Пример #1
 // Use this for initialization
 void Start()
     crop = new Crop();
     if(PlayerPrefs.GetString("FieldName") == ""){
         FieldName = PlayerPrefs.GetString("NFName");
         alphatext = new float[terrain.GetComponent<Terrain>().terrainData.alphamapWidth,terrain.GetComponent<Terrain>().terrainData.alphamapHeight,2];
         for(int i = 0; i < terrain.GetComponent<Terrain>().terrainData.alphamapWidth; i++){
             for(int j = 0; j < terrain.GetComponent<Terrain>().terrainData.alphamapHeight; j++){
                 alphatext[i,j,0] = 1;
                 alphatext[i,j,1] = 0;
         Vector3 localPos = new Vector3(50,0,50) - terrain.transform.position;
         Vector3 normalPos = new Vector3((localPos.x/terrain.GetComponent<Terrain>().terrainData.size.x) * terrain.GetComponent<Terrain>().terrainData.alphamapWidth,
             (localPos.z/terrain.GetComponent<Terrain>().terrainData.size.z) * terrain.GetComponent<Terrain>().terrainData.alphamapHeight);
         alphatext[(int)normalPos.z,(int)normalPos.x,0] = 0;
         alphatext[(int)normalPos.z,(int)normalPos.x,1] = 1;
         FieldName = PlayerPrefs.GetString("FieldName");
         byte[] load = sf.Load (PlayerPrefs.GetString("FieldName"));
         terrain.GetComponent<Terrain>().terrainData.SetHeights(0,0,sf.getHM ());
         alphatext = sf.getAM();
         loaded = true;
Пример #2
    private void ExpandSplatMaps(int delta)
        var splatmapSizeModifier = (int) (Math.Pow(2, delta));

        var newFirstCount = (SplatMaps.GetUpperBound(0) + 1) * splatmapSizeModifier;
        var newSecondCount = (SplatMaps.GetUpperBound(1) + 1) * splatmapSizeModifier;
        var thirdCount = SplatMaps.GetUpperBound(2) + 1;

        var newSplatMaps = new float[newFirstCount, newSecondCount, thirdCount];

        for (var x = 0; x < newFirstCount; x++)
            for (var z = 0; z < newSecondCount; z++)
        // ReSharper disable SuggestUseVarKeywordEverywhere -- we want to be clear this is an integer division and we want a compile error if that changes.
                int origX = x / splatmapSizeModifier;
                int origZ = z / splatmapSizeModifier;
        // ReSharper restore SuggestUseVarKeywordEverywhere

                for (var i = 0; i < thirdCount; i++)
                    newSplatMaps[x, z, i] = SplatMaps[origX, origZ, i];

        SplatMaps = newSplatMaps;
 // Use this for initialization
 void Start()
     hmWidth = terr.terrainData.heightmapWidth;
     hmHeight = terr.terrainData.heightmapHeight;
     if (Debug.isDebugBuild)
         heightMapBackup = terr.terrainData.GetHeights(0, 0, hmWidth, hmHeight);
         alphaMapBackup = terr.terrainData.GetAlphamaps(0, 0, alphaMapWidth, alphaMapHeight);
	public void PlaceTrees(ProgressDelegate progressDelegate)
		if (!Validate())
		instances = new ArrayList();
		TreesPosition = new List<TreePosition>();
		//get alpha map width and height of terrain
		int alphamapWidth = terrainData.alphamapWidth;
		int alphamapHeight = terrainData.alphamapHeight;
		//get splat map of terrain
		splatmap = terrainData.GetAlphamaps(0,0,alphamapWidth,alphamapHeight);
		//dimension of splatmaps
		int xDim = splatmap.GetUpperBound(0);
		int yDim = splatmap.GetUpperBound(1);
		//how big is one unit in real world
		xUnit = (float)terrainData.size.x / (float)(xDim + 1);
		yUnit = (float)terrainData.size.z / (float)(yDim + 1);
		float percentPosition = 0.1f;
		progressDelegate("Placing trees", "Determining basic position", percentPosition);
		float calculation = 0.4f / xDim;
		for(int x = 0; x <= xDim; x ++)
			for(int y = 0; y <= yDim; y ++)
				foreach(TreeTextureSettings treeTexture in TreeTextures)
					//this texture is not used for planting trees
					if (treeTexture.IsUsed == false)
					float alphaMap = splatmap[x,y,treeTexture.Index];
					//this texture is not where we are currently in
					if (alphaMap < treeTexture.AlphamapValue)
					//check distance from the nearest tree
					if (IsTreePositionClose(x, y, treeTexture.TreeDistance, treeTexture.Index))
					TreePosition position = new TreePosition();
					position.PosX = x;
					position.PosY = y;
					position.TreeIndex = treeTexture.DetermineTreePrototype;
					position.TextureIndex = treeTexture.Index;
			percentPosition += calculation;
			progressDelegate("Placing trees", "Determining basic position", percentPosition);
Пример #5
    void Start()
        heightmapSize = new TextureSize(terrain.terrainData.heightmapWidth,terrain.terrainData.heightmapHeight);
        alphamapSize = new TextureSize(terrain.terrainData.alphamapWidth,terrain.terrainData.alphamapHeight);
        numberOfAlphaLayers = terrain.terrainData.alphamapLayers;

        if (Debug.isDebugBuild){
            heightmapBackup = terrain.terrainData.GetHeights(0, 0, heightmapSize.width, heightmapSize.height);
            alphamapBackup = terrain.terrainData.GetAlphamaps(0, 0, alphamapSize.width, alphamapSize.height);
Пример #6
    public void loadChunk(float xVal, float yVal, float zVal)
        x = xVal;
        z = zVal;

        x = x - x % (chunkSize);
        z = z - z % (chunkSize);
        y = y - y % (chunkSize);

        Vector3 position = new Vector3(x, 0, z);
        maxHeight = terrainScript.mountainHeight;
        loadVoxels = terrainScript.generateTerrain2(position, true);
 public void OnEnable()
     if (wp8) return;
     //var b = gameObject.activeSelf;
     //Debug.LogWarning("OnEnable "+b);
     //if (b) 
         oldHeights = td.GetHeights(0, 0, td.heightmapWidth, td.heightmapHeight);
         oldalphamaps = td.GetAlphamaps(0, 0, td.alphamapWidth, td.alphamapHeight);
         for (int i = 0; i < td.detailPrototypes.Length; i++)
             olddetails.Add(td.GetDetailLayer(0, 0, td.detailWidth, td.detailHeight, i));
         oldtrees = td.treeInstances;
Пример #8
    public Chunk(float x, float y, float z, int size, int height, float surfaceCrossValue, float noiseScaleFactor, Material material)
        size ++;
        this.size = size;
        this.height = height;
        data = new float[size, height, size];
        this.xOrigin = x;
        this.yOrigin = y;
        this.zOrigin = z;
        this.surfaceCrossValue = surfaceCrossValue;
        this.noiseScaleFactor = noiseScaleFactor;

        meshGameObject = new GameObject("Chunk" + x + "," + y + "," + z, typeof(MeshFilter), typeof(MeshRenderer), typeof(MeshCollider));
        meshGameObject.transform.position = new Vector3(x, y, z);
        mesh = new Mesh();
        TerrainMeshGenerator.FillMesh(ref mesh, data, size, height, surfaceCrossValue);
        data = null;
        meshGameObject.GetComponent<MeshFilter>().mesh = mesh;
        meshGameObject.GetComponent<MeshCollider>().sharedMesh = mesh;
        meshGameObject.GetComponent<MeshRenderer>().material = material;
        /// <summary>
        /// 创建地形分块
        /// </summary>
        public void TerrainTileCreate(Vector2 rOffset)
            if (mTerrainData == null)

            var   rSplatMaps = mTerrainData.splatPrototypes;
            Scene rScene     = EditorSceneManager.GetActiveScene();

            LargeScene rLargeScene = ScriptableObject.CreateInstance <LargeScene>();

            rLargeScene.ID       = rScene.name;
            rLargeScene.Size     = mTerrainData.size;
            rLargeScene.TileRows = mTileNumHeight;
            rLargeScene.TileCols = mTileNumWidth;
            rLargeScene.Offset   = rOffset;

            // 保存大场景数据
            string rLargeSceneConfigPath = string.Format(MultiSceneDir + "MultiScene/{0}.asset", rScene.name);

            AssetDatabase.CreateAsset(rLargeScene, rLargeSceneConfigPath);

            int            k         = 0;
            List <Terrain> rTerrains = new List <Terrain>();

            for (int i = 0; i < mTileNumHeight; i++)
                for (int j = 0; j < mTileNumWidth; j++)
                    TerrainData rTerrainData = new TerrainData();
                    rTerrainData.heightmapResolution = mTileSize;
                    rTerrainData.baseMapResolution   = mTerrainData.baseMapResolution;
                    rTerrainData.SetDetailResolution(mTerrainData.detailResolution, 8);
                    float[,] rHeights = mTerrainData.GetHeights((mTileSize - 1) * i, (mTileSize - 1) * j, mTileSize, mTileSize);
                    rTerrainData.SetHeights(0, 0, rHeights);
                    rTerrainData.size            = new Vector3(mTerrainData.size.x / mTileNumWidth, mTerrainData.size.y, mTerrainData.size.z / mTileNumHeight);
                    rTerrainData.splatPrototypes = CreateSplatPrototypes(rSplatMaps, mTerrainData.baseMapResolution, i, j);
                    float[,,] rAlphaMaps         = mTerrainData.GetAlphamaps((mTileSize - 1) * i, (mTileSize - 1) * j, mTileSize - 1, mTileSize - 1);

                    string rTerrainPath       = string.Format(MultiSceneDir + "{0}/tile_{1}_{2}.asset", rScene.name, i, j);
                    string rTerrainConfigPath = string.Format(MultiSceneDir + "{0}/tile_{1}_{2}_config.asset", rScene.name, i, j);

                    if (!Directory.Exists(Path.GetDirectoryName(rTerrainPath)))

                    SceneTile rTile = ScriptableObject.CreateInstance <SceneTile>();
                    rTile.ID       = k;
                    rTile.Row      = i;
                    rTile.Col      = j;
                    rTile.ParentID = rLargeScene.ID;
                    rTile.Size     = mTileSize;
                    rTile.Offset   = new Vector2(rTerrainData.size.x * i, rTerrainData.size.z * j);

                    AssetDatabase.CreateAsset(rTerrainData, rTerrainPath);
                    AssetDatabase.CreateAsset(rTile, rTerrainConfigPath);

                    rTerrainData = AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath(rTerrainPath, typeof(TerrainData)) as TerrainData;
                    var rTerrainObj = Terrain.CreateTerrainGameObject(rTerrainData);
                    rTerrainObj.name = string.Format("tile_{0}_{1}", i, j);
                    rTerrainObj.transform.position = new Vector3(rTile.Offset.x + rOffset.x, 0, rTile.Offset.y + rOffset.y);
                    Terrain rTerrain = rTerrainObj.GetComponent <Terrain>();
                    rTerrain.materialType = Terrain.MaterialType.BuiltInLegacyDiffuse;
                    rTerrain.terrainData.alphamapResolution = mTileSize - 1;
                    rTerrain.terrainData.SetAlphamaps(0, 0, rAlphaMaps);



	private SplatPrototype[] oldTerrainTextures;	//the old textures that were used for the old texturing

	//Given the parameters, visualizes the map on the terrain
	public void visualizeMap(){
		//in this case we wish to remember the old texturing
		if(oldShowPop == false && oldShowGrowth == false){
			oldAlphaMap = CityGenerator.terrain.terrainData.GetAlphamaps 
                (0, 0, CityGenerator.terrain.terrainData.alphamapWidth, CityGenerator.terrain.terrainData.alphamapHeight);
			oldTerrainTextures = CityGenerator.terrain.terrainData.splatPrototypes;

		float popFrac;		//the fraction in how much the pop map adds to the final texture
		float growthFrac;   //the fraction in how much the growth map adds to the final texture

		//we wish to show the old alpha maps again
		if (CityGenerator.showPop == false && CityGenerator.showGrowth == false) {

            //set up old textures
            CityGenerator.terrain.terrainData.splatPrototypes = oldTerrainTextures;

            //set up old texturing
            CityGenerator.terrain.terrainData.SetAlphamaps (0, 0, oldAlphaMap);

			//store and restore the old values
			oldShowPop = CityGenerator.showPop;
			oldShowGrowth = CityGenerator.showGrowth;


		} else if (CityGenerator.showPop == true && CityGenerator.showGrowth == false) {
			//we are painting only the pop map
			popFrac = 1f;
			growthFrac = 0f;
		} else if (CityGenerator.showPop == false && CityGenerator.showGrowth == true) {
			//we are painting only the growth map
			popFrac = 0f;
			growthFrac = 1f;
		} else {
			//we are painting both
			popFrac = 0.5f;
			growthFrac = 0.5f;

        if (CityGeneratorUI.DebugMode)
            Debug.Log("popFrac:" + popFrac);
            Debug.Log("growthFrac:" + growthFrac);

		// this makes sure that we can use the textures we need
		// to paint the pop/growth maps
		setUpTextures ();

		//float[y, x, nr of textures]
		textureData = new float[CityGenerator.terrain.terrainData.alphamapWidth, 

		//now check if the map size equals the terrain size.. this should be the case
		//if(terrainData.alphamapWidth != map.GetLength(0) || terrainData.alphamapHeight != map.GetLength(1)){
		//	Debug.LogError ("Map size does not match terrain size");

		for (int y = 0; y < CityGenerator.terrain.terrainData.alphamapHeight; y++) {
			for (int x = 0; x < CityGenerator.terrain.terrainData.alphamapWidth; x++) {
                float popMapValue = (CityGenerator.popMap == null) ? 0 : CityGenerator.popMap[x, y];
                float growthMapValue = (CityGenerator.growthMap == null) ? -1 : CityGenerator.growthMap[x, y];

                textureData[y, x, 0] = popMapValue * popFrac;   //white
                textureData[y, x, 1] = (1 - popMapValue) * popFrac; //black

                //if the current coordinate is red
                if (growthMapValue == 0)
                    textureData[y, x, 2] = 1 * growthFrac;  //red
                    textureData[y, x, 2] = 0;   //red

                //if the current coordinate is green
                if (growthMapValue == 1)
                    textureData[y, x, 3] = 1 * growthFrac;  //green
                    textureData[y, x, 3] = 0;   //green

                //if the current coordiante is blue
                if (growthMapValue == 2)
                    textureData[y, x, 4] = 1 * growthFrac;  //blue
                    textureData[y, x, 4] = 0;   //blue

        //apply the new textures
        CityGenerator.terrain.terrainData.SetAlphamaps (0, 0, textureData);

		//store and restore the old values
		oldShowPop = CityGenerator.showPop;
		oldShowGrowth = CityGenerator.showGrowth;
Пример #11
 extern private void Internal_SetAlphamaps(int x, int y, int width, int height, float[,,] map);
Пример #12
        /// <summary>
        /// Processes all of the images in the file specified.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sender"></param>
        /// <param name="e"></param>
        private void BackgroundWorker_DoWork(object sender, DoWorkEventArgs e)
            // Image data variables
            float[,,] data = imageData.GetData();
            double max         = imageData.GetMaximum();
            double min         = imageData.GetMinimum();
            int    lambdaCount = imageData.GetLambdaCount();
            int    width       = imageData.GetWidth();
            int    height      = imageData.GetHeight();

            // Initialize the writeable bitmaps
            WriteableBitmap[] bitmaps = new WriteableBitmap[lambdaCount];

            // Go through each image in the image data
            for (int lambda = 0; lambda < lambdaCount; lambda++)
                // Instantiate a new writeable bitmap to store this image's pixel data.
                bitmaps[lambda] = new WriteableBitmap(width, height, 96, 96, PixelFormats.Bgr32, null);

                // Reserve the back buffer for updates.

                // Iterate through the pixels along the x & y axis in the currently loaded image
                for (int y = 0; y < height; y++)
                    for (int x = 0; x < width; x++)
                        double n          = data[lambda, y, x];
                        byte   pixelValue = (byte)(((n - min) / (max - min)) * MAXIMUM_INTENSITY);
                            // Get a pointer to the back buffer.
                            int pBackBuffer = (int)bitmaps[lambda].BackBuffer;

                            // Find the address of the pixel to draw.
                            pBackBuffer += y * bitmaps[lambda].BackBufferStride;
                            pBackBuffer += x * 4;

                            // Compute the pixel's color.
                            int color_data = pixelValue << 16; // R
                            color_data |= pixelValue << 8;     // G
                            color_data |= pixelValue << 0;     // B

                            // Assign the color data to the pixel.
                            *((int *)pBackBuffer) = color_data;
                        // Specify the area of the bitmap that changed.
                        bitmaps[lambda].AddDirtyRect(new Int32Rect(x, y, 1, 1));

                // Release the back buffer and make it available for display.

                // Make this bitmap unmodifiable so that any thread can access it.

                // Report progress to background worker
                float quotient   = ((lambda + 1) * 1.0f) / (lambdaCount * 1.0f);
                float percentage = quotient * 100.0f;
                (sender as BackgroundWorker).ReportProgress((int)percentage);

            // Pass the images to the main thread via the result
            e.Result = bitmaps;
    float[,,] hollowOut(float[,,] arr)                   //i think arr is passed as a reference so im pretty sure modifying it in this method as a void would be fine but im being careful. Test this later, making this a void and just modifying arr!!!!!!!!
    {                                                    //doesn't work
        List <Vector3> modPoints = new List <Vector3>(); //all the points we change, any point in this list was hollowed so set it to 0

        int hollowCount = 0;
        int totalCount  = 0;

        for (int x = 0; x < chunkSizeBlocks; x++)
            for (int y = 0; y < chunkSizeBlocks; y++)
                for (int z = 0; z < chunkSizeBlocks; z++)
                    if (arr[x, y, z] == 1)
                    int startPosX = (x - 1 < 0) ? x : x - 1;
                    int startPosY = (y - 1 < 0) ? y : y - 1;
                    int startPosZ = (z - 1 < 0) ? z : z - 1;

                    int endPosX = (x + 1 > chunkSizeBlocks - 1) ? x : x + 1;
                    int endPosY = (y + 1 > chunkSizeBlocks - 1) ? y : y + 1;
                    int endPosZ = (z + 1 > chunkSizeBlocks - 1) ? z : z + 1;

                    int numAlive  = 0;
                    int numAround = 6;                                                                                      //(endPosX - startPosX + 1)*(endPosY - startPosY + 1)*(endPosZ - startPosZ + 1) - 1; //if it's verticies, I think numaround will be 26, to be same, and I'll check probably using loops (or something exhaustive, like the if statements but like 26 of them for all combinations of x +/- 1, y +/- 1, and z +/- 1)

                    if (startPosX == x || startPosY == y || startPosZ == z || endPosX == x || endPosY == y || endPosZ == z) //ignore edge cases entirely

                    /*for (int i = startPosX; i <= endPosX; i++)
                     *  if (arr[i, y, z] == 1 && i != x)
                     *      numAlive++;
                     * for (int i = startPosY; i <= endPosY; i++)
                     *  if (arr[x, i, z] == 1 && i != y)
                     *      numAlive++;
                     * for (int i = startPosZ; i <= endPosZ; i++)
                     *  if (arr[x, y, i] == 1 && i != z)
                     *      numAlive++;*/
                    if (arr[x + 1, y, z] == 1)
                    if (arr[x - 1, y, z] == 1)
                    if (arr[x, y + 1, z] == 1)
                    if (arr[x, y - 1, z] == 1)
                    if (arr[x, y, z + 1] == 1)
                    if (arr[x, y, z - 1] == 1)

                    if (numAround > 0 && numAlive >= numAround)
                        modPoints.Add(new Vector3(x, y, z));

        foreach (Vector3 v in modPoints)
            arr[(int)v.x, (int)v.y, (int)v.z] = 0;


 public void rechargerCacheAlphaMap()
     cacheAlphamap = data.GetAlphamaps(0, 0, data.alphamapWidth, data.alphamapHeight);
Пример #15
        /// <summary>
        /// Store Alpha map data from the terrain
        /// </summary>
        private void GetAlphaMap()
            //Access map size
            var w = _terrain.terrainData.alphamapWidth;
            var h = _terrain.terrainData.alphamapHeight;

            //store the data
            _alphamapData = _terrain.terrainData.GetAlphamaps(0, 0, w, h);
Пример #16
 public TerrainThreadInfo(Action <float[, , ]> callback, float[,,] parameter)
     this.callback       = callback;
     this.calculatedInfo = parameter;
Пример #17
 public BiomeMapResult(float[,,] values, float min, float max)
     Values = values;
     Min    = min;
     Max    = max;
Пример #18
    Terrain populateGround(Terrain t)
        float[,,] maps = t.terrainData.GetAlphamaps(0, 0, size, size);
        int unitsForest = 0;

        int[,] grassMap1 = new int[size, size];
        int[,] grassMap2 = new int[size, size];
        int[,] grassMap3 = new int[size, size];
        int[,] grassMap4 = new int[size, size];

        //apply grass
        for (int z = 0; z < size; z++)
            for (int x = 0; x < size; x++)
                if (maps[z, x, plainsIndex] != 0f)
                    grassMap1[z, x] = 3;
                    grassMap2[z, x] = 0;
                    grassMap3[z, x] = 3;
                    grassMap4[z, x] = 2;
                else if (maps[z, x, forestIndex] != 0f)
                    grassMap1[z, x] = 2;
                    grassMap2[z, x] = 4;
                    grassMap3[z, x] = 2;
                    grassMap4[z, x] = 1;
                    grassMap1[z, x] = 0;
                    grassMap2[z, x] = 0;
                    grassMap3[z, x] = 0;
                    grassMap4[z, x] = 0;

            if (debug_DrawGrass)
                t.terrainData.SetDetailLayer(0, 0, 0, grassMap1);
                t.terrainData.SetDetailLayer(0, 0, 1, grassMap2);
                t.terrainData.SetDetailLayer(0, 0, 2, grassMap3);
                t.terrainData.SetDetailLayer(0, 0, 3, grassMap4);
        if (debug_drawTrees)
            //apply trees
            bool[,] placement = new bool[size, size];            //true=tree there
            float mountainTreeChance = 1f;
            float beachTreeChance    = .25f;
            float plainsTreeChance   = 1f;

            int   numTrees    = 0;
            float realDensity = ((float)unitsForest / ((float)size * (float)size)) * (float)treeDensity;
            //print("Input Density: "+treeDensity+" realDensity: "+realDensity+" unitsForest: "+unitsForest+" size"+size);
            while (numTrees < realDensity)
                int x = Random.Range(0, size - 1);
                int z = Random.Range(0, size - 1);

                if (!placement[x, z])
                    float chance   = Random.value;
                    bool  canPlace = (maps[z, x, forestIndex] != 0f) ||
                                     (maps[z, x, plainsIndex] != 0f && chance < plainsTreeChance) ||
                                     (maps[z, x, beachIndex] != 0f && chance < beachTreeChance) ||
                                     (maps[z, x, mountainIndex] != 0f && chance < mountainTreeChance);

                    if (canPlace)
                        TreeInstance tree = createTree(x, z, t);
                        placement[x, z] = true;

Пример #19
    // Start is called before the first frame update
    void Start()
        //also from youtube
        for (int x = 0; x < chunkSizeVerts; x++)
            for (int y = 0; y < chunkSizeVerts; y++)
                for (int z = 0; z < chunkSizeVerts; z++)
                    float noise = Perlin3D(x * noiseScale, y * noiseScale, z * noiseScale);
                    if (noise >= threshold) //here we pass floats instead so that Perlin behaves
                        //sampling unity's perlin noise with an integer returns the same value, which was less than the threshold
                        //Instantiate(blockPrefab, new Vector3(x, y, z), Quaternion.identity);//not rotated is what quaternion.identity says
                        //^^ this is if you treat each point as a cube. I will treat each point as a vertex instead.

                        /*bool xSafe = false;
                         * bool ySafe = false;
                         * bool zSafe = false;
                         * if (x == chunkSize - 1)
                         * {
                         *  //check edges (x - 1)
                         * }
                         * else
                         * {
                         *  //check edges (x + 1)
                         * }
                         * if (y == chunkSize - 1)
                         * {
                         *  //check y edges accordingly
                         * }
                         * else
                         * {
                         *  //check edges (y + 1)
                         * }
                         * if (z == chunkSize - 1)
                         * {
                         *  //check z edges accordingly
                         * }
                         * else
                         * {
                         *  //check edges (z + 1)
                         * }
                         * if (xSafe && ySafe && zSafe) { //make sure that we have checked edges, if all edges are filled, then it is safe to set to 0; we are checking if a cube is like covered or not
                         *  chunkData[chunkSize - x - 1, chunkSize - y - 1, z] = 0;
                         * }
                         * else
                         * {
                         *  chunkData[chunkSize - x - 1, chunkSize - y - 1, z] = 1;
                         * }*/
                        chunkData[chunkSizeVerts - x - 1, chunkSizeVerts - y - 1, z] = 1;
                        chunkData[chunkSizeVerts - x - 1, chunkSizeVerts - y - 1, z] = 0;//idk if it instantiates to all 0's

        chunkData = hollowOut(chunkData);

        //now that we have our verticies, lets march some cubes?

        //some for loop logic to get to one cube
        //now that we are at a cube:
        //check each of the 8 verticies to see if it is on or off
        //index = 0;
        //for all of the 8
        //index += (vertex value [1 or 0]) * 2^(vertex index)
        //lookup, then make triangle

        CombineInstance[] wholeMesh = new CombineInstance[(int)Mathf.Pow(chunkSizeBlocks, 3)];

        Mesh mesh = GetComponent <MeshFilter>().mesh;


        int[] initialVoxels = { (int)chunkData[0, 0, 0], (int)chunkData[1, 0, 0], (int)chunkData[1, 0, 1], (int)chunkData[0, 0, 1], (int)chunkData[0, 1, 0], (int)chunkData[1, 1, 0], (int)chunkData[1, 1, 1], (int)chunkData[0, 1, 1] };

        Mesh temp = MarchingCubes3.perCube(new Vector3(0, 0, 0), initialVoxels, 0);

        //foreach (int i in initialVoxels)
        //    Debug.Log(i);

        //mesh.triangles = temp.triangles;
        //mesh.vertices = temp.vertices;


        wholeMesh[0]      = new CombineInstance();
        wholeMesh[0].mesh = temp;

        //per chunk
        for (int x = 0; x < chunkSizeVerts - 1; x++) //or x < chunkSizeBlocks
            for (int y = 0; y < chunkSizeVerts - 1; y++)
                for (int z = 0; z < chunkSizeVerts - 1; z++)
                    if (x == 0 && y == 0 && z == 0)
                    //set blockNum somehow
                    int blockNum = (int)(z + y * (Mathf.Pow(chunkSizeBlocks, 1)) + x * (Mathf.Pow(chunkSizeBlocks, 2)));
                    int[] voxels = { (int)chunkData[x, y, z], (int)chunkData[x + 1, y, z], (int)chunkData[x + 1, y, z + 1], (int)chunkData[x, y, z + 1], (int)chunkData[x, y + 1, z], (int)chunkData[x + 1, y + 1, z], (int)chunkData[x + 1, y + 1, z + 1], (int)chunkData[x, y + 1, z + 1] }; //this is a line worth checking, I made it match up with MarchingCubes3.localVerticies
                    Mesh  m      = MarchingCubes3Clean.perCube(new Vector3(0, 0, 0), voxels, blockNum);
                    //^^ this causes unity to freeze up

                    //if combineInstance has too many verts: //IMPLEMENT THIS LOGIC LATER, MAYBE IF COMBINING CHUNKS???
                    //save the current combineInstance to a mesh
                    //make a new one
                    wholeMesh[blockNum]      = new CombineInstance();
                    wholeMesh[blockNum].mesh = m;
                    //wholeMesh[blockNum].transform. = MarchingCubes3Clean.beginningCoordinates(new Vector3(0, 0, 0), blockNum);//comes with the mesh???
                    //merge meshes

         * mesh.CombineMeshes(wholeMesh);
         * mesh.RecalculateBounds();
         * mesh.RecalculateNormals();*/

        //Mesh mesh = GetComponent<MeshFilter>().mesh;

        mesh = GetComponent <MeshFilter>().mesh; //mesh is invisible now.




        //MeshCollider meshCollider = GetComponent<MeshCollider>();

        //meshCollider.sharedMesh = GetComponent<MeshFilter>().mesh; //this won't work but i want it to :(, also it shows up as black and unlit???
        //I think the mesh is centered but idk...

        private void ComputeOutflow(float[,] waterMap, float[,,] outFlow, float[] heightMap, int width, int height)
            for (int y = 0; y < height; y++)
                for (int x = 0; x < width; x++)
                    int xn1 = (x == 0) ? 0 : x - 1;
                    int xp1 = (x == width - 1) ? width - 1 : x + 1;
                    int yn1 = (y == 0) ? 0 : y - 1;
                    int yp1 = (y == height - 1) ? height - 1 : y + 1;

                    float waterHt   = waterMap[x, y];
                    float waterHts0 = waterMap[xn1, y];
                    float waterHts1 = waterMap[xp1, y];
                    float waterHts2 = waterMap[x, yn1];
                    float waterHts3 = waterMap[x, yp1];

                    float landHt   = heightMap[x + y * width];
                    float landHts0 = heightMap[xn1 + y * width];
                    float landHts1 = heightMap[xp1 + y * width];
                    float landHts2 = heightMap[x + yn1 * width];
                    float landHts3 = heightMap[x + yp1 * width];

                    float diff0 = (waterHt + landHt) - (waterHts0 + landHts0);
                    float diff1 = (waterHt + landHt) - (waterHts1 + landHts1);
                    float diff2 = (waterHt + landHt) - (waterHts2 + landHts2);
                    float diff3 = (waterHt + landHt) - (waterHts3 + landHts3);

                    //out flow is previous flow plus flow for this time step.
                    float flow0 = Mathf.Max(0, outFlow[x, y, 0] + diff0);
                    float flow1 = Mathf.Max(0, outFlow[x, y, 1] + diff1);
                    float flow2 = Mathf.Max(0, outFlow[x, y, 2] + diff2);
                    float flow3 = Mathf.Max(0, outFlow[x, y, 3] + diff3);

                    float sum = flow0 + flow1 + flow2 + flow3;

                    if (sum > 0.0f)
                        //If the sum of the outflow flux exceeds the amount in the cell
                        //flow value will be scaled down by a factor K to avoid negative update.
                        float K = waterHt / (sum * TIME);
                        if (K > 1.0f)
                            K = 1.0f;
                        if (K < 0.0f)
                            K = 0.0f;

                        outFlow[x, y, 0] = flow0 * K;
                        outFlow[x, y, 1] = flow1 * K;
                        outFlow[x, y, 2] = flow2 * K;
                        outFlow[x, y, 3] = flow3 * K;
                        outFlow[x, y, 0] = 0.0f;
                        outFlow[x, y, 1] = 0.0f;
                        outFlow[x, y, 2] = 0.0f;
                        outFlow[x, y, 3] = 0.0f;
Пример #21
        public void InitData()
            dataDist    = new float[cx + 1, cy + 1, cz + 1];
            dataDistPPP = new float[cx + 1, cy + 1, cz + 1];
            dataDistPPM = new float[cx + 1, cy + 1, cz + 1];
            dataDistPMP = new float[cx + 1, cy + 1, cz + 1];
            dataDistPMM = new float[cx + 1, cy + 1, cz + 1];
            dataDistMPP = new float[cx + 1, cy + 1, cz + 1];
            dataDistMPM = new float[cx + 1, cy + 1, cz + 1];
            dataDistMMP = new float[cx + 1, cy + 1, cz + 1];
            dataDistMMM = new float[cx + 1, cy + 1, cz + 1];
            dataType    = new IMaterial[cx + 1, cy + 1, cz + 1];
            dataNormal  = new Vector[cx + 1, cy + 1, cz + 1];

            float cellSizeX = (maxX - minX - 1) / cx;
            float cellSizeY = (maxY - minY - 1) / cy;
            float cellSizeZ = (maxZ - minZ - 1) / cz;

            diag = (float)Math.Sqrt(cellSizeX * cellSizeX + cellSizeY * cellSizeY + cellSizeZ * cellSizeZ);

            for (int i = 0; i < cx; i++)
                for (int j = 0; j < cy + 1; j++)
                    for (int k = 0; k < cz + 1; k++)
                        float worldX = minX + i * (maxX - minX - 1) / cx;
                        float worldY = minY + j * (maxY - minY - 1) / cy;
                        float worldZ = minZ + k * (maxZ - minZ - 1) / cz;

                        Vector hitPos = new Vector(worldX, worldY, worldZ);
                        float  d      = scene.QueryDatabase(hitPos, out var hitObj);

                        dataDist[i, j, k]   = d;
                        dataType[i, j, k]   = hitObj.Material;
                        dataNormal[i, j, k] = scene.QueryDatabaseNorm(hitPos, d, hitObj);

                        if (float.IsNaN(dataNormal[i, j, k].x))
                            dataNormal[i, j, k] = new Vector(0, 0, 1);

            float diagXYZ = (float)Math.Sqrt(cellSizeX * cellSizeX + cellSizeY * cellSizeY + cellSizeZ * cellSizeZ);
            float diagXY  = (float)Math.Sqrt(cellSizeX * cellSizeX + cellSizeY * cellSizeY);
            float diagXZ  = (float)Math.Sqrt(cellSizeX * cellSizeX + cellSizeZ * cellSizeZ);
            float diagYZ  = (float)Math.Sqrt(cellSizeY * cellSizeY + cellSizeZ * cellSizeZ);

            for (int x = 1; x < cx; x++)
                for (int y = 1; y < cy; y++)
                    for (int z = 1; z < cz; z++)
                        float  startMin = dataDist[x, y, z];
                        Vector normal   = dataNormal[x, y, z];
                        if (startMin >= diagXYZ / 2 || (normal.x <= 0 && normal.y <= 0 && normal.z <= 0))
                            startMin = float.MaxValue;

                        dataDistMMM[x, y, z] = min(startMin,
                                                   dataDistMMM[x - 1, y, z] + cellSizeX,
                                                   dataDistMMM[x, y - 1, z] + cellSizeY,
                                                   dataDistMMM[x, y, z - 1] + cellSizeZ,
                                                   dataDistMMM[x - 1, y - 1, z] + diagXY,
                                                   dataDistMMM[x, y - 1, z - 1] + diagYZ,
                                                   dataDistMMM[x - 1, y, z - 1] + diagXZ,
                                                   dataDistMMM[x - 1, y - 1, z - 1] + diagXYZ);

            for (int x = 1; x < cx; x++)
                for (int y = 1; y < cy; y++)
                    for (int z = cz - 1; z >= 0; z--)
                        float  startMin = dataDist[x, y, z];
                        Vector normal   = dataNormal[x, y, z];
                        if (startMin >= diagXYZ / 2 || (normal.x <= 0 && normal.y <= 0 && normal.z >= 0))
                            startMin = float.MaxValue;

                        dataDistMMP[x, y, z] = min(startMin,
                                                   dataDistMMP[x - 1, y, z] + cellSizeX,
                                                   dataDistMMP[x, y - 1, z] + cellSizeY,
                                                   dataDistMMP[x, y, z + 1] + cellSizeZ,
                                                   dataDistMMP[x - 1, y - 1, z] + diagXY,
                                                   dataDistMMP[x, y - 1, z + 1] + diagYZ,
                                                   dataDistMMP[x - 1, y, z + 1] + diagXZ,
                                                   dataDistMMP[x - 1, y - 1, z + 1] + diagXYZ);

            for (int x = 1; x < cx; x++)
                for (int y = cy - 1; y >= 0; y--)
                    for (int z = 1; z < cz; z++)
                        float  startMin = dataDist[x, y, z];
                        Vector normal   = dataNormal[x, y, z];
                        if (startMin >= diagXYZ / 2 || (normal.x <= 0 && normal.y >= 0 && normal.z <= 0))
                            startMin = float.MaxValue;

                        dataDistMPM[x, y, z] = min(startMin,
                                                   dataDistMPM[x - 1, y, z] + cellSizeX,
                                                   dataDistMPM[x, y + 1, z] + cellSizeY,
                                                   dataDistMPM[x, y, z - 1] + cellSizeZ,
                                                   dataDistMPM[x - 1, y + 1, z] + diagXY,
                                                   dataDistMPM[x, y + 1, z - 1] + diagYZ,
                                                   dataDistMPM[x - 1, y, z - 1] + diagXZ,
                                                   dataDistMPM[x - 1, y + 1, z - 1] + diagXYZ);

            for (int x = 1; x < cx; x++)
                for (int y = cy - 1; y >= 0; y--)
                    for (int z = cz - 1; z >= 0; z--)
                        float  startMin = dataDist[x, y, z];
                        Vector normal   = dataNormal[x, y, z];
                        if (startMin >= diagXYZ / 2 || (normal.x <= 0 && normal.y >= 0 && normal.z >= 0))
                            startMin = float.MaxValue;

                        dataDistMPP[x, y, z] = min(startMin,
                                                   dataDistMPP[x - 1, y, z] + cellSizeX,
                                                   dataDistMPP[x, y + 1, z] + cellSizeY,
                                                   dataDistMPP[x, y, z + 1] + cellSizeZ,
                                                   dataDistMPP[x - 1, y + 1, z] + diagXY,
                                                   dataDistMPP[x, y + 1, z + 1] + diagYZ,
                                                   dataDistMPP[x - 1, y, z + 1] + diagXZ,
                                                   dataDistMPP[x - 1, y + 1, z + 1] + diagXYZ);

            for (int x = cx - 1; x >= 0; x--)
                for (int y = 1; y < cy; y++)
                    for (int z = 1; z < cz; z++)
                        float  startMin = dataDist[x, y, z];
                        Vector normal   = dataNormal[x, y, z];
                        if (startMin >= diagXYZ / 2 || (normal.x >= 0 && normal.y <= 0 && normal.z <= 0))
                            startMin = float.MaxValue;

                        dataDistPMM[x, y, z] = min(startMin,
                                                   dataDistPMM[x + 1, y, z] + cellSizeX,
                                                   dataDistPMM[x, y - 1, z] + cellSizeY,
                                                   dataDistPMM[x, y, z - 1] + cellSizeZ,
                                                   dataDistPMM[x + 1, y - 1, z] + diagXY,
                                                   dataDistPMM[x, y - 1, z - 1] + diagYZ,
                                                   dataDistPMM[x + 1, y, z - 1] + diagXZ,
                                                   dataDistPMM[x + 1, y - 1, z - 1] + diagXYZ);

            for (int x = cx - 1; x >= 0; x--)
                for (int y = 1; y < cy; y++)
                    for (int z = cz - 1; z >= 0; z--)
                        float  startMin = dataDist[x, y, z];
                        Vector normal   = dataNormal[x, y, z];
                        if (startMin >= diagXYZ / 2 || (normal.x >= 0 && normal.y <= 0 && normal.z >= 0))
                            startMin = float.MaxValue;

                        dataDistPMP[x, y, z] = min(startMin,
                                                   dataDistPMP[x + 1, y, z] + cellSizeX,
                                                   dataDistPMP[x, y - 1, z] + cellSizeY,
                                                   dataDistPMP[x, y, z + 1] + cellSizeZ,
                                                   dataDistPMP[x + 1, y - 1, z] + diagXY,
                                                   dataDistPMP[x, y - 1, z + 1] + diagYZ,
                                                   dataDistPMP[x + 1, y, z + 1] + diagXZ,
                                                   dataDistPMP[x + 1, y - 1, z + 1] + diagXYZ);

            for (int x = cx - 1; x >= 0; x--)
                for (int y = cy - 1; y >= 0; y--)
                    for (int z = 1; z < cz; z++)
                        float  startMin = dataDist[x, y, z];
                        Vector normal   = dataNormal[x, y, z];
                        if (startMin >= diagXYZ / 2 || (normal.x >= 0 && normal.y >= 0 && normal.z <= 0))
                            startMin = float.MaxValue;

                        dataDistPPM[x, y, z] = min(startMin,
                                                   dataDistPPM[x + 1, y, z] + cellSizeX,
                                                   dataDistPPM[x, y + 1, z] + cellSizeY,
                                                   dataDistPPM[x, y, z - 1] + cellSizeZ,
                                                   dataDistPPM[x + 1, y + 1, z] + diagXY,
                                                   dataDistPPM[x, y + 1, z - 1] + diagYZ,
                                                   dataDistPPM[x + 1, y, z - 1] + diagXZ,
                                                   dataDistPPM[x + 1, y + 1, z - 1] + diagXYZ);

            for (int x = cx - 1; x >= 0; x--)
                for (int y = cy - 1; y >= 0; y--)
                    for (int z = cz - 1; z >= 0; z--)
                        float  startMin = dataDist[x, y, z];
                        Vector normal   = dataNormal[x, y, z];
                        if (startMin >= diagXYZ / 2 || (normal.x >= 0 && normal.y >= 0 && normal.z >= 0))
                            startMin = float.MaxValue;

                        dataDistPPP[x, y, z] = min(startMin,
                                                   dataDistPPP[x + 1, y, z] + cellSizeX,
                                                   dataDistPPP[x, y + 1, z] + cellSizeY,
                                                   dataDistPPP[x, y, z + 1] + cellSizeZ,
                                                   dataDistPPP[x + 1, y + 1, z] + diagXY,
                                                   dataDistPPP[x, y + 1, z + 1] + diagYZ,
                                                   dataDistPPP[x + 1, y, z + 1] + diagXZ,
                                                   dataDistPPP[x + 1, y + 1, z + 1] + diagXYZ);
Пример #22
 /// <summary>Creates a new isosurface calculator. You may pass variables created from a OpenGL context to the CL variables if you are using interop or NULL
 /// if not using OpenCL/GL interop.</summary>
 /// <param name="FuncValues">Values of the evaluated 3D function f(x,y,z). FuncValues=float[maxX,maxY,maxZ]</param>
 public MarchingCubes(float[, ,] FuncValues)
     InitMarchingCubes(FuncValues, null, null, null);
Пример #23
    /// <summary>
    /// Generate chunk map data based on perlin noise and interpolation
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="colCoord">Column coordinate to sample</param>
    /// <returns>Chunk block data</returns>
    public ChunkColumn.MapDataInfo GenerateNoiseMap(ColumnCoord colCoord)
        int size = ChunkColumn.chunkSize;
        int amountOfVerticalChunks = ChunkColumn.worldHeight;

        ChunkColumn.MapDataInfo mapData = new ChunkColumn.MapDataInfo();
        byte[,,] chunkBlockData = new byte[size, size *amountOfVerticalChunks, size];

        // Sampling all points using perlin noise within chunk
        float[,,] sampleNoiseMap = SamplePoints(colCoord);

        // 0 = differences, 1 = all non-solid, 2 = all solid
        int allSolidIndex;

        for (int x = 0; x < sampleNoiseMap.GetLength(0) - 1; x++)
            for (int y = 0; y < sampleNoiseMap.GetLength(1) - 1; y++)
                for (int z = 0; z < sampleNoiseMap.GetLength(2) - 1; z++)
                    allSolidIndex = GetAllSolidIndex(ref sampleNoiseMap, x, y, z);

                    if (allSolidIndex == 0)
                        InterpolatePoints(ref sampleNoiseMap, ref chunkBlockData, x, y, z, colCoord);
                        // Any interpolation means the is atleast 1 solid block
                        mapData.isEmpty[(y * verticalNoiseScale + verticalNoiseScale / 2) / ChunkColumn.chunkSize] = false;
                        float noiseVal;
                        int   blockX, blockY, blockZ;

                        if (allSolidIndex == 2)
                            mapData.isEmpty[(y * verticalNoiseScale + verticalNoiseScale / 2) / ChunkColumn.chunkSize] = false;

                        // All points the same, skip interpolation
                        for (int k = 0; k < horizontalNoiseScale; k++)
                            for (int j = 0; j < verticalNoiseScale; j++)
                                for (int i = 0; i < horizontalNoiseScale; i++)
                                    blockX = x * horizontalNoiseScale + k;
                                    blockY = y * verticalNoiseScale + j;
                                    blockZ = z * horizontalNoiseScale + i;

                                    noiseVal = allSolidIndex == 1 ? 0 : 1;

                                    byte blockId = GetBlockIdFromNoise(blockX, blockY, blockZ, noiseVal, colCoord);
                                    chunkBlockData[blockX, blockY, blockZ] = blockId;

                                    // Add grass to the top layer
                                    if (y == 0)

                                    if (blockId == 0 && chunkBlockData[blockX, blockY - 1, blockZ] == 2)
                                        // Spawn grass
                                        chunkBlockData[blockX, blockY - 1, blockZ] = 3;

        mapData.voxelData = chunkBlockData;
Пример #24
 /// <summary>Creates a new isosurface calculator. You may pass variables created from a OpenGL context to the CL variables if you are using interop or NULL
 /// if not using OpenCL/GL interop.</summary>
 /// <param name="FuncValues">Values of the evaluated 3D function f(x,y,z). FuncValues=float[maxX,maxY,maxZ]</param>
 /// <param name="CLEdgeCoords">OpenCL variable (float) to hold edge coordinates. Dimension has to be 9 * maxX * maxY * maxZ</param>
 /// <param name="CLEdgeNormals">OpenCL variable (float) to hold edge normals. Dimension has to be 9 * maxX * maxY * maxZ</param>
 /// <param name="CLElementArrayIndex">OpenCL variable (int) to hold element array index. Dimension has to be 5 * 3 * (maxX - 1) * (maxY - 1) * (maxZ - 1)</param>
 public MarchingCubes(float[, ,] FuncValues, CLCalc.Program.Variable CLEdgeCoords, CLCalc.Program.Variable CLEdgeNormals, CLCalc.Program.Variable CLElementArrayIndex)
     InitMarchingCubes(FuncValues, CLEdgeCoords, CLEdgeNormals, CLElementArrayIndex);
Пример #25
    public void applyTexture()
        splatmapData = thisTerrain.terrainData.GetAlphamaps(0, 0, thisTerrain.terrainData.alphamapWidth, thisTerrain.terrainData.alphamapHeight);

        for (int x = 0; x < thisTerrain.terrainData.alphamapWidth; x++) {
            for (int z = 0; z < thisTerrain.terrainData.alphamapHeight; z++) {
                // Normalise x/y coordinates to range 0-1
                float z_01 = (float)z / (float)thisTerrain.terrainData.alphamapHeight;
                float x_01 = (float)x / (float)thisTerrain.terrainData.alphamapWidth;

                // Calculate the normal
                //Vector3 normal = thisTerrain.terrainData.GetInterpolatedNormal (z_01, x_01);
                float steepness = thisTerrain.terrainData.GetSteepness (z_01, x_01);

                // Declare a list of floats to hold the array of alpha values
                float[] splatVals = new float[thisTerrain.terrainData.alphamapLayers];

                // splatVals[0] (Soil) represents the base texture
                splatVals [0] = 0.5f;
                splatVals [1] = Mathf.Clamp01 (steepness * steepness / (thisTerrain.terrainData.heightmapHeight / 0.05f));
                splatVals [2] = 1.0f - Mathf.Clamp01 (steepness * steepness / (thisTerrain.terrainData.heightmapHeight / 5.0f));

                // Sum of all splat date must = 1
                float n = splatVals.Sum ();

                // Each layer gets normalized so the sum = 1
                for (int i = 0; i<thisTerrain.terrainData.alphamapLayers; i++) {
                    // Normalize so that sum of all texture weights = 1
                    splatVals [i] /= n;

                    // Assign this point to the splatmap array
                    splatmapData [x, z, i] = splatVals [i];
        // And finally assign the new splatmap to the terrainData:
        thisTerrain.terrainData.SetAlphamaps(0, 0, splatmapData);
Пример #26
        /// <summary>Creates a new isosurface calculator. You may pass variables created from a OpenGL context to the CL variables if you are using interop or NULL
        /// if not using OpenCL/GL interop.</summary>
        /// <param name="FuncValues">Values of the evaluated 3D function f(x,y,z). FuncValues=float[maxX,maxY,maxZ]</param>
        /// <param name="CLEdgeCoords">OpenCL variable (float) to hold edge coordinates. Dimension has to be 9 * maxX * maxY * maxZ</param>
        /// <param name="CLEdgeNormals">OpenCL variable (float) to hold edge normals. Dimension has to be 9 * maxX * maxY * maxZ</param>
        /// <param name="CLElementArrayIndex">OpenCL variable (int) to hold element array index. Dimension has to be 5 * 3 * (maxX - 1) * (maxY - 1) * (maxZ - 1)</param>
        private void InitMarchingCubes(float[, ,] FuncValues, CLCalc.Program.Variable CLEdgeCoords, CLCalc.Program.Variable CLEdgeNormals, CLCalc.Program.Variable CLElementArrayIndex)
            if (CLCalc.CLAcceleration == CLCalc.CLAccelerationType.Unknown)

            if (CLCalc.CLAcceleration == CLCalc.CLAccelerationType.UsingCL)
                //Reads maximum lengths
                int maxX = FuncValues.GetLength(0);
                int maxY = FuncValues.GetLength(1);
                int maxZ = FuncValues.GetLength(2);
                max = new int[] { maxX, maxY, maxZ };

                #region Creating variables

                isoLevel = new float[1] {
                varIsoLevel = new CLCalc.Program.Variable(isoLevel);

                //Step size and x0,y0,z0
                varStep     = new CLCalc.Program.Variable(step);
                varInitVals = new CLCalc.Program.Variable(initVals);

                //Create and copy function values
                funcVals   = new float[maxX * maxY * maxZ];
                CLFuncVals = new CLCalc.Program.Variable(funcVals);

                //Edge coordinates - 3 coords * 3 possible directions * number of points
                edgeCoords = new float[9 * maxX * maxY * maxZ];
                if (CLEdgeCoords != null)
                    varEdgeCoords = CLEdgeCoords;
                    varEdgeCoords = new CLCalc.Program.Variable(edgeCoords);

                //4 preliminary normals per edge - has to be averaged afterwards
                edgePrelimNormals    = new float[36 * maxX * maxY * maxZ];
                varEdgePrelimNormals = new CLCalc.Program.Variable(edgePrelimNormals);

                //Edge normals
                edgeNormals = new float[9 * maxX * maxY * maxZ];
                if (CLEdgeNormals != null)
                    varEdgeNormals = CLEdgeNormals;
                    varEdgeNormals = new CLCalc.Program.Variable(edgeNormals);

                //Number of cubes: (maxX-1)*(maxY-1)*(maxZ-1)
                //Marching cube algorithm: each cube can have 5 triangles drawn, 3 vertexes per triangle
                //q-th vertex of p-th triangle of the ijk-th cube: [(5*(i+(maxX-1)*j+k*(maxX-1)*(maxY-1))+p)*3+q]
                elementIndex = new int[5 * 3 * (maxX - 1) * (maxY - 1) * (maxZ - 1)];
                if (CLElementArrayIndex != null)
                    varElemIndex = CLElementArrayIndex;
                    varElemIndex = new CLCalc.Program.Variable(elementIndex);

                //Edge remapping to build output
                edges = new int[edgeCoords.Length / 3];
                for (int i = 0; i < edges.Length; i++)
                    edges[i] = -1;


                #region Compile code and create kernels

                CLMarchingCubesSrc cmsrc = new CLMarchingCubesSrc();

                CLCalc.Program.Compile(new string[] { cmsrc.definitions, cmsrc.src });
                kernelInterpPts           = new CLCalc.Program.Kernel("interpPts");
                kernelPolygonize          = new CLCalc.Program.Kernel("Polygonize");
                kernelSmoothNormals       = new CLCalc.Program.Kernel("SmoothNormals");
                kernelPolygonizeNoNormals = new CLCalc.Program.Kernel("PolygonizeNoNormals");
                throw new Exception("OpenCL not available");
Пример #27
    void Start()
        xResolution = myTerrain.terrainData.heightmapWidth;
        zResolution = myTerrain.terrainData.heightmapHeight;
        alphaMapWidth = myTerrain.terrainData.alphamapWidth;
        alphaMapHeight = myTerrain.terrainData.alphamapHeight;
        numOfAlphaLayers = myTerrain.terrainData.alphamapLayers;
        if (Debug.isDebugBuild)
            heights = myTerrain.terrainData.GetHeights (0, 0, xResolution, zResolution);
            heightMapBackup = myTerrain.terrainData.GetHeights(0, 0, xResolution, zResolution);
            alphaMapBackup = myTerrain.terrainData.GetAlphamaps(0, 0, alphaMapWidth, alphaMapHeight);

        for(int index = 0; index <picPointPlayer.Length; index++){
            picPointPlayer [index]=NULL_VECTOR3;
		public void GenerateTerrainWithAlphamaps(HEU_SessionBase session, HEU_HoudiniAsset houdiniAsset, bool bRebuild)
			if(_layers == null || _layers.Count == 0)
				Debug.LogError("Unable to generate terrain due to lack of heightfield layers!");

			HEU_VolumeLayer heightLayer = _layers[0];

			HAPI_VolumeInfo heightVolumeInfo = new HAPI_VolumeInfo();
			bool bResult = session.GetVolumeInfo(_ownerNode.GeoID, heightLayer._part.PartID, ref heightVolumeInfo);
			if (!bResult)
				Debug.LogErrorFormat("Unable to get volume info for height layer: {0}!", heightLayer._layerName);

			// Special handling of volume cache presets. It is applied here (if exists) because it might pertain to TerrainData that exists
			// in the AssetDatabase. If we don't apply here but rather create a new one, the existing file will get overwritten.
			// Applying the preset here for terrain ensures the TerrainData is reused.
			// Get the volume preset for this part
			HEU_VolumeCachePreset volumeCachePreset = houdiniAsset.GetVolumeCachePreset(_ownerNode.ObjectNode.ObjectName, _ownerNode.GeoName, TileIndex);
			if (volumeCachePreset != null)

				// Remove it so that it doesn't get applied when doing the recook step

			// The TerrainData and TerrainLayer files needs to be saved out if we create them. This creates the relative folder
			// path from the Asset's cache folder: {assetCache}/{geo name}/Terrain/Tile{tileIndex}/...
			string relativeFolderPath = HEU_Platform.BuildPath(_ownerNode.GeoName, HEU_Defines.HEU_FOLDER_TERRAIN, HEU_Defines.HEU_FOLDER_TILE + TileIndex);

			if (bRebuild)
				// For full rebuild, re-create the TerrainData instead of using previous
				_terrainData = null;

			//Debug.Log("Generating Terrain with AlphaMaps: " + (_terrainData != null ? _terrainData.name : "NONE"));
			TerrainData terrainData = _terrainData;
			Vector3 terrainOffsetPosition = Vector3.zero;

			// Look up TerrainData file via attribute if user has set it
			string terrainDataFile = HEU_GeneralUtility.GetAttributeStringValueSingle(session, _ownerNode.GeoID, heightLayer._part.PartID,
			if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(terrainDataFile))
				TerrainData loadedTerrainData = HEU_AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath(terrainDataFile, typeof(TerrainData)) as TerrainData;
				if (loadedTerrainData == null)
					Debug.LogWarningFormat("TerrainData, set via attribute, not found at: {0}", terrainDataFile);
					// In the case that the specified TerrainData belongs to another Terrain (i.e. input Terrain), 
					// make a copy of it and store it in our cache. Note that this overwrites existing TerrainData in our cache
					// because the workflow is such that attributes will always override local setting.
					string bakedTerrainPath = houdiniAsset.GetValidAssetCacheFolderPath();
					bakedTerrainPath = HEU_Platform.BuildPath(bakedTerrainPath, relativeFolderPath);
					terrainData = HEU_AssetDatabase.CopyAndLoadAssetAtAnyPath(loadedTerrainData, bakedTerrainPath, typeof(TerrainData), true) as TerrainData;
					if (terrainData == null)
						Debug.LogErrorFormat("Unable to copy TerrainData from {0} for generating Terrain.", terrainDataFile);

			// Generate the terrain and terrain data from the height layer. This applies height values.
			bResult = HEU_TerrainUtility.GenerateTerrainFromVolume(session, ref heightVolumeInfo, heightLayer._part.ParentGeoNode.GeoID,
				heightLayer._part.PartID, heightLayer._part.OutputGameObject, ref terrainData, out terrainOffsetPosition);
			if (!bResult || terrainData == null)

			if (_terrainData != terrainData)
				_terrainData = terrainData;
				heightLayer._part.SetTerrainData(terrainData, relativeFolderPath);


			int terrainSize = terrainData.heightmapResolution;

			// Now process TerrainLayers and alpha maps

			// First, preprocess all layers to get heightfield arrays, converted to proper size
			List<float[]> heightFields = new List<float[]>();
			// Corresponding list of HF volume layers to process as splatmaps
			List<HEU_VolumeLayer> volumeLayersToProcess = new List<HEU_VolumeLayer>();

			int numLayers = _layers.Count;
			float minHeight = 0;
			float maxHeight = 0;
			float  heightRange = 0;
			// This skips the height layer, and processes all other layers.
			// Note that mask shouldn't be part of _layers at this point.
			for(int i = 1; i < numLayers; ++i)
				float[] normalizedHF = HEU_TerrainUtility.GetNormalizedHeightmapFromPartWithMinMax(session, _ownerNode.GeoID, _layers[i]._part.PartID, 
					_layers[i]._xLength, _layers[i]._yLength, ref minHeight, ref maxHeight, ref heightRange);
				if (normalizedHF != null && normalizedHF.Length > 0)

			int numVolumeLayers = volumeLayersToProcess.Count;

			HAPI_NodeId geoID;
			HAPI_PartId partID;

			Texture2D defaultTexture = LoadDefaultSplatTexture();

#if UNITY_2018_3_OR_NEWER

			// Create or update the terrain layers based on heightfield layers.

			// Keep existing TerrainLayers, and either update or append to them
			TerrainLayer[] existingTerrainLayers = terrainData.terrainLayers;

			// Total layers are existing layers + new alpha maps
			List<TerrainLayer> finalTerrainLayers = new List<TerrainLayer>(existingTerrainLayers);

			// This holds the alpha map indices for each layer that will be added to the TerrainData.
			// The alpha maps could be a mix of existing and new values, so need to know which to use
			// Initially set to use existing alpha maps, then override later on if specified via HF layers
			List<int> alphaMapIndices = new List<int>();
			for (int a = 0; a < existingTerrainLayers.Length; ++a)
				// Negative indices for existing alpha map (offset by -1)
				alphaMapIndices.Add(-a - 1);

			bool bNewTerrainLayer = false;
			HEU_VolumeLayer layer = null;
			TerrainLayer terrainLayer = null;
			bool bSetTerrainLayerProperties = true;
			for (int m = 0; m < numVolumeLayers; ++m)
				bNewTerrainLayer = false;
				bSetTerrainLayerProperties = true;

				layer = volumeLayersToProcess[m];

				geoID = _ownerNode.GeoID;
				partID = layer._part.PartID;

				terrainLayer = null;

				int terrainLayerIndex = -1;

				// The TerrainLayer attribute overrides existing TerrainLayer. So if its set, load and use it.
				string terrainLayerFile = HEU_GeneralUtility.GetAttributeStringValueSingle(session, geoID, partID,
				if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(terrainLayerFile))
					terrainLayer = HEU_AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath(terrainLayerFile, typeof(TerrainLayer)) as TerrainLayer;
					if (terrainLayer == null)
						Debug.LogWarningFormat("TerrainLayer, set via attribute, not found at: {0}", terrainLayerFile);
						// Not earlying out or skipping this layer due to error because we want to keep proper indexing
						// by creating a new TerrainLayer.
						// TerrainLayer loaded from attribute. 
						// It could be an existing TerrainLayer that is already part of finalTerrainLayers 
						// or could be a new one which needs to be added.

						// If its a different TerrainLayer than existing, update the finalTerrainLayers, and index.
						if (layer._terrainLayer != null && layer._terrainLayer != terrainLayer)
							terrainLayerIndex = HEU_TerrainUtility.GetTerrainLayerIndex(layer._terrainLayer, existingTerrainLayers);
							if (terrainLayerIndex >= 0)
								finalTerrainLayers[terrainLayerIndex] = terrainLayer;

						if (terrainLayerIndex == -1)
							// Always check if its part of existing list so as not to add it again
							terrainLayerIndex = HEU_TerrainUtility.GetTerrainLayerIndex(terrainLayer, existingTerrainLayers);

				// No terrain layer specified, so try using existing if we have it
				if (terrainLayer == null)
					terrainLayerIndex = HEU_TerrainUtility.GetTerrainLayerIndex(layer._terrainLayer, existingTerrainLayers);
					if (terrainLayerIndex >= 0)
						// Note the terrainLayerIndex is same for finalTerrainLayers as existingTerrainLayers
						terrainLayer = existingTerrainLayers[terrainLayerIndex];

				// Still not found, so just create a new one
				if (terrainLayer == null)
					terrainLayer = new TerrainLayer();
					terrainLayer.name = layer._layerName;
					//Debug.LogFormat("Created new TerrainLayer with name: {0} ", terrainLayer.name);
					bNewTerrainLayer = true;

				if (terrainLayerIndex == -1)
					// Adding to the finalTerrainLayers if this is indeed a newly created or loaded TerrainLayer
					// (i.e. isn't already part of the TerrainLayers for this Terrain).
					// Save this layer's index for later on if we make a copy.
					terrainLayerIndex = finalTerrainLayers.Count;

					// Positive index for alpha map from heightfield (starting at 1)
					alphaMapIndices.Add(m + 1);
					// Positive index for alpha map from heightfield (starting at 1)
					alphaMapIndices[terrainLayerIndex] = m + 1;

				// For existing TerrainLayer, make a copy of it if it has custom layer attributes
				// because we don't want to change the original TerrainLayer.
				if (!bNewTerrainLayer && layer._hasLayerAttributes)
					string bakedTerrainPath = houdiniAsset.GetValidAssetCacheFolderPath();
					bakedTerrainPath = HEU_Platform.BuildPath(bakedTerrainPath, relativeFolderPath);
					TerrainLayer prevTerrainLayer = terrainLayer;
					terrainLayer = HEU_AssetDatabase.CopyAndLoadAssetAtAnyPath(terrainLayer, bakedTerrainPath, typeof(TerrainLayer), true) as TerrainLayer;
					if (terrainLayer != null)
						// Update the TerrainLayer reference in the list with this copy
						finalTerrainLayers[terrainLayerIndex] = terrainLayer;
						Debug.LogErrorFormat("Unable to copy TerrainLayer '{0}' for generating Terrain. "
							+ "Using original TerrainLayer. Will not be able to set any TerrainLayer properties.", layer._layerName);
						terrainLayer = prevTerrainLayer;
						bSetTerrainLayerProperties = false;
						// Again, continuing on to keep proper indexing.

				// Now override layer properties if they have been set via attributes
				if (bSetTerrainLayerProperties)
					LoadLayerPropertiesFromAttributes(session, geoID, partID, terrainLayer, bNewTerrainLayer, defaultTexture);

				if (bNewTerrainLayer)
					// In order to retain the new TerrainLayer, it must be saved to the AssetDatabase.
					Object savedObject = null;
					string layerFileNameWithExt = terrainLayer.name;
					if (!layerFileNameWithExt.EndsWith(HEU_Defines.HEU_EXT_TERRAINLAYER))
						layerFileNameWithExt += HEU_Defines.HEU_EXT_TERRAINLAYER;
					houdiniAsset.AddToAssetDBCache(layerFileNameWithExt, terrainLayer, relativeFolderPath, ref savedObject);

				// Store reference
				layer._terrainLayer = terrainLayer;

			// Get existing alpha maps so we can reuse the values if needed
			float[,,] existingAlphaMaps = terrainData.GetAlphamaps(0, 0, terrainData.alphamapWidth, terrainData.alphamapHeight);

			terrainData.terrainLayers = finalTerrainLayers.ToArray();

			int numTotalAlphaMaps = finalTerrainLayers.Count;

			// Create or update the SplatPrototype based on heightfield layers.

			// Need to create or reuse SplatPrototype for each layer in heightfield, representing the textures.
			SplatPrototype[] existingSplats = terrainData.splatPrototypes;

			// A full rebuild clears out existing splats, but a regular cook keeps them.
			List<SplatPrototype> finalSplats = new List<SplatPrototype>(existingSplats);

			// This holds the alpha map indices for each layer that will be added to the TerrainData
			// The alpha maps could be a mix of existing and new values, so need to know which to use
			List<int> alphaMapIndices = new List<int>();

			// Initially set to use existing alpha maps, then override later on if specified via HF layers.
			for (int a = 0; a < existingSplats.Length; ++a)
				// Negative indices for existing alpha map (offset by -1)
				alphaMapIndices.Add(-a - 1);

			bool bNewSplat = false;
			HEU_VolumeLayer layer = null;
			SplatPrototype splatPrototype = null;

			for (int m = 0; m < numVolumeLayers; ++m)
				bNewSplat = false;

				layer = volumeLayersToProcess[m];

				geoID = _ownerNode.GeoID;
				partID = layer._part.PartID;

				// Try to find existing SplatPrototype for reuse. But not for full rebuild.
				splatPrototype = null;
				if (layer._splatPrototypeIndex >= 0 && layer._splatPrototypeIndex < existingSplats.Length)
					splatPrototype = existingSplats[layer._splatPrototypeIndex];

					// Positive index for alpha map from heightfield (starting at 1)
					alphaMapIndices[layer._splatPrototypeIndex] = m + 1;

				if (splatPrototype == null)
					splatPrototype = new SplatPrototype();
					layer._splatPrototypeIndex = finalSplats.Count;

					// Positive index for alpha map from heightfield (starting at 1)
					alphaMapIndices.Add(m + 1);

				// Now override splat properties if they have been set via attributes
				LoadLayerPropertiesFromAttributes(session, geoID, partID, splatPrototype, bNewSplat, defaultTexture);

			// On regular cook, get existing alpha maps so we can reuse the values if needed.
			float[,,] existingAlphaMaps = terrainData.GetAlphamaps(0, 0, terrainData.alphamapWidth, terrainData.alphamapHeight);

			terrainData.splatPrototypes = finalSplats.ToArray();

			int numTotalAlphaMaps = finalSplats.Count;

			// Set alpha maps by combining with existing alpha maps, and appending new heightfields

			float[,,] alphamap = null;
			if (numTotalAlphaMaps > 0 && volumeLayersToProcess.Count > 0)
				// Convert the heightfields into alpha maps with layer strengths
				float[] strengths = new float[volumeLayersToProcess.Count];
				for (int m = 0; m < volumeLayersToProcess.Count; ++m)
					strengths[m] = volumeLayersToProcess[m]._strength;

				alphamap = HEU_TerrainUtility.AppendConvertedHeightFieldToAlphaMap(
					volumeLayersToProcess[0]._xLength, volumeLayersToProcess[0]._yLength, existingAlphaMaps,
					heightFields, strengths, alphaMapIndices);

				// Update the alphamap resolution to the actual size of the first 
				// heightfield layer used for the alphamaps.
				// Setting the size before setting the alphamas applies proper scaling.
				int alphamapResolution = volumeLayersToProcess[0]._xLength;
				terrainData.alphamapResolution = alphamapResolution;

				terrainData.SetAlphamaps(0, 0, alphamap);

			// Tree instances for scattering
			HEU_TerrainUtility.ApplyScatter(terrainData, _scatterTrees);

			// If the layers were writen out, this saves the asset DB. Otherwise user has to save it themselves.
			// Not 100% sure this is needed, but without this the editor doesn't know the terrain asset has been updated
			// and therefore doesn't import and show the terrain layer.
Пример #29
  * This is ran during the start up of the scene.
  * This set the terrain to dug up when driven over.
 void Start()
     crop = new Crop();
     waypoints = new WaypointFPT(terrain);
     waypoints.genPointsStr(new Vector3(50,0,50),true);
     tractorAI = (GameObject)Instantiate(objPre,new Vector3(50,.3f,50),Quaternion.identity);
     tractorAI.name = "AI Tractor FP";
     if(PlayerPrefs.GetString("FieldName") == ""){
         FieldName = PlayerPrefs.GetString("NFName");
         alphatext = new float[terrain.GetComponent<Terrain>().terrainData.alphamapWidth,terrain.GetComponent<Terrain>().terrainData.alphamapHeight,2];
         for(int i = 0; i < terrain.GetComponent<Terrain>().terrainData.alphamapWidth; i++){
             for(int j = 0; j < terrain.GetComponent<Terrain>().terrainData.alphamapHeight; j++){
                 alphatext[i,j,0] = 1;
                 alphatext[i,j,1] = 0;
         Vector3 localPos = new Vector3(50,0,50) - terrain.transform.position;
         Vector3 normalPos = new Vector3((localPos.x/terrain.GetComponent<Terrain>().terrainData.size.x) * terrain.GetComponent<Terrain>().terrainData.alphamapWidth,
             (localPos.z/terrain.GetComponent<Terrain>().terrainData.size.z) * terrain.GetComponent<Terrain>().terrainData.alphamapHeight);
         alphatext[(int)normalPos.z,(int)normalPos.x,0] = 0;
         alphatext[(int)normalPos.z,(int)normalPos.x,1] = 1;
     //		fieldData = new SFFD(terrain.GetComponent<Terrain>().terrainData.alphamapWidth,terrain.GetComponent<Terrain>().terrainData.alphamapHeight,2,
     //			terrain.GetComponent<Terrain>().terrainData.detailWidth,terrain.GetComponent<Terrain>().terrainData.detailHeight,terrain.GetComponent<Terrain>().terrainData.detailPrototypes.Length,
     //			terrain.GetComponent<Terrain>().terrainData.heightmapWidth,terrain.GetComponent<Terrain>().terrainData.heightmapHeight);
     //		fieldData.setHM (terrain.GetComponent<Terrain>().terrainData.GetHeights(0,0,terrain.GetComponent<Terrain>().terrainData.heightmapWidth,terrain.GetComponent<Terrain>().terrainData.heightmapHeight));
     //		fieldData.setAM (terrain.GetComponent<Terrain>().terrainData.GetAlphamaps(0,0,terrain.GetComponent<Terrain>().terrainData.alphamapWidth,terrain.GetComponent<Terrain>().terrainData.alphamapHeight));
     //		fieldData.setDM (terrain.GetComponent<Terrain>().terrainData.GetDetailLayer(0,0,terrain.GetComponent<Terrain>().terrainData.detailWidth,terrain.GetComponent<Terrain>().terrainData.detailHeight,1));
     //		fieldData.save();
         FieldName = PlayerPrefs.GetString("FieldName");
         byte[] load = sf.Load (PlayerPrefs.GetString("FieldName"));
         tractorAI.transform.position += new Vector3(0,15,0);
         terrain.GetComponent<Terrain>().terrainData.SetHeights(0,0,sf.getHM ());
         alphatext = sf.getAM();
         loaded = true;
Пример #30
    void GenerateViaMesh(int size, bool generate_density = true)
        meshData = new MeshData();
        meshData.useRenderDataForCol = true;
        print("Generating mesh");
        if (generate_density)
            Noise generator = new Noise(Seed);
            density   = new float[size + 1, size + 1, size + 1];
            positions = new Vector3Int[size + 1, size + 1, size + 1];
            print("Generating density");
            for (int x = 0; x < size + 1; x++)
                for (int y = 0; y < size + 1; y++)
                    for (int z = 0; z < size + 1; z++)
                        Vector3Int pos = new Vector3Int(x, y, z) + ChunkPosition * size;
                        positions[x, y, z] = pos;
                        float top = (size - pos.y);
                        density[x, y, z] = generator.Evaluate(new Vector3(pos.x / ((float)(size * 4)), pos.y / ((float)(size * 4)), pos.z / ((float)(size * 4)))) + 2.0f * top * top * top * top / (size * size * size * size);

        for (int x = 0; x < size; x++)
            for (int y = 0; y < size; y++)
                for (int z = 0; z < size; z++)
                    if (isSquare(x, y, z))
                        var pos = positions[x, y, z];
                        if (!isSquare(x, y + 1, z))
                            meshData = FaceDataUp(pos.x, pos.y, pos.z, meshData);
                        if (!isSquare(x, y - 1, z))
                            meshData = FaceDataDown(pos.x, pos.y, pos.z, meshData);
                        if (!isSquare(x, y, z + 1))
                            meshData = FaceDataNorth(pos.x, pos.y, pos.z, meshData);
                        if (!isSquare(x, y, z - 1))
                            meshData = FaceDataSouth(pos.x, pos.y, pos.z, meshData);
                        if (!isSquare(x + 1, y, z))
                            meshData = FaceDataEast(pos.x, pos.y, pos.z, meshData);
                        if (!isSquare(x - 1, y, z))
                            meshData = FaceDataWest(pos.x, pos.y, pos.z, meshData);

        initialized = State.ReadyToLoad;

        // mesh.indexFormat = UnityEngine.Rendering.IndexFormat.UInt32;

         * foreach (Vector3 square in squares) {
         *  GameObject obj = new GameObject();
         *  obj.transform.parent = this.transform;
         *  var collider = obj.AddComponent<BoxCollider>();
         *  collider.size = Vector3.one;
         *  collider.transform.position = square;
         * }
Пример #31
        /// <summary>
        /// Highlights all values above a certain threshold as red
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="value"></param>
        public void HighlightThreshold(int threshold, HighlightCondition highlightCondition = HighlightCondition.ABOVE)
            this.highlightCondition = highlightCondition;
            double max    = imageData.GetMaximum();
            double min    = imageData.GetMinimum();
            int    width  = imageData.GetWidth();
            int    height = imageData.GetHeight();

            float[,,] data = imageData.GetData();

            WriteableBitmap highlightedImage = new WriteableBitmap(width, height, 96, 96, PixelFormats.Bgr32, null);


            // Go through each pixel in each image
            for (int y = 0; y < height; y++)
                for (int x = 0; x < width; x++)
                    double n          = data[imageIndex, y, x];
                    byte   pixelValue = (byte)(((n - min) / (max - min)) * MAXIMUM_INTENSITY);
                        // Get a pointer to the back buffer.
                        int pBackBuffer = (int)highlightedImage.BackBuffer;

                        // Find the address of the pixel to draw.
                        pBackBuffer += y * highlightedImage.BackBufferStride;
                        pBackBuffer += x * 4;

                        // Compute the pixel's color.
                        int color_data;
                        if (highlightCondition == HighlightCondition.ABOVE)
                            if (n > threshold)
                                color_data  = pixelValue << 16; // R
                                color_data |= 0;                // G
                                color_data |= 0;                // B
                                color_data  = pixelValue << 16; // R
                                color_data |= pixelValue << 8;  // G
                                color_data |= pixelValue << 0;  // B
                            if (n < threshold)
                                color_data  = pixelValue << 16; // R
                                color_data |= 0;                // G
                                color_data |= 0;                // B
                                color_data  = pixelValue << 16; // R
                                color_data |= pixelValue << 8;  // G
                                color_data |= pixelValue << 0;  // B

                        // Assign the color data to the pixel.
                        *((int *)pBackBuffer) = color_data;
                    // Specify the area of the bitmap that changed.
                    highlightedImage.AddDirtyRect(new Int32Rect(x, y, 1, 1));
            // Release the back buffer and make it available for display.

            mainWindow.ImageViewer.Source = highlightedImage;
Пример #32
    void Start()
        Screen.showCursor = false;

        terrain = this.GetComponent<Terrain>();

        foreach (AnimationState state in thelight.animation) {
            state.time = 1.5f;
            state.speed *= 1/120.0f;

        alphas = terrain.terrainData.GetAlphamaps(0,0,512,512);
        original_alphas = terrain.terrainData.GetAlphamaps(0,0,512,512);

Пример #33
    void Awake()
        terrain     = GetComponent <Terrain>();
        terrainData = terrain.terrainData;

        // Generation of heads
        Transform headsFolder = GameObject.Find("Heads").transform;
        int       numberOfCollectibleHeads = Random.Range(minCollectibleHeads, maxCollectibleHeads);

        for (int i = 0; i < numberOfCollectibleHeads; i++)
            //Transform head = Instantiate(headPrefab, new Vector3(Random.Range(boundsSize, terrainData.size.x - boundsSize), spawnHeight, Random.Range(boundsSize, terrainData.size.z - boundsSize)), Quaternion.identity, headsFolder);
            //head.tag = "CollectibleHead";

        // Generation of links
        Transform linksFolder = GameObject.Find("Links").transform;
        int       numberOfCollectibleLinks = Random.Range(minCollectibleLinks, maxCollectibleLinks);

        for (int i = 0; i < numberOfCollectibleLinks; i++)
            Transform link = Instantiate(collectibleLinkPrefab, new Vector3(Random.Range(boundsSize, terrainData.size.x - boundsSize), spawnHeight, Random.Range(boundsSize, terrainData.size.z - boundsSize)), Quaternion.identity, linksFolder);
            link.name = "link" + i;

        Vector2 orig = new Vector2(Random.value * 100f, Random.value * 100f);

        // Generation of terrain
        float[,] heights = terrainData.GetHeights(0, 0, terrainData.heightmapWidth, terrainData.heightmapHeight);
        for (int i = 0; i < terrainData.heightmapWidth; i++)
            for (int j = 0; j < terrainData.heightmapHeight; j++)
                heights[i, j] = Mathf.PerlinNoise(orig.x + i / groundNoiseFactor, orig.y + j / groundNoiseFactor);
        terrainData.SetHeights(0, 0, heights);

        // Generation of details and paint
        bool  isGrass = false;
        float height = 0f, heightMargin = 0;
        float minRockHeight  = (rockHeight - rockHeightMargin) / terrainData.size.y,
              maxRockHeight  = (rockHeight + rockHeightMargin) / terrainData.size.y,
              minGrassHeight = (grassHeight - grassHeightMargin) / terrainData.size.y,
              maxGrassHeight = (grassHeight + grassHeightMargin) / terrainData.size.y;

        float heightmapRes = terrainData.heightmapResolution / (float)terrainData.detailResolution,
              alphamapRes = terrainData.alphamapResolution / (float)terrainData.detailResolution;
        int alphamapI = 0, alphamapJ = 0;

        orig                = new Vector2(Random.value * 220f, Random.value * 220f);
        int[,] details      = terrainData.GetDetailLayer(0, 0, terrainData.detailWidth, terrainData.detailHeight, 0);
        float[,,] alphamaps = terrainData.GetAlphamaps(0, 0, terrainData.alphamapWidth, terrainData.alphamapHeight);
        for (int i = 0; i < terrainData.detailWidth; i++)
            for (int j = 0; j < terrainData.detailHeight; j++)
                height    = heights[Mathf.FloorToInt(heightmapRes * i), Mathf.FloorToInt(heightmapRes * j)];
                alphamapI = Mathf.FloorToInt(alphamapRes * i);
                alphamapJ = Mathf.FloorToInt(alphamapRes * j);

                // Determine whether there is grass or not here
                isGrass = false;
                if (height < maxGrassHeight)
                    isGrass = true;

                // Ground and rock painting
                if (height >= minRockHeight && height <= maxRockHeight)
                    heightMargin = (height - minRockHeight) / (maxRockHeight - minRockHeight);
                    alphamaps[alphamapI, alphamapJ, 0] = 1f - heightMargin;
                    alphamaps[alphamapI, alphamapJ, 1] = 0;
                    alphamaps[alphamapI, alphamapJ, 2] = heightMargin;
                else if (height < minRockHeight)
                    alphamaps[alphamapI, alphamapJ, 0] = 1;
                    alphamaps[alphamapI, alphamapJ, 1] = 0;
                    alphamaps[alphamapI, alphamapJ, 2] = 0;
                else if (height > maxRockHeight)
                    alphamaps[alphamapI, alphamapJ, 0] = 0;
                    alphamaps[alphamapI, alphamapJ, 1] = 0;
                    alphamaps[alphamapI, alphamapJ, 2] = 1;

                // Grass details
                if (isGrass)
                    if (height < Random.Range(minGrassHeight - grassBorder, minGrassHeight))
                        details[i, j] = 1;
                        details[i, j] = 0;

                    // Grass painting
                    if (height >= minGrassHeight && height <= maxGrassHeight)
                        heightMargin = (height - minGrassHeight) / (maxGrassHeight - minGrassHeight);
                        alphamaps[alphamapI, alphamapJ, 0] = heightMargin;
                        alphamaps[alphamapI, alphamapJ, 1] = 1f - heightMargin;
                        alphamaps[alphamapI, alphamapJ, 2] = 0;
                    else if (height < minGrassHeight)
                        alphamaps[alphamapI, alphamapJ, 0] = 0;
                        alphamaps[alphamapI, alphamapJ, 1] = 1;
                    else if (height > maxGrassHeight)
                        alphamaps[alphamapI, alphamapJ, 1] = 0;
                    details[i, j] = 0;
        terrainData.SetDetailLayer(0, 0, 0, details);
        terrainData.SetAlphamaps(0, 0, alphamaps);
Пример #34
 //private GUI myGUI;
 void Start()
     //myGUI = GUI();
     terr = this.GetComponent<Terrain>();
     hmWidth = terr.terrainData.heightmapWidth;
     hmHeight = terr.terrainData.heightmapHeight;
     alphaMapWidth = terr.terrainData.alphamapWidth;
     alphaMapHeight = terr.terrainData.alphamapHeight;
     numOfAlphaLayers = terr.terrainData.alphamapLayers;
     if (Debug.isDebugBuild)
         heightMapBackup = terr.terrainData.GetHeights(0, 0, hmWidth, hmHeight);
         alphaMapBackup = terr.terrainData.GetAlphamaps(0, 0, alphaMapWidth, alphaMapHeight);
Пример #35
    /*private IEnumerator GetPrefabs(WorldSerialization blob)
     * {
     *  for (int i = 0; i < blob.world.prefabs.Count; i++) {
     *      yield return null;
     *      if ((blob.world.prefabs[i].category.ToLower().Contains("monument") || blob.world.prefabs[i].category.ToLower().Contains("river")) || blob.world.prefabs[i].category.ToLower().Contains("decor")) {
     *          Debug.Log(blob.world.prefabs[i].id + "-" + blob.world.prefabs[i].category);
     *          FileSystem.Operation g2 = FileSystem.LoadAsync(StringPool.Get((blob.world.prefabs[i].id)));
     *          /*yield return new WaitUntil(() => {
     *              return g2.isDone;
     *          });*
     *          while (!g2.isDone) {
     *              yield return null;
     *          }
     *          GameObject g3 = g2.Load<GameObject>();
     *          GameObject g = Instantiate(g3, blob.world.prefabs[i].position, blob.world.prefabs[i].rotation);
     *          g.transform.localScale = blob.world.prefabs[i].scale;
     *          g.SetActive(true);
     *          g.AddComponent<EditableObject>();
     *          g.AddComponent<BoxCollider>();
     *          yield return null;
     *          Debug.Log("Loaded " + i + "/" + blob.world.prefabs.Count);
     *      }
     *      else
     *      {
     *          yield return null;
     *          Debug.Log("Skipping " + i + "/" + blob.world.prefabs.Count);
     *      }
     *  }
     * }*/

    private void SaveMap(WorldSerialization blob)
        // Resolution of the terrain height and water maps
        var meshResolution = Mathf.NextPowerOfTwo((int)(blob.world.size * 0.50f)) + 1;

        // Resolution of the terrain splat, topology, biome and alpha maps
        var textureResolution = Mathf.NextPowerOfTwo((int)(blob.world.size * 0.50f));

        // The dimensions of the terrain object, Y always goes from -500 to +500, X and Z from -extents to +extents
        var terrainSize = new Vector3(blob.world.size, 1000, blob.world.size);

        // The position of the terrain object, chosen so world origin is always at the center of the terrain bounds
        var terrainPosition = -0.5f * terrainSize;

        // Terrain mesh height values (16 bit)
        // Indexed [z, x]
        var terrainMap = new TerrainMap <short>(blob.GetMap("terrain").data, 1);

        // World height values (16 bit)
        // Indexed [z, x]
        // Used to sample the height at which to spawn grass and decor at
        // Can include both terrain and other meshes like for example cliffs
        var heightMap = new TerrainMap <short>(blob.GetMap("height").data, 1);

        // Water map (16 bit)
        // Indexed [z, x]
        // Includes both the ocean plane at zero level and any rivers
        var waterMap = new TerrainMap <short>(blob.GetMap("water").data, 1);

        // Alpha map (8 bit)
        // Indexed [z, x]
        // Zero to render parts of the terrain invisible
        var alphaMap = new TerrainMap <byte>(blob.GetMap("alpha").data, 1);

        // Splat map (8 bit, 8 channels)
        // Indexed [c, z, x] (see TerrainSplat class)
        // Sum of all channels should be normalized to 255
        var splatMap = new TerrainMap <byte>(blob.GetMap("splat").data, 8);

        // Biome map (8 bit, 4 channels)
        // Indexed [c, z, x] (see TerrainBiome class)
        // Sum of all channels should be normalized to 255
        var biomeMap = new TerrainMap <byte>(blob.GetMap("biome").data, 4);

        // Topology map (32 bit)
        // Indexed [z, x] (see TerrainTopology class)
        // Used as a bit mask, multiple topologies can be set in one location
        var topologyMap = new TerrainMap <int>(blob.GetMap("topology").data, 1);

        float[,] terrainMap2 = data.GetHeights(0, 0, meshResolution, meshResolution);
        for (int y = 0; y < meshResolution; y++)
            for (int x = 0; x < meshResolution; x++)
                terrainMap[y, x] = BitUtility.Float2Short(terrainMap2[y, x]);
        int t = 0;

        for (; t < blob.world.maps.Count; t++)
            if (blob.world.maps[t].name == "terrain")
        blob.world.maps[t].data = terrainMap.ToByteArray();

        int wh = 0;

        for (; wh < blob.world.maps.Count; wh++)
            if (blob.world.maps[wh].name == "height")
        blob.world.maps[wh].data = terrainMap.ToByteArray();

        float[,,] splatMap2 = data.GetAlphamaps(0, 0, textureResolution, textureResolution);
        for (int y = 0; y < textureResolution; y++)
            for (int x = 0; x < textureResolution; x++)
                splatMap[0, y, x] = BitUtility.Float2Byte(splatMap2[y, x, 0]);
                splatMap[1, y, x] = BitUtility.Float2Byte(splatMap2[y, x, 1]);
                splatMap[2, y, x] = BitUtility.Float2Byte(splatMap2[y, x, 2]);
                splatMap[3, y, x] = BitUtility.Float2Byte(splatMap2[y, x, 3]);
                splatMap[4, y, x] = BitUtility.Float2Byte(splatMap2[y, x, 4]);
                splatMap[5, y, x] = BitUtility.Float2Byte(splatMap2[y, x, 5]);
                splatMap[6, y, x] = BitUtility.Float2Byte(splatMap2[y, x, 6]);
                splatMap[7, y, x] = BitUtility.Float2Byte(splatMap2[y, x, 7]);
        int s = 0;

        for (; s < blob.world.maps.Count; s++)
            if (blob.world.maps[s].name == "splat")
        blob.world.maps[s].data = splatMap.ToByteArray();

        float[,] waterMap2 = data2.GetHeights(0, 0, meshResolution, meshResolution);
        for (int y = 0; y < meshResolution; y++)
            for (int x = 0; x < meshResolution; x++)
                waterMap[y, x] = BitUtility.Float2Short(waterMap2[y, x]);
        int w = 0;

        for (; w < blob.world.maps.Count; w++)
            if (blob.world.maps[w].name == "water")
        blob.world.maps[w].data = waterMap.ToByteArray();

        for (int i = 0; i < blob.world.prefabs.Count; i++)
            for (int j = 0; j < spawnedPrefabs.Count; j++)
                if (spawnedPrefabs[j].GetComponent <PrefabData>().idInList == i)
                    blob.world.prefabs[i].position = spawnedPrefabs[j].transform.position;
                    blob.world.prefabs[i].rotation = spawnedPrefabs[j].transform.rotation.eulerAngles;
                    blob.world.prefabs[i].scale    = spawnedPrefabs[j].transform.localScale;

        blob.Save(filename + ".new");
Пример #36
 public void UpdateAlphamaps()
     terrainAlphamap = terDat.GetAlphamaps(0, 0, terDat.alphamapWidth, terDat.alphamapHeight);
Пример #37
        public bool ReadData(string fileName)
            m_L1file = fileName;

            m_EVInfo = m_hdfOperator.GetDatasetInfo("EV_RefSB", "/");
            m_EV = ReadEV();

            m_lonInfo = m_hdfOperator.GetDatasetInfo("Longitude", "/");
            m_lon = ReadLon();

            m_latInfo = m_hdfOperator.GetDatasetInfo("Latitude", "/");
            m_lat = ReadLat();

            m_calcoef = ReadCalcoefAttr();


            return true;
    void StartMakingTerrain()
        mainTerrain = terr;
        hmWidth = terr.terrainData.heightmapWidth;
        hmHeight = terr.terrainData.heightmapHeight;
        if (Debug.isDebugBuild) {
            heightMapBackup = terr.terrainData.GetHeights(0, 0, hmWidth, hmHeight);
            alphaMapBackup = terr.terrainData.GetAlphamaps(0, 0, alphaMapWidth, alphaMapHeight);

        gameManager = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("Game Manager");
        if (gameManager != null)
            roughness = gameManager.GetComponent<GameManager>().GetSliderValue();

Пример #39
    IEnumerator Coroutine()
        if (terrainData == null || terrain == null)
            yield return(null);

        heights = terrainData.GetHeights(0, 0, terrainData.heightmapWidth, terrainData.heightmapHeight);
        alphas  = terrainData.GetAlphamaps(0, 0, terrainData.alphamapWidth, terrainData.alphamapHeight);
        Vector3 position            = terrain.transform.position;
        float   waterRelativeHeight = water.position.y / size.y;

        //Generate heights
        bool terrainHeights1 = true;

        ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem((o) => {
            terrainGenerator.GenerateHeights(heights, 0, 4);
            terrainHeights1 = false;
        bool terrainHeights2 = true;

        ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem((o) => {
            terrainGenerator.GenerateHeights(heights, 1, 4);
            terrainHeights2 = false;
        bool terrainHeights3 = true;

        ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem((o) => {
            terrainGenerator.GenerateHeights(heights, 2, 4);
            terrainHeights3 = false;
        bool terrainHeights4 = true;

        ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem((o) => {
            terrainGenerator.GenerateHeights(heights, 3, 4);
            terrainHeights4 = false;

        while (terrainHeights1 || terrainHeights2 || terrainHeights3 || terrainHeights4)
            yield return(null);
        //create roads
        bool road = true;

        ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem((o) => {
            roadGenerator.Generate(heights, size, position, waterRelativeHeight);
            road = false;

        //paint textures
        bool terrainTextures = true;

        ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem((o) => {
            terrainGenerator.PrepareTextures(heights, waterRelativeHeight);
            terrainTextures = false;
        while (terrainTextures)
            yield return(null);
        bool terrainTextures1 = true;

        ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem((o) => {
            terrainGenerator.GenerateTextures(heights, alphas, 0, 4);
            terrainTextures1 = false;
        bool terrainTextures2 = true;

        ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem((o) => {
            terrainGenerator.GenerateTextures(heights, alphas, 1, 4);
            terrainTextures2 = false;
        bool terrainTextures3 = true;

        ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem((o) => {
            terrainGenerator.GenerateTextures(heights, alphas, 2, 4);
            terrainTextures3 = false;
        bool terrainTextures4 = true;

        ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem((o) => {
            terrainGenerator.GenerateTextures(heights, alphas, 3, 4);
            terrainTextures4 = false;

        //level roads
        while (road)
            yield return(null);
        bool roadHeights = true;

        ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem((o) => {
            roadGenerator.DrawRoadHeights(heights, size, position, alphas.GetLength(0));
            roadHeights = false;

        //paint roads
        while (road || terrainTextures1 || terrainTextures2 || terrainTextures3 || terrainTextures4)
            yield return(null);
        bool roadTextures = true;

        ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem((o) => {
            roadGenerator.DrawRoadTextures(alphas, size, position);
            roadTextures = false;

        while (roadTextures || roadHeights)
            yield return(null);
        terrainData.SetHeights(0, 0, heights);
        terrainData.SetAlphamaps(0, 0, alphas);

        yield return(null);

        if (onGenerated != null)
    // Start is called before the first frame update
    void Start()
        //also from youtube
        for (int x = 0; x < chunkSizeBlocks; x++)
            for (int y = 0; y < chunkSizeBlocks; y++)
                for (int z = 0; z < chunkSizeBlocks; z++)
                    float noise = Perlin3D(x * noiseScale, y * noiseScale, z * noiseScale);
                    if (noise >= threshold) //here we pass floats instead so that Perlin behaves
                        //sampling unity's perlin noise with an integer returns the same value, which was less than the threshold
                        //Instantiate(blockPrefab, new Vector3(x, y, z), Quaternion.identity);//not rotated is what quaternion.identity says
                        ogChunkData[chunkSizeBlocks - x - 1, chunkSizeBlocks - y - 1, z] = 1;
                        ogChunkData[chunkSizeBlocks - x - 1, chunkSizeBlocks - y - 1, z] = 0;//idk if it instantiates to all 0's

        hollowedChunkData = hollowOut(ogChunkData);

        //now that we have our verticies, lets march some cubes?

        //some for loop logic to get to one cube
        //now that we are at a cube:
        //check each of the 8 verticies to see if it is on or off
        //index = 0;
        //for all of the 8
        //index += (vertex value [1 or 0]) * 2^(vertex index)
        //lookup, then make triangle

        /*CombineInstance[] wholeMesh = new CombineInstance[(int)Mathf.Pow(chunkSizeBlocks, 3)];
         * Mesh mesh = GetComponent<MeshFilter>().mesh;
         * mesh.Clear();
         * //int[] initialVoxels = { (int) hollowedChunkData[0, 0, 0], (int) hollowedChunkData[1, 0, 0], (int) hollowedChunkData[1, 0, 1], (int) hollowedChunkData[0, 0, 1], (int) hollowedChunkData[0, 1, 0], (int) hollowedChunkData[1, 1, 0], (int) hollowedChunkData[1, 1, 1], (int) hollowedChunkData[0, 1, 1] };
         * Mesh temp = prefab.GetComponent<MeshFilter>().sharedMesh;//MarchingCubes3.perCube(new Vector3(0, 0, 0), initialVoxels, 0);
         * ////foreach (int i in initialVoxels)
         * ////    Debug.Log(i);
         * ////mesh.triangles = temp.triangles;
         * ////mesh.vertices = temp.vertices;
         * ////mesh.RecalculateBounds();
         * ////mesh.RecalculateNormals();
         * wholeMesh[0] = new CombineInstance();
         * wholeMesh[0].mesh = temp;
         * //Debug.Log(chunkSizeBlocks);*/

        //per chunk
        for (int x = 0; x < chunkSizeBlocks; x++)
            for (int y = 0; y < chunkSizeBlocks; y++)
                for (int z = 0; z < chunkSizeBlocks; z++)
                    /*if (x == 0 && y == 0 && z == 0)
                     * {
                     *  continue;
                     * }*/
                    /*//set blockNum somehow
                     * int blockNum = (int)(z + y * (Mathf.Pow(chunkSizeBlocks, 1)) + x * (Mathf.Pow(chunkSizeBlocks, 2)));
                     * //percube
                     * int[] voxels = { (int)chunkData[x, y, z], (int)chunkData[x + 1, y, z], (int)chunkData[x + 1, y, z + 1], (int)chunkData[x, y, z + 1], (int)chunkData[x, y + 1, z], (int)chunkData[x + 1, y + 1, z], (int)chunkData[x + 1, y + 1, z + 1], (int)chunkData[x, y + 1, z + 1] }; //this is a line worth checking, I made it match up with MarchingCubes3.localVerticies
                     * Mesh m = MarchingCubes3Clean.perCube(new Vector3(0, 0, 0), voxels, blockNum);
                     * //^^ this causes unity to freeze up
                     * //if combineInstance has too many verts: //IMPLEMENT THIS LOGIC LATER, MAYBE IF COMBINING CHUNKS???
                     * //save the current combineInstance to a mesh
                     * //make a new one
                     * //Debug.Log(wholeMesh[blockNum]);
                     * wholeMesh[blockNum] = new CombineInstance();
                     * wholeMesh[blockNum].mesh = m;
                     * //Debug.Log(wholeMesh[blockNum]);
                     * //wholeMesh[blockNum].transform. = MarchingCubes3Clean.beginningCoordinates(new Vector3(0, 0, 0), blockNum);//comes with the mesh???
                     * //merge meshes*/

                    int blockNum = (int)(z + y * (Mathf.Pow(chunkSizeBlocks, 1)) + x * (Mathf.Pow(chunkSizeBlocks, 2)));
                    //int voxel = (int)chunkData[x, y, z];
                    //Debug.Log("Block #:" + blockNum + ", isOn: " + chunkData[x, y, z]);
                    if ((int)hollowedChunkData[x, y, z] > 0)
                        Instantiate(prefab, MarchingCubes3Clean.beginningCoordinates(new Vector3(0, 0, 0), blockNum, chunkSizeBlocks), Quaternion.identity);

                        /*wholeMesh[blockNum] = new CombineInstance();
                         * wholeMesh[blockNum].mesh = prefab.GetComponent<MeshFilter>().sharedMesh;
                         * Debug.Log(prefab.GetComponent<MeshFilter>().mesh.vertices.Length);
                         * wholeMesh[blockNum].mesh.vertices = new Vector3[] { new Vector3(wholeMesh[blockNum].mesh.vertices[0].x + x, wholeMesh[blockNum].mesh.vertices[0].y + y, wholeMesh[blockNum].mesh.vertices[0].z + z),
                         *                                                  new Vector3(wholeMesh[blockNum].mesh.vertices[1].x + x, wholeMesh[blockNum].mesh.vertices[1].y + y, wholeMesh[blockNum].mesh.vertices[1].z + z),
                         *                                                  new Vector3(wholeMesh[blockNum].mesh.vertices[2].x + x, wholeMesh[blockNum].mesh.vertices[2].y + y, wholeMesh[blockNum].mesh.vertices[2].z + z),
                         *                                                  new Vector3(wholeMesh[blockNum].mesh.vertices[3].x + x, wholeMesh[blockNum].mesh.vertices[3].y + y, wholeMesh[blockNum].mesh.vertices[3].z + z),
                         *                                                  new Vector3(wholeMesh[blockNum].mesh.vertices[4].x + x, wholeMesh[blockNum].mesh.vertices[4].y + y, wholeMesh[blockNum].mesh.vertices[4].z + z),
                         *                                                  new Vector3(wholeMesh[blockNum].mesh.vertices[5].x + x, wholeMesh[blockNum].mesh.vertices[5].y + y, wholeMesh[blockNum].mesh.vertices[5].z + z),
                         *                                                  new Vector3(wholeMesh[blockNum].mesh.vertices[6].x + x, wholeMesh[blockNum].mesh.vertices[6].y + y, wholeMesh[blockNum].mesh.vertices[6].z + z),
                         *                                                  new Vector3(wholeMesh[blockNum].mesh.vertices[7].x + x, wholeMesh[blockNum].mesh.vertices[7].y + y, wholeMesh[blockNum].mesh.vertices[7].z + z),
                         * new Vector3(wholeMesh[blockNum].mesh.vertices[6].x + x, wholeMesh[blockNum].mesh.vertices[6].y + y, wholeMesh[blockNum].mesh.vertices[6].z + z), new Vector3(wholeMesh[blockNum].mesh.vertices[6].x + x, wholeMesh[blockNum].mesh.vertices[6].y + y, wholeMesh[blockNum].mesh.vertices[6].z + z), new Vector3(wholeMesh[blockNum].mesh.vertices[6].x + x, wholeMesh[blockNum].mesh.vertices[6].y + y, wholeMesh[blockNum].mesh.vertices[6].z + z), new Vector3(wholeMesh[blockNum].mesh.vertices[6].x + x, wholeMesh[blockNum].mesh.vertices[6].y + y, wholeMesh[blockNum].mesh.vertices[6].z + z), new Vector3(wholeMesh[blockNum].mesh.vertices[6].x + x, wholeMesh[blockNum].mesh.vertices[6].y + y, wholeMesh[blockNum].mesh.vertices[6].z + z), new Vector3(wholeMesh[blockNum].mesh.vertices[6].x + x, wholeMesh[blockNum].mesh.vertices[6].y + y, wholeMesh[blockNum].mesh.vertices[6].z + z), new Vector3(wholeMesh[blockNum].mesh.vertices[6].x + x, wholeMesh[blockNum].mesh.vertices[6].y + y, wholeMesh[blockNum].mesh.vertices[6].z + z), new Vector3(wholeMesh[blockNum].mesh.vertices[6].x + x, wholeMesh[blockNum].mesh.vertices[6].y + y, wholeMesh[blockNum].mesh.vertices[6].z + z), new Vector3(wholeMesh[blockNum].mesh.vertices[6].x + x, wholeMesh[blockNum].mesh.vertices[6].y + y, wholeMesh[blockNum].mesh.vertices[6].z + z), new Vector3(wholeMesh[blockNum].mesh.vertices[6].x + x, wholeMesh[blockNum].mesh.vertices[6].y + y, wholeMesh[blockNum].mesh.vertices[6].z + z), new Vector3(wholeMesh[blockNum].mesh.vertices[6].x + x, wholeMesh[blockNum].mesh.vertices[6].y + y, wholeMesh[blockNum].mesh.vertices[6].z + z), new Vector3(wholeMesh[blockNum].mesh.vertices[6].x + x, wholeMesh[blockNum].mesh.vertices[6].y + y, wholeMesh[blockNum].mesh.vertices[6].z + z), new Vector3(wholeMesh[blockNum].mesh.vertices[6].x + x, wholeMesh[blockNum].mesh.vertices[6].y + y, wholeMesh[blockNum].mesh.vertices[6].z + z),};

        /*mesh = GetComponent<MeshFilter>().mesh; //mesh is invisible now.
         * mesh.Clear();
         * mesh.CombineMeshes(wholeMesh);
         * //mesh.Optimize();
         * //MeshCollider meshCollider = GetComponent<MeshCollider>();
         * //meshCollider.sharedMesh = GetComponent<MeshFilter>().mesh; //this won't work but i want it to :(, also it shows up as black and unlit???
         * //I think the mesh is centered but idk...
         * mesh.RecalculateBounds();
         * mesh.RecalculateNormals();
         * /*mesh.Clear();
         * mesh.CombineMeshes(wholeMesh);
         * mesh.RecalculateBounds();
         * mesh.RecalculateNormals();*
         * //Mesh mesh = GetComponent<MeshFilter>().mesh;
         * mesh = GetComponent<MeshFilter>().mesh; //mesh is invisible now.
         * mesh.Clear();
         * mesh.CombineMeshes(wholeMesh);
         * //mesh.Optimize();
         * //MeshCollider meshCollider = GetComponent<MeshCollider>();
         * //meshCollider.sharedMesh = GetComponent<MeshFilter>().mesh; //this won't work but i want it to :(, also it shows up as black and unlit???
         * //I think the mesh is centered but idk...
         * mesh.RecalculateBounds();
         * mesh.RecalculateNormals();*/
 public UndoStep(float[,] heights, float[,,] splats, int x, int z)
     this.x = x; this.z = z;
     this.heights = heights.Clone() as float[,];
     if (splats!=null) this.splats = splats.Clone() as float[,,];
     else this.splats = null;
Пример #42
        protected override void GenerateLayout(out bool[,] accessible, out bool[,,] corridorLayout, out float[,,] corridorWidths)
            corridorLayout = SceneGenUtils.GenerateCorridorLayout(size, size, out accessible);

            corridorWidths = new float[size, size, 4];
            for (int x = 0; x < size; x++)
                for (int y = 0; y < size; y++)
                    for (int t = 0; t < 4; t++)
                        if (corridorLayout[x, y, t])
                            corridorWidths[x, y, t] = 10f;
Пример #43
 public UndoStep(float[,] heights, float[,,] splats, int heightsOffsetX, int heightsOffsetZ, int splatsOffsetX, int splatsOffsetZ)
     this.heightsOffsetX = heightsOffsetX; this.heightsOffsetZ = heightsOffsetZ;
     this.splatsOffsetX = splatsOffsetX; this.splatsOffsetZ = splatsOffsetZ;
     this.heights = heights.Clone() as float[,];
     if (splats!=null) this.splats = splats.Clone() as float[,,];
     else this.splats = null;
    void Start()
        terrain = GetComponent<Terrain>();


        if (Debug.isDebugBuild){
            heightmapBackup = terrain.terrainData.GetHeights(0, 0, heightMap.width, heightMap.height);
            alphamapBackup = terrain.terrainData.GetAlphamaps(0, 0, alphaMap.width, alphaMap.height);
            //backupTreeInstances = terrain.terrainData.treeInstances;

Пример #45
 private void CleanUp()
     _worldData = null;
     if (_chunks != null)
         foreach (var chunk in _chunks)
Пример #46
        public static void draw()
            List <int> fpsCounter = new List <int>();

            for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)

            frame = new int[width, height, 3];

            lock (nextFrameLock)
                nextFrame = new float[width, height, 3];
                lastFrame = frame;

            if (ConsoleSettings.screenAutoSize)
                int w = 0;
                int h = 0;

                new ConsoleGameEngine.ConsoleEngine(20, 20, 8, 8);

                for (int i = 20; i <= 1000; i += 10)
                        new ConsoleGameEngine.ConsoleEngine(i, 20, 8, 8);
                    catch (System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException)
                    w = i - 2;

                for (int i = 20; i <= 1000; i += 10)
                        new ConsoleGameEngine.ConsoleEngine(20, i, 8, 8);
                    catch (System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException)
                    h = i - 2;

                ConsoleSettings.screenHeight = h - 2;
                ConsoleSettings.screenWidth  = w - 2;

            Engine = new ConsoleGameEngine.ConsoleEngine((int)ConsoleSettings.screenWidth + 1, (int)ConsoleSettings.screenHeight + 1, 8, 8);

            ConsoleGameEngine.Color[] colors = new ConsoleGameEngine.Color[16];

            var  handle = GetStdHandle(-11);
            uint mode;

            GetConsoleMode(handle, out mode);
            mode |= 4;
            SetConsoleMode(handle, mode);

            for (int i = 0; i < 16; i++)
                colors[i] = new ConsoleGameEngine.Color(i * 16, i * 16, i * 16);
            for (int i = 0; i < 256; i++)
                colorsText[i] = $"\u001b[38;2;{i};{i};{i}m█";


            Stopwatch frameClock = new Stopwatch();

            while (true)

                lock (nextFrameLock)
                    if (frameReady)
                        lastFrame = frame;
                        frame     = new int[nextFrame.GetLength(0), nextFrame.GetLength(1), 3];
                        width     = nextFrame.GetLength(0);
                        height    = nextFrame.GetLength(1);

                        for (int y = 0; y < height; y++)
                            for (int x = 0; x < width; x++)
                                if ((nextFrame[x, y, 0]) <= 0)
                                    frame[x, y, 0] = 0;
                                else if ((nextFrame[x, y, 0]) >= 255)
                                    frame[x, y, 0] = 255;
                                    frame[x, y, 0] = (int)(nextFrame[x, y, 0]);

                                if ((nextFrame[x, y, 1]) <= 0)
                                    frame[x, y, 1] = 0;
                                else if ((nextFrame[x, y, 1]) >= 255)
                                    frame[x, y, 1] = 255;
                                    frame[x, y, 1] = (int)(nextFrame[x, y, 1]);

                                if ((nextFrame[x, y, 2]) <= 0)
                                    frame[x, y, 2] = 0;
                                else if ((nextFrame[x, y, 2]) >= 255)
                                    frame[x, y, 2] = 255;
                                    frame[x, y, 2] = (int)(nextFrame[x, y, 2]);
                        frameReady = false;

                if (lastScreenMode != (int)ConsoleSettings.screenMode)
                    lastScreenMode = (int)ConsoleSettings.screenMode;
                    lastFrame      = new int[width, height, 3];

                    for (int x = 0; x < width; x++)
                        for (int y = 0; y < height; y++)
                            lastFrame[x, y, 0] = -1;
                            lastFrame[x, y, 1] = -1;
                            lastFrame[x, y, 2] = -1;

                    lastR = -1;
                    lastG = -1;
                    lastB = -1;

                switch (ConsoleSettings.screenMode)
                case ConsoleSettings.screenModes.trueColor:

                case ConsoleSettings.screenModes.graySpeed:

                    for (int y = 0; y < height; y++)
                        for (int x = 0; x < width; x++)
                            float br = (frame[x, y, 0] + frame[x, y, 1] + frame[x, y, 2]) / 3;

                            ConsoleGameEngine.ConsoleCharacter cc = ConsoleGameEngine.ConsoleCharacter.Full;

                            if (br < 64)
                                cc = ConsoleGameEngine.ConsoleCharacter.Light;

                            if (br >= 64 && br < 128)
                                cc = ConsoleGameEngine.ConsoleCharacter.Medium;

                            if (br >= 128 && br < 192)
                                cc = ConsoleGameEngine.ConsoleCharacter.Dark;

                            if (br >= 192)
                                cc = ConsoleGameEngine.ConsoleCharacter.Full;

                            Engine.SetPixel(new ConsoleGameEngine.Point(x - 1, y - 1), frame[x, y, 0] / 16, cc);


                 * frameClock.Stop();
                 * if (frameClock.ElapsedMilliseconds < 14)
                 * {
                 *  Thread.Sleep((int)(15 - frameClock.ElapsedMilliseconds));
                 * }*/


                if (sw.ElapsedMilliseconds > 0)
                    int fps = 0;

                    for (int i = 0; i < fpsCounter.Count; i++)
                        fps += fpsCounter[i];

                    fps /= fpsCounter.Count;

                    Console.Title = "screen: " + fps + " fps | render: " + Renderer.fps + " fps | triangles: " + Renderer.lastTriCount;

                    fpsCounter.Insert(0, (int)(1000 / sw.ElapsedMilliseconds));
                    fpsCounter.RemoveAt(fpsCounter.Count - 1);
Пример #47
            public UndoStep(float[,] heights, float[,,] splats, int heightsOffsetX, int heightsOffsetZ, int splatsOffsetX, int splatsOffsetZ)
                //clamping offset low (no need to clamp high as float[,] already has proper size)
                if (heightsOffsetX<0) heightsOffsetX=0; if (heightsOffsetZ<0) heightsOffsetZ=0;
                if (splatsOffsetX<0) splatsOffsetX=0; if (splatsOffsetZ<0) splatsOffsetZ=0;

                this.heightsOffsetX = heightsOffsetX; this.heightsOffsetZ = heightsOffsetZ;
                this.splatsOffsetX = splatsOffsetX; this.splatsOffsetZ = splatsOffsetZ;
                this.heights = heights.Clone() as float[,];
                if (splats!=null) this.splats = splats.Clone() as float[,,];
                else this.splats = null;
Пример #48
    public void ReadFile(TextReader sr, Vector3 offset)
        DateTime temps = DateTime.Now;
        string   line  = "#";      // decalage jusqu'a la taille de la grille

        while (line[0] == '#')
            line = sr.ReadLine();                           // lecture de la taille de la grille
        string[] size = line.Split(' ');
//		string[] size = allline[4].Split(' ');  // grille plate (GP)

        X = int.Parse(size[5]);
        Y = int.Parse(size[6]);
        Z = int.Parse(size[7]);
//		int nScalar;
//		nScalar = X*Y*Z;
        DateTime temps1 = DateTime.Now;

        Debug.Log(" taille de la grille : " + X + " " + Y + " " + Z);

        line = sr.ReadLine();         // lecture de l'origine
        string[] origs = line.Split(' ');
//		string[] origs = allline[5].Split(' ');         //GP
        float oX = float.Parse(origs[1]);
        float oY = float.Parse(origs[2]);
        float oZ = float.Parse(origs[3]);

        DateTime temps2 = DateTime.Now;

        // lecture du delta
        float dX, dY, dZ;

        line = sr.ReadLine();
        string[] delt = line.Split(' ');
//		string[] delt = allline[6].Split(' ');    // GP

        dX   = float.Parse(delt[1]);
        line = sr.ReadLine();
        delt = line.Split(' ');
//		delt = allline[7].Split(' ');			// GP

        dY   = float.Parse(delt[2]);
        line = sr.ReadLine();
        delt = line.Split(' ');
//		delt = allline[8].Split(' ');       // GP

        dZ = float.Parse(delt[3]);

        DateTime temps3 = DateTime.Now;

        //lecture des commentaire
        line = sr.ReadLine();
        line = sr.ReadLine();

        DateTime temps4 = DateTime.Now;

        // test du nScalaile a faire pour plus de securité
//		int test_nScalar;
//		test_nScalar = 0;

//		line = sr.ReadLine();

        // declaration de la grille

        _dim    = new int[3];
        _dim[0] = X; _dim[1] = Y; _dim[2] = Z;

        _grid = new float[X, Y, Z];
//		_gridplate = new float[X*Y*Z];                      GP
//		for(int i=0; i<X; i++)
//		{
//			for(int j=0; j<Y; j++)
//			{
//				for(int k=0; k<Z; k++)
//				{
//					_grid[i,j,k] = 0.0f;
//				}
//			}
//		}
        _delta   = new Vector3();
        _delta.x = dX;
        _delta.y = dY;
        _delta.z = dZ;
        Debug.Log("ReadDX :: Delta DX - " + _delta);

        _origin   = new Vector3();
        _origin.x = oX - offset.x;
        _origin.y = oY + offset.y;
        _origin.z = oZ + offset.z;
        Debug.Log("ReadDX :: Origin DX - " + _origin);
        Debug.Log("ReadDX :: Offset DX - " + offset);

//		line = sr.ReadLine();
        string[] vals = line.Split(' ');
        float val;
        int   l = 10;
//		int nbline = 11;                                // GP
//		string[] vals = allline[nbline].Split(' ');
        int test_compteur = 0;

        for (int i = 0; i < X; i++)
            for (int j = 0; j < Y; j++)
                for (int k = 0; k < Z; k++)
                    if (l < 3)
                        if (test_compteur < (X * Y * Z) - 1)
                            val            = float.Parse(vals[l]);
                            _grid[i, j, k] = val;
                            ////						if (i==50 && j==50)
                            ////						if (val < 1.75)
                            ////							Debug.Log(" ijk" +i +" "+j+" "+k+" valeur dans la grille : "+ _grid[i,j,k]+"  vals: "+ vals[l] + " val: " + val);
                        line           = sr.ReadLine();
                        test_compteur += 3;
                        vals           = line.Split(' ');
                        val            = float.Parse(vals[0]);
                        _grid[i, j, k] = val;
                        l = 1;
        Debug.Log("ReadDX :: test compteur - " + test_compteur);

        // lecture sur grille plate avec _gridplate
//		for (int i = 0 ;i < X*Y*Z/3;i++){
//			vals = allline[nbline++].Split(' ');
//			_gridplate[i*3] = float.Parse(vals[0]);
//			_gridplate[i*3+1]= float.Parse(vals[1]);
//			_gridplate[i*3+2] = float.Parse(vals[2]);
//		}

        DateTime temps5 = DateTime.Now;

        Debug.Log("ReadDX :: taille - " + (temps1 - temps));
        Debug.Log("ReadDX :: lecture origine - " + (temps2 - temps1));
        Debug.Log("ReadDX :: lecture de delta - " + (temps3 - temps2));
        Debug.Log("ReadDX :: ligne vide - " + (temps4 - temps3));
        Debug.Log("ReadDX :: grille lu - " + (temps5 - temps4));
        loaded = true;
Пример #49
    void Start()
        xResolution = myTerrain.terrainData.heightmapWidth;
        zResolution = myTerrain.terrainData.heightmapHeight;
        alphaMapWidth = myTerrain.terrainData.alphamapWidth;
        alphaMapHeight = myTerrain.terrainData.alphamapHeight;
        numOfAlphaLayers = myTerrain.terrainData.alphamapLayers;

        if (Debug.isDebugBuild)
            heights = myTerrain.terrainData.GetHeights (0, 0, xResolution, zResolution);
            heightMapBackup = myTerrain.terrainData.GetHeights(0, 0, xResolution, zResolution);
            alphaMapBackup = myTerrain.terrainData.GetAlphamaps(0, 0, alphaMapWidth, alphaMapHeight);
Пример #50
        private static void UnifyPrototypes(ref TerrainLayer[] basePrototypes, ref float[,,] baseData,
                                            ref TerrainLayer[] addPrototypes, ref float[,,] addData)
        /// Makes both datas prototypes arrays equal, and the layers arrays relevant to prototypes (empty arrays)
        /// Safe per-channel blend could be performed after this operation
            //guard if prototypes have not been changed
            if (ArrayTools.MatchExactly(basePrototypes, addPrototypes))

            //creating array of unified prototypes
            List <TerrainLayer> unifiedPrototypes = new List <TerrainLayer>();

            unifiedPrototypes.AddRange(basePrototypes);             //do not change the base prototypes order
            for (int p = 0; p < addPrototypes.Length; p++)
                if (!unifiedPrototypes.Contains(addPrototypes[p]))

            //lut to convert prototypes indexes
            Dictionary <int, int> baseToUnifiedIndex = new Dictionary <int, int>();
            Dictionary <int, int> addToUnifiedIndex  = new Dictionary <int, int>();

            for (int p = 0; p < basePrototypes.Length; p++)
                baseToUnifiedIndex.Add(p, unifiedPrototypes.IndexOf(basePrototypes[p]));                  //should be 1,2,3,4,5, but doing this in case unified prototypes gather will be optimized
            for (int p = 0; p < addPrototypes.Length; p++)
                addToUnifiedIndex.Add(p, unifiedPrototypes.IndexOf(addPrototypes[p]));

            //re-creating base data
                float[,,] newBaseData = new float[baseData.GetLength(0), baseData.GetLength(1), unifiedPrototypes.Count];

                int baseDataLayers = baseData.GetLength(2);
                for (int i = 0; i < baseDataLayers; i++)
                    ArrayTools.CopyLayer(baseData, newBaseData, i, baseToUnifiedIndex[i]);

                baseData = newBaseData;

            //re-creating add data
                float[,,] newAddData = new float[addData.GetLength(0), addData.GetLength(1), unifiedPrototypes.Count];

                int addDataLayers = addData.GetLength(2);
                for (int i = 0; i < addDataLayers; i++)
                    ArrayTools.CopyLayer(addData, newAddData, i, addToUnifiedIndex[i]);

                addData = newAddData;

            //saving prototypes
            basePrototypes = unifiedPrototypes.ToArray();
            addPrototypes  = unifiedPrototypes.ToArray();
Пример #51
 public void UpdateAlphamaps()
     terrainAlphamap = terDat.GetAlphamaps(0, 0, terDat.alphamapWidth, terDat.alphamapHeight);
Пример #52
    public void GenerateChunk(float seed)
        _seed        = seed;
        map          = new int[_maxX + 1, _maxY + 1, _maxZ + 1];
        fillValueMap = new float[_maxX + 1, _maxY + 1, _maxZ + 1];
        int blocksAboveMidHeight = _maxY - (int)_midHeight;
        int blocksBelowMidHeight = (int)_midHeight;

        List <Vector3> verticies = new List <Vector3>();
        List <Vector3> normals   = new List <Vector3>();
        List <int>     triangles = new List <int>();
        List <Vector2> uvs       = new List <Vector2>();

        perlinNoise = new FastNoiseLite();
        List <Color> ColorList = new List <Color>();


        for (int i = 0; i < _maxX + 1; i++)
            for (int k = 0; k < _maxZ + 1; k++)
                float tempHeight = Noise.GenerateCoordHeights(i + _position.x, k + _position.z, _heightCurve, _skylandDropCurve, _skylandDeclinePrecent, _skylandRadius, _mapScale, _heightScale, _seed, _cutOut);
                for (int j = 0; j < _maxY + 1; j++)
                    if (j == 0 || j == _maxY)
                        map[i, j, k] = 0;

                    float fillMultiplier = 0;
                    if (j <= _midHeight)
                        float reversedCurrentPrecentOfTheWayUp = (((float)blocksBelowMidHeight - (float)j) / _midHeight);
                        if (reversedCurrentPrecentOfTheWayUp > 1)
                            fillValueMap[i, j, k] = -0.5f;
                        else if (tempHeight > reversedCurrentPrecentOfTheWayUp)
                            fillValueMap[i, j, k] = 0.6f;
                            fillValueMap[i, j, k] = -0.5f;
                        fillMultiplier = Mathf.Clamp(1 / (Mathf.Abs(tempHeight - reversedCurrentPrecentOfTheWayUp) * 2), -1, 1);
                    if (j > _midHeight)
                        float currentPrecentOfWayUp = (((float)j - blocksBelowMidHeight) / blocksAboveMidHeight);
                        if (currentPrecentOfWayUp > 1)
                            fillValueMap[i, j, k] = -0.5f;
                        else if (tempHeight > currentPrecentOfWayUp)
                            fillValueMap[i, j, k] = 0.6f;
                            fillValueMap[i, j, k] = -0.5f;
                        fillMultiplier = Mathf.Clamp(1 / (Mathf.Abs(tempHeight - currentPrecentOfWayUp) * 5), -1, 1);
                    if (tempHeight > -0.4f)
                        fillValueMap[i, j, k] += Noise.GenerateOverhangsAndCaves(i + _position.x, j + _position.y, k + _position.z, _seed) * fillMultiplier * _3dNoiseMultiplier;

                    if (fillValueMap[i, j, k] > 0)
                        map[i, j, k] = 1;
                        map[i, j, k] = 0;
        for (int x = 0; x < _maxX; x++)
            for (int y = 0; y < _maxY; y++)
                for (int z = 0; z < _maxZ; z++)
                    int triangleLookUpValue = 0;
                    if (map[x, y, z] == 1)
                        triangleLookUpValue += 1;
                    if (map[x + 1, y, z] == 1)
                        triangleLookUpValue += 2;
                    if (map[x + 1, y, z + 1] == 1)
                        triangleLookUpValue += 4;
                    if (map[x, y, z + 1] == 1)
                        triangleLookUpValue += 8;
                    if (map[x, y + 1, z] == 1)
                        triangleLookUpValue += 16;
                    if (map[x + 1, y + 1, z] == 1)
                        triangleLookUpValue += 32;
                    if (map[x + 1, y + 1, z + 1] == 1)
                        triangleLookUpValue += 64;
                    if (map[x, y + 1, z + 1] == 1)
                        triangleLookUpValue += 128;
                    int edgeIndecies = Constants.edgeTable[triangleLookUpValue];
                    for (int i = 0; i < 16; i += 3)
                        Vector3[] cubeCorners =
                            new Vector3(x,     y,     z),

                            new Vector3(x + 1, y,     z),

                            new Vector3(x + 1, y,     z + 1),

                            new Vector3(x,     y,     z + 1),

                            new Vector3(x,     y + 1, z),

                            new Vector3(x + 1, y + 1, z),

                            new Vector3(x + 1, y + 1, z + 1),

                            new Vector3(x,     y + 1, z + 1)

                        if (Constants.triTable[triangleLookUpValue, i] == -1)
                        int a0 = Constants.cornerIndexAFromEdge[Constants.triTable[triangleLookUpValue, i]];
                        int a1 = Constants.cornerIndexBFromEdge[Constants.triTable[triangleLookUpValue, i]];

                        int b0 = Constants.cornerIndexAFromEdge[Constants.triTable[triangleLookUpValue, i + 1]];
                        int b1 = Constants.cornerIndexBFromEdge[Constants.triTable[triangleLookUpValue, i + 1]];

                        int c0 = Constants.cornerIndexAFromEdge[Constants.triTable[triangleLookUpValue, i + 2]];
                        int c1 = Constants.cornerIndexBFromEdge[Constants.triTable[triangleLookUpValue, i + 2]];

                        triangles.Add(verticies.Count + 1);
                        triangles.Add(verticies.Count + 2);

                        Vector3 vertexPos1 = (cubeCorners[a0] + cubeCorners[a1]) / 2;
                        Vector3 vertexPos2 = (cubeCorners[b0] + cubeCorners[b1]) / 2;
                        Vector3 vertexPos3 = (cubeCorners[c0] + cubeCorners[c1]) / 2;
                        vertexPos1.y += fillValueMap[(int)cubeCorners[a0].x, (int)cubeCorners[a0].y, (int)cubeCorners[a0].z] + fillValueMap[(int)cubeCorners[a1].x, (int)cubeCorners[a1].y, (int)cubeCorners[a1].z];
                        vertexPos2.y += fillValueMap[(int)cubeCorners[b0].x, (int)cubeCorners[b0].y, (int)cubeCorners[b0].z] + fillValueMap[(int)cubeCorners[b1].x, (int)cubeCorners[b1].y, (int)cubeCorners[b1].z];
                        vertexPos3.y += fillValueMap[(int)cubeCorners[c0].x, (int)cubeCorners[c0].y, (int)cubeCorners[c0].z] + fillValueMap[(int)cubeCorners[c1].x, (int)cubeCorners[c1].y, (int)cubeCorners[c1].z];

                        var normal = Vector3.Cross(vertexPos2 - vertexPos1, vertexPos3 - vertexPos1);
                        for (int t = 0; t < 3; t++)
                            ColorList.Add(_colorGradient.Evaluate((normal.y + 1) / 2));
        chunkTerrainObjectGenerator.GenerateNewChunkObjects(_position, verticies, normals, _treeList);

        Mesh mesh = new Mesh();

        mesh.vertices  = verticies.ToArray();
        mesh.normals   = normals.ToArray();
        mesh.triangles = triangles.ToArray();
        mesh.uv        = uvs.ToArray();
        mesh.colors    = ColorList.ToArray();

        if (chunk != null)
        chunk = InstantiateChunk(mesh);
Пример #53
        // Use this for initialization
        private void Start()
            m_CharacterController = GetComponent<CharacterController>();
            m_Camera = Camera.main;
            m_OriginalCameraPosition = m_Camera.transform.localPosition;
            m_HeadBob.Setup(m_Camera, m_StepInterval);
            m_StepCycle = 0f;
            m_NextStep = m_StepCycle/2f;
            m_Jumping = false;
            m_AudioSource = GetComponent<AudioSource>();
            m_MouseLook.Init(transform , m_Camera.transform);

            mTerrainData = Terrain.activeTerrain.terrainData;
            alphamapWidth = mTerrainData.alphamapWidth;
            alphamapHeight = mTerrainData.alphamapHeight;
            mSplatmapData = mTerrainData.GetAlphamaps (0, 0, alphamapWidth, alphamapHeight);
            mNumTextures = mSplatmapData.Length / (alphamapWidth * alphamapHeight);
Пример #54
        public static void SmoothTerrain(TerrainExtension ext)
            Terrain t = ext.GetComponent <Terrain>();

            if (t == null)

            int heightMapWidth = t.terrainData.heightmapWidth;

            float[,] masterData = t.terrainData.GetHeights(0, 0, heightMapWidth, heightMapWidth);
            int asize = t.terrainData.alphamapWidth;

            float[,,] alphaData = t.terrainData.GetAlphamaps(0, 0, asize, asize);

            float tx = 0;
            float tz = 0;

            Vector3 pos = Vector3.zero;

            for (int x = 0; x < heightMapWidth; x++)
                tx = (float)x / (float)(heightMapWidth - 1);
                for (int y = 0; y < heightMapWidth; y++)
                    tz = (float)y / (float)(heightMapWidth - 1);
                    float blend = 0;
                    if (t.terrainData.alphamapLayers >= ext.AutoSettings.SmoothBlendPerSplat.Length)
                        int atx = Mathf.FloorToInt(tx * (asize - 1));
                        int aty = Mathf.FloorToInt(tz * (asize - 1));

                        for (int ic = 0; ic < ext.AutoSettings.SmoothBlendPerSplat.Length; ic++)
                            blend += alphaData[atx, aty, ic] * ext.AutoSettings.SmoothBlendPerSplat[ic];
                        blend = ext.AutoSettings.SmoothBlend;
                        //Debug.Log("Mismatch in layers");

                    List <float> accumulated = new List <float>();

                    List <int> xshifts = new List <int>();
                    List <int> yshifts = new List <int>();
                    if (x > 0)
                    if (x < heightMapWidth - 1)

                    if (y > 0)
                    if (y < heightMapWidth - 1)

                    float accumHeight = 0;
                    float numSamples  = 0;
                    for (int ii = 0; ii < xshifts.Count; ii++)
                        for (int jj = 0; jj < yshifts.Count; jj++)
                            float h = masterData[x + xshifts[ii], y + yshifts[jj]];
                            accumHeight += h;
                            numSamples  += 1;

                    masterData[x, y] = Mathf.Lerp(masterData[x, y], accumHeight / numSamples, blend);

            t.terrainData.SetHeights(0, 0, masterData);
Пример #55
 void Start()
     craterWidth = crater.width;
     craterHeight = crater.height;
     terrain = GetComponent<Terrain> ();
     data = terrain.terrainData;
     heightRestore = data.GetHeights (0, 0, data.heightmapWidth, data.heightmapHeight);
     alphaRestore = data.GetAlphamaps (0, 0, data.alphamapHeight, data.alphamapWidth);
     template = crater.GetPixels ();
     worker = new Thread (WorkerMethod);
     worker.Start ();
     StartCoroutine (ApplyDamage ());
Пример #56
 public static void Normalize(float[,,] map)
     Normalize(map, 0, 1);
Пример #57
    public void SmoothVoxels()
        //float startTime = Time.realtimeSinceStartup;

        //This averages a voxel with all its neighbours.

        int w = m_voxels.GetLength(0);
        int h = m_voxels.GetLength(1);
        int l = m_voxels.GetLength(2);

        float[,,] smothedVoxels = new float[w,h,l];

        for(int x = 1; x < w-1; x++)
            for(int y = 1; y < h-1; y++)
                for(int z = 1; z < l-1; z++)
                    float ht = 0.0f;

                    for(int i = 0; i < 27; i++)
                        ht += m_voxels[x + m_sampler[i,0], y + m_sampler[i,1], z + m_sampler[i,2]];

                    smothedVoxels[x,y,z] = ht/27.0f;

        m_voxels = smothedVoxels;

        //Debug.Log("Smooth voxels time = " + (Time.realtimeSinceStartup-startTime).ToString() );
Пример #58
    public void OnEnable()
        if (_LeftDataSerialized != null)
            _LeftData = _LeftDataSerialized.GetHRIRData();

        if (_RightDataSerialized != null)
            _RightData = _RightDataSerialized.GetHRIRData();