public ActionResult Index() { /* Check so that you are logged in * and not trying to reach this the wrong way */ if (Session["user"] == null) { return(RedirectToAction("Index", "Home")); } else { loggedInUser user = Session["user"] as loggedInUser; //Check so the user is the correct userlevel to access admin if (user.userlevel != "rst") { return(RedirectToAction("Index", user.lastView)); } //If there is an Errortext return the ErrorView if (user.errorText != "") { ViewBag.errorText = user.errorText; user.errorText = ""; return(View("ErrorView")); } user.lastView = "Admin"; user.updateShift(); user.selectSetting.Machno = user.Machno; ViewBag.procFunc = user.selectSetting.makeDistinctProcFunc(); return(View(user.selectSetting)); } }
public ActionResult DDSFreq() { /* Check so that you are logged in * and not trying to reach this the wrong way */ if (Session["user"] == null) { return(RedirectToAction("Index", "Home")); } else { loggedInUser user = Session["user"] as loggedInUser; //Check so the user is the correct userlevel to access admin if (user.userlevel != "rst") { return(RedirectToAction("Index", user.lastView)); } //If there is an Errortext return the ErrorView if (user.errorText != "") { ViewBag.errorText = user.errorText; user.errorText = ""; return(View("ErrorView")); } user.lastView = "Admin"; user.updateShift(); var allActiveMachineSettings = new SettingFrequensFunctions(); return(View(allActiveMachineSettings.getAllConnections(user.Machno))); } }
public ActionResult Index() { /* Check so that you are logged in * and not trying to reach this the wrong way */ if (Session["user"] == null) { return(RedirectToAction("Index", "Home")); } else { loggedInUser user = Session["user"] as loggedInUser; //If there is an Errortext return the ErrorView if (user.errorText != "") { ViewBag.errorText = user.errorText; user.errorText = ""; return(View("ErrorView")); } user.lastView = "DDS"; user.updateShift(); dds.updateDDS(user.Machno, user.selShift.shiftno); if (dds.DDSDone.Count() != 0) { ViewData["DDSDone"] = dds.DDSDone; } return(View(dds.DDSTodo)); } }
//First page public ActionResult Index() { //Already logged in, show View if (Session["user"] != null) { loggedInUser user = (Session["user"]) as loggedInUser; if (user.errorText != "") { ViewBag.errorText = user.errorText; user.errorText = ""; return(View("ErrorView")); } user.updateShift(); s5Func.update5S(user); user.lastView = "Home"; ViewBag.tot = s5Func.numTodo + s5Func.numDone; ViewBag.done = s5Func.numDone; return(View(user)); } //Get windows user and check database if that user is allowed to login string winuser = System.Environment.UserName; var myUser = (from u in context.myuser where u.winuser == winuser select u).FirstOrDefault(); //Setup the user if (myUser != null) { loggedInUser user = new loggedInUser(myUser); Session["user"] = user; MachinePartialView(); s5Func.update5S(user); if (user.errorText != "") { ViewBag.errorText = user.errorText; return(View("ErrorView")); } ViewBag.tot = s5Func.numTodo + s5Func.numDone; ViewBag.done = s5Func.numDone; return(View(user)); } //If you where not authurized to login on that computer, send error View. ViewBag.errorText = "You are not authorized to login in and/or the user database is inaccessable"; return(View("ErrorView")); }