Пример #1
        /// <summary>
        /// SV_Move
        /// mins and maxs are relative
        /// if the entire move stays in a solid volume, trace.allsolid will be set
        /// if the starting point is in a solid, it will be allowed to move out to an open area
        /// nomonsters is used for line of sight or edge testing, where mosnters
        /// shouldn't be considered solid objects
        /// passedict is explicitly excluded from clipping checks (normally NULL)
        /// </summary>
        public Trace_t Move(ref Vector3 start, ref Vector3 mins, ref Vector3 maxs, ref Vector3 end, Int32 type, MemoryEdict passedict)
            var clip = new moveclip_t();

            // clip to world
            clip.trace = ClipMoveToEntity(sv.edicts[0], ref start, ref mins, ref maxs, ref end);

            clip.start     = start;
            clip.end       = end;
            clip.mins      = mins;
            clip.maxs      = maxs;
            clip.type      = type;
            clip.passedict = passedict;

            if (type == MOVE_MISSILE)
                clip.mins2 = Vector3.One * -15;
                clip.maxs2 = Vector3.One * 15;
                clip.mins2 = mins;
                clip.maxs2 = maxs;

            // create the bounding box of the entire move
            MoveBounds(ref start, ref clip.mins2, ref clip.maxs2, ref end, out clip.boxmins, out clip.boxmaxs);

            // clip to entities
            ClipToLinks(_AreaNodes[0], clip);

Пример #2
    public static trace_t SV_Move(ref Vector3 start, ref Vector3 mins, ref Vector3 maxs, ref Vector3 end, int type, edict_t passedict)
        moveclip_t clip = new moveclip_t();

        // clip to world
        clip.trace = SV_ClipMoveToEntity(sv.edicts[0], ref start, ref mins, ref maxs, ref end);

        clip.start     = start;
        clip.end       = end;
        clip.mins      = mins;
        clip.maxs      = maxs;
        clip.type      = type;
        clip.passedict = passedict;

        if (type == q_shared.MOVE_MISSILE)
            clip.mins2 = Vector3.One * -15;
            clip.maxs2 = Vector3.One * 15;
            clip.mins2 = mins;
            clip.maxs2 = maxs;

        // create the bounding box of the entire move
        SV_MoveBounds(ref start, ref clip.mins2, ref clip.maxs2, ref end, out clip.boxmins, out clip.boxmaxs);

        // clip to entities
        SV_ClipToLinks(sv_areanodes[0], clip);

Пример #3
        /// <summary>
        /// SV_ClipToLinks
        /// Mins and maxs enclose the entire area swept by the move
        /// </summary>
        private void ClipToLinks(areanode_t node, moveclip_t clip)
            Link    next;
            Trace_t trace;

            // touch linked edicts
            for (var l = node.solid_edicts.Next; l != node.solid_edicts; l = next)
                next = l.Next;
                var touch = ( MemoryEdict )l.Owner;                 // EDICT_FROM_AREA(l);
                if (touch.v.solid == Solids.SOLID_NOT)
                if (touch == clip.passedict)
                if (touch.v.solid == Solids.SOLID_TRIGGER)
                    Utilities.Error("Trigger in clipping list");

                if (clip.type == MOVE_NOMONSTERS && touch.v.solid != Solids.SOLID_BSP)

                if (clip.boxmins.X > touch.v.absmax.x || clip.boxmins.Y > touch.v.absmax.y ||
                    clip.boxmins.Z > touch.v.absmax.z || clip.boxmaxs.X < touch.v.absmin.x ||
                    clip.boxmaxs.Y < touch.v.absmin.y || clip.boxmaxs.Z < touch.v.absmin.z)

                if (clip.passedict != null && clip.passedict.v.size.x != 0 && touch.v.size.x == 0)
                    continue;                       // points never interact
                // might intersect, so do an exact clip
                if (clip.trace.allsolid)
                if (clip.passedict != null)
                    if (ProgToEdict(touch.v.owner) == clip.passedict)
                        continue;                           // don't clip against own missiles
                    if (ProgToEdict(clip.passedict.v.owner) == touch)
                        continue;                           // don't clip against owner

                if ((( Int32 )touch.v.flags & EdictFlags.FL_MONSTER) != 0)
                    trace = ClipMoveToEntity(touch, ref clip.start, ref clip.mins2, ref clip.maxs2, ref clip.end);
                    trace = ClipMoveToEntity(touch, ref clip.start, ref clip.mins, ref clip.maxs, ref clip.end);

                if (trace.allsolid || trace.startsolid || trace.fraction < clip.trace.fraction)
                    trace.ent = touch;
                    if (clip.trace.startsolid)
                        clip.trace            = trace;
                        clip.trace.startsolid = true;
                        clip.trace = trace;
                else if (trace.startsolid)
                    clip.trace.startsolid = true;

            // recurse down both sides
            if (node.axis == -1)

            if (MathLib.Comp(ref clip.boxmaxs, node.axis) > node.dist)
                ClipToLinks(node.children[0], clip);
            if (MathLib.Comp(ref clip.boxmins, node.axis) < node.dist)
                ClipToLinks(node.children[1], clip);
Пример #4
        /// <summary>
        /// SV_ClipToLinks
        /// Mins and maxs enclose the entire area swept by the move
        /// </summary>
        static void ClipToLinks(areanode_t node, moveclip_t clip)
            link_t next;
            trace_t trace;

            // touch linked edicts
            for (link_t l = node.solid_edicts.Next; l != node.solid_edicts; l = next)
                next = l.Next;
                edict_t touch = (edict_t)l.Owner;// EDICT_FROM_AREA(l);
                if (touch.v.solid == Solids.SOLID_NOT)
                if (touch == clip.passedict)
                if (touch.v.solid == Solids.SOLID_TRIGGER)
                    Sys.Error("Trigger in clipping list");

                if (clip.type == MOVE_NOMONSTERS && touch.v.solid != Solids.SOLID_BSP)

                if (clip.boxmins.X > touch.v.absmax.x || clip.boxmins.Y > touch.v.absmax.y ||
                    clip.boxmins.Z > touch.v.absmax.z || clip.boxmaxs.X < touch.v.absmin.x ||
                    clip.boxmaxs.Y < touch.v.absmin.y || clip.boxmaxs.Z < touch.v.absmin.z)

                if (clip.passedict != null && clip.passedict.v.size.x != 0 && touch.v.size.x == 0)
                    continue;	// points never interact

                // might intersect, so do an exact clip
                if (clip.trace.allsolid)
                if (clip.passedict != null)
                    if (ProgToEdict(touch.v.owner) == clip.passedict)
                        continue;	// don't clip against own missiles
                    if (ProgToEdict(clip.passedict.v.owner) == touch)
                        continue;	// don't clip against owner

                if (((int)touch.v.flags & EdictFlags.FL_MONSTER) != 0)
                    trace = ClipMoveToEntity(touch, ref clip.start, ref clip.mins2, ref clip.maxs2, ref clip.end);
                    trace = ClipMoveToEntity(touch, ref clip.start, ref clip.mins, ref clip.maxs, ref clip.end);

                if (trace.allsolid || trace.startsolid || trace.fraction < clip.trace.fraction)
                    trace.ent = touch;
                    if (clip.trace.startsolid)
                        clip.trace = trace;
                        clip.trace.startsolid = true;
                        clip.trace = trace;
                else if (trace.startsolid)
                    clip.trace.startsolid = true;

            // recurse down both sides
            if (node.axis == -1)

            if (Mathlib.Comp(ref clip.boxmaxs, node.axis) > node.dist)
                ClipToLinks(node.children[0], clip);
            if (Mathlib.Comp(ref clip.boxmins, node.axis) < node.dist)
                ClipToLinks(node.children[1], clip);
Пример #5
        /// <summary>
        /// SV_Move
        /// mins and maxs are relative
        /// if the entire move stays in a solid volume, trace.allsolid will be set
        /// if the starting point is in a solid, it will be allowed to move out to an open area
        /// nomonsters is used for line of sight or edge testing, where mosnters
        /// shouldn't be considered solid objects
        /// passedict is explicitly excluded from clipping checks (normally NULL)
        /// </summary>
        public static trace_t Move(ref Vector3 start, ref Vector3 mins, ref Vector3 maxs, ref Vector3 end, int type, edict_t passedict)
            moveclip_t clip = new moveclip_t();

            // clip to world
            clip.trace = ClipMoveToEntity(sv.edicts[0], ref start, ref mins, ref maxs, ref end);

            clip.start = start;
            clip.end = end;
            clip.mins = mins;
            clip.maxs = maxs;
            clip.type = type;
            clip.passedict = passedict;

            if (type ==  MOVE_MISSILE)
                clip.mins2 = Vector3.One * -15;
                clip.maxs2 = Vector3.One * 15;
                clip.mins2 = mins;
                clip.maxs2 = maxs;

            // create the bounding box of the entire move
            MoveBounds(ref start, ref clip.mins2, ref clip.maxs2, ref end, out clip.boxmins, out clip.boxmaxs);

            // clip to entities
            ClipToLinks(_AreaNodes[0], clip);

            return clip.trace;
Пример #6
        public static trace_t SV_Move(double[]  start, double[]  mins, double[] maxs, double[]  end, int type, prog.edict_t passedict)
            moveclip_t clip;
            int i;

            clip = new moveclip_t();

            // clip to world
            //Debug.WriteLine("SV_Move ?? SV_ClipMoveToEntity");
            clip.trace = SV_ClipMoveToEntity(server.sv.edicts[0], start, mins, maxs, end);

            clip.start = start;
            clip.end = end;
            clip.mins = mins;
            clip.maxs = maxs;
            clip.type = type;
            clip.passedict = passedict;

            if (type == MOVE_MISSILE)
                for (i = 0; i < 3; i++)
                    clip.mins2[i] = -15;
                    clip.maxs2[i] = 15;
             mathlib.VectorCopy(mins, clip.mins2);
             mathlib.VectorCopy(maxs, clip.maxs2);

            // create the bounding box of the entire move
            SV_MoveBounds(start, clip.mins2, clip.maxs2, end, clip.boxmins, clip.boxmaxs);

            // clip to entities
            //Debug.WriteLine("SV_Move - SV_ClipToLinks");
            SV_ClipToLinks(sv_areanodes[0], clip);

            return clip.trace;
Пример #7
        static void SV_ClipToLinks(areanode_t node, moveclip_t clip)
            common.link_t		l, next;
            prog.edict_t		touch;
            trace_t		trace;

        // touch linked edicts
            for (l = node.solid_edicts.next; l != node.solid_edicts; l = next)
                //Debug.WriteLine("ClipToLinks_for_num " + ClipToLinks_for_num);
                next = l.next;
                touch = prog. EDICT_FROM_AREA(l);
                if (touch.v.solid == server.SOLID_NOT)
                if (touch == clip.passedict)
                if (touch.v.solid == server. SOLID_TRIGGER)
                  sys_linux.  Sys_Error ("Trigger in clipping list");

                if (clip.type == MOVE_NOMONSTERS && touch.v.solid != server.SOLID_BSP)

                if (clip.boxmins[0] > touch.v.absmax[0]
                || clip.boxmins[1] > touch.v.absmax[1]
                || clip.boxmins[2] > touch.v.absmax[2]
                || clip.boxmaxs[0] < touch.v.absmin[0]
                || clip.boxmaxs[1] < touch.v.absmin[1]
                || clip.boxmaxs[2] < touch.v.absmin[2])

                //if (clip.passedict && clip.passedict.v.size[0] && !touch.v.size[0])
                if (clip.passedict !=null && clip.passedict.v.size[0] != 0 && !(touch.v.size[0] != 0))
                    continue;	// points never interact

            // might intersect, so do an exact clip
                if (clip.trace.allsolid)
                if (clip.passedict != null)
                    if (prog.PROG_TO_EDICT(touch.v.owner) == clip.passedict)
                        continue; // don't clip against own missiles
                    if (prog.PROG_TO_EDICT(clip.passedict.v.owner) == touch)
                        continue; // don't clip against owner

                if (((int)touch.v.flags & server.FL_MONSTER) != 0)
                    trace = SV_ClipMoveToEntity (touch, clip.start, clip.mins2, clip.maxs2, clip.end);
                    trace = SV_ClipMoveToEntity (touch, clip.start, clip.mins, clip.maxs, clip.end);

                if (trace.allsolid || trace.startsolid ||
                trace.fraction < clip.trace.fraction)
                    trace.ent = touch;
                    if (clip.trace.startsolid)
                        clip.trace = trace;
                        clip.trace.startsolid = true;
                        clip.trace = trace;
                else if (trace.startsolid)
                    clip.trace.startsolid = true;
        // recurse down both sides
            if (node.axis == -1)

            if (clip.boxmaxs[node.axis] > node.dist)
                SV_ClipToLinks(node.children[0], clip);
            if (clip.boxmins[node.axis] < node.dist)
                SV_ClipToLinks(node.children[1], clip);
Пример #8
    public static void SV_ClipToLinks(areanode_t node, moveclip_t clip)
        link_t  next;
        trace_t trace;

        // touch linked edicts
        for (link_t l = node.solid_edicts.Next; l != node.solid_edicts; l = next)
            next = l.Next;
            edict_t touch = (edict_t)l.Owner;// EDICT_FROM_AREA(l);
            if (touch.v.solid == q_shared.SOLID_NOT)
            if (touch == clip.passedict)
            if (touch.v.solid == q_shared.SOLID_TRIGGER)
                Sys_Error("Trigger in clipping list");

            if (clip.type == q_shared.MOVE_NOMONSTERS && touch.v.solid != q_shared.SOLID_BSP)

            if (clip.boxmins.X > touch.v.absmax.x || clip.boxmins.Y > touch.v.absmax.y ||
                clip.boxmins.Z > touch.v.absmax.z || clip.boxmaxs.X < touch.v.absmin.x ||
                clip.boxmaxs.Y < touch.v.absmin.y || clip.boxmaxs.Z < touch.v.absmin.z)

            if (clip.passedict != null && clip.passedict.v.size.x != 0 && touch.v.size.x == 0)
                continue;       // points never interact
            // might intersect, so do an exact clip
            if (clip.trace.allsolid)
            if (clip.passedict != null)
                if (PROG_TO_EDICT(touch.v.owner) == clip.passedict)
                    continue;   // don't clip against own missiles
                if (PROG_TO_EDICT(clip.passedict.v.owner) == touch)
                    continue;   // don't clip against owner

            if (((int)touch.v.flags & q_shared.FL_MONSTER) != 0)
                trace = SV_ClipMoveToEntity(touch, ref clip.start, ref clip.mins2, ref clip.maxs2, ref clip.end);
                trace = SV_ClipMoveToEntity(touch, ref clip.start, ref clip.mins, ref clip.maxs, ref clip.end);

            if (trace.allsolid || trace.startsolid || trace.fraction < clip.trace.fraction)
                trace.ent = touch;
                if (clip.trace.startsolid)
                    clip.trace            = trace;
                    clip.trace.startsolid = true;
                    clip.trace = trace;
            else if (trace.startsolid)
                clip.trace.startsolid = true;

        // recurse down both sides
        if (node.axis == -1)

        if (Mathlib.Comp(ref clip.boxmaxs, node.axis) > node.dist)
            SV_ClipToLinks(node.children[0], clip);
        if (Mathlib.Comp(ref clip.boxmins, node.axis) < node.dist)
            SV_ClipToLinks(node.children[1], clip);
Пример #9
        public static void SV_ClipMoveToEntities(moveclip_t clip)
            int     i, num;
            edict_t touch;
            trace_t trace;
            int     headnode;

            float[] angles;
            num = SV_WORLD.SV_AreaEdicts(clip.boxmins, clip.boxmaxs, SV_WORLD.touchlist, Defines.MAX_EDICTS, Defines.AREA_SOLID);

            // be careful, it is possible to have an entity in this
            // list removed before we get to it (killtriggered)
            for (i = 0; i < num; i++)
                touch = SV_WORLD.touchlist[i];

                if (touch.solid == Defines.SOLID_NOT)

                if (touch == clip.passedict)

                if (clip.trace.allsolid)

                if (clip.passedict != null)
                    if (touch.owner == clip.passedict)
                        continue;                         // don't clip against own missiles
                    if (clip.passedict.owner == touch)
                        continue;                         // don't clip against owner

                if (0 == (clip.contentmask & Defines.CONTENTS_DEADMONSTER) && 0 != (touch.svflags & Defines.SVF_DEADMONSTER))

                // might intersect, so do an exact clip
                headnode = SV_WORLD.SV_HullForEntity(touch);
                angles   = touch.s.angles;

                if (touch.solid != Defines.SOLID_BSP)
                    angles = Globals.vec3_origin;                     // boxes don't rotate
                if ((touch.svflags & Defines.SVF_MONSTER) != 0)
                    trace = CM.TransformedBoxTrace(clip.start, clip.end, clip.mins2, clip.maxs2, headnode, clip.contentmask, touch.s.origin, angles);
                    trace = CM.TransformedBoxTrace(clip.start, clip.end, clip.mins, clip.maxs, headnode, clip.contentmask, touch.s.origin, angles);

                if (trace.allsolid || trace.startsolid || trace.fraction < clip.trace.fraction)
                    trace.ent = touch;

                    if (clip.trace.startsolid)
                        clip.trace            = trace;
                        clip.trace.startsolid = true;
                else if (trace.startsolid)
                    clip.trace.startsolid = true;