private void cboTurn_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, System.EventArgs e) { ComboBox cbo = (ComboBox)sender; switch(cbo.Text.ToLower()) { case "left": m_turnDirec = esriTurnDirection.esriTDLeft; break; case "right": m_turnDirec = esriTurnDirection.esriTDRight; break; } }
// starts the build process and stores local variables for curve construction public bool BuildCurve(double chordlength, double numchords, double tangentangle, esriTurnDirection turndirec, enumSpiralTransition spiraltrans) { m_chordLength = chordlength; m_numChords = numchords; m_tangentAngle = tangentangle; //in radians m_turnDirec = turndirec; m_spiralTrans = spiraltrans; m_coursecount = (int)Math.Ceiling(m_numChords); try { switch (m_spiralTrans) { case enumSpiralTransition.entry: BuildCurveEntry(); break; case enumSpiralTransition.exit: BuildCurveExit(); break; } return true; } catch(Exception ex) { Debug.WriteLine(ex.Message); return false; } }