private void RectifyCurrentPointEnum(PolyBezier polyBezier)
     if (curPointIndex == -1) curPointType = cpte.Node;
     if (curPointIndex == 0 && curPointType == cpte.HandleA) curPointType = cpte.HandleB;
     if (curPointIndex == polyBezier.bez.nodes.Length && curPointType == cpte.HandleB) curPointType = cpte.HandleA;
    void DisplayPointsAndLines(PolyBezier polyBezier)
        int someHashCode = GetHashCode();

        Transform tr = polyBezier.transform;
        int nl = polyBezier.bez.nodes.Length;

        Vector3[] worldNodes = new Vector3[nl];
        Vector3[] worldHandlesA = new Vector3[nl];
        Vector3[] worldHandlesB = new Vector3[nl];

        for (int i = 0; i < nl; i++)
            Vector3 node = tr.TransformPoint(polyBezier.bez.nodes[i]);
            Vector3 hanA = tr.TransformPoint(polyBezier.bez.handlesA[i]);
            Vector3 hanB = tr.TransformPoint(polyBezier.bez.handlesB[i]);

            //Handles.color = Color.yellow;
            //Handles.DrawLine(hanA, node);
            //Handles.DrawLine(node, hanB);
            //if (i != nl-1) Handles.DrawLine(hanB, tr.TransformPoint(polyBezier.bez.handlesA[i+1]));

            Handles.color = Color.white;
            Handles.Label(node, "   " + i);
            float size;

            // Display Node and check if it has the focus
            size = HandleUtility.GetHandleSize(node);
            Handles.ScaleValueHandle(0, node, Quaternion.identity, size, Handles.SphereCap, 0); // display cap
            if (GetControlIDState(someHashCode))
                curPointIndex = i;
                curPointType = cpte.Node;

            Handles.color =;
            // Display First Handle and check if it has the focus
            if (i != 0)
                size = HandleUtility.GetHandleSize(hanA);
                Handles.ScaleValueHandle(0, hanA, Quaternion.identity, size, Handles.SphereCap, 0);
                if (GetControlIDState(someHashCode))
                    curPointIndex = i;
                    curPointType = cpte.HandleA;
                Handles.DrawLine(hanA, node);

            // Display Last Handle and check if it has the focus
            if (i != nl-1)
                size = HandleUtility.GetHandleSize(hanB);
                Handles.ScaleValueHandle(0, hanB, Quaternion.identity, size, Handles.SphereCap, 0);
                if (GetControlIDState(someHashCode))
                    curPointIndex = i;
                    curPointType = cpte.HandleB;
                Handles.DrawLine(hanB, node);

            // Move points for selected object
            if (curPointIndex == i)
                    Quaternion q = Handles.RotationHandle(Quaternion.identity, node);
                    if (q != qRec) // do not call EditorUtility.Set Dirty() if nothing is moved
                        q = q * Quaternion.Inverse(qRec);
                        qRec = q;
                        //RotateHandles(polyBezier, q, curPointIndex); // display rotation gizmo

                if (curPointType == cpte.Node)
                    node = Handles.PositionHandle(node, Quaternion.identity); // display position gizmo
                    if (node != nodeRec) // do not call EditorUtility.Set Dirty() if nothing is moved
                        MoveNode(polyBezier, tr.InverseTransformPoint(node), i);
                        nodeRec = node;
                else if (curPointType == cpte.HandleA)
                    hanA = Handles.PositionHandle(hanA, Quaternion.identity);
                    if (hanA != hanARec) // do not call EditorUtility.Set Dirty() if nothing is moved
                        MoveHandle(polyBezier, tr.InverseTransformPoint(hanA), i, true);
                        hanARec = hanA;
                    hanB = Handles.PositionHandle(hanB, Quaternion.identity);
                    if (hanB != hanBRec) // do not call EditorUtility.Set Dirty() if nothing is moved
                        MoveHandle(polyBezier, tr.InverseTransformPoint(hanB), i, false);
                        hanBRec = hanB;

            // Store nodes to display lines
            worldNodes[i] = node;
            worldHandlesA[i] = hanA;
            worldHandlesB[i] = hanB;


        //Handles.color =;