Пример #1
        //Processing here
        private void mnuMakeNetwork_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            int count_Loop     = 0;
            int count_total    = 0;
            int count_newGraph = 0;

            for (int run = 0; run < sFileNames.Length; run++)
                //m_Network = new clsAnaysisNetwork();

                //m_Network.Load_Data_ForBreakModel(m_Network.orgNet, sFilePaths[run], true);

                loadGraph.Load_Data_ForBreakModel(ref graph, graph.orgNet, sFilePaths[run], true);

                string saveFilePath = txtSaveFolder.Text + @"\" + sFileNames[run];
                //Check Disconnected model
                int   CCs  = 0;
                int[] mark = null;
                Ultilities.checkGraph.find_ConnectedComponents(graph, graph.baseNet, ref CCs, ref mark); //We calculate on base net only.!!.

                check_SyntaxError(graph, graph.orgNet);

                gProAnalyzer.Functionalities.NodeSplittingType1.Run_Split_Type1(ref graph, graph.orgNet, graph.midNet);
                gProAnalyzer.Functionalities.LoopIdentification.Run_FindLoop(ref graph, graph.midNet, ref clsLoop, clsLoop.orgLoop, ref clsLoop.IrreducibleError);
                graph.Network[graph.finalNet] = graph.Network[graph.midNet];
                gProAnalyzer.Functionalities.NodeSplittingType2.Run_Split_Type2(ref graph, graph.midNet, graph.finalNet, ref clsLoop, clsLoop.orgLoop);

                gProAnalyzer.Functionalities.DominanceIdentification.find_Dom(ref graph, graph.finalNet);
                gProAnalyzer.Functionalities.DominanceIdentification.find_Pdom(ref graph, graph.finalNet);
                gProAnalyzer.Functionalities.DominanceIdentification.find_DomEI(ref graph, graph.finalNet, -2);
                gProAnalyzer.Functionalities.DominanceIdentification.find_PdomEI(ref graph, graph.finalNet);

                gProAnalyzer.Functionalities.SESEIdentification.find_SESE_Dummy(ref graph, graph.finalNet, ref clsLoop, clsLoop.orgLoop, ref clsSESE, clsSESE.finalSESE, -2);

                gProAnalyzer.Functionalities.NodeSplittingType3.Run_Split_Type3(ref graph, graph.finalNet, ref clsLoop, clsLoop.orgLoop, ref clsSESE, clsSESE.finalSESE, true);
                gProAnalyzer.Functionalities.PolygonIdentification.polygonIdentification(ref graph, graph.finalNet, ref clsSESE, clsSESE.finalSESE);
                gProAnalyzer.Ultilities.makeNestingForest.make_NestingForest(ref graph, graph.finalNet, ref clsHWLS, ref clsLoop, clsLoop.orgLoop, ref clsSESE, clsSESE.finalSESE);

                gProAnalyzer.Functionalities.VerificationG.Initialize_Verification(ref graph, ref clsError, ref clsLoop, ref clsSESE, ref clsHWLS);       //Verification checking

                runVerification.count_Bonds_Rigids(ref graph, graph.finalNet, ref clsSESE, clsSESE.finalSESE, ref clsLoop, clsLoop.orgLoop, ref clsHWLS); //label B,R,P //#B, R, P

                int curDepth = clsHWLS.FBLOCK.maxDepth;

                graph.Network[graph.reduceNet] = graph.Network[graph.finalNet];
                gProAnalyzer.Ultilities.extendGraph.full_extentNetwork(ref graph, graph.reduceNet, 0, 0);
                gProAnalyzer.Ultilities.copyLoop.copy_Loop(ref clsLoop, clsLoop.orgLoop, clsLoop.reduceLoop);

                //count_Loop = 0;
                count_total = 0;

                if (SyntaxError_GW)
                //if (gProAnalyzer.Functionalities.VerificationG.iL_concurrency_Error == true) continue;
                //if (CCs > 1) continue;

                    for (int hw = 0; hw < clsHWLS.FBLOCK.nFBlock; hw++)
                        if (clsHWLS.FBLOCK.FBlock[hw].depth != curDepth)
                        int curr = clsHWLS.FBLOCK.FBlock[hw].refIndex;
                        if (clsHWLS.FBLOCK.FBlock[hw].type == "R" && clsHWLS.FBLOCK.FBlock[hw].SESE == true) //Split model and store it
                            saveFilePath = txtSaveFolder.Text + @"\" + sFileNames[run].Replace(".net", "") + @"_" + count_total + @".net";

                            //if (clsHWLS.FBLOCK.FBlock[hw].SESE == false)
                            //    gProAnalyzer.Ultilities.makeSubNetwork.make_AcyclicSubGraph
                            gProAnalyzer.Ultilities.makeSubNetwork.make_subNetwork(ref graph, graph.reduceNet, graph.subNet, ref clsLoop, clsSESE.finalSESE, curr, ref clsSESE, "SESE", -1);

                            int[] nodeList  = new int[graph.Network[graph.subNet].nNode * 2];
                            int   nNodeList = 0;
                            //get node list
                            for (int j = 0; j < graph.Network[graph.subNet].nNode; j++)
                                nodeList[nNodeList] = j;
                            //get edge list
                            clsAnaysisNetwork.strLink[] LinkList = new clsAnaysisNetwork.strLink[graph.Network[graph.subNet].nLink * 2];
                            int nLinkList = 0;
                            for (int j = 0; j < graph.Network[graph.subNet].nLink; j++)
                                for (int k = 0; k < nNodeList; k++)
                                    if (nodeList[k] == graph.Network[graph.subNet].Link[j].fromNode)
                                        for (int m = 0; m < nNodeList; m++)
                                            if (nodeList[m] == graph.Network[graph.subNet].Link[j].toNode)
                                                LinkList[nLinkList].fromNode = k;
                                                LinkList[nLinkList].toNode   = m;
                            //Save temporary to file
                            Save_Network_1(graph.subNet, nodeList, nNodeList, LinkList, nLinkList, saveFilePath, false, "");
                            string[] tempLines = File.ReadAllLines(saveFilePath);
                        if (clsHWLS.FBLOCK.FBlock[hw].SESE == false)

                            if (clsLoop.Loop[clsLoop.orgLoop].Loop[curr].nEntry == 1)
                                gProAnalyzer.Ultilities.makeSubNetwork.make_CyclicSubGraph(ref graph, graph.reduceNet, graph.subNet, ref clsLoop, clsLoop.reduceLoop, curr, "NL", ref clsSESE);
                                saveFilePath = txtSaveFolder.Text + @"\" + "NL_" + sFileNames[run].Replace(".net", "") + @"_" + count_total + @".net";
                            if (clsLoop.Loop[clsLoop.orgLoop].Loop[curr].nEntry > 1)
                                gProAnalyzer.Ultilities.makeSubNetwork.make_CyclicSubGraph(ref graph, graph.reduceNet, graph.subNet, ref clsLoop, clsLoop.reduceLoop, curr, "IL", ref clsSESE);
                                saveFilePath = txtSaveFolder.Text + @"\" + "IL_" + sFileNames[run].Replace(".net", "") + @"_" + count_total + @".net";

                            int[] nodeList  = new int[graph.Network[graph.subNet].nNode * 2];
                            int   nNodeList = 0;
                            //get node list
                            for (int j = 0; j < graph.Network[graph.subNet].nNode; j++)
                                nodeList[nNodeList] = j;
                            //get edge list
                            clsAnaysisNetwork.strLink[] LinkList = new clsAnaysisNetwork.strLink[graph.Network[graph.subNet].nLink * 2];
                            int nLinkList = 0;
                            for (int j = 0; j < graph.Network[graph.subNet].nLink; j++)
                                for (int k = 0; k < nNodeList; k++)
                                    if (nodeList[k] == graph.Network[graph.subNet].Link[j].fromNode)
                                        for (int m = 0; m < nNodeList; m++)
                                            if (nodeList[m] == graph.Network[graph.subNet].Link[j].toNode)
                                                LinkList[nLinkList].fromNode = k;
                                                LinkList[nLinkList].toNode   = m;
                            //Save temporary to file
                            Save_Network_1(graph.subNet, nodeList, nNodeList, LinkList, nLinkList, saveFilePath, false, "");
                            string[] tempLines = File.ReadAllLines(saveFilePath);
                        //reduce Bond - Rigids - NL - IL
                        if (clsHWLS.FBLOCK.FBlock[hw].type != "P" && clsHWLS.FBLOCK.FBlock[hw].SESE == true) //reduce nested rigids (if any)
                            gProAnalyzer.Ultilities.reduceGraph.reduce_SESE(ref graph, graph.reduceNet, clsSESE, clsSESE.finalSESE, curr);
                        if (clsHWLS.FBLOCK.FBlock[hw].SESE == false && clsLoop.Loop[clsLoop.orgLoop].Loop[curr].nEntry == 1)
                            gProAnalyzer.Ultilities.reduceGraph.reduce_Loop(ref graph, graph.reduceNet, ref clsLoop, clsLoop.reduceLoop, curr, "", true);
                        if (clsHWLS.FBLOCK.FBlock[hw].SESE == false && clsLoop.Loop[clsLoop.orgLoop].Loop[curr].nEntry > 1)
                            gProAnalyzer.Ultilities.reduceGraph.reduce_IrLoop_Preprocessing(ref graph, graph.reduceNet, clsLoop, clsLoop.reduceLoop, curr);
                } while (curDepth > 0);
            MessageBox.Show(count_Loop.ToString(), "Loop");
            MessageBox.Show(count_newGraph.ToString(), "Rigids");
Пример #2
        //Processing here
        private void mnuMakeNetwork_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            int count          = 0;
            int count_newGraph = 0;

            for (int run = 0; run < sFileNames.Length; run++)
                m_Network = new clsAnaysisNetwork();

                m_Network.Load_Data_ForBreakModel(m_Network.orgNet, sFilePaths[run], true);

                string saveFilePath = txtSaveFolder.Text + @"\" + sFileNames[run];
                //Check Disconnected model
                int   CCs  = 0;
                int[] mark = null;
                m_Network.find_ConnectedComponents(m_Network.baseNet, ref CCs, ref mark); //We calculate on base net only.!!.
                if (CCs > 1)                                                              //Split model and store it
                    for (int CC = 1; CC <= CCs; CC++)
                        saveFilePath = txtSaveFolder.Text + @"\" + sFileNames[run].Replace(".net", "") + @"_" + CC + @".net";

                        int[] nodeList  = new int[m_Network.Network[m_Network.orgNet].nNode];
                        int   nNodeList = 0;
                        //get node list
                        for (int j = 0; j < mark.Length; j++)
                            if (mark[j] == CC)
                                nodeList[nNodeList] = j;
                        //get edge list
                        clsAnaysisNetwork.strLink[] LinkList = new clsAnaysisNetwork.strLink[m_Network.Network[m_Network.orgNet].nLink];
                        int nLinkList = 0;
                        for (int j = 0; j < m_Network.Network[m_Network.orgNet].nLink; j++)
                            for (int k = 0; k < nNodeList; k++)
                                if (nodeList[k] == m_Network.Network[m_Network.orgNet].Link[j].fromNode)
                                    for (int m = 0; m < nNodeList; m++)
                                        if (nodeList[m] == m_Network.Network[m_Network.orgNet].Link[j].toNode)
                                            LinkList[nLinkList].fromNode = k;
                                            LinkList[nLinkList].toNode   = m;
                        //Save temporary to file
                        Save_Network_1(m_Network.baseNet, nodeList, nNodeList, LinkList, nLinkList, saveFilePath, false, "ADD --- Original Network ---");
                        string[] tempLines = File.ReadAllLines(saveFilePath);

                        //Transfer to nodeList_S
                        string[] nodeList_S  = new string[m_Network.Network[m_Network.orgNet].nNode];
                        int      nNodeList_S = nNodeList;
                        for (int j = 0; j < nNodeList; j++)
                            nodeList_S[nNodeList] = nodeList[nNodeList].ToString();
                        //build Original Network
                        //find SS
                        int[] SS_List = new int[nNodeList];
                        int   nSS     = 0;
                        for (int j = 0; j < nNodeList; j++)
                            int count_Pre = 0;
                            for (int k = 0; k < nLinkList; k++)
                                if (j == LinkList[k].toNode)
                            if (count_Pre == 0)
                                SS_List[nSS] = j;
                        //find EE
                        int[] EE_List = new int[nNodeList];
                        int   nEE     = 0;
                        for (int j = 0; j < nNodeList; j++)
                            int count_Post = 0;
                            for (int k = 0; k < nLinkList; k++)
                                if (j == LinkList[k].fromNode)
                            if (count_Post == 0)
                                EE_List[nEE] = j;
                        // SS -> -1; START -> -2; EE -> -3; END -> -4
                        //Create SS and EE links
                        if (nSS > 1)
                            //Create node SS
                            nodeList[nNodeList] = -1;
                            for (int j = 0; j < nSS; j++)
                                LinkList[nLinkList].fromNode = nNodeList - 1;
                                LinkList[nLinkList].toNode   = SS_List[j];
                            //Create START link to SS
                            nodeList[nNodeList] = -2; //START node
                            LinkList[nLinkList].fromNode = nNodeList - 1;
                            LinkList[nLinkList].toNode   = nNodeList - 2;
                            //Create START link to the only start EVENT
                            nodeList[nNodeList] = -2; //START node
                            LinkList[nLinkList].fromNode = nNodeList - 1;
                            LinkList[nLinkList].toNode   = SS_List[nSS - 1];

                        if (nEE > 1)
                            //Create node EE
                            nodeList[nNodeList] = -3;
                            for (int j = 0; j < nEE; j++)
                                LinkList[nLinkList].fromNode = EE_List[j];
                                LinkList[nLinkList].toNode   = nNodeList - 1;
                            //Create END to be linked by EE
                            nodeList[nNodeList] = -4; //START node
                            LinkList[nLinkList].fromNode = nNodeList - 2;
                            LinkList[nLinkList].toNode   = nNodeList - 1;
                            //Create END to be linked by the only end EVENT
                            nodeList[nNodeList] = -4; //END node
                            LinkList[nLinkList].fromNode = EE_List[nEE - 1];
                            LinkList[nLinkList].toNode   = nNodeList - 1;
                        //build convert Network
                        //save file "abc.net" to "abc_CCs.net"
                        Save_Network_2(m_Network.baseNet, nodeList_S, nNodeList_S, nodeList, nNodeList, LinkList, nLinkList, saveFilePath, false, "");
                        //add more line in current IO File
                        StreamWriter sw = new StreamWriter(saveFilePath, true);
                        for (int i = 0; i < tempLines.Length; i++)
                    System.IO.File.Copy(sFilePaths[run], saveFilePath, true);
                m_Network = null;
            MessageBox.Show(count.ToString(), "Disconnected Component Count");
            MessageBox.Show(count_newGraph.ToString(), "New Graph Created");