Пример #1
        private async Task <IList <jsTreeNode> > GetHubsAsync()
            IList <jsTreeNode> nodes = new List <jsTreeNode>();

            // the API SDK
            HubsApi hubsApi = new HubsApi();

            hubsApi.Configuration.AccessToken = Credentials.TokenInternal;

            var hubs = await hubsApi.GetHubsAsync();

            foreach (KeyValuePair <string, dynamic> hubInfo in new DynamicDictionaryItems(hubs.data))
                // check the type of the hub to show an icon
                string nodeType = "hubs";
                switch ((string)hubInfo.Value.attributes.extension.type)
                case "hubs:autodesk.core:Hub":
                    nodeType = "hubs";     // if showing only BIM 360, mark this as 'unsupported'

                case "hubs:autodesk.a360:PersonalHub":
                    nodeType = "personalHub";     // if showing only BIM 360, mark this as 'unsupported'

                case "hubs:autodesk.bim360:Account":
                    nodeType = "bim360Hubs";

                // create a treenode with the values
                jsTreeNode hubNode = new jsTreeNode(hubInfo.Value.links.self.href, hubInfo.Value.attributes.name, nodeType, !(nodeType == "unsupported"));

Пример #2
        private async Task <IList <jsTreeNode> > GetProjectsAsync(string href)
            IList <jsTreeNode> nodes = new List <jsTreeNode>();

            // the API SDK
            ProjectsApi projectsApi = new ProjectsApi();

            projectsApi.Configuration.AccessToken = Credentials.TokenInternal;

            // extract the hubId from the href
            string[] idParams = href.Split('/');
            string   hubId    = idParams[idParams.Length - 1];

            var projects = await projectsApi.GetHubProjectsAsync(hubId);

            foreach (KeyValuePair <string, dynamic> projectInfo in new DynamicDictionaryItems(projects.data))
                // check the type of the project to show an icon
                string nodeType = "projects";
                switch ((string)projectInfo.Value.attributes.extension.type)
                case "projects:autodesk.core:Project":
                    nodeType = "a360projects";

                case "projects:autodesk.bim360:Project":
                    nodeType = "bim360projects";

                // create a treenode with the values
                jsTreeNode projectNode = new jsTreeNode(projectInfo.Value.links.self.href, projectInfo.Value.attributes.name, nodeType, false);

        private async Task <IList <jsTreeNode> > GetItemVersions(string href)
            IList <jsTreeNode> nodes = new List <jsTreeNode>();

            // the API SDK
            ItemsApi itemApi = new ItemsApi();

            itemApi.Configuration.AccessToken = Credentials.TokenInternal;

            // extract the projectId & itemId from the href
            string[] idParams  = href.Split('/');
            string   itemId    = idParams[idParams.Length - 1];
            string   projectId = idParams[idParams.Length - 3];

            var versions = await itemApi.GetItemVersionsAsync(projectId, itemId);

            foreach (KeyValuePair <string, dynamic> version in new DynamicDictionaryItems(versions.data))
                DateTime versionDate = version.Value.attributes.lastModifiedTime;
                string   verNum      = version.Value.id.Split("=")[1];
                string   userName    = version.Value.attributes.lastModifiedUserName;

                string urn = string.Empty;
                try { urn = (string)version.Value.relationships.derivatives.data.id; }
                catch { urn = Base64Encode(version.Value.id); } // some BIM 360 versions don't have viewable

                jsTreeNode node = new jsTreeNode(
                    string.Format("v{0}: {1} by {2}", verNum, versionDate.ToString("dd/MM/yy HH:mm:ss"), userName),

Пример #4
        private async Task <IList <jsTreeNode> > GetItemVersions(string href)
            IList <jsTreeNode> nodes = new List <jsTreeNode>();

            // the API SDK
            ItemsApi itemApi = new ItemsApi();

            itemApi.Configuration.AccessToken = Credentials.TokenInternal;

            DerivativesApi derivativesApi = new DerivativesApi();

            derivativesApi.Configuration.AccessToken = Credentials.TokenInternal;

            // extract the projectId & itemId from the href
            string[] idParams  = href.Split('/');
            string   itemId    = idParams[idParams.Length - 1];
            string   projectId = idParams[idParams.Length - 3];

            var versions = await itemApi.GetItemVersionsAsync(projectId, itemId);

            foreach (KeyValuePair <string, dynamic> version in new DynamicDictionaryItems(versions.data))
                DateTime versionDate = version.Value.attributes.lastModifiedTime;
                string   verId       = version.Value.id;
                string   verNum      = version.Value.id.Split("=")[1];
                string   userName    = version.Value.attributes.lastModifiedUserName;

                string urn = string.Empty;
                try {
                    urn = (string)version.Value.relationships.derivatives.data.id;

                    dynamic manifestData = await derivativesApi.GetManifestAsync(urn);

                    foreach (KeyValuePair <string, dynamic> manifestParam in new DynamicDictionaryItems(manifestData))
                        if (manifestParam.Key == "derivatives")
                            foreach (KeyValuePair <string, dynamic> manifestDerivativeParam in new DynamicDictionaryItems(manifestParam.Value[0]))
                                if (manifestDerivativeParam.Key == "children")
                                    foreach (KeyValuePair <string, dynamic> manifestDerivativeChildrenParam in new DynamicDictionaryItems(manifestDerivativeParam.Value))
                                        string roomManifestStr = Convert.ToString(manifestDerivativeChildrenParam.Value);

                                        //string roomManifestStrJson = roomManifestStr.Substring(1, roomManifestStr.Length - 2);

                                        RoomManifestChildren deserializedRoomManifest = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <RoomManifestChildren>(roomManifestStr);

                                        if (deserializedRoomManifest.Role == "3d" && deserializedRoomManifest.Status == ManifestChildren.StatusEnum.Success)
                                            if (deserializedRoomManifest.PhaseNames != null)
                                                jsTreeNode phaseNode = new jsTreeNode(
                                                    urn + '|' + deserializedRoomManifest.ViewableId + '/' + projectId + '/' + verId,
                                                    string.Format("v{0}: phase: {1}", verNum, deserializedRoomManifest.PhaseNames),


                                        //foreach(RoomManifestChildren roomManifestChild in deserializedManifestChildren)
                                        //    if (roomManifestChild.Role == ManifestChildren.RoleEnum._3d && roomManifestChild.Status == ManifestChildren.StatusEnum.Success)
                                        //    {
                                        //        if (roomManifestChild.PhaseNames != null)
                                        //        {
                                        //            jsTreeNode phaseNode = new jsTreeNode(
                                        //                    urn + '|' + roomManifestChild.ViewableId + '/' + projectId + '/' + verId,
                                        //                    string.Format("v{0}: {1}", verNum, roomManifestChild.PhaseNames),
                                        //                    "versions",
                                        //                    false);

                                        //            nodes.Add(phaseNode);
                                        //        }
                                        //    }

                                        //if (manifestDerivativeChildParam.Key == "role" && manifestDerivativeChildParam.Value == "3d")
                                        //    if(manifestDerivativeChildParam.Key == "status" && manifestDerivativeChildParam.Value == "success")
                                        //    {
                                        //        if(manifestDerivativeChildParam.Key == "phaseNames")
                                        //        {
                                        //            jsTreeNode phaseNode = new jsTreeNode(
                                        //                urn + '|' + manifestDerivativeChildParam.Value.viewableID + '/' + projectId + '/' + verId,
                                        //                string.Format("v{0}: {1}", verNum, manifestDerivativeChildParam.Value),
                                        //                "versions",
                                        //                false);

                                        //            nodes.Add(phaseNode);
                                        //        }
                                        //    }
                catch (Exception ex) {
                    string message = ex.Message;
                    urn = Base64Encode(version.Value.id);
                } // some BIM 360 versions don't have viewable

                jsTreeNode node = new jsTreeNode(
                    urn + '/' + projectId + '/' + verId,
                    string.Format("v{0}: {1} by {2}", verNum, versionDate.ToString("dd/MM/yy HH:mm:ss"), userName),
