public ActionResult DeletePo(string id) { dbHelper dbq = new dbHelper(); dbq.execSql("delete from jobPoes where poNo='" + id + "'"); return(RedirectToAction("Details", "Dep", new { id = Request["depNo"].ToString() })); }
internal void Process() { dbHelper helper = new dbHelper(); helper.UpdateMissedData(); FillSettings(); if (settings != null) { double timerInterval = 10; double.TryParse(settings["EmailSendInterval"], out timerInterval); int.TryParse(settings["ThreadCount"], out thread_count); if (timerInterval == 0) { timerInterval = 0.1; } collection = new List <mailDetails>(); emailerTimer = new System.Timers.Timer(); emailerTimer.Elapsed += new System.Timers.ElapsedEventHandler(GetMail); emailerTimer.Interval = 60000 * timerInterval; emailerTimer.Enabled = true; emailerTimer.AutoReset = true; emailerTimer.Start(); } }
protected void ButtonPlay_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (Page.IsValid) { if (dt.Rows.Count > 0) { Flows playflow = SaveFlow(); if (playflow != null) { FlowInstances currentFlow = new FlowInstances(); dbHelper helper = new dbHelper(); DataRow firstRow = dt.Rows[0]; Actions startAction = helper.GetActionById(firstRow["Id"].ToString()); currentFlow.Actions = startAction; currentFlow.CurrentPosition = 1; currentFlow.Users = playflow.Users; currentFlow.Flows = playflow; helper.AddToModel(currentFlow); Session["currentInstance"] = currentFlow; Server.Transfer(currentFlow.Actions.ActionPage); } } } }
public void insertCar(dbHelper db) { Console.Write("Add new car:\n"); Console.Write("id:\n"); string id = Console.ReadLine(); Console.Write("brand:\n"); string brand = Console.ReadLine(); Console.Write("model:\n"); string model = Console.ReadLine(); Console.Write("price:\n"); int price; try { price = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine()); } catch (Exception e) { price = 100; } Console.Write("location:\n"); string location = Console.ReadLine(); Car car = new Car(); db.insertCar(id, brand, model, price, location, car); Console.Read(); Console.Read(); }
public void changeCar(dbHelper db) { Console.Write("Enter idCar for change:\n"); string id = Console.ReadLine(); db.selectCar(id); Console.Write("Enter new brand:\n"); string brand = Console.ReadLine(); Console.Write("Enter new model:\n"); string model = Console.ReadLine(); Console.Write("Enter new price:\n"); int price; try { price = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine()); } catch (Exception e) { price = 100; } Console.Write("Enter new location:\n"); string location = Console.ReadLine(); db.updateCar(id, brand, model, price, location); db.selectCar(id); Console.Read(); Console.Read(); }
public ActionResult DeleteSub(string hid, string hpid) { dbHelper dbh = new dbHelper(); dbh.execSql("delete from FlowDefSub where id='" + hid + "'"); return(RedirectToAction("SetupFlow", new { id = hpid })); }
public userService(dbHelper context, IRepository <userModel> userService, IAddressService addressService, IMapper mapper) { _dbContext = context; _userService = userService; _addressService = addressService; _mapper = mapper; }
public RentCar() { InitializeComponent(); db = new dbHelper(); db.openDb(); totalPrice = 0; }
protected void GridView1_RowCommand(object sender, GridViewCommandEventArgs e) { if (Page.IsValid) { if (e.CommandName == "Select") { Users newUser; dbHelper helper = new dbHelper(); newUser = helper.GetUserbyName(TextBoxUser.Text); if (newUser == null) { newUser = new Users(); newUser.UserName = TextBoxUser.Text; newUser.UserType = "local"; newUser.SNUserId = "local" + TextBoxUser.Text; helper.AddToModel(newUser); } Session["user"] = newUser; WebControl wc = e.CommandSource as WebControl; GridViewRow row = wc.NamingContainer as GridViewRow; Session["UseCaseStartTime"] = DateTime.Now; Session["UseCaseNumber"] = row.RowIndex + 1; Session["UseCaseText"] = row.Cells[1].Text; Server.Transfer("Design.aspx"); } } }
public ActionResult SaveList(int year, List <vwDayOffSum> data) { dbHelper dbh = new dbHelper(); DataTable tb = new DataTable(); tb = dbh.sql2tb("select workNo,m,v1 from dayOffSums where y = " + year.ToString() + " and sType='a'"); List <string> sqlList = new List <string>(); foreach (vwDayOffSum item in data) { List <decimal> vlist = new List <decimal>(); vlist.Add(item.m0a); vlist.Add(item.m1a); vlist.Add(item.m2a); vlist.Add(item.m3a); vlist.Add(item.m4a); vlist.Add(item.m5a); vlist.Add(item.m6a); vlist.Add(item.m7a); vlist.Add(item.m8a); vlist.Add(item.m9a); vlist.Add(item.m10a); vlist.Add(item.m11a); vlist.Add(item.m12a); for (int i = 0; i < vlist.Count; i++) { foreach (DataRow row in tb.Rows) { if (row["workNo"].ToString() == item.workNo && row["m"].ToString() == i.ToString() && ((Convert.ToDecimal(row["v1"]) - vlist[i]) != 0) ) { sqlList.Add( string.Format( "update dayOffSums set v1 = {0} where y = {1} and m = {2} and sType = 'a' and workNo = '{3}';", vlist[i], year, i, item.workNo ) ); break; } if (sqlList.Count == 10) { dbh.execSql(string.Join(" ", sqlList)); sqlList.Clear(); } } } } if (sqlList.Count > 0) { dbh.execSql(string.Join(" ", sqlList)); } dynamic r = new ExpandoObject(); r.success = true; return(Content(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(r), "application /json")); }
public App(string dbPath) { InitializeComponent(); dbHelper = new dbHelper(dbPath); MainPage = new NavigationPage(new MainPage()); }
public ActionResult Delete(string id) { dbHelper dbh = new dbHelper(); dbh.execSql("update dbo.AspNetUsers set status=0,workNo=workNo+'-remove' where Id='" + id + "'"); return(RedirectToAction("Index")); }
public ActionResult Delete(string hid) { dbHelper dbh = new dbHelper(); dbh.execSql("delete from jobpoes where depNo='" + hid + "'"); dbh.execSql("delete from deps where depNo='" + hid + "'"); //dbh.execSql("delete from PoUsers where poNo in (select poNo from jobPoes)"); return(RedirectToAction("Index")); }
public void deleteCar(dbHelper db) { Console.Write("Car's brand for removing:\n"); string brand = Console.ReadLine(); db.deleteCar(brand); Console.Read(); Console.Read(); }
protected void Button2_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { dbHelper helper = new dbHelper(); Users currentUser = new Users(); currentUser = helper.GetTestUser(); Session["user"] = currentUser; Server.Transfer("Design.aspx"); }
public String GetActionOutput(String actionId) { dbHelper helper = new dbHelper(); List<ActionOutputs> outputs = helper.GetActionOutputsForAction(actionId); if (outputs.Count > 0) return outputs[0].OutputObject; else return String.Empty; }
public Auth() { InitializeComponent(); db = new dbHelper(); db.openDb(); passTextBox.MaxLength = 8; passTextBox.PasswordChar = '*'; passTextBox.CharacterCasing = CharacterCasing.Lower; }
public void findCar(dbHelper db) { Console.Write("Car's brand:\n"); string brand = Console.ReadLine(); List <Car> cars = new List <Car> { }; db.findCar(brand, cars); Console.Read(); Console.Read(); }
public Boolean isGMDep() { dbHelper dbh = new dbHelper(); string sql = @"select count(b.depNo) as cnt from PoUsers a inner join jobPoes b on a.poNO=b.poNo inner join deps c on b.depNo=c.depNo where a.UserId='@workno' and a.applicationUser_id is not null and b.depNo='001'"; sql = sql.Replace("@workno", this.emp.workNo); return(dbh.sql2count(sql) > 0); }
public void changeClientPhone(dbHelper db) { Console.Write("Client's passport:\n"); string id = Console.ReadLine(); Console.Write("New phone:\n"); string phone = Console.ReadLine(); db.changeClientDataPhone(id, phone); Console.Read(); Console.Read(); }
void updateDetails(mailDetails mail, bool Cancelled, Exception Error) { try { string error = null; var updateData = mail.mail; int int_failed_count = 0; if (updateData.int_failed_count != null) { int_failed_count = updateData.int_failed_count.Value; } int int_satues = 0; if (!Cancelled && Error == null) { updateData.dt_send_date = DateTime.Now; int_satues = 255; } else { int_satues = -1; logHelper.LogException(Error, main_path); if (Error != null) { if (Error.InnerException != null) { error = Error.InnerException.Message; } else { error = Error.Message; } } int_failed_count++; } updateData.str_error = error; updateData.int_status = int_satues; updateData.int_failed_count = int_failed_count; dbHelper helper = new dbHelper(); if (helper.UpdateData(updateData)) { collection.Remove(mail); } } catch (Exception er) { logHelper.LogException(er, main_path); } }
public Regist() { InitializeComponent(); db = new dbHelper(); db.openDb(); passdRegTextBox.MaxLength = 8; passdRegTextBox.PasswordChar = '*'; passdRegTextBox.CharacterCasing = CharacterCasing.Lower; confPassRegTextBox.MaxLength = 8; confPassRegTextBox.PasswordChar = '*'; confPassRegTextBox.CharacterCasing = CharacterCasing.Lower; }
public void changeCarLocation(dbHelper db) { Console.Write("Car's number:\n"); string num = Console.ReadLine(); Console.Write("New car's location:\n"); string loc = Console.ReadLine(); db.changeCarLocation(num, loc); Console.Read(); Console.Read(); }
private void WorkerThreadFunc() { if (settings != null && true) { dbHelper helper = new dbHelper(); string smtpEmailAddress = settings["SMTPUserName"]; string smtpPassword = settings["SMTPPassword"]; // string fromEmail = settings["FromEmail"]; // string fromDisplayName = settings["FromDisplayName"]; string smtpClientHost = settings["SMTPHostName"]; int smtoClientPort = int.Parse(settings["SMTPHostPort"]); bool enableSsl = bool.Parse(settings["EnableSSL"]); bool useDefaultCredentials = bool.Parse(settings["UseDefaultCredentials"]); int emailForBulk = 50, reTryTime = 5; int.TryParse(settings["EmailForBulk"], out emailForBulk); int.TryParse(settings["ReTryTime"], out reTryTime); var databundle = helper.GetmailBulk(DateTime.Now, emailForBulk); var notsendbundle = helper.GetFailedBulk(reTryTime); if (databundle != null) { databundle.AddRange(notsendbundle); } else { databundle = notsendbundle; } if (databundle != null) { helper.SetSettingFromKey("LastRunTime", DateTime.Now.ToString()); Parallel.ForEach(databundle, item => { string newGuid = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(); var mail = new mailDetails() { guid = newGuid, mail = item }; collection.Add(mail); sendEmail(mail, smtpEmailAddress, smtpPassword, smtpClientHost, smtoClientPort, enableSsl, useDefaultCredentials); }); } } current_thread_count--; if (!emailerTimer.Enabled) { emailerTimer.Start(); } }
public void deleteRent(dbHelper db) { Console.Write("Rent's num:\n"); try { int num = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine()); db.deleteRent(num); } catch (Exception e) { Console.Write("Not corrct data:\n"); } Console.Read(); Console.Read(); }
public void findCarById(dbHelper db) { Console.Write("Car's id:\n"); string location = Console.ReadLine(); Car car = db.findCar(location); if (car != null) { Console.Write( + " " + car.location + "\n"); } else { Console.Write("Car doesn't exist\n"); } Console.Read(); Console.Read(); }
protected void ButtonNext_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { dbHelper helper = new dbHelper(); FlowInstances currentFlow = (FlowInstances)Session["currentInstance"]; Actions next = helper.GetNextAction(currentFlow.Flows.FlowId, currentFlow.CurrentPosition); if (next == null) { Server.Transfer("End.aspx"); } else { FlowInstances flowInstance = helper.GetFlowInstanceById(currentFlow.FlowInstanceId); flowInstance.CurrentPosition++; flowInstance.Actions = next; helper.UpdateChanges(); Session["currentInstance"] = flowInstance; Server.Transfer(flowInstance.Actions.ActionPage); } }
public void rentCar(dbHelper db) { string passport = Console.ReadLine(); string fullName = Console.ReadLine(); string phone = Console.ReadLine(); db.addClient(passport, fullName, phone); string carId = Console.ReadLine(); int duration; try { duration = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine()); } catch (Exception e) { duration = 0; } string from = Console.ReadLine(); string to = Console.ReadLine(); db.createRent(passport, carId, this, from, to, duration); }
private void authButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { String login = loginTextBox.Text; String pass = passTextBox.Text; User user = null; if (login.Equals("admin")) { user = new Admin(); user.login = login; user.password = pass; } else { user = new Manager(); user.login = login; user.password = pass; } if (db.getConn().State.ToString().Equals("Closed")) { db = new dbHelper(); db.openDb(); } if (db.authorisation(login, pass, user) != null) { user = db.authorisation(login, pass, user); new RentCar(user, this).Show(); db.close(); this.Hide(); } else { MessageBox.Show("Error! Not correct data"); loginTextBox.Text = ""; passTextBox.Text = ""; } }
private void createActionTable(String actionType, DataTable dt) { dbHelper helper = new dbHelper(); List<ActionInputs> actionsInput; List<ActionOutputs> actionsOutput; List<Actions> actionsType = helper.GetActionsByType(actionType); foreach (Actions itemAction in actionsType) { actionsInput = helper.GetActionInputsForAction(itemAction.ActionId); actionsOutput = helper.GetActionOutputsForAction(itemAction.ActionId); DataRow dr = dt.NewRow(); if (actionsInput.Count > 0) dr["Input"] = actionsInput[0].InputObject; else dr["Input"] = String.Empty; dr["Name"] = itemAction.ActionName; if (actionsOutput.Count > 0) dr["Output"] = actionsOutput[0].OutputObject; else dr["Output"] = String.Empty; dt.Rows.Add(dr); } }
void FillSettings() { dbHelper helper = new dbHelper(); var EmailSendInterval = helper.GetSettingFromKey("EmailSendInterval", "10"); var EmailForBulk = helper.GetSettingFromKey("EmailForBulk", "50"); var SMTPUserName = helper.GetSettingFromKey("SMTPUserName", ""); var SMTPPassword = helper.GetSettingFromKey("SMTPPassword", ""); var SMTPHostName = helper.GetSettingFromKey("SMTPHostName", ""); var SMTPHostPort = helper.GetSettingFromKey("SMTPHostPort", ""); var EnableSSL = helper.GetSettingFromKey("EnableSSL", "true"); var LastRunTime = helper.GetSettingFromKey("LastRunTime", ""); var ReTryTime = helper.GetSettingFromKey("ReTryTime", "5"); var UseDefaultCredentials = helper.GetSettingFromKey("UseDefaultCredentials", "false"); var ThreadCount = helper.GetSettingFromKey("ThreadCount", "1"); if (ReTryTime != "" && EmailSendInterval != "" && EmailForBulk != "" && SMTPUserName != "" && SMTPPassword != "" && SMTPHostName != "" && SMTPHostPort != "" && EnableSSL != "" && UseDefaultCredentials != "" && ThreadCount != "") { settings = new Dictionary <string, string>(); settings.Add("EmailSendInterval", EmailSendInterval); settings.Add("EmailForBulk", EmailForBulk); settings.Add("SMTPUserName", SMTPUserName); settings.Add("SMTPPassword", SMTPPassword); settings.Add("SMTPHostName", SMTPHostName); settings.Add("SMTPHostPort", SMTPHostPort); settings.Add("EnableSSL", EnableSSL); settings.Add("LastRunTime", LastRunTime); settings.Add("ReTryTime", ReTryTime); settings.Add("ThreadCount", ThreadCount); settings.Add("UseDefaultCredentials", UseDefaultCredentials); } else { logHelper.LogException(new Exception("Settings are invalid"), main_path); } }
public ActionResult Delete(FormCollection formCollection) { try { string[] ids = formCollection["ID"].Split(new char[] { ',' }); if (ids.Count() == 0) { return(RedirectToAction("ListAll")); } List <string> idList = new List <string>(); foreach (string s in ids) { idList.Add("'" + s + "'"); } string instr = string.Join(",", idList); dbHelper dbh = new dbHelper(); dbh.execSql("update flowmains set flowStatus=99 where id in (" + instr + ")"); return(RedirectToAction("ListAll")); } catch (Exception ex) { return(RedirectToAction("ListAll")); } }
public ActionResult Delete(string id) { dbHelper dbh = new dbHelper(); string filepath = dbh.sql2Str("select fileUrl from news where id='" + id + "'"); try { DirectoryInfo di = new DirectoryInfo(@"C:\inetpub\upload\" + id); while (di.GetFiles().Count() > 0) { di.GetFiles()[0].Delete(); } di.Delete(); } catch (Exception ex) { string exs = ex.Message; } dbh.execSql("delete from news where id='" + id + "'"); return(RedirectToAction("Index")); }
public JsonResult Get() { dbHelper helper = new dbHelper(); return(Json(helper.getTasks())); }
public ActionResult QueryReportA(string dt1, string dt2, string rdRpt) { dbHelper dbh = new dbHelper(); if (rdRpt == "1") { ExcelPackage ep = new ExcelPackage(); //建立第一個Sheet,後方為定義Sheet的名稱 ExcelWorksheet sheet = ep.Workbook.Worksheets.Add("請假單總表"); int col = 1; sheet.Cells[1, col++].Value = "申請日期"; sheet.Cells[1, col++].Value = "簽核日期"; sheet.Cells[1, col++].Value = "單號"; sheet.Cells[1, col++].Value = "工號"; sheet.Cells[1, col++].Value = "姓名"; sheet.Cells[1, col++].Value = "開始日期"; sheet.Cells[1, col++].Value = "結束日期"; sheet.Cells[1, col++].Value = "假別"; sheet.Cells[1, col++].Value = "時數"; sheet.Cells[1, col++].Value = "代理人工號"; sheet.Cells[1, col++].Value = "備註"; DataTable tb1 = new DataTable(); string sql = string.Format( @" select b.billdate,b.signDate, b.billno, b.senderNo, c.cname, a.dtBegin, a.dtEnd, a.dType, a.hours, a.jobAgent, a.sMemo from dayoffs a inner join flowmains b on left join AspNetUsers c on b.senderNo=c.workno where b.billdate >='{0}' and b.billdate <= '{1}' and b.flowStatus=2 order by b.billDate asc ", dt1, dt2 ); tb1 = dbh.sql2tb(sql); int row = 2; foreach (DataRow r in tb1.Rows) { sheet.Cells[row, 1].Style.Numberformat.Format = "yyyy/mm/dd"; sheet.Cells[row, 2].Style.Numberformat.Format = "yyyy/mm/dd"; sheet.Cells[row, 6].Style.Numberformat.Format = "yyyy/mm/dd HH:MM:ss"; sheet.Cells[row, 7].Style.Numberformat.Format = "yyyy/mm/dd HH:MM:ss"; sheet.Cells[row, 1].Value = r[0]; sheet.Cells[row, 2].Value = r[1]; sheet.Cells[row, 3].Value = r[2]; sheet.Cells[row, 4].Value = r[3]; sheet.Cells[row, 5].Value = r[4]; sheet.Cells[row, 6].Value = r[5]; sheet.Cells[row, 7].Value = r[6]; sheet.Cells[row, 8].Value = r[7]; sheet.Cells[row, 9].Value = r[8]; sheet.Cells[row, 10].Value = r[9]; sheet.Cells[row, 11].Value = r[10]; row++; } for (col = 1; col < 12; col++) { sheet.Column(col).AutoFit(); } MemoryStream fileStream = new MemoryStream(); ep.SaveAs(fileStream); ep.Dispose(); //如果這邊不下Dispose,建議此ep要用using包起來,但是要記得先將資料寫進MemoryStream在Dispose。 fileStream.Position = 0; //不重新將位置設為0,excel開啟後會出現錯誤 return(File(fileStream, "application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet", "請假單總表" + ctx.getLocalTiime().ToString("yyyyMMddHHmmss") + ".xlsx")); } else { ExcelPackage ep = new ExcelPackage(); //建立第一個Sheet,後方為定義Sheet的名稱 ExcelWorksheet sheet = ep.Workbook.Worksheets.Add("加班單總表"); int col = 1; sheet.Cells[1, col++].Value = "申請日期"; sheet.Cells[1, col++].Value = "簽核日期"; sheet.Cells[1, col++].Value = "單號"; sheet.Cells[1, col++].Value = "工號"; sheet.Cells[1, col++].Value = "姓名"; sheet.Cells[1, col++].Value = "開始時間"; sheet.Cells[1, col++].Value = "結束時間"; sheet.Cells[1, col++].Value = "時數"; sheet.Cells[1, col++].Value = "加班事由"; DataTable tb1 = new DataTable(); string sql = string.Format( @" SELECT b.billDate,b.signDate,b.billno,b.senderNo,c.cname,a.dtbegin,a.dtend,a.hours,a.smemo FROM [seform].[dbo].[ReqOverTimes] a inner join flowmains b on left join AspNetUsers c on b.senderNo=c.workno where b.billdate >= '{0}' and billdate<='{1}' and b.flowStatus=2 and b.flowname=N'加班申請單' order by b.billdate ", dt1, dt2 ); tb1 = dbh.sql2tb(sql); int row = 2; foreach (DataRow r in tb1.Rows) { sheet.Cells[row, 1].Style.Numberformat.Format = "yyyy/mm/dd"; sheet.Cells[row, 2].Style.Numberformat.Format = "yyyy/mm/dd"; sheet.Cells[row, 6].Style.Numberformat.Format = "yyyy/mm/dd HH:MM:ss"; sheet.Cells[row, 7].Style.Numberformat.Format = "yyyy/mm/dd HH:MM:ss"; sheet.Cells[row, 1].Value = r[0]; sheet.Cells[row, 2].Value = r[1]; sheet.Cells[row, 3].Value = r[2]; sheet.Cells[row, 4].Value = r[3]; sheet.Cells[row, 5].Value = r[4]; sheet.Cells[row, 6].Value = r[5]; sheet.Cells[row, 7].Value = r[6]; sheet.Cells[row, 8].Value = r[7]; sheet.Cells[row, 9].Value = r[8]; row++; } for (col = 1; col < 9; col++) { sheet.Column(col).AutoFit(); } MemoryStream fileStream = new MemoryStream(); ep.SaveAs(fileStream); ep.Dispose(); fileStream.Position = 0; return(File(fileStream, "application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet", "加班單總表" + ctx.getLocalTiime().ToString("yyyyMMddHHmmss") + ".xlsx")); } ViewBag.dt1 = dt1; ViewBag.dt2 = dt2; ViewBag.rdRpt = rdRpt; return(View()); }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!Page.IsPostBack) { dt = new DataTable(); MakeDataTable(); String lastNode = null; SetActionGrid(lastNode); dtOptions = new DataTable(); MakeDataTableOptions(); AddToDataTableOptions("Add Options..."); BindGridOptions(); dtImports = new DataTable(); MakeDataTableImports(); _listFlowActOpt = new List<FlowActionOptions>(); _listFlowActInput = new List<FlowActionInputs>(); _listFlowActOutput = new List<FlowActionOutputs>(); _listActOpt = new List<ActionOptions>(); _listFlowMultiOpt = new List<FlowMultiOptions>(); if (!Object.ReferenceEquals(Session["user"], null)) { _user = (Users)Session["user"]; } else { dbHelper helper = new dbHelper(); _user = helper.GetTestUser(); } if (!Object.ReferenceEquals(Session["UseCaseNumber"], null)) { _useCaseNumber = (int)Session["UseCaseNumber"]; } else { _useCaseNumber = 0; } if (!Object.ReferenceEquals(Session["UseCaseStartTime"], null)) { _useCaseStartTime = (DateTime)Session["UseCaseStartTime"]; } else { _useCaseStartTime = DateTime.Now; } if (!Object.ReferenceEquals(Session["UseCaseText"], null)) { LabelUseCaseTooltip.Text = (String)Session["UseCaseText"]; } else { LabelUseCaseTooltip.Text = "Implement a process that meet your needs. Give it a meaningful name when saving."; } //Panel1.Visible = false; } else { dt = (DataTable)ViewState["MainFlow"]; dtOptions = (DataTable)ViewState["TableOptions"]; dtImports = (DataTable)ViewState["DataImports"]; _listFlowActOpt = (List<FlowActionOptions>)ViewState["FlowActionOptions"]; _listFlowActInput = (List<FlowActionInputs>)ViewState["FlowActionInputs"]; _listFlowActOutput = (List<FlowActionOutputs>)ViewState["FlowActionOutputs"]; _listActOpt = (List<ActionOptions>)ViewState["ActionOptions"]; _listFlowMultiOpt = (List<FlowMultiOptions>)ViewState["FlowMultiOptions"]; _user = (Users)Session["user"]; _useCaseNumber = (int)Session["UseCaseNumber"]; _useCaseStartTime = (DateTime)Session["UseCaseStartTime"]; //Panel1.Visible = false; } ViewState["MainFlow"] = dt; ViewState["TableOptions"] = dtOptions; ViewState["DataImports"] = dtImports; ViewState["FlowActionOptions"] = _listFlowActOpt; ViewState["FlowActionInputs"] = _listFlowActInput; ViewState["FlowActionOutputs"] = _listFlowActOutput; ViewState["ActionOptions"] = _listActOpt; ViewState["FlowMultiOptions"] = _listFlowMultiOpt; //String selectedId = GridView1.DataKeys[row.RowIndex].Value.ToString(); Session["user"] = _user; Session["UseCaseNumber"] = _useCaseNumber; Session["UseCaseStartTime"] = _useCaseStartTime; }
private void LoadActionOptions(String actionId) { dbHelper helper = new dbHelper(); _listActOpt.Clear(); _listActOpt = helper.GetActionOptionsForAction(actionId); TextBox tx; CheckBox ck; RadioButtonList rd; DropDownList dd; if (MultiViewSpecific.GetActiveView() == ViewPostMessage) rd = RadioButtonListPostMessage; else rd = RadioButtonListPostComment; foreach (ActionOptions itemActOpt in _listActOpt) { if (itemActOpt.ControlName != null) { switch (itemActOpt.Options.OptionType) { case "textbox": tx = (TextBox)FindControl(itemActOpt.ControlName); if (tx != null) { tx.Text = itemActOpt.DefaultValue; } break; case "check": ck = (CheckBox)FindControl(itemActOpt.ControlName); if (ck != null) { if (itemActOpt.DefaultValue == "true") ck.Checked = true; else ck.Checked = false; } break; case "radio": if (itemActOpt.DefaultValue == "true") rd.SelectedValue = itemActOpt.ControlName; break; case "dropdown": dd = (DropDownList)FindControl(itemActOpt.ControlName); if (dd != null) { dd.SelectedValue = itemActOpt.DefaultValue; } break; } } } ViewState["ActionOptions"] = _listActOpt; }
private void LoadPreviousActionOptions(String actionId) { dbHelper helper = new dbHelper(); _listActOpt.Clear(); _listActOpt = helper.GetActionOptionsForAction(actionId); ActionOptions itemActOpt; TextBox tx; CheckBox ck; RadioButtonList rd; DropDownList dd; if (MultiViewSpecific.GetActiveView() == ViewPostMessage) rd = RadioButtonListPostMessage; else rd = RadioButtonListPostComment; foreach (FlowActionOptions itemFlowActOpt in _listFlowActOpt) { if (itemFlowActOpt.FlowPosition == dt.Rows.Count) { itemActOpt = itemFlowActOpt.ActionOptions; if (itemActOpt.ControlName != null) { switch (itemActOpt.Options.OptionType) { case "textbox": tx = (TextBox)FindControl(itemActOpt.ControlName); if (tx != null) { tx.Text = itemFlowActOpt.Value; } break; case "check": ck = (CheckBox)FindControl(itemActOpt.ControlName); if (ck != null) { if (itemFlowActOpt.Value == "true") ck.Checked = true; else ck.Checked = false; } break; case "radio": if (itemFlowActOpt.Value == "true") rd.SelectedValue = itemActOpt.ControlName; if (itemActOpt.ControlName == "MultOptCom" && itemFlowActOpt.Value == "true") { dtOptions.Clear(); foreach (FlowMultiOptions itemFlowMultiOpt in _listFlowMultiOpt) { if (itemFlowMultiOpt.FlowPosition == dt.Rows.Count) { AddToDataTableOptions(itemFlowMultiOpt.OptionValue); } } BindGridOptions(); } break; case "dropdown": dd = (DropDownList)FindControl(itemActOpt.ControlName); if (dd != null) { dd.SelectedValue = itemFlowActOpt.Value; } break; } } } } ViewState["ActionOptions"] = _listActOpt; }
private void SaveActionOptions(int position) { FlowActionOptions fao; FlowActionInputs faIn; FlowActionOutputs faOut; TextBox tx; CheckBox ck; RadioButtonList rd; DropDownList dd; _listFlowActOpt.RemoveAll(f => f.FlowPosition == position); _listFlowActInput.RemoveAll(f => f.FlowPosition == position); _listFlowActOutput.RemoveAll(f => f.FlowPosition == position); if (MultiViewSpecific.GetActiveView() == ViewPostMessage) rd = RadioButtonListPostMessage; else rd = RadioButtonListPostComment; foreach (ActionOptions itemActOpt in _listActOpt) { if (itemActOpt.ControlName != null) { fao = new FlowActionOptions(); fao.ActionOptions = itemActOpt; fao.FlowPosition = position; switch (itemActOpt.Options.OptionType) { case "textbox": tx = (TextBox)FindControl(itemActOpt.ControlName); if (tx != null) { fao.Value = tx.Text; } break; case "check": ck = (CheckBox)FindControl(itemActOpt.ControlName); if (ck != null) { if (ck.Checked) fao.Value = "true"; else fao.Value = "false"; } break; case "radio": if (rd.SelectedValue == itemActOpt.ControlName) fao.Value = "true"; else fao.Value = "false"; if (itemActOpt.ControlName == "MultOptCom" && fao.Value == "true") { FlowMultiOptions fmo; _listFlowMultiOpt.RemoveAll(fm => fm.FlowPosition == position); foreach (DataRow itemMultiOpt in dtOptions.Rows) { fmo = new FlowMultiOptions(); fmo.FlowPosition = position; fmo.OptionValue = itemMultiOpt["Option"].ToString(); _listFlowMultiOpt.Add(fmo); } if (dt.Rows.Count != position) { dtOptions.Clear(); AddToDataTableOptions("Add Options..."); BindGridOptions(); } } break; case "dropdown": dd = (DropDownList)FindControl(itemActOpt.ControlName); if (dd != null) { fao.Value = dd.SelectedValue; } break; } _listFlowActOpt.Add(fao); } } dbHelper helper = new dbHelper(); if (dt.Rows[position - 1].Field<String>("Input") != String.Empty) { List<ActionInputs> inputs = helper.GetActionInputsForAction(dt.Rows[position - 1].Field<String>("Id")); faIn = new FlowActionInputs(); faIn.FlowPosition = position; faIn.ActionInputs = inputs[0]; faIn.Value = dt.Rows[position - 1].Field<String>("Input"); _listFlowActInput.Add(faIn); } if (dt.Rows[position - 1].Field<String>("Output") != String.Empty) { List<ActionOutputs> outputs = helper.GetActionOutputsForAction(dt.Rows[position - 1].Field<String>("Id")); faOut = new FlowActionOutputs(); faOut.FlowPosition = position; faOut.ActionOutputs = outputs[0]; faOut.Value = dt.Rows[position - 1].Field<String>("Output"); _listFlowActOutput.Add(faOut); } }
public ActionResult Create(news model) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(model.newsType)) { initNewsTypeList(""); ModelState.AddModelError("newsType", "請選擇公告類別"); return(View(model)); } if (!ModelState.IsValid) { initNewsTypeList(model.newsType); return(View(model)); } var context = new ApplicationDbContext(); string ModelID = ""; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty( { = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(); ModelID =; model.createTime2 = context.getLocalTiime(); //if (fileUrl != "") //{ // model.fileUrl = fileUrl; //} context.newsList.Add(model); } else { news currentModel = context.newsList.Where(x => ==; ModelID =; currentModel.title = model.title; currentModel.createTime = DateTime.UtcNow.AddSeconds(28800); model.createTime2 = context.getLocalTiime(); currentModel.content = model.content; currentModel.ndate = model.ndate; currentModel.newsType = model.newsType; //if (fileUrl != "") //{ // currentModel.fileUrl = fileUrl; //} } try { context.SaveChanges(); } catch (Exception ex) { string s = ex.Message; ModelState.AddModelError("", ex.Message); return(View()); } dbHelper dbh = new dbHelper(); string sfilelist = dbh.sql2Str("select fileUrl from news where id='" + ModelID + "'"); JArray jlist = new JArray(); try { jlist = JArray.Parse(sfilelist); } catch (Exception ex) { jlist = new JArray(); } for (int idx = 0; idx < Request.Files.Count; idx++) { var file = Request.Files[idx]; if (file == null) { continue; } if (file.ContentLength > 0) { string originFileName = file.FileName; string filename = file.FileName.Replace("%", "").Replace(" ", "_"); string fileUrl = ModelID + @"/" + filename; var path = @"C:\inetpub\upload\" + ModelID + @"\"; DirectoryInfo di = new DirectoryInfo(path); if (di.Exists == false) { di.Create(); } path = path + @"\" + filename; try { file.SaveAs(path); JObject fileObj = new JObject(); fileObj["fileName"] = originFileName; fileObj["fileUrl"] = ModelID + @"\" + filename; jlist.Add(fileObj); } catch (Exception ex) { } } } dbh.execSql("update news set fileUrl=N'" + jlist.ToString() + "' where id='" + ModelID + "'"); return(RedirectToAction("Index")); }
private Flows SaveFlow() { if (dt.Rows.Count <= 0) { return null; } dbHelper helper = new dbHelper(); bool isUpdate = true; FlowActionOptions fao; FlowActionInputs faIn; FlowActionOutputs faOut; FlowMultiOptions fmo; ActionOptions actOpt; ActionInputs actInput; ActionOutputs actOutput; Users flowUser = helper.GetUserbyName(_user.UserName); Flows myflow = helper.GetFlowByName(TextBox1.Text, flowUser); if (myflow == null) { myflow = new Flows(); myflow.FlowName = TextBox1.Text; myflow.Users = flowUser; myflow.FlowUseCaseNumber = _useCaseNumber; myflow.FlowStartTime = _useCaseStartTime; myflow.FlowEndTime = DateTime.Now; isUpdate = false; } else { myflow.FlowEndTime = DateTime.Now; helper.DeleteFlowDetailsById(myflow.FlowId); } int rowCount = 0; FlowActions flowAction; Actions curAction; foreach (DataRow gridRow in dt.Rows) { rowCount++; curAction = helper.GetActionById(gridRow["Id"].ToString()); flowAction = new FlowActions(); flowAction.Actions = curAction; flowAction.Position = rowCount; myflow.FlowActions.Add(flowAction); } SaveActionOptions(dt.Rows.Count); foreach (FlowActionOptions itemFlowActOpt in _listFlowActOpt) { fao = new FlowActionOptions(); actOpt = helper.GetActionOptionById(itemFlowActOpt.ActionOptions.ActionOptionId); fao.ActionOptions = actOpt; fao.FlowPosition = itemFlowActOpt.FlowPosition; fao.Value = itemFlowActOpt.Value; myflow.FlowActionOptions.Add(fao); } foreach (FlowActionInputs itemFlowActIn in _listFlowActInput) { faIn = new FlowActionInputs(); actInput = helper.GetActionInputById(itemFlowActIn.ActionInputs.InputId); faIn.ActionInputs = actInput; faIn.FlowPosition = itemFlowActIn.FlowPosition; faIn.Value = itemFlowActIn.Value; myflow.FlowActionInputs.Add(faIn); } foreach (FlowActionOutputs itemFlowActOut in _listFlowActOutput) { faOut = new FlowActionOutputs(); actOutput = helper.GetActionOutputById(itemFlowActOut.ActionOutputs.OutputId); faOut.ActionOutputs = actOutput; faOut.FlowPosition = itemFlowActOut.FlowPosition; faOut.Value = itemFlowActOut.Value; myflow.FlowActionOutputs.Add(faOut); } foreach (FlowMultiOptions itemFlowMultiOpt in _listFlowMultiOpt) { fmo = new FlowMultiOptions(); fmo.FlowPosition = itemFlowMultiOpt.FlowPosition; fmo.OptionValue = itemFlowMultiOpt.OptionValue; myflow.FlowMultiOptions.Add(fmo); } if (isUpdate) { helper.UpdateChanges(); } else { helper.AddToModel(myflow); } return myflow; }
private void SetActionGrid(String LastNode) { String whereClause = String.Empty; dbHelper helper = new dbHelper(); List<String> nextNodes = helper.GetNextNodes(LastNode); foreach (String itemNode in nextNodes) { whereClause += " it.[ActionId] = '" + itemNode + "' OR"; } whereClause = whereClause.Substring(0, whereClause.Length - 2); SimpleFlowDS.Where = whereClause; }
private void InitializeApp() { dbHelper helper = new dbHelper(); ApplicationInfo appInfo = helper.GetAppInfo(); FacebookConnector fbApi = new FacebookConnector(appInfo.ApplicationURL, appInfo.ApplicationId, appInfo.RedirectURL, appInfo.ApplicationSecret, appInfo.PageId, appInfo.ApplicationAT, appInfo.PageOwnerId); Session["fbApi"] = fbApi; }