async void SignUpNewUser(System.Object sender, System.EventArgs e)
            if (isAddessValidated)
                var directSignUpSerializedObject = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(directSignUp);
                var content = new StringContent(directSignUpSerializedObject, Encoding.UTF8, "application/json");


                var signUpclient = new HttpClient();
                var RDSResponse = await signUpclient.PostAsync(Constant.SignUpUrl, content);
                Debug.WriteLine("RDSResponse: " + RDSResponse.ToString());
                var RDSMessage = await RDSResponse.Content.ReadAsStringAsync();
                Debug.WriteLine("RDSMessage: " + RDSMessage.ToString());

                // if Sign up is has successfully ie 200 response code
                if (RDSResponse.IsSuccessStatusCode)
                    var RDSData = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<SignUpResponse>(RDSMessage);
                    Debug.WriteLine("RDSData: " + RDSData.ToString());
                    DateTime today = DateTime.Now;
                    DateTime expDate = today.AddDays(Constant.days);

                    if (RDSData.message.Contains("taken"))
                        DisplayAlert("Error", "email address is already in use", "OK");
                        // Local Variables in Xamarin that can be used throughout the App
                        Application.Current.Properties["user_id"] = RDSData.result.customer_uid;
                        Application.Current.Properties["time_stamp"] = expDate;
                        Application.Current.Properties["platform"] = "DIRECT";
                        System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("UserID is:" + (string)Application.Current.Properties["user_id"]);
                        System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Time Stamp is:" + Application.Current.Properties["time_stamp"].ToString());
                        System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("platform is:" + (string)Application.Current.Properties["platform"]);

                        string url = "" + (string)Application.Current.Properties["user_id"];
                        var request3 = new HttpRequestMessage();
                        request3.RequestUri = new Uri(url);
                        request3.Method = HttpMethod.Get;
                        var client2 = new HttpClient();
                        HttpResponseMessage response = await client2.SendAsync(request3);
                        HttpContent content2 = response.Content;
                        Console.WriteLine("content: " + content2);
                        var userString = await content2.ReadAsStringAsync();
                        JObject info_obj2 = JObject.Parse(userString);
                        Preferences.Set("profilePicLink", null);
                        // Go to Subscripton page
                        // Application.Current.MainPage = new SubscriptionPage();

                        //send email to verify email
                        emailVerifyPost emailVer = new emailVerifyPost();
               = emailEntry.Text.Trim();
                        var emailVerSerializedObj = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(emailVer);
                        var content4 = new StringContent(emailVerSerializedObj, Encoding.UTF8, "application/json");
                        var client3 = new HttpClient();
                        var response3 = client3.PostAsync("", content4);
                        Console.WriteLine("RESPONSE TO CHECKOUT   " + response3.Result);
                        Console.WriteLine("CHECKOUT JSON OBJECT BEING SENT: " + emailVerSerializedObj);

                        Application.Current.MainPage = new NavigationPage(new SubscriptionPage((info_obj2["result"])[0]["customer_first_name"].ToString(), (info_obj2["result"])[0]["customer_last_name"].ToString(), (info_obj2["result"])[0]["customer_email"].ToString()));
                await DisplayAlert("Message", "We weren't able to sign you up", "OK");
        async void SignUpNewUser(System.Object sender, System.EventArgs e)
            var directSignUpSerializedObject = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(directSignUp);
            var content = new StringContent(directSignUpSerializedObject, Encoding.UTF8, "application/json");


            var signUpclient = new HttpClient();
            var RDSResponse  = await signUpclient.PostAsync(Constant.SignUpUrl, content);

            Debug.WriteLine("RDSResponse: " + RDSResponse.ToString());
            var RDSMessage = await RDSResponse.Content.ReadAsStringAsync();

            Debug.WriteLine("RDSMessage: " + RDSMessage.ToString());

            // if Sign up is has successfully ie 200 response code
            if (RDSResponse.IsSuccessStatusCode)
                var RDSData = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <SignUpResponse>(RDSMessage);
                Debug.WriteLine("RDSData: " + RDSData.ToString());
                DateTime today   = DateTime.Now;
                DateTime expDate = today.AddDays(Constant.days);

                if (RDSData.message.Contains("taken"))
                    DisplayAlert("Error", "email address is already in use, please log in", "OK");
                    // Local Variables in Xamarin that can be used throughout the App
                    Application.Current.Properties["user_id"]    = RDSData.result.customer_uid;
                    Application.Current.Properties["time_stamp"] = expDate;
                    Application.Current.Properties["platform"]   = "DIRECT";
                    System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("UserID is:" + (string)Application.Current.Properties["user_id"]);
                    System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Time Stamp is:" + Application.Current.Properties["time_stamp"].ToString());
                    System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("platform is:" + (string)Application.Current.Properties["platform"]);

                    string url      = "" + (string)Application.Current.Properties["user_id"];
                    var    request3 = new HttpRequestMessage();
                    request3.RequestUri = new Uri(url);
                    request3.Method     = HttpMethod.Get;
                    var client2 = new HttpClient();
                    HttpResponseMessage response = await client2.SendAsync(request3);

                    HttpContent content2 = response.Content;
                    Console.WriteLine("content: " + content2);
                    var userString = await content2.ReadAsStringAsync();

                    JObject info_obj2 = JObject.Parse(userString);
                    Preferences.Set("profilePicLink", null);
                    // Go to Subscripton page
                    // Application.Current.MainPage = new SubscriptionPage();

                    //send email to verify email
                    emailVerifyPost emailVer = new emailVerifyPost();
           = Preferences.Get(savedEmail, "");
                    var emailVerSerializedObj = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(emailVer);
                    var content4  = new StringContent(emailVerSerializedObj, Encoding.UTF8, "application/json");
                    var client3   = new HttpClient();
                    var response3 = client3.PostAsync("", content4);
                    Console.WriteLine("RESPONSE TO CHECKOUT   " + response3.Result);
                    Console.WriteLine("CHECKOUT JSON OBJECT BEING SENT: " + emailVerSerializedObj);

                    Console.WriteLine("\nUser Signed Up:" +
                                      "\n  email: " + +
                                      "\n  first name: " + directSignUp.first_name +
                                      "\n  last name: " + directSignUp.last_name +
                                      "\n  phone number: " + directSignUp.phone_number +
                                      "\n  address: " + directSignUp.address +
                                      "\n  unit: " + directSignUp.unit +
                                      "\n  city: " + +
                                      "\n  state: " + directSignUp.state +
                                      "\n  zip: " + directSignUp.zip_code +
                                      "\n  latitude: " + directSignUp.latitude +
                                      "\n  longitude: " + directSignUp.longitude +
                                      "\n  referral source: " + directSignUp.referral_source +
                                      "\n  role: " + directSignUp.role +
                                      "\n  mobile access token: " + directSignUp.mobile_access_token +
                                      "\n  mobile refresh token: " + directSignUp.mobile_refresh_token +
                                      "\n  user access token: " + directSignUp.user_access_token +
                                      "\n  user refresh token: " + directSignUp.user_refresh_token +
                                      "\n  social: " + +
                                      "\n  password: "******"\n  social id: " + directSignUp.social_id

                    Application.Current.MainPage = new NavigationPage(new Select(passingZones, cust_firstName, cust_lastName, cust_email));