Пример #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Convert from idTech5 map
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="_Map"></param>
        public Scene( idTech5Map.Map _Map )
            // Create nodes
            m_RootNode = new Node( this, _Map );

            // Create materials
            foreach ( idTech5Map.Material M in idTech5Map.Material.ms_Materials ) {
                m_Materials.Add( new Material( M ) );
Пример #2
            public Node( Scene _Owner, idTech5Map.Map _Map )
                m_Owner = _Owner;
                m_Owner.m_Nodes.Add( this );

                List< Node >	Children = new List< Node >();
                foreach ( idTech5Map.Map.Entity E in _Map.m_Entities ) {
                    switch ( E.m_Type ) {
                        case idTech5Map.Map.Entity.TYPE.MODEL: {
                            Node	Child = new Mesh( _Owner, E );
                                    Child.m_Type = TYPE.MESH;
                            Children.Add( Child );
                        case idTech5Map.Map.Entity.TYPE.LIGHT: {
                            Node	Child = new Light( _Owner, E );
                                    Child.m_Type = TYPE.LIGHT;
                            Children.Add( Child );
                        case idTech5Map.Map.Entity.TYPE.PLAYER_START: {
                            Node	Child = new Camera( _Owner, E );
                                    Child.m_Type = TYPE.CAMERA;
                            Children.Add( Child );
                        case idTech5Map.Map.Entity.TYPE.PROBE: {
                            Node	Child = new Node( _Owner, E );
                                    Child.m_Type = TYPE.PROBE;
                            Children.Add( Child );

                        case idTech5Map.Map.Entity.TYPE.UNKNOWN:
                        case idTech5Map.Map.Entity.TYPE.REF_MAP:
                            // Don't care...
                m_Children = Children.ToArray();
Пример #3
                public Primitive( Mesh _Owner, idTech5Map.Model.Surface _Surface )
                    m_Owner = _Owner;

                    m_MaterialID = (ushort) _Surface.m_Material.m_MaterialIndex;

                    int	FacesCount = _Surface.m_Indices.Length / 3;

                    m_Faces = new Face[FacesCount];
                    m_Vertices = new Vertex[_Surface.m_Vertices.Length];

                    m_BBoxMin = _Surface.m_BoundsMin;
                    m_BBoxMax = _Surface.m_BoundsMax;

                    // Build faces
                    int	i = 0;
                    for ( int FaceIndex=0; FaceIndex < FacesCount; FaceIndex++ ) {
                        m_Faces[FaceIndex].V0 = _Surface.m_Indices[i++];
                        m_Faces[FaceIndex].V2 = _Surface.m_Indices[i++];	// Here we reverse faces' orientation
                        m_Faces[FaceIndex].V1 = _Surface.m_Indices[i++];

                    // Build vertices
                    for ( int VertexIndex=0; VertexIndex < m_Vertices.Length; VertexIndex++ ) {
                        idTech5Map.Model.Surface.Vertex	V = _Surface.m_Vertices[VertexIndex];
                        m_Vertices[VertexIndex].P = V.Position;
                        m_Vertices[VertexIndex].N = V.Normal;
                        m_Vertices[VertexIndex].G = V.Tangent;
                        m_Vertices[VertexIndex].B = V.BiTangent;
                        m_Vertices[VertexIndex].T = V.UVs[0];
Пример #4
            public Mesh( Scene _Owner, idTech5Map.Map.Entity _Entity )
                : base(_Owner, _Entity)
                // BUild primitives and local space BBox
                m_Primitives = new Primitive[_Entity.m_Model.m_Surfaces.Length];
                m_BBoxMin_Local = float.MaxValue * float3.One;
                m_BBoxMax_Local = -float.MaxValue * float3.One;

                int	PrimitiveIndex = 0;
                foreach ( idTech5Map.Model.Surface S in _Entity.m_Model.m_Surfaces ) {
                    m_Primitives[PrimitiveIndex] = new Primitive( this, S );
                    m_BBoxMin_Local.Min( m_Primitives[PrimitiveIndex].m_BBoxMin );
                    m_BBoxMax_Local.Max( m_Primitives[PrimitiveIndex].m_BBoxMax );

                // Convert BBox to world space
                m_BBoxMin_World = float.MaxValue * float3.One;
                m_BBoxMax_World = -float.MaxValue * float3.One;
                for ( int CornerIndex=0; CornerIndex < 8; CornerIndex++ ) {
                    float	X = (CornerIndex >> 0) & 1;
                    float	Y = (CornerIndex >> 0) & 1;
                    float	Z = (CornerIndex >> 0) & 1;
                    float3	D = m_BBoxMax_Local - m_BBoxMin_Local;

                    float3	lsCorner = m_BBoxMin_Local + new float3( X * D.x, Y * D.y, Z * D.z );
                    float3	wsCorner = (float3) (new float4( lsCorner, 1.0f ) * m_Local2Parent);

                    m_BBoxMin_World.Min( wsCorner );
                    m_BBoxMax_World.Max( wsCorner );
Пример #5
            public Material( idTech5Map.Material _Material )
                m_ID = (ushort) _Material.m_MaterialIndex;

                // TODO!
                m_DiffuseColor = 0.5f * float3.One;
Пример #6
 public Light( Scene _Owner, idTech5Map.Map.Entity _Entity )
     : base(_Owner, _Entity)
     m_LightType = LIGHT_TYPE.POINT;
     // TODO
     // 				m_LightType = (LIGHT_TYPE) _Light.Type;
     // 				m_Color.FromVector3( _Light.Color );
     // 				m_Intensity = _Light.Intensity;
     // 				m_HotSpot = _Light.HotSpot;
     // 				m_ConeAngle = _Light.ConeAngle;
Пример #7
 public Camera( Scene _Owner, idTech5Map.Map.Entity _Entity )
     : base(_Owner, _Entity)
     m_FOV = (float) (60.0 * Math.PI / 180.0);
Пример #8
            public Node( Scene _Owner, idTech5Map.Map.Entity _Entity )
                m_Owner = _Owner;
                m_Owner.m_Nodes.Add( this );

                float3	X = new float3( _Entity.m_Local2World.r0.x, _Entity.m_Local2World.r1.x, _Entity.m_Local2World.r2.x );
                float3	Y = new float3( _Entity.m_Local2World.r0.y, _Entity.m_Local2World.r1.y, _Entity.m_Local2World.r2.y );
                float3	Z = new float3( _Entity.m_Local2World.r0.z, _Entity.m_Local2World.r1.z, _Entity.m_Local2World.r2.z );
                float3	P = new float3( _Entity.m_Local2World.r0.w, _Entity.m_Local2World.r1.w, _Entity.m_Local2World.r2.w );

                X = ConvTech5( X );
                Y = ConvTech5( Y );
                Z = ConvTech5( Z );
                P = ConvTech5( P );

                m_Local2Parent.r0.Set( X, 0 );
                m_Local2Parent.r1.Set( Y, 0 );
                m_Local2Parent.r2.Set( Z, 0 );
                m_Local2Parent.r3.Set( P, 1 );