Пример #1
        /// <summary>
        /// imports the data from the file into the database
        /// (only newer data will be imported)
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="fileName"></param>
        public void ImportSystems(String Filename)
            DBConnector               lDBCon = null;
            String sqlString;
            List<EDSystem> Systems;
            EDSystem importSystem;
            dsEliteDB.tbsystemsRow[] FoundRows;
            dsEliteDB.tbsystems_orgRow[] FoundRows_org;
            DateTime Timestamp_new, Timestamp_old;
            Int32 ImportCounter = 0;
            Dictionary<Int32, Int32> changedSystemIDs = new Dictionary<Int32, Int32>();
            dsEliteDB localDataSet;
            Int32 counter = 0;
            Boolean dataChanged;
            localDataSet = new dsEliteDB();
            Int32 updated = 0;
            Int32 added = 0;
            MySql.Data.MySqlClient.MySqlDataAdapter dataAdapter_sys = null;
            MySql.Data.MySqlClient.MySqlDataAdapter dataAdapter_sysorg = null;
            Int32 systemsTotal=0;

                lDBCon = new DBConnector(Program.DBCon.ConfigData, true);

                // gettin' some freaky performance
                lDBCon.Execute("set global innodb_flush_log_at_trx_commit=2");
                StreamReader rawDataStream;
                JsonTextReader jsonReader;
                JsonSerializer serializer = new JsonSerializer();

                rawDataStream = new StreamReader(Filename);
                jsonReader = new JsonTextReader(rawDataStream);

                sendProgressEvent(new ProgressEventArgs() {  Info="import systems...", NewLine = true } );

                while (jsonReader.Read())
                    if((jsonReader.TokenType == JsonToken.StartObject) && (jsonReader.Depth == 1))


                rawDataStream = new StreamReader(Filename);
                jsonReader = new JsonTextReader(rawDataStream);

                    if((jsonReader.TokenType == JsonToken.StartObject) && (jsonReader.Depth == 1))
                        dataChanged = false;

                        importSystem = serializer.Deserialize<EDSystem>(jsonReader);

                        if(dataAdapter_sys != null)
                            dataAdapter_sys = null;

                        if(dataAdapter_sysorg != null)
                            dataAdapter_sysorg = null;

                        lDBCon.TableRead(String.Format("select * from tbSystems where id = {0} lock in share mode;", importSystem.Id), localDataSet.tbsystems, ref dataAdapter_sys);

                        //sqlString = "select * from tbSystems_org lock in share mode";
                        //lDBCon.TableRead(sqlString, Data.tbsystems_org);

                        if (localDataSet.tbsystems.Rows.Count > 0)
                            // system is existing

                            if ((bool)(localDataSet.tbsystems.Rows[0]["is_changed"]))
                                // data is changed by user - hold it ...

                                // ...and check table "tbSystems_org" for the original data
                                lDBCon.TableRead(String.Format("select * from tbSystems_org where id = {0} lock in share mode;", importSystem.Id), localDataSet.tbsystems_org, ref dataAdapter_sysorg);

                                if (localDataSet.tbsystems_org.Rows.Count > 0)
                                    // system is in "tbSystems_org" existing - keep the newer version 
                                    Timestamp_old = (DateTime)(localDataSet.tbsystems_org.Rows[0]["updated_at"]);
                                    Timestamp_new = DateTimeOffset.FromUnixTimeSeconds(importSystem.UpdatedAt).DateTime;

                                    if (Timestamp_new > Timestamp_old)
                                        // data from file is newer
                                        CopyEDSystemToDataRow(importSystem, (DataRow)localDataSet.tbsystems_org.Rows[0], false, null, true);
                                        ImportCounter += 1;
                                        dataChanged = true;
                                // system is existing - keep the newer version 
                                Timestamp_old = (DateTime)(localDataSet.tbsystems.Rows[0]["updated_at"]);
                                Timestamp_new = DateTimeOffset.FromUnixTimeSeconds(importSystem.UpdatedAt).DateTime;

                                if (Timestamp_new > Timestamp_old)
                                    // data from file is newer
                                    CopyEDSystemToDataRow(importSystem, localDataSet.tbsystems.Rows[0], false, null, true);
                                    ImportCounter += 1;
                                    dataChanged = true;
                                    updated += 1;
                            if(dataAdapter_sys != null)
                                dataAdapter_sys = null;

                            // check if there's a user generated system
                            // self-created systems don't have the correct id so it must be identified by name    
                            lDBCon.TableRead(String.Format("select * from tbSystems where systemname = {0} and id < 0 lock in share mode;", DBConnector.SQLAEscape(importSystem.Name.ToString()) ), localDataSet.tbsystems, ref dataAdapter_sys);

                            if (localDataSet.tbsystems.Rows.Count > 0)
                                // self created systems is existing -> correct id and get new data from EDDB
                                // (changed system_id in tbStations are automatically internal updated by the database itself)
                                CopyEDSystemToDataRow(importSystem, (DataRow)localDataSet.tbsystems.Rows[0], false, null, true);
                                dataChanged = true;
                                // add a new system
                                dsEliteDB.tbsystemsRow newRow = (dsEliteDB.tbsystemsRow)localDataSet.tbsystems.NewRow();
                                CopyEDSystemToDataRow(importSystem, (DataRow)newRow, false, null, true);
                                dataChanged = true;

                            added += 1;
                            ImportCounter += 1;

                            if(localDataSet.tbsystems.Rows.Count > 0)
                                lDBCon.TableUpdate(localDataSet.tbsystems, dataAdapter_sys);

                            if(localDataSet.tbsystems_org.Rows.Count > 0)
                                lDBCon.TableUpdate(localDataSet.tbsystems_org, dataAdapter_sysorg);

                            dataChanged = false;

                        if(sendProgressEvent(new ProgressEventArgs() { Info = String.Format("import systems : analysed={0}, updated={1}, added={2}", counter, ImportCounter-added, added), CurrentValue=counter, TotalValue=systemsTotal}))

                // reset freaky performance
                lDBCon.Execute("set global innodb_flush_log_at_trx_commit=1");


            catch (Exception ex)
                if(lDBCon != null)
                    if (lDBCon.TransActive())

                        // reset freaky performance
                        lDBCon.Execute("set global innodb_flush_log_at_trx_commit=1");
                    catch (Exception) { }

                throw new Exception("Error while importing system data", ex);
Пример #2
        /// <summary>
        /// loads all possible trading data from one to another station (one direction)
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="Data"></param>
        /// <param name="Station_From"></param>
        /// <param name="Station_To"></param>
        public void loadBestProfitStationCommodities(dsEliteDB.tmpa_s2s_stationdataDataTable Data, int? Station_From, int? Station_To, List<Int32> commodityFilter)
            String sqlString;
            String orString = "";

                if ((Station_From == null) || (Station_To == null))
                    // if a id equals null it will result in a exception from mysql:
                    // "There is already an open DataReader associated with this Connection which must be closed first."
                    if(commodityFilter.Count > 0)
                        orString = " and " + DBConnector.GetString_Or<Int32>("commodity_id", commodityFilter);

                    sqlString = String.Format(
                                "select Sd1.Station_ID, Sd1.Commodity_Id, Cm.LocCommodity As Commodity, " +
                                "       Sd1.Buy, Sd1.Supply, Sd1.SupplyLevel, Sd1.timestamp As Timestamp1, " +
                                "       Sd2.Sell, Sd2.Demand, Sd2.DemandLevel, Sd2.timestamp As Timestamp2, " +
                                "       (nullif(Sd2.Sell, 0) - nullif(Sd1.Buy,0)) As Profit, Sd1.Sources_ID from " +
                                " (select * from tbCommodityData " +
                                "   where Station_ID   = {0} " + 
                                    orString + ") Sd1 " +
                                " join" +
                                " (select * from tbCommodityData " +
                                "   where Station_ID   = {1}) Sd2" +
                                "   on Sd1.Commodity_ID = Sd2.Commodity_ID" +
                                " join" +
                                " tbCommodity Cm" +
                                "   on Sd1.Commodity_ID = Cm.ID" +
                                "   having Profit is not null" +
                                "   order by Profit Desc;", Station_From.ToNString("null"), Station_To.ToNString("null"));

                    m_lDBCon.Execute(sqlString, Data);

            catch (Exception ex)
                throw new Exception("Error while loading trading data", ex);
