Пример #1
    static int Main()
        Func <double, double>[] lnexp = new Func <double, double> [2];
        lnexp[0] = (x) => 1;
        lnexp[1] = (x) => - x;
        double[] t     = { 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 9, 10, 13 };
        double[] yt    = { 117, 100, 88, 72, 53, 29.5, 25.2, 15.2 };
        vector   xs    = new vector(t);
        vector   ys    = new vector(yt);
        vector   lny   = new vector(yt.Length);
        vector   yerr  = new vector(yt.Length);
        vector   lnerr = new vector(yt.Length);

        for (int i = 0; i < yt.Length; i++)
            lny[i]   = Log(yt[i]);
            yerr[i]  = yt[i] / 20;
            lnerr[i] = yerr[i] / yt[i];

        lsfit fit1 = new lsfit(xs, lny, lnerr, lnexp);

        vector c = fit1.C;

        WriteLine("\n Data:");
        xs.print("time in days = ");
        ys.print("y = ");
        WriteLine("\n Attempting to make fit y=a*Exp(-lambda*t) by using ln(y)=ln(a)-lambda*t");
        c.print("c =   ln(a)   lambda   = ");
        WriteLine("a = {0:f6}", Exp(c[0]));
        WriteLine("half life = {0:f6}\n", Log(2) * 1 / c[1]);

        Func <double, double> fit1fun = x => c[0] * lnexp[0](x) + c[1] * lnexp[1](x);

        var fitwriter = new System.IO.StreamWriter("out.fit.txt");

        for (double x = 0; x < 20; x += 0.1)
            fitwriter.Write("{0:f16} {1:f16}\n", x, Exp(fit1fun(x)));

        var datwriter = new System.IO.StreamWriter("out.data.txt");

        for (int i = 0; i < xs.size; i++)
            datwriter.Write("{0:f16} {1:f16} {2:f16}\n", xs[i], yt[i], yerr[i]);

Пример #2
        Subroutine for nonlinear fitting of linear problem

        * 0     when only function value should be used
        * 1     when we can provide gradient/function
        * 2     when we can provide Hessian/gradient/function

        When something which is not permitted by DerAvailable is requested,
        this function sets NLSErrors to True.
        private static void fitlinearnonlinear(int m,
            int deravailable,
            double[,] xy,
            lsfit.lsfitstate state,
            ref bool nlserrors)
            int i = 0;
            int j = 0;
            double v = 0;
            int i_ = 0;

            while( lsfit.lsfititeration(state) )
                // assume that one and only one of flags is set
                // test that we didn't request hessian in hessian-free setting
                if( deravailable<1 & state.needfg )
                    nlserrors = true;
                if( deravailable<2 & state.needfgh )
                    nlserrors = true;
                i = 0;
                if( state.needf )
                    i = i+1;
                if( state.needfg )
                    i = i+1;
                if( state.needfgh )
                    i = i+1;
                if( i!=1 )
                    nlserrors = true;
                // test that PointIndex is consistent with actual point passed
                for(i=0; i<=m-1; i++)
                    nlserrors = nlserrors | (double)(xy[state.pointindex,i])!=(double)(state.x[i]);
                // calculate
                if( state.needf )
                    v = 0.0;
                    for(i_=0; i_<=m-1;i_++)
                        v += state.x[i_]*state.c[i_];
                    state.f = v;
                if( state.needfg )
                    v = 0.0;
                    for(i_=0; i_<=m-1;i_++)
                        v += state.x[i_]*state.c[i_];
                    state.f = v;
                    for(i_=0; i_<=m-1;i_++)
                        state.g[i_] = state.x[i_];
                if( state.needfgh )
                    v = 0.0;
                    for(i_=0; i_<=m-1;i_++)
                        v += state.x[i_]*state.c[i_];
                    state.f = v;
                    for(i_=0; i_<=m-1;i_++)
                        state.g[i_] = state.x[i_];
                    for(i=0; i<=m-1; i++)
                        for(j=0; j<=m-1; j++)
                            state.h[i,j] = 0;
Пример #3
    static int Main()
        Func <double, double>[] lnexp = new Func <double, double> [2];
        lnexp[0] = (x) => 1;
        lnexp[1] = (x) => - x;
        double[] t     = { 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 9, 10, 13 };
        double[] yt    = { 117, 100, 88, 72, 53, 29.5, 25.2, 15.2 };
        vector   xs    = new vector(t);
        vector   lny   = new vector(yt.Length);
        vector   yerr  = new vector(yt.Length);
        vector   lnerr = new vector(yt.Length);

        for (int i = 0; i < yt.Length; i++)
            lny[i]   = Log(yt[i]);
            yerr[i]  = yt[i] / 20;
            lnerr[i] = yerr[i] / yt[i];

        lsfit fit1 = new lsfit(xs, lny, lnerr, lnexp);

        WriteLine("Trying to fit y=a*Exp(-lambda*x) on log form ln(y) = ln(a)-lambda*x \n");
        vector c     = fit1.C;
        vector cerr  = fit1.Cerr;
        matrix covar = fit1.Covar;

        c.print("c =  ln(a)   lambda   =  ");
        covar.print("covariance matrix = ");
        double a     = Exp(c[0]);
        double aerr  = Exp(c[0]) * cerr[0];
        double ml    = 1 / c[1];
        double hlerr = cerr[1] * Log(2) / ((-c[1]) * (-c[1]));
        double hl    = Log(2) * ml;

        WriteLine("a = {0:f6} +- {1:f6}", a, aerr);
        WriteLine("lambda = {0:f6} +- {1:f6}\n", c[1], cerr[1]);
        WriteLine("Lambda converted to half life, error found by simplified propagation formula");
        WriteLine("half life = {0:f6} +- {1:f6}", hl, hlerr);

        Func <double, double> expfun = x => a *Exp(-c[1] *x);

        Func <double, double> expu = x => (a + aerr) * Exp(-(c[1] - cerr[1]) * x);
        Func <double, double> expl = x => (a - aerr) * Exp(-(c[1] + cerr[1]) * x);

        vector x_eval = new vector(200);

        for (int i = 0; i < x_eval.size; i++)
            x_eval[i] = (double)i / 10;

        var fitwriter   = new System.IO.StreamWriter("out.fit.txt");
        var fitupwriter = new System.IO.StreamWriter("out.fitu.txt");
        var fitlowriter = new System.IO.StreamWriter("out.fitl.txt");

        for (int i = 0; i < x_eval.size; i++)
            fitwriter.Write("{0:f16} {1:f16}\n", x_eval[i], expfun(x_eval[i]));
            fitupwriter.Write("{0:f16} {1:f16}\n", x_eval[i], expu(x_eval[i]));
            fitlowriter.Write("{0:f16} {1:f16}\n", x_eval[i], expl(x_eval[i]));

        var datwriter = new System.IO.StreamWriter("out.data.txt");

        for (int i = 0; i < xs.size; i++)
            datwriter.Write("{0:f16} {1:f16} {2:f16}\n", xs[i], yt[i], yerr[i]);

Пример #4
    static void Main()
/* A */
        var t0  = new vector(new double[] { 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 9, 10, 13, 15 });
        var y0  = new vector(new double[] { 117, 100, 88, 72, 53, 29.5, 25.2, 15.2, 11.1 });
        var dy0 = 0.05 * y0;
        var f   = new Func <double, double>[] { x => 1, x => x };
        int n   = t0.size;
        var t   = new vector(n);
        var y   = new vector(n);
        var dy  = new vector(n);

        for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
            t[i]  = t0[i];
            y[i]  = Log(y0[i]);
            dy[i] = dy0[i] / y0[i];

        var fit = new lsfit(t, y, dy, f);

        for (int i = 0; i < t.size; i++)
            WriteLine($"{t0[i]} {y0[i]} {dy0[i]}");

        int    k, N = 100;
        double z, step = (t[t.size - 1] - t[0]) / (N - 1);

        for (z = t[0], k = 0; k < N; z = t[0] + (++k) * step)
            WriteLine($"{z} {Exp(fit.eval(z))}");

        double lambda  = fit.c[1];
        double dlambda = Sqrt(fit.sigma[1, 1]);
        // Error.WriteLine($"lambda={lambda:f5}, dlambda={dlambda:f5}");
        double T  = -Log(2.0) / lambda;                                               // half-life
        double dT = Abs(dlambda / lambda / lambda);                                   // half-life uncertainty

        Error.WriteLine($"ThX half-life from fit = {T:f1} +/- {dT:f1} days");
        Error.WriteLine($"The modern value for the half-life of 224-Rn = {3.619} +/- {0.023} days");
        Error.WriteLine("The value obtained from the fit agrees with the modern value within the uncertainties of the fit");
        Error.WriteLine("(Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Isotopes_of_radium)\n");

/* B) */
        matrix sigma = fit.sigma;

        Error.WriteLine($"The covariance matrix, Σ: \n {sigma[0,0]:f6}	{sigma[0,1]:f6} \n {sigma[1,0]:f6}	{sigma[1,1]:f6}");
        Error.WriteLine("\nThe fitting parameters with uncertainties are:");
        vector unc = new vector(sigma.size1);

        for (int i = 0; i < sigma.size1; i++)
            unc[i] = Sqrt(sigma[i, i]);
            Error.WriteLine($"c[{i}]: {fit.c[i]:f6} +/- {unc[i]:f6}");

/* C) */

        fit.c[0] += Sqrt(fit.sigma[0, 0]);
        for (z = t[0], k = 0; k < N; z = t[0] + (++k) * step)
            WriteLine($"{z} {Exp(fit.eval(z))}");

        fit.c[0] -= 2 * Sqrt(fit.sigma[0, 0]);
        for (z = t[0], k = 0; k < N; z = t[0] + (++k) * step)
            WriteLine($"{z} {Exp(fit.eval(z))}");

        fit.c[0] += Sqrt(fit.sigma[0, 0]);

        fit.c[1] += Sqrt(fit.sigma[1, 1]);
        for (z = t[0], k = 0; k < N; z = t[0] + (++k) * step)
            WriteLine($"{z} {Exp(fit.eval(z))}");

        fit.c[1] -= 2 * Sqrt(fit.sigma[1, 1]);
        for (z = t[0], k = 0; k < N; z = t[0] + (++k) * step)
            WriteLine($"{z} {Exp(fit.eval(z))}");
Пример #5
 public lsfitstate(lsfit.lsfitstate obj)
     _innerobj = obj;
Пример #6
 public lsfitreport(lsfit.lsfitreport obj)
     _innerobj = obj;
Пример #7
 public spline1dfitreport(lsfit.spline1dfitreport obj)
     _innerobj = obj;
Пример #8
 public barycentricfitreport(lsfit.barycentricfitreport obj)
     _innerobj = obj;
Пример #9
 public polynomialfitreport(lsfit.polynomialfitreport obj)
     _innerobj = obj;
Пример #10
    static void Main()
//Original coordinates
        vector xo  = new vector(new double[] { 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 9, 10, 13, 15 });
        vector yo  = new vector(new double[] { 117, 100, 88, 72, 53, 29.5, 25.2, 15.2, 11.1 });
        vector dyo = yo / 20;
        var    f   = new Func <double, double>[] { t => 1, t => t };

        for (int i = 0; i < xo.size; i++)
        WriteLine(); WriteLine();       //Linebreak

        vector x  = xo.copy();
        vector y  = new vector(x.size);
        vector dy = new vector(x.size);

        for (int i = 0; i < x.size; i++)
            y[i]  = Log(yo[i]);
            dy[i] = dyo[i] / yo[i];

        var fit = new lsfit(x, y, dy, f);

        vector c       = fit.c;         //Coefficients
        vector delta_c = fit.delta_c;   //Uncertienties of the coefficients

        double lambda  = c[1];
        double dlambda = delta_c[1];

        Error.WriteLine($"lambda={lambda:f5} ± {dlambda:f5} ");
        double T  = Log(0.5) / lambda;
        double dT = Abs(dlambda / lambda / lambda);

        Error.WriteLine($"Halvlife= {T:f1} ± {dT:f1} days");
        if (T + dT >= 3.6 && (T - dT) <= 3.6)
            Error.WriteLine("Halvlife matches modern value of 3.6 days");
            Error.WriteLine("Halvlife does not match modern value of 3.6 days");

        int    N       = 1000;
        double x_lnmin = x[0];
        double x_lnmax = x[x.size - 1];
        vector x_fit   = new vector(N + 1);
        vector y_lnfit = new vector(N + 1);
        vector y_fit   = new vector(N + 1);
        double xi;

        for (int i = 0; i <= N; i++)
            xi         = (x_lnmax - x_lnmin) / 1000 * i + x_lnmin;
            x_fit[i]   = xi;
            y_lnfit[i] = fit.eval(xi);
            y_fit[i]   = Exp(y_lnfit[i]);

            WriteLine($"{x_fit[i]:f5}	{y_fit[i]:f5} ");
        WriteLine(); WriteLine();

        fit.c[0] += fit.delta_c[0];
        for (int i = 0; i <= N; i++)
            y_fit[i] = Exp(fit.eval(x_fit[i]));
            WriteLine($"{x_fit[i]:f5}	{y_fit[i]:f5} ");
        WriteLine(); WriteLine();

        fit.c[0] -= 2 * fit.delta_c[0];
        for (int i = 0; i <= N; i++)
            y_fit[i] = Exp(fit.eval(x_fit[i]));
            WriteLine($"{x_fit[i]:f5}	{y_fit[i]:f5} ");
        WriteLine(); WriteLine();

        fit.c[0] += fit.delta_c[0];
        fit.c[1] += fit.delta_c[1];
        for (int i = 0; i <= N; i++)
            y_fit[i] = Exp(fit.eval(x_fit[i]));
            WriteLine($"{x_fit[i]:f5}	{y_fit[i]:f5} ");
        WriteLine(); WriteLine();

        fit.c[1] -= 2 * fit.delta_c[1];
        for (int i = 0; i <= N; i++)
            y_fit[i] = Exp(fit.eval(x_fit[i]));
            WriteLine($"{x_fit[i]:f5}	{y_fit[i]:f5} ");
Пример #11
    static void B1()
        WriteLine("\n Problem B1: Test Jacobi cycle time \n");
        int n = 50;

        WriteLine("Symmetric random test matrix A of size {0}", n);
        Stopwatch sw = new Stopwatch();

        double time_avg = 0;
        int    k        = 15;
        vector times    = new vector(k);

        for (int i = 0; i < k; i++)
            matrix A = rand_sym_mat(n);
            matrix B = A.copy();
            jcbi_cycl test = new jcbi_cycl(B);
            times[i]  = sw.Elapsed.TotalMilliseconds;
            time_avg += times[i];
        time_avg = time_avg / times.size;
        WriteLine("Average Jacobi diagonalisation time");
        WriteLine("time_avg = {0} ms\n", time_avg);

        WriteLine("Perform calculation for different matrix sizes");
        var timewriter = new System.IO.StreamWriter("out.time.txt");

        k = 5;             // number of tries for each avg
        int    l     = 30; // upper range of matrix sizes;
        vector tavgs = new vector(l - 5);
        vector xs    = new vector(l - 5);
        vector terr  = new vector(l - 5);

        for (int i = 5; i < l; i++)
            xs[i - 5]    = i * 1.0;
            tavgs[i - 5] = 0;
            for (int j = 0; j < k; j++)
                matrix A = rand_sym_mat(i);
                matrix B = A.copy();
                jcbi_cycl test = new jcbi_cycl(B);
                tavgs[i - 5] += sw.Elapsed.TotalMilliseconds;
            tavgs[i - 5] = tavgs[i - 5] / k;
            terr[i - 5]  = tavgs[i - 5] * 0.025;
            timewriter.WriteLine($"{i} {tavgs[i-5]}");
        Func <double, double>[] tfun = new Func <double, double> [2];
        tfun[0] = (x) => 1; tfun[1] = (x) => x * x * x;
        //tfun[0] = (x) => 1; tfun[1] = (x) => x; tfun[2] = (x) => x*x; tfun[3] = (x) => x*x*x;
        lsfit tfit = new lsfit(xs, tavgs, terr, tfun);

        WriteLine("exec time fit params {0} {1}", tfit.C[0], tfit.C[1]);
        vector fiteval = tfit.evaluate(xs);
        var    tfunw   = new System.IO.StreamWriter("out.tfun.txt");

        for (int i = 0; i < xs.size; i++)
            tfunw.WriteLine($"{xs[i]} {fiteval[i]}");

        WriteLine("See PlotB1.svg for execution time calculation and a+b*x^3 fit");
Пример #12
    static void Main()
        // Note: Contains problem A, B and C, since they are so interrelated, that splitting
        // it up in several files and folders would be quite an unneccesary hassle.

        // Arrays with the measured data points
        vector x = new vector(new double[] { 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 9, 10, 13, 15 });
        vector y = new vector(new double[] { 117, 100, 88, 72, 53, 29.5, 25.2, 15.2, 11.1 });
        // The uncertainty of the data points is 5% of the values
        vector dy = y / 20;

        int          n         = x.size;
        StreamWriter writeData = new StreamWriter("originalData.txt");

        for (int i = 0; i < x.size; i++)
            writeData.WriteLine("{0}\t{1}\t{2}", x[i], y[i], dy[i]);

        vector yln  = new vector(n);
        vector dyln = new vector(n);

        // Take the logarithm of the data
        for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
            yln[i]  = Log(y[i]);
            dyln[i] = dy[i] / y[i];

        // Fit the data
        // We fit with a linear equation with a constant
        var f   = new Func <double, double>[] { t => 1, t => t };
        var fit = new lsfit(x, yln, dyln, f);

        // The lambda coefficient is now stored in the c[1] entry of the c-vector
        // The uncertainty of lambda can be found from the covariance matrix
        double lna     = fit.c[0];
        double dlna    = Sqrt(fit.sigma[0, 0]);
        double lambda  = fit.c[1];
        double dlambda = Sqrt(fit.sigma[1, 1]);

        // The half-life is then
        double T = -Log(2.0) / lambda;

        // Write out the found half-life and lambda+-dlambda
        StreamWriter writeFitResult = new StreamWriter("outA-B.txt");

        writeFitResult.WriteLine("The least squares fit gave the results:");
        writeFitResult.WriteLine("lambda = {0:f5} +/- {1:f5}", lambda, dlambda);
        writeFitResult.WriteLine("ln(a) = {0:f5} +/- {1:f5}", lna, dlna);
        writeFitResult.WriteLine("The half-life is thus estimated to be {0:f2} days", T);
        writeFitResult.WriteLine("The table value half-life is 3.66 days");

        // Generate data for the fitted curve
        StreamWriter writeFitData = new StreamWriter("fitData.txt");
        double       delta        = 0.02;

        for (double i = x[0]; i <= x[n - 1]; i += delta)
            writeFitData.WriteLine("{0:f2}\t{1}", i, Exp(fit.eval(i)));

        // Part B
        // The uncertainty of the half-life value for ThX is calculated via the usual formula
        // for the uncertainty of a function with one variable: dq = dx*|dq/dx|
        double dT = Log(2.0) * 1 / (lambda * lambda) * dlambda;

        writeFitResult.WriteLine("\nThe uncertainty in the estimated halflife is {0:f2} days",
        writeFitResult.WriteLine("The estimated value does thus not match the modern value" +
                                 " within the estimated uncertainty, but it is close.");

        // Part C
        // We generate data for plots where the fit coefficients are changed by the estimated
        // uncertainties. First they are changed one at time, and at last they are changed
        // together for the upper and lower boundaries of the uncertainty
        // ln(a) + dln(a)
        fit.c[0] += dlna;
        for (double i = x[0]; i <= x[n - 1]; i += delta)
            writeFitData.WriteLine("{0:f2}\t{1}", i, Exp(fit.eval(i)));

        // ln(a) - dln(a)
        fit.c[0] -= 2 * dlna;
        for (double i = x[0]; i <= x[n - 1]; i += delta)
            writeFitData.WriteLine("{0:f2}\t{1}", i, Exp(fit.eval(i)));

        // Restore ln(a) to the original value from the fit
        fit.c[0] += dlna;

        // lambda + dlambda
        fit.c[1] += dlambda;
        for (double i = x[0]; i <= x[n - 1]; i += delta)
            writeFitData.WriteLine("{0:f2}\t{1}", i, Exp(fit.eval(i)));

        // lambda - dlambda
        fit.c[1] -= 2 * dlambda;
        for (double i = x[0]; i <= x[n - 1]; i += delta)
            writeFitData.WriteLine("{0:f2}\t{1}", i, Exp(fit.eval(i)));
        // Restore lambda to original value
        fit.c[1] += dlambda;

        // Lower boundary - lowest constant with fastest decay
        fit.c[0] += dlna;
        fit.c[1] += dlambda;
        for (double i = x[0]; i <= x[n - 1]; i += delta)
            writeFitData.WriteLine("{0:f2}\t{1}", i, Exp(fit.eval(i)));

        // Upper boundary - highest constant with slowest decay
        fit.c[0] -= 2 * dlna;
        fit.c[1] -= 2 * dlambda;
        for (double i = x[0]; i <= x[n - 1]; i += delta)
            writeFitData.WriteLine("{0:f2}\t{1}", i, Exp(fit.eval(i)));
