Пример #1
        //#define HUFF_EXTEND(x,s) ((x) < (1<<((s)-1)) ? (x) + (((-1)<<(s)) + 1) : (x))

        // Check for a restart marker & resynchronize decoder.
        // Returns false if must suspend.
        static bool process_restart_dlhuff(jpeg_decompress cinfo)
            jpeg_lossless_d_codec losslsd = (jpeg_lossless_d_codec)cinfo.coef;
            lhuff_entropy_decoder entropy = (lhuff_entropy_decoder)losslsd.entropy_private;

            // Throw away any unused bits remaining in bit buffer;
            // include any full bytes in next_marker's count of discarded bytes
            cinfo.marker.discarded_bytes += (uint)(entropy.bitstate.bits_left / 8);
            entropy.bitstate.bits_left    = 0;

            // Advance past the RSTn marker
            if (!cinfo.marker.read_restart_marker(cinfo))

            // Reset out-of-data flag, unless read_restart_marker left us smack up
            // against a marker. In that case we will end up treating the next data
            // segment as empty, and we can avoid producing bogus output pixels by
            // leaving the flag set.
            if (cinfo.unread_marker == 0)
                entropy.insufficient_data = false;

Пример #2
        // Initialize for a Huffman-compressed scan.
        static void start_pass_lhuff_decoder(jpeg_decompress cinfo)
            jpeg_lossless_d_codec losslsd = (jpeg_lossless_d_codec)cinfo.coef;
            lhuff_entropy_decoder entropy = (lhuff_entropy_decoder)losslsd.entropy_private;

            for (int ci = 0; ci < cinfo.comps_in_scan; ci++)
                jpeg_component_info compptr = cinfo.cur_comp_info[ci];
                int dctbl = compptr.dc_tbl_no;

                // Make sure requested tables are present
                if (dctbl < 0 || dctbl >= NUM_HUFF_TBLS ||
                    cinfo.dc_huff_tbl_ptrs[dctbl] == null)
                    ERREXIT1(cinfo, J_MESSAGE_CODE.JERR_NO_HUFF_TABLE, dctbl);

                // Compute derived values for Huffman tables
                // We may do this more than once for a table, but it's not expensive
                jpeg_make_d_derived_tbl(cinfo, true, dctbl, ref entropy.derived_tbls[dctbl]);

            // Precalculate decoding info for each sample in an MCU of this scan
            int ptrn = 0;

            for (int sampn = 0; sampn < cinfo.blocks_in_MCU;)
                jpeg_component_info compptr = cinfo.cur_comp_info[cinfo.MCU_membership[sampn]];
                int ci = compptr.component_index;
                for (int yoffset = 0; yoffset < compptr.MCU_height; yoffset++, ptrn++)
                    // Precalculate the setup info for each output pointer
                    entropy.output_ptr_info[ptrn].ci        = ci;
                    entropy.output_ptr_info[ptrn].yoffset   = yoffset;
                    entropy.output_ptr_info[ptrn].MCU_width = compptr.MCU_width;
                    for (int xoffset = 0; xoffset < compptr.MCU_width; xoffset++, sampn++)
                        // Precalculate the output pointer index for each sample
                        entropy.output_ptr_index[sampn] = ptrn;

                        // Precalculate which table to use for each sample
                        entropy.cur_tbls[sampn] = entropy.derived_tbls[compptr.dc_tbl_no];
            entropy.num_output_ptrs = ptrn;

            // Initialize bitread state variables
            entropy.bitstate.bits_left  = 0;
            entropy.bitstate.get_buffer = 0;           // unnecessary, but keeps Purify quiet
            entropy.insufficient_data   = false;
Пример #3
        // Module initialization routine for lossless Huffman entropy decoding.
        public static void jinit_lhuff_decoder(jpeg_decompress cinfo)
            jpeg_lossless_d_codec losslsd = (jpeg_lossless_d_codec)cinfo.coef;
            lhuff_entropy_decoder entropy = null;

                entropy = new lhuff_entropy_decoder();
                ERREXIT1(cinfo, J_MESSAGE_CODE.JERR_OUT_OF_MEMORY, 4);
            losslsd.entropy_private         = entropy;
            losslsd.entropy_start_pass      = start_pass_lhuff_decoder;
            losslsd.entropy_process_restart = process_restart_dlhuff;
            losslsd.entropy_decode_mcus     = decode_mcus_dlhuff;

            // Mark tables unallocated
            for (int i = 0; i < NUM_HUFF_TBLS; i++)
                entropy.derived_tbls[i] = null;
Пример #4
        // Decode and return nMCU's worth of Huffman-compressed differences.
        // Each MCU is also disassembled and placed accordingly in diff_buf.
        // MCU_col_num specifies the column of the first MCU being requested within
        // the MCU-row. This tells us where to position the output row pointers in
        // diff_buf.
        // Returns the number of MCUs decoded. This may be less than nMCU if data
        // source requested suspension. In that case no changes have been made to
        // permanent state. (Exception: some output differences may already have
        // been assigned. This is harmless for this module, since we'll just
        // re-assign them on the next call.)
        static uint decode_mcus_dlhuff(jpeg_decompress cinfo, int[][][] diff_buf, uint MCU_row_num, uint MCU_col_num, uint nMCU)
            jpeg_lossless_d_codec losslsd = (jpeg_lossless_d_codec)cinfo.coef;
            lhuff_entropy_decoder entropy = (lhuff_entropy_decoder)losslsd.entropy_private;

            // Set output pointer locations based on MCU_col_num
            for (int ptrn = 0; ptrn < entropy.num_output_ptrs; ptrn++)
                int ci        = entropy.output_ptr_info[ptrn].ci;
                int yoffset   = entropy.output_ptr_info[ptrn].yoffset;
                int MCU_width = entropy.output_ptr_info[ptrn].MCU_width;
                entropy.output_ptr[ptrn]     = diff_buf[ci][MCU_row_num + yoffset];
                entropy.output_ptr_ind[ptrn] = (int)(MCU_col_num * MCU_width);

            // If we've run out of data, zero out the buffers and return.
            // By resetting the undifferencer, the output samples will be CENTERJSAMPLE.
            // NB: We should find a way to do this without interacting with the
            // undifferencer module directly.
            if (entropy.insufficient_data)
                for (int ptrn = 0; ptrn < entropy.num_output_ptrs; ptrn++)
                    for (int i = 0; i < nMCU * entropy.output_ptr_info[ptrn].MCU_width; i++)
                        entropy.output_ptr[ptrn][entropy.output_ptr_ind[ptrn] + i] = 0;


                // Load up working state

                //was BITREAD_STATE_VARS;
                bitread_working_state br_state = new bitread_working_state();

                //was BITREAD_LOAD_STATE(cinfo, entropy.bitstate);
                br_state.cinfo           = cinfo;
                br_state.input_bytes     = cinfo.src.input_bytes;
                br_state.next_input_byte = cinfo.src.next_input_byte;
                br_state.bytes_in_buffer = cinfo.src.bytes_in_buffer;
                ulong get_buffer = entropy.bitstate.get_buffer;
                int   bits_left  = entropy.bitstate.bits_left;

                // Outer loop handles the number of MCU requested
                for (uint mcu_num = 0; mcu_num < nMCU; mcu_num++)
                    // Inner loop handles the samples in the MCU
                    for (int sampn = 0; sampn < cinfo.blocks_in_MCU; sampn++)
                        d_derived_tbl dctbl = entropy.cur_tbls[sampn];
                        int           s = 0, r;

                        // Section H.2.2: decode the sample difference
                        //was HUFF_DECODE(s, br_state, dctbl, return mcu_num, label1);
                            int  nb, look;
                            bool label = false;
                            if (bits_left < HUFF_LOOKAHEAD)
                                if (!jpeg_fill_bit_buffer(ref br_state, get_buffer, bits_left, 0))
                                get_buffer = br_state.get_buffer;
                                bits_left  = br_state.bits_left;
                                if (bits_left < HUFF_LOOKAHEAD)
                                    nb    = 1;
                                    label = true;
                                    if ((s = jpeg_huff_decode(ref br_state, get_buffer, bits_left, dctbl, nb)) < 0)
                                    get_buffer = br_state.get_buffer;
                                    bits_left  = br_state.bits_left;

                            if (!label)
                                //was look=PEEK_BITS(HUFF_LOOKAHEAD);
                                look = ((int)(get_buffer >> (bits_left - HUFF_LOOKAHEAD))) & ((1 << HUFF_LOOKAHEAD) - 1);
                                if ((nb = dctbl.look_nbits[look]) != 0)
                                    //was DROP_BITS(nb);
                                    bits_left -= nb;
                                    s          = dctbl.look_sym[look];
                                    nb = HUFF_LOOKAHEAD + 1;
                                    if ((s = jpeg_huff_decode(ref br_state, get_buffer, bits_left, dctbl, nb)) < 0)
                                    get_buffer = br_state.get_buffer;
                                    bits_left  = br_state.bits_left;

                        if (s != 0)
                            if (s == 16)
                                s = 32768;                                 // special case: always output 32768
                            {                             // normal case: fetch subsequent bits
                                //was CHECK_BIT_BUFFER(br_state, s, return mcu_num);
                                if (bits_left < s)
                                    if (!jpeg_fill_bit_buffer(ref br_state, get_buffer, bits_left, s))
                                    get_buffer = br_state.get_buffer; bits_left = br_state.bits_left;

                                //was r = GET_BITS(s);
                                r = ((int)(get_buffer >> (bits_left -= s))) & ((1 << s) - 1);
                                //was s=HUFF_EXTEND(r, s);
                                s = (r < (1 << (s - 1))?r + (((-1) << s) + 1):r);

                        // Output the sample difference
                        int ind = entropy.output_ptr_index[sampn];
                        entropy.output_ptr[ind][entropy.output_ptr_ind[ind]++] = (int)s;

                    // Completed MCU, so update state
                    //was BITREAD_SAVE_STATE(cinfo, entropy.bitstate);
                    cinfo.src.input_bytes       = br_state.input_bytes;
                    cinfo.src.next_input_byte   = br_state.next_input_byte;
                    cinfo.src.bytes_in_buffer   = br_state.bytes_in_buffer;
                    entropy.bitstate.get_buffer = get_buffer;
                    entropy.bitstate.bits_left  = bits_left;
