Пример #1
    };                                                                                             // Lock Section : Check if an Object is in the player inventory using his ID

    // Use this for initialization
    void Start()
        //--> Every Puzzle  ----> BEGIN <----
        camManager = GetComponent <focusCamEffect>();
        _conditionsToAccessThePuzzle = GetComponent <conditionsToAccessThePuzzle>();
        _actionsWhenPuzzleIsSolved   = GetComponent <actionsWhenPuzzleIsSolved>();
        //----> END <----

        //--> Common for all puzzle ----> BEGIN <----
        _detectClick = new detectPuzzleClick();                 // Access Class that allow to detect click (Mouse, Joystick, Mobile)

        for (var i = 0; i < lightList.Count; i++)
            if (lightList[i] != null)
                lightList[i] = lightList[i].GetComponent <Renderer>();

        a_Source = GetComponent <AudioSource>();
        //----> END <----
Пример #2
    // Use this for initialization
    void Start()
        dragAndDrop = GetComponent <AP_.DragAndDrop>();

        for (var i = 0; i < pivotLogicList.Count; i++)
            listOfSelectedPuzzlePosition.Add(pivotLogicList[i].transform.parent.GetComponent <SpriteRenderer>());
            pLogicList.Add(LogicList[i].GetComponent <Logic>());
            pLogicOnTriggerList.Add(LogicList[i].transform.GetChild(0).GetComponent <LogicCheckCollision>());

            if (!LogicsInitPositionWhenStart[i])
                LogicList[i].transform.GetChild(0).tag = "Untagged";
                pivotLogicList[i].transform.parent.GetComponent <Collider>().enabled = false;
                LogicList[i].transform.GetChild(0).GetComponent <Collider>().enabled = false;

        //--> Every Puzzle  ----> BEGIN <----
        camManager = GetComponent <focusCamEffect>();
        _conditionsToAccessThePuzzle = GetComponent <conditionsToAccessThePuzzle>();
        _actionsWhenPuzzleIsSolved   = GetComponent <actionsWhenPuzzleIsSolved>();
        //----> END <----

        //--> Common for all puzzle ----> BEGIN <----
        _detectClick = new detectPuzzleClick();                 // Access Class that allow to detect click (Mouse, Joystick, Mobile)

        a_Source = GetComponent <AudioSource>();
        //----> END <----
Пример #3
    };                                                                                             // Lock Section : Check if an Object is in the player inventory using his ID

    // Use this for initialization
    void Start()
        //--> Every Puzzle  ----> BEGIN <----
        camManager = GetComponent <focusCamEffect>();
        _conditionsToAccessThePuzzle = GetComponent <conditionsToAccessThePuzzle>();
        _actionsWhenPuzzleIsSolved   = GetComponent <actionsWhenPuzzleIsSolved>();
        //----> END <----

        //--> Common for all puzzle ----> BEGIN <----
        _detectClick = new detectPuzzleClick();                 // Access Class that allow to detect click (Mouse, Joystick, Mobile)

        for (var i = 0; i < positionList.Count; i++)            // Save the default Mix. Use when puzzle is reset.
            refPositionList.Insert(0, 0);

        for (var i = 0; i < refPositionList.Count; i++)
            refPositionList[i] = positionList[i];

        a_Source = GetComponent <AudioSource>();
        //----> END <----
Пример #4
    };                                                                             // Lock Section : Check if an Object is in the player inventory using his ID

    // Use this for initialization
    void Start()
        //--> Every Puzzle  ----> BEGIN <----
        camManager = GetComponent <focusCamEffect>();
        _conditionsToAccessThePuzzle = GetComponent <conditionsToAccessThePuzzle>();
        _actionsWhenPuzzleIsSolved   = GetComponent <actionsWhenPuzzleIsSolved>();
        //----> END <----

        //--> Common for all puzzle ----> BEGIN <----
        _detectClick = new detectPuzzleClick();                 // Access Class that allow to detect click (Mouse, Joystick, Mobile)

        a_Source = GetComponent <AudioSource>();
        //----> END <----
Пример #5
    public LayerMask myLayer;                                                   // Raycast is done only on layer 15 : Puzzle

    void Start()
        uiVariousFunctions = gameObject.GetComponent <UIVariousFunctions>();
        m_EventSystem      = GetComponent <EventSystem>();
        _detectClick       = new detectPuzzleClick();