public StringInt(string name) { type = matchType.named; this.number = -1; named = name; }
// Check switches and apply to global triggers. public static void checkSwitches(string[] args) { // Check for switches foreach (string arg in args) { if (arg == "/dir") create_dir = true; if (arg == "/truncate") truncate = true; if (arg == "/fullpath") full_path_output = true; if (arg == "/recursive") recursive_search = true; if (arg == "/overwrite") overwrite = true; if (arg == "/matchfilename") match =; if (arg == "/force") force = true; if (arg == "/halt") halt = true; if (arg == "/dryrun") dryrun = true; if (arg == "/movelog") log_move = true; if (arg == "/movehashes") hash_move = true; if (arg == "/buildhashes") build_hashes = true; if (arg.StartsWith("/regexclude:")) { rgx = true; int i = arg.IndexOf(":"); rgx_patttern = arg.Substring(i + 1, arg.Length - i - 1); } if (arg.StartsWith("/purgesize:")) { int i = arg.IndexOf(":"); string buffer = arg.Substring(i + 1, arg.Length - i - 1); int size = 0; if(Int32.TryParse(buffer, out size)) { purge_size = size; } } if (arg.StartsWith("/purgebacklog:")) { int i = arg.IndexOf(":"); string buffer = arg.Substring(i + 1, arg.Length - i - 1); int size = 0; if (Int32.TryParse(buffer, out size)) { purge_keep = size; } } if (arg.StartsWith("/logsize:")) { int i = arg.IndexOf(":"); string buffer = arg.Substring(i + 1, arg.Length - i - 1); int size = 0; if (Int32.TryParse(buffer, out size)) { log_size = size; } } if (arg.StartsWith("/logpath:")) { int i = arg.IndexOf(":"); log_path = arg.Substring(i + 1, arg.Length - i - 1); } } }
public StringInt(int number) { type = matchType.numbered; this.number = number; named = string.Empty; }
public RegexSubstitute(Instruction instr) { PrimaryBlockPops = instr == Instruction.ReplaceRegexFirstPop || instr == Instruction.ReplaceRegexAllPop || instr == Instruction.ReplaceCsSubstrFirstPop || instr == Instruction.ReplaceCsSubstrAllPop || instr == Instruction.ReplaceCiSubstrFirstPop || instr == Instruction.ReplaceCiSubstrAllPop; _firstMatchOnly = instr == Instruction.ReplaceRegexFirstPop || instr == Instruction.ReplaceRegexFirstNoPop || instr == Instruction.ReplaceCsSubstrFirstPop || instr == Instruction.ReplaceCsSubstrFirstNoPop || instr == Instruction.ReplaceCiSubstrFirstPop || instr == Instruction.ReplaceCiSubstrFirstNoPop; _matchType = instr == Instruction.ReplaceRegexFirstPop || instr == Instruction.ReplaceRegexFirstNoPop || instr == Instruction.ReplaceRegexAllPop || instr == Instruction.ReplaceRegexAllNoPop ? matchType.Regex : instr == Instruction.ReplaceCsSubstrFirstPop || instr == Instruction.ReplaceCsSubstrFirstNoPop || instr == Instruction.ReplaceCsSubstrAllPop || instr == Instruction.ReplaceCsSubstrAllNoPop ? matchType.CaseSensitiveSubstring : matchType.CaseInsensitiveSubstring; }