public void Main()
            // Constructor
                "Constructor and Destructor \n" +
                "A constructor is a specialized function that is used to initialize fields. A constructor has the same name as the class. " +
                "Instance constructors are invoked with the new operator and can't be called in the same manner as other member functions. " +
                "There are some important rules pertaining to constructors as in the following;" +
                "Classes with no constructor have an implicit constructor called the default constructor, that is parameterless. The default constructor assigns default values to fields. \n" +

                "1) A public constructor allows an object to be created in the current assembly or referencing assembly.\n" +
                "2) Only the extern modifier is permitted on the constructor.\n" +
                "3) A constructor returns void but does not have an explicitly declared return type.\n" +
                "4) A constructor can have zero or more parameters.\n" +
                "5) Classes can have multiple constructors in the form of default, parameter or both.\n"

            Console.WriteLine("Example shows one constructor for a customer class.");
            // object instantiation
            customer obj = new customer("Barack", "Obama");

            //Method calling

            // Static Constructor
                "Static Constructor \n" +
                "A constructor can be static. You create a static constructor to initialize static fields. " +
                "Static constructors are not called explicitly with the new statement. They are called when the class is first referenced. " +

                "1) There are some limitations of the static constructor as in the following;\n" +
                "2) Static constructors are parameterless. \n" +
                "3) Static constructors can't be overloaded. \n" +
                "4) There is no accessibility specified for Static constructors.\n"

            Console.WriteLine("In the following example the customer class has a static constructor that initializes the static field and this constructor is called when the class is referenced in the Main () at line 26 as in the following: ");


            // Destructors
                "Destructors \n" +
                "The purpose of the destructor method is to remove unused objects and resources. " +
                "Destructors are not called directly in the source code but during garbage collection. Garbage collection is nondeterministic. " +
                "A destructor is invoked at an undetermined moment. More precisely a programmer can't control its execution; " +
                "rather it is called by the Finalize () method. Like a constructor, the destructor has the same name as the class except a destructor is prefixed with a tilde (~). " +
                "There are some limitations of destructors as in the following;\n" +

                "1) Destructors are parameterless. \n" +
                "2) A Destructor can't be overloaded. \n" +
                "3) Destructors are not inherited. \n" +
                "4) Destructors can cause performance and efficiency implications. \n"

            Console.WriteLine("The following implements a destructor and dispose method. First of all we are initializing the fields via constructor, " +
                              "doing some calculations on that data and displaying it to the console. But at line 9 we are implementing the destructor that is calling a Dispose() method to release all the resources. \n ");

            //instance created
            customer2 obj2 = new customer2();


 static void Main(string[] args)
     customer  c1 = new customer();
     customer2 c2 = new customer2();