Пример #1
//C++ TO C# CONVERTER WARNING: 'const' methods are not available in C#:
//ORIGINAL LINE: virtual NetgenGeometry *LoadFromMeshFile(istream & ist) const
        public virtual NetgenGeometry LoadFromMeshFile(istream ist)
            for (int i = 0; i < Size(); i++)
                NetgenGeometry hgeom = this[i].LoadFromMeshFile(ist);
                if (hgeom != null)
Пример #2
        private Vector4[] CreateFileData(out float minx, out float miny, out float minz, out float maxx, out float maxy, out float maxz)
            //string file = "../../test/data/1.2-with-color.las";
            string file = "../../test/data/hobu.las";

            Vector4 red   = new Vector4(1, 0, 0, 1);
            Vector4 green = new Vector4(0, 1, 0, 1);
            Vector4 blue  = new Vector4(0, 0, 1, 1);

            List <Vector4> points = new List <Vector4>();

            istream istr = Utils.openFile(file);

            m_reader = new LiblasReader(istr);

            Stage stage = m_reader;
                int np = (int)m_reader.getNumPoints();
                if (np > 100000)
                    int step = np / 100000;
                    m_filter = new DecimationFilter(m_reader, step);
                    stage    = m_filter;

            Header        header = stage.getHeader();
            Bounds_double bounds = header.getBounds();

            minx = (float)bounds.getMinimum(0);
            miny = (float)bounds.getMinimum(1);
            minz = (float)bounds.getMinimum(2);
            maxx = (float)bounds.getMaximum(0);
            maxy = (float)bounds.getMaximum(1);
            maxz = (float)bounds.getMaximum(2);

            // 1.2-with-color
            //minx 635619.9f
            //miny 848899.7f
            //minz 406.59f
            //maxx 638982.563
            //maxy 853535.438
            //maxz 586.38

            ulong numPoints = stage.getNumPoints();
            //numPoints = Math.Min(numPoints, 100000);

            Schema       schema = stage.getHeader().getSchema();
            SchemaLayout layout = new SchemaLayout(schema);

            PointData data = new PointData(layout, (uint)numPoints);

            uint numRead = stage.read(data);

            uint offsetX  = (uint)schema.getDimensionIndex(Dimension.Field.Field_X);
            uint offsetY  = (uint)schema.getDimensionIndex(Dimension.Field.Field_Y);
            uint offsetZ  = (uint)schema.getDimensionIndex(Dimension.Field.Field_Z);
            uint offsetR  = (uint)schema.getDimensionIndex(Dimension.Field.Field_Red);
            uint offsetG  = (uint)schema.getDimensionIndex(Dimension.Field.Field_Green);
            uint offsetBG = (uint)schema.getDimensionIndex(Dimension.Field.Field_Blue);

            for (uint index = 0; index < numRead; index++)
                Int32 xraw = data.getField_Int32(index, offsetX);
                Int32 yraw = data.getField_Int32(index, offsetY);
                Int32 zraw = data.getField_Int32(index, offsetZ);
                float x    = (float)schema.getDimension(offsetX).getNumericValue_Int32(xraw);
                float y    = (float)schema.getDimension(offsetY).getNumericValue_Int32(yraw);
                float z    = (float)schema.getDimension(offsetZ).getNumericValue_Int32(zraw);

                if (index == 0)
                    minx = maxx = x;
                    miny = maxy = y;
                    minz = maxz = z;
                    minx = Math.Min(x, minx);
                    miny = Math.Min(y, miny);
                    minz = Math.Min(z, minz);
                    maxx = Math.Max(x, maxx);
                    maxy = Math.Max(y, maxy);
                    maxz = Math.Max(z, maxz);

                UInt16 r = data.getField_UInt16(index, offsetX);
                UInt16 g = data.getField_UInt16(index, offsetY);
                UInt16 b = data.getField_UInt16(index, offsetZ);

                points.Add(new Vector4(x, y, z, 1));

                float rf = (float)r / 65535.0f;
                float gf = (float)g / 65535.0f;
                float bf = (float)b / 65535.0f;
                points.Add(new Vector4(rf, gf, bf, 1));


Пример #3
//C++ TO C# CONVERTER WARNING: 'const' methods are not available in C#:
//ORIGINAL LINE: virtual NetgenGeometry * LoadFromMeshFile(istream &) const
        public virtual NetgenGeometry LoadFromMeshFile(istream UnnamedParameter)
Пример #4
//C++ TO C# CONVERTER WARNING: The original C++ declaration of the following method implementation was not found:
        public void LoadRule(istream ist)
            string      buf = new string(new char[256]);
            char        ch;
            Point2d     p   = new Point2d();
            INDEX_2     lin = new INDEX_2();
            int         i;
            int         j;
            DenseMatrix tempoldutonewu          = new DenseMatrix(20, 20);
            DenseMatrix tempoldutofreearea      = new DenseMatrix(20, 20);
            DenseMatrix tempoldutofreearealimit = new DenseMatrix(20, 20);

            tempoldutonewu          = 0;
            tempoldutofreearea      = 0;
            tempoldutofreearealimit = 0;

            noldp = 0;
            noldl = 0;

            ist.get(buf, sizeof(char), '"');
            ist.get(buf, sizeof(char), '"');

            // if(name != NULL)
            name = null;
            name = new char[buf.Length + 1];
            name = buf;
            //(*testout) << "name " << name << endl;
            //  (*mycout) << "Rule " << name << " found." << endl;

                ist >> buf;

                //(*testout) << "buf " << buf << endl;

                if (string.Compare(buf, "quality") == 0)

                    ist >> quality;

                else if (string.Compare(buf, "mappoints") == 0)
                    ist >> ch;

                    while (ch == '(')
                        ist >> p.X();
                        ist >> ch;           // ','
                        ist >> p.Y();
                        ist >> ch;           // ')'


                        tolerances.Elem(noldp).f1 = 1.0;
                        tolerances.Elem(noldp).f2 = 0;
                        tolerances.Elem(noldp).f3 = 1.0;

                        ist >> ch;
                        while (ch != ';')
                            if (ch == '{')
                                ist >> tolerances.Elem(noldp).f1;
                                ist >> ch;           // ','
                                ist >> tolerances.Elem(noldp).f2;
                                ist >> ch;           // ','
                                ist >> tolerances.Elem(noldp).f3;
                                ist >> ch;           // '}'
                            else if (ch == 'd')
                                //            delpoints.Append (noldp);
                                ist >> ch;           // 'e'
                                ist >> ch;           // 'l'

                            ist >> ch;

                        ist >> ch;


                else if (string.Compare(buf, "maplines") == 0)
                    ist >> ch;

                    while (ch == '(')
                        ist >> lin.I1();
                        ist >> ch;           // ','
                        ist >> lin.I2();
                        ist >> ch;           // ')'

                        //(*testout) << "read line " << lin.I1() << " " << lin.I2() << endl;
                        linevecs.Append(points.Get(lin.I2()) - points.Get(lin.I1()));
                        linetolerances.Elem(noldl).f1 = 0;
                        linetolerances.Elem(noldl).f2 = 0;
                        linetolerances.Elem(noldl).f3 = 0;

                        //(*testout) << "mapl1" << endl;
                        ist >> ch;
                        while (ch != ';')
                            //(*testout) << "working on character \""<<ch<<"\""<< endl;
                            if (ch == '{')
                                ist >> linetolerances.Elem(noldl).f1;
                                ist >> ch;           // ','
                                ist >> linetolerances.Elem(noldl).f2;
                                ist >> ch;           // ','
                                ist >> linetolerances.Elem(noldl).f3;
                                ist >> ch;           // '}'
                            else if (ch == 'd')
                                ist >> ch;           // 'e'
                                ist >> ch;           // 'l'
                                //(*testout) << "read del" << endl;

                            ist >> ch;
                            //(*testout) << "read character \""<<ch<<"\""<< endl;

                        ist >> ch;
                        //(*testout) << "read next character \""<<ch<<"\""<< endl;


                else if (string.Compare(buf, "newpoints") == 0)
                    ist >> ch;

                    while (ch == '(')
                        ist >> p.X();
                        ist >> ch;           // ','
                        ist >> p.Y();
                        ist >> ch;           // ')'


                        ist >> ch;
                        while (ch != ';')
                            if (ch == '{')
                                LoadMatrixLine(ist, tempoldutonewu.functorMethod, 2 * (points.Size() - noldp) - 1);

                                ist >> ch;           // '{'
                                LoadMatrixLine(ist, tempoldutonewu.functorMethod, 2 * (points.Size() - noldp));

                            ist >> ch;

                        ist >> ch;


                else if (string.Compare(buf, "newlines") == 0)
                    ist >> ch;

                    while (ch == '(')
                        ist >> lin.I1();
                        ist >> ch;           // ','
                        ist >> lin.I2();
                        ist >> ch;           // ')'

                        linevecs.Append(points.Get(lin.I2()) - points.Get(lin.I1()));

                        ist >> ch;
                        while (ch != ';')
                            ist >> ch;

                        ist >> ch;


                else if (string.Compare(buf, "freearea") == 0)
                    ist >> ch;

                    while (ch == '(')
                        ist >> p.X();
                        ist >> ch;           // ','
                        ist >> p.Y();
                        ist >> ch;           // ')'


                        ist >> ch;
                        while (ch != ';')
                            if (ch == '{')
                                LoadMatrixLine(ist, tempoldutofreearea.functorMethod, 2 * freezone.Size() - 1);

                                ist >> ch;           // '{'
                                LoadMatrixLine(ist, tempoldutofreearea.functorMethod, 2 * freezone.Size());

                            ist >> ch;

                        ist >> ch;

                    for (i = 1; i <= tempoldutofreearealimit.Height(); i++)
                        for (j = 1; j <= tempoldutofreearealimit.Width(); j++)
                            tempoldutofreearealimit.Elem(i, j) = tempoldutofreearea.Elem(i, j);

                else if (string.Compare(buf, "freearea2") == 0)
                    ist >> ch;
                    int freepi = 0;
                    tempoldutofreearealimit = 0;

                    while (ch == '(')

                        ist >> p.X();
                        ist >> ch;           // ','
                        ist >> p.Y();
                        ist >> ch;           // ')'

                        freezonelimit.Elem(freepi) = p;

                        ist >> ch;
                        while (ch != ';')
                            if (ch == '{')
                                LoadMatrixLine(ist, tempoldutofreearealimit.functorMethod, 2 * freepi - 1);

                                ist >> ch;           // '{'
                                LoadMatrixLine(ist, tempoldutofreearealimit.functorMethod, 2 * freepi);

                            ist >> ch;

                        ist >> ch;


                else if (string.Compare(buf, "elements") == 0)
                    ist >> ch;

                    while (ch == '(')
                        elements.Append(new Element2d(ELEMENT_TYPE.TRIG));

                        ist >> elements.Last().PNum(1);
                        ist >> ch;           // ','

                        if (ch == DefineConstants.COMMASIGN)
                            ist >> elements.Last().PNum(2);
                            ist >> ch;       // ','
                        if (ch == DefineConstants.COMMASIGN)
                            ist >> elements.Last().PNum(3);
                            ist >> ch;       // ','
                        if (ch == DefineConstants.COMMASIGN)
                            ist >> elements.Last().PNum(4);
                            ist >> ch;       // ','

                            // const Element2d & el = elements.Last();

                             * orientations.Append (threeint(el.PNum(1), el.PNum(2), el.PNum(3)));
                             * orientations.Append (threeint(el.PNum(2), el.PNum(3), el.PNum(4)));
                             * orientations.Append (threeint(el.PNum(3), el.PNum(4), el.PNum(1)));
                             * orientations.Append (threeint(el.PNum(4), el.PNum(1), el.PNum(2)));

                        ist >> ch;
                        while (ch != ';')
                            ist >> ch;

                        ist >> ch;


                else if (string.Compare(buf, "orientations") == 0)

                    ist >> ch;

                    while (ch == '(')
                        //        threeint a = threeint();
                        orientations.Append(new threeint());

                        ist >> orientations.Last().i1;
                        ist >> ch;           // ','
                        ist >> orientations.Last().i2;
                        ist >> ch;           // ','
                        ist >> orientations.Last().i3;
                        ist >> ch;           // ','

                        ist >> ch;
                        while (ch != ';')
                            ist >> ch;

                        ist >> ch;


                else if (string.Compare(buf, "endrule") != 0)
                    PrintSysError("Parser error, unknown token ", buf);
            } while (!ist.eof() && string.Compare(buf, "endrule") != 0);

            oldutonewu.SetSize(2 * (points.Size() - noldp), 2 * noldp);
            oldutofreearea.SetSize(2 * freezone.Size(), 2 * noldp);
            oldutofreearealimit.SetSize(2 * freezone.Size(), 2 * noldp);

            for (i = 1; i <= oldutonewu.Height(); i++)
                for (j = 1; j <= oldutonewu.Width(); j++)
                    oldutonewu.Elem(i, j) = tempoldutonewu.Elem(i, j);

            for (i = 1; i <= oldutofreearea.Height(); i++)
                for (j = 1; j <= oldutofreearea.Width(); j++)
                    oldutofreearea.Elem(i, j) = tempoldutofreearea.Elem(i, j);

            for (i = 1; i <= oldutofreearea.Height(); i++)
                for (j = 1; j <= oldutofreearea.Width(); j++)
                    oldutofreearealimit.Elem(i, j) = tempoldutofreearealimit.Elem(i, j);


                char        ok;
                int         minn;
                Array <int> pnearness = new Array <int>(noldp);

                for (i = 1; i <= pnearness.Size(); i++)
                    pnearness.Elem(i) = 1000;

                for (j = 1; j <= 2; j++)
                    pnearness.Elem(GetPointNr(1, j)) = 0;

                    ok = 1;

                    for (i = 1; i <= noldl; i++)
                        minn = 1000;
                        for (j = 1; j <= 2; j++)
                            minn = min2(minn, pnearness.Get(GetPointNr(i, j)));

                        for (j = 1; j <= 2; j++)
                            if (pnearness.Get(GetPointNr(i, j)) > minn + 1)
                                ok = 0;
                                pnearness.Elem(GetPointNr(i, j)) = minn + 1;
                } while (!ok);


                for (i = 1; i <= noldl; i++)
                    lnearness.Elem(i) = 0;
                    for (j = 1; j <= 2; j++)
                        lnearness.Elem(i) += pnearness.Get(GetPointNr(i, j));


            for (i = 0; i < oldutofreearea_i.Size(); i++)
                double lam1 = 1.0 / (i + 1);

                oldutofreearea_i[i] = new DenseMatrix(oldutofreearea.Height(), oldutofreearea.Width());
                DenseMatrix mati = *oldutofreearea_i[i];
                for (j = 0; j < oldutofreearea.Height(); j++)
                    for (int k = 0; k < oldutofreearea.Width(); k++)
                        mati.functorMethod(j, k) = lam1 * oldutofreearea(j, k) + (1 - lam1) * oldutofreearealimit(j, k);

                freezone_i[i] = new Array <Point2d> (freezone.Size());
                Array <Point2d> fzi = *freezone_i[i];
                for (int j = 0; j < freezone.Size(); j++)
                    fzi[j] = freezonelimit[j] + lam1 * (freezone[j] - freezonelimit[j]);