Пример #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Initialises a new instance with the specified item and sort direction.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="pItem"></param>
        /// <param name="pDesc">Indicates a descending sort.</param>
        public cSortItem(eSortItem pItem, bool pDesc)
            Item = pItem;

            switch (pItem)
            case eSortItem.received:

                Attribute = fMessageCacheAttributes.received;

            case eSortItem.cc:
            case eSortItem.sent:
            case eSortItem.from:
            case eSortItem.subject:
            case eSortItem.to:
            case eSortItem.displayfrom:
            case eSortItem.displayto:

                Attribute = fMessageCacheAttributes.envelope;

            case eSortItem.size:

                Attribute = fMessageCacheAttributes.size;


                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(pItem));

            Desc = pDesc;
Пример #2
                public cMessageCacheItem(iMessageCache pMessageCache, int pCacheSequence)
                    mMessageCache  = pMessageCache ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(pMessageCache));
                    mCacheSequence = pCacheSequence;

                    if (pMessageCache.NoModSeq)
                        mAttributes = fMessageCacheAttributes.modseq;
                        mModSeq     = 0;
                        mAttributes = 0;
                        mModSeq     = null;
Пример #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Initialises a new instance using the specified <see cref="cMessage"/> properties.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="pProperties">The message properties to cache the backing data for.</param>
        public cMessageCacheItems(fMessageProperties pProperties)
            Attributes = 0;

            // see comments elsewhere as to why mdnsent is commented out
            if ((pProperties & (fMessageProperties.flags | fMessageProperties.answered | fMessageProperties.flagged | fMessageProperties.deleted | fMessageProperties.seen | fMessageProperties.draft | fMessageProperties.recent | /* fMessageProperties.mdnsent | */ fMessageProperties.forwarded | fMessageProperties.submitpending | fMessageProperties.submitted)) != 0)
                Attributes |= fMessageCacheAttributes.flags;
            if ((pProperties & (fMessageProperties.envelope | fMessageProperties.sent | fMessageProperties.subject | fMessageProperties.basesubject | fMessageProperties.from | fMessageProperties.sender | fMessageProperties.replyto | fMessageProperties.to | fMessageProperties.cc | fMessageProperties.bcc | fMessageProperties.inreplyto | fMessageProperties.messageid)) != 0)
                Attributes |= fMessageCacheAttributes.envelope;
            if ((pProperties & fMessageProperties.received) != 0)
                Attributes |= fMessageCacheAttributes.received;
            if ((pProperties & fMessageProperties.size) != 0)
                Attributes |= fMessageCacheAttributes.size;
            if ((pProperties & fMessageProperties.bodystructure | fMessageProperties.attachments | fMessageProperties.plaintextsizeinbytes) != 0)
                Attributes |= fMessageCacheAttributes.bodystructure;
            if ((pProperties & fMessageProperties.uid) != 0)
                Attributes |= fMessageCacheAttributes.uid;
            if ((pProperties & fMessageProperties.modseq) != 0)
                Attributes |= fMessageCacheAttributes.modseq;

            cHeaderFieldNameList lNames = new cHeaderFieldNameList();

            if ((pProperties & fMessageProperties.references) != 0)
            if ((pProperties & fMessageProperties.importance) != 0)

            Names = new cHeaderFieldNames(lNames);
Пример #4
 public cResponseDataFetch(uint pMSN, fMessageCacheAttributes pAttributes, cFetchableFlags pFlags, cEnvelope pEnvelope, DateTime?pReceived, IList <byte> pRFC822, IList <byte> pRFC822Header, IList <byte> pRFC822Text, uint?pSize, cBodyPart pBody, cBodyPart pBodyStructure, IList <cBody> pBodies, uint?pUID, cHeaderFields pHeaderFields, IDictionary <string, uint> pBinarySizes, ulong?pModSeq)
     MSN           = pMSN;
     Attributes    = pAttributes;
     Flags         = pFlags;
     Envelope      = pEnvelope;
     Received      = pReceived;
     RFC822        = pRFC822 == null ? null : new cBytes(pRFC822);
     RFC822Header  = pRFC822Header == null ? null : new cBytes(pRFC822Header);
     RFC822Text    = pRFC822Text == null ? null : new cBytes(pRFC822Text);
     Size          = pSize;
     Body          = pBody;
     BodyStructure = pBodyStructure;
     Bodies        = new ReadOnlyCollection <cBody>(pBodies);
     UID           = pUID;
     HeaderFields  = pHeaderFields;
     BinarySizes   = new cBinarySizes(pBinarySizes);
     ModSeq        = pModSeq;
Пример #5
        private void cmdAHSet_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (!ValidateChildren(ValidationConstraints.Enabled))

            fMessageCacheAttributes lAttributes = 0;

            if (chkAHEnvelope.Checked)
                lAttributes |= fMessageCacheAttributes.envelope;
            if (chkAHFlags.Checked)
                lAttributes |= fMessageCacheAttributes.flags;
            if (chkAHReceived.Checked)
                lAttributes |= fMessageCacheAttributes.received;
            if (chkAHSize.Checked)
                lAttributes |= fMessageCacheAttributes.size;
            if (chkAHUID.Checked)
                lAttributes |= fMessageCacheAttributes.uid;
            if (chkAHModSeq.Checked)
                lAttributes |= fMessageCacheAttributes.modseq;
            if (chkAHBodyStructure.Checked)
                lAttributes |= fMessageCacheAttributes.bodystructure;

            ZTryParseHeaderFieldNames(txtAHHeaderFieldNames.Text, out var lNames);

            mClient.DefaultMessageCacheItems = new cMessageCacheItems(lAttributes, lNames ?? cHeaderFieldNames.Empty);
Пример #6
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets the client-side and server-side requirements for this sort order.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="rSortDisplay">Gets set to <see langword="true"/> if <see cref="cCapabilities.SortDisplay"/> must be in use for the server to do the sort.</param>
        /// <returns>The set of message attributes required for the comparison implied by the value of this instance.</returns>
        public fMessageCacheAttributes Attributes(out bool rSortDisplay)
            rSortDisplay = false;

            fMessageCacheAttributes lAttributes = 0;

            if (Items != null)
                foreach (var lItem in Items)
                    lAttributes |= lItem.Attribute;
                    if (lItem.Item == eSortItem.displayfrom || lItem.Item == eSortItem.displayto)
                        rSortDisplay = true;

Пример #7
                public void Update(cResponseDataFetch lFetch, out fMessageCacheAttributes rAttributesSet, out fMessageProperties rPropertiesChanged)
                    rAttributesSet     = ~mAttributes & lFetch.Attributes;
                    rPropertiesChanged = 0;

                    if ((rAttributesSet & fMessageCacheAttributes.flags) != 0)
                        Flags = lFetch.Flags;
                    else if (lFetch.Flags != null)
                        foreach (var lFlag in Flags.SymmetricDifference(lFetch.Flags))
                            rAttributesSet     |= fMessageCacheAttributes.flags;
                            rPropertiesChanged |= fMessageProperties.flags | LMessageProperty(lFlag);

                        Flags = lFetch.Flags;

                    if ((rAttributesSet & fMessageCacheAttributes.envelope) != 0)
                        Envelope = lFetch.Envelope;
                    if ((rAttributesSet & fMessageCacheAttributes.received) != 0)
                        Received = lFetch.Received;
                    if ((rAttributesSet & fMessageCacheAttributes.size) != 0)
                        Size = lFetch.Size;
                    if ((rAttributesSet & fMessageCacheAttributes.body) != 0)
                        mBody = lFetch.Body;
                    if ((rAttributesSet & fMessageCacheAttributes.bodystructure) != 0)
                        BodyStructure = lFetch.BodyStructure;
                    if ((rAttributesSet & fMessageCacheAttributes.uid) != 0 && mMessageCache.UIDValidity != 0)
                        UID = new cUID(mMessageCache.UIDValidity, lFetch.UID.Value);

                    if (!mMessageCache.NoModSeq)
                        if ((rAttributesSet & fMessageCacheAttributes.modseq) != 0)
                            mModSeq = lFetch.ModSeq;
                        else if (lFetch.ModSeq != null && lFetch.ModSeq != mModSeq)
                            rAttributesSet     |= fMessageCacheAttributes.modseq;
                            rPropertiesChanged |= fMessageProperties.modseq;
                            mModSeq             = lFetch.ModSeq;

                    HeaderFields += lFetch.HeaderFields;
                    BinarySizes  += lFetch.BinarySizes;

                    mAttributes |= lFetch.Attributes;

                    fMessageProperties LMessageProperty(string pFlag)
                        if (pFlag.Equals(kMessageFlag.Answered, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))
                        if (pFlag.Equals(kMessageFlag.Flagged, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))
                        if (pFlag.Equals(kMessageFlag.Deleted, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))
                        if (pFlag.Equals(kMessageFlag.Seen, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))
                        if (pFlag.Equals(kMessageFlag.Draft, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))
                        if (pFlag.Equals(kMessageFlag.Recent, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))
                        // see comments elsewhere as to why this is commented out
                        //if (pFlag.Equals(kMessageFlagName.MDNSent, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)) return fMessageProperties.mdnsent;
                        if (pFlag.Equals(kMessageFlag.Forwarded, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))
                        if (pFlag.Equals(kMessageFlag.SubmitPending, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))
                        if (pFlag.Equals(kMessageFlag.Submitted, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))
Пример #8
 /// <summary>
 /// Initialises a new instance using the specified IMAP message attributes and header field names.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="pAttributes"></param>
 /// <param name="pNames">Can't be <see langword="null"/>, may be empty.</param>
 public cMessageCacheItems(fMessageCacheAttributes pAttributes, cHeaderFieldNames pNames)
     Attributes = pAttributes;
     Names      = pNames ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(pNames));