public void excuteDelegate() { mDelegate mydelegate = new mDelegate(HellowWord); mydelegate("China"); //Action是无返回值的泛型委托。 //Action 表示无参,无返回值的委托 //Action<int,string> 表示有传入参数int,string无返回值的委托 //Action<int,string,bool> 表示有传入参数int,string,bool无返回值的委托 //Action<int,int,int,int> 表示有传入4个int型参数,无返回值的委托 //Action至少0个参数,至多16个参数,无返回值。 Action <string> action = HellowWord; action("American"); //Func是有返回值的泛型委托 //Func<int> 表示无参,返回值为int的委托 //Func<object,string,int> 表示传入参数为object, string 返回值为int的委托 //Func<object,string,int> 表示传入参数为object, string 返回值为int的委托 //Func<T1,T2,,T3,int> 表示传入参数为T1,T2,,T3(泛型)返回值为int的委托 //Func至少0个参数,至多16个参数,根据返回值泛型返回。必须有返回值,不可void Func <string, bool> func = HellowChina; func("China"); //predicate 是返回bool型的泛型委托 //predicate<int> 表示传入参数为int 返回bool的委托 //Predicate有且只有一个参数,返回值固定为bool //List.Find //Conparison List.Sort }
protected void openFile() { mDelegate dcUpdateStatus = new mDelegate(updateStatus); this.Invoke(dcUpdateStatus, "Opening file"); try { fStream = new FileStream(filePath, FileMode.Open); bReader = new BinaryReader(fStream); bWriter = new BinaryWriter(fStream); } catch (IOException ioEx) { MessageBox.Show("There was an error opening the file. Make sure it is not in use.", "IO Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); return; } //get file length/number of textures FileInfo fInfo; fInfo = new FileInfo(filePath); fileLength = (ulong)fInfo.Length; //number of textures = (filelength - header(4096)) / (256 * 256 * 2) totalTextures = (uint)(fileLength - 4096) / (256 * 256 * 2) - 1; updateTexDropdown(); enableControls(); this.Invoke(dcUpdateStatus, "Ready"); }
private void displayCurrentTexture() { mDelegate dcUpdateStatus = new mDelegate(updateStatus); this.Invoke(dcUpdateStatus, "Reading texture"); //updateStatus("Reading texture: " + cboCurrentTexture.SelectedText); bufferImage = getTexture((long)(4096 + (currentTextureIndex * 256 * 256 * 2))); imageUpdated = true; //updateStatus("Ready"); this.Invoke(dcUpdateStatus, "Ready"); }
private void exportCurrent() { mDelegate dcUpdateStatus = new mDelegate(updateStatus); this.Invoke(dcUpdateStatus, "Exporting current texture"); try { bufferImage.Save(exportPath, System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageFormat.Png); } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show("There was an error saving the file. Try a different location and/or filename.", "IO Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); } this.Invoke(dcUpdateStatus, "Ready"); }
public void PayTest() { StartTime = Time.time; spaceRect =; jungleRect = currentStatus.jungle.rect; japanRect = currentStatus.japan.rect; vikingRect =; mDel += MoveSpace; mDel += MoveJungle; mDel += MoveJapan; mDel += MoveViking; space.depth = screenStatuses[testingInt].space.renderingOrder; jungle.depth = screenStatuses[testingInt].jungle.renderingOrder; japan.depth = screenStatuses[testingInt].japan.renderingOrder; viking.depth = screenStatuses[testingInt].viking.renderingOrder; StartCoroutine(MotionDuration()); }
private void exportAll() { mDelegate dcUpdateStatus = new mDelegate(updateStatus); controlDelegate cDisable = new controlDelegate(disableControls); controlDelegate cEnable = new controlDelegate(enableControls); this.Invoke(cDisable); int iEA, jEA; Bitmap tempBitmap; for (iEA = 0; iEA <= totalTextures; iEA++) { this.Invoke(dcUpdateStatus, "Exporting texture " + iEA + " of " + totalTextures); tempBitmap = getTexture((long)(4096 + (iEA * 256 * 256 * 2))); tempBitmap.Save(exportPath + "\\Texture-" + zeroFill(iEA.ToString(), 5) + ".PNG", System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageFormat.Png); } this.Invoke(cEnable); this.Invoke(dcUpdateStatus, "Ready"); }
IEnumerator MotionDuration() { yield return new WaitForSeconds(2f); mDel -= MoveSpace; mDel -= MoveJungle; mDel -= MoveJapan; mDel -= MoveViking; currentStatus = GetCurrentStatus(); testingInt++; }
private void importTexture() { mDelegate dcUpdateStatus = new mDelegate(updateStatus); disableControls(); mnuOpenFile.Enabled = false; this.Invoke(dcUpdateStatus, "Importing replacement texture"); Bitmap tempBitmap; tempBitmap = new Bitmap(importPath); if ((tempBitmap.Size.Width != 256) || (tempBitmap.Size.Height != 256)) { MessageBox.Show("You MUST use a PNG image that is 256x256 pixels", "Incorrect File Format", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); return; } int iGT, jGT; ushort a, r, g, b, pixelData; int aFactor, rFactor, gFactor, bFactor; Color colour; aFactor = 1; rFactor = 3; gFactor = 3; bFactor = 3; colour = new Color(); fStream.Seek(4096 + (currentTexture * 256 * 256 * 2), SeekOrigin.Begin); for (iGT = 0; iGT <= 255; iGT++) { for (jGT = 0; jGT <= 255; jGT++) { colour = tempBitmap.GetPixel(jGT, iGT); a = (ushort)(colour.A >> aFactor); r = (ushort)(colour.R >> rFactor); g = (ushort)(colour.G >> gFactor); b = (ushort)(colour.B >> bFactor); a <<= 15; r <<= 10; g <<= 5; pixelData = (ushort)(a | r | g | b); bWriter.Write(pixelData); } } this.Invoke(dcUpdateStatus, "Loading rewritten texture"); cboCurrentTexture.SelectedIndex = (int)currentTexture; bufferImage = getTexture(4096 + (currentTexture * 256 * 256 * 2)); imageUpdated = true; enableControls(); mnuOpenFile.Enabled = true; this.Invoke(dcUpdateStatus, "Ready"); }
private void importAll() { mDelegate dcUpdateStatus = new mDelegate(updateStatus); controlDelegate cDisable = new controlDelegate(disableControls); controlDelegate cEnable = new controlDelegate(enableControls); this.Invoke(cDisable); DirectoryInfo directoryInfo = new DirectoryInfo(importPath); FileInfo[] fileInfos = directoryInfo.GetFiles("*.png", SearchOption.TopDirectoryOnly); System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex regex = new System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex("Texture-([0-9]+).(PNG)"); System.Collections.Generic.SortedDictionary <uint, string> dictionary = new System.Collections.Generic.SortedDictionary <uint, string>(); uint highestID = 0; foreach (FileInfo fileInfo in fileInfos) { if (regex.IsMatch(fileInfo.Name)) { string[] tokens = regex.Split(fileInfo.Name); if (tokens.Length == 4 && UInt32.TryParse(tokens[1], out uint index)) { dictionary.Add(index, fileInfo.Name); if (index > highestID) { highestID = index; } } } } if (dictionary.Count > 0) { totalTextures = highestID; fStream.Position = 0; int iEA, jEA; Bitmap tempBitmap = null; for (iEA = 0; iEA <= totalTextures; iEA++) { this.Invoke(dcUpdateStatus, "Exporting texture " + iEA + " of " + totalTextures); if (dictionary.ContainsKey((uint)iEA)) { tempBitmap = new Bitmap(Path.Combine(importPath, dictionary[(uint)iEA])); if ((tempBitmap.Size.Width != textureWidth) || (tempBitmap.Size.Height != textureHeight)) { tempBitmap.Dispose(); tempBitmap = new Bitmap(textureWidth, textureHeight); } } else { tempBitmap = new Bitmap(textureWidth, textureHeight); } int iGT, jGT; ushort a, r, g, b, pixelData; int aFactor, rFactor, gFactor, bFactor; Color colour; aFactor = 1; rFactor = 3; gFactor = 3; bFactor = 3; colour = new Color(); fStream.Seek(getTextureOffset(iEA), SeekOrigin.Begin); for (iGT = 0; iGT < textureHeight; iGT++) { for (jGT = 0; jGT < textureWidth; jGT++) { colour = tempBitmap.GetPixel(jGT, iGT); a = (ushort)(colour.A >> aFactor); r = (ushort)(colour.R >> rFactor); g = (ushort)(colour.G >> gFactor); b = (ushort)(colour.B >> bFactor); a <<= 15; r <<= 10; g <<= 5; pixelData = (ushort)(a | r | g | b); bWriter.Write(pixelData); } } tempBitmap.Dispose(); } fileLength = fStream.Length; fStream.Seek(2, SeekOrigin.Begin); bWriter.Write((ushort)dictionary.Count); fStream.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin); //bufferImage = getTexture(getTextureOffset(currentTexture)); //imageUpdated = true; } this.Invoke(cEnable); this.Invoke(dcUpdateStatus, "Ready"); }
void AddNextStep(Cinematic_Type type) { //Removes the previous step. if (currentStep > 0) { switch (sceneCinematics[(int)type][currentStep - 1].type) { case Movement_Type.WAIT: mDel -= Wait; break; case Movement_Type.MOVELERP: mDel -= MoveLerp; break; case Movement_Type.MOVESLERP: mDel -= MoveSlerp; break; case Movement_Type.SETPOSITION: mDel -= SetPosition; break; case Movement_Type.SETROTATION: mDel -= SetRotation; break; case Movement_Type.END: break; } } if (currentStep >= stepsIntro.Count) { return; } Camera_Move nextStep = sceneCinematics[(int)type][currentStep]; //Select the next step to add. switch (nextStep.type) { case Movement_Type.WAIT: mDel += Wait; break; case Movement_Type.MOVELERP: startTime = Time.time; movementDuration = nextStep.duration; stepStartPOS = new Vector3(transform.position.x, transform.position.y, transform.position.z); stepEndPOS = nextStep.position; endRotation = nextStep.rotation; startRotation = transform.rotation; mDel += MoveLerp; break; case Movement_Type.MOVESLERP: startTime = Time.time; movementDuration = nextStep.duration; stepStartPOS = new Vector3(transform.position.x, transform.position.y, transform.position.z); stepEndPOS = nextStep.position; endRotation = nextStep.rotation; startRotation = transform.rotation; mDel += MoveSlerp; break; case Movement_Type.SETPOSITION: transform.position = nextStep.position; transform.rotation = nextStep.rotation; mDel += SetPosition; break; case Movement_Type.SETROTATION: transform.rotation = nextStep.rotation; mDel += SetRotation; break; case Movement_Type.END: break; } currentStep++; //Delay the next step by current step duration. StartCoroutine(Clock(nextStep.duration, type)); }