Пример #1
        private bool ensureISCSIInterfaceIsSetUp(hypervisor hyp, string srcAddress, cancellableDateTime deadline)
            executionResult res;

            // First, add our portgroup
            res = hypervisor.doWithRetryOnSomeExceptions(() => hyp.startExecutable("esxcli", "network vswitch standard portgroup add -p vlan11_iscsi -v vSwitch1"));
            if (res.resultCode != 0)
            // And then give the portgroup an address.
            res = hypervisor.doWithRetryOnSomeExceptions(() => hyp.startExecutable(
                                                             "esxcfg-vmknic", "--add --ip " + srcAddress + " --netmask vlan11_iscsi", deadline: deadline));
            if (res.resultCode != 0)

            // Finally, tag it for management traffic. For this, we'll need to get the adaptor name for this portgroup.
            res = hypervisor.doWithRetryOnSomeExceptions(() => hyp.startExecutable("esxcfg-vmknic", "--list", deadline: deadline));
            if (res.resultCode != 0)
            string[] lines       = res.stdout.Split(new[] { '\r', '\n' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
            string   adaptorName = null;

            foreach (var line in lines)
                string[] fields = line.Split(new[] { ' ' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
                if (fields[1] == "vlan11_iscsi")
                    adaptorName = fields[0];
            if (adaptorName == null)

            res = hypervisor.doWithRetryOnSomeExceptions(() => hyp.startExecutable(
                                                             "esxcli", "network ip interface tag add -i " + adaptorName + " -t Management", deadline: deadline));
            if (res.resultCode != 0)

Пример #2
        private void _SetBIOS(biosThreadState state)
            // SCP some needed files to it.
            copyDeploymentFilesToBlade(state.blade, state.biosxml, state.connectDeadline);

            // And execute the command to deploy the BIOS via SSH.
            using (hypervisor hyp = _hostManager.makeHypervisorForBlade_LTSP(state.blade))
                executionResult res = hyp.startExecutable("bash", "~/applyBIOS.sh");
                if (res.resultCode != 0)
                    string msg = string.Format("Executing applyBIOS.sh on {0} resulted in error code {1}", state.nodeIP, res.resultCode);
                    msg += "stdout: " + res.stdout;
                    msg += "stderr: " + res.stderr;
                    state.result = new result(resultCode.genericFail, msg);
                    _hostManager.addLogEvent(string.Format("Deployed BIOS successfully to {0}", state.nodeIP));

                    using (var tmp = new tempLockElevation(state.blade, bladeLockType.lockNone, bladeLockType.lockBIOS))
                        _hostManager.markLastKnownBIOS(state.blade, state.biosxml);

                    state.result = new result(resultCode.success);

                // All done, now we can power off and return.

            state.isFinished = true;
Пример #3
        public override void mountDataStore(hypervisor hyp, string srcAddress, string dataStoreName, string serverName, string mountPath, cancellableDateTime deadline)
            while (ensureISCSIInterfaceIsSetUp(hyp, srcAddress, deadline) == false)

            string expectedLine = String.Format("{0} is {1} from {2} mounted available", dataStoreName, mountPath, serverName);

            string[] nfsMounts  = hypervisor.doWithRetryOnSomeExceptions(() => hyp.startExecutable("esxcfg-nas", "-l")).stdout.Split(new[] { "\n", "\r" }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
            string   foundMount = nfsMounts.SingleOrDefault(x => x.Contains(expectedLine));

            while (foundMount == null)
                hypervisor.doWithRetryOnSomeExceptions(() => hyp.startExecutable("esxcfg-nas", "-d " + dataStoreName, deadline: deadline));
                hypervisor.doWithRetryOnSomeExceptions(() => hyp.startExecutable("esxcfg-nas", "-a --host " + serverName + " --share " + mountPath + " " + dataStoreName, deadline: deadline));
                hypervisor.doWithRetryOnSomeExceptions(() => hyp.startExecutable("esxcfg-rescan", "--all", deadline: deadline));

                nfsMounts  = hypervisor.doWithRetryOnSomeExceptions(() => hyp.startExecutable("esxcfg-nas", "-l", deadline: deadline)).stdout.Split(new[] { "\n", "\r" }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
                foundMount = nfsMounts.SingleOrDefault(x => x.Contains(expectedLine));

                deadline.throwIfTimedOutOrCancelled("While trying to mount NFS");
Пример #4
        protected override void waitForESXiBootToComplete(hypervisor hyp, cancellableDateTime deadline)
            while (true)
                executionResult res = hypervisor.doWithRetryOnSomeExceptions(
                    () => hyp.startExecutable("/etc/init.d/vpxa", "status"), deadline, TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1));

                if (res.resultCode != 0)

                if (res.stdout.Contains("vpxa is running"))
Пример #5
        private void _GetBIOS(biosThreadState state)
            copyDeploymentFilesToBlade(state.blade, null, state.connectDeadline);

            using (hypervisor hyp = _hostManager.makeHypervisorForBlade_LTSP(state.blade))
                executionResult res = hyp.startExecutable("bash", "~/getBIOS.sh");
                if (res.resultCode != 0)
                    string msg = string.Format("Executing getBIOS.sh on {0} resulted in error code {1}", state.nodeIP, res.resultCode);
                    msg += "stdout: " + res.stdout;
                    msg += "stderr: " + res.stderr;
                    state.result = new result(resultCode.genericFail, msg);
                    string msg = string.Format("Deployed BIOS successfully to {0}", state.nodeIP);
                    state.result = new result(resultCode.success, msg);

                // Retrieve the output
                state.biosxml = hyp.getFileFromGuest("currentbios.xml", state.connectDeadline);

                // All done, now we can power off and return.

            using (var tmp = new tempLockElevation(state.blade, bladeLockType.lockNone, bladeLockType.lockBIOS))
                _hostManager.markLastKnownBIOS(state.blade, state.biosxml);

            state.isFinished = true;
Пример #6
        public void willProvisionBlade()
            using (bladeDirectorDebugServices svc = new bladeDirectorDebugServices(basicBladeTests.WCFPath, basicBladeTests.WebURI))
                machinePools.bladeDirectorURL = svc.servicesURL;

                string hostip = "";
                //string debuggerHost = testUtils.getBestRouteTo(IPAddress.Parse("")).ToString();

                // We will be using this blade for our tests.
                bladeSpec spec = svc.svcDebug.createBladeSpecForXDLNode(31, "xdl.hacks.the.planet", bladeLockType.lockAll, bladeLockType.lockAll);
                spec.friendlyName = "newBlade";
                svc.svcDebug.initWithBladesFromBladeSpec(new[] { spec }, false, NASFaultInjectionPolicy.retunSuccessful);

                resultAndBladeName res = svc.svcDebug._RequestAnySingleNode(hostip);
                testUtils.waitForSuccess(svc, res, TimeSpan.FromMinutes(15));

                string             bladeName = res.bladeName;
                resultAndWaitToken res2      = svc.svcDebug._selectSnapshotForBladeOrVM(hostip, bladeName, "discord");
                testUtils.waitForSuccess(svc, res2, TimeSpan.FromMinutes(30));

                // Okay, we have our blade allocated now.
                bladeSpec       createdBlade = svc.svc.getBladeByIP_withoutLocking(bladeName);
                snapshotDetails snap         = svc.svc.getCurrentSnapshotDetails(bladeName);
                NASParams       nas          = svc.svc.getNASParams();
                using (hypervisor foo = utils.createHypForBlade(createdBlade, snap, nas))
                    foo.powerOn(new cancellableDateTime(TimeSpan.FromMinutes(5)));

                    // Check that debugging has been provisioned correctly
                    executionResult bcdEditRes = foo.startExecutable("bcdedit", "/dbgsettings");
                        Assert.AreEqual(0, bcdEditRes.resultCode);
                        Assert.IsTrue(Regex.IsMatch(bcdEditRes.stdout, "key\\s*xdl.hacks.the.planet"), "bcdedit did not match regex for debug key");
                        Assert.IsTrue(Regex.IsMatch(bcdEditRes.stdout, "debugtype\\s*NET"), "bcdedit did not match regex for debug type");
                        Assert.IsTrue(Regex.IsMatch(bcdEditRes.stdout, "hostip\\s*"), "bcdedit did not match regex for debug host");
                        Assert.IsTrue(Regex.IsMatch(bcdEditRes.stdout, "port\\s*53101"), "bcdedit did not match regex for debug port");
                    catch (AssertFailedException)
                        Debug.WriteLine("return code " + bcdEditRes.resultCode);
                        Debug.WriteLine("stdout " + bcdEditRes.stdout);
                        Debug.WriteLine("stderr " + bcdEditRes.stderr);

                    executionResult getNameRes = foo.startExecutable("echo %COMPUTERNAME%", "");
                        Assert.AreEqual(0, getNameRes.resultCode);
                        Assert.AreSame(getNameRes.stdout.ToLower(), "newBlade".Trim().ToLower(), "machine name was incorrect");
                    catch (AssertFailedException)
                        Debug.WriteLine("return code " + bcdEditRes.resultCode);
                        Debug.WriteLine("stdout " + bcdEditRes.stdout);
                        Debug.WriteLine("stderr " + bcdEditRes.stderr);