public LoadingOverlay(CGRect frame, string text) : base (frame)
			BackgroundColor = UIColor.Black;
			Alpha = 0.75f;
			AutoresizingMask = UIViewAutoresizing.FlexibleDimensions;

			nfloat labelHeight = 22;
			nfloat labelWidth = Frame.Width - 20;

			nfloat centerX = Frame.Width / 2;
			nfloat centerY = Frame.Height / 2;

			activitySpinner = new UIActivityIndicatorView(UIActivityIndicatorViewStyle.WhiteLarge);
      activitySpinner.Frame = new CGRect (
				centerX - (activitySpinner.Frame.Width / 2) ,
				centerY - activitySpinner.Frame.Height - 20 ,
				activitySpinner.Frame.Width ,
			activitySpinner.AutoresizingMask = UIViewAutoresizing.FlexibleMargins;
			AddSubview (activitySpinner);
			activitySpinner.StartAnimating ();

      loadingLabel = new UILabel(new CGRect (
				centerX - (labelWidth / 2),
				centerY + 20 ,
				labelWidth ,
			loadingLabel.BackgroundColor = UIColor.Clear;
			loadingLabel.TextColor = UIColor.White;
			loadingLabel.Text = text;
			loadingLabel.TextAlignment = UITextAlignment.Center;
			loadingLabel.AutoresizingMask = UIViewAutoresizing.FlexibleMargins;
			AddSubview (loadingLabel);
Пример #2
        public RefreshTableHeaderView(CGRect rect) : base(rect)
            this.AutoresizingMask = UIViewAutoresizing.FlexibleWidth;

            BackgroundColor = new UIColor(0.88f, 0.9f, 0.92f, 1);
Пример #3
        public override void Draw(CGRect rect)
            using (var context = UIGraphics.GetCurrentContext())
                switch (_maskType)
                case MaskType.Black:
                    UIColor.FromWhiteAlpha(0f, 0.5f).SetColor();

                case MaskType.Gradient:
                    nfloat[] colors    = new nfloat[] { 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.75f };
                    nfloat[] locations = new nfloat[] { 0.0f, 1.0f };
                    using (var colorSpace = CGColorSpace.CreateDeviceRGB())
                        using (var gradient = new CGGradient(colorSpace, colors, locations))
                            var   center = new CGPoint(Bounds.Size.Width / 2, Bounds.Size.Height / 2);
                            float radius = Math.Min((float)Bounds.Size.Width, (float)Bounds.Size.Height);
                            context.DrawRadialGradient(gradient, center, 0, center, radius, CGGradientDrawingOptions.DrawsAfterEndLocation);

Пример #4
        public override void LayoutSubviews()

            userNameField.Frame    = new CGRect(Bounds.X + 15, Bounds.Y + 60, Bounds.Width - 30, 32);
            userNameIconView.Frame = new CGRect(userNameField.Frame.Right - 28, userNameField.Frame.Y + 8, 16, 15);

            passwordField.Frame    = new CGRect(Bounds.X + 15, Bounds.Y + 99, Bounds.Width - 30, 32);
            passwordIconView.Frame = new CGRect(passwordField.Frame.Right - 28, passwordField.Frame.Y + 8, 16, 15);

            loginButton.Frame = new CGRect(Bounds.X + 15, Bounds.Y + 146, Bounds.Width - 30, 30);

            forgotPasswordButton.Frame = new CGRect(Bounds.X + 15, Bounds.Y + 180, forgotPasswordButton.SizeThatFits(new CGSize(Bounds.Width - 30, 0)).Width, 33);
            arrowView.Frame            = new CGRect(forgotPasswordButton.Frame.Right + 5, forgotPasswordButton.Frame.Top + 10, 8, 13);

            int orLabelYOffset = 230;

            if (!showForgotPassword)
                orLabelYOffset -= 33;

            orLabel.Bounds         = new CGRect(0, 0, orLabel.SizeThatFits(new CGSize(Bounds.Width - 56, 0)).Width, 20);
            orLabel.Center         = new CGPoint(Bounds.GetMidX(), Bounds.Y + orLabelYOffset);
            leftDividerView.Frame  = CGRect.FromLTRB(Bounds.X + 15, orLabel.Center.Y + 1, orLabel.Frame.Left - 13, orLabel.Center.Y + 3);
            rightDividerView.Frame = CGRect.FromLTRB(orLabel.Frame.Right + 13, orLabel.Center.Y + 1, Bounds.Right - 15, orLabel.Center.Y + 3);

            registerSuggesionLabel.Frame = new CGRect(Bounds.X + 15, Bounds.Y + orLabelYOffset + 12, Bounds.Width - 30, 20);

            registerButton.Frame = new CGRect(Bounds.X + 15, Bounds.Y + orLabelYOffset + 42, Bounds.Width - 30, 30);              //331
        public override void ViewDidLoad() {
            View.AutoresizingMask = UIViewAutoresizing.FlexibleDimensions;
            View.BackgroundColor = UIColor.White;

            var ratingConfig = new RatingConfig(emptyImage: UIImage.FromBundle(ratingStyle + "/empty"),
                                                filledImage: UIImage.FromBundle(ratingStyle + "/filled"),
                                                chosenImage: UIImage.FromBundle(ratingStyle + "/chosen"));
            // [Optional] Put a little space between the rating items.
            ratingConfig.ItemPadding = 5f;
            var ratingFrame = new CGRect(CGPoint.Empty, new CGSize(View.Bounds.Width, 125f));;

            ratingView = new PDRatingView(ratingFrame, ratingConfig);

            // [Optional] Set the current rating to display.
            decimal rating = 3.58m;
            //decimal halfRoundedRating = Math.Round(rating * 2m, MidpointRounding.AwayFromZero) / 2m;
            //decimal wholeRoundedRating = Math.Round(rating, MidpointRounding.AwayFromZero);
            ratingView.AverageRating = rating;

            // [Optional] Make it read-only to keep the user from setting a rating.
            //StarRating.UserInteractionEnabled = false;

            // [Optional] Attach to the rating event to do something with the chosen value.
            ratingView.RatingChosen += (sender, e) => {
                (new UIAlertView("Rated!", e.Rating.ToString() + " " + ratingStyle, null, "Ok")).Show();

Пример #6
        CGSize getSizeFromScale(nfloat scale, CGRect rectangle)
            nfloat width  = rectangle.Width * scale;
            nfloat height = rectangle.Height * scale;

            return(new CGSize(width, height));
Пример #7
        nfloat getScaleFromSize(CGSize size, CGRect rectangle)
            nfloat scaleX = size.Width / rectangle.Width;
            nfloat scaleY = size.Height / rectangle.Height;

            return((nfloat)Math.Min(scaleX, scaleY));
        public override void ViewDidLoad()
            View.AutoresizingMask = UIViewAutoresizing.FlexibleDimensions;
            View.BackgroundColor  = UIColor.White;

            var ratingConfig = new RatingConfig(emptyImage: UIImage.FromBundle(ratingStyle + "/empty"),
                                                filledImage: UIImage.FromBundle(ratingStyle + "/filled"),
                                                chosenImage: UIImage.FromBundle(ratingStyle + "/chosen"));

            ratingConfig.ScaleSize = 10;
            // [Optional] Put a little space between the rating items.
            ratingConfig.ItemPadding = 5f;
            var ratingFrame = new CGRect(CGPoint.Empty, new CGSize(View.Bounds.Width, 125f));;

            ratingView = new PDRatingView(ratingFrame, ratingConfig);

            // [Optional] Set the current rating to display.
            decimal rating = 3.58m;

            //decimal halfRoundedRating = Math.Round(rating * 2m, MidpointRounding.AwayFromZero) / 2m;
            //decimal wholeRoundedRating = Math.Round(rating, MidpointRounding.AwayFromZero);
            ratingView.AverageRating = rating;

            // [Optional] Make it read-only to keep the user from setting a rating.
            //StarRating.UserInteractionEnabled = false;

            // [Optional] Attach to the rating event to do something with the chosen value.
            ratingView.RatingChosen += (sender, e) => {
                (new UIAlertView("Rated!", e.Rating.ToString() + " " + ratingStyle, null, "Ok")).Show();

Пример #9
		public RefreshTableHeaderView (CGRect rect) : base (rect)
			this.AutoresizingMask = UIViewAutoresizing.FlexibleWidth;
			BackgroundColor = new UIColor (0.88f, 0.9f, 0.92f, 1);
			CreateViews ();
        public LoadingOverlay(CGRect frame, string text) : base(frame)
            BackgroundColor  = UIColor.Black;
            Alpha            = 0.75f;
            AutoresizingMask = UIViewAutoresizing.FlexibleDimensions;

            nfloat labelHeight = 22;
            nfloat labelWidth  = Frame.Width - 20;

            nfloat centerX = Frame.Width / 2;
            nfloat centerY = Frame.Height / 2;

            activitySpinner       = new UIActivityIndicatorView(UIActivityIndicatorViewStyle.WhiteLarge);
            activitySpinner.Frame = new CGRect(
                centerX - (activitySpinner.Frame.Width / 2),
                centerY - activitySpinner.Frame.Height - 20,
            activitySpinner.AutoresizingMask = UIViewAutoresizing.FlexibleMargins;

            loadingLabel = new UILabel(new CGRect(
                                           centerX - (labelWidth / 2),
                                           centerY + 20,
            loadingLabel.BackgroundColor  = UIColor.Clear;
            loadingLabel.TextColor        = UIColor.White;
            loadingLabel.Text             = text;
            loadingLabel.TextAlignment    = UITextAlignment.Center;
            loadingLabel.AutoresizingMask = UIViewAutoresizing.FlexibleMargins;
		public ProfileCategoryDetailController (CGRect frame)
			View.Frame = frame;

Пример #12
        public static void FillRoundedRect(CGContext ctx, CGRect rect, nfloat radius)
            var p = GraphicsUtil.MakeRoundedRectPath(rect, radius);

Пример #13
 public static CGRect ApplyInsets(this CGRect rectangle, UIEdgeInsets insets)
                rectangle.Left + insets.Left,
                rectangle.Top + insets.Top,
                rectangle.Right - insets.Right,
                rectangle.Bottom - insets.Bottom));
Пример #14
        public ProgressHUD(CGRect frame) : base(frame)
            UserInteractionEnabled = false;
            BackgroundColor        = UIColor.Clear;
            Alpha            = 0;
            AutoresizingMask = UIViewAutoresizing.FlexibleWidth | UIViewAutoresizing.FlexibleHeight;

Пример #15
        public override void Draw(CGRect rect)
            if (currentPath == null || currentPath.Empty)

Пример #16
		public ProgressHUD (CGRect frame) : base (frame)
			UserInteractionEnabled = false;
			BackgroundColor = UIColor.Clear;
			Alpha = 0;
			AutoresizingMask = UIViewAutoresizing.FlexibleWidth | UIViewAutoresizing.FlexibleHeight;

			SetOSSpecificLookAndFeel ();

Пример #17
 public override void DrawPlaceholder(CGRect rect)
     if (PlaceholderColor != null &&
         PlaceholderFont != null &&
         Placeholder != null)
         new NSString(Placeholder).DrawString(rect, PlaceholderFont, UILineBreakMode.TailTruncation);
Пример #18
 public virtual void ViewFrameDidChange(global::System.Drawing.RectangleF newFrame)
     if (IsDirectBinding)
         MonoMac.ObjCRuntime.Messaging.void_objc_msgSend_RectangleF(this.Handle, selViewFrameDidChange_Handle, newFrame);
         MonoMac.ObjCRuntime.Messaging.void_objc_msgSendSuper_RectangleF(this.SuperHandle, selViewFrameDidChange_Handle, newFrame);
Пример #19
        UIButton GetButton(CGRect rect, UIImage backImage, string title)
            var button = new UIButton(rect);

            button.SetBackgroundImage(backImage, UIControlState.Normal);
            button.SetTitle(title, UIControlState.Normal);
            button.SetTitleShadowColor(UIColor.DarkGray, UIControlState.Normal);
            button.TitleLabel.ShadowOffset = new CGSize(1, -1);
            button.TitleLabel.Font         = FoodyTheme.SharedTheme.MainFont;
 public virtual void LayoutTabContentArea(global::System.Drawing.RectangleF frame)
     if (IsDirectBinding)
         MonoMac.ObjCRuntime.Messaging.void_objc_msgSend_RectangleF(this.Handle, selLayoutTabContentArea_Handle, frame);
         MonoMac.ObjCRuntime.Messaging.void_objc_msgSendSuper_RectangleF(this.SuperHandle, selLayoutTabContentArea_Handle, frame);
 public virtual void SetFrameOfSelectedTab(global::System.Drawing.RectangleF frame)
     if (IsDirectBinding)
         MonoMac.ObjCRuntime.Messaging.void_objc_msgSend_RectangleF(this.Handle, selSetFrameOfSelectedTab_Handle, frame);
         MonoMac.ObjCRuntime.Messaging.void_objc_msgSendSuper_RectangleF(this.SuperHandle, selSetFrameOfSelectedTab_Handle, frame);
Пример #22
        public override void Draw(CGRect rect)
            var context = UIGraphics.GetCurrentContext();

            context.MoveTo(0, Bounds.Height - 1);
            context.AddLineToPoint(Bounds.Width, Bounds.Height - 1);
        void Setup(CGRect frame)
            var started = DateTime.UtcNow;

            if (overlayView != null)

            if (UseCustomOverlayView)
                overlayView = CustomOverlayView;
                overlayView = new ZXingDefaultOverlayView(new CGRect(0, 0, this.Frame.Width, this.Frame.Height),
                                                          TopText, BottomText, CancelButtonText, FlashButtonText,
                                                          () => {
                    var evt = OnCancelButtonPressed;
                    if (evt != null)
                }, ToggleTorch);

            if (overlayView != null)
                /*UITapGestureRecognizer tapGestureRecognizer = new UITapGestureRecognizer ();
                 * tapGestureRecognizer.AddTarget (() => {
                 *      var pt = tapGestureRecognizer.LocationInView(overlayView);
                 *      Focus(pt);
                 *      Console.WriteLine("OVERLAY TOUCH: " + pt.X + ", " + pt.Y);
                 * });
                 * tapGestureRecognizer.CancelsTouchesInView = false;
                 * tapGestureRecognizer.NumberOfTapsRequired = 1;
                 * tapGestureRecognizer.NumberOfTouchesRequired = 1;
                 * overlayView.AddGestureRecognizer (tapGestureRecognizer);*/

                overlayView.Frame            = new CGRect(0, 0, this.Frame.Width, this.Frame.Height);
                overlayView.AutoresizingMask = UIViewAutoresizing.FlexibleWidth | UIViewAutoresizing.FlexibleHeight;

            var total = DateTime.UtcNow - started;

            Console.WriteLine("ZXingScannerView.Setup() took {0} ms.", total.TotalMilliseconds);
Пример #24
        public ZXingDefaultOverlayView(CGRect frame, string topText,
                                       string bottomText, string cancelText, string flashText,
                                       Action onCancel, Action onTorch) : base(frame)
            this.cancelText = cancelText ?? "Cancel";
            this.flashText  = flashText ?? "Flash";
            this.topText    = topText ?? "";
            this.bottomText = bottomText ?? "";

            OnCancel = onCancel;
            OnTorch  = onTorch;
		public ZXingDefaultOverlayView (CGRect frame, string topText, 
		                                string bottomText, string cancelText, string flashText,
		                                Action onCancel, Action onTorch) : base(frame)
			this.cancelText = cancelText ?? "Cancel";
			this.flashText = flashText ?? "Flash";
			this.topText = topText ?? "";
			this.bottomText = bottomText ?? "";

			OnCancel = onCancel;
			OnTorch = onTorch;
Пример #26
        public override void Draw(CGRect rect)
            var context = UIGraphics.GetCurrentContext();
            var bounds  = Bounds;

            UIColor background = Enabled ? pressed ? HighlightedColor : NormalColor : DisabledColor;
            float   alpha      = 1;

            CGPath container;

            container = GraphicsUtil.MakeRoundedRectPath(bounds, 14);

            using (var cs = CGColorSpace.CreateDeviceRGB()){
                var topCenter    = new CGPoint(bounds.GetMidX(), 0);
                var midCenter    = new CGPoint(bounds.GetMidX(), bounds.GetMidY());
                var bottomCenter = new CGPoint(bounds.GetMidX(), bounds.GetMaxY());

                using (var gradient = new CGGradient(cs, new nfloat [] { 0.23f, 0.23f, 0.23f, alpha, 0.47f, 0.47f, 0.47f, alpha }, new nfloat [] { 0, 1 })){
                    context.DrawLinearGradient(gradient, topCenter, bottomCenter, 0);

                container = GraphicsUtil.MakeRoundedRectPath(bounds.Inset(1, 1), 13);
                using (var gradient = new CGGradient(cs, new nfloat [] { 0.05f, 0.05f, 0.05f, alpha, 0.15f, 0.15f, 0.15f, alpha }, new nfloat [] { 0, 1 })){
                    context.DrawLinearGradient(gradient, topCenter, bottomCenter, 0);

                var nb = bounds.Inset(4, 4);
                container = GraphicsUtil.MakeRoundedRectPath(nb, 10);


                using (var gradient = new CGGradient(cs, new nfloat [] { 1, 1, 1, .35f, 1, 1, 1, 0.06f }, new nfloat [] { 0, 1 })){
                    context.DrawLinearGradient(gradient, topCenter, midCenter, 0);

                using (var gradient = new CGGradient(cs, new nfloat [] { 1, 1, 1, 0.5f, 0.5f, 0.5f, 0.5f, 0.5f }, new nfloat [] { 0, 1 })){
                    context.DrawLinearGradient(gradient, topCenter, bottomCenter, 0);
        public RadialProgressLayer(nfloat startRadius, nfloat endRadius, nfloat backgroundWidth, nfloat progressLayerWidth)
            : this()
            this.startRadius        = startRadius;
            this.endRadius          = endRadius;
            this.backgroundWidth    = backgroundWidth;
            this.progressLayerWidth = progressLayerWidth;

            Bounds     = new CGRect(CGPoint.Empty, new CGSize(progressLayerWidth, progressLayerWidth));
            BackBounds = new CGRect(CGPoint.Empty, new CGSize(backgroundWidth, backgroundWidth));

            CenterPoint       = new CGPoint(Bounds.GetMidX(), Bounds.GetMidY());
            fullProgressImage = GenerateFullProgressImage();
 public virtual void InsertPlaceholderForTab(CTTabView tab, global::System.Drawing.RectangleF frame, float yStretchiness)
     if (tab == null)
         throw new ArgumentNullException("tab");
     if (IsDirectBinding)
         ChromiumTabsAPI.Messaging.void_objc_msgSend_IntPtr_RectangleF_float(this.Handle, selInsertPlaceholderForTabFrameYStretchiness_Handle, tab.Handle, frame, yStretchiness);
         ChromiumTabsAPI.Messaging.void_objc_msgSendSuper_IntPtr_RectangleF_float(this.SuperHandle, selInsertPlaceholderForTabFrameYStretchiness_Handle, tab.Handle, frame, yStretchiness);
 public virtual void DropTabContents(CTTabContents contents, global::System.Drawing.RectangleF frame, bool pinned)
     if (contents == null)
         throw new ArgumentNullException("contents");
     if (IsDirectBinding)
         ChromiumTabsAPI.Messaging.void_objc_msgSend_IntPtr_RectangleF_bool(this.Handle, selDropTabContentsWithFrameAsPinnedTab_Handle, contents.Handle, frame, pinned);
         ChromiumTabsAPI.Messaging.void_objc_msgSendSuper_IntPtr_RectangleF_bool(this.SuperHandle, selDropTabContentsWithFrameAsPinnedTab_Handle, contents.Handle, frame, pinned);
Пример #30
		public void UpdateMonkey(CGRect bounds)
			// Save location in top/left, not center,
			// in order to make it easier to draw the
			// monkeys on Android and other platforms.

			var widthOffset = Frame.Width * 0.5f;
			var heightOffset = Frame.Width * 0.5f;

			Monkey.X = (Center.X - widthOffset) / bounds.Width;
			Monkey.Y = (Center.Y - heightOffset) / bounds.Height;

			Monkey.Scale = Transform.GetScale ();
			Monkey.Rotation = Transform.GetRotation ();
Пример #31
		public void Update(Monkey monkey, CGRect bounds)
			var transform = CGAffineTransform.MakeIdentity ();
			transform.Rotate (monkey.Rotation);
			transform.Scale (monkey.Scale, monkey.Scale);
			Transform = transform;

			// Convert location from top/left to center coords.
			var widthOffset = Frame.Width * 0.5f;
			var heightOffset = Frame.Width * 0.5f;

			var x = bounds.Width * monkey.X;
			var y = bounds.Height * monkey.Y;

			Center = new CGPoint (x + widthOffset, y + heightOffset);
Пример #32
		/// <summary>
		///    Creates a path for a rectangle with rounded corners
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="rect">
		/// The <see cref="RectangleF"/> rectangle bounds
		/// </param>
		/// <param name="radius">
		/// The <see cref="System.Single"/> size of the rounded corners
		/// </param>
		/// <returns>
		/// A <see cref="CGPath"/> that can be used to stroke the rounded rectangle
		/// </returns>
		public static CGPath MakeRoundedRectPath (CGRect rect, nfloat radius)
			nfloat minx = rect.Left;
			nfloat midx = rect.Left + (rect.Width)/2;
			nfloat maxx = rect.Right;
			nfloat miny = rect.Top;
			nfloat midy = rect.Y+rect.Size.Height/2;
			nfloat maxy = rect.Bottom;

			var path = new CGPath ();
			path.MoveToPoint (minx, midy);
			path.AddArcToPoint (minx, miny, midx, miny, radius);
			path.AddArcToPoint (maxx, miny, maxx, midy, radius);
			path.AddArcToPoint (maxx, maxy, midx, maxy, radius);
			path.AddArcToPoint (minx, maxy, minx, midy, radius);		
			path.CloseSubpath ();
			return path;
Пример #33
        public override void LayoutSubviews()
            if (new Version(Constants.Version) >= new Version(7, 0))
                var frame = Frame;

                var width = UIApplication.SharedApplication.StatusBarOrientation.HasFlag(UIDeviceOrientation.Portrait)
                                        ? frame.Size.Width
                                                : frame.Size.Width - UIApplication.SharedApplication.StatusBarFrame.Width;

                var height = UIApplication.SharedApplication.StatusBarOrientation.HasFlag(UIDeviceOrientation.Portrait)
                                        ? frame.Size.Height - UIApplication.SharedApplication.StatusBarFrame.Height
                                                : frame.Size.Height;

                var x = UIApplication.SharedApplication.StatusBarOrientation.HasFlag(UIDeviceOrientation.Portrait)
                                        ? 0
                                                : frame.Location.X + UIApplication.SharedApplication.StatusBarFrame.Width;

                var y = UIApplication.SharedApplication.StatusBarOrientation.HasFlag(UIDeviceOrientation.Portrait)
                                        ? frame.Location.Y + UIApplication.SharedApplication.StatusBarFrame.Height
                                                : 0;

                Frame = new CGRect(x, y, width, height);

            ///Using different layouts for the iPhone and iPad, so setup device specific requirements here.
            if (UIDevice.CurrentDevice.UserInterfaceIdiom == UIUserInterfaceIdiom.Phone)
                Signature.Frame = new CGRect(10, 10, Bounds.Width - 20, Bounds.Height - 60);
                Signature.Frame = new CGRect(84, 84, Bounds.Width - 168, Bounds.Width / 2);
                imageView.Frame = new CGRect(84, Signature.Frame.Height + 168,
                                             Frame.Width - 168, Frame.Width / 2);

            //Button locations are based on the Frame, so must have their own frames set after the view's
            //Frame has been set.
            btnSave.Frame = new CGRect(10, Bounds.Height - 40, 120, 37);
            btnLoad.Frame = new CGRect(Bounds.Width - 130, Bounds.Height - 40, 120, 37);
Пример #34
        /// <summary>
        ///    Creates a path for a rectangle with rounded corners
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="rect">
        /// The <see cref="RectangleF"/> rectangle bounds
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="radius">
        /// The <see cref="System.Single"/> size of the rounded corners
        /// </param>
        /// <returns>
        /// A <see cref="CGPath"/> that can be used to stroke the rounded rectangle
        /// </returns>
        public static CGPath MakeRoundedRectPath(CGRect rect, nfloat radius)
            nfloat minx = rect.Left;
            nfloat midx = rect.Left + (rect.Width) / 2;
            nfloat maxx = rect.Right;
            nfloat miny = rect.Top;
            nfloat midy = rect.Y + rect.Size.Height / 2;
            nfloat maxy = rect.Bottom;

            var path = new CGPath();

            path.MoveToPoint(minx, midy);
            path.AddArcToPoint(minx, miny, midx, miny, radius);
            path.AddArcToPoint(maxx, miny, maxx, midy, radius);
            path.AddArcToPoint(maxx, maxy, midx, maxy, radius);
            path.AddArcToPoint(minx, maxy, minx, midy, radius);

		private void Initialize ()
			Opaque = false;
			BackgroundColor = UIColor.Clear;
			var picFrameWidth = Math.Round(Frame.Width * 0.90); //screenFrame.Width;
			var picFrameHeight = Math.Round(Frame.Height * 0.60);
			var picFrameX = (Frame.Width - picFrameWidth) / 2;
			var picFrameY = (Frame.Height - picFrameHeight) / 2;
			var picFrame = new CGRect((int)picFrameX, (int)picFrameY, (int)picFrameWidth, (int)picFrameHeight);

			//Setup Overlay
			var overlaySize = new CGSize (this.Frame.Width, this.Frame.Height - 44);
			topBg = new UIView (new CGRect (0, 0, overlaySize.Width, (overlaySize.Height - picFrame.Height) / 2));
			topBg.Frame = new CGRect (0, 0, overlaySize.Width, overlaySize.Height * 0.30f);
			topBg.BackgroundColor = UIColor.Black;
			topBg.Alpha = 0.6f;
			topBg.AutoresizingMask = UIViewAutoresizing.FlexibleWidth | UIViewAutoresizing.FlexibleBottomMargin;
			bottomBg = new UIView (new CGRect (0, topBg.Frame.Height + picFrame.Height, overlaySize.Width, topBg.Frame.Height));
			bottomBg.Frame = new CGRect (0, overlaySize.Height * 0.70f, overlaySize.Width, overlaySize.Height * 0.30f);
			bottomBg.BackgroundColor = UIColor.Black;
			bottomBg.Alpha = 0.6f;
			bottomBg.AutoresizingMask = UIViewAutoresizing.FlexibleWidth | UIViewAutoresizing.FlexibleTopMargin;

			redLine = new UIView (new CGRect (0, overlaySize.Height * 0.5f - 2.0f, overlaySize.Width, 4.0f));
			redLine.BackgroundColor = UIColor.Red;
			redLine.Alpha = 0.4f;
			redLine.AutoresizingMask = UIViewAutoresizing.FlexibleWidth | UIViewAutoresizing.FlexibleBottomMargin | UIViewAutoresizing.FlexibleTopMargin;

			this.AddSubview (redLine);
			this.AddSubview (topBg);
			this.AddSubview (bottomBg);

			var topTextLines = 1;

			if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(topText))
				topTextLines = topText.Split ('\n').Length;

			var botTextLines = 1;

			if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(bottomText))
				botTextLines = bottomText.Split ('\n').Length;

			textTop = new UILabel () 
				Frame = topBg.Frame,
				Text = topText,
				Font = UIFont.SystemFontOfSize(13),
				TextAlignment = UITextAlignment.Center,
				TextColor = UIColor.White,
				Lines = 0,
				BackgroundColor = UIColor.Clear

			textTop.SizeToFit ();
			this.AddSubview (textTop);

			textBottom = new UILabel () 
				Frame = bottomBg.Frame,
				Text = bottomText,
				Font = UIFont.SystemFontOfSize(13),
				TextAlignment = UITextAlignment.Center,
				TextColor = UIColor.White,
				Lines = 0,
				BackgroundColor = UIColor.Clear

			textBottom.SizeToFit ();
			this.AddSubview (textBottom);

			var captureDevice = AVCaptureDevice.DefaultDeviceWithMediaType(AVMediaType.Video);

			bool hasTorch = false;

			if (captureDevice != null)
				hasTorch = captureDevice.TorchAvailable;
			InvokeOnMainThread(delegate {
				// Setting tool bar
				var toolBar = new UIToolbar(new CGRect(0, Frame.Height - 44, Frame.Width, 44));
				var buttons = new List<UIBarButtonItem>();
				buttons.Add(new UIBarButtonItem(cancelText, UIBarButtonItemStyle.Done, 
				                                delegate {  OnCancel(); })); 
				if (hasTorch)
					buttons.Add(new UIBarButtonItem(UIBarButtonSystemItem.FlexibleSpace));
					buttons.Add(new UIBarButtonItem(flashText, UIBarButtonItemStyle.Done,
					                                delegate { OnTorch(); }));
				toolBar.Items = buttons.ToArray();
				toolBar.TintColor = UIColor.Black;
				toolBar.AutoresizingMask = UIViewAutoresizing.FlexibleWidth | UIViewAutoresizing.FlexibleTopMargin;
 public ZXingScannerView(CGRect frame) : base(frame)
Пример #37
        void PositionHUD(NSNotification notification)
            nfloat keyboardHeight    = 0;
            double animationDuration = 0;

            Frame = UIScreen.MainScreen.Bounds;

            UIInterfaceOrientation orientation = UIApplication.SharedApplication.StatusBarOrientation;
            bool ignoreOrientation             = UIDevice.CurrentDevice.CheckSystemVersion(8, 0);

            if (notification != null)
                var keyboardFrame = UIKeyboard.FrameEndFromNotification(notification);
                animationDuration = UIKeyboard.AnimationDurationFromNotification(notification);

                if (notification.Name == UIKeyboard.WillShowNotification || notification.Name == UIKeyboard.DidShowNotification)
                    if (ignoreOrientation || IsPortrait(orientation))
                        keyboardHeight = keyboardFrame.Size.Height;
                        keyboardHeight = keyboardFrame.Size.Width;
                    keyboardHeight = 0;
                keyboardHeight = VisibleKeyboardHeight;

            CGRect orientationFrame = UIApplication.SharedApplication.GetKeyWindow().Bounds;

            CGRect statusBarFrame = UIApplication.SharedApplication.StatusBarFrame;

            if (!ignoreOrientation && IsLandscape(orientation))
                orientationFrame.Size = new CGSize(orientationFrame.Size.Height, orientationFrame.Size.Width);
                statusBarFrame.Size   = new CGSize(statusBarFrame.Size.Height, statusBarFrame.Size.Width);

            var activeHeight = orientationFrame.Size.Height;

            if (keyboardHeight > 0)
                activeHeight += statusBarFrame.Size.Height;

            activeHeight -= keyboardHeight;

            nfloat posY       = (float)Math.Floor(activeHeight * 0.45);
            nfloat posX       = orientationFrame.Size.Width / 2;
            nfloat textHeight = _stringLabel.Frame.Height / 2 + 40;

            switch (toastPosition)
            case ToastPosition.Bottom:
                posY = activeHeight - textHeight;

            case ToastPosition.Center:
                // Already set above

            case ToastPosition.Top:
                posY = textHeight;


            CGPoint newCenter;
            float   rotateAngle;

            if (ignoreOrientation)
                rotateAngle = 0.0f;
                newCenter   = new CGPoint(posX, posY);
                switch (orientation)
                case UIInterfaceOrientation.PortraitUpsideDown:
                    rotateAngle = (float)Math.PI;
                    newCenter   = new CGPoint(posX, orientationFrame.Size.Height - posY);

                case UIInterfaceOrientation.LandscapeLeft:
                    rotateAngle = (float)(-Math.PI / 2.0f);
                    newCenter   = new CGPoint(posY, posX);

                case UIInterfaceOrientation.LandscapeRight:
                    rotateAngle = (float)(Math.PI / 2.0f);
                    newCenter   = new CGPoint(orientationFrame.Size.Height - posY, posX);

                default:     // as UIInterfaceOrientationPortrait
                    rotateAngle = 0.0f;
                    newCenter   = new CGPoint(posX, posY);

            if (notification != null)
                               0, UIViewAnimationOptions.AllowUserInteraction, delegate
                    MoveToPoint(newCenter, rotateAngle);
                }, null);
                MoveToPoint(newCenter, rotateAngle);
 public virtual RefreshTableHeaderView MakeRefreshTableHeaderView(CGRect rect)
     return(new RefreshTableHeaderView(rect));
Пример #39
        /// <summary>
        /// Draws the view within the specified rectangle.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="rect">Rect.</param>
        public override void Draw(CGRect rect)
            _rect = rect;

            lock (_bufferSynchronisation)
                // recreate the view.
                View2D view = this.CreateView(this.Frame);
                float zoomFactor = (float)this.Map.Projection.ToZoomFactor(this.MapZoom);

                // call the canvas renderer.
                CGContext context = UIGraphics.GetCurrentContext();

                if (context != null)
                    context.InterpolationQuality = CGInterpolationQuality.None;

                    long afterViewChanged = DateTime.Now.Ticks;
                    CGContextRenderer renderer = new CGContextRenderer(1);
                        new CGContextWrapper(context, this.Frame),
                        new Primitive2D[] { _onScreenBuffer });
                    long afterRendering = DateTime.Now.Ticks;
Пример #40
 /// <summary>
 /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="OsmSharp.iOS.UI.MapView"/> class.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="frame">Frame.</param>
 public MapView(CGRect frame)
     : base(frame)
     this.Initialize(new GeoCoordinate(0, 0), new Map(), 0, 16);
			public override void Draw (CGRect rect)
				CGContext context = UIGraphics.GetCurrentContext();
				element.Draw(rect, context, this);
Пример #42
        public override void Draw(CGRect rect)
            if (currentPath == null || currentPath.Empty)

            strokeColor.SetStroke ();
            currentPath.Stroke ();
Пример #43
        UIImage GetImage(UIColor strokeColor, UIColor fillColor, CGSize size, nfloat scale, bool shouldCrop = true, bool keepAspectRatio = true)
            if (size.Width == 0 || size.Height == 0 || scale <= 0 || strokeColor == null ||
                fillColor == null)
                return null;

            nfloat uncroppedScale;
            CGRect croppedRectangle = new CGRect ();

            CGPoint [] cachedPoints;

            if (shouldCrop && (cachedPoints = Points).Any ()) {
                croppedRectangle = getCroppedRectangle (cachedPoints);
                croppedRectangle.Width /= scale;
                croppedRectangle.Height /= scale;
                if (croppedRectangle.X >= 5) {
                    croppedRectangle.X -= 5;
                    croppedRectangle.Width += 5;
                if (croppedRectangle.Y >= 5) {
                    croppedRectangle.Y -= 5;
                    croppedRectangle.Height += 5;
                if (croppedRectangle.X + croppedRectangle.Width <= size.Width - 5)
               		croppedRectangle.Width += 5;
                if (croppedRectangle.Y + croppedRectangle.Height <= size.Height - 5)
               		croppedRectangle.Height += 5;

                nfloat scaleX = croppedRectangle.Width / Bounds.Width;
                nfloat scaleY = croppedRectangle.Height / Bounds.Height;
                uncroppedScale = 1 / (nfloat)Math.Max (scaleX, scaleY);
            } else {
                uncroppedScale = scale;

            //Make sure the image is scaled to the screen resolution in case of Retina display.
            if (keepAspectRatio)
                UIGraphics.BeginImageContext (size);
                UIGraphics.BeginImageContext (new CGSize (croppedRectangle.Width * uncroppedScale, croppedRectangle.Height * uncroppedScale));

            //Create context and set the desired options
            CGContext context = UIGraphics.GetCurrentContext ();
            context.SetFillColor (fillColor.CGColor);
            context.FillRect (new CGRect (0, 0, size.Width, size.Height));
            context.SetStrokeColor (strokeColor.CGColor);
            context.SetLineWidth (StrokeWidth);
            context.SetLineCap (CGLineCap.Round);
            context.SetLineJoin (CGLineJoin.Round);
            context.ScaleCTM (uncroppedScale, uncroppedScale);

            //Obtain all drawn paths from the array
            foreach (var bezierPath in paths) {
                var tempPath = (UIBezierPath)bezierPath.Copy ();
                if (shouldCrop)
                    tempPath.ApplyTransform (CGAffineTransform.MakeTranslation (-croppedRectangle.X, -croppedRectangle.Y));
                CGPath path = tempPath.CGPath;
                context.AddPath (path);
                tempPath = null;
            context.StrokePath ();

            UIImage image = UIGraphics.GetImageFromCurrentImageContext ();

            UIGraphics.EndImageContext ();

            return image;
Пример #44
        nfloat getScaleFromSize(CGSize size, CGRect rectangle)
            nfloat scaleX = size.Width / rectangle.Width;
            nfloat scaleY = size.Height / rectangle.Height;

            return (nfloat)Math.Min (scaleX, scaleY);
Пример #45
        CGSize getSizeFromScale(nfloat scale, CGRect rectangle)
            nfloat width = rectangle.Width * scale;
            nfloat height = rectangle.Height * scale;

            return new CGSize (width, height);
Пример #46
 UIButton GetButton(CGRect rect, UIImage backImage, string title)
     var button = new UIButton (rect);
     button.SetBackgroundImage (backImage, UIControlState.Normal);
     button.SetTitle (title, UIControlState.Normal);
     button.SetTitleShadowColor (UIColor.DarkGray, UIControlState.Normal);
     button.TitleLabel.ShadowOffset = new CGSize (1, -1);
     button.TitleLabel.Font = FoodyTheme.SharedTheme.MainFont;
     return button;
Пример #47
        public override void LayoutSubviews()
            if (new Version(Constants.Version) >= new Version (7, 0))
                var frame = Frame;

                var width = UIApplication.SharedApplication.StatusBarOrientation.HasFlag(UIInterfaceOrientation.Portrait)
                    ? frame.Size.Width
                        : frame.Size.Width - UIApplication.SharedApplication.StatusBarFrame.Width ;

                var height = UIApplication.SharedApplication.StatusBarOrientation.HasFlag (UIInterfaceOrientation.Portrait)
                    ? frame.Size.Height - UIApplication.SharedApplication.StatusBarFrame.Height
                        : frame.Size.Height;

                var x = UIApplication.SharedApplication.StatusBarOrientation.HasFlag (UIInterfaceOrientation.Portrait)
                    ? 0
                        : frame.Location.X + UIApplication.SharedApplication.StatusBarFrame.Width;

                var y = UIApplication.SharedApplication.StatusBarOrientation.HasFlag (UIInterfaceOrientation.Portrait)
                    ? frame.Location.Y + UIApplication.SharedApplication.StatusBarFrame.Height
                        : 0;

                Frame = new CGRect (x, y, width, height);

            ///Using different layouts for the iPhone and iPad, so setup device specific requirements here.
            if (UIDevice.CurrentDevice.UserInterfaceIdiom == UIUserInterfaceIdiom.Phone)
                Signature.Frame = new CGRect (10, 10, Bounds.Width - 20, Bounds.Height - 60);
            else {
                Signature.Frame = new CGRect (84, 84, Bounds.Width - 168, Bounds.Width / 2);
                imageView.Frame = new CGRect (84, Signature.Frame.Height + 168,
                                                   Frame.Width - 168, Frame.Width / 2);

            //Button locations are based on the Frame, so must have their own frames set after the view's
            //Frame has been set.
            btnSave.Frame = new CGRect (10, Bounds.Height - 40, 120, 37);
            btnLoad.Frame = new CGRect (Bounds.Width - 130, Bounds.Height - 40, 120, 37);
		public abstract void Draw(CGRect bounds, CGContext context, UIView view);
Пример #49
        /// <summary>
        /// Holds the drawing rectangle.
        /// </summary>
        //private System.Drawing.RectangleF _rect;
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates the view.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>The view.</returns>
        public View2D CreateView(CGRect rect)
            if (this.Map != null)
                double[] sceneCenter = this.Map.Projection.ToPixel(this.MapCenter.Latitude, this.MapCenter.Longitude);
                float sceneZoomFactor = (float)this.Map.Projection.ToZoomFactor(this.MapZoom);

                return View2D.CreateFrom(sceneCenter[0], sceneCenter[1],
                    rect.Width, rect.Height, sceneZoomFactor,
                    _invertX, _invertY, this.MapTilt);
            return null;
		public abstract nfloat Height(CGRect bounds);
Пример #51
 public PDRatingView(CGRect frame, RatingConfig config) : this(frame, config, 0m) {
Пример #52
 public PDRatingView(CGRect frame, RatingConfig config, decimal averageRating) : this(config, averageRating) {
     Frame = frame;
Пример #53
        void UpdatePosition(bool textOnly = false)
            nfloat hudWidth                   = 100f;
            nfloat hudHeight                  = 100f;
            nfloat stringWidth                = 0f;
            nfloat stringHeight               = 0f;
            nfloat stringHeightBuffer         = 20f;
            nfloat stringAndImageHeightBuffer = 80f;

            CGRect labelRect = new CGRect();

            string @string = StringLabel.Text;

            // False if it's text-only
            bool imageUsed = (ImageView.Image != null) || (ImageView.Hidden);

            if (textOnly)
                imageUsed = false;

            if (imageUsed)
                hudHeight = stringAndImageHeightBuffer + stringHeight;
                hudHeight = (textOnly ? stringHeightBuffer : stringHeightBuffer + 40);

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(@string))
                int lineCount = Math.Min(10, @string.Split('\n').Length + 1);

                if (IsIOS7OrNewer)
                    var stringSize = new NSString(@string).GetBoundingRect(new CGSize(200, 30 * lineCount), NSStringDrawingOptions.UsesLineFragmentOrigin,
                                                                           new UIStringAttributes {
                        Font = StringLabel.Font
                    stringWidth  = stringSize.Width;
                    stringHeight = stringSize.Height;
                    var stringSize = new NSString(@string).StringSize(StringLabel.Font, new CGSize(200, 30 * lineCount));
                    stringWidth  = stringSize.Width;
                    stringHeight = stringSize.Height;

                hudHeight += stringHeight;

                if (stringWidth > hudWidth)
                    hudWidth = (float)Math.Ceiling(stringWidth / 2) * 2;

                float labelRectY = imageUsed ? 66 : 9;

                if (hudHeight > 100)
                    labelRect = new CGRect(12, labelRectY, hudWidth, stringHeight);
                    hudWidth += 24;
                    hudWidth += 24;
                    labelRect = new CGRect(0, labelRectY, hudWidth, stringHeight);

            // Adjust for Cancel Button
            var    cancelRect     = new CGRect();
            string @cancelCaption = _cancelHud == null ? null : CancelHudButton.Title(UIControlState.Normal);

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(@cancelCaption))
                const int gap = 20;

                if (IsIOS7OrNewer)
                    var stringSize = new NSString(@cancelCaption).GetBoundingRect(new CGSize(200, 300), NSStringDrawingOptions.UsesLineFragmentOrigin,
                                                                                  new UIStringAttributes {
                        Font = StringLabel.Font
                    stringWidth  = stringSize.Width;
                    stringHeight = stringSize.Height;
                    var stringSize = new NSString(@cancelCaption).StringSize(StringLabel.Font, new CGSize(200, 300));
                    stringWidth  = stringSize.Width;
                    stringHeight = stringSize.Height;

                if (stringWidth > hudWidth)
                    hudWidth = (float)Math.Ceiling(stringWidth / 2) * 2;

                // Adjust for label
                nfloat cancelRectY = 0f;
                if (labelRect.Height > 0)
                    cancelRectY = labelRect.Y + labelRect.Height + (nfloat)gap;
                    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(@string))
                        cancelRectY = 76;
                        cancelRectY = (imageUsed ? 66 : 9);

                if (hudHeight > 100)
                    cancelRect = new CGRect(12, cancelRectY, hudWidth, stringHeight);
                    labelRect  = new CGRect(12, labelRect.Y, hudWidth, labelRect.Height);
                    hudWidth  += 24;
                    hudWidth  += 24;
                    cancelRect = new CGRect(0, cancelRectY, hudWidth, stringHeight);
                    labelRect  = new CGRect(0, labelRect.Y, hudWidth, labelRect.Height);
                CancelHudButton.Frame = cancelRect;
                hudHeight            += (cancelRect.Height + (string.IsNullOrEmpty(@string) ? 10 : gap));

            HudView.Bounds = new CGRect(0, 0, hudWidth, hudHeight);
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(@string))
                ImageView.Center = new CGPoint(HudView.Bounds.Width / 2, 36);
                ImageView.Center = new CGPoint(HudView.Bounds.Width / 2, HudView.Bounds.Height / 2);

            StringLabel.Hidden = false;
            StringLabel.Frame  = labelRect;

            if (!textOnly)
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(@string) || !string.IsNullOrEmpty(@cancelCaption))
                    SpinnerView.Center = new CGPoint((float)Math.Ceiling(HudView.Bounds.Width / 2.0f) + 0.5f, 40.5f);
                    if (_progress != -1)
                        BackgroundRingLayer.Position = RingLayer.Position = new CGPoint(HudView.Bounds.Width / 2, 36f);
                    SpinnerView.Center = new CGPoint((float)Math.Ceiling(HudView.Bounds.Width / 2.0f) + 0.5f, (float)Math.Ceiling(HudView.Bounds.Height / 2.0f) + 0.5f);
                    if (_progress != -1)
                        BackgroundRingLayer.Position = RingLayer.Position = new CGPoint(HudView.Bounds.Width / 2, HudView.Bounds.Height / 2.0f + 0.5f);
Пример #54
        public override void Draw(CGRect rect)
            using (var context = UIGraphics.GetCurrentContext ()) {
                switch (_maskType) {
                case MaskType.Black:
                    UIColor.FromWhiteAlpha (0f, 0.5f).SetColor ();
                    context.FillRect (Bounds);
                case MaskType.Gradient:
                    nfloat[] colors = new nfloat[] { 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.75f };
                    nfloat[] locations = new nfloat[] { 0.0f, 1.0f };
                    using (var colorSpace = CGColorSpace.CreateDeviceRGB ()) {
                        using (var gradient = new CGGradient (colorSpace, colors, locations)) {
                            var center = new CGPoint (Bounds.Size.Width / 2, Bounds.Size.Height / 2);
                            float radius = Math.Min ((float)Bounds.Size.Width, (float)Bounds.Size.Height);
                            context.DrawRadialGradient (gradient, center, 0, center, radius, CGGradientDrawingOptions.DrawsAfterEndLocation);

Пример #55
        void UpdatePosition(bool textOnly = false)
            nfloat hudWidth = 100f;
            nfloat hudHeight = 100f;
            nfloat stringWidth = 0f;
            nfloat stringHeight = 0f;
            nfloat stringHeightBuffer = 20f;
            nfloat stringAndImageHeightBuffer = 80f;

            CGRect labelRect = new CGRect ();

            string @string = StringLabel.Text;

            // False if it's text-only
            bool imageUsed = (ImageView.Image != null) || (ImageView.Hidden);
            if (textOnly) {
                imageUsed = false;

            if (imageUsed) {
                hudHeight = stringAndImageHeightBuffer + stringHeight;
            } else {
                hudHeight = (textOnly ? stringHeightBuffer : stringHeightBuffer + 40);

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty (@string)) {
                int lineCount = Math.Min (10, @string.Split ('\n').Length + 1);

                if (IsIOS7OrNewer) {
                    var stringSize = new NSString (@string).GetBoundingRect (new CGSize (200, 30 * lineCount), NSStringDrawingOptions.UsesLineFragmentOrigin,
                                         new UIStringAttributes{ Font = StringLabel.Font },
                    stringWidth = stringSize.Width;
                    stringHeight = stringSize.Height;
                } else {
                    var stringSize = new NSString (@string).StringSize (StringLabel.Font, new CGSize (200, 30 * lineCount));
                    stringWidth = stringSize.Width;
                    stringHeight = stringSize.Height;

                hudHeight += stringHeight;

                if (stringWidth > hudWidth)
                    hudWidth = (float)Math.Ceiling (stringWidth / 2) * 2;

                float labelRectY = imageUsed ? 66 : 9;

                if (hudHeight > 100) {
                    labelRect = new CGRect (12, labelRectY, hudWidth, stringHeight);
                    hudWidth += 24;
                } else {
                    hudWidth += 24;
                    labelRect = new CGRect (0, labelRectY, hudWidth, stringHeight);

            // Adjust for Cancel Button
            var cancelRect = new CGRect ();
            string @cancelCaption = _cancelHud == null ? null : CancelHudButton.Title (UIControlState.Normal);
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty (@cancelCaption)) {
                const int gap = 20;

                if (IsIOS7OrNewer) {
                    var stringSize = new NSString (@cancelCaption).GetBoundingRect (new CGSize (200, 300), NSStringDrawingOptions.UsesLineFragmentOrigin,
                                         new UIStringAttributes{ Font = StringLabel.Font },
                    stringWidth = stringSize.Width;
                    stringHeight = stringSize.Height;
                } else {
                    var stringSize = new NSString (@cancelCaption).StringSize (StringLabel.Font, new CGSize (200, 300));
                    stringWidth = stringSize.Width;
                    stringHeight = stringSize.Height;

                if (stringWidth > hudWidth)
                    hudWidth = (float)Math.Ceiling (stringWidth / 2) * 2;

                // Adjust for label
                nfloat cancelRectY = 0f;
                if (labelRect.Height > 0) {
                    cancelRectY = labelRect.Y + labelRect.Height + (nfloat)gap;
                } else {
                    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty (@string)) {
                        cancelRectY = 76;
                    } else {
                        cancelRectY = (imageUsed ? 66 : 9);


                if (hudHeight > 100) {
                    cancelRect = new CGRect (12, cancelRectY, hudWidth, stringHeight);
                    labelRect = new CGRect (12, labelRect.Y, hudWidth, labelRect.Height);
                    hudWidth += 24;
                } else {
                    hudWidth += 24;
                    cancelRect = new CGRect (0, cancelRectY, hudWidth, stringHeight);
                    labelRect = new CGRect (0, labelRect.Y, hudWidth, labelRect.Height);
                CancelHudButton.Frame = cancelRect;
                hudHeight += (cancelRect.Height + (string.IsNullOrEmpty (@string) ? 10 : gap));

            HudView.Bounds = new CGRect (0, 0, hudWidth, hudHeight);
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty (@string))
                ImageView.Center = new CGPoint (HudView.Bounds.Width / 2, 36);
                ImageView.Center = new CGPoint (HudView.Bounds.Width / 2, HudView.Bounds.Height / 2);

            StringLabel.Hidden = false;
            StringLabel.Frame = labelRect;

            if (!textOnly) {
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty (@string) || !string.IsNullOrEmpty(@cancelCaption)) {
                    SpinnerView.Center = new CGPoint ((float)Math.Ceiling (HudView.Bounds.Width / 2.0f) + 0.5f, 40.5f);
                    if (_progress != -1) {
                        BackgroundRingLayer.Position = RingLayer.Position = new CGPoint (HudView.Bounds.Width / 2, 36f);
                } else {
                    SpinnerView.Center = new CGPoint ((float)Math.Ceiling (HudView.Bounds.Width / 2.0f) + 0.5f, (float)Math.Ceiling (HudView.Bounds.Height / 2.0f) + 0.5f);
                    if (_progress != -1) {
                        BackgroundRingLayer.Position = RingLayer.Position = new CGPoint (HudView.Bounds.Width / 2, HudView.Bounds.Height / 2.0f + 0.5f);
Пример #56
		/// <summary>
		/// Creates a new instance of the GlassButton using the specified dimensions
		/// </summary>
		public GlassButton (CGRect frame) : base (frame)
			NormalColor = new UIColor (0.55f, 0.04f, 0.02f, 1);
			HighlightedColor = UIColor.Black;
			DisabledColor = UIColor.Gray;
Пример #57
 public AVCaptureScannerView(CGRect frame) : base(frame)
Пример #58
		public override void Draw (CGRect rect)
			var context = UIGraphics.GetCurrentContext ();
			var bounds = Bounds;
			UIColor background = Enabled ? pressed ? HighlightedColor : NormalColor : DisabledColor;
			float alpha = 1;
			CGPath container;
			container = GraphicsUtil.MakeRoundedRectPath (bounds, 14);
			context.AddPath (container);
			context.Clip ();
			using (var cs = CGColorSpace.CreateDeviceRGB ()){
				var topCenter = new CGPoint (bounds.GetMidX (), 0);
				var midCenter = new CGPoint (bounds.GetMidX (), bounds.GetMidY ());
				var bottomCenter = new CGPoint (bounds.GetMidX (), bounds.GetMaxY ());

				using (var gradient = new CGGradient (cs, new nfloat [] { 0.23f, 0.23f, 0.23f, alpha, 0.47f, 0.47f, 0.47f, alpha }, new nfloat [] {0, 1})){
					context.DrawLinearGradient (gradient, topCenter, bottomCenter, 0);
				container = GraphicsUtil.MakeRoundedRectPath (bounds.Inset (1, 1), 13);
				context.AddPath (container);
				context.Clip ();
				using (var gradient = new CGGradient (cs, new nfloat [] { 0.05f, 0.05f, 0.05f, alpha, 0.15f, 0.15f, 0.15f, alpha}, new nfloat [] {0, 1})){
					context.DrawLinearGradient (gradient, topCenter, bottomCenter, 0);
				var nb = bounds.Inset (4, 4);
				container = GraphicsUtil.MakeRoundedRectPath (nb, 10);
				context.AddPath (container);
				context.Clip ();
				background.SetFill ();
				context.FillRect (nb);
				using (var gradient = new CGGradient (cs, new nfloat [] { 1, 1, 1, .35f, 1, 1, 1, 0.06f }, new nfloat [] { 0, 1 })){
					context.DrawLinearGradient (gradient, topCenter, midCenter, 0);
				context.SetLineWidth (2);
				context.AddPath (container);
				context.ReplacePathWithStrokedPath ();
				context.Clip ();

				using (var gradient = new CGGradient (cs, new nfloat [] { 1, 1, 1, 0.5f, 0.5f, 0.5f, 0.5f, 0.5f }, new nfloat [] { 0, 1 })){
					context.DrawLinearGradient (gradient, topCenter, bottomCenter, 0);
Пример #59
		public override void LayoutSubviews ()
			Frame = new CGRect (0, 0, UIScreen.MainScreen.Bounds.Width, UIScreen.MainScreen.Bounds.Height);
			profileDetailsView.Frame = new CGRect (0, 0, UIScreen.MainScreen.Bounds.Width, 158);
			ProfileTableViewController.View.Frame = new CGRect (0, profileDetailsView.Frame.Bottom - 6, UIScreen.MainScreen.Bounds.Width, UIScreen.MainScreen.Bounds.Height - profileDetailsView.Bounds.Height);			

			workoutButton.Frame = new CGRect (0, profileDetailsView.Frame.Bottom - 46, 111, 44);			
			cardioButton.Frame = new CGRect (111, profileDetailsView.Frame.Bottom - 46, 111, 44);			
			journalButton.Frame = new CGRect (222, profileDetailsView.Frame.Bottom - 46, 111, 44);

			base.LayoutSubviews ();
Пример #60
 public SignaturePadView(CGRect frame)
     Frame = frame;
     Initialize ();