void TheMessageParser_Get_GlobalMessage(object sender, cs_elbot.BasicCommunication.MessageParser.Get_GlobalMessageEventArgs e) { string message = e.Message; if (message.Contains("You do not have enough room in your inventory")) { TheTCPWrapper.Send(CommandCreator.SEND_PM(username, "I do not have enough room in my inventory!")); TheTradeHandler.makingWithdraw = false; TheTradeHandler.withdrawMade = false; } if (message.Contains("You cannot withdraw/deposite from your storage while on trade!")) { TheTCPWrapper.Send(CommandCreator.SEND_PM(username, "You cannot withdraw/deposit while trading (use #give or put items in the trade window.)")); TheTradeHandler.makingWithdraw = false; TheTradeHandler.withdrawMade = false; } }
void TheMessageParser_Got_LocationInfo(object sender, cs_elbot.BasicCommunication.MessageParser.Got_LocationInfo_EventArgs e) { //firstTimeThrough = false; }