private void initVariables() { dtRecDate.Format = DateTimePickerFormat.Custom; dtRecDate.CustomFormat = "dd-MM-yyyy"; dtRecDate.Value = UpdateTable.getSQLDateTime(); pnlList.Visible = true; lblDate.Visible = true; dtRecDate.Visible = true; financialyear fyyr = FinancialYearDB.getFinancialYear().FirstOrDefault(fy => fy.fyID == Main.currentFY); if (fyyr != null) { FYStartTIme = fyyr.startDate; } //dtpDate.Format = DateTimePickerFormat.Custom; //dtpDate.CustomFormat = "dd-MM-yyyy"; //dtpDate.Enabled = true; //cmbFilterStock.SelectedIndex = 1; ///setdgvStyle(); }
private void btnSave_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { financialyear fyear = new financialyear(); FinancialYearDB fyDB = new FinancialYearDB(); fyear.fyID = txtFYID.Text; fyear.startDate = dtStart.Value; fyear.endDate = dtEnd.Value; fyear.status = ComboFIll.getStatusCode(cmbStatus.SelectedItem.ToString()); fyear.documentStatus = 99; System.Windows.Forms.Button btn = sender as System.Windows.Forms.Button; string btnText = btn.Text; if (fyDB.validateFinancialYear(fyear)) { if (btnText.Equals("Update")) { fyear.IsCurrentFY = getCurrentFYStatusCode(cmbIsCurrentFY.SelectedItem.ToString()); if (fyear.IsCurrentFY == 1) { if (!FinancialYearDB.verifyCurrentFYStatus(fyear.fyID)) { MessageBox.Show("Check Current Financial Year status. \nAlready Current Financial Year is there. \nNot allowed more Year."); return; } } if (fyear.IsCurrentFY == 1 && fyear.status == 2) { fyear.IsCurrentFY = 0; } if (fyDB.updateFinancialYear(fyear)) { MessageBox.Show("Financial Year data updated"); closeAllPanels(); ListFinancialYear(); } else { MessageBox.Show("Failed to update Financial Year Data"); } } else if (btnText.Equals("Save")) { if (fyDB.insertFinancialYear(fyear)) { MessageBox.Show("Financial Year data Added"); closeAllPanels(); ListFinancialYear(); } else { MessageBox.Show("Failed to Insert Financial Year Data"); } } } else { MessageBox.Show("Financial Year Data Validation Failed"); } } catch (Exception) { } }