public override dNewtonCollision Create(NewtonWorld world) { dNewtonCollision shape = base.Create(world); m_scale.y = 1.0f; return(shape); }
public void SetMaterial(dNewtonCollision shape) { int materialID = m_Material ? m_Material.GetInstanceID() : 0; shape.SetMaterialID(materialID); shape.SetAsTrigger(m_IsTrigger); }
// these are all privates private void UpdateParams(dNewtonCollision shape) { Vector3 scale = GetScale(); shape.SetScale(scale.x, scale.y, scale.z); dMatrix matrix = Utils.ToMatrix(m_Position, Quaternion.Euler(m_Rotation)); if (transform.gameObject.GetComponent <NewtonBody>() == null) { matrix = matrix.matrixMultiply(Utils.ToMatrix(transform.position, transform.rotation)); Transform bodyTransform = transform.parent; while ((bodyTransform != null) && (bodyTransform.gameObject.GetComponent <NewtonBody>() == null)) { bodyTransform = bodyTransform.parent; } if (bodyTransform != null) { dMatrix bodyMatrix = Utils.ToMatrix(bodyTransform.position, bodyTransform.rotation); matrix = matrix.matrixMultiply(bodyMatrix.Inverse()); } } shape.SetMatrix(matrix); }
public void RemoveCollider(NewtonCollider collider) { if (ReferenceEquals(collider, m_RootCollider) && (collider is NewtonNullCollider || collider is NewtonCompoundCollider || collider is NewtonSceneCollider)) { throw new NullReferenceException(string.Format("Can not remove root collider of type {0}.", collider.GetType().Name)); } bool success = m_Colliders.Remove(collider); if (success) { if (m_Body.IsScene) { var sceneShape = (dNewtonCollisionScene)GetShape(); sceneShape.BeginAddRemoveCollision(); sceneShape.RemoveCollision(collider.m_ParentHandle); collider.m_ParentHandle = IntPtr.Zero; sceneShape.EndAddRemoveCollision(); } else if (m_Colliders.Count == 0) { NewtonCollider nullCollider = m_Body.gameObject.AddComponent <NewtonNullCollider>(); dNewtonCollision nullShape = nullCollider.Create(m_Body.World); nullCollider.SetShape(nullShape); m_RootCollider = nullCollider; m_Colliders.Add(nullCollider); m_Body.GetBody().SetCollision(nullShape); } else { if (m_Colliders.Count == 2) { m_Body.GetBody().SetCollision(collider.GetShape()); m_RootCollider.DestroyShape(); m_Colliders.Remove(m_RootCollider); Component.Destroy(m_RootCollider); m_RootCollider = m_Colliders.First(); } else { var compoundShape = (dNewtonCollisionCompound)GetShape(); compoundShape.BeginAddRemoveCollision(); compoundShape.RemoveCollision(collider.m_ParentHandle); collider.m_ParentHandle = IntPtr.Zero; compoundShape.EndAddRemoveCollision(); } } m_Body.ResetCenterOfMass(); } }
public dNewtonCollision CreateBodyShape(NewtonWorld world) { dNewtonCollision shape = Create(world); if (shape != null) { UpdateParams(shape); } return(shape); }
internal void SetShape(dNewtonCollision shape) { if (m_Shape != null) { throw new Exception("Collision shape already set for collider."); } m_Shape = shape; var handle = GCHandle.Alloc(this); m_Shape.SetUserData(GCHandle.ToIntPtr(handle)); }
public void SetLayer(dNewtonCollision shape) { shape.SetLayer(m_Layer); }
private void TraverseColliders(GameObject gameObject, List <ColliderShapePair> colliderList, GameObject rootObject, NewtonBody body) { // Don't fetch colliders from children with NewtonBodies if ((gameObject == rootObject) || (gameObject.GetComponent <NewtonBody>() == null)) { //Fetch all colliders foreach (NewtonCollider collider in gameObject.GetComponents <NewtonCollider>()) { dNewtonCollision shape = collider.CreateBodyShape(body.m_world); if (shape != null) { ColliderShapePair pair; pair.m_collider = collider; pair.m_shape = shape; colliderList.Add(pair); } } Terrain terrain = gameObject.GetComponent <Terrain>(); if (terrain) { NewtonHeighfieldCollider heighfield = gameObject.GetComponent <NewtonHeighfieldCollider>(); if (heighfield) { TerrainData data = terrain.terrainData; int treesCount = data.treeInstanceCount; TreeInstance[] treeInstanceArray = data.treeInstances; TreePrototype[] treeProtoArray = data.treePrototypes; Vector3 posit =; for (int i = 0; i < treesCount; i++) { TreeInstance tree = treeInstanceArray[i]; posit.x = tree.position.x * data.size.x; posit.y = tree.position.y * data.size.y; posit.z = tree.position.z * data.size.z; //Debug.Log("xxx0 " + posit); TreePrototype treeProto = treeProtoArray[tree.prototypeIndex]; GameObject treeGameObject = treeProto.prefab; foreach (NewtonCollider treeCollider in treeGameObject.GetComponents <NewtonCollider>()) { dNewtonCollision treeShape = treeCollider.CreateBodyShape(body.m_world); if (treeShape != null) { ColliderShapePair pair; Vector3 treePosit = terrain.transform.position + treeCollider.m_posit + posit; //Debug.Log("xxx1 " + treePosit); dMatrix matrix = Utils.ToMatrix(treePosit, Quaternion.identity); treeShape.SetMatrix(matrix); pair.m_collider = treeCollider; pair.m_shape = treeShape; colliderList.Add(pair); } } } } } foreach (Transform child in gameObject.transform) { TraverseColliders(child.gameObject, colliderList, rootObject, body); } } }