Пример #1
        public CLatencyManager()
            //Country kick
            this.strSelectType       = "Allow countries";
            this.lsSelectedCountries = new List <string>();
            this.strCountryKickMessage = "Sorry, players from %country% are not allowed.";
            this.lsCheckedPlayers      = new List <string>();
            this.enableCountryKick     = enumBoolYesNo.No;
            this.dicCountrys           = new Dictionary <String, String>();

            //Ping kick
            this.enablePingKick     = enumBoolYesNo.No;
            this.enableNoPingKick   = enumBoolYesNo.No;
            this.intPingLimit       = 300;
            this.strPingMethod      = "Instant kick";
            this.strPingKickMessage = "High ping (%ping%)";
            this.dicPlayerPings     = new Dictionary <string, LinkedList <int> >();
            this.intAverageAccuracy = 20;
            this.intAverageMinCount = 2;
            this.dicPingCalled      = new Dictionary <String, int>();
            this.dicMissingPings    = new Dictionary <string, int>();

            this.intPlayerLimit         = 16;
            this.lsPlayerInfo           = new List <string>();
            this.lsWhitelist            = new List <string>();
            this.debugMessages          = enumBoolYesNo.Yes;
            this.displayVersionMessage  = enumBoolYesNo.Yes;
            this.boolPlayerLimitReached = false;
            this.ingameMessage          = enumBoolYesNo.No;
            this.strIngameType          = "Yell";
            this.strGameMode            = "BF4";
Пример #2
        public CPingPlayers()
            this.blStartupTests             = false;
            this.blConnectionToGameserverOK = false;
            this.blConnectionToGoogleOK     = false;

            this.dicPlayerInfo = new Dictionary <string, CPlayerInfo>();
            this.dicPingPlayer = new Dictionary <string, CPingPlayer>();

            this.strPingInterval = "60";
            this.iMaxPing        = 250;
            this.iGracePeriod    = 3;
            this.iPingTimeout    = 1000;
            this.strKickReason   = "[Ping Players] Your Ping is over %MAXPING%. Goodbye!";
            this.lstWhiteList    = new List <string>();
            this.ebIngameWarnings       = enumBoolYesNo.Yes;
            this.ebDebugMessages        = enumBoolYesNo.No;
            this.strIngameCommandOwn    = "myping";
            this.strIngameCommandPlayer = "ping";
            this.iPingStorageLength     = 10;
            this.iMaxPingGameserver     = 150;
            this.iMaxPingGoogle         = 150;

            this.blPluginEnabled = false;
Пример #3
        public CSquadEnforcer()
            this.m_enMoveOnlyNew        = enumBoolYesNo.No;
            this.m_enMoveOnJoin         = enumBoolYesNo.No;
            this.m_enLimitSquad         = enumBoolYesNo.No;
            this.m_LPlayersToSquad      = new List <string>();
            this.m_LPlayersToIgnore     = new List <string>();
            this.m_LPlayersLeft         = new List <string>();
            this.m_DLastTeamChange      = new Dictionary <string, long>();
            this.m_DPlayers             = new Dictionary <string, int[]>();
            this.m_ASquadCount          = new Dictionary <int, int> [5];
            this.m_ASquadCount[1]       = new Dictionary <int, int>();
            this.m_ASquadCount[2]       = new Dictionary <int, int>();
            this.m_ASquadCount[3]       = new Dictionary <int, int>();
            this.m_ASquadCount[4]       = new Dictionary <int, int>();
            this.m_ATeamCount           = new int[5];
            this.m_ASquadAttempts       = new int[5][];
            this.m_APlayersToSquadCount = new int[5];
            this.m_blRoundRunning       = false;
            this.m_lLastRoundEnded      = DateTime.UtcNow.Ticks / 10000000;
            this.m_iCurrentServerSize   = 0;
            this.m_strCurrentGameMode   = "";
            this.m_iCurrentPlayerCount  = 0;

            this.m_enDoDebugOutput = enumBoolYesNo.No;

            this.m_isPluginEnabled     = false;
            this.m_isPluginInitialized = false;
Пример #4
        public void SetPluginVariable(string strVariable, string strValue)
            int iTimeSeconds = 8;

            if (strVariable.CompareTo("Message") == 0)
                this.m_strMessage = strValue;
            else if (strVariable.CompareTo("Delay before welcome (seconds)") == 0 && int.TryParse(strValue, out iTimeSeconds) == true)
                this.m_iDelayTime = iTimeSeconds;
            else if (strVariable.CompareTo("Yell welcome messages") == 0 && Enum.IsDefined(typeof(enumBoolYesNo), strValue) == true)
                this.m_enYellResponses = (enumBoolYesNo)Enum.Parse(typeof(enumBoolYesNo), strValue);
            else if (strVariable.CompareTo("Delay between messages (seconds)") == 0 && int.TryParse(strValue, out iTimeSeconds) == true)
                this.m_iDelayBetweenMessages = iTimeSeconds;
            else if (strVariable.CompareTo("Show message (seconds)") == 0 && int.TryParse(strValue, out iTimeSeconds) == true)
                this.m_iDisplayTime = iTimeSeconds * 1000;

                if (iTimeSeconds <= 0)
                    this.m_iDisplayTime = 1000;
                else if (iTimeSeconds > 60)
                    this.m_iDisplayTime = 59999;
Пример #5
        private void WriteChatTab(string message, enumBoolYesNo DoWrite)
            string strTmpMsg = "^4" + this.m_strChatTabPrefix + "^0 - " + message + "^0";

            if (DoWrite == enumBoolYesNo.Yes)
                this.ExecuteCommand("procon.protected.chat.write", strTmpMsg);
Пример #6
        public List <CPluginVariable> GetDisplayPluginVariables()
            // procon cmd
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(rconCmd.Trim()))
                var console = new PRoConTraceListener(this, 1);
                Command(rconCmd.Split(' '));
                var tmpList = rconCmdHistory.ToList();
                rconCmdHistory = tmpList.ToArray();
                rconCmd        = string.Empty;

            // remote shell
            if (remoteShellEnable)
                if (!remoteCommand.IsRunning)
                    remoteCommand.Start(remoteShellName, _ => Output.Information(_), _ => Output.Error(_));
                    remoteShellPid = remoteCommand.Pid;

                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(remoteCmd.Trim()))
                    var tmpList = remoteCmdHistory.ToList();
                    remoteCmdHistory = tmpList.ToArray();
                    remoteCmd        = string.Empty;
                remoteShellPid = 0;

            // restart
            if (restartProcon == enumBoolYesNo.Yes && confirmRestart == enumBoolYesNo.Yes)
                confirmRestart = enumBoolYesNo.No;
                restartProcon  = enumBoolYesNo.No;
                isRestart      = 1;
                // NOTE: MUST check autoconnection on remote PRoCon before restart.
                if (isRestart > 0)
                    isRestart = 0;
Пример #7
        public CWelcomeMessages() {
            this.m_strMessage = "Welcome to our server %pn%!";

            this.m_iDisplayTime = 8000;
            this.m_iDelayTime = 30;

            this.m_enYellResponses = enumBoolYesNo.No;

            this.m_iDelayBetweenMessages = 0;
Пример #8
 public Rule(string strName)
     this._id           = 0;
     this._trigger      = "Trigger Keyword";
     this.Yell          = enumBoolYesNo.No;
     this.SendToAll     = enumBoolYesNo.No;
     this._delaysend    = 5;
     this._displaytime  = 8000;
     this._delaybetween = 0;
     this._output       = new string[] { "Output text goes here" };
Пример #9
        public CWelcomeMessages()
            this.m_strMessage = "Welcome to our server %pn%!";

            this.m_iDisplayTime = 8000;
            this.m_iDelayTime   = 30;

            this.m_enYellResponses = enumBoolYesNo.No;

            this.m_iDelayBetweenMessages = 0;
 public ExtraSpectatorAutomatic()
     isPluginEnabled = false;
     DebugLevel = 2;
     force_spectators = enumBoolYesNo.No;
     allow_public_spectators = enumBoolYesNo.Yes;
     enable_spectators_PlayerCount = 15;
     disable_spectators_PlayerCount = 20;
     spectator_PortsCount = 2;
     playerCount = 0;
     maxPlayerCount = 16;
Пример #11
 public ExtraSpectatorAutomatic()
     isPluginEnabled                = false;
     DebugLevel                     = 2;
     force_spectators               = enumBoolYesNo.No;
     allow_public_spectators        = enumBoolYesNo.Yes;
     enable_spectators_PlayerCount  = 15;
     disable_spectators_PlayerCount = 20;
     spectator_PortsCount           = 2;
     playerCount                    = 0;
     maxPlayerCount                 = 16;
Пример #12
        public void SetPluginVariable(string strVariable, string strValue)
            if (Regex.Match(strVariable, @"ExtraTaskPlaner_Callback").Success)

            if (Regex.Match(strVariable, @"Allow Public Spectators").Success)
                enumBoolYesNo tmp = enumBoolYesNo.Yes;

                if (strValue == "No")
                    tmp = enumBoolYesNo.No;
                allow_public_spectators = tmp;

            if (Regex.Match(strVariable, @"Enable Spectators Player Count").Success)
                int tmp = 15;
                int.TryParse(strValue, out tmp);
                enable_spectators_PlayerCount = tmp;

            if (Regex.Match(strVariable, @"Disable Spectators Player Count").Success)
                int tmp = 20;
                int.TryParse(strValue, out tmp);
                disable_spectators_PlayerCount = tmp;

            if (Regex.Match(strVariable, @"Spectator Ports Count").Success)
                int tmp = 2;
                int.TryParse(strValue, out tmp);
                spectator_PortsCount = tmp;

            if (Regex.Match(strVariable, @"Debug level").Success)
                int tmp = 2;
                int.TryParse(strValue, out tmp);
                DebugLevel = tmp;
Пример #13
        public CBasicInGameInfo()
            this.m_enAllowPlayersToGetServerCountry = enumBoolYesNo.Yes;
            this.m_enAllowPlayersToGetOthersCountry = enumBoolYesNo.Yes;
            this.m_enAllowPlayersToGuidOthers       = enumBoolYesNo.Yes;
            this.m_enAllowPlayersToTimeOthers       = enumBoolYesNo.Yes;

            base.PunkbusterPlayerInfoList = new Dictionary <string, CPunkbusterInfo>();
            base.FrostbitePlayerInfoList  = new Dictionary <string, CPlayerInfo>();

            this.m_astrTimeDescription = new string[] { "y ", "y ", "M ", "M ", "w ", "w ", "d ", "d ", "h ", "h ", "m ", "m ", "s ", "s " };

            this.m_isPluginEnabled = false;
Пример #14
        public CBasicInGameInfo() {

            this.m_enAllowPlayersToGetServerCountry = enumBoolYesNo.Yes;
            this.m_enAllowPlayersToGetOthersCountry = enumBoolYesNo.Yes;
            this.m_enAllowPlayersToGuidOthers = enumBoolYesNo.Yes;
            this.m_enAllowPlayersToTimeOthers = enumBoolYesNo.Yes;

            base.PunkbusterPlayerInfoList = new Dictionary<string, CPunkbusterInfo>();
            base.FrostbitePlayerInfoList = new Dictionary<string, CPlayerInfo>();

            this.m_astrTimeDescription = new string[] { "y ", "y ", "M ", "M ", "w ", "w ", "d ", "d ", "h ", "h ", "m ", "m ", "s ", "s " };

            this.m_isPluginEnabled = false;
Пример #15
        public List <CPluginVariable> GetDisplayPluginVariables()
            sourceFileUri = sourceFileUri.Replace('\\', '/');

            if (updatePlugin == enumBoolYesNo.Yes && confirmUpdate == enumBoolYesNo.Yes)
                updatePlugin  = enumBoolYesNo.No;
                confirmUpdate = enumBoolYesNo.No;
                if (isEnable)
                    Output.Warning("Enable plugin to use update function!");

Пример #16
        public CServerRulesOnRequest()
            this.m_enYellResponses      = enumBoolYesNo.No;
            this.m_enYellResponsesRules = enumBoolYesNo.No;
            this.m_enIgnoreFirstLine    = enumBoolYesNo.No;
            this.m_enListenToProconChat = enumBoolYesNo.No;

            this.m_strChatTabPrefix  = "RulesOnRequest";
            this.m_strServerGameType = "none";

            this.m_enDoConsoleOutput = enumBoolYesNo.No;
            this.m_enDoDebugOutput   = enumBoolYesNo.No;
            this.m_enDoQuietMode     = enumBoolYesNo.No;

            this.m_enDoPlayerChatTab = enumBoolYesNo.Yes;

            this.m_strPrivatePrefix = "@";
            this.m_strAdminsPrefix  = "#";
            this.m_strPublicPrefix  = "!";

            this.m_iMinPrivilegesValueDefault = 8329; // Privileges not to do anything except to login to a layer, 8328 even not to login to layer, but have an existing Account
            this.m_iMinPrivilegesValue        = this.m_iMinPrivilegesValueDefault;
            this.m_strPrivilegesUser          = "******";

            // Rules
            this.m_aServerRules             = new string[] { "Rules go here" };
            this.m_iDelayBetweenRules       = 1;
            this.m_iRuleDisplayTime         = 5000;
            this.m_iDelayBeforeSendingRules = 1;
            this.m_strRulesCommandOld       = String.Empty;
            this.m_strRulesCommand          = "rules";
            this.m_strRulesCommandHelp      = "Provides a player with the servers rules";
            this.m_strChatRulesRequest      = "!show_rules";

            // Welcome
            this.m_bEnableWelcome             = enumBoolYesNo.Yes;
            this.m_strWelcomeMessage          = "Welcome to our server %pn%, please type %cmd% in chat to see a list of our server rules.";
            this.m_iWelcomeDisplayTime        = 30000;
            this.m_iDelayBeforeSendingWelcome = 90;
            this.m_iTimeDivider = 1;
Пример #17
        // Allways be suspicious of strValue's actual value. A command in the console can by the user
        // can put any kind of data it wants in strValue. use type.TryParse
        public void SetPluginVariable(string strVariable, string strValue)
            if (strVariable.CompareTo("Allow players to get server country") == 0 && Enum.IsDefined(typeof(enumBoolYesNo), strValue) == true)
                this.m_enAllowPlayersToGetServerCountry = (enumBoolYesNo)Enum.Parse(typeof(enumBoolYesNo), strValue);
            else if (strVariable.CompareTo("Allow players to get other players country") == 0 && Enum.IsDefined(typeof(enumBoolYesNo), strValue) == true)
                this.m_enAllowPlayersToGetOthersCountry = (enumBoolYesNo)Enum.Parse(typeof(enumBoolYesNo), strValue);
            else if (strVariable.CompareTo("Allow players to get other players P/GUIDs") == 0 && Enum.IsDefined(typeof(enumBoolYesNo), strValue) == true)
                this.m_enAllowPlayersToGuidOthers = (enumBoolYesNo)Enum.Parse(typeof(enumBoolYesNo), strValue);
            else if (strVariable.CompareTo("Allow players to get other players play time") == 0 && Enum.IsDefined(typeof(enumBoolYesNo), strValue) == true)
                this.m_enAllowPlayersToTimeOthers = (enumBoolYesNo)Enum.Parse(typeof(enumBoolYesNo), strValue);

Пример #18
        // Allways be suspicious of strValue's actual value. A command in the console can by the user
        // can put any kind of data it wants in strValue. use type.TryParse
        public void SetPluginVariable(string strVariable, string strValue)
            int iValue = 0;

            if (strVariable.CompareTo("Move immediately on join?") == 0 && Enum.IsDefined(typeof(enumBoolYesNo), strValue) == true)
                this.m_enMoveOnJoin = (enumBoolYesNo)Enum.Parse(typeof(enumBoolYesNo), strValue);
            else if (strVariable.CompareTo("Move only new players?") == 0 && Enum.IsDefined(typeof(enumBoolYesNo), strValue) == true)
                this.m_enMoveOnlyNew = (enumBoolYesNo)Enum.Parse(typeof(enumBoolYesNo), strValue);
            else if (strVariable.CompareTo("Limit Squad Rush and Squad Deathmatch to 4 players per squad?") == 0 && Enum.IsDefined(typeof(enumBoolYesNo), strValue) == true)
                this.m_enLimitSquad = (enumBoolYesNo)Enum.Parse(typeof(enumBoolYesNo), strValue);
            /* extras */
            else if (strVariable.CompareTo("Enable debug output?") == 0 && Enum.IsDefined(typeof(enumBoolYesNo), strValue) == true)
                this.m_enDoDebugOutput = (enumBoolYesNo)Enum.Parse(typeof(enumBoolYesNo), strValue);
Пример #19
        public BF4DB()
            this.bf4db_IsEnabled                   = false;
            this.bf4db_IsValid                     = false;
            this.bf4db_APIKey                      = "";
            this.bf4db_EnableAutoBan               = enumBoolYesNo.Yes;
            this.bf4db_EnableAnnouncements         = enumBoolYesNo.Yes;
            this.bf4db_EnableCleanAnnouncements    = enumBoolYesNo.No;
            this.bf4db_EnableVerifiedAnnouncements = enumBoolYesNo.No;
            this.bf4db_CheckCommand                = "check";
            this.bf4db_DebugLevel                  = 0;
            bf4db_players               = new List <BF4DBPlayer>();
            bf4db_AllPlayers            = new List <string>();
            bf4db_CheckedPlayers        = new List <string>();
            bf4db_PBPlayers             = new List <string>();
            bf4db_whitelist             = new List <string>();
            bf4db_manualChecks          = new List <string>();
            bf4db_client                = null;
            this.bf4db_lastServerUpdate = DateTime.MinValue;
            this.bf4db_lastPlayerUpdate = DateTime.MinValue;
            this.bf4db_ServerType       = 0;
            this.bf4db_currentRound     = 0;
            this.AdKatsIntegration      = false;

            String fullPath = "";

            if (Type.GetType("Mono.Runtime") != null)
                fullPath = Path.GetFullPath(@"Plugins/BF4/BF4DB_API.dll");
                fullPath = Path.GetFullPath(@"Plugins\BF4\BF4DB_API.dll");

            Assembly myDllAssembly = Assembly.LoadFrom(fullPath);

            bf4db_API = myDllAssembly.CreateInstance("BF4DB_API.BF4DB_API");
Пример #20
 public void SetPluginVariable(string strVariable, string strValue)
     if (strVariable.CompareTo("API Key") == 0)
         this.bf4db_APIKey = strValue;
     if (strVariable.CompareTo("Enable Auto Bans") == 0 && Enum.IsDefined(typeof(enumBoolYesNo), strValue) == true)
         this.bf4db_EnableAutoBan = (enumBoolYesNo)Enum.Parse(typeof(enumBoolYesNo), strValue);
     if (strVariable.CompareTo("Enable Cheat Announcements") == 0 && Enum.IsDefined(typeof(enumBoolYesNo), strValue) == true)
         this.bf4db_EnableAnnouncements = (enumBoolYesNo)Enum.Parse(typeof(enumBoolYesNo), strValue);
     if (strVariable.CompareTo("Enable Clean Announcements") == 0 && Enum.IsDefined(typeof(enumBoolYesNo), strValue) == true)
         this.bf4db_EnableCleanAnnouncements = (enumBoolYesNo)Enum.Parse(typeof(enumBoolYesNo), strValue);
     if (strVariable.CompareTo("Enable Whitelist Announcements") == 0 && Enum.IsDefined(typeof(enumBoolYesNo), strValue) == true)
         this.bf4db_EnableVerifiedAnnouncements = (enumBoolYesNo)Enum.Parse(typeof(enumBoolYesNo), strValue);
     if (strVariable.CompareTo("Whitelist") == 0)
         this.bf4db_whitelist = new List <string>(CPluginVariable.DecodeStringArray(strValue));
     if (strVariable.CompareTo("Check Command(/!#@)") == 0)
         this.bf4db_CheckCommand = strValue;
     if (strVariable.CompareTo("Debug Level") == 0)
         int tmp = 1;
         int.TryParse(strValue, out tmp);
         this.bf4db_DebugLevel = tmp;
Пример #21
 public void VersionCheck()
     if (this.displayVersionMessage == enumBoolYesNo.Yes)
             XmlDocument xml = new XmlDocument();
             XmlNodeList xList = xml.SelectNodes("//plugin");
             foreach (XmlNode node in xList)
                 if ((node.SelectSingleNode(".//title").InnerText.Equals(GetPluginName())) && (this.displayVersionMessage == enumBoolYesNo.Yes) && (!node.SelectSingleNode(".//version").InnerText.Equals(GetPluginVersion())))
                     this.ExecuteCommand("procon.protected.tasks.add", "VersionTrackerTask", "1", "300", "-1", "procon.protected.chat.write", String.Format("^b^6 You are running version {0} of the Latency Manager plugin.  Version {1} is now available.  Visit https://forum.myrcon.com/ for more information", GetPluginVersion(), node.SelectSingleNode(".//version").InnerText));
         catch (Exception)
             this.displayVersionMessage = enumBoolYesNo.No;
             this.ExecuteCommand("procon.protected.tasks.remove", "VersionTrackerTask");
Пример #22
        public void SetPluginVariable(string strVariable, string strValue)
            if (strVariable.CompareTo("Rename Currency to:") == 0)
                this.m_strCurrencyInstanceName = strValue;

            else if (strVariable.CompareTo("Currency symbol:") == 0)
                this.m_strCurrencySymbol = strValue;

            else if (strVariable.CompareTo("Disable console messages?") == 0 && Enum.IsDefined(typeof(enumBoolYesNo), strValue) == true)
                this.m_ebynSpamPluginConsole = (enumBoolYesNo)Enum.Parse(typeof(enumBoolYesNo), strValue);

            else if (strVariable.CompareTo("Main menu chat trigger:") == 0)
                this.m_strMainMenuTrigger = strValue;

            else if (strVariable.CompareTo("Main menu header:") == 0)
                this.m_straMainMenu = CPluginVariable.DecodeStringArray(strValue); ;

            else if (strVariable.CompareTo("Shop menu chat trigger:") == 0)
                this.m_strShopTrigger = strValue;

            else if (strVariable.CompareTo("Shop menu header:") == 0)
                this.m_straShop = CPluginVariable.DecodeStringArray(strValue); ;

            else if (strVariable.CompareTo("Check balance chat trigger:") == 0)
                this.m_strCheckBalanceTrigger = strValue;

            else if (strVariable.CompareTo("Toggle notifications chat trigger:") == 0)
                this.m_strPlayerPersonalSpamTrigger = strValue;

            else if (strVariable.CompareTo("Grant admins special privileges?") == 0 && Enum.IsDefined(typeof(enumBoolYesNo), strValue) == true)
                this.m_ebynAllowAdminPrivileges = (enumBoolYesNo)Enum.Parse(typeof(enumBoolYesNo), strValue);

            //Added for selection of yes/no
            else if (strVariable.CompareTo("Eliminate collection for TK?") == 0 && Enum.IsDefined(typeof(enumBoolYesNo), strValue) == true)
                this.m_ebynEnableTKStop = (enumBoolYesNo)Enum.Parse(typeof(enumBoolYesNo), strValue);

            else if (strVariable.CompareTo("    Admin check player's balance command:") == 0)
                this.m_strAdminCheckBalanceCommand = strValue;

            else if (strVariable.CompareTo("    Admin add " + m_strCurrencySymbol + " to player's account command:") == 0)
                this.m_strAdminAddCurrencyCommand = strValue;

            else if (strVariable.CompareTo("    Admin remove " + m_strCurrencySymbol + " from player's account command:") == 0)
                this.m_strAdminRemoveCurrencyCommand = strValue;

            else if (strVariable.CompareTo("Hostname/IP:") == 0)
                this.m_strSQLHostname = strValue;

            else if (strVariable.CompareTo("Database Name:") == 0)
                this.m_strSQLDatabaseName = strValue;

            else if (strVariable.CompareTo("UserName:"******"Password:"******"Enable payroll?") == 0 && Enum.IsDefined(typeof(enumBoolYesNo), strValue) == true)
                this.m_ebynEnablePayroll = (enumBoolYesNo)Enum.Parse(typeof(enumBoolYesNo), strValue);

            else if (strVariable.CompareTo("    Payroll frequency (in minutes):") == 0)
                this.m_iPayrollFrequency = int.Parse(strValue);

            else if (strVariable.CompareTo("    Payroll amount:") == 0)
                this.m_iPayrollAmount = int.Parse(strValue);

            else if (strVariable.CompareTo("    Message sent to player when paid:") == 0)
                this.m_strPayrollMessage = strValue;

            else if (strVariable.CompareTo("Pay for kills?") == 0 && Enum.IsDefined(typeof(enumBoolYesNo), strValue) == true)
                this.m_ebynPayForKills = (enumBoolYesNo)Enum.Parse(typeof(enumBoolYesNo), strValue);

            else if (strVariable.CompareTo("    Amount paid per kill:") == 0)
                this.m_iAmountPaidPerKill = int.Parse(strValue);

            else if (strVariable.CompareTo("Deduct for deaths?") == 0 && Enum.IsDefined(typeof(enumBoolYesNo), strValue) == true)
                this.m_ebynDeductForDeaths = (enumBoolYesNo)Enum.Parse(typeof(enumBoolYesNo), strValue);

            else if (strVariable.CompareTo("    Amount deducted per death:") == 0)
                this.m_iAmountLostPerDeath = int.Parse(strValue);

            else if (strVariable.CompareTo("Pay bonus for headshots?") == 0 && Enum.IsDefined(typeof(enumBoolYesNo), strValue) == true)
                this.m_ebynPayForHeadshots = (enumBoolYesNo)Enum.Parse(typeof(enumBoolYesNo), strValue);

            else if (strVariable.CompareTo("    Bonus paid per headshot:") == 0)
                this.m_iAmountPaidPerHeadshot = int.Parse(strValue);

            else if (strVariable.CompareTo("Pay for kills with specific weapons?") == 0 && Enum.IsDefined(typeof(enumBoolYesNo), strValue) == true)
                this.m_ebynPayForSpecificWeaponKills = (enumBoolYesNo)Enum.Parse(typeof(enumBoolYesNo), strValue);

            else if (strVariable.CompareTo("    Select a weapon and enter its kill value below:") == 0)
                this.m_strSpecificWeaponChosen = strValue;

            else if (strVariable.CompareTo("    Enter selected weapon's kill value, then select Add below:") == 0)
                this.m_iSpecificWeaponPay = int.Parse(strValue);

            else if (strVariable.CompareTo("    Add or remove selected weapon and kill value to or from list?") == 0)
                if (this.m_strSpecificWeaponChosen.Equals(string.Empty) == false)
                    string t_strWeaponAndItsPayValue = this.m_strSpecificWeaponChosen + "=" + this.m_iSpecificWeaponPay;

                    if (strValue.Equals("Add"))
                        if (this.m_iSpecificWeaponPay > 0)
                            if (this.m_lstWeaponAndPayValue.Contains(this.m_strSpecificWeaponChosen) == false)

                    else if (strValue.Equals("Remove"))
                        foreach (string line in m_lstWeaponAndPayValue)
                            if (line.StartsWith(m_strSpecificWeaponChosen) == true)

            else if (strVariable.CompareTo("    List of weapons and corresponding " + m_strCurrencySymbol + " values:") == 0)
                this.m_lstWeaponAndPayValue = new List<string>(CPluginVariable.DecodeStringArray(strValue));

            else if (strVariable.CompareTo("Command used to display the Bounty Board:") == 0)
                this.m_strBountyBoardCommand = strValue;

            else if (strVariable.CompareTo("Enable automatic bounties?") == 0 && Enum.IsDefined(typeof(enumBoolYesNo), strValue) == true)
                this.m_ebynEnableAutoBounties = (enumBoolYesNo)Enum.Parse(typeof(enumBoolYesNo), strValue);

            else if (strVariable.CompareTo("    AutoBounty: Number of kills needed to start bounty:") == 0)
                this.m_iAutoBountyStreak = int.Parse(strValue);

            else if (strVariable.CompareTo("    AutoBounty: Starting bounty amount:") == 0)
                this.m_iAutoBountyStartingBounty = int.Parse(strValue);

            else if (strVariable.CompareTo("    AutoBounty: Amount added to bounty for additional kills:") == 0)
                this.m_iAutoBountyIncreasePerKill = int.Parse(strValue);

            else if (strVariable.CompareTo("    AutoBounty: Message sent when a bounty is posted:") == 0)
                this.m_strAutoBountyPosted = strValue;

            else if (strVariable.CompareTo("    AutoBounty: Message sent when a bounty is collected:") == 0)
                this.m_strAutoBountyCollected = strValue;

            else if (strVariable.CompareTo("    AutoBounty: Send messages to everyone?") == 0 && Enum.IsDefined(typeof(enumBoolYesNo), strValue) == true)
                this.m_ebynPublicAutoBountyNotifications = (enumBoolYesNo)Enum.Parse(typeof(enumBoolYesNo), strValue);

            else if (strVariable.CompareTo("    AutoBounty: Say the messages above?") == 0 && Enum.IsDefined(typeof(enumBoolYesNo), strValue) == true)
                this.m_ebynSayAutoBountyNotifications = (enumBoolYesNo)Enum.Parse(typeof(enumBoolYesNo), strValue);

            else if (strVariable.CompareTo("    AutoBounty: Yell the messages above?") == 0 && Enum.IsDefined(typeof(enumBoolYesNo), strValue) == true)
                this.m_ebynYellAutoBountyNotifications = (enumBoolYesNo)Enum.Parse(typeof(enumBoolYesNo), strValue);

            else if (strVariable.CompareTo("        AutoBounty: Yell them for how long (seconds)?") == 0)
                this.m_iAutoBountyNotificationsYellLength = int.Parse(strValue);

            else if (strVariable.CompareTo("Enable player-made bounties?") == 0 && Enum.IsDefined(typeof(enumBoolYesNo), strValue) == true)
                this.m_ebynEnablePlayerBounties = (enumBoolYesNo)Enum.Parse(typeof(enumBoolYesNo), strValue);

            else if (strVariable.CompareTo("    PlayerBounty: Command players use to add bounties:") == 0)
                this.m_strPlayerBountyPostCommand = strValue;

            else if (strVariable.CompareTo("    PlayerBounty: Message sent when a bounty is posted:") == 0)
                this.m_strPlayerBountyPosted = strValue;

            else if (strVariable.CompareTo("    PlayerBounty: Message sent when a bounty is collected:") == 0)
                this.m_strPlayerBountyCollected = strValue;

            else if (strVariable.CompareTo("    PlayerBounty: Send messages to everyone?") == 0 && Enum.IsDefined(typeof(enumBoolYesNo), strValue) == true)
                this.m_ebynPublicPlayerBountyNotifications = (enumBoolYesNo)Enum.Parse(typeof(enumBoolYesNo), strValue);

            else if (strVariable.CompareTo("    PlayerBounty: Say the messages?") == 0 && Enum.IsDefined(typeof(enumBoolYesNo), strValue) == true)
                this.m_ebynSayPlayerBountyNotifications = (enumBoolYesNo)Enum.Parse(typeof(enumBoolYesNo), strValue);

            else if (strVariable.CompareTo("    PlayerBounty: Yell the messages?") == 0 && Enum.IsDefined(typeof(enumBoolYesNo), strValue) == true)
                this.m_ebynYellPlayerBountyNotifications = (enumBoolYesNo)Enum.Parse(typeof(enumBoolYesNo), strValue);

            else if (strVariable.CompareTo("        PlayerBounty: Yell messages for how long (seconds)?") == 0)
                this.m_iPlayerBountyNotificationsYellLength = (int.Parse(strValue) * 1);

            else if (strVariable.CompareTo("Enable mugging?") == 0 && Enum.IsDefined(typeof(enumBoolYesNo), strValue) == true)
                this.m_ebynEnableMugging = (enumBoolYesNo)Enum.Parse(typeof(enumBoolYesNo), strValue);

            else if (strVariable.CompareTo("    Percentage of victim's " + m_strCurrencySymbol + " stolen when mugged:") == 0)
                this.m_iMuggingPercentStolen = int.Parse(strValue);

            else if (strVariable.CompareTo("    Limit the amount of " + m_strCurrencySymbol + " that can be stolen per mugging?") == 0 && Enum.IsDefined(typeof(enumBoolYesNo), strValue) == true)
                this.m_ebynEnableMuggingLimit = (enumBoolYesNo)Enum.Parse(typeof(enumBoolYesNo), strValue);

            else if (strVariable.CompareTo("        Maximum amount of " + m_strCurrencySymbol + " that can be stolen:") == 0)
                this.m_iMuggingLimit = int.Parse(strValue);

            else if (strVariable.CompareTo("    Message sent to everyone when someone is mugged:") == 0)
                this.m_strMugged = strValue;

            else if (strVariable.CompareTo("    Say the message above?") == 0 && Enum.IsDefined(typeof(enumBoolYesNo), strValue) == true)
                this.m_ebynSayStrMugged = (enumBoolYesNo)Enum.Parse(typeof(enumBoolYesNo), strValue);

            else if (strVariable.CompareTo("    Yell the message above?") == 0 && Enum.IsDefined(typeof(enumBoolYesNo), strValue) == true)
                this.m_ebynYellStrMugged = (enumBoolYesNo)Enum.Parse(typeof(enumBoolYesNo), strValue);

            else if (strVariable.CompareTo("        Yell message for how long (seconds)?") == 0)
                this.m_iStrMuggedYellLength = int.Parse(strValue);

            else if (strVariable.CompareTo("    Select a mugging weapon:") == 0)
                this.m_strMuggingWeaponChosen = strValue;

            else if (strVariable.CompareTo("    Add or remove selected weapon to or from the list?") == 0)
                if (this.m_strMuggingWeaponChosen.Equals(string.Empty) == false)
                    if (strValue.Equals("Add"))
                        if (this.m_lstMuggingWeapons.Contains(this.m_strMuggingWeaponChosen) == false)

                    else if (strValue.Equals("Remove"))
                        if (this.m_lstMuggingWeapons.Contains(this.m_strMuggingWeaponChosen) == true)

            else if (strVariable.CompareTo("    List of mugging weapons:") == 0)
                this.m_lstMuggingWeapons = new List<string>(CPluginVariable.DecodeStringArray(strValue));

            if (strVariable.CompareTo("Number of items:") == 0)
                this.m_iItemCount = int.Parse(strValue);

            int returnInt = 0;
            int itemIDFromStrVariable = (strVariable.IndexOf("-") - strVariable.IndexOf("|"));

            if (itemIDFromStrVariable > 0)
                int.TryParse(strVariable.Substring(strVariable.IndexOf("|") + 6, (strVariable.IndexOf("-") - strVariable.IndexOf("|") - 6)), out returnInt);
                Item item = m_dicItemsForSale[returnInt];

                if (strVariable.CompareTo(string.Format("Item {0} - Name:", item.ID)) == 0)
                    item.Name = strValue;

                else if (strVariable.CompareTo(string.Format("Item {0} - Enabled:", item.ID)) == 0 && Enum.IsDefined(typeof(enumBoolYesNo), strValue) == true)
                    item.Enabled = (enumBoolYesNo)Enum.Parse(typeof(enumBoolYesNo), strValue);

                else if (strVariable.CompareTo(string.Format("Item {0} - Cost:", item.ID)) == 0)
                    item.Cost = int.Parse(strValue);

                else if (strVariable.CompareTo(string.Format("Item {0} - Buy command:", item.ID)) == 0)
                    item.BuyCommand = strValue;

                else if (strVariable.CompareTo(string.Format("Item {0} - Description:", item.ID)) == 0)
                    item.Description = strValue;

                else if (strVariable.CompareTo(string.Format("Item {0} - Add a console command to run when bought:", item.ID)) == 0)
                    if (strValue.Equals("Say"))
                        item.Payload.Add("Say, %buyer just bought an item!");

                    if (strValue.Equals("Whisper"))
                        item.Payload.Add("Whisper, Buyer, You just bought an item!");

                    if (strValue.Equals("Yell"))
                        item.Payload.Add("Yell, 5, %buyer just bought an item!");

                    if (strValue.Equals("Growl"))
                        item.Payload.Add("Growl, 5, Buyer, You just bought an item!");

                    if (strValue.Equals("Move"))
                        item.Payload.Add("Move, Player, US");

                    if (strValue.Equals("Mute"))
                        item.Payload.Add("Mute, Player, 5, Minutes");

                    if (strValue.Equals("Voice"))

                    if (strValue.Equals("Kill"))
                        item.Payload.Add("Kill, Player");

                    if (strValue.Equals("Nuke"))
                        item.Payload.Add("Nuke, Squad, %buyer just nuked your squad!");

                    if (strValue.Equals("Kick"))
                        item.Payload.Add("Kick, Player, Replace this text with the kick reason.");

                    if (strValue.Equals("TempBan"))
                        item.Payload.Add("TempBan, Player, 5, Hours, Replace this text with the ban reason.");

                    if (strValue.Equals("PermBan"))
                        item.Payload.Add("PermBan, Player, Replace this text with the ban reason.");

                    if (strValue.Equals("UnBan"))

                    if (strValue.Equals("RestartRound"))

                    if (strValue.Equals("NextLevel"))

                    if (strValue.Equals("ReserveAdd"))
                        item.Payload.Add("ReserveAdd, Player, 60, Minutes");

                    if (strValue.Equals("ReserveRemove"))
                        item.Payload.Add("ReserveRemove, Player");

                if (strVariable.CompareTo(string.Format("Item {0} -    List of console commands for Item {0}:", item.ID)) == 0)
                    item.Payload = new List<string>(CPluginVariable.DecodeStringArray(strValue));
Пример #23
        public void SetPluginVariable(string strVariable, string strValue) {
            int iTimeSeconds = 8;

            if (strVariable.CompareTo("Message") == 0) {
                this.m_strMessage = strValue;
            else if (strVariable.CompareTo("Delay before welcome (seconds)") == 0 && int.TryParse(strValue, out iTimeSeconds) == true) {
                this.m_iDelayTime = iTimeSeconds;
            else if (strVariable.CompareTo("Yell welcome messages") == 0 && Enum.IsDefined(typeof(enumBoolYesNo), strValue) == true) {
                this.m_enYellResponses = (enumBoolYesNo)Enum.Parse(typeof(enumBoolYesNo), strValue);
            else if (strVariable.CompareTo("Delay between messages (seconds)") == 0 && int.TryParse(strValue, out iTimeSeconds) == true) {
                this.m_iDelayBetweenMessages = iTimeSeconds;
            else if (strVariable.CompareTo("Show message (seconds)") == 0 && int.TryParse(strValue, out iTimeSeconds) == true) {
                this.m_iDisplayTime = iTimeSeconds * 1000;

                if (iTimeSeconds <= 0) {
                    this.m_iDisplayTime = 1000;
                else if (iTimeSeconds > 60) {
                    this.m_iDisplayTime = 59999;

        // Write the Config to the Server
        public void WriteServerConfig(string newName, string Description, string Message, List<string> NewMaplist ,enumBoolYesNo VehicleSpawnAllowed,int VehicleSpawnTime, int PlayerSpawnTime, List<string> PRoConConfig)
            Thread thread_writeserverconfig = new Thread(new ThreadStart(delegate()
            this.WritePluginConsole("Called WriteServerConfig(): serverMode= " + serverMode + " next_serverMode = " + next_serverMode, "Warn", 10);
            if (autoconfig == enumBoolYesNo.Yes) tmp_autoconfig = "Yes";
            if (autoconfig == enumBoolYesNo.No) tmp_autoconfig = "No";
            this.SetPluginSetting("Autoconfig", "No" );

            this.ServerCommand("vars.serverDescription", Description);      // SET SERVER DESCRIPTION
            this.ServerCommand("vars.serverMessage", Message);              // SET SERVER MESSAGE

            if (advanced_mode == enumBoolYesNo.Yes)
                this.ServerCommand("vars.vehicleSpawnAllowed", enumboolToStringTrueFalse(VehicleSpawnAllowed));
                this.ServerCommand("vars.vehicleSpawnDelay", VehicleSpawnTime.ToString());
                this.ServerCommand("vars.playerRespawnTime", PlayerSpawnTime.ToString());

                if (expert_mode == enumBoolYesNo.Yes) WritePRoConConfig(PRoConConfig);

            if (!(isInstalledUMM && useUmm == enumBoolYesNo.Yes && serverMode == "normal"))
                this.ServerCommand("vars.serverName", newName);                 // SET SERVER NAME

                if (expert_mode == enumBoolYesNo.Yes) WritePRoConConfig(PRoConConfig);

            this.SetPluginSetting("Autoconfig", tmp_autoconfig );

        public void SetPluginVariable(string strVariable, string strValue)
            int MaxRank = 0;
            int iTimeMinutes = 0;
            int KickBanValue = 0;
            int Rounds = 0;
            enumBoolYesNo clear = enumBoolYesNo.No;

            if (strVariable.CompareTo("RoC read and accepted") == 0 && Enum.IsDefined(typeof(enumBoolYesNo), strValue) == true)
                this.m_RoCAccepted = (enumBoolYesNo)Enum.Parse(typeof(enumBoolYesNo), strValue);
            else if (strVariable.CompareTo("Ban Player's GUID?") == 0 && Enum.IsDefined(typeof(enumBoolYesNo), strValue) == true)
                this.m_BanGUID = (enumBoolYesNo)Enum.Parse(typeof(enumBoolYesNo), strValue);
            else if (strVariable.CompareTo("RankKicker") == 0 && Enum.IsDefined(typeof(enumBoolOnOff), strValue) == true)
                this.m_RankKicker = (enumBoolOnOff)Enum.Parse(typeof(enumBoolOnOff), strValue);
            else if (strVariable.CompareTo("Access Limitation") == 0 && Enum.IsDefined(typeof(enumBoolOnOff), strValue) == true)
                this.m_AccessLimitation = (enumBoolOnOff)Enum.Parse(typeof(enumBoolOnOff), strValue);
            else if (strVariable.CompareTo("Clan Tag Moderation") == 0 && Enum.IsDefined(typeof(enumBoolOnOff), strValue) == true)
                this.m_ClanTagModeration = (enumBoolOnOff)Enum.Parse(typeof(enumBoolOnOff), strValue);
            else if (strVariable.CompareTo("Disallowed Clan Tags") == 0 && Enum.IsDefined(typeof(enumBoolOnOff), strValue) == true)
                this.m_DisallowedTags = (enumBoolOnOff)Enum.Parse(typeof(enumBoolOnOff), strValue);
            else if (strVariable.CompareTo("RankKicker active? (Ingame-Command)") == 0 && Enum.IsDefined(typeof(enumBoolOnOff), strValue) == true)
                this.m_RankKickerOnOff = (enumBoolOnOff)Enum.Parse(typeof(enumBoolOnOff), strValue);
            else if (strVariable.CompareTo("Show actions in plugin console?") == 0 && Enum.IsDefined(typeof(enumBoolYesNo), strValue) == true)
                this.m_ConsoleLog = (enumBoolYesNo)Enum.Parse(typeof(enumBoolYesNo), strValue);
            else if (strVariable.CompareTo("Rank Limit") == 0 && int.TryParse(strValue, out MaxRank) == true)
                this.m_RankLimit = int.Parse(strValue);
            else if (strVariable.CompareTo("White List") == 0)
                this.m_WhiteList = new List<string>(CPluginVariable.DecodeStringArray(strValue));
            else if (strVariable.CompareTo("Allowed certain Clan Tags?") == 0 && Enum.IsDefined(typeof(enumBoolYesNo), strValue) == true)
                this.m_ClanTagWhiteList = (enumBoolYesNo)Enum.Parse(typeof(enumBoolYesNo), strValue);
            else if (strVariable.CompareTo("White List Clan Tags") == 0)
                this.m_WhiteListClanTags = new List<string>(CPluginVariable.DecodeStringArray(strValue));
            else if (strVariable.CompareTo("Clear data now?") == 0 && Enum.IsDefined(typeof(enumBoolYesNo), strValue) == true)
                clear = (enumBoolYesNo)Enum.Parse(typeof(enumBoolYesNo), strValue);
                if (clear == enumBoolYesNo.Yes)
                    this.m_ClearAll = enumBoolYesNo.No;
            else if (strVariable.CompareTo("Ban Players?") == 0 && Enum.IsDefined(typeof(enumBoolYesNo), strValue) == true)
                this.m_TempBanPlayers = (enumBoolYesNo)Enum.Parse(typeof(enumBoolYesNo), strValue);
            else if (strVariable.CompareTo("Permanently Ban Players?") == 0 && Enum.IsDefined(typeof(enumBoolYesNo), strValue) == true)
                this.m_PermBanPlayers = (enumBoolYesNo)Enum.Parse(typeof(enumBoolYesNo), strValue);
            else if (strVariable.CompareTo("Player Ban Time (minutes)") == 0 && int.TryParse(strValue, out iTimeMinutes) == true)
                if (iTimeMinutes > 0)
                    this.m_TempBanTime = iTimeMinutes;
            else if (strVariable.CompareTo("Ban Player after X Kicks?") == 0 && Enum.IsDefined(typeof(enumBoolYesNo), strValue) == true)
                this.m_BanAfterKicks = (enumBoolYesNo)Enum.Parse(typeof(enumBoolYesNo), strValue);
            else if (strVariable.CompareTo("Number of Kicks before Ban") == 0 && int.TryParse(strValue, out KickBanValue) == true)
                this.m_KicksBeforeBan = KickBanValue;
            else if (strVariable.CompareTo("Kick Reason") == 0)
                this.m_KickReason = strValue;
            else if (strVariable.CompareTo("Ban Reason") == 0)
                this.m_BanReason = strValue;
            else if (strVariable.CompareTo("Permanent Ban Reason") == 0)
                this.m_PermBanReason = strValue;
            else if (strVariable.CompareTo("Allow Access via Playername?") == 0 && Enum.IsDefined(typeof(enumBoolYesNo), strValue) == true)
                this.m_AccessLimitationPlayers = (enumBoolYesNo)Enum.Parse(typeof(enumBoolYesNo), strValue);
            else if (strVariable.CompareTo("Allow Access via Clantag?") == 0 && Enum.IsDefined(typeof(enumBoolYesNo), strValue) == true)
                this.m_AccessLimitationTags = (enumBoolYesNo)Enum.Parse(typeof(enumBoolYesNo), strValue);
            else if (strVariable.CompareTo("Allowed Players") == 0)
                this.m_AllowedPlayers = new List<string>(CPluginVariable.DecodeStringArray(strValue));
            else if (strVariable.CompareTo("Allowed Clantags") == 0)
                this.m_AllowedClanTags = new List<string>(CPluginVariable.DecodeStringArray(strValue));
            else if (strVariable.CompareTo("Ban disallowed Players?") == 0 && Enum.IsDefined(typeof(enumBoolYesNo), strValue) == true)
                this.m_AccessBanPlayers = (enumBoolYesNo)Enum.Parse(typeof(enumBoolYesNo), strValue);
            else if (strVariable.CompareTo("Access Kick Reason") == 0)
                this.m_AccessKickReason = strValue;
            else if (strVariable.CompareTo("Access Ban Reason") == 0)
                this.m_AccessPermBanReason = strValue;
            else if (strVariable.CompareTo("Moderated Clan Tags") == 0)
                this.m_ModeratedClanTags = new List<string>(CPluginVariable.DecodeStringArray(strValue));
            else if (strVariable.CompareTo("Allowed Clan Players") == 0)
                this.m_AllowedClanPlayers = new List<string>(CPluginVariable.DecodeStringArray(strValue));
            else if (strVariable.CompareTo("Ban dísallowed Clan Players?") == 0 && Enum.IsDefined(typeof(enumBoolYesNo), strValue) == true)
                this.m_ClanTagBanPlayers = (enumBoolYesNo)Enum.Parse(typeof(enumBoolYesNo), strValue);
            else if (strVariable.CompareTo("Clan Tag Kick Reason") == 0)
                this.m_ClanTagKickReason = strValue;
            else if (strVariable.CompareTo("Clan Tag Ban Reason") == 0)
                this.m_ClanTagPermBanReason = strValue;
            else if (strVariable.CompareTo("Ban disallowed Clan Players?") == 0 && Enum.IsDefined(typeof(enumBoolYesNo), strValue) == true)
                this.m_DisallowedTagsBan = (enumBoolYesNo)Enum.Parse(typeof(enumBoolYesNo), strValue);
            else if (strVariable.CompareTo("Black List") == 0)
                this.m_DisallowedClanTags = new List<string>(CPluginVariable.DecodeStringArray(strValue));
            else if (strVariable.CompareTo("Disallowed Clan Kick Reason") == 0)
                this.m_DisallowedTagsKickReason = strValue;
            else if (strVariable.CompareTo("Disallowed Clan Ban Reason") == 0)
                this.m_DisallowedTagsBanReason = strValue;
            else if (strVariable.CompareTo("Clear Cache automatically? (Recommended!)") == 0 && Enum.IsDefined(typeof(enumBoolYesNo), strValue) == true)
                this.m_AutomaticallyClearCache = (enumBoolYesNo)Enum.Parse(typeof(enumBoolYesNo), strValue);
            else if (strVariable.CompareTo("Rounds before Cache-Clearing") == 0 && int.TryParse(strValue, out Rounds) == true)
                this.m_CacheClearRounds = int.Parse(strValue);

               if (this.m_ConsoleLog == enumBoolYesNo.Yes && clear == enumBoolYesNo.No)
                    this.ExecuteCommand("procon.protected.pluginconsole.write", String.Format("^b^4AccessRestriction: ^0Plugin variable '{0}' set to '{1}'", strVariable, strValue));
Пример #26
        public void SetPluginVariable(string strVariable, string strValue)
            int iTimeSeconds = 0;
            int iTmpValue    = 0;

            // Basics
            if (strVariable.CompareTo("Private Prefix") == 0)
                this.m_strPrivatePrefix = strValue;
            else if (strVariable.CompareTo("Admins Prefix") == 0)
                this.m_strAdminsPrefix = strValue;
            else if (strVariable.CompareTo("Public Prefix") == 0)
                this.m_strPublicPrefix = strValue;
            // Welcome
            else if (strVariable.CompareTo("Enable welcome") == 0 && Enum.IsDefined(typeof(enumBoolYesNo), strValue) == true)
                this.m_bEnableWelcome = (enumBoolYesNo)Enum.Parse(typeof(enumBoolYesNo), strValue);
            else if (strVariable.CompareTo("Message") == 0)
                this.m_strWelcomeMessage = strValue;
            else if (strVariable.CompareTo("Yell welcome") == 0 && Enum.IsDefined(typeof(enumBoolYesNo), strValue) == true)
                this.m_enYellResponses = (enumBoolYesNo)Enum.Parse(typeof(enumBoolYesNo), strValue);
            else if (strVariable.CompareTo("Delay before sending welcome") == 0 && int.TryParse(strValue, out iTimeSeconds) == true)
                this.m_iDelayBeforeSendingWelcome = iTimeSeconds;
            else if (strVariable.CompareTo("Show welcome for how long") == 0 && int.TryParse(strValue, out iTimeSeconds) == true)
                this.m_iWelcomeDisplayTime = iTimeSeconds * 1000;

            // Rules
            else if (strVariable.CompareTo("Yell rules") == 0 && Enum.IsDefined(typeof(enumBoolYesNo), strValue) == true)
                this.m_enYellResponsesRules = (enumBoolYesNo)Enum.Parse(typeof(enumBoolYesNo), strValue);
            else if (strVariable.CompareTo("Delay before sending rules") == 0 && int.TryParse(strValue, out iTimeSeconds) == true)
                this.m_iDelayBeforeSendingRules = iTimeSeconds;
            else if (strVariable.CompareTo("Show rule for how long") == 0 && int.TryParse(strValue, out iTimeSeconds) == true)
                this.m_iRuleDisplayTime = iTimeSeconds * 1000;
            else if (strVariable.CompareTo("Delay between rules") == 0 && int.TryParse(strValue, out iTimeSeconds) == true)
                this.m_iDelayBetweenRules = iTimeSeconds;
            else if (strVariable.CompareTo("Chat Command") == 0)
                this.m_strRulesCommandOld = this.m_strRulesCommand;
                this.m_strRulesCommand    = strValue;
            else if (strVariable.CompareTo("Server Rules") == 0)
                this.m_aServerRules = CPluginVariable.DecodeStringArray(strValue);
                int iloop = 0;
                foreach (string rule in this.m_aServerRules)
                    if (rule.ToLower().IndexOf(this.m_strChatRulesRequest.ToLower()) >= 0)
                        this.m_aServerRules[iloop] = Regex.Replace(rule, this.m_strChatRulesRequest, "", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);
            else if (strVariable.CompareTo("Ignore first line") == 0 && Enum.IsDefined(typeof(enumBoolYesNo), strValue) == true)
                this.m_enIgnoreFirstLine = (enumBoolYesNo)Enum.Parse(typeof(enumBoolYesNo), strValue);
            // Misc
            else if (strVariable.CompareTo("Default Sound") == 0)
                this.m_audioFile = strValue;
            else if (strVariable.CompareTo("Listen to Procon chat") == 0 && Enum.IsDefined(typeof(enumBoolYesNo), strValue) == true)
                this.m_enListenToProconChat = (enumBoolYesNo)Enum.Parse(typeof(enumBoolYesNo), strValue);
            else if (strVariable.CompareTo("GUI chat command") == 0)
                this.m_strChatRulesRequest = strValue;
                int iloop = 0;
                foreach (string rule in this.m_aServerRules)
                    if (rule.ToLower().IndexOf(this.m_strChatRulesRequest.ToLower()) >= 0)
                        this.m_aServerRules[iloop] = Regex.Replace(rule, this.m_strChatRulesRequest, "", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);
            else if (strVariable.CompareTo("Privileges value") == 0 && int.TryParse(strValue, out iTmpValue) == true)
                this.m_iMinPrivilegesValue = iTmpValue;
            else if (strVariable.CompareTo("Take privileges of") == 0)
                if (strValue.CompareTo("ExampleAccount") != 0)
                    this.WritePluginConsole(String.Format("Checking privileges on {0}", strValue), 2);
                    CPrivileges cpAccount = this.GetAccountPrivileges(strValue);
                    if (cpAccount != null)
                        this.WritePluginConsole(String.Format("{0} has privilege value {1}", strValue, cpAccount.PrivilegesFlags.ToString()), 2);
                        this.m_iMinPrivilegesValue = (int)cpAccount.PrivilegesFlags;
                        this.WritePluginConsole(String.Format("There is no account {0}. Using default value.", strValue), 2);
                        this.m_iMinPrivilegesValue = this.m_iMinPrivilegesValueDefault;
            else if (strVariable.CompareTo("Debug output") == 0 && Enum.IsDefined(typeof(enumBoolYesNo), strValue) == true)
                this.m_enDoDebugOutput = (enumBoolYesNo)Enum.Parse(typeof(enumBoolYesNo), strValue);
                if (this.m_enDoDebugOutput == enumBoolYesNo.No && this.m_enDoQuietMode == enumBoolYesNo.Yes)
                    this.m_enDoConsoleOutput = enumBoolYesNo.Yes;

Пример #27
        public CLatencyManager()
            //Country kick
            this.strSelectType = "Allow countries";
            this.lsSelectedCountries = new List<string>();
            this.strCountryKickMessage = "Sorry, players from %country% are not allowed.";
            this.lsCheckedPlayers = new List<string>();
            this.enableCountryKick = enumBoolYesNo.No;
            this.dicCountrys = new Dictionary<String, String>();

            //Ping kick
            this.enablePingKick = enumBoolYesNo.No;
            this.enableNoPingKick = enumBoolYesNo.No;
            this.intPingLimit = 300;
            this.strPingMethod = "Instant kick";
            this.strPingKickMessage = "High ping (%ping%)";
            this.dicPlayerPings = new Dictionary<string, LinkedList<int>>();
            this.intAverageAccuracy = 20;
            this.intAverageMinCount = 2;
            this.dicPingCalled = new Dictionary<String, int>();
            this.dicMissingPings = new Dictionary<string, int>();

            this.intPlayerLimit = 16;
            this.lsPlayerInfo = new List<string>();
            this.lsWhitelist = new List<string>();
            this.debugMessages = enumBoolYesNo.Yes;
            this.displayVersionMessage = enumBoolYesNo.Yes;
            this.boolPlayerLimitReached = false;
            this.ingameMessage = enumBoolYesNo.No;
            this.strIngameType = "Yell";
            this.strGameMode = "BF4";
Пример #28
 public void VersionCheck()
     if (this.displayVersionMessage == enumBoolYesNo.Yes)
             XmlDocument xml = new XmlDocument();
             XmlNodeList xList = xml.SelectNodes("//plugin");
             foreach (XmlNode node in xList)
                 if((node.SelectSingleNode(".//title").InnerText.Equals(GetPluginName())) && (this.displayVersionMessage == enumBoolYesNo.Yes) && (!node.SelectSingleNode(".//version").InnerText.Equals(GetPluginVersion())))
                     this.ExecuteCommand("procon.protected.tasks.add", "VersionTrackerTask", "1", "300", "-1", "procon.protected.chat.write", String.Format("^b^6 You are running version {0} of the Latency Manager plugin.  Version {1} is now available.  Visit https://forum.myrcon.com/ for more information", GetPluginVersion(), node.SelectSingleNode(".//version").InnerText));
         catch (Exception)
             this.displayVersionMessage = enumBoolYesNo.No;
             this.ExecuteCommand("procon.protected.tasks.remove", "VersionTrackerTask");
Пример #29
        public void SetPluginVariable(string strVariable, string strValue)
            int iValue = 16;

            if (strVariable.CompareTo("Action") == 0)
                this.strSelectType = strValue;
            else if (strVariable.CompareTo("Country list") == 0)
                if (strValue.CompareTo("N/A") != 0)
            else if (strVariable.CompareTo("Selected countries") == 0)
                this.lsSelectedCountries = new List <string>(CPluginVariable.DecodeStringArray(strValue));
            else if (strVariable.CompareTo("Enable Country based kick?") == 0 && Enum.IsDefined(typeof(enumBoolYesNo), strValue) == true)
                this.enableCountryKick = (enumBoolYesNo)Enum.Parse(typeof(enumBoolYesNo), strValue);
            else if (strVariable.CompareTo("Country kick message") == 0)
                this.strCountryKickMessage = strValue;

            // PING VARIABLES
            else if (strVariable.CompareTo("Enable high ping kick?") == 0 && Enum.IsDefined(typeof(enumBoolYesNo), strValue) == true)
                this.enablePingKick = (enumBoolYesNo)Enum.Parse(typeof(enumBoolYesNo), strValue);
            else if (strVariable.CompareTo("Ping limit") == 0 && int.TryParse(strValue, out iValue) == true)
                this.intPingLimit = iValue;
            else if (strVariable.CompareTo("High ping kick message") == 0)
                this.strPingKickMessage = strValue;
            else if (strVariable.CompareTo("Ping Kick Method") == 0)
                this.strPingMethod = strValue;
            else if (strVariable.CompareTo("Instant kick no ping?") == 0 && Enum.IsDefined(typeof(enumBoolYesNo), strValue) == true)
                this.enableNoPingKick = (enumBoolYesNo)Enum.Parse(typeof(enumBoolYesNo), strValue);
            else if (strVariable.CompareTo("Pings to sample for average") == 0 && int.TryParse(strValue, out iValue) == true)
                if (iValue < this.intAverageMinCount)
                    this.intAverageMinCount = iValue;
                this.intAverageAccuracy = iValue;
            else if (strVariable.CompareTo("Minimum pings before kicking") == 0 && int.TryParse(strValue, out iValue) == true)
                if (iValue > this.intAverageAccuracy)
                    this.intAverageMinCount = this.intAverageAccuracy;
                    this.intAverageMinCount = iValue;

            // GENERAL VARIABLES
            else if (strVariable.CompareTo("Minimum players before rule enforced (0: none)") == 0 && int.TryParse(strValue, out iValue) == true)
                this.intPlayerLimit = iValue;
            else if (strVariable.CompareTo("Whitelist") == 0)
                this.lsWhitelist = new List <string>(CPluginVariable.DecodeStringArray(strValue));
            else if (strVariable.CompareTo("Debug messages?") == 0 && Enum.IsDefined(typeof(enumBoolYesNo), strValue) == true)
                this.debugMessages = (enumBoolYesNo)Enum.Parse(typeof(enumBoolYesNo), strValue);
            else if (strVariable.CompareTo("Display plugin update message?") == 0 && Enum.IsDefined(typeof(enumBoolYesNo), strValue) == true)
                this.displayVersionMessage = (enumBoolYesNo)Enum.Parse(typeof(enumBoolYesNo), strValue);
                if (this.displayVersionMessage == enumBoolYesNo.No)
                    this.ExecuteCommand("procon.protected.tasks.remove", "VersionTrackerTask");
            else if (strVariable.CompareTo("Yell or Say ingame message") == 0)
                this.strIngameType = strValue;
            else if (strVariable.CompareTo("Ingame messages?") == 0 && Enum.IsDefined(typeof(enumBoolYesNo), strValue) == true)
                this.ingameMessage = (enumBoolYesNo)Enum.Parse(typeof(enumBoolYesNo), strValue);
Пример #30
        public void OnGlobalChat(string strSpeaker, string strMessage)
            if ((strSpeaker).Equals("Server") == false)
                foreach (Rule rule in t_dicRules.Values)
                    string        t_isItATrigger   = rule.Trigger;
                    string[]      t_output         = rule.Output;
                    enumBoolYesNo t_yellOrNot      = rule.Yell;
                    enumBoolYesNo t_sendToAllOrNot = rule.SendToAll;
                    int           t_delay          = rule.DelaySend;
                    int           t_displayTime    = rule.DisplayTime;

                    Match mMatch;
                    mMatch = Regex.Match(strMessage, t_isItATrigger, RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);

                    if (mMatch.Success == true)
                        foreach (string line in t_output)
                            if (t_yellOrNot == enumBoolYesNo.Yes)
                                if (t_sendToAllOrNot == enumBoolYesNo.Yes)
                                    //this.ExecuteCommand("procon.protected.tasks.add", "ChatTriggerAutoResponder", t_delay.ToString(), "1", "1", "procon.protected.send", "admin.yell", line, t_displayTime.ToString(), "all");
                                    //t_delay += (t_displayTime / 1000) + t_delay;

                                    this.ExecuteCommand("procon.protected.tasks.add", "ChatTriggerAutoResponder", t_delay.ToString(), "1", "1", "procon.protected.send", "admin.yell", line, (t_displayTime / this.m_iYellDivider).ToString(), "all");
                                    t_delay += (t_displayTime / 1000) + t_delay;
                                    this.ExecuteCommand("procon.protected.chat.write", "^4ChatTriggerAutoResponder: " + line.ToUpper());
                                    //this.ExecuteCommand("procon.protected.tasks.add", "ChatTriggerAutoResponder", t_delay.ToString(), "1", "1", "procon.protected.send", "admin.yell", line, t_displayTime.ToString(), "player", strSpeaker);
                                    //t_delay += (t_displayTime / 1000) + t_delay;

                                    this.ExecuteCommand("procon.protected.tasks.add", "ChatTriggerAutoResponder", t_delay.ToString(), "1", "1", "procon.protected.send", "admin.yell", line, (t_displayTime / this.m_iYellDivider).ToString(), "player", strSpeaker);
                                    t_delay += (t_displayTime / 1000) + t_delay;
                                    this.ExecuteCommand("procon.protected.chat.write", "^4ChatTriggerAutoResponder: " + line.ToUpper());
                                if (t_sendToAllOrNot == enumBoolYesNo.Yes)
                                    this.ExecuteCommand("procon.protected.tasks.add", "ChatTriggerAutoResponder", t_delay.ToString(), "1", "1", "procon.protected.send", "admin.say", line, "all");
                                    this.ExecuteCommand("procon.protected.chat.write", "^4ChatTriggerAutoResponder: " + line);
                                    this.ExecuteCommand("procon.protected.tasks.add", "ChatTriggerAutoResponder", t_delay.ToString(), "1", "1", "procon.protected.send", "admin.say", line, "player", strSpeaker);
                                    this.ExecuteCommand("procon.protected.chat.write", "^4ChatTriggerAutoResponder: " + line);

            this.m_strPreviousMessage = strMessage;
Пример #31
        // Allways be suspicious of strValue's actual value.  A command in the console can
        // by the user can put any kind of data it wants in strValue.
        // use type.TryParse

        public void SetPluginVariable(string strVariable, string strValue) {

            if (strVariable.CompareTo("PRoCon - Scramble Teams on Roundend?") == 0 && Enum.IsDefined(typeof(enumBoolYesNo), strValue) == true)
                this.ynbScrambleRoundViaPRoCon = (enumBoolYesNo)Enum.Parse(typeof(enumBoolYesNo), strValue);
            else if (strVariable.CompareTo("PRoCon - Scramble Teams on Roundend? Are you sure?") == 0 && Enum.IsDefined(typeof(enumBoolYesNo), strValue) == true)
                this.ynbScrambleRoundViaPRoConConf = (enumBoolYesNo)Enum.Parse(typeof(enumBoolYesNo), strValue);
                if (this.ynbScrambleRoundViaPRoConConf == enumBoolYesNo.Yes)
            else if (strVariable.CompareTo("How many warnings?") == 0 && Int32.TryParse(strValue, out  this.intWarnings) == true)
                if (this.intWarnings > 0)
                    this.intWarnings = Convert.ToInt32(strValue);
                    this.intWarnings = 1;
			else if (strVariable.CompareTo("Enable Debug Mode for balancing guard") == 0 && Enum.IsDefined(typeof(enumBoolYesNo), strValue) == true)
                this.ynbDebugModeGuard = (enumBoolYesNo)Enum.Parse(typeof(enumBoolYesNo), strValue);
			else if (strVariable.CompareTo("Enable Balancing Guard?") == 0 && Enum.IsDefined(typeof(enumBoolYesNo), strValue) == true)
                this.ynbBalancingGuard = (enumBoolYesNo)Enum.Parse(typeof(enumBoolYesNo), strValue);
			else if (strVariable.CompareTo("CQ/TDM - Enable Shame Message?") == 0 && Enum.IsDefined(typeof(enumBoolYesNo), strValue) == true)
                this.ynbShameMessage = (enumBoolYesNo)Enum.Parse(typeof(enumBoolYesNo), strValue);
			else if (strVariable.CompareTo("CQ/TDM - Shame Message") == 0)
                this.strShameMessage = strValue;
			else if (strVariable.CompareTo("CQ/TDM - Stop winning team switching, when x % TicketDiff (% of maxTickets)") == 0 && Int32.TryParse(strValue, out  this.intScoreWTS) == true)
                if (this.intScoreWTS > 0)
                    this.intScoreWTS = Convert.ToInt32(strValue);
                    this.intScoreWTS = 1;
			else if (strVariable.CompareTo("Rush - Start sorting at Difference of") == 0 && Double.TryParse(strValue, out  this.dblValueDiffRUSH) == true)
                if (this.dblValueDiffRUSH >= 0.01)
                    this.dblValueDiffRUSH = Convert.ToDouble(strValue);
                    this.dblValueDiffRUSH = 0.01;
            else if (strVariable.CompareTo("GM - Start sorting at Difference of") == 0 && Double.TryParse(strValue, out  this.dblValueDiffGM) == true)
                if (this.dblValueDiffGM >= 0.01)
                    this.dblValueDiffGM = Convert.ToDouble(strValue);
                    this.dblValueDiffGM = 0.01;
			else if (strVariable.CompareTo("Conquest - Start sorting at Difference of") == 0 && Double.TryParse(strValue, out  this.dblValueDiffCONQUEST) == true)
                if (this.dblValueDiffCONQUEST >= 0.01)
                    this.dblValueDiffCONQUEST = Convert.ToDouble(strValue);
                    this.dblValueDiffCONQUEST = 0.01;
			else if (strVariable.CompareTo("TDM - Start sorting at Difference of") == 0 && Double.TryParse(strValue, out  this.dblValueDiffTDM) == true)
                if (this.dblValueDiffTDM >= 0.01)
                    this.dblValueDiffTDM = Convert.ToDouble(strValue);
                    this.dblValueDiffTDM = 0.01;
			else if (strVariable.CompareTo("Rush - Sort by (same as Scramble by)") == 0)
                this.ScrambleByRUSH = strValue;
            else if (strVariable.CompareTo("GM - Sort by (same as Scramble by)") == 0)
                this.ScrambleByGM = strValue;
			else if (strVariable.CompareTo("Conquest - Sort by (same as Scramble by)") == 0)
                this.ScrambleByCONQUEST = strValue;
			else if (strVariable.CompareTo("TDM - Sort by (same as Scramble by)") == 0)
                this.ScrambleByTDM = strValue;
            else if (strVariable.CompareTo("Time between Warnings in sec") == 0 && Int32.TryParse(strValue, out  this.intInterval) == true)
                if (this.intInterval > 0)
                    this.intInterval = Convert.ToInt32(strValue);
                    this.intInterval = 1;
            else if (strVariable.CompareTo("RUSH-Player Threshold") == 0 && Int32.TryParse(strValue, out  this.intTreshRUSH) == true)
                if (this.intTreshRUSH > 0)
                    this.intTreshRUSH = Convert.ToInt32(strValue);
                    this.intTreshRUSH = 0;
            else if (strVariable.CompareTo("RUSH-Allowing Player Difference below Threshold") == 0 && Int32.TryParse(strValue, out  this.intAllowDif1RUSH) == true)
                if (this.intAllowDif1RUSH > 0)
                    this.intAllowDif1RUSH = Convert.ToInt32(strValue);
                    this.intAllowDif1RUSH = 1;
            else if (strVariable.CompareTo("RUSH-Allowing Player Difference equal to/above Threshold") == 0 && Int32.TryParse(strValue, out  this.intAllowDif2RUSH) == true)
                if (this.intAllowDif2RUSH > 0)
                    this.intAllowDif2RUSH = Convert.ToInt32(strValue);
                    this.intAllowDif2RUSH = 1;
            else if (strVariable.CompareTo("RUSH-Stop balancing, when tickets till end") == 0 && Int32.TryParse(strValue, out  this.intminScoreRUSH) == true)
                    this.intminScoreRUSH = Convert.ToInt32(strValue);


            else if (strVariable.CompareTo("GM-Player Threshold") == 0 && Int32.TryParse(strValue, out  this.intTreshGM) == true)
                if (this.intTreshGM > 0)
                    this.intTreshGM = Convert.ToInt32(strValue);
                    this.intTreshGM = 0;
            else if (strVariable.CompareTo("GM-Allowing Player Difference below Threshold") == 0 && Int32.TryParse(strValue, out  this.intAllowDif1GM) == true)
                if (this.intAllowDif1GM > 0)
                    this.intAllowDif1GM = Convert.ToInt32(strValue);
                    this.intAllowDif1GM = 1;
            else if (strVariable.CompareTo("GM-Allowing Player Difference equal to/above Threshold") == 0 && Int32.TryParse(strValue, out  this.intAllowDif2GM) == true)
                if (this.intAllowDif2GM > 0)
                    this.intAllowDif2GM = Convert.ToInt32(strValue);
                    this.intAllowDif2GM = 1;

			else if (strVariable.CompareTo("CQ-Player Threshold") == 0 && Int32.TryParse(strValue, out  this.intTreshCONQUEST) == true)
                if (this.intTreshCONQUEST > 0)
                    this.intTreshCONQUEST = Convert.ToInt32(strValue);
                    this.intTreshCONQUEST = 0;
            else if (strVariable.CompareTo("CQ-Allowing Player Difference below Threshold") == 0 && Int32.TryParse(strValue, out  this.intAllowDif1CONQUEST) == true)
                if (this.intAllowDif1CONQUEST > 0)
                    this.intAllowDif1CONQUEST = Convert.ToInt32(strValue);
                    this.intAllowDif1CONQUEST = 1;
			 else if (strVariable.CompareTo("CQ-Allowing Player Difference equal to/above Threshold") == 0 && Int32.TryParse(strValue, out  this.intAllowDif2CONQUEST) == true)
                if (this.intAllowDif2CONQUEST > 0)
                    this.intAllowDif2CONQUEST = Convert.ToInt32(strValue);
                    this.intAllowDif2CONQUEST = 1;
			 else if (strVariable.CompareTo("CQ-Stop balancing, when tickets till end") == 0 && Int32.TryParse(strValue, out  this.intminScoreCONQUEST) == true)
                    this.intminScoreCONQUEST = Convert.ToInt32(strValue);


			else if (strVariable.CompareTo("TDM-Player Threshold") == 0 && Int32.TryParse(strValue, out  this.intTreshTDM) == true)
                if (this.intTreshTDM> 0)
                    this.intTreshTDM= Convert.ToInt32(strValue);
                    this.intTreshTDM= 0;
            else if (strVariable.CompareTo("TDM-Allowing Player Difference below Threshold") == 0 && Int32.TryParse(strValue, out  this.intAllowDif1TDM) == true)
                if (this.intAllowDif1TDM> 0)
                    this.intAllowDif1TDM= Convert.ToInt32(strValue);
                    this.intAllowDif1TDM= 1;
			 else if (strVariable.CompareTo("TDM-Allowing Player Difference equal to/above Threshold") == 0 && Int32.TryParse(strValue, out  this.intAllowDif2TDM) == true)
                if (this.intAllowDif2TDM> 0)
                    this.intAllowDif2TDM= Convert.ToInt32(strValue);
                    this.intAllowDif2TDM= 1;
			 else if (strVariable.CompareTo("TDM-Stop balancing, when tickets till end") == 0 && Int32.TryParse(strValue, out  this.intminScoreTDM) == true)
                    this.intminScoreTDM = Convert.ToInt32(strValue);


			else if (strVariable.CompareTo("Show ingame warnings?") == 0 && Enum.IsDefined(typeof(enumBoolYesNo), strValue) == true)
                this.ynbShowWarnings = (enumBoolYesNo)Enum.Parse(typeof(enumBoolYesNo), strValue);
            else if (strVariable.CompareTo("Warning Message") == 0)
                this.strWarning = strValue;
			else if (strVariable.CompareTo("Show ingame balancing message?") == 0 && Enum.IsDefined(typeof(enumBoolYesNo), strValue) == true)
                this.ynbShowBallancing = (enumBoolYesNo)Enum.Parse(typeof(enumBoolYesNo), strValue);
            else if (strVariable.CompareTo("Balancing Message") == 0)
                this.strLastWarning = strValue;
			else if (strVariable.CompareTo("Show private message to moved player?") == 0 && Enum.IsDefined(typeof(enumBoolYesNo), strValue) == true)
                this.ynbShowPlayermessage = (enumBoolYesNo)Enum.Parse(typeof(enumBoolYesNo), strValue);
            else if (strVariable.CompareTo("Message for moved Player") == 0)
                this.strBeenMoved = strValue;
			else if (strVariable.CompareTo("Enable Command: !scrambleround") == 0 && Enum.IsDefined(typeof(enumBoolYesNo), strValue) == true)
				this.ynbEnableScrambleRound = (enumBoolYesNo)Enum.Parse(typeof(enumBoolYesNo), strValue);
			else if (strVariable.CompareTo("Enable Command: !scramblenow") == 0 && Enum.IsDefined(typeof(enumBoolYesNo), strValue) == true)
				this.ynbEnableScrambleNow = (enumBoolYesNo)Enum.Parse(typeof(enumBoolYesNo), strValue);
			else if (strVariable.CompareTo("Show Scrambling messages to the server?") == 0 && Enum.IsDefined(typeof(enumBoolYesNo), strValue) == true)
				this.ynbScrambleMessage = (enumBoolYesNo)Enum.Parse(typeof(enumBoolYesNo), strValue);
			else if (strVariable.CompareTo("Yell messages to the server?") == 0 && Enum.IsDefined(typeof(enumBoolYesNo), strValue) == true)
				this.ynbYellScrambleManuall = (enumBoolYesNo)Enum.Parse(typeof(enumBoolYesNo), strValue);
			else if (strVariable.CompareTo("Message when admin requests a scramble at roundend") == 0)
                this.strScrambleRoundMsg = strValue;
			else if (strVariable.CompareTo("Message when admin requests a scramble now") == 0)
                this.strScrambleNowMsg = strValue;
			else if (strVariable.CompareTo("Message when scrambling is done") == 0)
                this.strScrambleDoneMsg = strValue;
			else if (strVariable.CompareTo("Yell scramble message at roundend?") == 0 && Enum.IsDefined(typeof(enumBoolYesNo), strValue) == true)
				this.ynbYellScrambleMessage = (enumBoolYesNo)Enum.Parse(typeof(enumBoolYesNo), strValue);
            else if (strVariable.CompareTo("What to do with squads?") == 0)
                this.strScrambleMode = strValue;
            else if (strVariable.CompareTo("ClanTag-List: Keep squad, if at least one player uses one of these ClanTags") == 0)
                this.strAClantagWhitelistScrambler = CPluginVariable.DecodeStringArray(strValue);

            else if (strVariable.CompareTo("RUSH-Scramble teams on every new map?") == 0 && Enum.IsDefined(typeof(enumBoolYesNo), strValue) == true)
				this.ynbenableSkillRUSH = (enumBoolYesNo)Enum.Parse(typeof(enumBoolYesNo), strValue);
            else if (strVariable.CompareTo("RUSH-Scramble by") == 0)
                this.ScrambleByRUSH = strValue;

            else if (strVariable.CompareTo("GM-Scramble teams on every new map?") == 0 && Enum.IsDefined(typeof(enumBoolYesNo), strValue) == true)
                this.ynbenableSkillGM = (enumBoolYesNo)Enum.Parse(typeof(enumBoolYesNo), strValue);
            else if (strVariable.CompareTo("GM-Scramble by") == 0)
                this.ScrambleByGM = strValue;

			else if (strVariable.CompareTo("CQ-Enable Skillscrambler?") == 0 && Enum.IsDefined(typeof(enumBoolYesNo), strValue) == true)
				this.ynbenableSkillCONQUEST = (enumBoolYesNo)Enum.Parse(typeof(enumBoolYesNo), strValue);
			else if (strVariable.CompareTo("CQ-Scramble on every new map no matter what score?") == 0 && Enum.IsDefined(typeof(enumBoolYesNo), strValue) == true)
				this.ynbScrambleMapCONQUEST = (enumBoolYesNo)Enum.Parse(typeof(enumBoolYesNo), strValue);
			else if (strVariable.CompareTo("CQ-Check balance on every new Round (else on new Map only)") == 0 && Enum.IsDefined(typeof(enumBoolYesNo), strValue) == true)
				this.ynbScrambleEveryRoundCONQUEST = (enumBoolYesNo)Enum.Parse(typeof(enumBoolYesNo), strValue);
			if (strVariable.CompareTo("CQ-Scramble, if x % Tickets difference (% of maxTickets)") == 0 && Int32.TryParse(strValue, out  this.intwonTicketsCONQUEST) == true)
				if (this.intwonTicketsCONQUEST >= 0)
                    this.intwonTicketsCONQUEST = Convert.ToInt32(strValue);
                    this.intwonTicketsCONQUEST = 0;
			else if (strVariable.CompareTo("CQ-Scrambling Message at roundend") == 0)
                this.strScrambleMessageCONQUEST = strValue;
			else if (strVariable.CompareTo("CQ-Scramble by") == 0)
                this.ScrambleByCONQUEST = strValue;
			else if (strVariable.CompareTo("TDM-Enable Skillscrambler?") == 0 && Enum.IsDefined(typeof(enumBoolYesNo), strValue) == true)
				this.ynbenableSkillTDM = (enumBoolYesNo)Enum.Parse(typeof(enumBoolYesNo), strValue);
			else if (strVariable.CompareTo("TDM-Scramble on every new map no matter what score?") == 0 && Enum.IsDefined(typeof(enumBoolYesNo), strValue) == true)
				this.ynbScrambleMapTDM = (enumBoolYesNo)Enum.Parse(typeof(enumBoolYesNo), strValue);
			else if (strVariable.CompareTo("TDM-Check balance on every new Round (else on new Map only)") == 0 && Enum.IsDefined(typeof(enumBoolYesNo), strValue) == true)
				this.ynbScrambleEveryRoundTDM = (enumBoolYesNo)Enum.Parse(typeof(enumBoolYesNo), strValue);
			if (strVariable.CompareTo("TDM-Scramble, if x % Tickets difference (% of maxTickets)") == 0 && Int32.TryParse(strValue, out  this.intwonTicketsTDM) == true)
				if (this.intwonTicketsTDM >= 0)
                    this.intwonTicketsTDM = Convert.ToInt32(strValue);
                    this.intwonTicketsTDM = 0;
			if (strVariable.CompareTo("TDM-Show Scramble message at roundend when x Tickets are reached") == 0 && Int32.TryParse(strValue, out  this.intshowTicketsTDM) == true)
				if (this.intshowTicketsTDM >= 0)
                    this.intshowTicketsTDM = Convert.ToInt32(strValue);
                    this.intshowTicketsTDM = 5;
			else if (strVariable.CompareTo("TDM-Scrambling Message at roundend") == 0)
                this.strScrambleMessageTDM = strValue;
			else if (strVariable.CompareTo("TDM-Scramble by") == 0)
                this.ScrambleByTDM = strValue;

			else if (strVariable.CompareTo("Enable Debug Mode for normal balancing") == 0 && Enum.IsDefined(typeof(enumBoolYesNo), strValue) == true)
                this.ynbDebugMode = (enumBoolYesNo)Enum.Parse(typeof(enumBoolYesNo), strValue);
			else if (strVariable.CompareTo("Enable Debug Mode for skill balancing") == 0 && Enum.IsDefined(typeof(enumBoolYesNo), strValue) == true)
                this.ynbDebugModeSkill = (enumBoolYesNo)Enum.Parse(typeof(enumBoolYesNo), strValue);
            else if (strVariable.CompareTo("Enable Whitelist") == 0 && Enum.IsDefined(typeof(enumBoolYesNo), strValue) == true)
                this.ynbWhitelist = (enumBoolYesNo)Enum.Parse(typeof(enumBoolYesNo), strValue);
			else if (strVariable.CompareTo("Whitelist ClanTags") == 0)
                this.strAClantagWhitelist = CPluginVariable.DecodeStringArray(strValue);
            else if (strVariable.CompareTo("Whitelist Names") == 0)
                this.strAWhitelist = CPluginVariable.DecodeStringArray(strValue);
			else if (strVariable.CompareTo("Include VIP/Reserved Slots List into the whitelist?") == 0 && Enum.IsDefined(typeof(enumBoolYesNo), strValue) == true)
                this.ynbincludeVIPlist = (enumBoolYesNo)Enum.Parse(typeof(enumBoolYesNo), strValue);
Пример #32
        public void OnScrambleViaPRoCon()
            this.ynbScrambleRoundViaPRoConConf = enumBoolYesNo.No;
            this.ynbScrambleRoundViaPRoCon = enumBoolYesNo.No;

            if (this.ynbEnableScrambleRound == enumBoolYesNo.Yes)
                if (this.boolLevelStart)
                    this.DebugInfoSkill("^1Admin requested a scramble for next round!");
                    this.boolscramblebyadminroundend = true;
                    if (this.ynbScrambleMessage == enumBoolYesNo.Yes)
                        if (this.strScrambleRoundMsg != "")
                            this.ExecuteCommand("procon.protected.send", "admin.say", this.strScrambleRoundMsg, "all");
                            if (this.ynbYellScrambleManuall == enumBoolYesNo.Yes)
                                this.ExecuteCommand("procon.protected.send", "admin.yell", this.strScrambleRoundMsg, "30");
                    this.DebugInfoSkill("^3You can only request for a scramble, if a round is running.");
                this.DebugInfoSkill("You need to activate and setup !scrambleround at '2.5 Skill-Scrambler: Manual Commands'");
        public void SetPluginVariable(string strVariable, string strValue)
            if (Regex.Match(strVariable, @"ExtraTaskPlaner_Callback").Success) // Extra Task Manager Callback

            if (Regex.Match(strVariable, @"Select Servermode").Success) // Extra Task Manager Callback
            if (strValue != "...") ExtraTaskPlaner_Callback(strValue);

            if (strVariable.Contains("|"))
            string[] tmpVariable = strVariable.Split('|');
            strVariable = tmpVariable[1];

            if (plugin_loaded) WritePluginConsole("^b" + strVariable + "^n ( " + strValue + " )","VARIABLE", 10);

            if (!tmpPluginVariables.ContainsKey(strVariable)) tmpPluginVariables.Add(strVariable, strValue);

            // COMMANDS

            if (Regex.Match(strVariable, @"Switchnow_Command").Success)
            switchnow_cmd = strValue;

            if (Regex.Match(strVariable, @"Command_Kick All").Success)
            cmd_KickAll = strValue;

            // UMM Variables

            if (Regex.Match(strVariable, @"Use UMM for Normal Mode").Success)
            if (strValue == "Yes")
            useUmm = enumBoolYesNo.Yes;
            if ( serverMode == "normal" ) Enable_UMM(true);
            if (strValue == "No")
            useUmm = enumBoolYesNo.No;
            if (serverMode == "normal") Enable_UMM(false);

            // VARS

            if (Regex.Match(strVariable, @"I have read the Terms of Use YES / NO").Success)
            thermsofuse = strValue;

            if (Regex.Match(strVariable, @"Debug level").Success) {
            int tmp = 2;
            int.TryParse(strValue, out tmp);
            fDebugLevel = tmp;

            if (Regex.Match(strVariable, @"Enable Advanced Mode").Success)
            if (strValue == "Yes") advanced_mode = enumBoolYesNo.Yes;
            if (strValue == "No")
            advanced_mode = enumBoolYesNo.No;
            expert_mode = enumBoolYesNo.No; // Disable Expert Mode if advanced mode is off

            if (Regex.Match(strVariable, @"Enable Expert Mode").Success)
            if (strValue == "Yes") expert_mode = enumBoolYesNo.Yes;
            if (strValue == "No") expert_mode = enumBoolYesNo.No;

            if (Regex.Match(strVariable, @"Plugin Command").Success)

            if (Regex.Match(strVariable, @"Startup Mode").Success)
            if (strValue == "") strValue = "normal"; // Standardwert setzen
            startup_mode = strValue;

            if (Regex.Match(strVariable, @"Aggressive Startup").Success)
            if (strValue == "Yes") agresive_startup = enumBoolYesNo.Yes;
            if (strValue == "No") agresive_startup = enumBoolYesNo.No;

            if (Regex.Match(strVariable, @"Countdown Timer").Success)
            int tmp = 2;
            int.TryParse(strValue, out tmp);
            countdown_time = tmp;

            if (Regex.Match(strVariable, @"Show Weaponcodes").Success)
            if (strValue == "Yes") showweaponcode = enumBoolYesNo.Yes;
            if (strValue == "No") showweaponcode = enumBoolYesNo.No;

            if (Regex.Match(strVariable, @"Plugin Autoconfig").Success)
            if (strValue == "Yes") autoconfig = enumBoolYesNo.Yes;
            if (strValue == "No") autoconfig = enumBoolYesNo.No;

            if (Regex.Match(strVariable, @"Use General Whitelist").Success)

            if (strValue == "Yes") mWhitelist_isEnabled = enumBoolYesNo.Yes;
            if (strValue == "No") mWhitelist_isEnabled = enumBoolYesNo.No;


            if (Regex.Match(strVariable, @"Auto Whitelist ProconAccounts").Success)

            if (strValue == "Yes") Auto_Whitelist_Admins = enumBoolYesNo.Yes;
            if (strValue == "No") Auto_Whitelist_Admins = enumBoolYesNo.No;


            if (Regex.Match(strVariable, @"Prevent ProconAccounts from warn").Success)

            if (strValue == "Yes") Prevent_Admins_Warn = enumBoolYesNo.Yes;
            if (strValue == "No") Prevent_Admins_Warn = enumBoolYesNo.No;


            if (Regex.Match(strVariable, @"Prevent Whitelist Players from warn").Success)

            if (strValue == "Yes") Prevent_WlistPlayers_Warn = enumBoolYesNo.Yes;
            if (strValue == "No") Prevent_WlistPlayers_Warn = enumBoolYesNo.No;


            if (Regex.Match(strVariable, @"Use General Prohibited Weapons").Success)

            if (strValue == "Yes") g_prohibitedWeapons_enable = enumBoolYesNo.Yes;
            if (strValue == "No") g_prohibitedWeapons_enable = enumBoolYesNo.No;


            if (Regex.Match(strVariable, @"Use Map Prohibited Weapons").Success)

            if (strValue == "Yes") map_prohibitedWeapons_enable = enumBoolYesNo.Yes;
            if (strValue == "No") map_prohibitedWeapons_enable = enumBoolYesNo.No;


            if (Regex.Match(strVariable, @"General Prohibited Weapons List").Success)
            g_prohibitedWeapons = new List<string>(CheckWeaponList(CPluginVariable.DecodeStringArray(strValue)));


            if (Regex.Match(strVariable, @"Clan_Whitelist").Success)
            m_ClanWhitelist = new List<string>(CPluginVariable.DecodeStringArray(strValue));

            if (strVariable == "Player_Whitelist")
            m_PlayerWhitelist = new List<string>(CPluginVariable.DecodeStringArray(strValue));

            if (Regex.Match(strVariable, @"Prohibited Weapon Max Player Warns").Success)
            g_max_Warns = Convert.ToInt32(strValue);

            if (Regex.Match(strVariable, @"Prohibited Weapon Player Action").Success)
            g_PlayerAction = strValue;

            if (Regex.Match(strVariable, @"Prohibited Weapon TBan Minutes").Success)
            g_ActionTbanTime = Convert.ToInt32(strValue);

            if (Regex.Match(strVariable, @"Enable Server Rules").Success)
            if (strValue == "Yes") rules_enable = enumBoolYesNo.Yes;
            if (strValue == "No") rules_enable = enumBoolYesNo.No;

            if (Regex.Match(strVariable, @"Show Rules in...").Success)
            rules_method = strValue;

            if (Regex.Match(strVariable, @"Show Rules on first spawn").Success)
            if (strValue == "Yes") rules_firstjoin = enumBoolYesNo.Yes;
            if (strValue == "No") rules_firstjoin = enumBoolYesNo.No;

            if (Regex.Match(strVariable, @"Show Rules Time").Success)
            rules_time = Convert.ToInt32(strValue);

              // NORMAL MODE VARS

            if (Regex.Match(strVariable, @"NM_Command Enable").Success)
            if (strValue == "") strValue = "normal"; // Standardwert setzen
            nm_commandEnable = strValue;

            if (Regex.Match(strVariable, @"NM_Rules").Success)
            nm_Rules = new List<string>(CPluginVariable.DecodeStringArray(strValue));

            if (Regex.Match(strVariable, @"NM_PRoCon Config").Success)

            List<string> tmpConfigList = new List<string>(CPluginVariable.DecodeStringArray(strValue));
            nmPRoConConfig = new List<string>();
            foreach (string line in tmpConfigList)
            string tmpline = line.Replace("|","#LISTITEM#");


            if (Regex.Match(strVariable, @"NM_Server Name").Success && !(isInstalledUMM && useUmm == enumBoolYesNo.Yes))
            nm_Servername = strValue;

            if (Regex.Match(strVariable, @"NM_Server Description").Success)
            nm_Serverdescription = strValue;

            if (Regex.Match(strVariable, @"NM_Server Message").Success)
            nm_ServerMessage = strValue;

            if (Regex.Match(strVariable, @"NM_Vehicle Spawn Allowed").Success)
            if (strValue == "Yes") nm_VehicleSpawnAllowed = enumBoolYesNo.Yes;
            if (strValue == "No") nm_VehicleSpawnAllowed = enumBoolYesNo.No;
            if (strValue == "True") nm_VehicleSpawnAllowed = enumBoolYesNo.Yes;
            if (strValue == "False") nm_VehicleSpawnAllowed = enumBoolYesNo.No;


            if (Regex.Match(strVariable, @"NM_Vehicle Spawn Time").Success)

            int tmpValue = Convert.ToInt32(strValue);

            if (tmpValue > 100)
            tmpValue = 100;
            WritePluginConsole("Incorrect Value of NM_Vehicle Spawn Time","ERROR",0);
            WritePluginConsole("this Setting have to be between 5 and 100","ERROR",0);

            if (tmpValue < 5)
            tmpValue = 5;
            WritePluginConsole("Incorrect Value of NM_Vehicle Spawn Time","ERROR",0);
            WritePluginConsole("this Setting have to be between 5 and 100","ERROR",0);
            nm_VehicleSpawnCount = tmpValue;

            if (Regex.Match(strVariable, @"NM_Player Spawn Time").Success)
            int tmpValue = Convert.ToInt32(strValue);

            if (tmpValue > 100)
            tmpValue = 100;
            WritePluginConsole("Incorrect Value of NM_Player Spawn Time","ERROR",0);
            WritePluginConsole("this Setting have to be between 5 and 100","ERROR",0);

            if (tmpValue < 5)
            tmpValue = 5;
            WritePluginConsole("Incorrect Value of NM_Player Spawn Time","ERROR",0);
            WritePluginConsole("this Setting have to be between 5 and 100","ERROR",0);

            nm_PlayerSpawnCount = tmpValue;

            if (Regex.Match(strVariable, @"NM_MapList").Success)
            if (!(isInstalledUMM && useUmm == enumBoolYesNo.Yes))
            nm_MapList = new List<string>(CPluginVariable.DecodeStringArray(strValue));


            if (Regex.Match(strVariable, @"Private Mode").Success)
            if (strValue == "Yes") pm_isEnabled = enumBoolYesNo.Yes;
            if (strValue == "No") pm_isEnabled = enumBoolYesNo.No;
            taskPlanerUpdateNeeded = true;


            if (Regex.Match(strVariable, @"PM_Command Enable").Success)
            if (strValue == "") strValue = "private"; // Standardwert setzen
            pm_commandEnable = strValue;

            if (Regex.Match(strVariable, @"PM_Rules").Success)
            pm_Rules = new List<string>(CPluginVariable.DecodeStringArray(strValue));

            if (Regex.Match(strVariable, @"PM_ClanWhitelist").Success)
            pm_ClanWhitelist = new List<string>(CPluginVariable.DecodeStringArray(strValue));

            if (Regex.Match(strVariable, @"PM_PlayerWhitelist").Success)
            pm_PlayerWhitelist = new List<string>(CPluginVariable.DecodeStringArray(strValue));

            if (Regex.Match(strVariable, @"PM_PRoCon Config").Success)

            List<string> tmpConfigList = new List<string>(CPluginVariable.DecodeStringArray(strValue));
            pmPRoConConfig = new List<string>();
            foreach (string line in tmpConfigList)
            string tmpline = line.Replace("|", "#LISTITEM#");


            if (Regex.Match(strVariable, @"PM_Server Name").Success)
            pm_Servername = strValue;

            if (Regex.Match(strVariable, @"PM_Server Description").Success)
            pm_Serverdescription = strValue;

            if (Regex.Match(strVariable, @"PM_Server Message").Success)
            pm_ServerMessage = strValue;

            if (Regex.Match(strVariable, @"PM_Vehicle Spawn Allowed").Success)
            if (strValue == "Yes") pm_VehicleSpawnAllowed = enumBoolYesNo.Yes;
            if (strValue == "No") pm_VehicleSpawnAllowed = enumBoolYesNo.No;
            if (strValue == "True") pm_VehicleSpawnAllowed = enumBoolYesNo.Yes;
            if (strValue == "False") pm_VehicleSpawnAllowed = enumBoolYesNo.No;


            if (Regex.Match(strVariable, @"PM_Vehicle Spawn Time").Success)

            int tmpValue = Convert.ToInt32(strValue);

            if (tmpValue > 100)
            tmpValue = 100;
            WritePluginConsole("Incorrect Value of PM_Vehicle Spawn Time","ERROR",0);
            WritePluginConsole("this Setting have to be between 5 and 100","ERROR",0);

            if (tmpValue < 5)
            tmpValue = 5;
            WritePluginConsole("Incorrect Value of PM_Vehicle Spawn Time","ERROR",0);
            WritePluginConsole("this Setting have to be between 5 and 100","ERROR",0);
            pm_VehicleSpawnCount = tmpValue;

            if (Regex.Match(strVariable, @"PM_Player Spawn Time").Success)
            int tmpValue = Convert.ToInt32(strValue);

            if (tmpValue > 100)
            tmpValue = 100;
            WritePluginConsole("Incorrect Value of PM_Player Spawn Time","ERROR",0);
            WritePluginConsole("this Setting have to be between 5 and 100","ERROR",0);

            if (tmpValue < 5)
            tmpValue = 5;
            WritePluginConsole("Incorrect Value of PM_Player Spawn Time","ERROR",0);
            WritePluginConsole("this Setting have to be between 5 and 100","ERROR",0);

               pm_PlayerSpawnCount = tmpValue;

            if (Regex.Match(strVariable, @"PM_MapList").Success)
            pm_MapList = new List<string>(CPluginVariable.DecodeStringArray(strValue));

            if (Regex.Match(strVariable, @"PM_Autokick All on enable").Success)
            if (strValue == "Yes") autoKickAll = enumBoolYesNo.Yes;
            if (strValue == "No") autoKickAll = enumBoolYesNo.No;


            if (Regex.Match(strVariable, @"Flagrun Mode").Success)
            if (strValue == "Yes") fm_isEnabled = enumBoolYesNo.Yes;
            if (strValue == "No") fm_isEnabled = enumBoolYesNo.No;
            taskPlanerUpdateNeeded = true;

            if (Regex.Match(strVariable, @"FM_PRoCon Config").Success)

            List<string> tmpConfigList = new List<string>(CPluginVariable.DecodeStringArray(strValue));
            fmPRoConConfig = new List<string>();
            foreach (string line in tmpConfigList)
            string tmpline = line.Replace("|", "#LISTITEM#");


            if (Regex.Match(strVariable, @"FM_Command Enable").Success)
            if (strValue == "") strValue = "flagrun"; // Standardwert setzen
            fm_commandEnable = strValue;

            if (Regex.Match(strVariable, @"FM_Rules").Success)
            fm_Rules = new List<string>(CPluginVariable.DecodeStringArray(strValue));

            if (Regex.Match(strVariable, @"FM_ClanWhitelist").Success)
            fm_ClanWhitelist = new List<string>(CPluginVariable.DecodeStringArray(strValue));

            if (Regex.Match(strVariable, @"FM_PlayerWhitelist").Success)
            fm_PlayerWhitelist = new List<string>(CPluginVariable.DecodeStringArray(strValue));

            if (Regex.Match(strVariable, @"FM_Server Name").Success)
            fm_Servername = strValue;

            if (Regex.Match(strVariable, @"FM_Server Description").Success)
            fm_Serverdescription = strValue;

            if (Regex.Match(strVariable, @"FM_Server Message").Success)
            fm_ServerMessage = strValue;

            if (Regex.Match(strVariable, @"FM_Vehicle Spawn Allowed").Success)
            if (strValue == "Yes") fm_VehicleSpawnAllowed = enumBoolYesNo.Yes;
            if (strValue == "No") fm_VehicleSpawnAllowed = enumBoolYesNo.No;
            if (strValue == "True") fm_VehicleSpawnAllowed = enumBoolYesNo.Yes;
            if (strValue == "False") fm_VehicleSpawnAllowed = enumBoolYesNo.No;


            if (Regex.Match(strVariable, @"FM_Vehicle Spawn Time").Success)

            int tmpValue = Convert.ToInt32(strValue);

            if (tmpValue > 100)
            tmpValue = 100;
            WritePluginConsole("Incorrect Value of FM_Vehicle Spawn Time","ERROR",0);
            WritePluginConsole("this Setting have to be between 5 and 100","ERROR",0);

            if (tmpValue < 5)
            tmpValue = 5;
            WritePluginConsole("Incorrect Value of FM_Vehicle Spawn Time","ERROR",0);
            WritePluginConsole("this Setting have to be between 5 and 100","ERROR",0);
            fm_VehicleSpawnCount = tmpValue;

            if (Regex.Match(strVariable, @"FM_Player Spawn Time").Success)
            int tmpValue = Convert.ToInt32(strValue);

            if (tmpValue > 100)
            tmpValue = 100;
            WritePluginConsole("Incorrect Value of PM_Player Spawn Time","ERROR",0);
            WritePluginConsole("this Setting have to be between 5 and 100","ERROR",0);

            if (tmpValue < 5)
            tmpValue = 5;
            WritePluginConsole("Incorrect Value of FM_Player Spawn Time","ERROR",0);
            WritePluginConsole("this Setting have to be between 5 and 100","ERROR",0);

            fm_PlayerSpawnCount = tmpValue;

            if (Regex.Match(strVariable, @"FM_MapList").Success)
            fm_MapList = new List<string>(CPluginVariable.DecodeStringArray(strValue));

            if (Regex.Match(strVariable, @"FM_Max Player Warns").Success)
            fm_max_Warns = Convert.ToInt32(strValue);

            if (Regex.Match(strVariable, @"FM_Player Action").Success)
            fm_PlayerAction = strValue;

            if (Regex.Match(strVariable, @"FM_TBan Minutes").Success)
            fm_ActionTbanTime = Convert.ToInt32(strValue);

            if (Regex.Match(strVariable, @"Knife Only Mode").Success)
            if (strValue == "Yes") kom_isEnabled = enumBoolYesNo.Yes;
            if (strValue == "No") kom_isEnabled = enumBoolYesNo.No;
            taskPlanerUpdateNeeded = true;

            if (Regex.Match(strVariable, @"KOM_PRoCon Config").Success)

            List<string> tmpConfigList = new List<string>(CPluginVariable.DecodeStringArray(strValue));
            komPRoConConfig = new List<string>();
            foreach (string line in tmpConfigList)
            string tmpline = line.Replace("|", "#LISTITEM#");


            if (Regex.Match(strVariable, @"KOM_Command Enable").Success)
            if (strValue == "") strValue = "flagrun"; // Standardwert setzen
            kom_commandEnable = strValue;

            if (Regex.Match(strVariable, @"KOM_Rules").Success)
            kom_Rules = new List<string>(CPluginVariable.DecodeStringArray(strValue));

            if (Regex.Match(strVariable, @"KOM_ClanWhitelist").Success)
            kom_ClanWhitelist = new List<string>(CPluginVariable.DecodeStringArray(strValue));

            if (Regex.Match(strVariable, @"KOM_PlayerWhitelist").Success)
            kom_PlayerWhitelist = new List<string>(CPluginVariable.DecodeStringArray(strValue));

            if (Regex.Match(strVariable, @"KOM_Server Name").Success)
            kom_Servername = strValue;

            if (Regex.Match(strVariable, @"KOM_Server Description").Success)
            kom_Serverdescription = strValue;

            if (Regex.Match(strVariable, @"KOM_Server Message").Success)
            kom_ServerMessage = strValue;

            if (Regex.Match(strVariable, @"KOM_Vehicle Spawn Allowed").Success)
            if (strValue == "Yes") kom_VehicleSpawnAllowed = enumBoolYesNo.Yes;
            if (strValue == "No") kom_VehicleSpawnAllowed = enumBoolYesNo.No;
            if (strValue == "True") kom_VehicleSpawnAllowed = enumBoolYesNo.Yes;
            if (strValue == "False") kom_VehicleSpawnAllowed = enumBoolYesNo.No;


            if (Regex.Match(strVariable, @"KOM_Vehicle Spawn Time").Success)

            int tmpValue = Convert.ToInt32(strValue);

            if (tmpValue > 100)
            tmpValue = 100;
            WritePluginConsole("Incorrect Value of KOM_Vehicle Spawn Time","ERROR",0);
            WritePluginConsole("this Setting have to be between 5 and 100","ERROR",0);

            if (tmpValue < 5)
            tmpValue = 5;
            WritePluginConsole("Incorrect Value of KOM_Vehicle Spawn Time","ERROR",0);
            WritePluginConsole("this Setting have to be between 5 and 100","ERROR",0);
            kom_VehicleSpawnCount = tmpValue;

            if (Regex.Match(strVariable, @"KOM_Player Spawn Time").Success)
            int tmpValue = Convert.ToInt32(strValue);

            if (tmpValue > 100)
            tmpValue = 100;
            WritePluginConsole("Incorrect Value of PM_Player Spawn Time","ERROR",0);
            WritePluginConsole("this Setting have to be between 5 and 100","ERROR",0);

            if (tmpValue < 5)
            tmpValue = 5;
            WritePluginConsole("Incorrect Value of KOM_Player Spawn Time","ERROR",0);
            WritePluginConsole("this Setting have to be between 5 and 100","ERROR",0);

            kom_PlayerSpawnCount = tmpValue;

            if (Regex.Match(strVariable, @"KOM_MapList").Success)
            kom_MapList = new List<string>(CPluginVariable.DecodeStringArray(strValue));

            if (Regex.Match(strVariable, @"KOM_Max Player Warns").Success)
            kom_max_Warns = Convert.ToInt32(strValue);

            if (Regex.Match(strVariable, @"KOM_Player Action").Success)
            kom_PlayerAction = strValue;

            if (Regex.Match(strVariable, @"KOM_TBan Minutes").Success)
            kom_ActionTbanTime = Convert.ToInt32(strValue);

            if (Regex.Match(strVariable, @"Pistol Only Mode").Success)
            if (strValue == "Yes") pom_isEnabled = enumBoolYesNo.Yes;
            if (strValue == "No") pom_isEnabled = enumBoolYesNo.No;
            taskPlanerUpdateNeeded = true;

            if (Regex.Match(strVariable, @"POM_PRoCon Config").Success)

            List<string> tmpConfigList = new List<string>(CPluginVariable.DecodeStringArray(strValue));
            pomPRoConConfig = new List<string>();
            foreach (string line in tmpConfigList)
            string tmpline = line.Replace("|", "#LISTITEM#");


            if (Regex.Match(strVariable, @"POM_Command Enable").Success)
            if (strValue == "") strValue = "flagrun"; // Standardwert setzen
            pom_commandEnable = strValue;

            if (Regex.Match(strVariable, @"POM_Rules").Success)
            pom_Rules = new List<string>(CPluginVariable.DecodeStringArray(strValue));

            if (Regex.Match(strVariable, @"POM_ClanWhitelist").Success)
            pom_ClanWhitelist = new List<string>(CPluginVariable.DecodeStringArray(strValue));

            if (Regex.Match(strVariable, @"POM_PlayerWhitelist").Success)
            pom_PlayerWhitelist = new List<string>(CPluginVariable.DecodeStringArray(strValue));

            if (Regex.Match(strVariable, @"POM_Server Name").Success)
            pom_Servername = strValue;

            if (Regex.Match(strVariable, @"POM_Server Description").Success)
            pom_Serverdescription = strValue;

            if (Regex.Match(strVariable, @"POM_Server Message").Success)
            pom_ServerMessage = strValue;

            if (Regex.Match(strVariable, @"POM_Vehicle Spawn Allowed").Success)
            if (strValue == "Yes") pom_VehicleSpawnAllowed = enumBoolYesNo.Yes;
            if (strValue == "No") pom_VehicleSpawnAllowed = enumBoolYesNo.No;
            if (strValue == "True") pom_VehicleSpawnAllowed = enumBoolYesNo.Yes;
            if (strValue == "False") pom_VehicleSpawnAllowed = enumBoolYesNo.No;


            if (Regex.Match(strVariable, @"POM_Vehicle Spawn Time").Success)

            int tmpValue = Convert.ToInt32(strValue);

            if (tmpValue > 100)
            tmpValue = 100;
            WritePluginConsole("Incorrect Value of POM_Vehicle Spawn Time","ERROR",0);
            WritePluginConsole("this Setting have to be between 5 and 100","ERROR",0);

            if (tmpValue < 5)
            tmpValue = 5;
            WritePluginConsole("Incorrect Value of POM_Vehicle Spawn Time","ERROR",0);
            WritePluginConsole("this Setting have to be between 5 and 100","ERROR",0);
            pom_VehicleSpawnCount = tmpValue;

            if (Regex.Match(strVariable, @"POM_Player Spawn Time").Success)
            int tmpValue = Convert.ToInt32(strValue);

            if (tmpValue > 100)
            tmpValue = 100;
            WritePluginConsole("Incorrect Value of PM_Player Spawn Time","ERROR",0);
            WritePluginConsole("this Setting have to be between 5 and 100","ERROR",0);

            if (tmpValue < 5)
            tmpValue = 5;
            WritePluginConsole("Incorrect Value of POM_Player Spawn Time","ERROR",0);
            WritePluginConsole("this Setting have to be between 5 and 100","ERROR",0);

            pom_PlayerSpawnCount = tmpValue;

            if (Regex.Match(strVariable, @"POM_MapList").Success)
            pom_MapList = new List<string>(CPluginVariable.DecodeStringArray(strValue));

            if (Regex.Match(strVariable, @"POM_Max Player Warns").Success)
            pom_max_Warns = Convert.ToInt32(strValue);

            if (Regex.Match(strVariable, @"POM_Player Action").Success)
            pom_PlayerAction = strValue;

            if (Regex.Match(strVariable, @"POM_TBan Minutes").Success)
            pom_ActionTbanTime = Convert.ToInt32(strValue);
            // NEW PISTOLS ( )

            if (Regex.Match(strVariable, @"POM_Allow").Success)
            if (!isInitWeaponDictionarys) InitWeaponDictionarys(); // Init Dictionarys if not done yet !
            string tmpVar = strVariable.Replace("POM_Allow " , "");      // Remove POM Indexer

            //if (!Allow_Handguns.ContainsKey(tmpVar)) Allow_Handguns.Add(tmpVar, enumBoolYesNo.No);  // Create entry if not exist

            if (Allow_Handguns.ContainsKey(tmpVar))
            if (strValue == "Yes") Allow_Handguns[tmpVar] = enumBoolYesNo.Yes;
            if (strValue == "No") Allow_Handguns[tmpVar] = enumBoolYesNo.No;


            if (Regex.Match(strVariable, @"Shotgun Only Mode").Success)
            if (strValue == "Yes") sm_isEnabled = enumBoolYesNo.Yes;
            if (strValue == "No") sm_isEnabled = enumBoolYesNo.No;
            taskPlanerUpdateNeeded = true;

            if (Regex.Match(strVariable, @"SOM_PRoCon Config").Success)

            List<string> tmpConfigList = new List<string>(CPluginVariable.DecodeStringArray(strValue));
            smPRoConConfig = new List<string>();
            foreach (string line in tmpConfigList)
            string tmpline = line.Replace("|", "#LISTITEM#");


            if (Regex.Match(strVariable, @"SOM_Command Enable").Success)
            if (strValue == "") strValue = "flagrun"; // Standardwert setzen
            sm_commandEnable = strValue;

            if (Regex.Match(strVariable, @"SOM_Rules").Success)
            sm_Rules = new List<string>(CPluginVariable.DecodeStringArray(strValue));

            if (Regex.Match(strVariable, @"SOM_ClanWhitelist").Success)
            sm_ClanWhitelist = new List<string>(CPluginVariable.DecodeStringArray(strValue));

            if (Regex.Match(strVariable, @"SOM_PlayerWhitelist").Success)
            sm_PlayerWhitelist = new List<string>(CPluginVariable.DecodeStringArray(strValue));

            if (Regex.Match(strVariable, @"SOM_Server Name").Success)
            sm_Servername = strValue;

            if (Regex.Match(strVariable, @"SOM_Server Description").Success)
            sm_Serverdescription = strValue;

            if (Regex.Match(strVariable, @"SOM_Server Message").Success)
            sm_ServerMessage = strValue;

            if (Regex.Match(strVariable, @"SOM_Vehicle Spawn Allowed").Success)
            if (strValue == "Yes") sm_VehicleSpawnAllowed = enumBoolYesNo.Yes;
            if (strValue == "No") sm_VehicleSpawnAllowed = enumBoolYesNo.No;
            if (strValue == "True") sm_VehicleSpawnAllowed = enumBoolYesNo.Yes;
            if (strValue == "False") sm_VehicleSpawnAllowed = enumBoolYesNo.No;


            if (Regex.Match(strVariable, @"SOM_Vehicle Spawn Time").Success)

            int tmpValue = Convert.ToInt32(strValue);

            if (tmpValue > 100)
            tmpValue = 100;
            WritePluginConsole("Incorrect Value of SOM_Vehicle Spawn Time", "ERROR", 0);
            WritePluginConsole("this Setting have to be between 5 and 100", "ERROR", 0);

            if (tmpValue < 5)
            tmpValue = 5;
            WritePluginConsole("Incorrect Value of SOM_Vehicle Spawn Time", "ERROR", 0);
            WritePluginConsole("this Setting have to be between 5 and 100", "ERROR", 0);
            sm_VehicleSpawnCount = tmpValue;

            if (Regex.Match(strVariable, @"SOM_Player Spawn Time").Success)
            int tmpValue = Convert.ToInt32(strValue);

            if (tmpValue > 100)
            tmpValue = 100;
            WritePluginConsole("Incorrect Value of PM_Player Spawn Time", "ERROR", 0);
            WritePluginConsole("this Setting have to be between 5 and 100", "ERROR", 0);

            if (tmpValue < 5)
            tmpValue = 5;
            WritePluginConsole("Incorrect Value of SOM_Player Spawn Time", "ERROR", 0);
            WritePluginConsole("this Setting have to be between 5 and 100", "ERROR", 0);

            sm_PlayerSpawnCount = tmpValue;

            if (Regex.Match(strVariable, @"SOM_MapList").Success)
            sm_MapList = new List<string>(CPluginVariable.DecodeStringArray(strValue));

            if (Regex.Match(strVariable, @"SOM_Max Player Warns").Success)
            sm_max_Warns = Convert.ToInt32(strValue);

            if (Regex.Match(strVariable, @"SOM_Player Action").Success)
            sm_PlayerAction = strValue;

            if (Regex.Match(strVariable, @"SOM_TBan Minutes").Success)
            sm_ActionTbanTime = Convert.ToInt32(strValue);

            if (Regex.Match(strVariable, @"SOM_Allow").Success)
            if (!isInitWeaponDictionarys) InitWeaponDictionarys(); // Init Dictionarys if not done yet !
            string tmpVar = strVariable.Replace("SOM_Allow ", "");      // Remove SOM Indexer

            if (Allow_Shotguns.ContainsKey(tmpVar))
            if (strValue == "Yes") Allow_Shotguns[tmpVar] = enumBoolYesNo.Yes;
            if (strValue == "No") Allow_Shotguns[tmpVar] = enumBoolYesNo.No;


            if (Regex.Match(strVariable, @"BoltAction Only Mode").Success)
            if (strValue == "Yes") bam_isEnabled = enumBoolYesNo.Yes;
            if (strValue == "No") bam_isEnabled = enumBoolYesNo.No;
            taskPlanerUpdateNeeded = true;

            if (Regex.Match(strVariable, @"BAM_PRoCon Config").Success)

            List<string> tmpConfigList = new List<string>(CPluginVariable.DecodeStringArray(strValue));
            bamPRoConConfig = new List<string>();
            foreach (string line in tmpConfigList)
            string tmpline = line.Replace("|", "#LISTITEM#");


            if (Regex.Match(strVariable, @"BAM_Command Enable").Success)
            if (strValue == "") strValue = "flagrun"; // Standardwert setzen
            bam_commandEnable = strValue;

            if (Regex.Match(strVariable, @"BAM_Rules").Success)
            bam_Rules = new List<string>(CPluginVariable.DecodeStringArray(strValue));

            if (Regex.Match(strVariable, @"BAM_ClanWhitelist").Success)
            bam_ClanWhitelist = new List<string>(CPluginVariable.DecodeStringArray(strValue));

            if (Regex.Match(strVariable, @"BAM_PlayerWhitelist").Success)
            bam_PlayerWhitelist = new List<string>(CPluginVariable.DecodeStringArray(strValue));

            if (Regex.Match(strVariable, @"BAM_Server Name").Success)
            bam_Servername = strValue;

            if (Regex.Match(strVariable, @"BAM_Server Description").Success)
            bam_Serverdescription = strValue;

            if (Regex.Match(strVariable, @"BAM_Server Message").Success)
            bam_ServerMessage = strValue;

            if (Regex.Match(strVariable, @"BAM_Vehicle Spawn Allowed").Success)
            if (strValue == "Yes") bam_VehicleSpawnAllowed = enumBoolYesNo.Yes;
            if (strValue == "No") bam_VehicleSpawnAllowed = enumBoolYesNo.No;
            if (strValue == "True") bam_VehicleSpawnAllowed = enumBoolYesNo.Yes;
            if (strValue == "False") bam_VehicleSpawnAllowed = enumBoolYesNo.No;


            if (Regex.Match(strVariable, @"BAM_Vehicle Spawn Time").Success)

            int tmpValue = Convert.ToInt32(strValue);

            if (tmpValue > 100)
            tmpValue = 100;
            WritePluginConsole("Incorrect Value of BAM_Vehicle Spawn Time", "ERROR", 0);
            WritePluginConsole("this Setting have to be between 5 and 100", "ERROR", 0);

            if (tmpValue < 5)
            tmpValue = 5;
            WritePluginConsole("Incorrect Value of BAM_Vehicle Spawn Time", "ERROR", 0);
            WritePluginConsole("this Setting have to be between 5 and 100", "ERROR", 0);
            bam_VehicleSpawnCount = tmpValue;

            if (Regex.Match(strVariable, @"BAM_Player Spawn Time").Success)
            int tmpValue = Convert.ToInt32(strValue);

            if (tmpValue > 100)
            tmpValue = 100;
            WritePluginConsole("Incorrect Value of PM_Player Spawn Time", "ERROR", 0);
            WritePluginConsole("this Setting have to be between 5 and 100", "ERROR", 0);

            if (tmpValue < 5)
            tmpValue = 5;
            WritePluginConsole("Incorrect Value of BAM_Player Spawn Time", "ERROR", 0);
            WritePluginConsole("this Setting have to be between 5 and 100", "ERROR", 0);

            bam_PlayerSpawnCount = tmpValue;

            if (Regex.Match(strVariable, @"BAM_MapList").Success)
            bam_MapList = new List<string>(CPluginVariable.DecodeStringArray(strValue));

            if (Regex.Match(strVariable, @"BAM_Max Player Warns").Success)
            bam_max_Warns = Convert.ToInt32(strValue);

            if (Regex.Match(strVariable, @"BAM_Player Action").Success)
            bam_PlayerAction = strValue;

            if (Regex.Match(strVariable, @"BAM_TBan Minutes").Success)
            bam_ActionTbanTime = Convert.ToInt32(strValue);

            if (Regex.Match(strVariable, @"BAM_Allow").Success)
            if (!isInitWeaponDictionarys) InitWeaponDictionarys(); // Init Dictionarys if not done yet !
            string tmpVar = strVariable.Replace("BAM_Allow ", "");      // Remove SOM Indexer

            if (Allow_Boltaction.ContainsKey(tmpVar))
            if (strValue == "Yes") Allow_Boltaction[tmpVar] = enumBoolYesNo.Yes;
            if (strValue == "No") Allow_Boltaction[tmpVar] = enumBoolYesNo.No;


            if (Regex.Match(strVariable, @"Autosniper Only Mode").Success)
            if (strValue == "Yes") dmr_isEnabled = enumBoolYesNo.Yes;
            if (strValue == "No") dmr_isEnabled = enumBoolYesNo.No;
            taskPlanerUpdateNeeded = true;

            if (Regex.Match(strVariable, @"DMR_PRoCon Config").Success)

            List<string> tmpConfigList = new List<string>(CPluginVariable.DecodeStringArray(strValue));
            dmrPRoConConfig = new List<string>();
            foreach (string line in tmpConfigList)
            string tmpline = line.Replace("|", "#LISTITEM#");


            if (Regex.Match(strVariable, @"DMR_Command Enable").Success)
            if (strValue == "") strValue = "flagrun"; // Standardwert setzen
            dmr_commandEnable = strValue;

            if (Regex.Match(strVariable, @"DMR_Rules").Success)
            dmr_Rules = new List<string>(CPluginVariable.DecodeStringArray(strValue));

            if (Regex.Match(strVariable, @"DMR_ClanWhitelist").Success)
            dmr_ClanWhitelist = new List<string>(CPluginVariable.DecodeStringArray(strValue));

            if (Regex.Match(strVariable, @"DMR_PlayerWhitelist").Success)
            dmr_PlayerWhitelist = new List<string>(CPluginVariable.DecodeStringArray(strValue));

            if (Regex.Match(strVariable, @"DMR_Server Name").Success)
            dmr_Servername = strValue;

            if (Regex.Match(strVariable, @"DMR_Server Description").Success)
            dmr_Serverdescription = strValue;

            if (Regex.Match(strVariable, @"DMR_Server Message").Success)
            dmr_ServerMessage = strValue;

            if (Regex.Match(strVariable, @"DMR_Vehicle Spawn Allowed").Success)
            if (strValue == "Yes") dmr_VehicleSpawnAllowed = enumBoolYesNo.Yes;
            if (strValue == "No") dmr_VehicleSpawnAllowed = enumBoolYesNo.No;
            if (strValue == "True") dmr_VehicleSpawnAllowed = enumBoolYesNo.Yes;
            if (strValue == "False") dmr_VehicleSpawnAllowed = enumBoolYesNo.No;


            if (Regex.Match(strVariable, @"DMR_Vehicle Spawn Time").Success)

            int tmpValue = Convert.ToInt32(strValue);

            if (tmpValue > 100)
            tmpValue = 100;
            WritePluginConsole("Incorrect Value of DMR_Vehicle Spawn Time", "ERROR", 0);
            WritePluginConsole("this Setting have to be between 5 and 100", "ERROR", 0);

            if (tmpValue < 5)
            tmpValue = 5;
            WritePluginConsole("Incorrect Value of DMR_Vehicle Spawn Time", "ERROR", 0);
            WritePluginConsole("this Setting have to be between 5 and 100", "ERROR", 0);
            dmr_VehicleSpawnCount = tmpValue;

            if (Regex.Match(strVariable, @"DMR_Player Spawn Time").Success)
            int tmpValue = Convert.ToInt32(strValue);

            if (tmpValue > 100)
            tmpValue = 100;
            WritePluginConsole("Incorrect Value of PM_Player Spawn Time", "ERROR", 0);
            WritePluginConsole("this Setting have to be between 5 and 100", "ERROR", 0);

            if (tmpValue < 5)
            tmpValue = 5;
            WritePluginConsole("Incorrect Value of DMR_Player Spawn Time", "ERROR", 0);
            WritePluginConsole("this Setting have to be between 5 and 100", "ERROR", 0);

            dmr_PlayerSpawnCount = tmpValue;

            if (Regex.Match(strVariable, @"DMR_MapList").Success)
            dmr_MapList = new List<string>(CPluginVariable.DecodeStringArray(strValue));

            if (Regex.Match(strVariable, @"DMR_Max Player Warns").Success)
            dmr_max_Warns = Convert.ToInt32(strValue);

            if (Regex.Match(strVariable, @"DMR_Player Action").Success)
            dmr_PlayerAction = strValue;

            if (Regex.Match(strVariable, @"DMR_TBan Minutes").Success)
            dmr_ActionTbanTime = Convert.ToInt32(strValue);

            if (Regex.Match(strVariable, @"DMR_Allow").Success)
            if (!isInitWeaponDictionarys) InitWeaponDictionarys(); // Init Dictionarys if not done yet !
            string tmpVar = strVariable.Replace("DMR_Allow ", "");      // Remove DMR Indexer

            if (Allow_Autosniper.ContainsKey(tmpVar))
            if (strValue == "Yes") Allow_Autosniper[tmpVar] = enumBoolYesNo.Yes;
            if (strValue == "No") Allow_Autosniper[tmpVar] = enumBoolYesNo.No;



            if (Regex.Match(strVariable, @"Add Map...").Success)

            if (!isInitMapList) InitMapList();
            if (isInitMapList)
            if (MapNameList.Contains(strValue))
                if (!MapProhibitedWeapons.ContainsKey(strValue))
                    List<string> tmpList = new List<string>();
                    MapProhibitedWeapons.Add(strValue, tmpList);


            if (isInitMapList)
            if (MapNameList.Contains(strVariable))
            if (!MapProhibitedWeapons.ContainsKey(strVariable))
                List<string> tmpList = new List<string>();
                MapProhibitedWeapons.Add(strVariable, tmpList);


            if (MapProhibitedWeapons.ContainsKey(strVariable))
            MapProhibitedWeapons[strVariable] = (CheckWeaponList(CPluginVariable.DecodeStringArray(strValue)));

            if (Regex.Match(strVariable, @"Remove Map...").Success)
            if (MapProhibitedWeapons.ContainsKey(strValue))


            if (Regex.Match(strVariable, @"Add Game Mode...").Success)

            if (!isInitMapList) InitMapList();
            if (isInitMapList)
            if (GameModeList.Contains(strValue))
            if (!ModeProhibitedWeapons.ContainsKey(strValue))
                List<string> tmpList = new List<string>();
                ModeProhibitedWeapons.Add(strValue, tmpList);


            if (isInitMapList)
            if (GameModeList.Contains(strVariable))
            if (!ModeProhibitedWeapons.ContainsKey(strVariable))
                List<string> tmpList = new List<string>();
                ModeProhibitedWeapons.Add(strVariable, tmpList);


            if (ModeProhibitedWeapons.ContainsKey(strVariable))
             ModeProhibitedWeapons[strVariable] = (CheckWeaponList(CPluginVariable.DecodeStringArray(strValue)));

            if (Regex.Match(strVariable, @"Remove Game Mode...").Success)
            if (ModeProhibitedWeapons.ContainsKey(strValue))

Пример #34
 // ASSIGN values to program globals FROM server_ip.cfg
 public void SetPluginVariable(string strVariable, string strValue)
         strValue = CPluginVariable.Decode(strValue);
         switch (strVariable)
             case "Server Name Template":
                 this.serverNameTemplate = strValue;
             case "Delay before kill":
                 this.kill_delay = Int32.Parse(strValue);
             case "Tickets per Player":
                 this.TicketsPerPlayer = Int32.Parse(strValue);
             case "Infractions Before Kick":
                 this.infractionsBeforeKick = Int32.Parse(strValue);
             case "Infractions Before 2 Hour TBan":
                 this.infractionsBeforeTBan = Int32.Parse(strValue);
             case "Protect 'reserved slots' players from Kick or Kill":
                     = (enumBoolYesNo)Enum.Parse(typeof(enumBoolYesNo), strValue);
         //update proconrulz with whatever changes were made
     catch (Exception ex)
        public void SetPluginVariable(string variable, string value)
            int i;

            switch (variable)
            case VariableName.PunishCommand:
                _punishCommand = value.ToArray();

            case VariableName.ForgiveCommand:
                _forgiveCommand = value.ToArray();

            case VariableName.AllowKillersToApologizeToAvoidPunishment:
                _allowKillersToApologizeToAvoidPunishment = value.ToEnum <enumBoolYesNo>();

            case VariableName.SorryCommand:
                _sorryCommand = value.ToArray();

            case VariableName.ShameCommand:
                _shameCommand = value.ToArray();

            case VariableName.KillerMessages:
                _killerMessages = value.ToArray();

            case VariableName.VictimMessages:
                _victimMessages = value.ToArray();

            case VariableName.PunishedMessage:
                _punishedMessage = value;

            case VariableName.ForgivenMessage:
                _forgivenMessage = value;

            case VariableName.ApologizedMessage:
                _apologizedMessage = value;

            case VariableName.KickMessage:
                _kickMessage = value;

            case VariableName.NoOneToPunishMessage:
                _noOneToPunishMessage = value;

            case VariableName.NoOneToForgiveMessage:
                _noOneToForgiveMessage = value;

            case VariableName.NoOneToApologizeToMessage:
                _noOneToApologizeToMessage = value;

            case VariableName.ShameAllOnRoundEnd:
                _shameAllOnRoundEnd = value.ToEnum <enumBoolYesNo>();

            case VariableName.NoOneToShameOnRoundEndMessage:
                _noOneToShameOnRoundEndMessage = value;

            case VariableName.NoOneToShameMessage:
                _noOneToShameMessage = value;

            case VariableName.VictimWindow:

                if (!int.TryParse(value, out i))

                if (i < VictimWindowMin)
                    i = VictimWindowMin;

                if (i > VictimWindowMax)
                    i = VictimWindowMax;

                _victimWindow = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(i);


            case VariableName.AutoAction:
                _autoAction = value.ToEnum <Action>();

            case VariableName.HasPunishLimit:
                _hasPunishLimit = value.ToEnum <enumBoolYesNo>();

            case VariableName.PunishLimit:

                if (!int.TryParse(value, out i))

                if (i < PunishLimitMin)
                    i = PunishLimitMin;

                if (i > PunishLimitMax)
                    i = PunishLimitMax;

                _punishLimit = i;


            case VariableName.PlayerCountThresholdForKick:

                if (!int.TryParse(value, out i))

                if (i < PlayerCountThresholdForKickMin)
                    i = PlayerCountThresholdForKickMin;

                if (i > PlayerCountThresholdForKickMax)
                    i = PlayerCountThresholdForKickMax;

                _playerCountThresholdForKick = i;


            case VariableName.Protected:
                _protect = value.ToEnum <Protect>();

            case VariableName.Whitelist:
                _whitelist = value.ToArray();

            case VariableName.ShouldSuicideCountAsATeamKill:
                _shouldSuicideCountAsATeamKill = value.ToEnum <enumBoolYesNo>();

            case VariableName.OutputToChat:
                _outputToChat = value.ToEnum <Chat>();

            case VariableName.UseAdKats:
                _useAdKats = value.ToEnum <enumBoolYesNo>();

                if (_useAdKats == enumBoolYesNo.Yes && !IsAdKatsAvailable())
                    WriteConsole("^8\"Use AdKats\" is \"Yes\", but AdKats is either not enabled or not yet fully initialized.^0");

        public void SetPluginVariable(string strVariable, string strValue)
            if (Regex.Match(strVariable, @"ExtraTaskPlaner_Callback").Success)

            if (Regex.Match(strVariable, @"Allow Public Spectators").Success)
            enumBoolYesNo tmp = enumBoolYesNo.Yes;

            if (strValue == "No") tmp = enumBoolYesNo.No;
            allow_public_spectators = tmp;


            if (Regex.Match(strVariable, @"Enable Spectators Player Count").Success)

            int tmp = 15;
            int.TryParse(strValue, out tmp);
            enable_spectators_PlayerCount = tmp;


            if (Regex.Match(strVariable, @"Disable Spectators Player Count").Success)

            int tmp = 20;
            int.TryParse(strValue, out tmp);
            disable_spectators_PlayerCount = tmp;


            if (Regex.Match(strVariable, @"Spectator Ports Count").Success)

            int tmp = 2;
            int.TryParse(strValue, out tmp);
            spectator_PortsCount = tmp;


            if (Regex.Match(strVariable, @"Debug level").Success)
            int tmp = 2;
            int.TryParse(strValue, out tmp);
            DebugLevel = tmp;
        // Allways be suspicious of strValue's actual value.  A command in the console can
        // by the user can put any kind of data it wants in strValue.
        // use type.TryParse

        public void SetPluginVariable(string strVariable, string strValue) {
            if (strVariable.CompareTo("Servertype") == 0)
                this.Servertype = strValue;

            if (strVariable == "Maximum number of players to fetch at each interval")
                int numPlayers = 1;
                Int32.TryParse(strValue, out numPlayers);
                if (numPlayers < 0 || numPlayers > 3)
                    this.ExecuteCommand("procon.protected.pluginconsole.write", "^b^9TrueBalancer:^n ^8^bMaximum number of players to fetch must be between 0 and 3, inclusive!");
                    numPlayers = 1;
                else if (numPlayers == 0)
                    this.ExecuteCommand("procon.protected.pluginconsole.write", "^b^9TrueBalancer:^n ^1^bMaximum number of players to fetch set to 0, stats fetching is disabled!");
                else if (numPlayers != this.intMaxPlayersToFetch)
                    this.ExecuteCommand("procon.protected.pluginconsole.write", "^b^9TrueBalancer:^n ^0^bMaximum number of players to fetch set to " + numPlayers);
                this.intMaxPlayersToFetch = numPlayers;
            if (strVariable.CompareTo("PRoCon - Scramble Teams on Roundend?") == 0 && Enum.IsDefined(typeof(enumBoolYesNo), strValue) == true)
                this.ynbScrambleRoundViaPRoCon = (enumBoolYesNo)Enum.Parse(typeof(enumBoolYesNo), strValue);
            else if (strVariable.CompareTo("PRoCon - Scramble Teams on Roundend? Are you sure?") == 0 && Enum.IsDefined(typeof(enumBoolYesNo), strValue) == true)
                this.ynbScrambleRoundViaPRoConConf = (enumBoolYesNo)Enum.Parse(typeof(enumBoolYesNo), strValue);
                if (this.ynbScrambleRoundViaPRoConConf == enumBoolYesNo.Yes)
            else if (strVariable.CompareTo("How many warnings?") == 0 && Int32.TryParse(strValue, out  this.intWarnings) == true)
                if (this.intWarnings > 0)
                    this.intWarnings = Convert.ToInt32(strValue);
                    this.intWarnings = 1;
            else if (strVariable.CompareTo("Enable Debug Mode for balancing guard") == 0 && Enum.IsDefined(typeof(enumBoolYesNo), strValue) == true)
                this.ynbDebugModeGuard = (enumBoolYesNo)Enum.Parse(typeof(enumBoolYesNo), strValue);
            else if (strVariable.CompareTo("Enable Balancing Guard?") == 0 && Enum.IsDefined(typeof(enumBoolYesNo), strValue) == true)
                this.ynbBalancingGuard = (enumBoolYesNo)Enum.Parse(typeof(enumBoolYesNo), strValue);
            else if (strVariable.CompareTo("CQ/TDM - Enable Shame Message?") == 0 && Enum.IsDefined(typeof(enumBoolYesNo), strValue) == true)
                this.ynbShameMessage = (enumBoolYesNo)Enum.Parse(typeof(enumBoolYesNo), strValue);
            else if (strVariable.CompareTo("CQ/TDM - Shame Message") == 0)
                this.strShameMessage = strValue;
            else if (strVariable.CompareTo("CQ/TDM - Stop winning team switching, when x % TicketDiff (% of maxTickets)") == 0 && Int32.TryParse(strValue, out  this.intScoreWTS) == true)
                if (this.intScoreWTS > 0)
                    this.intScoreWTS = Convert.ToInt32(strValue);
                    this.intScoreWTS = 1;
            else if (strVariable.CompareTo("Rush - Start sorting at Difference of") == 0 && Double.TryParse(strValue, out  this.dblValueDiffRUSH) == true)
                if (this.dblValueDiffRUSH >= 0.01)
                    this.dblValueDiffRUSH = Convert.ToDouble(strValue);
                    this.dblValueDiffRUSH = 0.01;
            else if (strVariable.CompareTo("GM/CTF - Start sorting at Difference of") == 0 && Double.TryParse(strValue, out  this.dblValueDiffGM) == true)
                if (this.dblValueDiffGM >= 0.01)
                    this.dblValueDiffGM = Convert.ToDouble(strValue);
                    this.dblValueDiffGM = 0.01;
            else if (strVariable.CompareTo("Conquest - Start sorting at Difference of") == 0 && Double.TryParse(strValue, out  this.dblValueDiffCONQUEST) == true)
                if (this.dblValueDiffCONQUEST >= 0.01)
                    this.dblValueDiffCONQUEST = Convert.ToDouble(strValue);
                    this.dblValueDiffCONQUEST = 0.01;
            else if (strVariable.CompareTo("TDM - Start sorting at Difference of") == 0 && Double.TryParse(strValue, out  this.dblValueDiffTDM) == true)
                if (this.dblValueDiffTDM >= 0.01)
                    this.dblValueDiffTDM = Convert.ToDouble(strValue);
                    this.dblValueDiffTDM = 0.01;
            else if (strVariable.CompareTo("Rush - Sort by (same as Scramble by)") == 0)
                this.ScrambleByRUSH = strValue;
            else if (strVariable.CompareTo("GM/CTF - Sort by (same as Scramble by)") == 0)
                this.ScrambleByGM = strValue;
            else if (strVariable.CompareTo("DF - Sort by (same as Scramble by)") == 0)
                this.ScrambleByDF = strValue;
            else if (strVariable.CompareTo("Conquest - Sort by (same as Scramble by)") == 0)
                this.ScrambleByCONQUEST = strValue;
            else if (strVariable.CompareTo("TDM - Sort by (same as Scramble by)") == 0)
                this.ScrambleByTDM = strValue;
            else if (strVariable.CompareTo("Obliteration - Sort by (same as Scramble by)") == 0)
                this.ScrambleByOB = strValue;
            else if (strVariable.CompareTo("Time between Warnings in sec") == 0 && Int32.TryParse(strValue, out  this.intInterval) == true)
                if (this.intInterval > 0)
                    this.intInterval = Convert.ToInt32(strValue);
                    this.intInterval = 1;
            else if (strVariable.CompareTo("RUSH-Player Threshold") == 0 && Int32.TryParse(strValue, out  this.intTreshRUSH) == true)
                if (this.intTreshRUSH > 0)
                    this.intTreshRUSH = Convert.ToInt32(strValue);
                    this.intTreshRUSH = 0;
            else if (strVariable.CompareTo("RUSH-Allowing Player Difference below Threshold") == 0 && Int32.TryParse(strValue, out  this.intAllowDif1RUSH) == true)
                if (this.intAllowDif1RUSH > 0)
                    this.intAllowDif1RUSH = Convert.ToInt32(strValue);
                    this.intAllowDif1RUSH = 1;
            else if (strVariable.CompareTo("RUSH-Allowing Player Difference equal to/above Threshold") == 0 && Int32.TryParse(strValue, out  this.intAllowDif2RUSH) == true)
                if (this.intAllowDif2RUSH > 0)
                    this.intAllowDif2RUSH = Convert.ToInt32(strValue);
                    this.intAllowDif2RUSH = 1;
            else if (strVariable.CompareTo("RUSH-Stop balancing, when tickets till end") == 0 && Int32.TryParse(strValue, out  this.intminScoreRUSH) == true)
                    this.intminScoreRUSH = Convert.ToInt32(strValue);


            else if (strVariable.CompareTo("GM/CTF-Player Threshold") == 0 && Int32.TryParse(strValue, out  this.intTreshGM) == true)
                if (this.intTreshGM > 0)
                    this.intTreshGM = Convert.ToInt32(strValue);
                    this.intTreshGM = 0;
            else if (strVariable.CompareTo("GM/CTF-Allowing Player Difference below Threshold") == 0 && Int32.TryParse(strValue, out  this.intAllowDif1GM) == true)
                if (this.intAllowDif1GM > 0)
                    this.intAllowDif1GM = Convert.ToInt32(strValue);
                    this.intAllowDif1GM = 1;
            else if (strVariable.CompareTo("GM/CTF-Allowing Player Difference equal to/above Threshold") == 0 && Int32.TryParse(strValue, out  this.intAllowDif2GM) == true)
                if (this.intAllowDif2GM > 0)
                    this.intAllowDif2GM = Convert.ToInt32(strValue);
                    this.intAllowDif2GM = 1;

            else if (strVariable.CompareTo("DF-Player Threshold") == 0 && Int32.TryParse(strValue, out  this.intTreshDF) == true)
                if (this.intTreshDF > 0)
                    this.intTreshDF = Convert.ToInt32(strValue);
                    this.intTreshDF = 0;
            else if (strVariable.CompareTo("DF-Allowing Player Difference below Threshold") == 0 && Int32.TryParse(strValue, out  this.intAllowDif1DF) == true)
                if (this.intAllowDif1DF > 0)
                    this.intAllowDif1DF = Convert.ToInt32(strValue);
                    this.intAllowDif1DF = 1;
            else if (strVariable.CompareTo("DF-Allowing Player Difference equal to/above Threshold") == 0 && Int32.TryParse(strValue, out  this.intAllowDif2DF) == true)
                if (this.intAllowDif2DF > 0)
                    this.intAllowDif2DF = Convert.ToInt32(strValue);
                    this.intAllowDif2DF = 1;

            else if (strVariable.CompareTo("CQ-Player Threshold") == 0 && Int32.TryParse(strValue, out  this.intTreshCONQUEST) == true)
                if (this.intTreshCONQUEST > 0)
                    this.intTreshCONQUEST = Convert.ToInt32(strValue);
                    this.intTreshCONQUEST = 0;
            else if (strVariable.CompareTo("CQ-Allowing Player Difference below Threshold") == 0 && Int32.TryParse(strValue, out  this.intAllowDif1CONQUEST) == true)
                if (this.intAllowDif1CONQUEST > 0)
                    this.intAllowDif1CONQUEST = Convert.ToInt32(strValue);
                    this.intAllowDif1CONQUEST = 1;
             else if (strVariable.CompareTo("CQ-Allowing Player Difference equal to/above Threshold") == 0 && Int32.TryParse(strValue, out  this.intAllowDif2CONQUEST) == true)
                if (this.intAllowDif2CONQUEST > 0)
                    this.intAllowDif2CONQUEST = Convert.ToInt32(strValue);
                    this.intAllowDif2CONQUEST = 1;
             else if (strVariable.CompareTo("CQ-Stop balancing, when tickets till end") == 0 && Int32.TryParse(strValue, out  this.intminScoreCONQUEST) == true)
                    this.intminScoreCONQUEST = Convert.ToInt32(strValue);


            else if (strVariable.CompareTo("DOM-Player Threshold") == 0 && Int32.TryParse(strValue, out  this.intTreshDOM) == true)
                if (this.intTreshDOM > 0)
                    this.intTreshDOM = Convert.ToInt32(strValue);
                    this.intTreshDOM = 0;
            else if (strVariable.CompareTo("DOM-Allowing Player Difference below Threshold") == 0 && Int32.TryParse(strValue, out  this.intAllowDif1DOM) == true)
                if (this.intAllowDif1DOM > 0)
                    this.intAllowDif1DOM = Convert.ToInt32(strValue);
                    this.intAllowDif1DOM = 1;
            else if (strVariable.CompareTo("DOM-Allowing Player Difference equal to/above Threshold") == 0 && Int32.TryParse(strValue, out  this.intAllowDif2DOM) == true)
                if (this.intAllowDif2DOM > 0)
                    this.intAllowDif2DOM = Convert.ToInt32(strValue);
                    this.intAllowDif2DOM = 1;
            else if (strVariable.CompareTo("DOM-Stop balancing, when tickets till end") == 0 && Int32.TryParse(strValue, out  this.intminScoreDOM) == true)
                this.intminScoreDOM = Convert.ToInt32(strValue);


            else if (strVariable.CompareTo("TDM-Player Threshold") == 0 && Int32.TryParse(strValue, out  this.intTreshTDM) == true)
                if (this.intTreshTDM> 0)
                    this.intTreshTDM= Convert.ToInt32(strValue);
                    this.intTreshTDM= 0;
            else if (strVariable.CompareTo("TDM-Allowing Player Difference below Threshold") == 0 && Int32.TryParse(strValue, out  this.intAllowDif1TDM) == true)
                if (this.intAllowDif1TDM> 0)
                    this.intAllowDif1TDM= Convert.ToInt32(strValue);
                    this.intAllowDif1TDM= 1;
             else if (strVariable.CompareTo("TDM-Allowing Player Difference equal to/above Threshold") == 0 && Int32.TryParse(strValue, out  this.intAllowDif2TDM) == true)
                if (this.intAllowDif2TDM> 0)
                    this.intAllowDif2TDM= Convert.ToInt32(strValue);
                    this.intAllowDif2TDM= 1;
             else if (strVariable.CompareTo("TDM-Stop balancing, when tickets till end") == 0 && Int32.TryParse(strValue, out  this.intminScoreTDM) == true)
                    this.intminScoreTDM = Convert.ToInt32(strValue);

            else if (strVariable.CompareTo("OB-Player Threshold") == 0 && Int32.TryParse(strValue, out  this.intTreshOB) == true)
                if (this.intTreshOB > 0)
                    this.intTreshOB = Convert.ToInt32(strValue);
                    this.intTreshOB = 0;
            else if (strVariable.CompareTo("OB-Allowing Player Difference below Threshold") == 0 && Int32.TryParse(strValue, out  this.intAllowDif1OB) == true)
                if (this.intAllowDif1OB > 0)
                    this.intAllowDif1OB = Convert.ToInt32(strValue);
                    this.intAllowDif1OB = 1;
            else if (strVariable.CompareTo("OB-Allowing Player Difference equal to/above Threshold") == 0 && Int32.TryParse(strValue, out  this.intAllowDif2OB) == true)
                if (this.intAllowDif2OB > 0)
                    this.intAllowDif2OB = Convert.ToInt32(strValue);
                    this.intAllowDif2OB = 1;
            else if (strVariable.CompareTo("OB-Stop balancing, when tickets till end") == 0 && Int32.TryParse(strValue, out  this.intminScoreOB) == true)
                this.intminScoreOB = Convert.ToInt32(strValue);

            else if (strVariable.CompareTo("Show ingame warnings?") == 0 && Enum.IsDefined(typeof(enumBoolYesNo), strValue) == true)
                this.ynbShowWarnings = (enumBoolYesNo)Enum.Parse(typeof(enumBoolYesNo), strValue);
            else if (strVariable.CompareTo("Warning Message") == 0)
                this.strWarning = strValue;
            else if (strVariable.CompareTo("Show ingame balancing message?") == 0 && Enum.IsDefined(typeof(enumBoolYesNo), strValue) == true)
                this.ynbShowBallancing = (enumBoolYesNo)Enum.Parse(typeof(enumBoolYesNo), strValue);
            else if (strVariable.CompareTo("Balancing Message") == 0)
                this.strLastWarning = strValue;
            else if (strVariable.CompareTo("Show private message to moved player?") == 0 && Enum.IsDefined(typeof(enumBoolYesNo), strValue) == true)
                this.ynbShowPlayermessage = (enumBoolYesNo)Enum.Parse(typeof(enumBoolYesNo), strValue);
            else if (strVariable.CompareTo("Message for moved Player") == 0)
                this.strBeenMoved = strValue;
            else if (strVariable.CompareTo("Enable Command: !scrambleround") == 0 && Enum.IsDefined(typeof(enumBoolYesNo), strValue) == true)
                this.ynbEnableScrambleRound = (enumBoolYesNo)Enum.Parse(typeof(enumBoolYesNo), strValue);
            else if (strVariable.CompareTo("Enable Command: !scramblenow") == 0 && Enum.IsDefined(typeof(enumBoolYesNo), strValue) == true)
                this.ynbEnableScrambleNow = (enumBoolYesNo)Enum.Parse(typeof(enumBoolYesNo), strValue);
            else if (strVariable.CompareTo("Show Scrambling messages to the server?") == 0 && Enum.IsDefined(typeof(enumBoolYesNo), strValue) == true)
                this.ynbScrambleMessage = (enumBoolYesNo)Enum.Parse(typeof(enumBoolYesNo), strValue);
            else if (strVariable.CompareTo("Yell messages to the server?") == 0 && Enum.IsDefined(typeof(enumBoolYesNo), strValue) == true)
                this.ynbYellScrambleManuall = (enumBoolYesNo)Enum.Parse(typeof(enumBoolYesNo), strValue);
            else if (strVariable.CompareTo("Message when admin requests a scramble at roundend") == 0)
                this.strScrambleRoundMsg = strValue;
            else if (strVariable.CompareTo("Message when admin requests a scramble now") == 0)
                this.strScrambleNowMsg = strValue;
            else if (strVariable.CompareTo("Message when scrambling is done") == 0)
                this.strScrambleDoneMsg = strValue;
            else if (strVariable.CompareTo("Yell scramble message at roundend?") == 0 && Enum.IsDefined(typeof(enumBoolYesNo), strValue) == true)
                this.ynbYellScrambleMessage = (enumBoolYesNo)Enum.Parse(typeof(enumBoolYesNo), strValue);
            else if (strVariable.CompareTo("What to do with squads?") == 0)
                this.strScrambleMode = strValue;
            else if (strVariable.CompareTo("ClanTag-List: Keep squad, if at least one player uses one of these ClanTags") == 0)
                this.strAClantagWhitelistScrambler = CPluginVariable.DecodeStringArray(strValue);

            else if (strVariable.CompareTo("RUSH-Scramble teams on every new map?") == 0 && Enum.IsDefined(typeof(enumBoolYesNo), strValue) == true)
                this.ynbenableSkillRUSH = (enumBoolYesNo)Enum.Parse(typeof(enumBoolYesNo), strValue);
            else if (strVariable.CompareTo("RUSH-Scramble by") == 0)
                this.ScrambleByRUSH = strValue;

            else if (strVariable.CompareTo("GM/CTF-Scramble teams on every new map?") == 0 && Enum.IsDefined(typeof(enumBoolYesNo), strValue) == true)
                this.ynbenableSkillGM = (enumBoolYesNo)Enum.Parse(typeof(enumBoolYesNo), strValue);
            else if (strVariable.CompareTo("GM/CTF-Scramble by") == 0)
                this.ScrambleByGM = strValue;

            else if (strVariable.CompareTo("DF-Scramble teams on every new map?") == 0 && Enum.IsDefined(typeof(enumBoolYesNo), strValue) == true)
                this.ynbenableSkillDF = (enumBoolYesNo)Enum.Parse(typeof(enumBoolYesNo), strValue);
            else if (strVariable.CompareTo("DF-Scramble by") == 0)
                this.ScrambleByDF = strValue;

            //else if (strVariable.CompareTo("OB-Scramble teams on every new map?") == 0 && Enum.IsDefined(typeof(enumBoolYesNo), strValue) == true)
            //    this.ynbenableSkillOB = (enumBoolYesNo)Enum.Parse(typeof(enumBoolYesNo), strValue);
            //else if (strVariable.CompareTo("OB-Scramble by") == 0)
            //    this.ScrambleByOB = strValue;

            else if (strVariable.CompareTo("CQ-Enable Skillscrambler?") == 0 && Enum.IsDefined(typeof(enumBoolYesNo), strValue) == true)
                this.ynbenableSkillCONQUEST = (enumBoolYesNo)Enum.Parse(typeof(enumBoolYesNo), strValue);
            else if (strVariable.CompareTo("CQ-Scramble on every new map no matter what score?") == 0 && Enum.IsDefined(typeof(enumBoolYesNo), strValue) == true)
                this.ynbScrambleMapCONQUEST = (enumBoolYesNo)Enum.Parse(typeof(enumBoolYesNo), strValue);
            else if (strVariable.CompareTo("CQ-Check balance on every new Round (else on new Map only)") == 0 && Enum.IsDefined(typeof(enumBoolYesNo), strValue) == true)
                this.ynbScrambleEveryRoundCONQUEST = (enumBoolYesNo)Enum.Parse(typeof(enumBoolYesNo), strValue);
            if (strVariable.CompareTo("CQ-Scramble, if x % Tickets difference (% of maxTickets)") == 0 && Int32.TryParse(strValue, out  this.intwonTicketsCONQUEST) == true)
                if (this.intwonTicketsCONQUEST >= 0)
                    this.intwonTicketsCONQUEST = Convert.ToInt32(strValue);
                    this.intwonTicketsCONQUEST = 0;
            else if (strVariable.CompareTo("CQ-Scrambling Message at roundend") == 0)
                this.strScrambleMessageCONQUEST = strValue;
            else if (strVariable.CompareTo("CQ-Scramble by") == 0)
                this.ScrambleByCONQUEST = strValue;

            else if (strVariable.CompareTo("DOM-Enable Skillscrambler?") == 0 && Enum.IsDefined(typeof(enumBoolYesNo), strValue) == true)
                this.ynbenableSkillDOM = (enumBoolYesNo)Enum.Parse(typeof(enumBoolYesNo), strValue);
            else if (strVariable.CompareTo("DOM-Scramble on every new map no matter what score?") == 0 && Enum.IsDefined(typeof(enumBoolYesNo), strValue) == true)
                this.ynbScrambleMapDOM = (enumBoolYesNo)Enum.Parse(typeof(enumBoolYesNo), strValue);
            else if (strVariable.CompareTo("DOM-Check balance on every new Round (else on new Map only)") == 0 && Enum.IsDefined(typeof(enumBoolYesNo), strValue) == true)
                this.ynbScrambleEveryRoundDOM = (enumBoolYesNo)Enum.Parse(typeof(enumBoolYesNo), strValue);
            if (strVariable.CompareTo("DOM-Scramble, if x % Tickets difference (% of maxTickets)") == 0 && Int32.TryParse(strValue, out  this.intwonTicketsDOM) == true)
                if (this.intwonTicketsDOM >= 0)
                    this.intwonTicketsDOM = Convert.ToInt32(strValue);
                    this.intwonTicketsDOM = 0;
            else if (strVariable.CompareTo("DOM-Scrambling Message at roundend") == 0)
                this.strScrambleMessageDOM = strValue;
            else if (strVariable.CompareTo("DOM-Scramble by") == 0)
                this.ScrambleByDOM = strValue;

            else if (strVariable.CompareTo("OB-Enable Skillscrambler?") == 0 && Enum.IsDefined(typeof(enumBoolYesNo), strValue) == true)
                this.ynbenableSkillOB = (enumBoolYesNo)Enum.Parse(typeof(enumBoolYesNo), strValue);
            else if (strVariable.CompareTo("OB-Scramble on every new map no matter what score?") == 0 && Enum.IsDefined(typeof(enumBoolYesNo), strValue) == true)
                this.ynbScrambleMapOB = (enumBoolYesNo)Enum.Parse(typeof(enumBoolYesNo), strValue);
            else if (strVariable.CompareTo("OB-Check balance on every new Round (else on new Map only)") == 0 && Enum.IsDefined(typeof(enumBoolYesNo), strValue) == true)
                this.ynbScrambleEveryRoundOB = (enumBoolYesNo)Enum.Parse(typeof(enumBoolYesNo), strValue);
            if (strVariable.CompareTo("OB-Scramble, if x % Tickets difference (% of maxTickets)") == 0 && Int32.TryParse(strValue, out  this.intwonTicketsOB) == true)
                if (this.intwonTicketsOB >= 0)
                    this.intwonTicketsOB = Convert.ToInt32(strValue);
                    this.intwonTicketsOB = 0;
            else if (strVariable.CompareTo("OB-Scrambling Message at roundend") == 0)
                this.strScrambleMessageOB = strValue;
            else if (strVariable.CompareTo("OB-Scramble by") == 0)
                this.ScrambleByOB = strValue;
            else if (strVariable.CompareTo("TDM-Enable Skillscrambler?") == 0 && Enum.IsDefined(typeof(enumBoolYesNo), strValue) == true)
                this.ynbenableSkillTDM = (enumBoolYesNo)Enum.Parse(typeof(enumBoolYesNo), strValue);
            else if (strVariable.CompareTo("TDM-Scramble on every new map no matter what score?") == 0 && Enum.IsDefined(typeof(enumBoolYesNo), strValue) == true)
                this.ynbScrambleMapTDM = (enumBoolYesNo)Enum.Parse(typeof(enumBoolYesNo), strValue);
            else if (strVariable.CompareTo("TDM-Check balance on every new Round (else on new Map only)") == 0 && Enum.IsDefined(typeof(enumBoolYesNo), strValue) == true)
                this.ynbScrambleEveryRoundTDM = (enumBoolYesNo)Enum.Parse(typeof(enumBoolYesNo), strValue);
            if (strVariable.CompareTo("TDM-Scramble, if x % Tickets difference (% of maxTickets)") == 0 && Int32.TryParse(strValue, out  this.intwonTicketsTDM) == true)
                if (this.intwonTicketsTDM >= 0)
                    this.intwonTicketsTDM = Convert.ToInt32(strValue);
                    this.intwonTicketsTDM = 0;
            if (strVariable.CompareTo("TDM-Show Scramble message at roundend when x Tickets are reached") == 0 && Int32.TryParse(strValue, out  this.intshowTicketsTDM) == true)
                if (this.intshowTicketsTDM >= 0)
                    this.intshowTicketsTDM = Convert.ToInt32(strValue);
                    this.intshowTicketsTDM = 5;
            else if (strVariable.CompareTo("TDM-Scrambling Message at roundend") == 0)
                this.strScrambleMessageTDM = strValue;
            else if (strVariable.CompareTo("TDM-Scramble by") == 0)
                this.ScrambleByTDM = strValue;

            else if (strVariable.CompareTo("Enable Debug Mode for normal balancing") == 0 && Enum.IsDefined(typeof(enumBoolYesNo), strValue) == true)
                this.ynbDebugMode = (enumBoolYesNo)Enum.Parse(typeof(enumBoolYesNo), strValue);
            else if (strVariable.CompareTo("Enable Debug Mode for skill balancing") == 0 && Enum.IsDefined(typeof(enumBoolYesNo), strValue) == true)
                this.ynbDebugModeSkill = (enumBoolYesNo)Enum.Parse(typeof(enumBoolYesNo), strValue);
            else if (strVariable.CompareTo("Enable Whitelist") == 0 && Enum.IsDefined(typeof(enumBoolYesNo), strValue) == true)
                this.ynbWhitelist = (enumBoolYesNo)Enum.Parse(typeof(enumBoolYesNo), strValue);
            else if (strVariable.CompareTo("Whitelist ClanTags") == 0)
                this.strAClantagWhitelist = CPluginVariable.DecodeStringArray(strValue);
            else if (strVariable.CompareTo("Whitelist Names") == 0)
                this.strAWhitelist = CPluginVariable.DecodeStringArray(strValue);
            else if (strVariable.CompareTo("Include VIP/Reserved Slots List into the whitelist?") == 0 && Enum.IsDefined(typeof(enumBoolYesNo), strValue) == true)
                this.ynbincludeVIPlist = (enumBoolYesNo)Enum.Parse(typeof(enumBoolYesNo), strValue);
            else if (strVariable.CompareTo("Show Balancing Moves (PlayerNumber Skill and Guard)") == 0 && Enum.IsDefined(typeof(enumBoolYesNo), strValue) == true)
                this.showMoves = (enumBoolYesNo)Enum.Parse(typeof(enumBoolYesNo), strValue);
            else if (strVariable.CompareTo("Check for Update?") == 0 && Enum.IsDefined(typeof(enumBoolYesNo), strValue) == true)
                this.Check4Update = (enumBoolYesNo)Enum.Parse(typeof(enumBoolYesNo), strValue);
            else if (strVariable.CompareTo("Minimum population to start maintaining squads") == 0 && Int32.TryParse(strValue, out this.intPopMaintainSquads) == true)
                if (this.intPopMaintainSquads >= 0)
                    this.intPopMaintainSquads = Convert.ToInt32(strValue);
                    this.intPopMaintainSquads = 1;
            else if (strVariable.CompareTo("Enable TB score chat output when scrambling") == 0 && Enum.IsDefined(typeof(enumBoolYesNo), strValue) == true)
                this.ynEnableTBValueToChat = (enumBoolYesNo)Enum.Parse(typeof(enumBoolYesNo), strValue);

            if (strVariable == "Enable Virtual Mode?" && Enum.IsDefined(typeof(enumBoolYesNo), strValue) == true)
                this.ynbVirtualMode = (enumBoolYesNo)Enum.Parse(typeof(enumBoolYesNo), strValue);
                this.boolVirtual = (this.ynbVirtualMode == enumBoolYesNo.Yes);
                if (this.boolVirtual)
                    this.ExecuteCommand("procon.protected.pluginconsole.write", "^b^9TrueBalancer:^n ^1^bVirtual mode is ENABLED!^n^0 No player moves or say/yells will be sent to the game server.");

Пример #38
        public void SetPluginVariable(string strVariable, string strValue)
            int iValue = 16;

            if (strVariable.CompareTo("Action") == 0)
                this.strSelectType = strValue;
            else if (strVariable.CompareTo("Country list") == 0)
                if (strValue.CompareTo("N/A") != 0)
            else if (strVariable.CompareTo("Selected countries") == 0)
                this.lsSelectedCountries = new List<string>(CPluginVariable.DecodeStringArray(strValue));
            else if (strVariable.CompareTo("Enable Country based kick?") == 0 && Enum.IsDefined(typeof(enumBoolYesNo), strValue) == true)
                this.enableCountryKick = (enumBoolYesNo)Enum.Parse(typeof(enumBoolYesNo), strValue);
            else if (strVariable.CompareTo("Country kick message") == 0)
                this.strCountryKickMessage = strValue;

            // PING VARIABLES
            else if (strVariable.CompareTo("Enable high ping kick?") == 0 && Enum.IsDefined(typeof(enumBoolYesNo), strValue) == true)
                this.enablePingKick = (enumBoolYesNo)Enum.Parse(typeof(enumBoolYesNo), strValue);
            else if (strVariable.CompareTo("Ping limit") == 0 && int.TryParse(strValue, out iValue) == true)
                this.intPingLimit = iValue;
            else if (strVariable.CompareTo("High ping kick message") == 0)
                this.strPingKickMessage = strValue;
            else if (strVariable.CompareTo("Ping Kick Method") == 0)
                this.strPingMethod = strValue;
            else if (strVariable.CompareTo("Instant kick no ping?") == 0 && Enum.IsDefined(typeof(enumBoolYesNo), strValue) == true)
                this.enableNoPingKick = (enumBoolYesNo)Enum.Parse(typeof(enumBoolYesNo), strValue);

            else if (strVariable.CompareTo("Pings to sample for average") == 0 && int.TryParse(strValue, out iValue) == true)
                if (iValue < this.intAverageMinCount)
                    this.intAverageMinCount = iValue;
                this.intAverageAccuracy = iValue;
            else if (strVariable.CompareTo("Minimum pings before kicking") == 0 && int.TryParse(strValue, out iValue) == true)

                if (iValue > this.intAverageAccuracy)
                    this.intAverageMinCount = this.intAverageAccuracy;
                    this.intAverageMinCount = iValue;

            // GENERAL VARIABLES
            else if (strVariable.CompareTo("Minimum players before rule enforced (0: none)") == 0 && int.TryParse(strValue, out iValue) == true)
                this.intPlayerLimit = iValue;
            else if (strVariable.CompareTo("Whitelist") == 0)
                this.lsWhitelist = new List<string>(CPluginVariable.DecodeStringArray(strValue));
            else if (strVariable.CompareTo("Debug messages?") == 0 && Enum.IsDefined(typeof(enumBoolYesNo), strValue) == true)
                this.debugMessages = (enumBoolYesNo)Enum.Parse(typeof(enumBoolYesNo), strValue);
            else if (strVariable.CompareTo("Display plugin update message?") == 0 && Enum.IsDefined(typeof(enumBoolYesNo), strValue) == true)
                this.displayVersionMessage = (enumBoolYesNo)Enum.Parse(typeof(enumBoolYesNo), strValue);
                if(this.displayVersionMessage == enumBoolYesNo.No)
                    this.ExecuteCommand("procon.protected.tasks.remove", "VersionTrackerTask");
            else if (strVariable.CompareTo("Yell or Say ingame message") == 0)
                this.strIngameType = strValue;
            else if (strVariable.CompareTo("Ingame messages?") == 0 && Enum.IsDefined(typeof(enumBoolYesNo), strValue) == true)
                this.ingameMessage = (enumBoolYesNo)Enum.Parse(typeof(enumBoolYesNo), strValue);
        public TrueBalancer() {

            //lastupdatecheck = DateTime.Now.AddHours(-4);

             this.bclient = new BattlelogClient(this);

            this.dicPlayerCache = new Dictionary<string, CPlayerJoinInf>(); 
            this.dicPlayerScore = new Dictionary<int, CPlayerScoreInf>();
            this.dicSquadScore = new Dictionary<int, CSquadScoreInf>();
            this.dicSquadList = new Dictionary<string, int>();
            this.OnCommandMove = new Dictionary<string,bool>();
            this.OnCommandMoveDone = new List<string>();

            this.Servertype = "AUTOMATIC";

            //this.strAWhitelist = new string[] { "HRPanter", "Name two", "Name three" };
            //this.strAClantagWhitelist = new string[] { "FoC", "ClanTag2", "ClanTag3" };
            //this.strAClantagWhitelistScrambler = new string[] { "FoC", "FoCr", "ClanTag3" }; ;
            this.strAWhitelist = new string[] { "HRPanter" };
            this.strAClantagWhitelist = new string[] { "FoC" };
            this.strAClantagWhitelistScrambler = new string[] { "FoC", "FoCr" }; ;
            this.strAWhitelistComplete = new string[] { };
            this.teamswitcher = new List<string>();
            this.BalancedPlayers = new List<string>();
            //this.PlayersOnServer = new List<string>(new string[] {"Z1", "Z2", "HRPanter"}); //panter
            this.strWarning = "EVEN TEAMS! Autobalancing teams shortly.";
            this.strLastWarning = "AUTOBALANCING [Player: %MovedPlayer%]";
            this.strBeenMoved = "You got balanced, because you have a low score and died.";
            this.strMovedPlayer = "";
            this.strJoinedPlayerName = "";
            this.strShameMessage = "%TeamSwitcher% tried to switch into the winning team. SHAME ON YOU!";
            this.strScrambleDoneMsg = "Teams are scrambled now. Good luck all!";
            this.strScrambleNowMsg = "Teams are going to be scrambled now. This may take up to 20 seconds!";
            this.strScrambleRoundMsg = "Teams are going to be scrambled on next round!";
            this.strFinalSquad = "";
            this.strErrorMsg = "";
            this.strdeadplayer = "";
            this.intInterval = 15;
            this.intWarnings = 1;
            this.intTimerWait = 15;
            this.intI = 0;
            this.TeamA = 0;
            this.TeamB = 0;
            this.intPlayerDif = 0;
            this.intToTeam = 0;
            this.intFromTeam = 0;
            this.intNewTeam = 0;
            this.intcountWarnings = 0;
            this.intWaitSeconds = 0;
            this.intScoreTeamA = 0; 
            this.intScoreTeamB = 0;     
            this.bestSquadTeamID = 0;
            this.intCurrentRoundCount = 100;
            this.intTicketsdif = -1;
            this.intMaxSlots = 0;
            this.intScrambledPlayers = 0;
            this.intSquadA = 0;
            this.intSquadB = 0;
            this.intScrambleCount = 0;
            this.intPlayerCache = 15;
            this.dblValueDiffRUSH = 10;
            this.dblValueDiffCONQUEST = 10;
            this.dblValueDiffDOM = 10;
            this.dblValueDiffTDM = 10;
            this.dblValueDiffGM = 10;
            this.intScoreWTS = 50;
            this.intTicketcount = 123987123;
            this.rankA = 0;
            this.rankB = 0;
            this.skillA = 0;
            this.skillB = 0;
            this.spmA = 0;
            this.spmB = 0;
            this.spmcombatA = 0;
            this.spmcombatB = 0;
            this.kdrA = 0;
            this.kdrB = 0;
            this.TBvalueA = 0;
            this.TBvalueB = 0;
            this.ynbDebugMode = enumBoolYesNo.No;
            this.ynbDebugModeSkill = enumBoolYesNo.No;
            this.ynbDebugModeGuard = enumBoolYesNo.No;
            //this.ynbWhitelist = enumBoolYesNo.No;
            this.ynbWhitelist = enumBoolYesNo.Yes;
            this.ynbShowWarnings = enumBoolYesNo.Yes;
            this.ynbShowBallancing = enumBoolYesNo.Yes;
            this.ynbShowPlayermessage = enumBoolYesNo.Yes;
            this.ynbLoneWolf = enumBoolYesNo.Yes;
            //this.ynbincludeVIPlist = enumBoolYesNo.No;
            this.ynbincludeVIPlist = enumBoolYesNo.Yes;
            //this.ynbShameMessage = enumBoolYesNo.Yes;
            //this.ynbBalancingGuard = enumBoolYesNo.No;
            this.ynbShameMessage = enumBoolYesNo.No;
            this.ynbBalancingGuard = enumBoolYesNo.Yes;
            this.ynbScrambleMessage = enumBoolYesNo.Yes;
            this.ynbEnableScrambleNow = enumBoolYesNo.No;
            this.ynbEnableScrambleRound = enumBoolYesNo.Yes;
            this.ynbYellScrambleManuall = enumBoolYesNo.Yes;
            this.ynbYellScrambleMessage = enumBoolYesNo.Yes;

            this.ynbScrambleRoundViaPRoCon = enumBoolYesNo.No;
            this.ynbScrambleRoundViaPRoConConf = enumBoolYesNo.No;
            this.backswitcher = false;
            this.boolplayerleft = false;
            this.m_isPluginEnabled = false;
            this.boolplayerexists = false;
            this.boolneedbalance = false;
            this.booltimer = false;
            this.boolstartBalance = false;
            this.boolLevelStart = false;
            this.boolLevelLoaded = true;
            this.boolRoundOver = false;
            this.boolgametype = false;
            this.boolafterBalance = false;
            this.boolFirstOP = false;
            this.boolfirstwarningWL = false;
            this.boolmanuellchange = false;
            this.boolnoplayer = false;
            this.boolscrambleActive = false;
            this.boolscrambleNow = false;
            this.boolTeamsScrambled = false;
            this.DTScramblestarted = new DateTime();
            this.boolRunOnList = false;
            this.boolticketdif = false;
            this.boolwaitfordeath = false;
            this.boolwaitdead = false;
            this.boolfirstscrambler = false;
            this.boolscramblefailed = false;
            this.boolmessagesent = false;
            this.boolbalanced = true;
            this.boolscramblebyadminroundend = false;
            this.showfirstmove = true;

            this.TSLevelStartWait = new TimeSpan(0);
            this.DTLevelStart = new DateTime();
            this.DTLevelLoaded = new DateTime();
            this.intAllowDif = 500;
            this.intminScore = 500;
            this.intminScoreRUSH = 15;
            this.intTreshRUSH = 24;
            this.intAllowDif1RUSH = 1;
            this.intAllowDif2RUSH = 2;

            this.intTreshGM = 16;
            this.intAllowDif1GM = 1;
            this.intAllowDif2GM = 2;

            this.intTreshDF = 16;
            this.intAllowDif1DF = 1;
            this.intAllowDif2DF = 2;

            this.intminScoreCONQUEST = 100;
            this.intTreshCONQUEST = 24;
            this.intAllowDif1CONQUEST = 1;
            this.intAllowDif2CONQUEST = 2;

            this.intminScoreDOM = 100;
            this.intTreshDOM = 24;
            this.intAllowDif1DOM = 1;
            this.intAllowDif2DOM = 2;

            this.intminScoreOB = 1;
            this.intTreshOB = 24;
            this.intAllowDif1OB = 1;
            this.intAllowDif2OB = 2;
            this.intminScoreTDM = 25;
            this.intTreshTDM = 24;
            this.intAllowDif1TDM = 1;
            this.intAllowDif2TDM = 2;

            //this.strScrambleMode = "Keep squads with two or more clanmates";
            this.strScrambleMode = "Keep all Squads";
            this.ynbenableSkillRUSH = enumBoolYesNo.No;
            this.ynbScrambleMapRUSH = enumBoolYesNo.No;
            this.ScrambleByRUSH = "TB-Value";

            this.ynbenableSkillGM = enumBoolYesNo.No;
            this.ynbScrambleMapGM = enumBoolYesNo.No;
            this.ScrambleByGM = "TB-Value";

            this.ynbenableSkillDF = enumBoolYesNo.No;
            this.ynbScrambleMapDF = enumBoolYesNo.No;
            this.ScrambleByDF = "TB-Value";

            //this.ynbenableSkillOB = enumBoolYesNo.No;
            //this.ynbScrambleMapOB = enumBoolYesNo.No;
            //this.ScrambleByOB = "TB-Value";

            //this.ynbenableSkillCONQUEST = enumBoolYesNo.No;
            this.ynbenableSkillCONQUEST = enumBoolYesNo.Yes;
            this.ynbScrambleMapCONQUEST = enumBoolYesNo.No;
            this.ynbScrambleEveryRoundCONQUEST = enumBoolYesNo.No;
            this.intwonTicketsCONQUEST = 50;
            this.strScrambleMessageCONQUEST = "SCRAMBLING teams next round. Ticketdifference too big. Squads will be kept together.";
            this.ScrambleByCONQUEST = "TB-Value";

            this.ynbenableSkillDOM = enumBoolYesNo.Yes;
            this.ynbScrambleMapDOM = enumBoolYesNo.No;
            this.ynbScrambleEveryRoundDOM = enumBoolYesNo.No;
            this.intwonTicketsDOM = 50;
            this.strScrambleMessageDOM = "SCRAMBLING teams next round. Ticketdifference too big. Squads will be kept together.";
            this.ScrambleByDOM = "TB-Value";

            //this.ynbenableSkillOB = enumBoolYesNo.No;
            this.ynbenableSkillOB = enumBoolYesNo.Yes;
            this.ynbScrambleMapOB = enumBoolYesNo.No;
            this.ynbScrambleEveryRoundOB = enumBoolYesNo.No;
            this.intwonTicketsOB = 50;
            this.strScrambleMessageOB = "SCRAMBLING teams next round. Ticketdifference too big. Squads will be kept together.";
            this.ScrambleByOB = "TB-Value";

            //this.ynbenableSkillTDM = enumBoolYesNo.No;
            this.ynbenableSkillTDM = enumBoolYesNo.Yes;
            this.ynbScrambleMapTDM = enumBoolYesNo.No;
            this.ynbScrambleEveryRoundTDM = enumBoolYesNo.No;
            this.intwonTicketsTDM = 50;
            this.intshowTicketsTDM = 50;
            this.strScrambleMessageTDM = "SCRAMBLING teams next round. Ticketdifference too big. Squads will be kept together.";
            this.ScrambleByTDM = "TB-Value";

            this.TSForceMove = new TimeSpan(0);
            this.DTForceMove = new DateTime();

            this.EndRoundSeconds = new TimeSpan(0);
            this.EndRoundTime = new DateTime();

            this.boolVirtual = false;
            this.ynbVirtualMode = enumBoolYesNo.No;
            this.intMaxPlayersToFetch = 2;

            showMoves = enumBoolYesNo.No;
            Check4Update = enumBoolYesNo.Yes;

            this.intPopMaintainSquads = 0;
            this.ynEnableTBValueToChat = enumBoolYesNo.Yes;
Пример #40
        // Allways be suspicious of strValue's actual value.  A command in the console can
        // by the user can put any kind of data it wants in strValue.
        // use type.TryParse
        public void SetPluginVariable(string strVariable, string strValue)
            int iTmp;


            if (strVariable.CompareTo("Ping Interval") == 0)
                if (int.TryParse(strValue, out iTmp) && iTmp > 0)
                    this.strPingInterval = strValue;
                    this.ExecuteCommand("procon.protected.tasks.remove", "CPingPlayersWorker");
                    this.ExecuteCommand("procon.protected.tasks.add", "CPingPlayersWorker", "5", this.strPingInterval, "-1", "procon.protected.plugins.call", "CPingPlayers", "PingAllPlayers");
            else if (strVariable.CompareTo("Max. Ping") == 0)
                if (int.TryParse(strValue, out iTmp) && iTmp > 0)
                    this.iMaxPing = iTmp;
            else if (strVariable.CompareTo("Grace Period") == 0)
                if (int.TryParse(strValue, out iTmp) && iTmp > 0)
                    this.iGracePeriod = iTmp;
            else if (strVariable.CompareTo("Ping Timeout") == 0)
                if (int.TryParse(strValue, out iTmp) && iTmp > 0)
                    this.iPingTimeout = iTmp;
            else if (strVariable.CompareTo("Kick Reason") == 0)
                this.strKickReason = strValue;
            else if (strVariable.CompareTo("White List") == 0)
                this.lstWhiteList = new List <string>(CPluginVariable.DecodeStringArray(strValue));
            else if (strVariable.CompareTo("Ingame Warnings") == 0 && Enum.IsDefined(typeof(enumBoolYesNo), strValue) == true)
                this.ebIngameWarnings = (enumBoolYesNo)Enum.Parse(typeof(enumBoolYesNo), strValue);
            else if (strVariable.CompareTo("Debug Messages") == 0 && Enum.IsDefined(typeof(enumBoolYesNo), strValue) == true)
                this.ebDebugMessages = (enumBoolYesNo)Enum.Parse(typeof(enumBoolYesNo), strValue);
            else if (strVariable.CompareTo("Ingame Command Own Ping") == 0)
                this.strIngameCommandOwn = strValue;
            else if (strVariable.CompareTo("Ingame Command Other Player's Ping") == 0)
                this.strIngameCommandPlayer = strValue;
            else if (strVariable.CompareTo("Ping-Reply Storage Length") == 0)
                if (int.TryParse(strValue, out iTmp) && iTmp > 0)
                    this.iPingStorageLength = iTmp;

        public void OnScrambleViaPRoCon()
            this.ynbScrambleRoundViaPRoConConf = enumBoolYesNo.No;
            this.ynbScrambleRoundViaPRoCon = enumBoolYesNo.No;

            if (this.ynbEnableScrambleRound == enumBoolYesNo.Yes)
                if (this.boolLevelStart)
                    this.DebugInfoSkill("^1Admin requested a scramble for next round!");
                    this.boolscramblebyadminroundend = true;
                    if (this.ynbScrambleMessage == enumBoolYesNo.Yes)
                        if (this.strScrambleRoundMsg != "")
                            if (this.boolVirtual)
                                this.ExecuteCommand("procon.protected.pluginconsole.write", "^b[TB] VIRTUAL:^n say all - " + this.strScrambleRoundMsg);
                                this.ExecuteCommand("procon.protected.send", "admin.say", this.strScrambleRoundMsg, "all");
                                this.ExecuteCommand("procon.protected.pluginconsole.write", "^b^9TrueBalancer:^n Teams will be scrambled at RoundEnd");
                            if (this.ynbYellScrambleManuall == enumBoolYesNo.Yes && !this.boolVirtual)
                                this.ExecuteCommand("procon.protected.send", "admin.yell", this.strScrambleRoundMsg, "30");
                    this.DebugInfoSkill("^3You can only request for a scramble, if a round is running.");
                this.DebugInfoSkill("You need to activate and setup !scrambleround at '2.5 Skill-Scrambler: Manual Commands'");
 public AccessRestriction()
     this.lstPlayerList = new List<CPlayerInfo>();
     //this.m_LastUpdated = null;
     this.m_RoCAccepted = enumBoolYesNo.No;
     this.m_BanGUID = enumBoolYesNo.No;
     this.m_RankKicker = enumBoolOnOff.Off;
     this.m_AccessLimitation = enumBoolOnOff.Off;
     this.m_RankLimit = 50;
     this.m_TempBanPlayers = enumBoolYesNo.No;
     this.m_PermBanPlayers = enumBoolYesNo.No;
     this.m_TempBanTime = 60;
     this.m_BanAfterKicks = enumBoolYesNo.No;
     this.m_KicksBeforeBan = 3;
     this.m_KickReason = "You got kicked due to your Player Rank being too high!";
     this.m_BanReason = "You  got banned for %bt% minutes due to your Player Rank being too high!";
     this.m_PermBanReason = "You permanently got banned due to your Player Rank being too high!";
     this.m_IsPluginEnabled = false;
     this.m_RankKickerOnOff = enumBoolOnOff.On;
     this.m_ConsoleLog = enumBoolYesNo.Yes;
     this.m_ClearAll = enumBoolYesNo.No;
     this.m_WhiteList = new List<string>();
     this.m_ClanTagWhiteList = enumBoolYesNo.No;
     this.m_WhiteListClanTags = new List<string>();
     this.m_AllowedClanTags = new List<string>();
     this.m_AccessLimitationPlayers = enumBoolYesNo.No;
     this.m_AccessLimitationTags = enumBoolYesNo.No;
     this.m_AllowedPlayers = new List<string>();
     this.m_AccessBanPlayers = enumBoolYesNo.No;
     this.m_AccessKickReason = "Sorry for the kick, dude! This is a private match!";
     this.m_AccessPermBanReason = "Sorry for the ban, dude! This is a private match!";
     this.m_ModeratedClanTags = new List<string>();
     this.m_AllowedClanPlayers = new List<string>();
     this.m_ClanTagModeration = enumBoolOnOff.Off;
     this.m_ClanTagBanPlayers = enumBoolYesNo.No;
     this.m_ClanTagKickReason = "You got kicked for using a clantag by unfair means!";
     this.m_ClanTagPermBanReason = "You got banned for using a clantag by unfair means!";
     this.m_DisallowedClanTags = new List<string>();
     this.m_DisallowedTags = enumBoolOnOff.Off;
     this.m_DisallowedTagsBan = enumBoolYesNo.No;
     this.m_DisallowedTagsKickReason = "Your clan isn't welcome on this server! You got kicked!";
     this.m_DisallowedTagsBanReason = "Your clan isn't welcome on this server! You got banned permanently!";
     this.m_AutomaticallyClearCache = enumBoolYesNo.Yes;
     this.m_CacheClearRounds = 6;
Пример #43
        public Currency()
            this.m_ebynEnableAutoBounties = enumBoolYesNo.No;
            this.m_ebynPublicAutoBountyNotifications = enumBoolYesNo.Yes;
            this.m_ebynSayAutoBountyNotifications = enumBoolYesNo.Yes;
            this.m_ebynYellAutoBountyNotifications = enumBoolYesNo.No;
            this.m_ebynEnablePlayerBounties = enumBoolYesNo.No;
            this.m_ebynPublicPlayerBountyNotifications = enumBoolYesNo.Yes;
            this.m_ebynSayPlayerBountyNotifications = enumBoolYesNo.Yes;
            this.m_ebynYellPlayerBountyNotifications = enumBoolYesNo.No;
            this.m_ebynEnableMugging = enumBoolYesNo.No;
            this.m_ebynEnableMuggingLimit = enumBoolYesNo.No;
            this.m_ebynSayStrMugged = enumBoolYesNo.Yes;
            this.m_ebynYellStrMugged = enumBoolYesNo.No;
            this.m_ebynSpamPluginConsole = enumBoolYesNo.Yes;
            this.m_ebynAllowAdminPrivileges = enumBoolYesNo.No;
            this.m_ebynEnablePayroll = enumBoolYesNo.No;
            this.m_ebynPayForKills = enumBoolYesNo.No;
            this.m_ebynDeductForDeaths = enumBoolYesNo.No;
            this.m_ebynPayForSpecificWeaponKills = enumBoolYesNo.No;
            this.m_ebynPayForHeadshots = enumBoolYesNo.No;
            //Added for TK Yes/No Selection
            this.m_ebynEnableTKStop = enumBoolYesNo.Yes;

            this.m_iAutoBountyStreak = 5;
            this.m_iAutoBountyStartingBounty = 2;
            this.m_iAutoBountyIncreasePerKill = 1;
            this.m_iAutoBountyNotificationsYellLength = 5;
            this.m_iPlayerBountyNotificationsYellLength = 5;
            this.m_iMuggingPercentStolen = 1;
            this.m_iMuggingLimit = 50;
            this.m_iStrMuggedYellLength = 5;
            this.m_iItemCount = 0;
            this.m_iPayrollAmount = 500;
            this.m_iPayrollFrequency = 30;
            this.m_iAmountPaidPerKill = 0;
            this.m_iAmountLostPerDeath = 0;
            this.m_iAmountPaidPerHeadshot = 0;
            this.m_iSpecificWeaponPay = 0;

            this.m_strAutoBountyPosted = "A %amount CC$ bounty has been put on %killer's head for her %streak kill streak!";
            this.m_strAutoBountyCollected = "%killer has ended %victim's %streak kill streak, claiming the %amount CC$ bounty!";
            this.m_strCurrentGameMode = "";
            this.m_strPlayerBountyPostCommand = "@addbounty";
            this.m_strPlayerBountyPosted = "%poster just put a %amount CC$ bounty on %target's head!";
            this.m_strPlayerBountyCollected = "%killer just murked %victim, claiming her %amount CC$ bounty!";
            this.m_strBountyBoardCommand = "@bountyboard";
            this.m_strMugged = "%killer just mugged %victim, stealing %amount CC$!";
            this.m_strMuggingWeaponChosen = "";
            this.m_strSelectedConfirmWeaponChosen = "";
            this.m_strCurrencyInstanceName = "Currency";
            this.m_strCurrencySymbol = "CC$";
            this.m_strPayrollMessage = "Payroll - You just got paid %amount CC$!";
            this.m_strMainMenuTrigger = "@currency";
            this.m_strAdminAddCurrencyCommand = "@addcc";
            this.m_strAdminRemoveCurrencyCommand = "@removecc";
            this.m_strAdminCheckBalanceCommand = "@checkbalance";
            this.m_strSQLHostname = "";
            this.m_strSQLDatabaseName = "";
            this.m_strSQLUsername = "";
            this.m_strSQLPassword = "";
            this.m_strShopTrigger = "@shop";
            this.m_strCheckBalanceTrigger = "@balance";
            this.m_strPlayerPersonalSpamTrigger = "@quiet";
            this.m_strSpecificWeaponChosen = "";
            this.m_strSelectedConfirmMuggingWeaponChosen = "";
            this.m_straMainMenu = new string[] { "This is the main menu!" };
            this.m_straShop = new string[] { "This is the shop!" };
            this.m_strHostName = "";
            this.m_strPort = "";
            this.m_strPRoConVersion = "";

            this.m_dtPreviousEntryStamp = DateTime.Now;

            this.m_lstMuggingWeapons = new List<string>();
            this.m_lstWeaponAndPayValue = new List<string>();
            this.m_lstNoSpam = new List<string>();
 // Convertes bool "True/False" into String "true/false"
 public string enumboolToStringTrueFalse(enumBoolYesNo isTrue)
     if (isTrue == enumBoolYesNo.Yes) return "true";
     return "false";
Пример #45
 public Item(string strName)
     this._id = 0;
     this._name = "Item";
     this.Enabled = enumBoolYesNo.No;
     this._ccvalue = 100;
     this._buycommand = "Enter the chat trigger used to buy this item";
     this._description = "Enter a short description and show proper syntax";
     this._templatechosen = "";
     this._payload = new List<string>();
Пример #46
        // plugin variables are declared in 'Global Vars' region above
        // ASSIGN values to program globals FROM server_ip.cfg and from Plugin Settings pane
        public void SetPluginVariable(string strVariable, string raw_strValue)
                string strValue = CPluginVariable.Decode(raw_strValue);
                switch (strVariable)
                    case "Game":
                        game_id = (GameIdEnum)Enum.Parse(typeof(GameIdEnum), strValue);
                    case "Delay before kill":
                        kill_delay = Int32.Parse(strValue);
                    case "Yell seconds":
                        yell_delay = Int32.Parse(strValue);
                    //case "Player keeps items on respawn":
                    //    reservationMode = (ReserveItemEnum)Enum.Parse(typeof(ReserveItemEnum), strValue);
                    //    break;
                    case "EA Rules of Conduct read and accepted":
                        roc_read = (enumBoolYesNo)Enum.Parse(typeof(enumBoolYesNo), strValue);
                    case "Trace rules":
                        trace_rules = (enumBoolYesNo)Enum.Parse(typeof(enumBoolYesNo), strValue);
                    case "Protect these players from Kick or Kill":
                            = (ProtectEnum)Enum.Parse(typeof(ProtectEnum), strValue);
                    case "Rules":
                        string strValueHtmlDecode = raw_strValue.Contains(" ") ? raw_strValue : raw_strValue.Replace("+", " ");
                        string strValueUnencoded;
                            strValueUnencoded = Uri.UnescapeDataString(strValueHtmlDecode);
                            strValueUnencoded = strValueHtmlDecode;
                        unparsed_rules = new List<string>(strValueUnencoded.Split(new char[] { '|' }));
                    case "Rulz .txt filenames":
                        rulz_filenames = new List<string>(CPluginVariable.DecodeStringArray(strValue));
                        // look for rulz files and add those to unparsed_rules
                    case "Player name whitelist":
                        whitelist_players = new List<string>(CPluginVariable.DecodeStringArray(strValue));
                    case "Clan name whitelist":
                        whitelist_clans = new List<string>(CPluginVariable.DecodeStringArray(strValue));
                    case "Send ProconRulz Log messages to:":
                        log_file = (LogFileEnum)Enum.Parse(typeof(LogFileEnum), strValue);

            catch (Exception ex)
Пример #47
        // Allways be suspicious of strValue's actual value.  A command in the console can
        // by the user can put any kind of data it wants in strValue.
        // use type.TryParse
        public void SetPluginVariable(string strVariable, string strValue) {
            if (strVariable.CompareTo("Allow players to get server country") == 0 && Enum.IsDefined(typeof(enumBoolYesNo), strValue) == true) {
                this.m_enAllowPlayersToGetServerCountry = (enumBoolYesNo)Enum.Parse(typeof(enumBoolYesNo), strValue);
            else if (strVariable.CompareTo("Allow players to get other players country") == 0 && Enum.IsDefined(typeof(enumBoolYesNo), strValue) == true) {
                this.m_enAllowPlayersToGetOthersCountry = (enumBoolYesNo)Enum.Parse(typeof(enumBoolYesNo), strValue);
            else if (strVariable.CompareTo("Allow players to get other players P/GUIDs") == 0 && Enum.IsDefined(typeof(enumBoolYesNo), strValue) == true) {
                this.m_enAllowPlayersToGuidOthers = (enumBoolYesNo)Enum.Parse(typeof(enumBoolYesNo), strValue);
            else if (strVariable.CompareTo("Allow players to get other players play time") == 0 && Enum.IsDefined(typeof(enumBoolYesNo), strValue) == true) {
                this.m_enAllowPlayersToTimeOthers = (enumBoolYesNo)Enum.Parse(typeof(enumBoolYesNo), strValue);
