Пример #1

         *  @brief  Gets the most recent sensor event
        public void getEvent(ref sensors_event_t Event)
            bool readingValid = false;

            Event.sensor_id = _sensorID;
            Event.type      = 4; // SENSOR_TYPE_GYROSCOPE;

            while (!readingValid)
                Event.timestamp = 0;
                byte[] addr = new byte[] { (byte)((byte)gyroRegisters_t.GYRO_REGISTER_OUT_X_L | 0x80) };
                byte[] data = new byte[6];
                I2CDev.WriteRead(addr, data);

                byte xlo = data[0];
                byte xhi = data[1];
                byte ylo = data[2];
                byte yhi = data[3];
                byte zlo = data[4];
                byte zhi = data[5];

                /* Shift values to create properly formed integer (low byte first) */
                Event.gyro.x = (short)(xlo | (xhi << 8));
                Event.gyro.y = (short)(ylo | (yhi << 8));
                Event.gyro.z = (short)(zlo | (zhi << 8));

                /* Make sure the sensor isn't saturating if auto-ranging is enabled */
                if (!_autoRangeEnabled)
                    readingValid = true;
                    /* Check if the sensor is saturating or not */
                    if ((Event.gyro.x >= 32760) | (Event.gyro.x <= -32760) |
                        (Event.gyro.y >= 32760) | (Event.gyro.y <= -32760) |
                        (Event.gyro.z >= 32760) | (Event.gyro.z <= -32760))
                        /* Saturating .... increase the range if we can */
                        switch (_range)
                        case gyroRange_t.GYRO_RANGE_500DPS:
                            /* Push the range up to 2000dps */
                            _range = gyroRange_t.GYRO_RANGE_2000DPS;
                            write8((byte)gyroRegisters_t.GYRO_REGISTER_CTRL_REG1, 0x00);
                            write8((byte)gyroRegisters_t.GYRO_REGISTER_CTRL_REG1, 0x0F);
                            write8((byte)gyroRegisters_t.GYRO_REGISTER_CTRL_REG4, 0x20);
                            write8((byte)gyroRegisters_t.GYRO_REGISTER_CTRL_REG5, 0x80);
                            readingValid = false;
                            // Serial.println("Changing range to 2000DPS");

                        case gyroRange_t.GYRO_RANGE_250DPS:
                            /* Push the range up to 500dps */
                            _range = gyroRange_t.GYRO_RANGE_500DPS;
                            write8((byte)gyroRegisters_t.GYRO_REGISTER_CTRL_REG1, 0x00);
                            write8((byte)gyroRegisters_t.GYRO_REGISTER_CTRL_REG1, 0x0F);
                            write8((byte)gyroRegisters_t.GYRO_REGISTER_CTRL_REG4, 0x10);
                            write8((byte)gyroRegisters_t.GYRO_REGISTER_CTRL_REG5, 0x80);
                            readingValid = false;
                            // Serial.println("Changing range to 500DPS");

                            readingValid = true;
                        /* All values are withing range */
                        readingValid = true;

            /* Compensate values depending on the resolution */
            switch (_range)
            case gyroRange_t.GYRO_RANGE_250DPS:
                Event.gyro.x *= GYRO_SENSITIVITY_250DPS;
                Event.gyro.y *= GYRO_SENSITIVITY_250DPS;
                Event.gyro.z *= GYRO_SENSITIVITY_250DPS;

            case gyroRange_t.GYRO_RANGE_500DPS:
                Event.gyro.x *= GYRO_SENSITIVITY_500DPS;
                Event.gyro.y *= GYRO_SENSITIVITY_500DPS;
                Event.gyro.z *= GYRO_SENSITIVITY_500DPS;

            case gyroRange_t.GYRO_RANGE_2000DPS:
                Event.gyro.x *= GYRO_SENSITIVITY_2000DPS;
                Event.gyro.y *= GYRO_SENSITIVITY_2000DPS;
                Event.gyro.z *= GYRO_SENSITIVITY_2000DPS;

            /* Convert values to rad/s */
            //Event.gyro.x *= SENSORS_DPS_TO_RADS;
            //Event.gyro.y *= SENSORS_DPS_TO_RADS;
            //Event.gyro.z *= SENSORS_DPS_TO_RADS;
Пример #2


         *  @brief  Setups the HW
        public bool begin(gyroRange_t rng = gyroRange_t.GYRO_RANGE_250DPS)
            /* Set the range the an appropriate value */
            _range = rng;

            /* Make sure we have the correct chip ID since this checks
             * for correct address and that the IC is properly connected */
            byte whoami = read8((byte)gyroRegisters_t.GYRO_REGISTER_WHO_AM_I);

            if (whoami != L3GD20_ID)

            /* Set CTRL_REG1 (0x20)
             * ====================================================================
             * BIT  Symbol    Description                                   Default
             * ---  ------    --------------------------------------------- -------
             * 7-6  DR1/0     Output data rate                                   00
             * 5-4  BW1/0     Bandwidth selection                                00
             * 3  PD        0 = Power-down mode, 1 = normal/sleep mode          0
             * 2  ZEN       Z-axis enable (0 = disabled, 1 = enabled)           1
             * 1  YEN       Y-axis enable (0 = disabled, 1 = enabled)           1
             * 0  XEN       X-axis enable (0 = disabled, 1 = enabled)           1 */

            /* Reset then switch to normal mode and enable all three channels */
            write8((byte)gyroRegisters_t.GYRO_REGISTER_CTRL_REG1, 0x00);
            write8((byte)gyroRegisters_t.GYRO_REGISTER_CTRL_REG1, 0x0F);
            /* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */

            /* Set CTRL_REG2 (0x21)
             * ====================================================================
             * BIT  Symbol    Description                                   Default
             * ---  ------    --------------------------------------------- -------
             * 5-4  HPM1/0    High-pass filter mode selection                    00
             * 3-0  HPCF3..0  High-pass filter cutoff frequency selection      0000 */

            /* Nothing to do ... keep default values */
            /* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */

            /* Set CTRL_REG3 (0x22)
             * ====================================================================
             * BIT  Symbol    Description                                   Default
             * ---  ------    --------------------------------------------- -------
             * 7  I1_Int1   Interrupt enable on INT1 (0=disable,1=enable)       0
             * 6  I1_Boot   Boot status on INT1 (0=disable,1=enable)            0
             * 5  H-Lactive Interrupt active config on INT1 (0=high,1=low)      0
             * 4  PP_OD     Push-Pull/Open-Drain (0=PP, 1=OD)                   0
             * 3  I2_DRDY   Data ready on DRDY/INT2 (0=disable,1=enable)        0
             * 2  I2_WTM    FIFO wtrmrk int on DRDY/INT2 (0=dsbl,1=enbl)        0
             * 1  I2_ORun   FIFO overrun int on DRDY/INT2 (0=dsbl,1=enbl)       0
             * 0  I2_Empty  FIFI empty int on DRDY/INT2 (0=dsbl,1=enbl)         0 */

            /* Nothing to do ... keep default values */
            /* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */

            /* Set CTRL_REG4 (0x23)
             * ====================================================================
             * BIT  Symbol    Description                                   Default
             * ---  ------    --------------------------------------------- -------
             * 7  BDU       Block Data Update (0=continuous, 1=LSB/MSB)         0
             * 6  BLE       Big/Little-Endian (0=Data LSB, 1=Data MSB)          0
             * 5-4  FS1/0     Full scale selection                               00
             *                              00 = 250 dps
             *                              01 = 500 dps
             *                              10 = 2000 dps
             *                              11 = 2000 dps
             * 0  SIM       SPI Mode (0=4-wire, 1=3-wire)                       0 */

            /* Adjust resolution if requested */
            switch (_range)
            case gyroRange_t.GYRO_RANGE_250DPS:
                write8((byte)gyroRegisters_t.GYRO_REGISTER_CTRL_REG4, 0x00);

            case gyroRange_t.GYRO_RANGE_500DPS:
                write8((byte)gyroRegisters_t.GYRO_REGISTER_CTRL_REG4, 0x10);

            case gyroRange_t.GYRO_RANGE_2000DPS:
                write8((byte)gyroRegisters_t.GYRO_REGISTER_CTRL_REG4, 0x20);
            /* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */

            /* Set CTRL_REG5 (0x24)
             * ====================================================================
             * BIT  Symbol    Description                                   Default
             * ---  ------    --------------------------------------------- -------
             * 7  BOOT      Reboot memory content (0=normal, 1=reboot)          0
             * 6  FIFO_EN   FIFO enable (0=FIFO disable, 1=enable)              0
             * 4  HPen      High-pass filter enable (0=disable,1=enable)        0
             * 3-2  INT1_SEL  INT1 Selection config                              00
             * 1-0  OUT_SEL   Out selection config                               00 */

            /* Nothing to do ... keep default values */
            /* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
