Пример #1
            private static @string String(this jsCtx i)
                if (i >= jsCtx(len(_jsCtx_index) - 1L))
                    return("jsCtx(" + strconv.FormatInt(int64(i), 10L) + ")");

                return(_jsCtx_name[_jsCtx_index[i].._jsCtx_index[i + 1L]]);
Пример #2
Файл: js.cs Проект: zjmit/go2cs
        // nextJSCtx returns the context that determines whether a slash after the
        // given run of tokens starts a regular expression instead of a division
        // operator: / or /=.
        // This assumes that the token run does not include any string tokens, comment
        // tokens, regular expression literal tokens, or division operators.
        // This fails on some valid but nonsensical JavaScript programs like
        // "x = ++/foo/i" which is quite different than "x++/foo/i", but is not known to
        // fail on any known useful programs. It is based on the draft
        // JavaScript 2.0 lexical grammar and requires one token of lookbehind:
        // https://www.mozilla.org/js/language/js20-2000-07/rationale/syntax.html
        private static jsCtx nextJSCtx(slice<byte> s, jsCtx preceding)
            s = bytes.TrimRight(s, "\t\n\f\r \u2028\u2029");
            if (len(s) == 0L)
                return preceding;
                var c = s[len(s) - 1L];
                var n = len(s);

                switch (c)
                    case '+': 
                        // ++ and -- are not regexp preceders, but + and - are whether
                        // they are used as infix or prefix operators.

                    case '-': 
                        // ++ and -- are not regexp preceders, but + and - are whether
                        // they are used as infix or prefix operators.
                        var start = n - 1L; 
                        // Count the number of adjacent dashes or pluses.
                        while (start > 0L && s[start - 1L] == c)
                        if ((n - start) & 1L == 1L)
                            // Reached for trailing minus signs since "---" is the
                            // same as "-- -".
                            return jsCtxRegexp;

                        return jsCtxDivOp;
                    case '.': 
                        // Handle "42."
                        if (n != 1L && '0' <= s[n - 2L] && s[n - 2L] <= '9')
                            return jsCtxDivOp;
                        return jsCtxRegexp; 
                        // Suffixes for all punctuators from section 7.7 of the language spec
                        // that only end binary operators not handled above.
                    case ',': 

                    case '<': 

                    case '>': 

                    case '=': 

                    case '*': 

                    case '%': 

                    case '&': 

                    case '|': 

                    case '^': 

                    case '?': 
                        return jsCtxRegexp; 
                        // Suffixes for all punctuators from section 7.7 of the language spec
                        // that are prefix operators not handled above.
                    case '!': 

                    case '~': 
                        return jsCtxRegexp; 
                        // Matches all the punctuators from section 7.7 of the language spec
                        // that are open brackets not handled above.
                    case '(': 

                    case '[': 
                        return jsCtxRegexp; 
                        // Matches all the punctuators from section 7.7 of the language spec
                        // that precede expression starts.
                    case ':': 

                    case ';': 

                    case '{': 
                        return jsCtxRegexp; 
                        // CAVEAT: the close punctuators ('}', ']', ')') precede div ops and
                        // are handled in the default except for '}' which can precede a
                        // division op as in
                        //    ({ valueOf: function () { return 42 } } / 2
                        // which is valid, but, in practice, developers don't divide object
                        // literals, so our heuristic works well for code like
                        //    function () { ... }  /foo/.test(x) && sideEffect();
                        // The ')' punctuator can precede a regular expression as in
                        //     if (b) /foo/.test(x) && ...
                        // but this is much less likely than
                        //     (a + b) / c
                    case '}': 
                        return jsCtxRegexp;
                        // Look for an IdentifierName and see if it is a keyword that
                        // can precede a regular expression.
                        var j = n;
                        while (j > 0L && isJSIdentPart(rune(s[j - 1L])))
                        if (regexpPrecederKeywords[string(s[j..])])
Пример #3
 public context(state state = default, delim delim = default, urlPart urlPart = default, jsCtx jsCtx = default, attr attr = default, element element = default, ref ptr <Error> err = default)
     this.state   = state;
     this.delim   = delim;
     this.urlPart = urlPart;
     this.jsCtx   = jsCtx;
     this.attr    = attr;
     this.element = element;
     this.err     = err;