static void Main() { Application.EnableVisualStyles(); Application.SetCompatibleTextRenderingDefault(false); BonusSkins.Register(); SkinManager.EnableFormSkins(); UserLookAndFeel.Default.SetSkinStyle("DevExpress Style"); //Application.Run(new FrmTienDo()); if (new frm_ChangeServer().ShowDialog() != DialogResult.OK) { return; } bool temp = false; do { temp = false; frmLogin frLogin = new frmLogin(); if (frLogin.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) { frm_Main frMain = new frm_Main(); if (frMain.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.Yes) { frMain.Close(); temp = true; } } }while (temp); }
static void Main() { Application.EnableVisualStyles(); Application.SetCompatibleTextRenderingDefault(false); //Application.Run(new frm_Main()); bool temp; do { temp = false; Frm_Login a = new Frm_Login(); a.lb_programName.Text = " Chương trình\n Nencho"; a.lb_version.Text = @"1.0"; a.UrlUpdateVersion = @"\\\DE_Viet\2016\PHIẾU KIỂM ĐỊNH\Tool"; a.LoginEvent += a_LoginEvent; a.ButtonLoginEven += a_ButtonLoginEven; if (a.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) { Global.StrMachine = a.StrMachine; Global.StrUserWindow = a.StrUserWindow; Global.StrIpAddress = a.StrIpAddress; Global.StrUsername = a.StrUserName; Global.StrBatch = a.StrBatch; Global.StrRole = a.StrRole; Global.Strtoken = a.Token; frm_Main frMain = new frm_Main(); if (frMain.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.Yes) { frMain.Close(); temp = true; } } }while (temp); }
private void btn_Back_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { Form frm_Main = new frm_Main(permissions); frm_Main.StartPosition = FormStartPosition.CenterScreen; Program.setForm(frm_Main); this.Close(); }
public PollingThread(frm_Main _form, String _myName, TcpClient _clientSocket, IntPtr _Handle) { clientSocket = _clientSocket; myName = _myName; form = _form; Handle = _Handle; }
private void btn_Demo_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { Hide(); frm_Main Main = new frm_Main(); Main.combo_Users.SelectedValue = 1; Main.Demo = true; Main.Show(); }
public FRM_Currency(frm_Main main) { InitializeComponent(); Main = main; dt_Currency = Main.ds.Tables[35].Clone(); foreach (DataRow dr in Main.ds.Tables[35].Rows) { dt_Currency.Rows.Add(dr.ItemArray); } }
private void btn_Login_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { // Role Id Reffers either a user is a customer or Chef if (cmb_RoleID.SelectedIndex < 0) { MessageBox.Show("Please Select Role", "Warning", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Warning); } else { Main.RoleID = int.Parse(cmb_RoleID.SelectedValue.ToString()); if (txt_Username.Text != "") { if (txt_Password.Text != "") { if (Main.CheckUserName(txt_Username.Text) == true) { if (Main.checkPassword(txt_Username.Text, txt_Password.Text) == true) { Main.UserName = txt_Username.Text; // I will get the UserID coresponding to the user name from the database String sUserId = SQL.ScalarQuery("Select L_ID from login where L_Username = '******'"); int id; //Since the id is an int a simple test is performed to convert the string to int if (int.TryParse(sUserId, out id)) { Main.UserID = id; } // The login form will disappear this.Hide(); // Main form (Home) will appear var NEW = new frm_Main(); NEW.ShowDialog(); } else { MessageBox.Show("Invalid Password", "Login", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Asterisk); } } else { MessageBox.Show("Invalid Username", "Login", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Asterisk); } } else { MessageBox.Show("Please Enter Password", "Login", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Asterisk); } } else { MessageBox.Show("Please Enter UserName", "Login", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Asterisk); } } }
private void btn_Login_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (txtUsername.Text == "" || txtPassword.Text == "") { MessageBox.Show("Please enter login credentials", "Message", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Asterisk); } else { try { var user = new User(); user.UserName = txtUsername.Text; user.Password = txtPassword.Text; var record = UserDataAccess.findByUserId(user); if (record == null) { MessageBox.Show("User-ID not found.Please enter login credentials", "Message", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Asterisk); } else { // check if user profile is inactive if (record.IsRemoved == true) { MessageBox.Show("Inactive user profile", "Message", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Asterisk); } else { // check for the password if (record.Password == txtPassword.Text) { // show home form var role = record.Role; var userName = record.UserName; var main = new frm_Main(userName, role); main.Show(); this.Hide(); } else { MessageBox.Show("Incorrect password.Please enter login credentials", "Message", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Asterisk); } } } } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show("Failed : " + ex.Message, "Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); } } }
static void Main() { Application.EnableVisualStyles(); Application.SetCompatibleTextRenderingDefault(false); BonusSkins.Register(); SkinManager.EnableFormSkins(); UserLookAndFeel.Default.SetSkinStyle("DevExpress Style"); //Application.Run(new frm_CreateBatch()); bool temp; do { temp = false; Frm_Login a = new Frm_Login(); a.lb_programName.Text = "\n Dự Án JEMS"; a.lb_vision.Text = "Phiên bản :"; a.grb_1.Text = "Thông Tin PC"; a.lb_machine.Text = "Tên PC :"; a.lb_user_window.Text = "Tài khoản window:"; a.lb_ip.Text = "Địa chỉ IP :"; a.grb_2.Text = "Thông Tin Tài Khoản Đăng Nhập"; a.lb_username.Text = "Tên đăng nhập :"; a.lb_password.Text = "Mật khẩu :"; a.lb_role.Text = "Vai trò :"; a.lb_date.Text = "Ngày: "; a.lb_time.Text = "Giờ: "; a.lb_batchno.Text = "BatchName: "; a.btn_thoat.Text = "Thoát"; a.chb_hienthi.Text = "Hiển Thị"; a.chb_luu.Text = "Lưu"; a.lb_version.Text = @"1.2.7"; a.UrlUpdateVersion = @"\\\DE_Viet\2017\JEMS\Tools"; a.LoginEvent += a_LoginEvent; a.ButtonLoginEven += a_ButtonLoginEven; if (a.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) { Global.StrMachine = a.StrMachine; Global.StrUserWindow = a.StrUserWindow; Global.StrIpAddress = a.StrIpAddress; Global.StrUsername = a.StrUserName; Global.StrBatch = a.StrBatch; Global.StrRole = a.StrRole; Global.Strtoken = a.Token; frm_Main f = new frm_Main(); if (f.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.Yes) { f.Close(); temp = true; } } }while (temp); }
static void Main() { Application.EnableVisualStyles(); Application.SetCompatibleTextRenderingDefault(false); BonusSkins.Register(); SkinManager.EnableFormSkins(); UserLookAndFeel.Default.SetSkinStyle("DevExpress Style"); //Application.Run(new FrmTienDo()); if (new frm_ChangeServer().ShowDialog() != DialogResult.OK) { return; } bool temp = false; do { temp = false; frmLogin frLogin = new frmLogin(); if (frLogin.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) { if (Global.StrCity == "CityS") { BaoCaoLuonng2017.Global.StrMachine = Global.StrPcName; BaoCaoLuonng2017.Global.StrUserWindow = Global.StrDomainName; BaoCaoLuonng2017.Global.StrIpAddress = ""; BaoCaoLuonng2017.Global.StrUsername = Global.StrUserName; BaoCaoLuonng2017.Global.StrBatch = Global.StrBatch; BaoCaoLuonng2017.Global.StrRole = Global.StrRole; BaoCaoLuonng2017.Global.Strtoken = Global.Token; BaoCaoLuonng2017.Global.StrCity = Global.StrCity; BaoCaoLuonng2017.MyForm.frm_Main fm = new BaoCaoLuonng2017.MyForm.frm_Main(); if (fm.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.Yes) { fm.Close(); frLogin.txt_username_TextChanged(null, null); temp = true; } } else { frm_Main frMain = new frm_Main(); if (frMain.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.Yes) { frMain.Close(); temp = true; } } } }while (temp); }
private void frm_Termin_FormClosed(object sender, FormClosedEventArgs e) { frm_Main formMain = frm_Main.getMainForm; foreach (CheckBox checkBox in formMain.fLP_Kalender.Controls) { checkBox.Checked = false; } foreach (CheckBox checkBox in formMain.fLP_Kalender.Controls) { checkBox.Checked = true; } }
private void button_OK_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { Properties.Settings.Default.Server = textBox_Server.Text; Properties.Settings.Default.DataBase = textBox_DataBase.Text; Properties.Settings.Default.Mode = radio_Windows.Checked == true ? "Windows" : "SQL"; Properties.Settings.Default.ID = textBox_ID.Text; Properties.Settings.Default.Password = textBox_Password.Text; frm_Main Main = new frm_Main(); Properties.Settings.Default.Save(); Main.Show(); Hide(); }
public FRM_CC(frm_Main main) { InitializeComponent(); Main = main; dt_branches = Main.dt_Branches.Clone(); foreach (DataRow dr in Main.dt_Branches.Rows) { dt_branches.Rows.Add(dr.ItemArray); } combo_cc_branche.DataSource = dt_branches; combo_cc_branche.SelectedValue = -1; }
public FRM_Branches(frm_Main main) { InitializeComponent(); Main = main; //Fill Branches DGV DGV_Branches.AutoGenerateColumns = false; dt_Branches = BS.Select_All_Branches(); DGV_Branches.DataSource = dt_Branches; //Fill Stores DGV DGV_Stores.AutoGenerateColumns = false; dt_Stores = BS.Select_All_Stores(); DGV_Stores.DataSource = dt_Stores; }
private void btn_Run_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (txt_Run.Text.Length != 6) { return; } int q = (Convert.ToInt32(txt_Authorization.Text.Substring(1, 1)) * 5); int w = (Convert.ToInt32(txt_Authorization.Text.Substring(2, 1)) * 4); int t = (Convert.ToInt32(txt_Authorization.Text.Substring(3, 1)) * 8); int r = (Convert.ToInt32(txt_Authorization.Text.Substring(4, 1)) * 6); string txt = txt_Run.Text.Substring(0, 4); int AddDays = Convert.ToInt32(txt_Run.Text.Substring(4, 2)); string run = q.ToString().Substring(0, 1) + w.ToString().Substring(0, 1) + t.ToString().Substring(0, 1) + r.ToString().Substring(0, 1); if (AddDays == 38) { AddDays = 3650; } else if (AddDays > 70) { AddDays = 70; } if (txt == run) { string i = Encrypt(id); //File.WriteAllText(path,i); Properties.Settings.Default.ID = i; Properties.Settings.Default.d = Encrypt(ExpireDate(AddDays)); Properties.Settings.Default.LoginUser = "******"; Properties.Settings.Default.Save(); Hide(); frm_Main Main = new frm_Main(); Main.Show(); } else { Application.Exit(); } }
private void btn_Login_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (cmb_CompanyName.SelectedIndex < 0) { MessageBox.Show("Please Select Company", "Warning", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Warning); } else { Main.CompanyID = int.Parse(cmb_CompanyName.SelectedValue.ToString()); if (txt_Username.Text != "") { if (txt_Password.Text != "") { if (Main.CheckUserName(txt_Username.Text) == true) { if (Main.checkPassword(txt_Username.Text, txt_Password.Text) == true) { Main.UserName = txt_Username.Text; this.Hide(); var NEW = new frm_Main(); NEW.ShowDialog(); } else { MessageBox.Show("Invalid Password", "Login", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Asterisk); } } else { MessageBox.Show("Invalid Username", "Login", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Asterisk); } } else { MessageBox.Show("Please Enter Password", "Login", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Asterisk); } } else { MessageBox.Show("Please Enter UserName", "Login", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Asterisk); } } }
//启动分析应用系统 private void StartDAS() { try { statusTxt = "正在初始化系统..."; backgroundWorker.ReportProgress(10); statusTxt = "正在加载系统框架..."; MainFrm = new frm_Main(); backgroundWorker.ReportProgress(20); Thread.Sleep(100); MainFrm.InitForm(); backgroundWorker.ReportProgress(50); Thread.Sleep(100); statusTxt = "正在加载信息树..."; MainFrm.InitTree(); backgroundWorker.ReportProgress(60); Thread.Sleep(100); statusTxt = "正在加载列表数据..."; MainFrm.InitCombobox(); backgroundWorker.ReportProgress(70); Thread.Sleep(100); statusTxt = "正在设置界面风格..."; MainFrm.InitStyle(); backgroundWorker.ReportProgress(80); Thread.Sleep(100); statusTxt = "系统初始化成功..."; backgroundWorker.ReportProgress(100); Thread.Sleep(100); backgroundWorker_RunWorkerCompleted(null, null); } catch (Exception excep) { XtraMessageBox.Show("启动应用程序出错," + excep.Message + ",请与系统管理员联系!", "出错提示", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); updateStatus("准备登录"); } }
private void btn_login_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (checkRemember.Checked) { Properties.Settings.Default.username = txt_user.Text; Properties.Settings.Default.password = txt_pass.Text; Properties.Settings.Default.Save(); } else { Properties.Settings.Default.username = string.Empty; Properties.Settings.Default.password = string.Empty; Properties.Settings.Default.Save(); } var username = txt_user.Text; var password = txt_pass.Text; if (username.Equals("")) { MessageBox.Show("Hãy Nhập Tài Khoản", "Thông Báo"); } else if (password.Equals("")) { MessageBox.Show("Hãy Nhập Mật Khẩu", "Thông Báo"); } else { string sql = "select name from Account where username ='******' and password ='******'"; var result = db.DocBang(sql); if (result.Rows.Count > 0) { this.Hide(); var user = (string)result.Rows[0]["name"]; frm_Main frm = new frm_Main(user); frm.ShowDialog(); this.Close(); } else { MessageBox.Show("Tài khoản hoặc mật khẩu không đúng!!!", "Thông Báo"); } } }
public FRM_ACC(frm_Main main) { InitializeComponent(); Main = main; ACC_Proper = Main.ds.Tables[25]; com_ACC_Proper_Name.DataSource = ACC_Proper; dv_acc = new DataView(Main.ds.Tables[6]); dv_cc1 = new DataView(Main.ds.Tables[3]); dv_cc2 = new DataView(Main.ds.Tables[3]); com_Parent_ACC.DataSource = dv_acc; com_Parent_ACC.SelectedValue = -1; com_CC1.DataSource = dv_cc1; com_CC1.SelectedValue = -1; com_CC2.DataSource = dv_cc2; com_CC2.SelectedValue = -1; }
public FRM_Customer(frm_Main main) { InitializeComponent(); Main = main; DGV.AutoGenerateColumns = false; dt_Cust = Cust.Select(); dt_acc_cust = Main.dt_ACC.Clone(); foreach (DataRow dr in Main.dt_ACC.Rows) { if (dr["ACC_Proper_ID"].ToString() == "1") { dt_acc_cust.Rows.Add(dr.ItemArray); } } com_ACC_Name.DataSource = dt_acc_cust; com_ACC_Name.SelectedValue = -1; DGV.CurrentCell = null; }
private void btn_Login_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { BL.BL.Users users = new BL.BL.Users(); users.Name = txt_Name.Text; users.Password = txt_Password.Text; DataTable dt = new DataTable(); dt = users.Select(); foreach (DataRow r in dt.Rows) { if ((r["Email"].ToString() == users.Name || r["Mobile"].ToString() == txt_Name.Text.Trim()) && r["Password"].ToString() == users.Password) { Hide(); string c = CheckAth(); if (c == "OK") { frm_Main Main = new frm_Main(); UserID = Convert.ToInt32(r["ID"]); Main.combo_Users.SelectedValue = UserID; Main.Show(); Properties.Settings.Default.LoginUser = txt_Name.Text; Properties.Settings.Default.Save(); return; } else { frm_PreventNo p = new frm_PreventNo(); p.UserID = Convert.ToInt16(r["ID"]); p.Case = c; p.ShowDialog(); return; } } } MessageBox.Show("أسم المستخدم أو كلمة المرور غير صحيحة", "خطأ في بيانات الدخول", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Asterisk); }
public FRM_Ven(frm_Main main) { InitializeComponent(); Main = main; dt_Ven = Main.ds.Tables[9].Clone(); foreach (DataRow dr in Main.ds.Tables[9].Rows) { dt_Ven.Rows.Add(dr.ItemArray); } dt_acc_ven = Main.ds.Tables[6].Clone(); foreach (DataRow dr in Main.ds.Tables[6].Rows) { if (dr["ACC_Proper_ID"].ToString() == "2") { dt_acc_ven.Rows.Add(dr.ItemArray); } } com_ACC_Name.DataSource = dt_acc_ven; com_ACC_Name.SelectedValue = -1; }
private void bt_dangnhap_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { DataTable dt = dangNhapModel.check_TaiKhoan(txtTenDangNhap.Text,txtMatKhau.Text); try { if (txtTenDangNhap.Text == "") { MessageBox.Show("Tài khoản chưa được nhập"); txtTenDangNhap.Focus(); } else if (txtMatKhau.Text == "") { MessageBox.Show("Mật khẩu chưa được nhập"); txtMatKhau.Focus(); } else if (txtTenDangNhap.Text.Trim() != dt.Rows[0][0].ToString() && txtMatKhau.Text == dt.Rows[0][1].ToString()) { MessageBox.Show("Tên đăng nhập không đúng"); txtTenDangNhap.Focus(); } else if (txtTenDangNhap.Text.Trim() == dt.Rows[0][0].ToString() && txtMatKhau.Text != dt.Rows[0][1].ToString()) { MessageBox.Show("Mật khẩu không đúng"); txtMatKhau.Focus(); } else if (txtTenDangNhap.Text.Trim() == dt.Rows[0][0].ToString() && txtMatKhau.Text == dt.Rows[0][1].ToString()) { frm_Main main = new frm_Main(); main.Show(); this.Hide(); } } catch { MessageBox.Show("Tên đăng nhập và Mật khẩu không đúng"); } }
private void bntdangnhap_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { SqlParameter para1 = new SqlParameter("@taikhoan", txtuser.Text); SqlParameter para2 = new SqlParameter("@matkhau", txtpass.Text); DataTable dulieu = dt.sqlLayDuLieu("PSP_NhanVien_test", para1, para2); SqlParameter para3 = new SqlParameter("@TaiKhoan", txtuser.Text); DataTable dulieu1 = dt.sqlLayDuLieu("PSP_NhanVien_Loai", para3); if (dulieu.Rows.Count < 1) { MessageBox.Show("Tài khoản không đúng !"); } else { quyen = dulieu1.Rows[0]["LoaiTK"].ToString(); tk = txtuser.Text; frm_Main frm = new frm_Main(); frm.Show(); this.Hide(); } }
public PollingThread(frm_Main _form, String _myName, TcpClient _clientSocket) { clientSocket = _clientSocket; myName = _myName; form = _form; }
public Controller(frm_Main _main) { InitializeComponent(); Dock = DockStyle.Fill; main = _main; }
public FRM_rep(frm_Main main) { InitializeComponent(); Main = main; btn_Display.Image = Main.imageList48.Images["display_48.png"]; dtp = new DateTimePicker(); dtp.Format = DateTimePickerFormat.Short; dtp.Visible = false; dtp.Width = 120; DGV_1.Controls.Add(dtp); dtp.ValueChanged += this.dtp_Value_Changed; Rep_TABLE_NAME = Main.Rep_TABLE_NAME; Rep_TABLE_SCHEMA = Main.Rep_TABLE_SCHEMA; dt_Rep_Info = rep.Select_Rep_Info(Rep_TABLE_NAME, Rep_TABLE_SCHEMA); foreach (DataRow r in dt_Rep_Info.Rows) { list_Back.Items.Add(r[0].ToString()); } dt_g = rep.Select_Rep("select * from Rep"); dt_Rep_D = rep.Select_Rep("select * from Rep_D"); dt_g.DefaultView.RowFilter = string.Format("Rep_View = '" + Rep_TABLE_NAME + "' and User_ID = " + Main.combo_Users.SelectedValue.ToString()); com_RepGenerator.DataSource = dt_g; com_RepGenerator.SelectedValue = -1; com_Fields.DataSource = dt_Rep_Info; if (com_RepGenerator.SelectedValue == null) { dt_Rep_D.DefaultView.RowFilter = string.Format("Rep_ID = -1 "); } else { dt_Rep_D.DefaultView.RowFilter = string.Format("Rep_ID = " + com_RepGenerator.SelectedValue.ToString()); } DGV_1.AutoGenerateColumns = false; foreach (DataRow dr in dt_Rep_Info.Rows) { (DGV_1.Columns[0] as DataGridViewComboBoxColumn).Items.Add(dr[0].ToString()); } Temp_dgv = table(1); DGV_1.DataSource = null; foreach (DataRow row in Temp_dgv.Rows) { DGV_1.Rows.Add(); DGV_1.CurrentCell = DGV_1.Rows[0].Cells[0]; DGV_1.CurrentRow.Cells[0].Value = row[0].ToString(); DGV_1.CurrentRow.Cells[1].Value = row[1].ToString(); DGV_1.CurrentRow.Cells[2].Value = row[2].ToString(); DGV_1.CurrentRow.Cells[3].Value = row[3].ToString(); DGV_1.CurrentRow.Cells[4].Value = row[4].ToString(); DGV_1.CurrentRow.Cells[5].Value = row[5].ToString(); DGV_1.CurrentRow.Cells[6].Value = row[6].ToString(); } DGV_1.AllowUserToAddRows = true; }
public BLL_Main(frm_Main _f_Main) { f_Main = _f_Main; }
public PiClient(frm_Main _main) { InitializeComponent(); Dock = DockStyle.Fill; main = _main; }
private void button_Select_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { if (Patient_DataTable.Rows.Count > 0 && datagrid_Patient.SelectedIndex >= 0) { Patient_New.FileID = Patient_DataTable.Rows[datagrid_Patient.SelectedIndex]["FileID"].ToString(); Patient_New.PatientID = Patient_DataTable.Rows[datagrid_Patient.SelectedIndex]["PatientID"].ToString(); Patient_New.Name = Patient_DataTable.Rows[datagrid_Patient.SelectedIndex]["Name"].ToString(); Patient_New.Birthday = Patient_DataTable.Rows[datagrid_Patient.SelectedIndex]["Birthday"].ToString(); Patient_New.Sex = Patient_DataTable.Rows[datagrid_Patient.SelectedIndex]["Sex"].ToString(); Patient_New.Address = Patient_DataTable.Rows[datagrid_Patient.SelectedIndex]["Address"].ToString(); Patient_New.Tele = Patient_DataTable.Rows[datagrid_Patient.SelectedIndex]["Tele"].ToString(); Patient_New.IdentifyID = Patient_DataTable.Rows[datagrid_Patient.SelectedIndex]["IdentifyID"].ToString(); Patient_New.Memo = Patient_DataTable.Rows[datagrid_Patient.SelectedIndex]["Memo"].ToString(); if (Record_DataTable.Rows.Count > 0) { string sTmp = ""; Record_New = new MyData.CheckRecord_Struct[Record_DataTable.Rows.Count]; for (int i = 0; i < Record_DataTable.Rows.Count; i++) { Record_New[i].RecordID = Record_DataTable.Rows[i]["RecordID"].ToString(); Record_New[i].FileID = Record_DataTable.Rows[i]["FileID"].ToString(); Record_New[i].CheckTime = Record_DataTable.Rows[i]["CheckTime"].ToString(); Record_New[i].Doctor = Record_DataTable.Rows[i]["Doctor"].ToString(); Record_New[i].CheckInfo = Record_DataTable.Rows[i]["CheckInfo"].ToString(); sTmp = System.Environment.CurrentDirectory + "\\Data\\" + Record_New[i].FileID.Trim() + "\\"; Record_New[i].SmallPict = sTmp + "Small\\" + Record_DataTable.Rows[i]["SmallPict"].ToString(); Record_New[i].BigPict = sTmp + "Big\\" + Record_DataTable.Rows[i]["BigPict"].ToString(); Record_New[i].SelectPict = ""; } iSelectRecordID = int.Parse(Record_DataTable.Rows[datagrid_Record.SelectedIndex]["RecordID"].ToString()); // 选定的检查记录的RecordID } else { Record_New = null; } IsSelectNew = true; if (IsShowInput) // 从frm_Start调用 { pfrm_Start.Show(); pfrm_Start.IsEnabled = true; pfrm_Start.ShowInTaskbar = true; this.Hide(); } else // 从frm_Start调用 { frm_Main Frm_Main = new frm_Main(); Frm_Main.IsFirst = true; Frm_Main.Patient_New = Patient_New; Frm_Main.Record_New = Record_New; Frm_Main.pfrm_Search = this; this.ShowInTaskbar = false; pfrm_Start.Hide(); this.Hide(); Frm_Main.ShowDialog(); } } else { Patient_New = new MyData.PatientInfo_Struct(); Record_New = null; IsSelectNew = false; } }
public frm_Settings(frm_Main main) { _main = main; }
public FRM_Money_Out(frm_Main main) { InitializeComponent(); Main = main; btn_Bill_Branche.Image = Main.imageList32.Images["branche_32.png"]; btn_CC1.Image = Main.imageList32.Images["center1_32.png"]; btn_CC2.Image = Main.imageList32.Images["center1_32.png"]; btn_Bill_User.Image = Main.imageList32.Images["user_32.png"]; dt_ACC_Ven = Main.dt_ACC.Clone(); foreach (DataRow dr in Main.dt_ACC.Rows) { dt_ACC_Ven.Rows.Add(dr.ItemArray); } dt_ACC_Ven.DefaultView.RowFilter = string.Format("Is_Parent=0"); dt_branches = Main.dt_Branches.Clone(); foreach (DataRow dr in Main.dt_Branches.Rows) { dt_branches.Rows.Add(dr.ItemArray); } dt_cc1 = Main.dt_CC.Clone(); foreach (DataRow dr in Main.dt_CC.Rows) { dt_cc1.Rows.Add(dr.ItemArray); } dt_cc1.DefaultView.RowFilter = string.Format("CC1 = True"); dt_cc2 = Main.dt_CC.Clone(); foreach (DataRow dr in Main.dt_CC.Rows) { dt_cc2.Rows.Add(dr.ItemArray); } dt_cc2.DefaultView.RowFilter = string.Format("CC2 = True"); dt_users = Main.dt_Users.Clone(); foreach (DataRow dr in Main.dt_Users.Rows) { dt_users.Rows.Add(dr.ItemArray); } combo_Bill_User.DataSource = Main.dt_Users; combo_Bill_Branches.DataSource = Main.dt_Branches; combo_CC1.DataSource = Main.dt_CC; combo_CC2.DataSource = Main.dt_CC; #region ContextMenuStrips // Branches combo_Bill_Branches.DataSource = dt_branches; combo_Bill_Branches.SelectedValue = Main.combo_Branches.SelectedValue; lbl_bill_Branches.Text = combo_Bill_Branches.Text; contextMenuStrip_branches.ForeColor = Color.MidnightBlue; for (int i = 0; i < combo_Bill_Branches.Items.Count; i++) { contextMenuStrip_branches.Items.Add(combo_Bill_Branches.GetItemText(combo_Bill_Branches.Items[i]), Main.imageList16.Images["branche_16.png"]); } // CC1 combo_CC1.DataSource = dt_cc1; combo_CC1.SelectedValue = -1; lbl_CC1.Text = combo_CC1.Text; btn_cc1_del.Image = Main.imageList16.Images["close_16.png"]; contextMenuStrip_cc1.ForeColor = Color.MidnightBlue; for (int i = 0; i < combo_CC1.Items.Count; i++) { contextMenuStrip_cc1.Items.Add(combo_CC1.GetItemText(combo_CC1.Items[i]), Main.imageList16.Images["center_16.png"]); } // CC2 combo_CC2.DataSource = dt_cc2; combo_CC2.SelectedValue = -1; lbl_CC2.Text = combo_CC2.Text; btn_cc2_del.Image = Main.imageList16.Images["close_16.png"]; contextMenuStrip_cc2.ForeColor = Color.MidnightBlue; for (int i = 0; i < combo_CC2.Items.Count; i++) { contextMenuStrip_cc2.Items.Add(combo_CC2.GetItemText(combo_CC2.Items[i]), Main.imageList16.Images["center_16.png"]); } // Users combo_Bill_User.DataSource = dt_users; contextMenuStrip_users.ForeColor = Color.MidnightBlue; for (int i = 0; i < combo_Bill_User.Items.Count; i++) { contextMenuStrip_users.Items.Add(combo_Bill_User.GetItemText(combo_Bill_User.Items[i]), Main.imageList16.Images["user_16.png"]); } #endregion }
public FRM_Job_Type(frm_Main main) { InitializeComponent(); Main = main; DGV_Job_Type.AutoGenerateColumns = false; }
public void Add() { bool isFinished = false; try { SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(); cmd.Connection = dbh.GetCon(); if (table == "tbl_Appointments") { int ID = Convert.ToInt32(combo[4].SelectedValue); if (ID != 0) { cmd.CommandText = "INSERT INTO TBL_APPOINTMENTS(DESCRIPTION, DATE, NEXT_ACTION, ID_PROJECT, NAME) VALUES (@DESCRIPTION, @DATE, @NEXT_ACTION, @ID_PROJECT, @NAME)"; } else { cmd.CommandText = "INSERT INTO TBL_APPOINTMENTS(DESCRIPTION, DATE, NEXT_ACTION, NAME) VALUES (@DESCRIPTION, @DATE, @NEXT_ACTION, @NAME)"; } cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@DESCRIPTION", tb[1].Text); cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@DATE", dtp[2].Value); cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@NEXT_ACTION", tb[3].Text); if (ID != 0) { cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@ID_PROJECT", combo[4].SelectedValue); } cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@NAME", tb[5].Text); } else if (table == "tbl_Customers") { cmd.CommandText = "INSERT INTO TBL_CUSTOMERS (NAME, ADDRESS1, HOUSENR1, ZIP_CODE1, PLACE1, COUNTRY1, ADDRESS2, HOUSENR2, ZIP_CODE2, PLACE2, COUNTRY2, PHONE, FAX, EMAIL, POTENTIAL_PROSPECT) VALUES (@NAME, @ADDRESS1, @HOUSENR1, @ZIP_CODE1, @PLACE1, @COUNTRY1, @ADDRESS2, @HOUSENR2, @ZIP_CODE2, @PLACE2, @COUNTRY2, @PHONE, @FAX, @EMAIL, @POTENTIAL_PROSPECT)"; cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@NAME", tb[1].Text); cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@ADDRESS1", tb[2].Text); cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@HOUSENR1",tb[3].Text); cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@ZIP_CODE1", tb[4].Text); cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@PLACE1", tb[5].Text); cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@COUNTRY1",tb[6].Text); cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@ADDRESS2", tb[7].Text); cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@HOUSENR2", tb[8].Text); cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@ZIP_CODE2", tb[9].Text); cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@PLACE2", tb[10].Text); cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@COUNTRY2", tb[11].Text); cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@PHONE", tb[12].Text); cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@FAX", tb[13].Text); cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@EMAIL", tb[14].Text); cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@POTENTIAL_PROSPECT", combo[15].SelectedValue); } else if(table == "tbl_Invoices") { int ID = Convert.ToInt32(combo[9].SelectedValue); if (ID != 0) { cmd.CommandText = "INSERT INTO TBL_INVOICES ( AMOUNT, BANK_ACC_NR, GROSS_REV, LEDGER_ACC_NR, TAX_CODE, ID_PROJECT, IS_PAID, DATE, INVOICE_SENT, NAME) VALUES ( @AMOUNT, @BANK_ACC_NR, @GROSS_REV, @LEDGER_ACC_NR, @TAX_CODE, @ID_PROJECT, @IS_PAID, @DATE, @INVOICE_SENT, @NAME)"; } else { cmd.CommandText = "INSERT INTO TBL_INVOICES ( AMOUNT, BANK_ACC_NR, GROSS_REV, LEDGER_ACC_NR, TAX_CODE, IS_PAID, DATE, INVOICE_SENT, NAME) VALUES ( @AMOUNT, @BANK_ACC_NR, @GROSS_REV, @LEDGER_ACC_NR, @TAX_CODE, @IS_PAID, @DATE, @INVOICE_SENT, @NAME)"; } cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@AMOUNT", tb[1].Text.Replace(".", ",")); cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@BANK_ACC_NR", tb[2].Text); cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@GROSS_REV", tb[3].Text.Replace(".", ",")); cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@LEDGER_ACC_NR", tb[4].Text); cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@TAX_CODE", tb[5].Text); cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@IS_PAID", checkboxState(cb[6])); cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@INVOICE_SENT", checkboxState(cb[7])); cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@DATE", dtp[8].Value); if (ID != 0) { cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@ID_PROJECT", combo[9].SelectedValue); } cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@NAME", tb[10].Text); } else if (table == "tbl_Projects") { int ID = Convert.ToInt32(combo[11].SelectedValue); if (ID != 0) { cmd.CommandText = "INSERT INTO TBL_PROJECTS (NAME, HARDWARE, OPERATING_SYSTEM, MAINTENANCE_CONTRACT, APPLICATIONS, LIMIT, ID_CUSTOMER, IS_DONE, NR_INVOICES, BKR, CREDITWORTHY) VALUES (@NAME, @HARDWARE, @OPERATING_SYSTEM, @MAINTENANCE_CONTRACT, @APPLICATIONS, @LIMIT, @ID_CUSTOMER, @IS_DONE, @NR_INVOICES, @BKR, @CREDITWORTHY)"; } else { cmd.CommandText = "INSERT INTO TBL_PROJECTS (NAME, HARDWARE, OPERATING_SYSTEM, MAINTENANCE_CONTRACT, APPLICATIONS, LIMIT, IS_DONE, NR_INVOICES, BKR, CREDITWORTHY) VALUES (@NAME, @HARDWARE, @OPERATING_SYSTEM, @MAINTENANCE_CONTRACT, @APPLICATIONS, @LIMIT, @IS_DONE, @NR_INVOICES, @BKR, @CREDITWORTHY)"; } cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@NAME", tb[1].Text); cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@HARDWARE", tb[2].Text); cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@OPERATING_SYSTEM", tb[3].Text); cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@MAINTENANCE_CONTRACT", checkboxState(cb[4])); cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@APPLICATIONS", tb[5].Text); cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@LIMIT", tb[6].Text.Replace(".", ",")); cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@IS_DONE", checkboxState(cb[7])); cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@NR_INVOICES", tb[8].Text); cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@BKR", checkboxState(cb[9])); cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@CREDITWORTHY", checkboxState(cb[10])); if (ID != 0) { cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@ID_CUSTOMER", combo[11].SelectedValue); } } dbh.OpenCon(); cmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); dbh.CloseCon(); cmd.Dispose(); MessageBox.Show("Sucessfully added this record.", "Succes!"); isFinished = true; } catch(SqlException ex) { MessageBox.Show("One or more fields contain incorrect data." + ex, "Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Warning); } finally { if (isFinished) { dbh.CloseCon(); Form frm_Main = new frm_Main(); frm_Main.StartPosition = FormStartPosition.CenterScreen; Program.setForm(frm_Main); this.Close(); } } }
private void btn_Exit_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { Form frm_Main = new frm_Main(permissions); Program.setForm(frm_Main); this.Close(); }
public FRM_Rep_Des(frm_Main main) { InitializeComponent(); Main = main; }
//saves record to database. private void btn_Save_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { string insertQuery; string ID = cb_Customers.SelectedValue.ToString(); switch (table) { #region Appointments case "tbl_Appointments": TextBox A_description = Application.OpenForms["frm_Edit"].Controls["tb_description"] as TextBox; DateTimePicker A_date = Application.OpenForms["frm_Edit"].Controls["dtp_date"] as DateTimePicker; TextBox A_next_action = Application.OpenForms["frm_Edit"].Controls["tb_next_action"] as TextBox; TextBox A_name = Application.OpenForms["frm_Edit"].Controls["tb_name"] as TextBox; ComboBox A_Id_project = Application.OpenForms["frm_Edit"].Controls["combo_Id_project"] as ComboBox; int convertedID = Convert.ToInt32(A_Id_project.SelectedValue); dbh.OpenCon(); if (convertedID != 0) { insertQuery = "UPDATE " + table + " SET description='" + A_description.Text + "', date='" + A_date.Text + "', next_action='" + A_next_action.Text + "', ID_project='" + convertedID + "', name='" + A_name.Text + "' WHERE ID=" + ID; } else { insertQuery = "UPDATE " + table + " SET description='" + A_description.Text + "', date='" + A_date.Text + "', next_action='" + A_next_action.Text + "', ID_project=NULL, name='" + A_name.Text + "' WHERE ID=" + ID; } SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(insertQuery, dbh.GetCon()); cmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); dbh.CloseCon(); MessageBox.Show("Save succesful.", "Succes!"); break; #endregion #region Customers case "tbl_Customers": TextBox C_name = Application.OpenForms["frm_Edit"].Controls["tb_name"] as TextBox; TextBox C_address1 = Application.OpenForms["frm_Edit"].Controls["tb_address1"] as TextBox; TextBox C_housenr1 = Application.OpenForms["frm_Edit"].Controls["tb_housenr1"] as TextBox; TextBox C_zip_code1 = Application.OpenForms["frm_Edit"].Controls["tb_zip_code1"] as TextBox; TextBox C_place1 = Application.OpenForms["frm_Edit"].Controls["tb_place1"] as TextBox; TextBox C_country1 = Application.OpenForms["frm_Edit"].Controls["tb_country1"] as TextBox; TextBox C_address2 = Application.OpenForms["frm_Edit"].Controls["tb_address2"] as TextBox; TextBox C_housenr2 = Application.OpenForms["frm_Edit"].Controls["tb_housenr2"] as TextBox; TextBox C_zip_code2 = Application.OpenForms["frm_Edit"].Controls["tb_zip_code2"] as TextBox; TextBox C_place2 = Application.OpenForms["frm_Edit"].Controls["tb_place2"] as TextBox; TextBox C_country2 = Application.OpenForms["frm_Edit"].Controls["tb_country2"] as TextBox; TextBox C_phone = Application.OpenForms["frm_Edit"].Controls["tb_phone"] as TextBox; TextBox C_fax = Application.OpenForms["frm_Edit"].Controls["tb_fax"] as TextBox; TextBox C_email = Application.OpenForms["frm_Edit"].Controls["tb_email"] as TextBox; ComboBox C_potential_prospect = Application.OpenForms["frm_Edit"].Controls["combo_potential_prospect"] as ComboBox; dbh.OpenCon(); insertQuery = "UPDATE " + table + " SET name='" + C_name.Text + "', address1='" + C_address1.Text + "', housenr1='" + C_housenr1.Text + "', zip_code1='" + C_zip_code1.Text + "', place1='" + C_place1.Text + "', country1='" + C_country1.Text + "', address2='" + C_address2.Text + "', housenr2='" + C_housenr2.Text + "', zip_code2='" + C_zip_code2.Text + "', place2='" + C_place2.Text + "', country2='" + C_country2.Text + "', phone='" + C_phone.Text + "', fax='" + C_fax.Text + "', email='" + C_email.Text + "', potential_prospect='" + C_potential_prospect.SelectedValue + "' WHERE ID=" + ID; cmd = new SqlCommand(insertQuery, dbh.GetCon()); cmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); dbh.CloseCon(); MessageBox.Show("Save succesful.", "Succes!"); break; #endregion #region Invoices case "tbl_Invoices": TextBox I_amount = Application.OpenForms["frm_Edit"].Controls["tb_amount"] as TextBox; TextBox I_bank_acc_nr = Application.OpenForms["frm_Edit"].Controls["tb_bank_acc_nr"] as TextBox; TextBox I_gross_rev = Application.OpenForms["frm_Edit"].Controls["tb_gross_rev"] as TextBox; TextBox I_ledger_acc_nr = Application.OpenForms["frm_Edit"].Controls["tb_ledger_acc_nr"] as TextBox; TextBox I_tax_code = Application.OpenForms["frm_Edit"].Controls["tb_tax_code"] as TextBox; CheckBox I_is_paid = Application.OpenForms["frm_Edit"].Controls["cb_is_paid"] as CheckBox; CheckBox I_invoice_sent = Application.OpenForms["frm_Edit"].Controls["cb_invoice_sent"] as CheckBox; DateTimePicker I_date = Application.OpenForms["frm_Edit"].Controls["dtp_date"] as DateTimePicker; ComboBox I_id_project = Application.OpenForms["frm_Edit"].Controls["combo_Id_project"] as ComboBox; TextBox I_name = Application.OpenForms["frm_Edit"].Controls["tb_name"] as TextBox; int isPaidIsChecked, invoiceSendIsChecked; convertedID = Convert.ToInt32(I_id_project.SelectedValue); if (I_is_paid.Checked == true) { isPaidIsChecked = 1; } else { isPaidIsChecked = 0; } if (I_invoice_sent.Checked == true) { invoiceSendIsChecked = 1; } else { invoiceSendIsChecked = 0; } dbh.OpenCon(); I_amount.Text = I_amount.Text.Replace(",", "."); I_gross_rev.Text = I_gross_rev.Text.Replace(",", "."); if (convertedID != 0) { insertQuery = "UPDATE " + table + " SET amount='" + I_amount.Text + "', bank_acc_nr='" + I_bank_acc_nr.Text + "', gross_rev='" + I_gross_rev.Text + "', ledger_acc_nr='" + I_ledger_acc_nr.Text + "', tax_code='" + I_tax_code.Text + "', is_paid='" + isPaidIsChecked + "', invoice_sent='" + invoiceSendIsChecked + "', date='" + I_date.Text + "', Id_project=" + CheckIDNull(convertedID) + ", name='" + I_name.Text + "' WHERE ID=" + ID; } else { insertQuery = "UPDATE " + table + " SET amount='" + I_amount.Text + "', bank_acc_nr='" + I_bank_acc_nr.Text + "', gross_rev='" + I_gross_rev.Text + "', ledger_acc_nr='" + I_ledger_acc_nr.Text + "', tax_code='" + I_tax_code.Text + "', is_paid='" + isPaidIsChecked + "', invoice_sent='" + invoiceSendIsChecked + "', date='" + I_date.Text + "', Id_project=NULL, name='" + I_name.Text + "' WHERE ID=" + ID; } cmd = new SqlCommand(insertQuery, dbh.GetCon()); cmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); dbh.CloseCon(); MessageBox.Show("Save succesful.", "Succes!"); break; #endregion #region Projects case "tbl_Projects": TextBox P_name = Application.OpenForms["frm_Edit"].Controls["tb_name"] as TextBox; TextBox P_hardware = Application.OpenForms["frm_Edit"].Controls["tb_hardware"] as TextBox; TextBox P_os = Application.OpenForms["frm_Edit"].Controls["tb_operating_system"] as TextBox; CheckBox P_mc = Application.OpenForms["frm_Edit"].Controls["cb_maintenance_contract"] as CheckBox; TextBox P_applications = Application.OpenForms["frm_Edit"].Controls["tb_applications"] as TextBox; TextBox P_limit = Application.OpenForms["frm_Edit"].Controls["tb_limit"] as TextBox; CheckBox P_isdone = Application.OpenForms["frm_Edit"].Controls["cb_is_done"] as CheckBox; TextBox P_invoices = Application.OpenForms["frm_Edit"].Controls["tb_nr_invoices"] as TextBox; CheckBox P_bkr = Application.OpenForms["frm_Edit"].Controls["cb_BKR"] as CheckBox; CheckBox P_credit = Application.OpenForms["frm_Edit"].Controls["cb_creditworthy"] as CheckBox; ComboBox P_id_customer = Application.OpenForms["frm_Edit"].Controls["combo_Id_customer"] as ComboBox; convertedID = Convert.ToInt32(P_id_customer.SelectedValue); int mcIsChecked, isDoneIsChecked, bkrIsChecked, creditIsChecked; #region If Statements if (P_mc.Checked == true) { mcIsChecked = 1; } else { mcIsChecked = 0; } if (P_isdone.Checked == true) { isDoneIsChecked = 1; } else { isDoneIsChecked = 0; } if (P_bkr.Checked == true) { bkrIsChecked = 1; } else { bkrIsChecked = 0; } if (P_credit.Checked == true) { creditIsChecked = 1; } else { creditIsChecked = 0; } #endregion dbh.OpenCon(); P_limit.Text = P_limit.Text.Replace(",", "."); if (convertedID != 0) { insertQuery = "UPDATE " + table + " SET name='" + P_name.Text + "', hardware='" + P_hardware.Text + "', operating_system='" + P_os.Text + "', maintenance_contract='" + mcIsChecked + "', applications='" + P_applications.Text + "', limit='" + P_limit.Text + "', is_done='" + isDoneIsChecked + "', nr_invoices='" + P_invoices.Text + "', BKR='" + bkrIsChecked + "', creditworthy='" + creditIsChecked + "', Id_customer='" + CheckIDNull(convertedID) + "' WHERE ID=" + ID; } else { insertQuery = "UPDATE " + table + " SET name='" + P_name.Text + "', hardware='" + P_hardware.Text + "', operating_system='" + P_os.Text + "', maintenance_contract='" + mcIsChecked + "', applications='" + P_applications.Text + "', limit='" + P_limit.Text + "', is_done='" + isDoneIsChecked + "', nr_invoices='" + P_invoices.Text + "', BKR='" + bkrIsChecked + "', creditworthy='" + creditIsChecked + "', Id_customer=NULL WHERE ID=" + ID; } cmd = new SqlCommand(insertQuery, dbh.GetCon()); cmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); dbh.CloseCon(); MessageBox.Show("Save succesful.", "Succes!"); break; #endregion } dbh.CloseCon(); Form frm_Main = new frm_Main(permissions); frm_Main.StartPosition = FormStartPosition.CenterScreen; Program.setForm(frm_Main); this.Close(); } catch { MessageBox.Show("One or more fields contain incorrect data.", "Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Warning); } }
public FRM_BS(frm_Main main) { InitializeComponent(); Main = main; btn_Bill_Branche.Image = Main.imageList32.Images["branche_32.png"]; btn_CC1.Image = Main.imageList32.Images["center1_32.png"]; btn_CC2.Image = Main.imageList32.Images["center1_32.png"]; button_Display.Image = Main.imageList48.Images["display_48.png"]; dt_branches = Main.dt_Branches.Clone(); foreach (DataRow dr in Main.dt_Branches.Rows) { dt_branches.Rows.Add(dr.ItemArray); } dt_cc1 = Main.dt_CC.Clone(); foreach (DataRow dr in Main.dt_CC.Rows) { dt_cc1.Rows.Add(dr.ItemArray); } dt_cc1.DefaultView.RowFilter = string.Format("CC1 = True"); dt_cc2 = Main.dt_CC.Clone(); foreach (DataRow dr in Main.dt_CC.Rows) { dt_cc2.Rows.Add(dr.ItemArray); } dt_cc2.DefaultView.RowFilter = string.Format("CC2 = True"); DGV.AutoGenerateColumns = false; DGV.DataSource = dt_BS; #region ContextMenuStrips // Branches combo_Bill_Branches.DataSource = dt_branches; lbl_bill_Branches.Text = combo_Bill_Branches.Text; btn_branche_del.Image = Main.imageList16.Images["close_16.png"]; contextMenuStrip_branches.ForeColor = Color.MidnightBlue; for (int i = 0; i < combo_Bill_Branches.Items.Count; i++) { contextMenuStrip_branches.Items.Add(combo_Bill_Branches.GetItemText(combo_Bill_Branches.Items[i]), Main.imageList16.Images["branche_16.png"]); } // CC1 combo_CC1.DataSource = dt_cc1; combo_CC1.SelectedValue = -1; lbl_CC1.Text = combo_CC1.Text; btn_cc1_del.Image = Main.imageList16.Images["close_16.png"]; contextMenuStrip_cc1.ForeColor = Color.MidnightBlue; for (int i = 0; i < combo_CC1.Items.Count; i++) { contextMenuStrip_cc1.Items.Add(combo_CC1.GetItemText(combo_CC1.Items[i]), Main.imageList16.Images["center_16.png"]); } // CC2 combo_CC2.DataSource = dt_cc2; combo_CC2.SelectedValue = -1; lbl_CC2.Text = combo_CC2.Text; btn_cc2_del.Image = Main.imageList16.Images["close_16.png"]; contextMenuStrip_cc2.ForeColor = Color.MidnightBlue; for (int i = 0; i < combo_CC2.Items.Count; i++) { contextMenuStrip_cc2.Items.Add(combo_CC2.GetItemText(combo_CC2.Items[i]), Main.imageList16.Images["center_16.png"]); } #endregion combo_Bill_Branches.SelectedValue = Main.combo_Branches.SelectedValue; }
public void LogIn(string user, string pass) { user = tb_Username.Text; pass = tb_Password.Text; string query = "SELECT * FROM TBL_LOGIN WHERE USERNAME = @USERNAME AND PASSWORD = @PASSWORD"; dbh.OpenCon(); SqlCommand com = new SqlCommand(query, dbh.GetCon()); com.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@USERNAME", user)); com.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@PASSWORD", pass)); SqlDataReader reader = com.ExecuteReader(); while (reader.Read()) { uN = reader.GetString(0); pW = reader.GetString(1); } if (uN == user && pW == pass) { MessageBox.Show("Login Successful.", "Succes!"); switch (uN) { case "Admin": permissions = 1; break; case "Sales": permissions = 2; break; case "Development": permissions = 4; break; case "Finance": permissions = 3; break; default: MessageBox.Show("Er is iets fout gegaan bij 'IsLoggedIn()'"); permissions = 0; break; } Form frmMain = new frm_Main(permissions); frmMain.StartPosition = FormStartPosition.CenterScreen; Program.setForm(frmMain); this.Close(); } else if (uN != user || pW != pass) { MessageBox.Show("Invalid Username and/or Password.", "Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); } dbh.CloseCon(); }