public static List <string> GetHeroNameList(string directory) { List <string> heroNameList = new List <string>(); heroID h_ID = new heroID(); Dictionary <int, string> ID_table = h_ID.getHeroID(); // key is ID, value is hero_name; Dictionary <string, int> hero_table = h_ID.getIDfromLowercaseHeroname(); // key is hero_name, value is ID; string[] infoFile = File.ReadAllLines(directory + "info.txt"); foreach (string line in infoFile) { if (line.Contains("hero_name")) { int key = hero_table[ConvertedHeroName.Get(line)]; heroNameList.Add(ID_table[key]); } } return(heroNameList); }
private void HandleGamePlay() { int gameStartTime = replayTick.GameStartTick - 90 * 30; if (CurrentTick > gameStartTime && CurrentTick < gameStartTime + 300) { Dictionary <int, string> hero_Intro_Dic = hero_Intro.getHeroIntro(); string hero_Intro_String = hero_Intro_Dic[hero_table[GUISelection.heroName]]; overlay.AddHeroInfoMessage(hero_Intro_String, ""); } else { overlay.ClearHeroInfo(); } int currentGameTime = announcer.GetCurrentGameTime(); // if timer is after the game start and every last 8 sec of a minute AnalizeJungleCamps(); int health = 0; if (announcer.GetCurrentGameTime() >= 780) { health = heroData.getHealth(CurrentTick, heroID); int gametime = announcer.GetCurrentGameTime(); if (itemflag == 0 && health == 0) { item_Time_Mark = 0; foreach (KeyValuePair <int, int> pair in i_suggestion) { if (closestGaming < pair.Key && pair.Key < CurrentTick / 30) { closestGaming = pair.Key; } else if (pair.Key == CurrentTick) { closestGaming = pair.Key; } else { itemflag = 1; item_Time_Mark = announcer.GetCurrentGameTime(); break; } } } if (itemflag == 1 && health == 0 && announcer.GetCurrentGameTime() >= item_Time_Mark && announcer.GetCurrentGameTime() <= (item_Time_Mark + 10)) { string item_name = item_Info_Table[i_suggestion[closestGaming] + 2, 2]; string item_tip = item_Info_Table[i_suggestion[closestGaming] + 2, 117]; string item_content; if (item_tip == " 0") { item_content = item_name + ":\n This item will be a good choice"; } else { item_content = item_name + ":\n " + item_tip; } item_name = item_name.TrimStart(' '); string item_img = item_name.Replace(" ", "_"); overlay.AddItemSuggestionMessage(item_content, item_img + "_icon"); } else { itemflag = 0; overlay.ClearItemSuggestion(); } } // bar graph double[] hpToSend = new double[5] { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 }; double[] maxHpToSend = new double[5] { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 }; //Console.WriteLine(CurrentTick + " getting health " + heroID); health = heroData.getHealth(CurrentTick, heroID); //Console.WriteLine("Tick " + CurrentTick + " Health " + health); //maxHealth = (int)heroData.getMaxHealth(CurrentTick, heroID); //if (health <= 600) hpToSend[0] = health; //maxHpToSend[0] = heroData.getMaxHealth(CurrentTick, heroID); for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) { heroID id = new heroID(); Dictionary <int, string> id_string = id.getHeroID(); string name = id_string[teamIDGraph[i]]; int index_id = heroIDData.getHeroID(name); maxHpToSend[i] = heroData.getMaxHealth(CurrentTick, index_id); hpToSend[i] = heroData.getHealth(CurrentTick, index_id); } int closestEnemyID = DrawOnClosestEnemy(); int fEID = lower_hero_table[heroIDData.getHeroName(closestEnemyID)]; int fHID = lower_hero_table[heroIDData.getHeroName(heroID)]; bool shouldRetreat = heroData.getHealth(CurrentTick, heroID) < 400 || retreat.CreateInput(myID: fHID, myLvl: heroData.getLevel(CurrentTick, heroID), myHP: health, myMana: heroData.getMana(CurrentTick, heroID), enemyID: fEID, enemyLvl: heroData.getLevel(CurrentTick, closestEnemyID), enemyHP: heroData.getHealth(CurrentTick, closestEnemyID), enemyMana: heroData.getMana(CurrentTick, closestEnemyID)); //overlay.ToggleGraphForHeroHP(); //overlay.AddHPs(hpToSend); //overlay.AddHp(hpToSend[0]); //double myHp = heroData.getHealth(CurrentTick, heroID); //double myMaxHp = heroData.getMaxHealth(CurrentTick, heroID); //double myHpPercen = myHp / myMaxHp; //int closestHeroId = -1; //double min = 0; //Get closest hero //for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) //{ // Tuple<int, int, int> pos = heroData.getHeroPosition(CurrentTick, teamHeroIds[i]); // double dis = Math.Pow((Math.Pow((x - x), 2) + Math.Pow((y - y), 2)), 0.5); // if (dis < min) // { // closestHeroId = i; // min = dis; // } //} //double closestHp = heroData.getHealth(CurrentTick, closestHeroId); //double closestMaxHp = heroData.getMaxHealth(CurrentTick, closestHeroId); //double closestHpPercen = closestHp / closestMaxHp; List <Creep> creeps = heroData.getLaneCreeps(CurrentTick); string prim = lastHitCalculator.GetPrimaryAttribute(fHID); double attr = 0; switch (prim) { case "Strength": attr = heroData.getStrength(CurrentTick, heroID); break; case "Agility": attr = heroData.getAgility(CurrentTick, heroID); break; case "Intelligence": attr = heroData.getIntellect(CurrentTick, heroID); break; default: break; } double minAtk = heroData.getDamageMin(currentTick, heroID); List <double> creepX = new List <double>(); List <double> creepY = new List <double>(); foreach (var c in creeps) { double cArmor = c.armor; double cHp =; bool canKill = lastHitCalculator.CanLastHit(baseAtk: minAtk, primaryAtr: attr, armor: cArmor, hpLeft: cHp); if (canKill && cHp > 0) { (double x, double y, double z) = heroData.getHeroPosition(CurrentTick + 6, heroID); overlay.CreepLowEnough(); double dis = Int32.MaxValue; double temp = Math.Pow((Math.Pow(x - c.x, 2) + Math.Pow(y - c.y, 2)), 0.5); if (temp < dis) { creepX.Add(c.x - x); creepY.Add(c.y - y); } } } overlay.ShowCreep(creepX, creepY); overlay.AddHeroGraphIcons(teamIDGraph); overlay.AddHPs(hpToSend, maxHpToSend); overlay.AddHp(hpToSend[0]); // The health at the start of the game is 0 so the retreat message will show up // TODO: logic if (shouldRetreat && health != 0) { overlay.AddRetreatMessage("Low health warning! " + "Current Health: " + health, "exclamation_mark"); } else { overlay.ClearRetreat(); } }
/* * This function is to logic of what to draw in selection mode. */ private void HandleHeroSelection() { for (int i = 0; i < 30; i++) { if (table[i, 2] == team_side) { teamIDGraph.Add(table[i, 0]); heroID id = new heroID(); Dictionary <int, string> id_string = id.getHeroID(); string name = id_string[table[i, 0]]; int index_id = heroIDData.getHeroID(name); if (!teamHeroIds.Contains(index_id)) { teamHeroIds.Add(index_id); } } } int ticLast = 0; int ticNext = Int32.MaxValue; int mark_index = 0; int index = 0; while (mark_index < 25 && suggestiontable[mark_index, 0] < CurrentTick) { if (suggestiontable[mark_index, 0] == 0 && suggestiontable[mark_index, 1] == 0) { break; } mark_index++; } if (mark_index > 0 && mark_index < 25) { ticNext = suggestiontable[mark_index, 0]; ticLast = suggestiontable[mark_index - 1, 0]; index = mark_index - 1; } else if (mark_index == 0) { ticNext = suggestiontable[mark_index, 0]; ticLast = ticNext; index = mark_index; } else { ticNext = suggestiontable[mark_index - 1, 0]; ticLast = ticNext; index = mark_index - 1; } string[] heroes = new string[5]; string[] heroesimg = new string[5]; int counter = 0; if (CurrentTick > table_checkmark[counter, 0] && CurrentTick < table_checkmark[counter, 1]) { overlay.XorCheck(table_checkmark[counter, 2]); index = index - 1; counter++; } else { overlay.XorCheck(0); } for (int j = 1; j < 6; j++) { heroesimg[j - 1] = suggestiontable[index, j].ToString(); heroes[j - 1] = ID_table[suggestiontable[index, j]]; } overlay.AddHeroesSuggestionMessage(heroes, heroesimg); }