Пример #1
    static void Main()
        for (int n = 200; n < 1001; n += 100)
            matrix A = rand_matrix(n);
            vector v = rand_vector(n);
            vector b = v.copy();

            Stopwatch cd_time = new Stopwatch();
            var    cd   = new cholesky(A);
            vector x_cd = cd.solve(v);

            Stopwatch qr_time = new Stopwatch();
            var qr   = new gs(A);
            var x_qr = qr.solve(b);

            /////  matrix dimension n*n         cd_runtime         qr_runtime
            WriteLine($"{n} \t {cd_time.ElapsedMilliseconds} \t {qr_time.ElapsedMilliseconds}");
    } //Method: Main
Пример #2
    public vector delta_c;      //uncertainties

    public lsfit(vector x, vector y, vector dy, Func <double, double>[] fs)
        f = fs;
        int    n = x.size;
        int    m = fs.Length;
        matrix A = new matrix(n, m);
        vector b = new vector(n);

        for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
            b[i] = y[i] / dy[i];
            for (int k = 0; k < m; k++)
                A[i, k] = f[k](x[i]) / dy[i];
        var qra = new gs(A);

        c = qra.solve(b);
        matrix A_inv = qra.inverse();

        sigma = A_inv * A_inv.T;

        vector delta = new vector(m);

        for (int i = 0; i < m; i++)
            delta[i] = Sqrt(sigma[i, i]);
        delta_c = delta;
Пример #3
    public static (double, vector, int) eigens(matrix A, double mu, vector b, bool verbose = false)
        // initialize the required matrices and objects
        matrix I    = new matrix(A.size1, A.size1);
        vector zero = new vector(A.size1);

        for (int i = 0; i < I.size1; i++)
            I[i, i] = 1;

        vector bu = b;         // iterative update; b+1
        double C;
        gs     QR  = new gs(A - mu * I);
        matrix inv = QR.inverse();

        if (Double.IsNaN(inv[0, 0]))
            WriteLine("Matrix is singular, cannot continue.");

        // calculate the eigenvector through iteration.
        int iterations = 0;

            b  = bu;
            C  = (inv * b).norm();
            bu = inv * b / C;
        } while (!sapprox(bu, b, verbose) && iterations < imax);

        return(getEigenval(A, A * bu, bu), rescale(bu), iterations);
Пример #4
public static vector newton(Func<vector,vector> f,
	vector x, double eps=1e-3, double dx=1e-7)
	double n=x.size;
	vector fx=f(x),z,fz;

		matrix J=jacobian(f,x,fx);
		var qrJ= new gs(J);
		matrix B= qrJ.inverse();
		vector Delta_x=-B*fx; //the newton step
		double lambda=1;
			if(fz.norm()<(1-lambda/2)*fx.norm()) break;		//stop if the step is good
			else if(lambda<1.0/32) break;		//stop if minimum stepsize is reached
			else lambda/=2;						//backtrack by making a half step
		if(fx.norm()<eps) break; //stop if tolerance is reached
		else if(x.norm()<dx) break;

	return x;
}// method Newton
Пример #5
    // Use this for initialization
    void Start()
        /*doorAnimator = GetComponent<Animator>();
         * alienAnimator = GetComponent<Animator>();
         * speechAnimator = GetComponent<Animator>();
         * alien = GetComponent<SpriteRenderer>();*/

        gamestate = gs.start;
Пример #6
    static void Main()
        int n = 5, m = 5;
        var A   = new matrix(n, m);
        var rnd = new System.Random();

        for (int i = 0; i < A.size1; i++)
            for (int j = 0; j < A.size2; j++)
                A[i, j] = 2 * (rnd.NextDouble() - 1);
        A.print("random matrix A:");
        var b = new vector(n);

        for (int i = 0; i < b.size; i++)
            b[i] = rnd.NextDouble();
        b.print("random vector b:\n");
        var qra = new gs(A);
        var x   = qra.solve(b);

        x.print("solution x to system A*x=b:\n");
        var Ax = A * x;

        Ax.print("check: A*x (should be equal b):\n");
        if (vector.approx(Ax, b))
            WriteLine("test passed");
            WriteLine("test failed");
        var B  = qra.inverse();
        var BA = B * A;
        var AB = A * B;

Пример #7
    public static fit qrfit(vector x, vector y, vector dy, Func <double, double>[] funcs)
        // we want to set the system up in a more familiar way
        int    n = x.size, m = funcs.Length;
        matrix A = new matrix(n, m);
        vector b = new vector(n);

        for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
            b[i] = y[i] / dy[i];           // eq 7
            for (int j = 0; j < m; j++)
                A[i, j] = funcs[j](x[i]) / dy[i];               // eq 7
        gs     solver    = new gs(A);
        vector c         = solver.solve(b);
        gs     covsolver = new gs(A.transpose() * A);
        matrix cov       = covsolver.inverse();

        return(new fit(c, cov, funcs));
Пример #8
    static void Main()
        WriteLine("Part C1 - decomposition of random matrix A");

        int    n    = 5;
        matrix A    = new matrix(n, n);
        var    rand = new Random(1);

        // make random matrix A
        for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
            for (int j = 0; j < n; j++)
                A[i, j] = 2 * (rand.NextDouble() - 0.5);

        vector b = new vector(n);

        // make random vector b
        for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
            b[i] = 2 * (rand.NextDouble() - 0.5);

        // make the QR decomposition through givens-rotation
        var qr1 = new givens(A);
        // Matrix with R in the right diagonal and givens-angels in the lower sub-diagonal
        var G = qr1.G;

        // make the QR decomposition through GS
        var qr2 = new gs(A);
        var R   = qr2.R;

        A.print("Matrix A="); WriteLine();
        WriteLine("Upper triangular part of matrix G contains the elements of R.");
        WriteLine("The enteries below the diagonal of G contains givens-rotation angles.");
        G.print("Matrix G="); WriteLine();
        R.print("Matrix R="); WriteLine();
        WriteLine("The upper triangular part of G should match the elements in R achived through GS.");

        //Filter out the lower part of G
        matrix R2 = G.copy();

        for (int j = 0; j < G.size2; j++)
            for (int i = j + 1; i < G.size1; i++)
                R2[i, j] = 0;

        if (R2.approx(R))
            WriteLine("Upper triangular part identical - TEST PASSED");
            WriteLine("Upper triangular part not identical - TEST FAILED");

        WriteLine("Part C2 - solve the linear equations of A*x=b"); WriteLine();

        // solve the equation A*x=b for vector x
        var x = qr1.solve(b);

        b.print("Vector b="); WriteLine();
        x.print("Solution x="); WriteLine();

        vector Ax = (A * x);

        Ax.print("Check A*x=");
        if (b.approx(Ax))
            WriteLine("A*x=b  -  TEST PASSED");
            WriteLine("A*x!=b  -  TEST FAILED");
    } //Method: Main
Пример #9
    static void Main(){

    //// Del A1 ////
        int n=4, m=3;
        matrix A= new matrix(n,m);
        var rand= new Random(1);
    for(int i=0;i<n;i++){
    for(int j=0;j<m;j++){
        var qra1=new gs(A);

        var Q=qra1.Q;
        var R=qra1.R;
        WriteLine("Part A1 - decomposit A into Q*R");
        (A).print("Matrix A=");WriteLine();
        (Q).print("Matrix Q=");WriteLine();
        (R).print("Matrix R=");WriteLine();

        WriteLine("Check if Q.T is the inverse of Q");
        WriteLine("Check if Q*R=A");
        matrix QR=Q*R;
        if(A.approx(QR)){WriteLine("Q*R=A\nTest passed");}
        else {WriteLine("Q*R!=A\nTest failed");}

    //// Del A2 ////
        WriteLine("Part A2 - solve the linear equations of A*x=b");

        A=new matrix(n,n);
        for(int i=0;i<n;i++){
        for(int j=0;j<n;j++){

        vector b= new vector(n);
        for(int i=0;i<n;i++){

        var qra2=new gs(A);

        var x=qra2.solve(b);
        A.print("Matrix A=");WriteLine();
        b.print("Vector b=");WriteLine();
        x.print("Solution x=");WriteLine();

        vector Ax=(A*x);
        Ax.print("Check A*x=");
        if(b.approx(Ax)){WriteLine("A*x=b   Test passed");}
        else {WriteLine("A*x!=b  Test failed");}

    //// Del B ////
        WriteLine("Part B - find the inverse matrix of A");
        var A_inv=qra2.inverse();
        WriteLine("Check if A_inv is the inverse:");WriteLine();
        matrix AA_inv1=A*A_inv;
        matrix AA_inv2=A*A_inv;

        matrix I= new matrix(n,n);
        for(int i=0;i<n;i++){
        for(int j=0;j<n;j++){
        if(i==j) I[i,j]=1;
        else    I[i,j]=0;

        if(I.approx(AA_inv1) || I.approx(AA_inv2)){WriteLine("A*A_inv=I\nTest passed");}
        else {WriteLine("A*A_inv=I\nTest failed");}

    } //Method: Main