void OnTriggerEnter(Collider col)
        //this need to happen after the other object registers what it touched
        //so maybe a coroutine would help
        //as it is it will always report the last thing it triggered not the current

        //rather than a coroutine the object colliding could be the one making the decisions
        //it could have the trigger and it could tell what it collides with what to do
        //e.g. if col.tag is enemy, then getComponent<enemyScript>()
        //then tell the script to run its behaviour method which could be
        // myBehaviour(Collider){} it receives a collider type and behaves differently
        //depending which collider, it is given, or a string with the colliders name could be

        myColLastHit = col.gameObject.GetComponent <ILastTouched>().iLastEntered;

        if (myColLastHit is SphereCollider)
            currentBehaviour = enemyBehaviour.attack;
        else if (myColLastHit is BoxCollider)
            currentBehaviour = enemyBehaviour.retreat;
        else if (myColLastHit is CapsuleCollider)
            currentBehaviour = enemyBehaviour.agro;

Пример #2
 void DecideBehaviour()
     if (Random.Range(1, 30) < 5)
         if (thisBehaviour == enemyBehaviour.DirectEngagement)
             thisBehaviour = enemyBehaviour.Flank;
             thisBehaviour = enemyBehaviour.DirectEngagement;
Пример #3
    void helpAlly()
        // find all nearby allies that are in combat
        enemyBehaviour[]      allies         = FindObjectsOfType <enemyBehaviour>();
        List <enemyBehaviour> alliesInCombat = new List <enemyBehaviour>();

        foreach (enemyBehaviour ally in allies)
            if (checkLOS(ally.transform.position) && ally.isInCombat())
        if (alliesInCombat.Count == 0)
            // Shouldn't happen, but just in case

        // find nearest ally
        enemyBehaviour nearestAlly = null;
        float          dist        = Mathf.Infinity;

        foreach (enemyBehaviour ally in alliesInCombat)
            // compare the distance of this ally to the current closest found
            float new_dist = (ally.transform.position - transform.position).magnitude;
            if (new_dist < dist)
                nearestAlly = ally;
                dist        = new_dist;

        // Head towards the closest point we can to make LOS with player
        for (int i = 0; i < ASSIST_SEARCH_RESOLUTION; ++i)
            // Scan up the friend's player-LOS to find the nearest point without an obstruction
            Vector3 check_pos = Vector3.Lerp(nearestAlly.getLastSeenPos(), nearestAlly.transform.position, (float)i / ASSIST_SEARCH_RESOLUTION);
            if (checkLOS(check_pos, true))
                // Found an unobstructed route to our ally's player-LOS

                last_player_pos = check_pos;
                had_LOS         = true;
 // Update is called once per frame
 void Update()
     slidey.value = health;
     if (health <= 0 && brokenDown == false)
         brokenDown            = true;
         gameController.score += gameController.generatorBonus;
         health = 0;
         nearestHuman = FindHuman();
         eb = nearestHuman.GetComponent <enemyBehaviour>();
         eb.behaviourState = 2;
         eb.generator      = this.gameObject;
Пример #5
    void Update()
        //Pathfinding demo
        if (Input.GetMouseButtonDown(1))
            //Convert mouse click point to grid coordinates
            Vector2 worldPos = Camera.main.ScreenToWorldPoint(Input.mousePosition);
            Point   gridPos  = WorldToGrid(worldPos);

            if (gridPos != null)
                if (gridPos.X > 0 && gridPos.Y > 0 && gridPos.X < Width && gridPos.Y < Height)
                    //Convert player point to grid coordinates
                    Point playerPos = WorldToGrid(Player.transform.position);
                    Nodes[playerPos.X, playerPos.Y].SetColor(Color.blue);

                    //Find path from player to clicked position
                    BreadCrumb     pathToFollow = PathFinder.FindPath(this, playerPos, gridPos);
                    enemyBehaviour mov          = Player.GetComponent <enemyBehaviour> ();
                    int          count = 0;
                    LineRenderer lr    = Player.GetComponent <LineRenderer> ();
                    lr.SetVertexCount(100);                      //Need a higher number than 2, or crashes out
                    lr.SetWidth(0.1f, 0.1f);
                    lr.SetColors(Color.yellow, Color.yellow);

                    //Draw out our path
                    while (pathToFollow != null)
                        lr.SetPosition(count, Grid.GridToWorld(pathToFollow.position));
                        pathToFollow = pathToFollow.next;
                        count       += 1;
Пример #6
    public void updateBehaviour(Collider myOwnCollider, bool myOwnColliderWasJustExited)
        if (myOwnCollider is SphereCollider)
            currentBehaviour = enemyBehaviour.attack;
        else if (myOwnCollider is BoxCollider)
            currentBehaviour = enemyBehaviour.retreat;
        else if (myOwnCollider is CapsuleCollider)
            currentBehaviour = enemyBehaviour.agro;

        if (myOwnColliderWasJustExited)
    void OnTriggerExit(Collider col)
        myColLastExited = col.gameObject.GetComponent <ILastTouched>().iLastExited;

        if (myColLastExited is CapsuleCollider)
            currentBehaviour = enemyBehaviour.none;
        if (myColLastExited is SphereCollider)
            currentBehaviour = enemyBehaviour.agro;
        else if (myColLastExited is BoxCollider)
            currentBehaviour = enemyBehaviour.attack;

Пример #8
 // Use this for initialization
 void Start()
     enemyShips = GameObject.FindObjectOfType <enemyBehaviour>();