relation != null && x.RelationID == relation.Id);
                        foreach (var columnSet in fieldList)
                            var field1 = parent.Fields.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Id == columnSet.SourceFieldId);
                            var field2 = child.Fields.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Id == columnSet.TargetFieldId);

                            var column1 = parentTable.FieldList.FirstOrDefault(x => field1 != null && x.Name == field1.Name);
                            var column2 = childTable.FieldList.FirstOrDefault(x => field2 != null && x.Name == field2.Name);

                            newRelation.RelationshipColumnList.Add(new nHydrate.DataImport.RelationshipDetail()
                                ParentField = column1,
                                ChildField  = column2,

            #region Load Views
            foreach (var view in model.Views)
                var newView = new nHydrate.DataImport.View();
                newView.ID     = view.Id;
                newView.Name   = view.Name;
                newView.Schema = view.Schema;
                newView.SQL    = view.SQL;

                //Load the fields
                foreach (var field in view.Fields)
                    var newField = new nHydrate.DataImport.Field();
                    newField.ID       = field.Id;
                    newField.Nullable = field.Nullable;
                    //newField.Collate = field.Collate;
                    newField.DataType     = (System.Data.SqlDbType)Enum.Parse(typeof(System.Data.SqlDbType), field.DataType.ToString());
                    newField.DefaultValue = field.Default;
                    //newField.Identity = (field.Identity == IdentityTypeConstants.Database);
                    //newField.IsIndexed = field.IsIndexed;
                    newField.Length = field.Length;
                    newField.Name   = field.Name;
                    //newField.PrimaryKey = field.IsPrimaryKey;
                    newField.Scale = field.Scale;

Пример #4
        public static void ImportDatabase(nHydrate.Dsl.nHydrateModel model, Store store, Microsoft.VisualStudio.Modeling.Diagrams.Diagram diagram, nHydrate.DataImport.Database database)
            ((nHydrate.Dsl.nHydrateDiagram)diagram).IsLoading = true;
            model.IsLoading = true;
            var pkey = ProgressHelper.ProgressingStarted("Processing Import...", true);

            model.IsLoading = true;
                var addedEntities   = new List <Entity>();
                var diagramEntities = model.Entities.ToList();
                var diagramViews    = model.Views.ToList();
                using (var transaction = store.TransactionManager.BeginTransaction(Guid.NewGuid().ToString()))

                    //foreach (var entity in model.Entities)
                    //  var table = database.EntityList.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Name == entity.Name);
                    //  if (table != null)
                    //  {
                    //    foreach (var field in entity.Fields)
                    //    {
                    //      var column = table.FieldList.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Name == field.Name);
                    //      if (column != null)
                    //      {
                    //        field.SortOrder = column.SortOrder;
                    //      }
                    //    }
                    //  }
                    //  entity.Fields.Sort((x, y) => (x.SortOrder < y.SortOrder ? -1 : 0));

                    //foreach (var view in database.ViewList)
                    //  var newView = diagramViews.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Name.ToLower() == view.Name.ToLower());
                    //  if (newView != null)
                    //  {
                    //    foreach (var field in view.FieldList)
                    //    {
                    //      var newField = newView.Fields.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Name.ToLower() == field.Name.ToLower());
                    //      if (newField != null) newField.Nullable = field.Nullable;
                    //    }
                    //  }

                    //foreach (var index in database.IndexList.Where(x => x.FieldList.Count == 1 && !x.FieldList.First().IsDescending))
                    //  var entity = model.Entities.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Name == index.TableName);
                    //  if (entity != null)
                    //  {
                    //    var field = entity.Fields.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Name == index.FieldList.First().Name);
                    //    if (field != null)
                    //    {
                    //      field.IsIndexed = true;
                    //    }
                    //  }



                    #region Load Entities

                    var addedChangedEntities = database.EntityList.Where(x => x.ImportState == DataImport.ImportStateConstants.Added || x.ImportState == DataImport.ImportStateConstants.Modified).ToList();

                    #region Entities

                    foreach (var entity in addedChangedEntities)
                        var newEntity = diagramEntities.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Id == entity.ID);
                        if (newEntity == null)
                            newEntity = diagramEntities.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Name.ToLower() == entity.Name.ToLower());
                        if (newEntity == null)
                            newEntity = new Entity(model.Partition)
                                Name = entity.Name

                            //Correct for invalid identifiers
                            //if (!nHydrate.Dsl.ValidationHelper.ValidCodeIdentifier(newEntity.Name) && !nHydrate.Dsl.ValidationHelper.IsReservedWord(newEntity.Name))
                            if (!nHydrate.Dsl.ValidationHelper.ValidCodeIdentifier(newEntity.Name))
                                newEntity.CodeFacade = nHydrate.Dsl.ValidationHelper.MakeCodeIdentifier(newEntity.Name, string.Empty);
                        newEntity.AllowCreateAudit = entity.AllowCreateAudit;
                        newEntity.AllowModifyAudit = entity.AllowModifyAudit;
                        newEntity.AllowTimestamp   = entity.AllowTimestamp;
                        newEntity.IsTenant         = entity.IsTenant;
                        newEntity.Name             = entity.Name;
                        newEntity.Schema           = entity.Schema;

                        PopulateFields(model, entity, newEntity);

                        //Order columns by database
                        //newEntity.Fields.Sort((x, y) => x.Name.CompareTo(y.Name));
                        newEntity.Fields.Sort((x, y) => (x.SortOrder < y.SortOrder ? -1 : 0));


                    //Remove the ones that need to be remove
                    model.Entities.Remove(x => database.EntityList.Where(z => z.ImportState == DataImport.ImportStateConstants.Deleted).Select(a => a.Name).ToList().Contains(x.Name));


                    #region Load Relations
                    if (!database.IgnoreRelations)
                        var allRelationElementList = store.CurrentContext.Partitions.First().Value.ElementDirectory.AllElements
                                                     .Where(x => x is EntityHasEntities)
                                                     .Cast <EntityHasEntities>()

                        foreach (var entity in database.EntityList)
                            foreach (var relation in entity.RelationshipList)
                                var isNewConnection = false;
                                var connection      = allRelationElementList.FirstOrDefault(x => x.ImportData == relation.ImportData);

                                //Now verify that this is the table has not been renamed
                                if (connection != null)
                                    //If the table names no longer match then create a new relation
                                    if (!connection.ChildEntity.Name.Match(relation.TargetEntity.Name) || !connection.ParentEntity.Name.Match(relation.SourceEntity.Name))
                                        connection.ImportData = string.Empty;
                                        connection            = null;

                                if (connection == null)
                                    //try to find this relation by table/fields/role
                                    connection = allRelationElementList.FirstOrDefault(x => x.GetCorePropertiesHash() == relation.CorePropertiesHash);
                                var parent = model.Entities.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Name == relation.SourceEntity.Name);
                                var child  = model.Entities.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Name == relation.TargetEntity.Name);
                                if (connection == null)
                                    var existingRelation = diagram.NestedChildShapes.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Id == relation.ID);
                                    if (existingRelation == null)
                                        if (child != null && parent != null)
                                            //var currentList = store.CurrentContext.Partitions.First().Value.ElementDirectory.AllElements.ToList();
                                            //var updatedList = store.CurrentContext.Partitions.First().Value.ElementDirectory.AllElements.ToList();
                                            //var last = updatedList.Last();
                                            //updatedList.RemoveAll(x => currentList.Contains(x));
                                            //connection = updatedList.First() as EntityHasEntities;
                                            //if (connection != last) System.Diagnostics.Debug.Write("");

                                            connection = store.CurrentContext.Partitions.First().Value.ElementDirectory.AllElements.Last() as EntityHasEntities;

                                            isNewConnection       = true;
                                            connection.ImportData = relation.ImportData;
                                } //Relation does not exist

                                //Add the relation fields
                                if (parent != null && child != null)
                                    foreach (var ritem in relation.RelationshipColumnList)
                                        var parentField = parent.Fields.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Name == ritem.ParentField.Name);
                                        var childField  = child.Fields.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Name == ritem.ChildField.Name);
                                        if (parentField != null && childField != null)
                                            //Do not import the role name again.
                                            if (isNewConnection)
                                                connection.RoleName = relation.RoleName;
                                                connection.ImportedConstraintName = relation.ConstraintName;

                                            var currentRelationField = model.RelationFields.FirstOrDefault(x =>
                                                                                                           x.SourceFieldId == parentField.Id &&
                                                                                                           x.TargetFieldId == childField.Id &&
                                                                                                           x.RelationID == connection.Id);

                                            //Only add if not there already
                                            if (currentRelationField == null)
                                                    new RelationField(model.Partition)
                                                    SourceFieldId = parentField.Id,
                                                    TargetFieldId = childField.Id,
                                                    RelationID    = connection.Id,
                                    } //Relation Columns

                    #region Process Indexes

                    //Only get the single column indexes ascending
                    var isIndexedList = database.IndexList.Where(x => x.FieldList.Count == 1 && !x.FieldList.First().IsDescending).ToList();
                    var allIndexList  = database.IndexList.Where(x => addedChangedEntities.Select(z => z.Name.ToLower()).Contains(x.TableName.ToLower())).ToList();

                    //Delete existing indexes by name. These will be recreated.
                    foreach (var index in allIndexList)
                        var existing = model.Entities.SelectMany(x => x.Indexes).FirstOrDefault(x => x.ImportedName == index.IndexName);
                        if (existing != null)

                    //Delete existing IsIndexed indexes with no import names as they will be recreated
                    var existingIsIndexedList = model.Entities.Where(x => addedChangedEntities.Select(z => z.Name.ToLower()).Contains(x.Name.ToLower())).SelectMany(x => x.Indexes).Where(x => x.IsIndexedType).ToList();
                    foreach (var index in isIndexedList)
                        foreach (var existing in existingIsIndexedList)
                            if (index.IsMatch(existing))

                    //Create all indexes
                    foreach (var index in allIndexList)
                        var entity = model.Entities.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Name == index.TableName);
                        if (entity != null)
                            var realFields = entity.Fields.Where(x => index.FieldList.Select(z => z.Name).Contains(x.Name)).ToList();
                            if (realFields.Count > 0)
                                //Try to get the PK if one exists
                                var   isNew    = true;
                                Index newIndex = null;
                                if (index.IsPrimaryKey)
                                    newIndex = entity.Indexes.FirstOrDefault(x => x.IndexType == IndexTypeConstants.PrimaryKey);
                                    if (newIndex != null)
                                        isNew = false;

                                //Create an index
                                if (newIndex == null)
                                    newIndex = new Index(entity.Partition);

                                newIndex.ParentEntityID = entity.Id;
                                newIndex.ImportedName   = index.IndexName;
                                newIndex.Clustered      = index.Clustered;
                                newIndex.IsUnique       = index.IsUnique;

                                if (index.IsPrimaryKey)
                                    newIndex.IndexType = IndexTypeConstants.PrimaryKey;
                                else if (isIndexedList.Contains(index))
                                    newIndex.IndexType = IndexTypeConstants.IsIndexed;
                                    newIndex.IndexType = IndexTypeConstants.User;

                                if (isNew)

                                foreach (var ic in index.FieldList)
                                    var field = realFields.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Name == ic.Name);
                                    if (field != null)
                                        var newIndexColumn = new IndexColumn(entity.Partition);
                                        newIndexColumn.Ascending  = !ic.IsDescending;
                                        newIndexColumn.FieldID    = field.Id;
                                        newIndexColumn.IsInternal = true;
                                        newIndexColumn.SortOrder  = ic.OrderIndex;

                    //Create the special IsIndexed settings
                    //This will not create a new index since it was created above
                    foreach (var index in isIndexedList)
                        var entity = model.Entities.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Name == index.TableName);
                        if ((entity != null) && addedChangedEntities.Select(z => z.Name.ToLower()).Contains(entity.Name.ToLower()))
                            var field = entity.Fields.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Name == index.FieldList.First().Name);
                            if (field != null)
                                field.IsIndexed = true;


                    #region Add Views

                    foreach (var view in database.ViewList.Where(x => x.ImportState == DataImport.ImportStateConstants.Added || x.ImportState == DataImport.ImportStateConstants.Modified))
                        var newView = diagramViews.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Id == view.ID);
                        if (newView == null)
                            newView = diagramViews.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Name.ToLower() == view.Name.ToLower());
                        if (newView == null)
                            newView = new nHydrate.Dsl.View(model.Partition)
                                Name = view.Name

                            //Correct for invalid identifiers
                            //if (!nHydrate.Dsl.ValidationHelper.ValidCodeIdentifier(newView.Name) && !nHydrate.Dsl.ValidationHelper.IsReservedWord(newView.Name))
                            if (!nHydrate.Dsl.ValidationHelper.ValidCodeIdentifier(newView.Name))
                                newView.CodeFacade = nHydrate.Dsl.ValidationHelper.MakeCodeIdentifier(newView.Name, string.Empty);
                        newView.Name   = view.Name;
                        newView.Schema = view.Schema;
                        newView.SQL    = view.SQL;

                        PopulateFields(model, view, newView);

                    //Remove the ones that need to be remove
                    model.Views.Remove(x => database.ViewList.Where(z => z.ImportState == DataImport.ImportStateConstants.Deleted).Select(a => a.Name).ToList().Contains(x.Name));


            catch (Exception ex)
                model.IsLoading = false;

                ((nHydrate.Dsl.nHydrateDiagram)diagram).IsLoading = false;
                model.IsLoading = false;
Пример #5
        /// <summary>
        /// Convert a new DSL model into a data import model
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="model"></param>
        /// <param name="diagram"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static nHydrate.DataImport.Database Convert(nHydrateModel model, Microsoft.VisualStudio.Modeling.Diagrams.Diagram diagram)
            var database = new nHydrate.DataImport.Database();
            database.Collate = model.Collate;

            #region Load the entities
            foreach (var entity in model.Entities.Where(x => x.IsGenerated))
                var newEntity = new nHydrate.DataImport.Entity();
                newEntity.ID = entity.Id;
                newEntity.Name = entity.Name;
                newEntity.Schema = entity.Schema;
                newEntity.AllowCreateAudit = entity.AllowCreateAudit;
                newEntity.AllowModifyAudit = entity.AllowModifyAudit;
                newEntity.AllowTimestamp = entity.AllowTimestamp;
                newEntity.IsTenant = entity.IsTenant;

                #region Load the fields
                foreach (var field in entity.Fields)
                    var newField = new nHydrate.DataImport.Field();
                    newField.ID = field.Id;
                    newField.Nullable = field.Nullable;
                    newField.Collate = field.Collate;
                    newField.DataType = (System.Data.SqlDbType)Enum.Parse(typeof(System.Data.SqlDbType), field.DataType.ToString());
                    newField.DefaultValue = field.Default;
                    newField.Identity = (field.Identity == IdentityTypeConstants.Database);
                    newField.IsIndexed = field.IsIndexed;
                    newField.IsReadOnly = field.IsReadOnly;
                    newField.Length = field.Length;
                    newField.Name = field.Name;
                    newField.PrimaryKey = field.IsPrimaryKey;
                    newField.Scale = field.Scale;
                    newField.IsBrowsable = field.IsBrowsable;

            #region Load Relations
            foreach (var shape in diagram.NestedChildShapes)
                if (shape is EntityAssociationConnector)
                    var connector = shape as EntityAssociationConnector;
                    var parent = connector.FromShape.ModelElement as Entity;
                    var child = connector.ToShape.ModelElement as Entity;

                    var relation = connector.ModelElement as EntityHasEntities;

                    var parentTable = database.EntityList.FirstOrDefault(x => parent != null && x.Name == parent.Name);
                    var childTable = database.EntityList.FirstOrDefault(x => child != null && x.Name == child.Name);

                    //If we found both parent and child tables...
                    if (parentTable != null && childTable != null)
                        var newRelation = new nHydrate.DataImport.Relationship();
                        newRelation.ID = shape.Id;
                        newRelation.TargetEntity = childTable;
                        newRelation.RoleName = ((EntityHasEntities)connector.ModelElement).RoleName;
                        newRelation.SourceEntity = parentTable;

                        //Create the column links
                        var fieldList = model.RelationFields.Where(x => relation != null && x.RelationID == relation.Id);
                        foreach (var columnSet in fieldList)
                            var field1 = parent.Fields.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Id == columnSet.SourceFieldId);
                            var field2 = child.Fields.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Id == columnSet.TargetFieldId);

                            var column1 = parentTable.FieldList.FirstOrDefault(x => field1 != null && x.Name == field1.Name);
                            var column2 = childTable.FieldList.FirstOrDefault(x => field2 != null && x.Name == field2.Name);

                            newRelation.RelationshipColumnList.Add(new nHydrate.DataImport.RelationshipDetail()
                                ParentField = column1,
                                ChildField = column2,



            #region Load Stored Procedures
            foreach (var storedProc in model.StoredProcedures.Where(x => x.IsGenerated))
                var newStoredProc = new nHydrate.DataImport.StoredProc();
                newStoredProc.ID = storedProc.Id;
                newStoredProc.Name = storedProc.Name;
                newStoredProc.Schema = storedProc.Schema;
                newStoredProc.SQL = storedProc.SQL;

                //Load the fields
                foreach (var field in storedProc.Fields)
                    var newField = new nHydrate.DataImport.Field();
                    newField.ID = field.Id;
                    newField.Nullable = field.Nullable;
                    //newField.Collate = field.Collate;
                    newField.DataType = (System.Data.SqlDbType)Enum.Parse(typeof(System.Data.SqlDbType), field.DataType.ToString());
                    newField.DefaultValue = field.Default;
                    //newField.Identity = (field.Identity == IdentityTypeConstants.Database);
                    //newField.IsIndexed = field.IsIndexed;
                    newField.Length = field.Length;
                    newField.Name = field.Name;
                    //newField.PrimaryKey = field.IsPrimaryKey;
                    newField.Scale = field.Scale;

                //Load the parameters
                foreach (var parameter in storedProc.Parameters)
                    var newParameter = new nHydrate.DataImport.Parameter();
                    newParameter.ID = parameter.Id;
                    newParameter.Nullable = parameter.Nullable;
                    //newField.Collate = field.Collate;
                    newParameter.DataType = (System.Data.SqlDbType)Enum.Parse(typeof(System.Data.SqlDbType), parameter.DataType.ToString());
                    newParameter.DefaultValue = parameter.Default;
                    //newField.Identity = (field.Identity == IdentityTypeConstants.Database);
                    //newField.IsIndexed = field.IsIndexed;
                    newParameter.Length = parameter.Length;
                    newParameter.Name = parameter.Name;
                    //newField.PrimaryKey = field.IsPrimaryKey;
                    newParameter.Scale = parameter.Scale;


            #region Load Views
            foreach (var view in model.Views.Where(x => x.IsGenerated))
                var newView = new nHydrate.DataImport.View();
                newView.ID = view.Id;
                newView.Name = view.Name;
                newView.Schema = view.Schema;
                newView.SQL = view.SQL;

                //Load the fields
                foreach (var field in view.Fields)
                    var newField = new nHydrate.DataImport.Field();
                    newField.ID = field.Id;
                    newField.Nullable = field.Nullable;
                    //newField.Collate = field.Collate;
                    newField.DataType = (System.Data.SqlDbType)Enum.Parse(typeof(System.Data.SqlDbType), field.DataType.ToString());
                    newField.DefaultValue = field.Default;
                    //newField.Identity = (field.Identity == IdentityTypeConstants.Database);
                    //newField.IsIndexed = field.IsIndexed;
                    newField.Length = field.Length;
                    newField.Name = field.Name;
                    //newField.PrimaryKey = field.IsPrimaryKey;
                    newField.Scale = field.Scale;


            #region Load Functions
            foreach (var function in model.Functions.Where(x => x.IsGenerated))
                var newFunction = new nHydrate.DataImport.Function();
                newFunction.ID = function.Id;
                newFunction.Name = function.Name;
                newFunction.Schema = function.Schema;
                newFunction.SQL = function.SQL;

                //Load the fields
                foreach (var field in function.Fields)
                    var newField = new nHydrate.DataImport.Field();
                    newField.ID = field.Id;
                    newField.Nullable = field.Nullable;
                    //newField.Collate = field.Collate;
                    newField.DataType = (System.Data.SqlDbType)Enum.Parse(typeof(System.Data.SqlDbType), field.DataType.ToString());
                    newField.DefaultValue = field.Default;
                    //newField.Identity = (field.Identity == IdentityTypeConstants.Database);
                    //newField.IsIndexed = field.IsIndexed;
                    newField.Length = field.Length;
                    newField.Name = field.Name;
                    //newField.PrimaryKey = field.IsPrimaryKey;
                    newField.Scale = field.Scale;

                //Load the parameters
                foreach (var parameter in function.Parameters)
                    var newParameter = new nHydrate.DataImport.Parameter();
                    newParameter.ID = parameter.Id;
                    newParameter.Nullable = parameter.Nullable;
                    //newField.Collate = field.Collate;
                    newParameter.DataType = (System.Data.SqlDbType)Enum.Parse(typeof(System.Data.SqlDbType), parameter.DataType.ToString());
                    newParameter.DefaultValue = parameter.Default;
                    //newField.Identity = (field.Identity == IdentityTypeConstants.Database);
                    //newField.IsIndexed = field.IsIndexed;
                    newParameter.Length = parameter.Length;
                    newParameter.Name = parameter.Name;
                    //newField.PrimaryKey = field.IsPrimaryKey;
                    newParameter.Scale = parameter.Scale;


            return database;