public static ShortestPathTree ShortestPathTree(Graph graph, String sourceLabel)
            G.IDictionary <String, Node> nodes = graph.GetNodes();
            if (!nodes.ContainsKey(sourceLabel))
                throw new Exception("Source node not found in graph.");
            ShortestPathTree predecessorTree = new ShortestPathTree(sourceLabel);

            ISet <DijkstraNode> visited = new HashSet <DijkstraNode>();

            java.util.PriorityQueue <DijkstraNode> pq = new java.util.PriorityQueue <DijkstraNode>();
            foreach (String nodeLabel in nodes.Keys)
                DijkstraNode newNode = new DijkstraNode(nodeLabel);
            DijkstraNode sourceNode = predecessorTree.GetNodes()[predecessorTree.GetRoot()];

            pq.add(sourceNode, sourceNode.GetDist());

            int count = 0;

            while (!pq.isEmpty())
                DijkstraNode current   = pq.poll();
                String       currLabel = current.GetLabel();
                G.IDictionary <String, Double> neighbors = nodes[currLabel].GetNeighbors();
                foreach (String currNeighborLabel in neighbors.Keys)
                    DijkstraNode neighborNode = predecessorTree.GetNodes()[currNeighborLabel];
                    Double       currDistance = neighborNode.GetDist();
                    Double       newDistance  = current.GetDist() + nodes[currLabel].GetNeighbors()[currNeighborLabel];
                    if (newDistance < currDistance)
                        DijkstraNode neighbor = predecessorTree.GetNodes()[currNeighborLabel];

                        neighbor.SetDepth(current.GetDepth() + 1);
                        pq.add(neighbor, neighbor.GetDist());

Пример #2
         * Computes the K shortest paths in a graph from node s to node t using Yen's algorithm
         * @param graph         the graph on which to compute the K shortest paths from s to t
         * @param sourceLabel   the starting node for all of the paths
         * @param targetLabel   the ending node for all of the paths
         * @param K             the number of shortest paths to compute
         * @return              a list of the K shortest paths from s to t, ordered from shortest to longest
        public IList <Path> Ksp(Graph graph, String sourceLabel, String targetLabel, int K)
            // Initialize containers for candidate paths and k shortest paths
            List <Path> ksp = new List <Path>();

            java.util.PriorityQueue <Path> candidates = new java.util.PriorityQueue <Path>();

            //try {
            /* Compute and add the shortest path */
            Path kthPath = Dijkstra.ShortestPath(graph, sourceLabel, targetLabel);


            /* Iteratively compute each of the k shortest paths */
            for (int k = 1; k < K; k++)
                // Get the (k-1)st shortest path
                Path previousPath = ksp[k - 1];

                /* Iterate over all of the nodes in the (k-1)st shortest path except for the target node; for each node,
                 * (up to) one new candidate path is generated by temporarily modifying the graph and then running
                 * Dijkstra's algorithm to find the shortest path between the node and the target in the modified
                 * graph */
                for (int i = 0; i < previousPath.Size(); i++)
                    // Initialize a container to store the modified (removed) edges for this node/iteration
                    java.util.LinkedList <Edge> removedEdges = new java.util.LinkedList <Edge>();

                    // Spur node = currently visited node in the (k-1)st shortest path
                    String spurNode = previousPath.GetEdges().get(i).GetFromNode();

                    // Root path = prefix portion of the (k-1)st path up to the spur node
                    Path rootPath = previousPath.CloneTo(i);

                    /* Iterate over all of the (k-1) shortest paths */
                    foreach (Path p in ksp)
                        Path stub = p.CloneTo(i);
                        // Check to see if this path has the same prefix/root as the (k-1)st shortest path
                        if (rootPath.Equals((object)stub))
                            /* If so, eliminate the next edge in the path from the graph (later on, this forces the spur
                             * node to connect the root path with an un-found suffix path) */
                            Edge re = p.GetEdges().get(i);
                            graph.RemoveEdge(re.GetFromNode(), re.GetToNode());

                    /* Temporarily remove all of the nodes in the root path, other than the spur node, from the graph */
                    foreach (Edge rootPathEdge in rootPath.GetEdges())
                        String rn = rootPathEdge.GetFromNode();
                        if (!rn.Equals(spurNode))

                    // Spur path = shortest path from spur node to target node in the reduced graph
                    Path spurPath = Dijkstra.ShortestPath(graph, spurNode, targetLabel);

                    // If a new spur path was identified...
                    if (spurPath != null)
                        // Concatenate the root and spur paths to form the new candidate path
                        Path totalPath = rootPath.Clone();

                        // If candidate path has not been generated previously, add it
                        if (!candidates.contains(totalPath))
                            candidates.add(totalPath, totalPath.GetTotalCost());

                    // Restore all of the edges that were removed during this iteration

                /* Identify the candidate path with the shortest cost */
                bool isNewPath;
                    kthPath   = candidates.poll();
                    isNewPath = true;
                    if (kthPath != null)
                        foreach (Path p in ksp)
                            // Check to see if this candidate path duplicates a previously found path
                            if (p.Equals(kthPath))
                                isNewPath = false;
                } while(!isNewPath);

                // If there were not any more candidates, stop
                if (kthPath == null)

                // Add the best, non-duplicate candidate identified as the k shortest path
            //} catch (Exception e) {
            //    SystemOut.println(e);
            //    e.printStackTrace();

            // Return the set of k shortest paths
        public static Path ShortestPath(Graph graph, String sourceLabel, String targetLabel)
            //if (!nodes.containsKey(sourceLabel))
            //    throw new Exception("Source node not found in graph.");
            G.IDictionary <String, Node> nodes           = graph.GetNodes();
            ShortestPathTree             predecessorTree = new ShortestPathTree(sourceLabel);

            java.util.PriorityQueue <DijkstraNode> pq = new java.util.PriorityQueue <DijkstraNode>();
            foreach (String nodeLabel in nodes.Keys)
                DijkstraNode newNode = new DijkstraNode(nodeLabel);
            DijkstraNode sourceNode = predecessorTree.GetNodes()[predecessorTree.GetRoot()];

            pq.add(sourceNode, sourceNode.GetDist());

            int count = 0;

            while (!pq.isEmpty())
                DijkstraNode current   = pq.poll();
                String       currLabel = current.GetLabel();
                if (currLabel.Equals(targetLabel))
                    Path   shortestPath = new Path();
                    String currentN     = targetLabel;
                    String parentN      = predecessorTree.GetParentOf(currentN);
                    while (parentN != null)
                        shortestPath.AddFirst(new Edge(parentN, currentN, nodes[parentN].GetNeighbors()[currentN]));
                        currentN = parentN;
                        parentN  = predecessorTree.GetParentOf(currentN);
                G.IDictionary <String, Double> neighbors = nodes[currLabel].GetNeighbors();
                foreach (String currNeighborLabel in neighbors.Keys)
                    DijkstraNode neighborNode = predecessorTree.GetNodes()[currNeighborLabel];
                    Double       currDistance = neighborNode.GetDist();
                    Double       newDistance  = current.GetDist() + nodes[currLabel].GetNeighbors()[currNeighborLabel];
                    if (newDistance < currDistance)
                        DijkstraNode neighbor = predecessorTree.GetNodes()[currNeighborLabel];

                        neighbor.SetDepth(current.GetDepth() + 1);
                        pq.add(neighbor, neighbor.GetDist());
